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Mutations in Hoxa13 cause malformations of the appendicular skeleton and genitourinary tract, including digit loss, syndactyly, and hypospadias. To determine the molecular basis for these defects, the DNA sequences bound by HOXA13 were empirically determined, revealing a novel high affinity binding site. Correlating the utilization of this high affinity binding site with genes exhibiting perturbed expression in Hoxa13 mutant limbs, we identified that HOXA13 suppresses the expression of the BMP antagonist, Sostdc1. In the absence of HOXA13 function, Sostdc1 is ectopically expressed in the distal limb, causing reduced expression of BMP-activated genes and decreased SMAD phosphorylation. Limb chromatin immunoprecipitation revealed HOXA13 binding at its high affinity site in two conserved Sostdc1 regulatory sites in vivo. In vitro, HOXA13 represses gene expression through the Sostdc1 high affinity binding sites in a dosage-dependent manner. Together, these findings confirm that the high affinity HOXA13 binding site deduced by quantitative analyses is used in vivo to facilitate HOXA13 target gene regulation, providing a critical advance toward understanding the molecular basis for defects associated with the loss of HOXA13 function.  相似文献   

Loss of Bmp7 and Fgf8 signaling in Hoxa13-mutant mice causes hypospadia   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
In humans and mice, mutations in Hoxa13 cause malformation of limb and genitourinary (GU) regions. In males, one of the most common GU malformations associated with loss of Hoxa13 function is hypospadia, a condition defined by the poor growth and closure of the urethra and glans penis. By examining early signaling in the developing mouse genital tubercle, we show that Hoxa13 is essential for normal expression of Fgf8 and Bmp7 in the urethral plate epithelium. In Hoxa13(GFP)-mutant mice, hypospadias occur as a result of the combined loss of Fgf8 and Bmp7 expression in the urethral plate epithelium, as well as the ectopic expression of noggin (Nog) in the flanking mesenchyme. In vitro supplementation with Fgf8 restored proliferation in homozygous mutants to wild-type levels, suggesting that Fgf8 is sufficient to direct early proliferation of the developing genital tubercle. However, the closure defects of the distal urethra and glans can be attributed to a loss of apoptosis in the urethra, which is consistent with reduced Bmp7 expression in this region. Mice mutant for Hoxa13 also exhibit changes in androgen receptor expression, providing a developmental link between Hoxa13-associated hypospadias and those produced by antagonists to androgen signaling. Finally, a novel role for Hoxa13 in the vascularization of the glans penis is also identified.  相似文献   

Bmp4 is a downstream gene of Msx1 in early mouse tooth development. In this study, we introduced the Msx1-Bmp4 transgenic allele to the Msx1 mutants in which tooth development is arrested at the bud stage in an effort of rescuing Msx1 mutant tooth phenotype in vivo. Ectopic expression of a Bmp4 transgene driven by the mouse Msx1promoter in the dental mesenchyme restored the expression of Lef-1 and Dlx2 but neither Fgf3 nor syndecan-1 in the Msx1 mutant molar tooth germ. The mutant phenotype of molar but not incisor could be partially rescued to progress to the cap stage. The Msx1-Bmp4 transgene was also able to rescue the alveolar processes and the neonatal lethality of the Msx1 mutants. In contrast, overexpression of Bmp4 in the wild type molar mesenchyme down-regulated Shh and Bmp2 expression in the enamel knot, the putative signaling center for tooth patterning, but did not produce a tooth phenotype. These results indicate that Bmp4 can bypass Msx1 function to partially rescue molar tooth development in vivo, and to support alveolar process formation. Expression of Shh and Bmp2 in the enamel knot may not represent critical signals for tooth patterning.  相似文献   

The PicTar program predicted that microRNA-126 (miR-126), miR-145, and let-7s target highly conserved sites within the Hoxa9 homeobox. There are increased nucleotide constraints in the three microRNA seed sites among Hoxa9 genes beyond that required to maintain protein identity, suggesting additional functional conservation. In preliminary experiments, forced expression of these microRNAs in Hoxa9-immortalized bone marrow cells downregulated the HOXA9 protein and caused loss of biological activity. The microRNAs were shown to target their predicted sites within the homeobox. miR-126 and Hoxa9 mRNA are coexpressed in hematopoietic stem cells and downregulated in parallel during progenitor cell differentiation; however, miR-145 is barely detectable in hematopoietic cells, and let-7s are highly expressed in bone marrow progenitors, suggesting that miR-126 may function in normal hematopoietic cells to modulate HOXA9 protein. In support of this hypothesis, expression of miR-126 alone in MLL-ENL-immortalized bone marrow cells decreased endogenous HOXA9 protein, while inhibition of endogenous miR-126 increased expression of HOXA9 in F9 cells.  相似文献   

Members of the BMP family of signaling molecules display a high conservation of structure and function, and multiple BMPs are often coexpressed in a variety of tissues during development. Moreover, distinct BMP ligands are capable of activating common pathways. Here we describe the coexpression of two members of the 60A subfamily of BMPs, Bmp5 and Bmp7, at a number of different sites in the embryo from gastrulation onwards. Previous studies demonstrate that loss of either Bmp5 or Bmp7 has negligible effects on development, suggesting these molecules functionally compensate for each other at early stages of embryonic development. Here we show this is indeed the case. Thus we find that Bmp5;Bmp7 double mutants die at 10.5 dpc and display striking defects primarily affecting the tissues where these factors are coexpressed. The present analysis also uncovers novel roles for BMP signaling during the development of the allantois, heart, branchial arches, somites and forebrain. Bmp5 and Bmp7 do not appear to be involved in establishing pattern in these tissues, but are instead necessary for the proliferation and maintenance of specific cell populations. These findings are discussed with respect to potential mechanisms underlying cooperative signaling by multiple members of the TGF-beta superfamily.  相似文献   

BMP7 acts in murine lens placode development   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Targeted inactivation of the Bmp7 gene in mouse leads to eye defects with late onset and variable penetrance (A. T. Dudley et al., 1995, Genes Dev. 9, 2795-2807; G. Luo et al., 1995, Genes Dev. 9, 2808-2820). Here we report that the expressivity of the Bmp7 mutant phenotype markedly increases in a C3H/He genetic background and that the phenotype implicates Bmp7 in the early stages of lens development. Immunolocalization experiments show that BMP7 protein is present in the head ectoderm at the time of lens placode induction. Using an in vitro culture system, we demonstrate that addition of BMP7 antagonists during the period of lens placode induction inhibits lens formation, indicating a role for BMP7 in lens placode development. Next, to integrate Bmp7 into a developmental pathway controlling formation of the lens placode, we examined the expression of several early lens placode-specific markers in Bmp7 mutant embryos. In these embryos, Pax6 head ectoderm expression is lost just prior to the time when the lens placode should appear, while in Pax6-deficient (Sey/Sey) embryos, Bmp7 expression is maintained. These results could suggest a simple linear pathway in placode induction in which Bmp7 functions upstream of Pax6 and regulates lens placode induction. At odds with this interpretation, however, is the finding that expression of secreted Frizzled Related Protein-2 (sFRP-2), a component of the Wnt signaling pathway which is expressed in prospective lens placode, is absent in Sey/Sey embryos but initially present in Bmp7 mutants. This suggests a different model in which Bmp7 function is required to maintain Pax6 expression after induction, during a preplacodal stage of lens development. We conclude that Bmp7 is a critical component of the genetic mechanism(s) controlling lens placode formation.  相似文献   

Hypodactyly (Hoxa13Hd) mice have a small deletion within the coding sequence of Hoxa13 and a limb phenotype that is more severe than that of mice with an engineered null allele of Hoxa13. We used whole-mount in situ hybridization, Nile blue sulfate staining and genetic crosses to determine the basis for the phenotypic differences between these two mutants. Expression of Hoxd13 was unaffected in Hoxa13-/- mice, but its domain was reduced at the anterior and posterior margins of the autopod in Hoxa13Hd/Hd limb buds. The maturation of Hoxd11 expression was delayed and expression of Hoxa11 failed to become restricted to the autopod/zeugopod junction in both Hoxa13Hd/Hd and Hoxa13-/- limb buds compared to wild-type mice. Fgf8 expression was normal in both Hoxa13Hd/Hd and Hoxa13-/- mice throughout limb development. A dramatic increase in cell death was observed in limb bud mesenchyme of Hoxa13Hd/Hd mice as early as E11.5 but not in mice homozygous for the null allele. Genetic background was excluded as the basisforthe phenotypic differences. Compound heterozygotes (Hoxa13-/Hd) displayed an intermediate phenotype relative to both homozygotes suggesting that Hoxa13Hd has an effect on the development of the autopod beyond that which may result from a loss of HOXA13 protein. These results showthat Hoxa13Hd has a negative effect on the survival of the mesenchyme in the autopod, unlike the Hoxa13 null mutation, that cannot be explained by a failure of the AER to express Fgfs. In addition, at least one target of HOXA13 may be Hoxa11.  相似文献   

The murine tooth development is governed by sequential and reciprocal epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. Multiple signaling molecules are expressed in the developing tooth germ and interact each other to mediate the inductive tissue interactions. Among them are Sonic hedgehog (SHH), Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 (BMP2) and Bone Morphogenetic Protein-4 (BMP4). We have investigated the interactions between these signaling molecules during early tooth development. We found that the expression of Shh and Bmp2 is downregulated at E12.5 and E13.5 in the dental epithelium of the Msx1 mutant tooth germ where Bmp4 expression is significantly reduced in the dental mesenchyme. Inhibition of BMP4 activity by noggin resulted in repression of Shh and Bmp2 in wild-type dental epithelium. When implanted into the dental mesenchyme of Msx1 mutants, beads soaked with BMP4 protein were able to restore the expression of both Shh and Bmp2 in the Msx1 mutant epithelium. These results demonstrated that mesenchymal BMP4 represents one component of the signal acting on the epithelium to maintain Shh and Bmp2 expression. In contrast, BMP4-soaked beads repressed Shh and Bmp2 expression in the wild-type dental epithelium. TUNEL assay indicated that this suppression of gene expression by exogenous BMP4 was not the result of an increase in programmed cell death in the tooth germ. Ectopic expression of human Bmp4 to the dental mesenchyme driven by the mouse Msx1 promoter restored Shh expression in the Msx1 mutant dental epithelium but repressed Shh in the wild-type tooth germ in vivo. We further demonstrated that this regulation of Shh expression by BMP4 is conserved in the mouse developing limb bud. In addition, Shh expression was unaffected in the developing limb buds of the transgenic mice in which a constitutively active Bmpr-IB is ectopically expressed in the forelimb posterior mesenchyme and throughout the hindlimb mesenchyme, suggesting that the repression of Shh expression by BMP4 may not be mediated by BMP receptor-IB. These results provide evidence for a new function of BMP4. BMP4 can act upstream to Shh by regulating Shh expression in mouse developing tooth germ and limb bud. Taken together, our data provide insight into a new regulatory mechanism for Shh expression, and suggest that this BMP4-mediated pathway in Shh regulation may have a general implication in vertebrate organogenesis.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are considered important regulators of neural development. However, results mainly from a wide set of in vitro gain-of-function experiments are conflicting since these show that BMPs can act either as inhibitors or promoters of neurogenesis. Here, we report a specific and non-redundant role for BMP7 in cortical neurogenesis in vivo using knockout mice. Bmp7 is produced in regions adjacent to the developing cortex; the hem, meninges, and choroid plexus, and can be detected in the cerebrospinal fluid. Bmp7 deletion results in reduced cortical thickening, impaired neurogenesis, and loss of radial glia attachment to the meninges. Subsequent in vitro analyses of E14.5 cortical cells revealed that lack of Bmp7 affects neural progenitor cells, evidenced by their reduced proliferation, survival and self-renewal capacity. Addition of BMP7 was able to rescue these proliferation and survival defects. In addition, at the developmental stage E14.5 Bmp7 was also required to maintain Ngn2 expression in the subventricular zone. These data demonstrate a novel role for Bmp7 in the embryonic mouse cortex: Bmp7 nurtures radial glia cells and regulates fundamental properties of neural progenitor cells that subsequently affect Ngn2-dependent neurogenesis.  相似文献   

Hoxa13 is expressed early in the caudal mesoderm and endoderm of the developing hindgut. The tissue-specific roles of Hoxa13 function have not been described. Hand-foot-genital syndrome, a rare dominantly inherited human malformation syndrome characterized by distal extremity and genitourinary anomalies, is caused by mutations in the HOXA13 gene. We show evidence that one specific HOXA13 mutation likely acts as a dominant negative in vivo. When chick HFGa13 is overexpressed in the chick caudal endoderm early in development, caudal structural malformations occur. The phenotype is specific to HFGa13 expression in the posterior endoderm, and includes taillessness and severe gut/genitourinary (GGU) malformations. Finally, we show that chick HFGa13 negatively regulates expression of Hoxd13 and antagonizes functions of both endogenous Hoxa13 and Hoxd13 proteins. We suggest a fundamental role for epithelial specific expression of Hoxa13 in the epithelial-mesenchymal interaction necessary for tail growth and posterior GGU patterning.  相似文献   

A bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling pathway acts in the establishment of the dorsoventral axis of the vertebrate embryo. Here we demonstrate the genetic requirement for two different Bmp ligand subclass genes for dorsoventral pattern formation of the zebrafish embryo. From the relative efficiencies observed in Bmp ligand rescue experiments, conserved chromosomal synteny, and isolation of the zebrafish bmp7 gene, we determined that the strongly dorsalized snailhouse mutant phenotype is caused by a mutation in the bmp7 gene. We show that the original snailhouse allele is a hypomorphic mutation and we identify a snailhouse/bmp7 null mutant. We demonstrate that the snailhouse/bmp7 null mutant phenotype is identical to the presumptive null mutant phenotype of the strongest dorsalized zebrafish mutant swirl/bmp2b, revealing equivalent genetic roles for these two Bmp ligands. Double mutant snailhouse/bmp7; swirl/bmp2b embryos do not exhibit additional or stronger dorsalized phenotypes, indicating that these Bmp ligands do not function redundantly in early embryonic development. Furthermore, overexpression experiments reveal that Bmp2b and Bmp7 synergize in the ventralization of wild-type embryos through a cell-autonomous mechanism, suggesting that Bmp2b/Bmp7 heterodimers may act in vivo to specify ventral cell fates in the zebrafish embryo.  相似文献   

The epibranchial placodes generate the neurons of the geniculate, petrosal, and nodose cranial sensory ganglia. Previously, it has been shown that bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are involved in the formation of these structures. However, it has been unclear as to whether BMP signalling has an ongoing function in directing the later development of the epibranchial placodes, and how this signalling is regulated. Here, we demonstrate that BMPs maintain placodal neurogenesis and that their activity is modulated by a member of the Cerberus/Dan family of BMP antagonists, Protein Related to Dan and Cerberus (PRDC). We find that Bmp4 is expressed in the epibranchial placodes while Bmp7 and PRDC are expressed in the pharyngeal pouches. The timing and regional expression of these three genes suggest that BMP7 is involved in inducing placode neurogenesis and BMP4 in maintaining it and that BMP activity is modulated by PRDC. To investigate this hypothesis, we have performed both gain- and loss- of-function experiments with PRDC and find that it can modulate the BMP signals that induce epibranchial neurogenesis: a gain of PRDC function results in a loss of Bmp4 and hence placode neurogenesis is inhibited; conversely, a loss of PRDC function induces ectopic Bmp4 and an expansion of placode neurogenesis. This modulation is therefore necessary for the number and positioning of the epibranchial neurons.  相似文献   

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