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As a result of the early domestication and extensive cultivation of the olive tree throughout the Mediterranean Basin, the wild-looking forms of olive (oleasters) presently observed constitute a complex, potentially ranging from wild to feral forms. Allozyme variation was analysed at 10 loci in 31 large and 44 small oleaster populations distributed in various habitats of the Mediterranean Basin and in two populations of the wild subspecies Olea europaea subsp (ssp) guanchica, endemic to the Canary islands and closely related to oleasters. At eight polymorphic loci, 25 alleles were identified. Genetic evidence that nondomesticated oleasters still survive locally was provided by the occurrence of four and one alleles shared exclusively by the eight western and two eastern oleaster populations, respectively, which were collected in forests potentially containing genuinely wild forms according to environmental, historical and demographic criteria. As reported previously from cytoplasmic and RAPDs analysis, substantial genetic differentiation was observed between the eastern oleaster populations genetically close to most olive clones cultivated in the Mediterranean Basin, and the western populations that are related to the wild Canarian populations. In addition, the occurrence of significantly lower heterozygosity in cultivated olive than in oleasters, whatever their origin, suggests that intensive selection involving inbreeding has taken place under cultivation to obtain particular characteristics in the olive cultivars.  相似文献   

Hamer  M. L.  Martens  K. 《Hydrobiologia》1998,384(1-3):151-165
The Drakensberg forms part of the Escarpment which separates the coastal plain from the inland plateau in southern Africa. This mountain range runs for about 400 km along the KwaZulu-Natal/Lesotho border and into the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. Altitude ranges from 1500 to 3000 masl. Rock pools and tarns are the main type of temporary pool habitat in the Drakensberg. 90 different habitats were sampled over a four-year period and various physical and chemical characteristics of these pools are presented. Large branchiopods occurred in 26 of these habitats. Five Branchipodopsis and two Streptocephalus species composed the anostracan fauna, while Triops granarius was collected only from the summit of the Escarpment at one locality. Four genera of Spinicaudata are represented in the Drakensberg but the current state of the taxonomy of this group does not allow identification to species level. Absence of large branchiopods from a high percentage of temporary habitats could be attributed to predation or many pools may not be sufficiently ephemeral. Most pools were inhabited by a single species of large branchiopod. This could be a result of low levels of food resources in pools, as indicated by extremely low conductivities. Restricted food resources could also be the limiting factor in the distribution of Streptocephalus and Triops which are only found in pools with higher conductivities. Four of the five Branchipodopsis species are endemic to the Drakensberg pools. These habitats are also inhabited by a high diversity of ostracods and other micro-crustaceans. Most of the KwaZulu-Natal Drakensberg falls within conservation areas but the Lesotho and Free State localities could be threatened by future development.  相似文献   

Fleshy hypogeous fungi produce scents that enable mycophagous mammals and invertebrates to locate them and disperse their spores. The European wild boar (Sus scrofa) was introduced in central Argentina in 1900s and later expanded into Patagonia. Here, we determined the diversity and abundance of fungal taxa, and the frequency of hypogeous fungal spores in wild boar feces in Patagonia. We collected fecal samples on Isla Victoria, Nahuel Huapi National Park, and identified fungi using microscope and DNA metabarcoding of ITS2 rDNA. Hypogeous fungal spores occurred in almost all fecal samples. The most abundant species belonged to the genera Hysterangium, Melanogaster, Radiigera and Gautieria. In addition to the symbiotrophic hypogeous taxa, we also identified numerous pathotrophic and saprotrophic taxa. Not only diverse native hypogeous fungi, but also introduced ones are part of the diet of the wild boar in forests of Patagonia. If viable, introduced fungi are being dispersed as far as 2.5 km from the nearest plantation, highlighting how the introduced wild boar might alter the local distribution and composition of fungal communities.  相似文献   

Twenty-four large adult samples of the meadow spittlebug, Philaenus spumarius , were collected from within a 4 times 3 km area containing Cardiff docks, south Wales. All samples are highly polymorphic for colour and pattern and show marked geographic variation in the combined frequency of the eight melanic morphs (from <15% to > 75%). Maximum melanic phenotype frequencies in both sexes coincide with dock wharfs currently containing large accumulations of pulverized coal and these samples are heavily contaminated with small coal particles. However, interpretation of this association is complicated by the existence, until 1976, of a smokeless fuel factory causing local air pollution immediately adjacent to the area of highest melanic frequency. It is suggested that the association of high levels of melanism in P. spumarius with areas heavily contaminated with particulate pollutants is due to direct selective effects of small particles favouring melanies.  相似文献   

This study presents the discovery of a right cercopithecine calcaneus from the site of ‘Ubeidiya, Israel, dated to ca. 1.6 Ma. The fossil is described and statistically compared to bones of modern and fossil cercopithecids. The specimen can be attributed to a large-bodied cercopithecine and represents a new primate taxon previously unidentified in the Early Pleistocene of the Southern Levant. Among extant genera, it is most clearly similar to calcanei of Theropithecus. However, it could also represent Paradolichopithecus, but this alternative is unlikely due to the morphological uniqueness of the latter taxon.The finding of an African taxon in the Levant suggests a circum-Mediterranean dispersal route for the taxon out of Africa, and emphasizes the importance of the Levantine corridor as a biogeographic dispersal route between Africa and Eurasia during the Early Pleistocene. Evidence for the biogeography of large-bodied primates is essential for the understanding of the dispersal routes of “Out of Africa I” taxa and can help elucidate Homo dispersal patterns in the Early Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Powdery mildew, caused by Blumeria graminis is an important disease of cereals in many production regions. Until end of the last century triticale had been regarded as a species characterized by high level of resistance for this disease. However, after several years of intensive production on a big area in Poland, Germany and other European countries it start to be susceptible for many pathogens including B. graminis. Because of this, virulence structure of this pathogen population on triticale in Poland was evaluated across 2008–2010. Leaf samples with symptoms of the powdery mildew disease were collected randomly from nineteen localities. As a total, 1402 B. graminis isolates were collected: 23–25 isolates per locality in each year. Standard differential set of 28 genotypes was used: twenty‐one wheat with known resistance genes and seven triticale. Based on the obtained results it was possible to observe significant differences in virulence structure between years and localities. No virulence's against Pm21 (Yangmai5), and Pm3d + 4b (Kadett) were found in any year. All tested isolates were virulent on Moreno and Lamberto cultivars. In a total, 36% of tested isolates possessed 9, 11 or 12 virulence's per genotypes. Twenty five percent of tested isolates were virulent to 5 triticale cultivars. Correlation between pathotypes frequency and sampling region were not found what suggest that local epidemics play the most important role in triticale growing regions in Poland.  相似文献   

Three major reservoirs (Marne, Seine and Aube), situated in the upstream basin of the river Seine represent a storage capacity of 800 106 m3. In order to quantify the possible role of these reservoirs as a sink or source of nutrients and organic matter for the river system, an input/output mass-balance of suspended matter, organic carbon, inorganic nitrogen forms, phosphorus and reactive silica was established, providing reliable estimates of their retention/elimination and export. The study was carried out over 3 years (1993, 1994 and 1995) in differing hydrological conditions. The retention times varied from 0.3 to 0.8 year, depending on the reservoir and the year, but was longer in 1993 that was a drier year than 1994 and 1995, hydrologically quite similar.Regarding retention (or elimination) and export, the behaviour of the three studied reservoirs was similar. A clear loss or retention of nitrogen, phosphorus and silica was observed in the reservoirs and represented about 40% of the incoming flux of nitrate, 50% of silica, and 60% of phosphate. The retention was lower for total phosphorus than for phosphate. The reservoirs are also sites of suspended matter deposition except during the decennial drawdown, when suspended matter is exported. For inorganic nitrogen, the average amount of nitrate retained in the Seine basin reservoirs upstream from Paris is 5000 tonnes y–1 that is almost equal to the estimated retention by deposition or denitrification in river channel sediments for the whole drainage network. The retention in the reservoirs represents about 12% of the total flux of nitrate at the outlet of the basin upstream from Paris, and 5% at the mouth of the Seine River.We also calculated inlake C, N, P, Si budgets on the basis of direct process measurements. Measurements of planktonic primary and bacterial activity production led to annual net production of 4200 and 580 tonnes of carbon, respectively. A reasonable value (450 tonnes of carbon) of grazing was calculated. Corresponding N, P, Si fluxes were drawn from appropriate C:N:P:Si ratios. Benthic fluxes were measured with bell jars. The retention of P and Si represents a small fraction of important internal fluxes of phytoplanktonic uptake and recycling, while inorganic nitrogen retention depends mostly on benthic denitrification. The behaviour of P and Si differs in that P is mainly recycled in the water column, while Si dissolution occurs at the sediment interface. Nitrogen is recycled in both the planktonic and the benthic phase.  相似文献   

We sequenced the entire control region and portions of flanking genes (tRNA(Phe), tRNA(Glu), and ND6) in the common chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs), blue chaffinch (F. teydea), brambling (F. montifringilla), and greenfinch (Carduelis chloris). In these finches the control region is similar in length (1,223-1,237 bp) and has the same flanking gene order as in other birds, and contains a putative TAS element and the highly conserved CSB-1 and F, D, and C boxes recognizable in most vertebrates. Cloverleaf-like structures associated with the TAS element at the 5' end and CSB-1 at the 3' end of the control region may be involved with the stop and start of D-loop synthesis, respectively. The pattern of nucleotide and substitution bias is similar to that in other vertebrates, and consequently the finch control region can be subdivided into a central, conserved G-rich domain (domain II) flanked by hypervariable 5'-C-rich (domain I) and 3'-AT-rich (domain III) segments. In pairwise comparisons among finch species, the central domain has unusually low transition/transversion ratios, which suggests that increased G + T content is a functional constraint, possibly for DNA primase efficiency. In finches the relative rates of evolution vary among domains according to a ratio of 4.2 (domain III) to 2.2 (domain I) to 1 (domain II), and extensively among sites within domains I and II. Domain I and III sequences are extremely useful in recovering intraspecific phylogeographic splits between populations in Africa and Europe, Madeira, and a basal lineage in Nefza, Tunisia. Domain II sequences are highly conserved, and are therefore only useful in conjunction with sequences from domains I and III in phylogenetic studies of closely related species.   相似文献   

The cucurbit powdery mildew (CPM) caused by different fungal species is a major concern for cucurbit crops around the world. In Argentina CPM constitutes the most common and damaging disease for cucurbits, especially for squash crops (Cucurbita moschata). The present study displays initial insights into the knowledge of the disease in western Argentina, including the determination of the prevalent species causing CPM, as well as the evaluation of the resistance of squash cultivars and breeding lines. Fungal colonies were isolated from samples collected in Mendoza province, Argentina. A field trial was also performed to assess the resistance of five squash accessions, including commercial cultivars and breeding lines. The severity of CPM was analyzed and epidemiological models were built based on empirical data. The morphological determinations and analysis with specific molecular markers confirmed Podosphaera xanthi as the prevalent causal agent of CPM in Mendoza. The results od the field trial showed differences in the resistance trait among the squash accessions. The advanced breeding line BL717/1 showed promising results as source of CPM resistance for the future development of open pollinated resistant cultivars, a crucial tool for an integrative control of the disease.  相似文献   

In this study we revise the taxonomy of the genus Prionopelta for the Malagasy region, treating seven species, six of which are newly described (Prionopelta laurae sp. n., Prionopelta seychelles sp. n., Prionopelta subtilis sp. n., Prionopelta talos sp. n., Prionopelta vampira sp. n., Prionopelta xerosilva sp. n.), and one redescribed (Prionopelta descarpentriesi Santschi). One species, Prionopelta seychelles, is restricted to Seychelles, while the six remaining species treated are endemic to Madagascar.  相似文献   


The physical and demographic characteristics of chamois in the Avoca region are evaluated from 306 animals shot and autopsied between 1975 and 1978. These data are compared with published and unpublished information for chamois populations in Westland and Canterbury. Avoca chamois were large-framed, but weighed less than Westland chamois. The weight difference suggests better habitat condition and food resources for Westland animals, but the large skeletal size of Avoca chamois is unexplained.

High rates of juvenile mortality were caused by acute bacterial-pneumonia infections (Pasteurella). These deaths and other losses by natural causes were offset by the good breeding success of adult females so that stable population numbers were maintained.  相似文献   

Species diversity within the genus Osmundea in the Macaronesian region was explored by conducting a comprehensive sampling in the Azores, the Canary, and the Madeira archipelagos. Toward identification, all specimens were first observed alive to verify the absence of corps en cerise, a diagnostic character for the genus and morphometric data were measured (thallus length and width, first‐order branches length and width, branchlets length and width, cortical cell length and width in surface view, cortical cell length and width in transverse section). Specimens were sequenced for COI‐5P (39 specimens) and three species delimitation methods (Generalized Mixed Yule Coalescent, Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery method, and Poisson Tree Processes) were used to assess the threshold between infra‐ and interspecific relationships. Subsequently, one or several sequences of plastid‐encoded large subunit of RuBisCO (21 specimens) per delimited species were generated to assess the phylogenetic relationships among Macaronesian Osmundea. Moreover, for each delineated species, vegetative and reproductive anatomy was thoroughly documented and, when possible, specimens were either assigned to existing taxa or described as novel species. This integrative approach has provided data for (i) the presence of O. oederi, O. pinnatifida, and O. truncata in Macaronesia; (ii) the proposal of two novel species, O. prudhommevanreinei sp. nov. and O. silvae sp. nov.; and (iii) evidence of an additional species referred as “Osmundea sp.1,” which is a sister taxon of O. hybrida.  相似文献   

The Hengduan Mountains comprise one of the world's most important hot spots of biodiversity. Tibetia (Ali) H.P. Tsui (Fabaceae), which has four or five species in two sections, is one of the genera endemic to the region. This paper describes for the first time the karyotype of three of those species. The chromosome counts of all three are 2n = 16. The karyotypes of the species examined contain chromosomes of variable karyotypic symmetry with centromeres at median and submedian positions that correlate with the morphological characteristics of the species. Karyotypic variation at the diploid level appears to be the predominant feature of chromosome evolution in the genus and may provide a clue to the study of evolutionary patterns of plants in this region. Received: June 12, 2001 / Accepted: September 12, 2001  相似文献   

The Hengduan Mountains comprise one of the world's most important hot spots of biodiversity. Tibetia (Ali) H.P. Tsui (Fabaceae), which has four or five species in two sections, is one of the genera endemic to the region. This paper describes for the first time the karyotype of three of those species. The chromosome counts of all three are 2 n = 16. The karyotypes of the species examined contain chromosomes of variable karyotypic symmetry with centromeres at median and submedian positions that correlate with the morphological characteristics of the species. Karyotypic variation at the diploid level appears to be the predominant feature of chromosome evolution in the genus and may provide a clue to the study of evolutionary patterns of plants in this region.  相似文献   

We describe a large pedigree of individuals with autosomal dominant atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD). The pedigree includes affected individuals and individuals who have transmitted the defect but are not clinically affected. AVSDs are a rare congenital heart malformation that occurs as only 2.8% of isolated cardiac lesions. They are the predominant heart defect in children with Down syndrome, making chromosome 21 a candidate for genes involved in atrioventricular septal development. We have carried out a linkage study in the pedigree by using 10 simple-sequence polymorphisms from chromosome 21. Multipoint linkage analysis gives lod scores of less than -2 for the region of trisomy 21 associated with heart defects, which excludes a locus within this region as the cause of the defect in this family.  相似文献   

The main goal of this paper is to estimate how the observed and predicted climate changes may affect the development rates and emergence of the codling moth in the southern part of the Wielkopolska region in Poland. In order to simulate the future climate conditions one of the most frequently used A1B SRES scenarios and two different IPCC climate models (HadCM3 and GISS modelE) are considered. A daily weather generator (WGENK) was used to generate temperature values for present and future climate conditions (time horizons 2020–2040 and 2040–2060). Based on the generated data set, the degree-days values were then calculated and the emergence dates of the codling moth at key stages were estimated basing on the defined thresholds. Our analyses showed that the average air surface temperature in the Wielkopolska region may increase from 2.8°C (according to GISS modelE) even up to 3.3°C (HadCM3) in the period of 2040–2060. With the warming climate conditions the cumulated degree-days values may increase at a rate of about 142 DD per decade when the low temperature threshold (T low ) of 0°C is considered and 91 DD per decade when T low ?=?10°C. The key developmental stages of the codling moth may occur much earlier in the future climate conditions than currently, at a rate of about 3.8–6.8 days per decade, depending on the considered GCM model and the pest developmental stage. The fastest changes may be observed in the emergence dates of 95% of larvae of the second codling moth generation. This could increase the emergence probability of the pest third generation that has not currently occurred in Poland.  相似文献   

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