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The oxidized "as isolated" form of Paracoccus pantotrophus cytochrome cd1 nitrite reductase has a bis-histidinyl coordinated c heme and a histidine/tyrosine coordinated d1 heme. This form of the enzyme has previously been shown to be kinetically incompetent. Upon reduction, the coordination of both hemes changes and the enzyme is kinetically activated. Here, we show that P. pantotrophus NapC, a tetraheme c-type cytochrome belonging to a large family of such proteins, is capable of reducing, and hence activating, "as isolated" cytochrome cd1. NapC is the first protein from P. pantotrophus identified as being capable of this activation step and, given the periplasmic co-location and co-expression of the two proteins, is a strong candidate to be a physiological activation partner.  相似文献   

The reduction of nitrite to nitric oxide in respiratory denitrification is catalyzed by a cytochrome cd(1) nitrite reductase in Paracoccus pantotrophus (formerly known as Thiosphaera pantotropha LMD 92.63). High-resolution structures are available for the fully oxidized [Fül?p, V., Moir, J. W., Ferguson, S. J., and Hajdu, J. (1995) Cell 81, 369-377; Baker, S. C., Saunders, N. F., Willis, A. C., Ferguson, S. J., Hajdu, J., and Fül?p, V. (1997) J. Mol. Biol. 269, 440-455] and fully reduced forms of this enzyme, as well as for various intermediates in its catalytic cycle [Williams, P. A., Fül?p, V., Garman, E. F., Saunders, N. F., Ferguson, S. J., and Hajdu, J. (1997) Nature 389, 406-412]. On the basis of these structures, quantum mechanical techniques (QM), including density functional methods (DFT), were combined with simulated annealing (SA) and molecular mechanics techniques (MM) to calculate the electronic distribution of molecular orbitals in the active site during catalysis. The results show likely trajectories for electrons, protons, substrates, and products in the process of nitrite reduction, and offer an interpretation of the reaction mechanism. The calculations indicate that the redox state of the d(1) heme and charges on two histidines in the active site orchestrate catalysis locally. Binding of nitrite to the reduced iron is followed by proton transfer from His345 and His388 to one of the oxygens of nitrite, creating a water molecule and an [Fe(II)-NO(+)] complex. Valence isomerization within this complex gives [Fe(III)-NO]. The release of NO from the ferric iron is influenced by the protonation state of His345 and His388, and by the orientation of NO on the d(1) heme. Return of Tyr25 to a hydrogen-bonding position between His345 and His388 facilitates product release, but a rebinding of Tyr25 to the oxidized iron may be bypassed in steady-state catalysis.  相似文献   

Exposure of aerobically-grown wild-type cells of Paracoccus denitrificans to a decreased aeration caused parallel increases in both PMS/ascorbate and succinate-linked activities of nitrite reductase. By contrast, the expression of the succinate-linked activity was considerably delayed in an insertion mutant specifically lacking the periplasmic 15 kDa cytochrome c-550. In this case the observed activity followed very closely the content of a 40 kDa cytochrome c. A subcellular fraction enriched in a haemoprotein of a similar apparent molecular weight showed the activity of cytochrome c peroxidase and was able to restore the antimycin-sensitive electron transport from membrane vesicles to nitrite reductase. It is concluded that P. denitrificans possesses an alternative nitrite-reducing pathway involving the 40 kDa cytochrome c instead of cytochrome c-550. This pathway branches from the respiratory chain after the cytochrome bc 1 segment.Abbreviations PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - PMS phenazine methosulphate  相似文献   

Cytochrome cd(1) (cd(1)NIR) from Paracoccus pantotrophus, which is both a nitrite reductase and an oxidase, was reduced by ascorbate plus hexaamineruthenium(III) chloride on a relatively slow time scale (hours required for complete reduction). Visible absorption spectroscopy showed that mixing of ascorbate-reduced enzyme with oxygen at pH = 6.0 resulted in the rapid oxidation of both types of heme center in the enzyme with a linear dependence on oxygen concentration. Subsequent changes on a longer time scale reflected the formation and decay of partially reduced oxygen species bound to the d(1) heme iron. Parallel freeze-quench experiments allowed the X-band electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrum of the enzyme to be recorded at various times after mixing with oxygen. On the same millisecond time scale that simultaneous oxidation of both heme centers was seen in the optical experiments, two new EPR signals were observed. Both of these are assigned to oxidized heme c and resemble signals from the cytochrome c domain of a "semi-apo" form of the enzyme for which histidine/methionine coordination was demonstrated spectroscopically. These observations suggests that structural changes take around the heme c center that lead to either histidine/methionine axial ligation or a different stereochemistry of bis-histidine axial ligation than that found in the as prepared enzyme. At this stage in the reaction no EPR signal could be ascribed to Fe(III) d(1) heme. Rather, a radical species, which is tentatively assigned to an amino acid radical proximal to the d(1) heme iron in the Fe(IV)-oxo state, was seen. The kinetics of decay of this radical species match the generation of a new form of the Fe(III) d(1) heme, probably representing an OH(-)-bound species. This sequence of events is interpreted in terms of a concerted two-electron reduction of oxygen to bound peroxide, which is immediately cleaved to yield water and an Fe(IV)-oxo species plus the radical. Two electrons from ascorbate are subsequently transferred to the d(1) heme active site via heme c to reduce both the radical and the Fe(IV)-oxo species to Fe(III)-OH(-) for completion of a catalytic cycle.  相似文献   

Cytochrome cd(1) is a respiratory enzyme that catalyzes the physiological one-electron reduction of nitrite to nitric oxide. The enzyme is a dimer, each monomer containing one c-type cytochrome center and one active site d(1) heme. We present stopped-flow Fourier transform infrared data showing the formation of a stable ferric heme d(1)-NO complex (formally d(1)Fe(II)-NO(+)) as a product of the reaction between fully reduced Paracoccus pantotrophus cytochrome cd(1) and nitrite, in the absence of excess reductant. The Fe-(14)NO nu(NO) stretching mode is observed at 1913 cm(-1) with the corresponding Fe-(15)NO band at 1876 cm(-1). This d(1) heme-NO complex is still readily observed after 15 min. EPR and visible absorption spectroscopic data show that within 4 ms of the initiation of the reaction, nitrite is reduced at the d(1) heme, and a cFe(III) d(1)Fe(II)-NO complex is formed. Over the next 100 ms there is an electron redistribution within the enzyme to give a mixed species, 55% cFe(III) d(1)Fe(II)-NO and 45% cFe(II) d(1)Fe(II)-NO(+). No kinetically competent release of NO could be detected, indicating that at least one additional factor is required for product release by the enzyme. Implications for the mechanism of P. pantotrophus cytochrome cd(1) are discussed.  相似文献   

The 1.4-A crystal structure of the oxidized state of a Y25S variant of cytochrome cd(1) nitrite reductase from Paracoccus pantotrophus is described. It shows that loss of Tyr(25), a ligand via its hydroxy group to the iron of the d(1) heme in the oxidized (as prepared) wild-type enzyme, does not result in a switch at the c heme of the unusual bishistidinyl coordination to the histidine/methionine coordination seen in other conformations of the enzyme. The Ser(25) side chain is seen in two positions in the d(1) heme pocket with relative occupancies of approximately 7:3, but in neither case is the hydroxy group bound to the iron atom; instead, a sulfate ion from the crystallization solution is bound between the Ser(25) side chain and the heme iron. Unlike the wild-type enzyme, the Y25S mutant is active as a reductase toward nitrite, oxygen, and hydroxylamine without a reductive activation step. It is concluded that Tyr(25) is not essential for catalysis of reduction of any substrate, but that the requirement for activation by reduction of the wild-type enzyme is related to a requirement to drive the dissociation of this residue from the active site. The Y25S protein retains the d(1) heme less well than the wild-type protein, suggesting that the tyrosine residue has a role in stabilizing the binding of this cofactor.  相似文献   

We present a 1.59-A resolution crystal structure of reduced Paracoccus pantotrophus cytochrome cd(1) with cyanide bound to the d(1) heme and His/Met coordination of the c heme. Fe-C-N bond angles are 146 degrees for the A subunit and 164 degrees for the B subunit of the dimer. The nitrogen atom of bound cyanide is within hydrogen bonding distance of His(345) and His(388) and either a water molecule in subunit A or Tyr(25) in subunit B. The ferrous heme-cyanide complex is unusually stable (K(d) approximately 10(-6) m); we propose that this reflects both the design of the specialized d(1) heme ring and a general feature of anion reductases with active site heme. Oxidation of crystals of reduced, cyanide-bound, cytochrome cd(1) results in loss of cyanide and return to the native structure with Tyr(25) as a ligand to the d(1) heme iron and switching to His/His coordination at the c-type heme. No reason for unusually weak binding of cyanide to the ferric state can be identified; rather it is argued that the protein is designed such that a chelate-based effect drives displacement by tyrosine of cyanide or a weaker ligand, like reaction product nitric oxide, from the ferric d(1) heme.  相似文献   

A previous study of nitrite reduction by Paracoccus pantotrophus cytochrome cd1 at pH 7.0 identified early reaction intermediates. The c-heme rapidly oxidised and nitrite was reduced to NO at the d1-heme. A slower equilibration of electrons followed, forming a stable complex assigned as 55% cFe(III)d1Fe(II)-NO and 45% cFe(II)d1Fe(II)-NO+. No catalytically competent NO release was observed. Here we show that at pH 6.0, a significant proportion of the enzyme undergoes turnover and releases NO. An early intermediate, which was previously overlooked, is also identified; enzyme immediately following product release is a candidate. However, even at pH 6.0 a considerable fraction of the enzyme remains bound to NO so another component is required for full product release. The kinetically stable product formed at the end of the reaction differs significantly at pH 6.0 and 7.0, as does its rate of formation; thus the reaction is critically dependent on pH.  相似文献   

Paracoccus pantotrophus cytochrome cd(1) is a physiological nitrite reductase and an in vitro hydroxylamine reductase. The oxidised "as isolated" form of the enzyme has bis-histidinyl coordinated c-heme and upon reduction its coordination changes to histidine/methionine. Following treatment of reduced enzyme with hydroxylamine, a novel, oxidised, conformer of the enzyme is obtained. We have devised protocols for freeze-quench near-ir-MCD spectroscopy that have allowed us to establish unequivocally the c-heme coordination of this species as His/Met. Thus it is shown that the catalytically competent, hydroxylamine reoxidised, form of P. pantotrophus cytochrome cd(1) has different axial ligands to the c-heme than "as isolated" enzyme.  相似文献   

Cytochromes cd(1) are dimeric bacterial nitrite reductases, which contain two hemes per monomer. On reduction of both hemes, the distal ligand of heme d(1) dissociates, creating a vacant coordination site accessible to substrate. Heme c, which transfers electrons from donor proteins into the active site, has histidine/methionine ligands except in the oxidized enzyme from Paracoccus pantotrophus where both ligands are histidine. During reduction of this enzyme, Tyr(25) dissociates from the distal side of heme d(1), and one heme c ligand is replaced by methionine. Activity is associated with histidine/methionine coordination at heme c, and it is believed that P. pantotrophus cytochrome cd(1) is unreactive toward substrate without reductive activation. However, we report here that the oxidized enzyme will react with nitrite to yield a novel species in which heme d(1) is EPR-silent. Magnetic circular dichroism studies indicate that heme d(1) is low-spin Fe(III) but EPR-silent as a result of spin coupling to a radical species formed during the reaction with nitrite. This reaction drives the switch to histidine/methionine ligation at Fe(III) heme c. Thus the enzyme is activated by exposure to its physiological substrate without the necessity of passing through the reduced state. This reactivity toward nitrite is also observed for oxidized cytochrome cd(1) from Pseudomonas stutzeri suggesting a more general involvement of the EPR-silent Fe(III) heme d(1) species in nitrite reduction.  相似文献   

Cytochrome cd1 nitrite reductase (cd1) from Paracoccus pantotrophus is a respiratory enzyme capable of using nitrite, hydroxylamine and oxygen as electron accepting substrates. Structural studies have shown that when the enzyme is reduced there is a change in the axial ligation of both hemes, which has been proposed to form part of the catalytic cycle. Here we report the use of a physiological electron donor, pseudoazurin, to investigate the relationship between heme ligation and catalysis. A combination of visible absorption and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopies reveals the formation of a catalytically competent state of oxidized cd1 with 'switched' axial ligands immediately after complete reoxidation of reduced cd1 with hydroxylamine. This activated conformer returns over 20 min at 25 degrees C to the state previously observed for oxidized 'as isolated' cd1, which is catalytically inactive towards the same substrates.  相似文献   

Cytochrome cd(1) is a respiratory nitrite reductase found in the periplasm of denitrifying bacteria. When fully reduced Paracoccus pantotrophus cytochrome cd(1) is mixed with nitrite in a stopped-flow apparatus in the absence of excess reductant, a kinetically stable complex of enzyme and product forms, assigned as a mixture of cFe(II) d(1)Fe(II)-NO(+) and cFe(III) d(1)Fe(II)-NO (cd(1)-X). However, in order for the enzyme to achieve steady-state turnover, product (NO) release must occur. In this work, we have investigated the effect of a physiological electron donor to cytochrome cd(1), the copper protein pseudoazurin, on the mechanism of nitrite reduction by the enzyme. Our data clearly show that initially oxidized pseudoazurin causes rapid further turnover by the enzyme to give a final product that we assign as all-ferric cytochrome cd(1) with nitrite bound to the d(1) heme (i.e. from which NO had dissociated). Pseudoazurin catalyzed this effect even when present at only one-tenth the stoichiometry of cytochrome cd(1). In contrast, redox-inert zinc pseudoazurin did not affect cd(1)-X, indicating a crucial role for electron movement between monomers or individual enzyme dimers rather than simply a protein-protein interaction. Furthermore, formation of cd(1)-X was, remarkably, accelerated by the presence of pseudoazurin, such that it occurred at a rate consistent with cd(1)-X being an intermediate in the catalytic cycle. It is clear that cytochrome cd(1) functions significantly differently in the presence of its two substrates, nitrite and electron donor protein, than in the presence of nitrite alone.  相似文献   

Reduction of dioxygen to water is a key process in aerobic life, but atomic details of this reaction have been elusive because of difficulties in observing active oxygen intermediates by crystallography. Cytochrome cd(1) is a bifunctional enzyme, capable of catalyzing the one-electron reduction of nitrite to nitric oxide, and the four-electron reduction of dioxygen to water. The latter is a cytochrome oxidase reaction. Here we describe the structure of an active dioxygen species in the enzyme captured by cryo-trapping. The productive binding mode of dioxygen in the active site is very similar to that of nitrite and suggests that the catalytic mechanisms of oxygen reduction and nitrite reduction are closely related. This finding has implications to the understanding of the evolution of oxygen-reducing enzymes. Comparison of the dioxygen complex to complexes of cytochrome cd(1) with stable diatomic ligands shows that nitric oxide and cyanide bind in a similar bent conformation to the iron as dioxygen whereas carbon monoxide forms a linear complex. The significance of these differences is discussed.  相似文献   

The dissimilatory nitrite reductase of the cytochrome cd1 type was purified from Paracoccus denitrificans (ATCC 13543) by a novel procedure that avoided conventional ion-exchange techniques. The characterization of this enzyme was extended to include amino acid composition, extinction coefficients, and kinetic properties not previously reported. Cytochromes cd1 from Alicaligenes faecalis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were also isolated and assayed with electron donor proteins. The enzymes from all three sources were shown to obey the same integrated rate law. Cross-reactivities were measured in which a reduced donor protein from one strain was assayed with cytochrome cd1 from another strain using nitrite as ultimate acceptor. Donors included c-type cytochromes and azurins. In general, the enzymes showed specificity for a donor from the same strain; interspecies cross-reactions were typically slower on the order of 10-fold than corresponding native rates. Notable exceptions were Paracoccus cytochrome cd1, which alone reacted with eukaryotic horse cytochrome c at appreciable rates, and the Pseudomonas cd1-Alcaligenesc554 reaction, which was 4-fold faster than the native Alcaligenes cd1-Alcaligenesc554 reaction. For all three enzymes, competitive kinetics were measured in which the alternative substrates, nitrite and oxygen, competed for enzyme in the same assay. It was found that the competitive kinetics were dominated by nonenzymatic reactions involving an enzyme product, nitric oxide.  相似文献   

The novel multicopper enzyme nitrous oxide reductase from Pseudomonas perfectomarina was purified to homogeneity to study its properties and distribution in various pseudomonads and other selected denitrifying genera by immunochemical techniques. Quantitation of immunochemical crossreactivity by micro-complement fixation within the denitrifying pseudomonads of Palleroni's ribosomal ribonucleic acid group I corresponded to the taxonomic positions established by nucleic acid hybridization. The assignment of P. perfectomarina to the stutzeri-group (as strain ZoBell) was consolidated by immunochemical crossreactivity based on nitrous oxide reductase. Crossreactivity of nitrite reductase (cytochrome cd 1) with a respective P. perfectomarina rabbit antiserum was limited to strain DSM 50227 of P. stutzeri; although it could not contribute information towards broader relationships within rRNA group I, it lent further prove to the unity of these two species.  相似文献   

Cytochrome cd(1) nitrite reductase from Paracoccus pantotrophus is a dimer; within each monomer there is a largely alpha-helical domain that contains the c-type cytochrome centre. The structure of this domain changes significantly upon reduction of the heme iron, for which the ligands change from His17/His69 to Met106/His69. Overproduction, using an improved Escherichia coli expression system, of this c-type cytochrome domain as an independent monomer is reported here. The properties of the independent domain are compared with those when it is part of dimeric holo or semi-apo cytochrome cd(1).  相似文献   

Denitrification by Alcaligenes eutrophus H16 is genetically linked to megaplasmid pHG1. Unexpectedly, the gene encoding the nitrite reductase (nirS) was identified on chromosomal DNA. The nirS product showed extensive homology with periplasmic nitrite reductases of the heme cd1-type. Disruption of nirS abolished nitrite-reducing ability, indicating that NirS is the enzyme essential for denitrification in A.eutrophus.  相似文献   

Cytochrome cd 1-nitrite reductase and nitrous oxide reductase of Thiobacillus denitrificans were purified and characterized by biochemical and immunochemical methods. In contrast to the generally soluble nature of the denitrification enzymes, these two enzymes were isolated from the membrane fraction of T. denitrificans and remained active after solubilization with Triton X-100. The properties of the membrane-derived enzymes were similar to those of their soluble counterparts from the same organism. Nitrous oxide reductase activity was inhibited by acetylene. Nitrite reductase and nitrous oxide reductase cross-reacted with antisera raised against the soluble enzymes from Pseudomonas stutzeri. The nirS, norBC, and nosZ genes encoding the cytochrome cd 1-nitrite reductase, nitric oxide reductase, and nitrous oxide reductase, respectively, from P. stutzeri hybridized with genomic DNA from T. denitrificans. Cross-reactivity and similar N-terminal amino acid and gene sequences suggest that the primary structures of the Thiobacillus enzymes are homologous to the soluble proteins from P. stutzeri. Received: 18 August 1995 / Accepted: 30 October 1995  相似文献   

The gene for pseudoazurin was isolated from Paracoccus pantotrophus LMD 52.44 and expressed in a heterologous system with a yield of 54.3 mg of pure protein per liter of culture. The gene and protein were shown to be identical to those from P. pantotrophus LMD 82.5. The extinction coefficient of the protein was re-evaluated and was found to be 3.00 mM(-1) cm(-1) at 590 nm. It was confirmed that the oxidized protein is in a weak monomer/dimer equilibrium that is ionic-strength-dependent. The pseudoazurin was shown to be a highly active electron donor to cytochrome c peroxidase, and activity showed an ionic strength dependence consistent with an electrostatic interaction. The pseudoazurin has a very large dipole moment, the vector of which is positioned at the putative electron-transfer site, His81, and is conserved in this position across a wide range of blue copper proteins. Binding of the peroxidase to pseudoazurin causes perturbation of a set of NMR resonances associated with residues on the His81 face, including a ring of lysine residues. These lysines are associated with acidic residues just back from the rim, the resonances of which are also affected by binding to the peroxidase. We propose that these acidic residues moderate the electrostatic influence of the lysines and so ensure that specific charge interactions do not form across the interface with the peroxidase.  相似文献   

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