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From the stage of a completed membranous forespore to that of a fully ripened free spore, synchronously sporulating cells of a variant Bacillus cereus were studied by cytological and chemical methods. Particular attention was paid to the development of the three spore layers—cortex, coat, and exosporium—in relation to the forespore membrane. First, the cortex is laid down between the recently described (5) double layers of the forespore membrane. Then when the cortex is ⅓ fully formed, the spore coat and exosporium are laid down peripheral to the outer membrane layer covering the cortex. As these latter layers appear, the spores, previously dense by dark phase contrast, gradually "whiten" or show an increase in refractive index. With this whitening, calcium uptake commences, closely followed by the synthesis of dipicolinic acid and the process is terminated, an hour later, with the formation of a fully refractile spore. In calcium-deficient media, final refractility is lessened and dipicolinic acid is formed only in amounts proportional to the available calcium. If calcium is withheld during the period of uptake beyond a critical point, sporulating cells lose the ability to assimilate calcium and to form normal amounts of dipicolinic acid. The resulting deficient spores are liberated from the sporangia but are unstable in water suspensions. Unlike ripe spores, they do not react violently to acid hydrolysis and, in thin sections, their cytoplasmic granules continue to stain with lead solutions.  相似文献   

1. Organic acids when treated with H2O2 and Fe2(SO4)3 produce CO2 at a rate that can be measured by the indicator method. 2. In the case of acids containing a double bond, the rate of production of CO2 can be varied by the addition of an anesthetic. The changes in the rate of production of CO2 under the influence of a typical anesthetic, such as chloroform, show a striking resemblance to the reaction of the organism.  相似文献   

A method is described for assessing the systemic activity of compounds in checking the infection of broad bean ( Vicia faba ) by the fungi Botrytis cinerea or B. fabae. Treatment consisted in allowing the roots of young seedlings to stand in a solution containing 10 p.p.m. of the chemical for 2–3 weeks. The plants, together with controls, were then inoculated and when symptoms had had time to develop, the degree of chocolate spot infection was assessed. Several methods of disease assessment were examined and are critically discussed.
Certain phenoxyalkylcarboxylic acids tested by this method consistently gave a reduction in the mean size of fungus lesions on the bean leaves, clearly indicating systemic fungicidal action. The most promising substances were 2:4:6-trichlorophenoxyacetic, pentachlorophenoxyacetic and pentachlorophenoxy iso butyric acids. Further experiments with these compounds involving soil treatment, stem injection and spray application are described, and in most cases systemic fungicidal activity was clearly demonstrated. Certain compounds caused visible damage to the plants or resulted in a reduction in growth.
The results presented indicate that phenoxy acids can be fairly readily translocated in bean plants and that they tend to accumulate in actively growing tissues. It is considered unlikely, however, that they persist for long periods in plant tissue.
In the soil, the compounds appeared to remain effective for a considerable time, particularly the less soluble pentachloro acids, suggesting that soil application might provide a safe and useful method of treatment.  相似文献   

These experiments show that 7.3 and 3.65 per cent ether solutions cause an increase in respiration followed by a decrease. The results agree with those of Haas on Laminaria, of Gustafson on higher fungi, and of Mrs. Brooks on bacteria. They do not agree with the theory of Verworn that anesthesia is a kind of asphyxia and that it decreases respiration.  相似文献   

Artificial freezing caused leaf necrosis and twig die-back but did not produce cracks or cankers on living branches of three varieties of poplar. Freezing increased the damage caused by a well-established infection of the bacterial die-back and canker but checked new lesions. Freezing prior to infection has no appreciable effect on the establishment of the disease.  相似文献   

本文报道了O-乙基-S-正丙基硫代磷酸酯类化合物对棉蚜(Aphis gossypii Glover)、 粘虫(Leucania sepurata Walker)、家蝇(Musca vicina Macq.)的杀虫活性。初步的室内测定和部分田间小区试验结果表明,O-乙基-S-正丙基-O-取代苯基硫代(或二硫代)磷酸酯类化合物的杀虫活性显著地优于O、O-二乙基-O-取代苯基硫代磷酸酯。其中3103、3105、3111、3117、3169等活性较高。  相似文献   

The plant growth-regulating activity of all the mono- and di- chloro-substituted phenylacetic acids, together with the 2:3:6-trichloro- derivative, has been determined in the wheat cylinder, pea segment and pea curvature tests. Each of these compounds showed activity, the 2:3-dichloro- and the 2:3:6-trichloro- derivatives being extremely active. The 3:5-dichloro- acid was inactive in the wheat test but showed moderate activity in the pea tests.
All these findings are discussed in relation to the plant growth-regulating activity of corresponding benzoic and phenoxyacetic acids.  相似文献   

Spermatogenesis in Blasia pusilla L. was reexamined with electron optics to help evaluate conflicting results of the two earlier light microscope studies of this species. The present micrographic resumé of spermatid transformation confirms Sharp's observation of centrosomes in very young spermatids and agrees with Woodburn's general account of spermatozoid maturation. Further, male gamete development in Blasia is shown to be closely comparable to that of Marchantia and Pellia. It is concluded that Sharp's report of blepharoplast development in Blasia by fragmentation and coalescence was based on anomalous plant material.  相似文献   

从峨眉紫堇(Corydalis omeienensis)的根茎中分得十二种生物碱、经UV,IR,[α]_D,CD,~1H-NMR,~(13)C-NMR,MS及物理性质鉴定了它的结构。其中,(-)-tetrahydrocorysamine,为(-)-13-methylprotoberbrine类生物碱,为第二次从植物中获得,至今报导过的该类生物碱从天然得到的也仅此一个。  相似文献   

附丝壳属Appendiculella二个新种:赤苍藤附丝壳Appendiculella erythropali和忍冬附丝壳Appendiculella lonicerae,分别寄生在赤苍藤科植物赤苍藤Erythropalum scandens和忍冬科植物忍冬Lonicera japonica上。有拉丁文和英文描述,附了显微结构图。模式标本保存于广东省微生物研究所标本室(HMIGD)。  相似文献   

樟科植物中脂肪酸成分的分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了樟科11个属49种种子油和‘种果肉油的脂肪酸成分。其中樟族和木姜子族的各属种(滇新樟除外)种子油脂肪酸成分以 C_(10)、C_(12)和 C_(14)饱和或烯酸为主。而厚壳桂属、润楠和楠属种子油脂肪酸成分主要为棕榈酸、油酸和亚油酸。山苍子、天目木姜子、大果山胡椒、山橙、红脉钓樟、鸭公树和锈叶新木姜子种子油中的 C_(10)、C_(12)和 C_(14)烯酸经分离鉴定均是顺式Δ~4烯酸。  相似文献   

本文描述了采自北京香山的细子薄菜 Rorippa cantoniensis(Lour.)Ohwi(十字花科)上的一种新白粉菌 Erysiphe rorippae Chen & Zheng sp.DOV.蔊菜属是白粉菌属的寄主新记录。在附属丝形态上,本新种因附属丝往往在顶部略膨大呈棍棒形而与唇形科上的华阴白粉菌 Erysiphe huayinensis Zheng & Chen 颇为近似,但因子囊壳直径较大,子囊孢子数目较少、体积较大且在两端钝尖而与该种很易区分。与十字花科上的另外两个已知种,即十字花科白粉菌 Erysiphe cruciferarura(Opiz)Junell 和南芥白粉菌 Erysiphe arabidisZheng & Chen 相比则无论在什么方面都没有共同之处。这三个种可检索如下:  相似文献   

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