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Mobley KB  Jones AG 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(12):2596-2606
Differences among populations in the intensity of sexual selection resulting from distinct genetic mating systems can lead to divergent morphological evolution and speciation. However, little is known about how genetic mating systems vary between populations and what factors may contribute to this variation. In this study, we compare the genetic mating systems of two geographically distinct populations of the dusky pipefish (Syngnathus floridae), a species characterized by polygynandry and male pregnancy, from the Atlantic Coast of Virginia and the Gulf Coast of Florida. Our results revealed significant interpopulation variation in mating and reproductive success. Estimates of the opportunity for selection (I), the opportunity for sexual selection (I(s)) and the Bateman gradient (beta(ss)) were higher among males in the Florida population than in the Virginia population, suggesting that sexual selection on males is stronger in the Florida population. The Virginia population is larger and denser than the Florida population, suggesting that population demographics may be one of many causal factors shaping interpopulational mating patterns. This study also provides evidence that the adult sex ratio, operational sex ratio, population density and genetic mating system of S. floridae may be temporally stable over timescales of a month in the Florida population. Overall, our results show that this species is a good model for the study of mating system variation in nature and that Bateman's principles may be a useful technique for the quantitative comparison of mating systems between populations.  相似文献   

The sex-role reversed pipefish Syngnathus typhle is a member of the Syngnathidae, a family of fishes in which males brood embryos on their body surface. As in most ectotherms, embryonic development is highly temperature dependent in syngnathids and male brooding periods are extended when water temperatures are reduced. The influence of temperature on reproduction is expected to effectively truncate the breeding season and reduce fecundity in cold waters, potentially enhancing the opportunity for both fecundity and sexual selection. We studied spatial variation in the morphology and reproductive biology of S. typhle in five European populations which vary in latitude and water temperature. Microsatellite analyses indicated that the average number of male mates per population ranged between 1.3 and 3.7. The frequency of multiple mating by males was negatively correlated with the degree of sexual size dimorphism in each population, suggesting that disproportionate increases in female fecundity may be able to compensate for increased male brood pouch capacity. Both sexes were larger and males had an increased brood size where water temperatures during the breeding season were lower. Morphological variation among populations may be mediated by differences in fecundity selection associated with different optimal reproductive strategies in cold and warm water environments.  相似文献   

Highly variable microsatellite loci were employed to study the mating system of the sexually dimorphic Gulf pipefish Syngnathus scovelli . In this species, like others in the family Syngnathidae, 'pregnant' males provide all parental care. Gulf pipefish were collected from one locale in the northern Gulf of Mexico, and internally carried broods of 40 pregnant males were analysed genetically. By comparing multilocus microsatellite fingerprints for the inferred mothers against expected genotypic distributions from the population sample, it was determined that: (i) only one male had received eggs from more than a single female; and (ii) on two separate occasions, two different males had received eggs from the same female. Given the high power to detect multiple matings by males, the first finding indicates that only rarely are individual males impregnated by multiple females during the course of a pregnancy. Conversely, given the lower power to detect multiple matings by females due to sampling constraints, the second finding suggests a high frequency of multiple successful matings by females. Thus, this population of Gulf pipefish displays a polyandrous genetic mating system. The relevance of these genetic findings is discussed with regard to the evolution of secondary sex traits in this species, and in other syngnathids.  相似文献   

A variety of sexual selection mechanisms have been implicated to drive the variability of the male reproductive tract in internal fertilizers, while studies on external fertilizers have been largely limited to exploring the influence of sperm competition on testis size and sperm number. Males in the Gobiidae, a speciose teleost family of demersal spawners with external fertilization, are known to be characterized by accessory structures to the sperm duct called seminal vesicles. These seminal vesicles secrete a mucus-enriched seminal fluid. Seminal vesicle size and function have been demonstrated to be influenced by sperm competition at the intraspecific level. With the aim to test the factors influencing the development of these male organs at the interspecific level, an independent contrast analysis was performed on 12 species, differing in mating system type, sperm competition risk, and duration of egg deposition. The type of mating system appears to be the main factor significantly affecting development of seminal vesicles, with males of monogamous species completely lacking or having extremely reduced organs.  相似文献   

Responses of species to environmental gradients are important and frequent determinants of geographic phenotypic variation that can drive adaptive processes. Nonetheless, random genetic processes such as drift can also result in geographic variation in phenotypes, and should be evaluated before implicating selection as the process driving phenotypic change. We examined geographic variation in wing morphology of Artibeus lituratus among 18 different sites distributed across interior Atlantic Forest of Paraguay and Argentina. Moreover, we contrasted geographic variation with environmental, spatial, and genetic variation to test hypotheses related to selection and drift and their impacts on wing morphology. For A. lituratus distributed across interior Atlantic Forest, significant differences among sites characterized variation in wing morphology. Geographic variation was significantly related to climatic variables but not spatial or genetic distances. Such a pattern suggests that phenotypic variation is related to selection for particular environmental regimes, and not genetic drift. Four significant dimensions of phenotypic variation were determined. Three dimensions were related to variation among individuals in terms of wing tips, whereas one was related to overall body size. Wing tips are important for manoeuverability during flight and differences among sites likely reflect differences in forest and vegetation structure that must be managed during foraging. Although climate provides good surrogates for environmental variation, it is probably only an indirect cue of selection regimes that determine variation in wing morphology. Future studies should evaluate more direct environmental measures such as vegetation structure when attempting to interpret geographical variation in wing morphology.  相似文献   

The origin and maintenance of mating preferences continues to be an important and controversial topic in sexual selection research. Leks and lek‐like mating systems, where individuals gather in particular spots for the sole purpose of mate choice, are particularly puzzling, because the strong directional selection imposed by mate choice should erode genetic variation among competing individuals and negate any benefit for the choosing sex. Here, we take advantage of the lek‐like mating system of the worm pipefish (Nerophis lumbriciformis) to test the phenotype‐linked fertility hypothesis for the maintenance of mating preferences. We use microsatellite markers to perform a parentage analysis, along with a mark–recapture study, to confirm that the worm pipefish has an unusual mating system that strongly resembles a female lek, where females display and males visit the lek to choose mates. Our results show that the most highly ornamented females occupy positions near the centre of the breeding area, and males mating with these females receive fuller broods with larger eggs compared to males mating with less‐ornamented females. We also conduct a laboratory experiment to show that female ornaments are condition‐dependent and honestly signal reproductive potential. Overall, these results are consistent with the predictions of a sex‐independent version of the phenotype‐linked fertility hypothesis, as male preference for female ornaments correlates with fertility benefits.  相似文献   

In north Georgia populations of the soldier beetle, Chauliognathus pennsylvanicus , the length of the elytral spot varies clinally. At the southern end of a 200 km cline the distribution of spot length is unimodal with longer spot lengths predominating while at the northern end of the cline the distribution is bimodal but with shorter spot lengths being more frequent. North of the cline only short elytral spot lengths are observed, while the converse is true south of the cline. The strength of assortative mating on the basis of elytral spot length increases from south to north along the cline, resulting in complete pre-mating isolation between short and long spot length morphs at the north end of the cline. Laboratory mate choice tests indicate that assortative mating in the field is not the result of differential timing of activity or microhabitat choice but rather that it represents a real behavioural preference. Individuals from monomorphic populations on either side of the cline do not mate assortatively in the laboratory, indicating that reproductive isolation has evolved on the cline.  相似文献   

Aim To elucidate the historical phylogeography of the dusky pipefish (Syngnathus floridae) in the North American Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico ocean basins. Location Southern Atlantic Ocean and northern Gulf of Mexico within the continental United States. Methods A 394‐bp fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and a 235‐bp fragment of the mitochondrial control region were analysed from individuals from 10 locations. Phylogenetic reconstruction, haplotype network, mismatch distributions and analysis of molecular variance were used to infer population structure between ocean basins and time from population expansion within ocean basins. Six microsatellite loci were also analysed to estimate population structure and gene flow among five populations using genetic distance methods (FST, Nei’s genetic distance), isolation by distance (Mantel’s test), coalescent‐based estimates of genetic diversity and migration patterns, Bayesian cluster analysis and bottleneck simulations. Results Mitochondrial analyses revealed significant structuring between ocean basins in both cytochrome b (ΦST = 0.361, P < 0.0001; ΦCT = 0.312, P < 0.02) and control region (ΦST = 0.166, P < 0.0001; ΦCT = 0.128, P < 0.03) sequences. However, phylogenetic reconstructions failed to show reciprocal monophyly in populations between ocean basins. Microsatellite analyses revealed significant population substructuring between all locations sampled except for the two locations that were in closest proximity to each other (global FST value = 0.026). Bayesian analysis of microsatellite data also revealed significant population structuring between ocean basins. Coalescent‐based analyses of microsatellite data revealed low migration rates among all sites. Mismatch distribution analysis of mitochondrial loci supports a sudden population expansion in both ocean basins in the late Pleistocene, with the expansion of Atlantic populations occurring more recently. Main conclusions Present‐day populations of S. floridae do not bear the mitochondrial DNA signature of the strong phylogenetic discontinuity between the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of North America commonly observed in other species. Rather, our results suggest that Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico populations of S. floridae are closely related but nevertheless exhibit local and regional population structure. We conclude that the present‐day phylogeographic pattern is the result of a recent population expansion into the Atlantic in the late Pleistocene, and that life‐history traits and ecology may play a pivotal role in shaping the realized geographical distribution pattern of this species.  相似文献   

Acrocomia aculeata is a perennial, fruit-producing palm tree, native to tropical forests. Its fruits have spurred interest because of their significant potential for use in the cosmetic industry and as feedstock for biofuel. In the present study, the genetic structure and mating system in Acrocomia aculeata were analyzed, using eight nuclear micro-satellite loci and samples from São Paulo and Minas Gerais states, Brazil. By means of Bayesian analysis, these populations were clustered into two or three groups. A high multilocus outcrossing rate suggests that outcrosses were predominant, although a certain degree of biparental inbreeding also occurred. Thus, although monoecious and self-compatible, there is every indication that A. aculeata bears a mixed reproductive system, with a predominance of outcrossing. Given the genetic structure revealed hereby, future conservation strategies and germplasm collecting should be focussed on sampling and preserving individuals from different clusters.  相似文献   

Comparative studies of related plant species indicate that evolutionary shifts in mating systems are accompanied by changes in reproductive attributes such as flower size, floral morphology, and pollen/ovule ratio. Recent theoretical work suggests that patterns of investment in reproduction should also change with the mating system. In a glasshouse study, we investigated the extent to which mating system differences among populations of Eichhornia paniculata (Pontederiaceae) were correlated with changes in allocation to male and female function, floral display, and the regulation of investment in reproduction through fruit and ovule abortion. Significant differences in the amount of biomass allocated to reproductive structures were evident among six populations of E. paniculata. As predicted by sex allocation theory, the proportion of dry weight allocated to male function decreased with the outcrossing rate of populations. Six of the eight attributes used to characterize floral display also differed significantly among populations. However, with the exception of two attributes describing the number of flowers produced by inflorescences, these were not correlated with outcrossing rate. Levels of fruit and ovule abortion were determined in two populations with contrasting mating systems under different nutrient and pollination treatments. Virtually all fruits initiated by plants from a self-fertilizing population were matured, while the amount of fruit abortion in an outcrossing population increased with flower production. Ovule abortion was low in both populations. Our results demonstrate that the evolution of self-fertilization in E. paniculata is associated with changes in investment to reproduction that normally distinguish selfing and outcrossing species.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Geographic variation in selection pressures may result in population divergence and speciation, especially if sexual selection varies among populations. Yet spatial variation in targets and intensity of sexual selection is well studied in only a few species. Even more rare are simultaneous studies of multiple populations combining observations from natural settings with controlled behavioral experiments. We investigated how sexual selection varies among populations of the chuckwalla, Sauromalus obesus. Chuckwallas are sexually dimorphic in color, and males vary in coloration among populations. Using field observations and multiple regression techniques, we investigated how sexual selection acts on various male traits in three populations in which males differed in coloration. The influence of sexual selection on male coloration was then investigated in more detail using controlled experiments. Results from field observations indicate that phenotypic selection was acting on territory quality in all three populations. In two populations, selection was also acting either directly or indirectly on male coloration. Male color likely functions as an indicator of food resources to females because male color is based partly on carotenoid pigments. In controlled experiments, significantly more females from these two populations chose males with brighter colors over dull males, a result consistent with studies on carotenoid pigments in other taxa. In a third population, no evidence of sexual selection on male coloration was found in either the field study or controlled experiment. Lack of female preferences for male color in this population, in which chuckwalla densities are low and home ranges are large, may result from searching costs to females.  相似文献   

We investigated the importance of male song and morphological characters to the male mating success in a two-year field study in natural populations ofD. littoralis andD. montana. We compared the properties of mating flies with those of a random male sample taken at the same time and place. InD. littoralis the male's size had no effect on his mating success, while inD. montana small males had a mating advantage in the field during the first study year. Females preferred males with short sound pulses in both species. We also examined the relationship between male morphological and song characters and viability by collecting male flies in late summer and comparing the means of male characters to those of overwintered flies the next spring. InD. littoralis male size had no effect on overwinter survival. InD. montana large flies survived better than small flies. In both species the shifts in song characters during the winter dormancy were opposite to those caused by sexual selection. Our results, accordingly, imply a possible balance between the forces of sexual and natural selection, which act in opposing directions on attractive male traits.  相似文献   

Although there have many studies of the population genetical consequences of environmental variation, little is known about the combined effects of genetic drift and fluctuating selection in structured populations. Here we use diffusion theory to investigate the effects of temporally and spatially varying selection on a population of haploid individuals subdivided into a large number of demes. Using a perturbation method for processes with multiple time scales, we show that as the number of demes tends to infinity, the overall frequency converges to a diffusion process that is also the diffusion approximation for a finite, panmictic population subject to temporally fluctuating selection. We find that the coefficients of this process have a complicated dependence on deme size and migration rate, and that changes in these demographic parameters can determine both the balance between the dispersive and stabilizing effects of environmental variation and whether selection favors alleles with lower or higher fitness variance.  相似文献   

Male and female brown planthoppers, Nilaparvata lugens(Stål) (Homoptera: Delphacidae), exchange substrate-transmitted signals prior to mating. The pulse repetition frequency of the male song is known to be involved in mate recognition and also to vary among geographical populations. Here the variability of male signals, female signals, and female preferences has been examined within a population. Female preference variation has been partitioned into variation in mean preference and variation in the window of preference of individuals. The genetic component of variation has been examined using isofemale lines. Male signal variation was limited (CV=8%) and was mainly within individuals. Female signal variation was greater (CV=15%). Female mean preference varied little (CV=10%) and was closely matched to the male signal mean, but the preference window was wide (> 4 male signal standard deviations on average) and variable (CV=56%). There was evidence for genetic variation only for preference window. These results are discussed in relation to theories of signal system evolution.  相似文献   

Mating success in males of the lek mating ant species,Pogonomyrmex occidentalis, increases with increased body size. We estimated the magnitude of the selection coefficients on components of size by collecting males in copula and comparing their morphology to that of males that were collected at the lek but that were not mating. Four characters, body mass, head width, wing length, and leg length, were measured for a sample of 225 mating and 324 nonmating males and 225 females. Significant direct selection favors increased wing length and leg length. Multiple regression of transformed variables (principal components) indicated that the increased mating success of larger males is a function of all four characters. We found no evidence of positive assortative mating on the basis of any individual character or on the multivariate general size variable (the first principal component).  相似文献   

The Emma field cricket, Teleogryllus emma (Ohmachi & Matsuura), distributed between 43°N and 30°N in the Japanese archipelago, is univoltine and overwinters in the egg stage. Its eggs hatch on the slope of the Oishi Dam (38.03°N, 139.57°E, 160–170 m a.s.l.) in late June, adults begin emerging from late August, and oviposition lasts until early October. Oviposition is limited to the period when the water level of the Oishi Dam is low. The period from egg hatching to adult emergence is approximately 1 month shorter than that of the T. emma population on the Arakawa riverside (38.09°N, 139.57°E, 29 m a.s.l.), which is approximately only 7 km from the Oishi Dam. The egg and body sizes of T. emma on the slope of the Oishi Dam were smaller than those of T. emma on the Arakawa riverside, and the egg and nymphal periods were shorter; these variations were inherited by the next generation of T. emma. The egg period, nymphal period and head width of T. emma on the dam slope correspond to those of the populations near 40°N. Several traits of the T. emma population on the dam slope were naturally selected by adapting to the isolated environment, resulting in the genetic variations. However, their variations were small and the period after isolation is short, suggesting that it is in the early stages of speciation.  相似文献   

Drosophila montana, a species of the Drosophila virilis group, has distributed around the northern hemisphere. Phylogeographic analyses of two North American and one Eurasian population of this species offer a good background for the studies on the extent of variation in phenotypic traits between populations as well as for tracing the selection pressures likely to play a role in character divergence. In the present paper, we studied variation in the male courtship song, wing and genital characters among flies from Colorado (USA), Vancouver (Canada) and Oulanka (Finland) populations. The phenotypic divergence among populations did not coincide with the extent of their genetic divergence, suggesting that the characters are not evolving neutrally. Divergence in phenotypic traits was especially high between the Colorado and Vancouver populations, which are closer to each other in terms of their mtDNA genotypes than they are to the Oulanka population. The males of the Colorado population showed high divergence especially in song traits and the males of the Vancouver population in wing characters. Among the male song traits, two characters known to be under sexual selection and a trait important in species recognition differed clearly between populations, implying a history of directional and/or diversifying rather than balancing selection. The population divergence in wing characters is likely to have been enhanced by natural selection associated with environmental factors, whereas the male genitalia traits may have been influenced by sexual selection and/or sexual conflict.  相似文献   

The relationship between sexual size dimorphism, body-weight and different reproductive traits (e.g. clutch size, egg weight and incubation period) in relation to mating system and forms of parental care was studied in waders. Two hypotheses were examined. (1) Sexual size dimorphism is correlated with the intensity of sexual selection. (2) The degree of sexual size dimorphism is the result of an interrelationship between the reproductive strategy of the female and her body size. In the polygynous species the male was significantly larger than the female. This is consistent with the sexual selection hypothesis. However, among waders, a positive correlation exists between egg weight, clutch mass and body-weight. Selection for small eggs or a short incubation period may therefore have an influence on female body-weight. If the lack of paternal care reduces the female's possibility for producing large eggs or incubating a large clutch mass, we would expect a selection pressure for small female size among polygynous species. Thus, large sexual size dimorphism among polygynous waders may be a result of selection for small female size to lack of paternal care, or selection for large male size due to intramale competition or a female preference for large-sized males. In multiple-clutch species (viz. species in which the female regularly lays more than one clutch during the season) egg weight was low both for a given female and male body-weight. The low egg weight of multiple-clutch species is assumed to be a result of the constraints placed on the female from producing several clutches during a single breeding season.  相似文献   

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