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In the course of investigation of Trichothecium roseum (Fungi Imperfecti) for its attractancy against Tyrophagus putrescentiae (cheese mite), the twenty following volatile compounds produced at a very low concentration by the microfungus were identified by gc, gc/ms, gc/c.i.ms and tlc: 3-methyl-1-butanol, 3-octanone, 1-octen-3-one, 3-octanol, octa-1,5-dien-3 one, 1-octen-3-ol, 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-ol, octa-1,5-dien-3 ol, furfural, linalool, linalyl acetate, terpineol (alpha and beta) citronellyl acetate, nerol, citronellol, phenylacetaldehyde, benzyl alcohol geranyl acetate, 1-phenyl ethanol and nerolidol. Octa-1,5-dien-3-ol and octa-1,5-dien-3-one have not been previously isolated from fungi; octa-1,5-dien-3-ol is the most potent attractant amount the volatile compounds detected by gc.  相似文献   

Extracts of rice cultures of 8 of 16 isolates ofTrichothecium roseum killed one or more ducklings or mice or both. One of the isolates (MC-156) obtained from shelled corn was the most toxigenic; extracts of this isolate killed all treated ducklings and mice.Doses of purified toxic fraction TR-1 of 166 mg/kg body weight given intraperitoneally killed all test mice but none of the mice given 100 mg/kg doses died. However, a partially purified fraction (Fraction VII), from which toxic fraction TR-1 was derived, killed two of three mice given 78 mg/kg doses.Crude ether extracts of rice cultures ofT. roseum (MC-156) produced death when injected intraperitoneally in rabbits and a 19-day-old pig and also produced dermal necrosis when applied to the skin of rabbits. The latter phenomenon was not observed when 5 mg of toxic fraction TR-1 was applied to the skin of rabbits.The greatest production of toxin occurred in rice cultures when incubated at 28° C and with 20 % (ml/g) water added to the rice. Incubation of rice cultures ofT. roseum (MC-156) under CO2 tension suppressed toxin production.
Zusammenfassung Auszüge von Reiskulturen von acht der 16 Stämme vonTrichothecium roseum haben mehrere Entchen und/oder Mäuse getötet. Einer der Auszüge (MC-156) von abgeschälten Mais war das toxischste; Auszüge dieses Isolates hat alle Entchen und Mäuse getötet. Dosen der gereinigten toxischen Fraktion TR-1, 166 mg/Kg Körpergewicht, intraperitonial verabreicht, haben alle Mäuse getötet, aber keine der Mäuse starb mit der Dose von 100 mg/Kg. Jedoch hat eine teilweise gereinigte Fraktion (Fraktion VII), von welcher die toxische Fraktion TR-1 gewonnen war, zwei von drei Mäusen mit 78 mg/Kg Dose getötet. Ungereinigte Ätherauszüge vonT. roseum (MC-156) waren tödlich, wenn sie in Kaninchen, in ein 19 Tage altes Schweinchen intraperitonel injiziert worden sind. Sie haben auch eine Hautnekrose hervorgerufen, wenn sie auf die Haut von Kaninchen gebracht worden sind. Das letztere Phänomen war nicht beobachtet, wenn 5 mg der toxischen Fraktion TR-1 an Kaninchenhaut gebracht worden ist. Die größte Produktion des Toxins fand in Reiskulturen statt, wenn sie bei 28° C und mit 20 Perzent (ml/g) Wasser bebrütet worden sind. Inkubation von Reiskulturen vonT. roseum (MC-156) unter CO2-Druck hat die Toxinproduktion unterdrückt.

A protocol for isolating and regenerating protoplasts from Trichothecium roseum has been described. Protoplasts from T. roseum were isolated using (i) a lytic enzyme combination composed of Novozym 234, chitinase, cellulase, and pectinase at a 5-mg/mL concentration and (ii) 0.6 M KCl as an osmotic stabilizer. A maximum number of 28 x 10(4) protoplasts/mL were obtained at pH 5.5. Experiments on the regeneration and reversion of protoplasts revealed a maximum regeneration (60.8%) in complete medium (potato dextrose--yeast extract agar) amended with 0.6 M KCl. The regenerated protoplasts were similar to the original parent strain in morphology, pigmentation, growth, and sporulation.  相似文献   

Trichothecin and some conditions of cultivation, especially high concentrations of carbon favour differentiation of the submerged mycelium of Trichothecium roseum, i.e. formation of submerged conidia, bud forming cells, chlamidospores, chains of barrel-shaped cells capable of germination and development of new generations of the submerged mycelium. Biosynthesis of trichothecin is connected with growth of these generations of the mycelium which are characterized by a high dehydrogenase activity. Synthesis of fibrinolytic enzymes is also possible in the period of growth of a weakly differentiated mycelium.  相似文献   

R A Maksimova  L I Pokh  A B Silaev 《Antibiotiki》1975,20(12):1081-1085
Trichothecium roseum Lk ex Fr produces simultaneously trichothecin and proteolytic enzymes possessing fibrinolytic, thrombolytic and esterase activity. In addition to the function of splitting and consuming the substrate, the proteolytic enzymes of T. roseum are probably able to hydrolize the other bond in the molecule of trichothecin, which results in partial inactivation of the antibiotic in both the fungus culture and the model experiment on trichothecin contact with the preparations of the proteolytic enzymes. Presence of proteases of T. roseum may be considered as a protective mechanism for detoxication of the metabolites toxic for the organism.  相似文献   

During the cultivation Trichothecium roseum forms biologically active sesquiterpenes in particular trichothecin and trichothecolon. The quantitative ratio of these compounds in cultural liquid changes depending on the cultivation conditions. The compounds taking part in terpenoids shant specifically increase the synthesis of sesquiterpenes in fungus culture. A possibility of intertransformation of different trichothecenes provides the stability of the fungus-producent to its toxical metabolites. A fermental system carrying out the transformation of trichothecin into trichotecolon has been revealed.  相似文献   

Trichothecium roseum (Tr) has been shown to be a highly effective hyperparasite on conidia of Pestalotiopsis funerea (Pf) in vivo and in vitro. The stages of this spore parasitism are: positive tropism of Tr towards Pf conidia, contact between Tr and Pf, formation of simple or lobed appressoria of Tr on the host conidial surface, penetration of the attacked host cells from the base of the appressoria, development of host-internal, mostly branching parasitic hyphae by Tr, desintegration, lysis and death of the parasitized host cells, exit of Tr from the destroyed host cells and its intensive sporulation over Pf remnants. Pf did not show any defence reactions against the attack by Tr. In addition to the antagonistic activities of Tr against Pf reported previously, which are due to extracellular toxins released by Tr, direct hyperparasitism is a second mechanism of antagonism, which contributes to the successful competitive ability of Tr in this fungal interaction.  相似文献   

粉红聚端孢Trichothecium roseum引致的苹果霉心病发生严重。对于新红星品种,T. roseum的侵染过程尚未明确。本研究利用T. roseum荧光标记菌株TR45分析其在新红星品种上的侵染时期和侵入通道。发现T. roseum可以侵染花器组织,引起枯萎坏死;落花后10-15 d,受侵染的花器残体被萼片包裹于萼筒内,随后T. roseum从离生花柱合并处的孔口部位入侵进入合生花柱,沿花柱内的多细胞毛状体间扩展;花后30 d左右,花柱缝逐渐开裂,随果实膨大心室腔壁也开裂,逐渐形成一条贯通萼筒与心室开放通道——萼窦;花后60 d左右,T. roseum的菌丝沿着萼窦扩展进入心室腔,从心室上的裂缝进入果肉组织,最终引起果实霉心。本研究结果有助于解析新红星苹果品种发病重以及难防治的原因,对苹果霉心病防控新策略构建具有重要理论意义。  相似文献   

基于PEG介导原生质体转化构建粉红聚端孢荧光标记   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粉红聚端孢是多种植物的重要病原菌。本研究通过酶解粉红聚端孢幼嫩菌丝细胞壁获得原生质体,用PEG介导原生质体转化将携带GFP基因和博来霉素抗性基因的外源DNA随机插入粉红聚端孢基因组,共获得博来霉素抗性菌株90株,转化效率达18个/μg。选取22株转化子荧光观察,发现均可表达荧光,菌株间荧光强度不同,其中10株转化子荧光表达较强。与野生型相比,突变菌株TR45的菌落生长、产孢量和致病力等生物学特性均未改变,在不含博来霉素的培养皿中继代培养10代荧光仍能稳定表达。本研究构建的高效原生质体制备和PEG介导粉红聚端孢遗传转化方法,可用于该菌基因功能研究,绿色荧光标记菌株可用于病菌侵入、田间监测、侵染循环等发生规律研究。  相似文献   

A method for quantitative determination of trichothecin in crude culture filtrates was presented. The method utilized an agar diffusion bioassay against Candida albicans, a colorimetric test involving a halochromatic reaction with sulfuric acid, and subsequent formation of blue color with methanol, and thin-layer chromatography of trichothecin and its dinitrophenylhydrazine derivative. A positive result in all three systems confirmed the presence of trichothecin. Quantitative results were generally in close agreement.  相似文献   

The antifungal mechanism of mycoparasitic fungi involves fungal cell wall degrading enzymes such as chitinases. Trichothecium roseum is an important mycoparasitic fungus with significant antifungal ability, but studies on chitinases of T. roseum were poor. Here, we report a novel chitinase cDNA isolated from T. roseum by PCR amplification based on conserved chitinase sequences. Southern blot analysis suggested that a single copy of the gene exists in the genome of T. roseum. The deduced open reading frame of 1,143 nucleotides encodes a protein of 380 amino acids with a calculated molecular weight of 41.6 kDa. The fusion chitinase expressed in Escherichia coli has been purified by single-step chromatography. It has a pI of pH 5.4 and expresses a thermal stability, but is insensitive to pH in a broad pH range. According to expectation, E. coli efficiently yielded a high amount of active chitinase. Remarkably, the fusion chitinase offered high antifungal activity.  相似文献   

The antagonism between Gliodadium roseum, Trichoderma harzianum, or Trichothecium roseum and Phytophthora megasperam f. sp. glycinea (Pmg), cause of Phytophthora rot of soybeans (Glycine max), was studied. G. roseum, T. harzianum, and 17 isolates of T. roseum were grown separately on modified Czapek-Dox medium (MCD) in the dark for 25 days at 25 °C. Culture filtrates of T. roseum at 0.5% and 20.0% concentrations inhibited mycelial growth of Pmg at 3.1% and 90.4%; and those of G. roseum at –0.7% and 44.0%; and of T. harzianum at 0.7% and 46.0%, respectively. Culture filtrates of T. roseum at 0.5% concentration inhibited zoosporangenesis of Pmg at 98.0% and at 1.0% concentration prevented it. Culture filtrates of G. roseum and T. harzianum at 5% concentration significantly (P=0.05) inhibited zoosporangenesis of Pmg, but differences were not significant from that on MCD. Culture filtrates of 17 isolates of T. roseum inhibited mycelial growth and zoosporangenesis of Pmg at different percentages with different concentrations with those of isolate 9 showing the greatest inhibition of both. Mycelial growth of most of 16 races of Pmg was prevented at 10% concentration of the culture filtrates of isolate SS-2 of T. roseum, and all 16 races, except race 6, was prevented at 20% concentration. Zoosporangenesis of all races of Pmg was prevented at 2% the culture filtrate of SS-2. Culture filtrates of SS-2 inhibited zoosporangenesis of Pmg in soil.  相似文献   

Apples were exposed to various concentrations of roseotoxins – metabolites of Trichothecium roseum and kinetic fluorescence imaging was used to detect the area influenced by the phytotoxin. Contrast was quantified within these images between the areas exposed to roseotoxins and the untreated areas. It was proved that roseotoxin B is able to penetrate apple peel and produce chlorotic lesions. Activity of roseotoxin B is similar as the activity of destruxins, host specific phytotoxins of Alternaria brassicae parasitic on canola.  相似文献   

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