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We have cloned the Xenopus PDGF α receptor cDNA and have used this clone, along with cDNA encoding PDGF A, to examine their expression pattern in Xenopus embryos and to determine the factors responsible for lineage specificity. Recombinant Xenopus α receptor expressed in COS cells exhibits PDGF-A-dependent tyrosine kinase activity. We find that receptor mRNA is present in cultured marginal zone tissue explants and in animal cap tissue induced to form mesoderm either by grafting to vegetal tissue or by treatment with recombinant activin A. In contrast, PDGF A mRNA is expressed in cultured, untreated animal cap tissue and is suppressed by mesoderm induction. These results suggest that ectodermally produced PDGF A may act on the mesoderm during gastrulation and that mesoderm induction establishes the tissue pattern of ligand and receptor expression. © 1993Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Caveolin is a major structural component of caveolae and has been implicated in the regulation of the function of several caveolae-associated signaling molecules. Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) receptors and caveolin were colocalized in the same subcellular fraction after sucrose density gradient fractionation of fibroblasts. Additionally, we found that the PDGF receptors interacted with caveolin in NIH3T3 fibroblast cells. We then examined whether caveolin directly binds to PDGF receptors and inhibits kinase activity using a recombinant PDGF receptor overexpressed in insect cells and peptides derived from the scaffolding domain of caveolin subtypes. We found the peptide from caveolin-1 and -3, but not -2, inhibited the autophosphorylation of PDGF receptors in a dose-dependent manner. Similarly, caveolin-1 and -3 peptides directly bound to PDGF receptors. Mutational analysis using a series of truncated caveolin-3 peptides (20-, 17-, 14-, and 11-mer peptides) revealed that at least 17 amino acid residues of the peptide were required to inhibit and directly bind to PDGF receptors. Thus, our findings suggest that PDGF receptors directly interact with caveolin subtypes, leading to the inhibition of kinase activity. Caveolin may be another regulating factor of PDGF-mediated tyrosine kinase signaling.  相似文献   

We report the nucleotide sequences of two fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) cDNAs, FGFR1 and FGFR3, from the newt species Notophthalmus viridescens. These two cDNA sequences and a previously published newt FGFR cDNA, FGFR2, were used to derive the amino acid sequences which were then compared with their homologues from other species. This comparison shows that the intracellular tyrosine kinase domain is highly conserved across the species examined with the second half of the domain slightly more conserved than the first half. The 3 portion of the carboxyl terminal tail is not very highly conserved. The comparison of the extracellular portion of FGFR2 shows a high degree of conservation among the Ig-like domains and a low degree of conservation in the region that links the third Ig-like domain with the transmembrane domain. (Mol Cell Biochem 175: 11–19, 1997)  相似文献   

The neu receptor oncoprotein tyrosine kinase, capable of transforming cultured fibroblasts and causing mammary carcinomas in transgenic mice, carries a point mutation in its transmembrane domain and shows a constitutive tyrosine kinase activity. We analyzed the neu tyrosine kinase and its substrates in transfected NIH 3T3 fibroblasts by phosphotyrosine immunoblotting. Tyrosine phosphorylated proteins were similar but not identical in epidermal growth factor (EGF)-stimulated cells expressing the human EGF receptor (EGFR) or a chimeric EGFR/neu receptor but differed from phosphotyrosyl proteins constitutively expressed in neu oncogene-transformed cells. The neu oncoprotein in the latter cells was phosphorylated in tyrosine in a ligand-independent manner and had a shortened half-life in comparison with the normal neu protein. Tumor promoter pretreatment inhibited ligand-induced receptor tyrosine phosphorylation and decreased tyrosine phosphorylated neu oncoprotein. Prolonged pretreatment with 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate (TPA) also prevented the induction of immediate early growth factor-regulated genes in response to neu activation. Expression of the neu oncogene but not the protooncogene in NIH 3T3 cells was associated with enhanced levels of the jun and fos oncoproteins and loss of serum growth factor induction of immediate early mRNA responses. The constitutively activated neu oncoprotein tyrosine kinase thus deregulates cellular genomic responses to growth factors.  相似文献   

Insulin receptor (IR) and the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) were the first receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) to be studied in detail. Both are important clinical targets—in diabetes and cancer, respectively. They have unique extracellular domain compositions among RTKs, but share a common module with two ligand‐binding leucine‐rich‐repeat (LRR)‐like domains connected by a flexible cysteine‐rich (CR) domain (L1‐CR‐L2 in IR/domain, I‐II‐III in EGFR). This module is linked to the transmembrane region by three fibronectin type III domains in IR, and by a second CR in EGFR. Despite sharing this conserved ligand‐binding module, IR and EGFR family members are considered mechanistically distinct—in part because IR is a disulfide‐linked (αβ)2 dimer regardless of ligand binding, whereas EGFR is a monomer that undergoes ligand‐induced dimerization. Recent cryo‐electron microscopy (cryo‐EM) structures suggest a way of unifying IR and EGFR activation mechanisms and origins of negative cooperativity. In EGFR, ligand engages both LRRs in the ligand‐binding module, “closing” this module to break intramolecular autoinhibitory interactions and expose new dimerization sites for receptor activation. How insulin binds the activated IR was less clear until now. Insulin was known to associate with one LRR (L1), but recent cryo‐EM structures suggest that it also engages the second LRR (albeit indirectly) to “close” the L1‐CR‐L2 module, paralleling EGFR. This transition simultaneously breaks autoinhibitory interactions and creates new receptor‐receptor contacts—remodeling the IR dimer (rather than inducing dimerization per se) to activate it. Here, we develop this view in detail, drawing mechanistic links between IR and EGFR.  相似文献   

The aims of the present investigation were (a) to compare the lateral mobility of membrane receptors of human fibroblasts and polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNL) labelled with either platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), or the lectin wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), and (b) to study effects of serum or PDGF on the mobility of these receptor molecules in human fibroblasts. Human foreskin fibroblasts (AG 1523) were grown on coverslips either under standard (10%) or under serum-free conditions yielding normal and starved cells, respectively. The receptor mobility was studied in response to exposure to PDGF, or serum, in short time or prolonged incubations. Human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNL) were adhered to microscope slides by clotting drops of blood. They were stained with rhodaminated PDGF or fluoresceinated WGA. The diffusion of labelled receptors was assessed with fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP). It was found that (a) fibroblasts grown at normal serum concentration had a lower diffusion coefficient (D=3×10–10 cm2 s–1) for the PDGF-receptor and a slightly lower mobile fraction (R=60%) than starved cells (D=5×10–10 cm2s–1 and R=73%), (b) addition of serum to starved cells increased both D and R for the PDGF receptor to 12×10–10 cm2 s–1 and 96%, respectively, (c) a similar pattern was obtained for WGA-labelled glycoconjugates indicating general membrane effects of serum-induced cell stimulation, and (d) in PMNL the PDGF receptor displayed motility characteristics (D=3–4×10–10 cm2 s–1 and R=59%) similar to those in fibroblasts, possibly suggesting equivalent anchorage mechanisms in the membrane.  相似文献   

The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a transmembrane glycoprotein that is part of the family of tyrosine kinase receptors. The binding of EGFR to its cognate ligands leads to its autophosphorylation and subsequent activation of the signal transduction pathways involved in regulating cellular proliferation, differentiation, and survival. Accordingly, this receptor carries out both redundant and restricted functions in the germline development of mammals and in the maintenance of various adult tissues. Correspondingly, the loss of EGFR regulation results in many human diseases, with the most notable cancer. This receptor is overexpressed and/or mutated in multiple epithelial‐derived tumors, and associated with poor prognosis and survival in cancer patients. Here, we discuss in detail the role of EGFR in specific epithelial‐derived cancer pathologies; these include lung cancer, colorectal cancer, and squamous cell carcinomas. The development of multiple anticancer agents against EGFR diminished the progression and metastasis of tumors. Some of the most versatile therapeutic anti‐EGFR agents include the monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), demonstrating success in clinical settings when used in combination with cytotoxic treatments, such as chemotherapy and/or radiation. We thus discuss the development and application of two of the most notable therapeutic mAbs, cetuximab, and panitumumab, currently utilized in various EGFR‐related epithelial cancers.  相似文献   

The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) gives name to a family of receptors formed by four members in mammals (EGFR, ErbB2, ErbB3, and ErbB4). Members of this family can be activated to become potent oncogenes, and many human and animal tumors express qualitatively or quantitatively altered receptors from this group. We have isolated and characterized a second egfr gene in the melanoma model fish Xiphophorus. Both Xiphophorus egfra and egfrb duplicates are co-orthologs of the mammalian egfr gene. Database analysis showed that not only egfr but also erbB3 and erbB4 are present as duplicates in some fish species. They originated from ancient duplication events that might be consistent with the hypothesis of a fish-specific genome duplication. In Xiphophorus, the egfrb gene underwent a second duplication that generated the melanoma-inducing oncogene Xmrk. The study and comparison of some of the functional characteristics of both Xiphophorus EGF receptors, including expression profile, ligand-binding abilities, and intracellular signal transduction revealed that Xiphophorus Egfra not only shares common features with Egfrb and the human EGFR but also shows significant differences in its functional characteristics. The mechanism of maintenance of these duplicates remains to be clarified.  相似文献   

SSKOIDE 《Cell research》1997,7(1):51-59
INTRODUCTIONEpidermalgrowthfactor(EGF)wasinitiallyisolatedandpurifiedfromthesubmaxillarygland(SMG)ofmalemouse[1].Itisapolypeptidecomposedof53aminoacidresidues[2].Itinfluencescellproliferationanddifferentiationandmodulatesthegrowthanddevelopmentofmammalianorgans[3--7].AnoteworthyfindingisthatextirpationofmouseSMGresultsinamarkedreductionofserumEGFconcentrationassociatedwithanimpairedspermatogenesis[3].ThisfindingsuggeststhatEGFmayregulatespermproductionanddifferentiation.Inhumantest…  相似文献   

The process of TNF-induced cytotoxicity is complex but appears to be mediated through a TNF-specific cell surface receptor. Recent evidence suggests that TNF action on tumor cells may be antagonized by epidermal growth factor (EGF) and other EGF-receptor modulatory peptides implicating a role for EGF-R in the process of TNF-induced cytotoxicity. In the present report, we investigated the biochemical actions of TNF on several biochemical events known to occur in the process of EGF signal transduction in intact cells. The actions of TNF were compared directly to those of EGF in both TNF-sensitive and -resistant tumor cell lines. In TNF-sensitive ME-180 cervical carcinoma cells, TNF (20 ng/ml) stimulated the tyrosine protein kinase activity of the EGF-receptor (EGF-R) fivefold when measured by receptor autophosphorylation in an immune complex kinase assay. TNF activation of EGF-R kinase activity in ME-180 was measurable 10 min after TNF incubation and enzymatic activity remained elevated 20 min after TNF addition. Activation of the receptor by TNF correlated with increased 32P incorporation into EGF-R protein when receptor was immunoprecipitated from 32P-equilibrated cells following a 20 min incubation with TNF. Acid hydrolysis of EGF-R protein isolated from TNF-treated ME-180 cells demonstrates an increase in the phosphotyrosine content of EGF-R when compared to receptor isolated from untreated cells. The results suggest that TNF increased EGF-R tyrosine protein kinase activity and the state of EGF-receptor tyrosine phosphorylation in a manner similar to that reported for EGF. However, TNF does not appear to be structurally related to EGF since TNF was unable to directly activate EGF-R when incubated with extensively washed immunoprecipitates of EGF-R. In TNF-resistant T24 bladder carcinoma cells, TNF failed to alter EGF-R tyrosine protein kinase activity although both EGF and phorbol ester were shown to modulate the enzymatic activity of the receptor in these cells. These results indicate that the ability of TNF to modulate EGF-R kinase in target cells may correlate with its cytotoxic actions on TNF-sensitive tumor cells. Other biochemical activities associated with the induction or regulation of cellular growth were examined in TNF- or EGF-treated tumor cells. EGF stimulated a rapid 8-16-fold increase in the expression of the proto-oncogene c-myc when analyzed by dot-blot analysis of total cellular RNA or Northern blot hybridization of polyadenylated RNA. TNF treatment failed to alter c-myc expression in ME-180 cells when analyzed by either technique.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Dimerization of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) leads to the activation of its tyrosine kinase. To elucidate whether dimerization is responsible for activation of the intracellular tyrosine kinase domain or just plays a role in the stabilization of the active form, the activated status of wild-type EGFR moiety in the heterodimer with kinase activity-deficient mutant receptors was investigated. The kinase activity of the wild-type EGFR was partially activated by EGF in the heterodimer with intracellular domain deletion (sEGFR) or ATP binding-deficient mutant (K721A) EGFRs, while the wild-type EGFR in the heterodimer of wild-type and phosphate transfer activity-deficient mutant receptor D813N could be fully activated. After treatment with EGF, the ATP binding affinity and the V(max) of the wild-type EGFR increased. In the presence of sEGFR, a similar increase in the affinity for ATP was observed, but V(max) did not change. A two-step activation mechanism for EGFR was proposed: upon binding of EGF, the affinity for ATP increased and then, as a result of interaction between the neighboring tyrosine kinase domain, V(max) increased.  相似文献   

Previously we found that short peptides surrounding major autophosphorylation sites of EGFR (VPEY(1068)INQ, DY(1148)QQD, and ENAEY(1173)LR) suppress phosphorylation of purified EGFR to 30-50% at 4000 microM. In an attempt to improve potencies of the peptides, we modified the sequences by substituting various amino acids for tyrosine or by substituting Gln and Asn for Glu and Asp, respectively. Among the modified peptides, Asp/Asn- and Glu/Gln-substitution in DYQQD (NYQQN) and ENAEYLR (QNAQYLR), respectively, improved inhibitory potencies. The inhibitory potency of NYQQN was not affected by the concentration of ATP, while that of QNAQYLR was affected. Docking simulations showed different mechanisms of inhibition for the peptides: inhibition by binding to the ATP-binding site (QNAQYLR) and inhibition by binding to a region surrounded by alphaC, the activation loop, and the catalytic loop and interfering with the catalytic reaction (NYQQN). The inhibitory potency of NYQQN for insulin receptor drastically decreased, whereas QNAQYLR inhibited autophosphorylation of insulin receptor as well as EGFR. In conclusion, NYQQN is not an ATP-competitive inhibitor and the binding site of this peptide appears to be novel as a tyrosine kinase inhibitor. NYQQN could be a promising seed for the development of anti-cancer drugs having specificity for EGFR.  相似文献   

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a platelet concentrate in a small volume of plasma. It is highly enriched in growth factors able to stimulate the migration and growth of bone-forming cells. PRP is often used in clinical applications, as dental surgery and fracture healing. Platelet derived growth factor (PDGF), is highly concentrated in PRP and it was shown in our previous studies to provide the chemotactic stimulus to SaOS-2 osteoblasts to move in a microchemotaxis assay. Aim of the present studies is to analyze the effects of a PRP pretreatment (short time course: 30–150 min) of SaOS-2 cells with PRP on the organization of actin cytoskeleton, the main effector of cell mobility. The results indicate that a pretreatment with PRP increases chemokinesis and chemotaxis and concomitantly induces the organization of actin microfilaments, visualized by immunocytochemistry, in a directionally elongated phenotype, which is characteristic of the cells able to move. PRP also produces a transient increase in the expression of PGDF α receptor. This reorganization is blocked by the immunoneutralization of PDGF demonstrating the responsibility of this growth factor in triggering the mechanisms responsible for cellular movements.  相似文献   

Regulation of the epidermal growth factor receptor by phosphorylation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The receptor for epidermal growth factor (EGF) is a glycosylated transmembrane phosphoprotein that exhibits EGF-stimulable protein tyrosine kinase activity. On EGF stimulation, the receptor undergoes a self-phosphorylation reaction at tyrosine residues located primarily in the extreme carboxyl-terminal region of the protein. Using enzymatically active EGF receptor purified by immunoaffinity chromatography from A431 human epidermoid carcinoma cells, the self-phosphorylation reaction has been characterized as a rapid, intramolecular process which is maximal at 30-37 degrees C and exhibits a very low Km for ATP (0.2 microM). When phosphorylation of exogenous peptide substrates was measured as a function of receptor self-phosphorylation, tyrosine kinase activity was found to be enhanced two to threefold at 1-2 mol of phosphate per mol of receptor. Analysis of the dependence of the tyrosine kinase activity on ATP concentration yielded hyperbolic kinetics when plotted in double-reciprocal fashion, indicating that ATP can serve as an activator of the enzyme. Higher concentrations of peptide substrates were found to inhibit both the self- and peptide phosphorylation, but this inhibition could be overcome by first self-phosphorylating the enzyme. These results suggest that self-phosphorylation can remove a competitive/inhibitory constraint so that certain exogenous substrates can have greater access to the enzyme active site. In addition to self-phosphorylation, the EGF receptor can be phosphorylated on threonine residues by the calcium- and phospholipid-dependent protein kinase C. The sites on the EGF receptor phosphorylated in vitro by protein kinase C are identical to the sites phosphorylated on the receptor isolated from A431 cells exposed to the tumor promoters 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate or teleocidin. This phosphorylation of the EGF receptor results in a suppression of its tyrosine kinase and EGF binding activities both in vivo and in vitro. The EGF receptor can thus be variably regulated by phosphorylation: self-phosphorylation can enhance tyrosine kinase activity whereas protein kinase C-catalyzed phosphorylation can depress enzyme activity. Because these two phosphorylations account for only a fraction of the phosphate present in the EGF receptor in vivo, other protein kinases can apparently phosphorylate the receptor and these may exert additional controls on EGF receptor/kinase function.  相似文献   

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a platelet concentrate in a small volume of plasma. It is highly enriched in growth factors able to stimulate the migration and growth of bone-forming cells. PRP is often used in clinical applications, as dental surgery and fracture healing. Platelet derived growth factor (PDGF), is highly concentrated in PRP and it was shown in our previous studies to provide the chemotactic stimulus to SaOS-2 osteoblasts to move in a microchemotaxis assay. Aim of the present studies is to analyze the effects of a PRP pretreatment (short time course: 30–150 min) of SaOS-2 cells with PRP on the organization of actin cytoskeleton, the main effector of cell mobility. The results indicate that a pretreatment with PRP increases chemokinesis and chemotaxis and concomitantly induces the organization of actin microfilaments, visualized by immunocytochemistry, in a directionally elongated phenotype, which is characteristic of the cells able to move. PRP also produces a transient increase in the expression of PGDF α receptor. This reorganization is blocked by the immunoneutralization of PDGF demonstrating the responsibility of this growth factor in triggering the mechanisms responsible for cellular movements.  相似文献   

The keratinocyte growth factor receptor or fibroblast growth factor receptor 2b (KGFR/FGFR2b) is activated by the specific interaction with the keratinocyte growth factor (KGF/FGF7), which targets the receptor to the degradative pathway, and the fibroblast growth factor 10 (FGF10/KGF2), which drives the receptor to the juxtanuclear recycling route. Hrs plays a key role in the regulation of the endocytic degradative transport of ubiquitinated receptor tyrosine kinases, but the direct involvement of this protein in the regulation of FGFR endocytosis has not been investigated yet. We investigated here the possible role of Hrs in the alternative endocytic pathways of KGFR. Quantitative immunofluorescence microscopy and biochemical analysis showed that both overexpression and siRNA interference of Hrs inhibit the KGF-triggered KGFR degradation, blocking receptor transport to lysosomes and causing its rapid reapparance at the plasma membrane. In contrast, the FGF10-induced KGFR targeting to the recycling compartment is not affected by Hrs overexpression or depletion. Coimmunoprecipitation approaches indicated that Hrs is recruited to KGFR only after KGF treatment, although it is not tyrosine phosphorylated by the ligand. In conclusion, Hrs regulates the KGFR degradative pathway, but not its juxtanuclear recycling transport. In addition, the results suggest that Hrs recruitment to the receptor, but not its ligand-induced phosphorylation, could be required for its function.  相似文献   

Angiogenesis is regulated by chemical and mechanical factors in vivo. The regulatory role of mechanical factors and how chemical and mechanical angiogenic regulators work in concert remains to be explored. We investigated the effect of cyclic uniaxial stretch (20%, 1 Hz), with and without the stimulation of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), on sprouting angiogenesis by employing a stretchable three‐dimensional cell culture model. When compared to static controls, stretch alone significantly increased the density of endothelial sprouts, and these sprouts aligned perpendicular to the direction of stretch. The Rho‐associated kinase (ROCK) inhibitor Y27632 suppressed stretch‐induced sprouting angiogenesis and associated sprout alignment. While VEGF is a potent angiogenic stimulus through ROCK‐dependent pathways, the combination of VEGF and stretch did not have an additive effect on angiogenesis. In the presence of VEGF stimulation, the ROCK inhibitor suppressed stretch‐induced sprout alignment but did not affect stretch‐induced sprout density; in contrast, the receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) inhibitor sunitinib had no effect on stretch‐induced alignment but trended toward suppressed stretch‐induced sprout density. Our results suggest that the formation of sprouts and their directionality do not have completely identical regulatory pathways, and thus it is possible to separately manipulate the number and pattern of new sprouts. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 31:248–257, 2015  相似文献   

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