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Flavoprotein monooxygenases reduce flavins, speed their reaction with oxygen, and stabilize a C4a-oxygen adduct long enough to use this reactive species to transfer an oxygen atom to a substrate. The flavin-oxygen adduct can be the C4a-peroxide anion, in which case it reacts as a nucleophile. The protonated adduct - the C4a-hydroperoxide - reacts as an electrophile. The elimination of H2O2 competes with substrate oxygenation. This side-reaction is suppressed, preventing the waste of NAD(P)H and the production of toxic H2O2. Several strategies have been uncovered that prevent the deleterious side-reaction while still allowing substrate hydroxylation.  相似文献   

p-Hydroxyphenylacetate (HPA) 3-hydroxylase is a two-component flavin-dependent monooxygenase. Based on the crystal structure of the oxygenase component (C2), His-396 is 4.5 Å from the flavin C4a locus, whereas Ser-171 is 2.9 Å from the flavin N5 locus. We investigated the roles of these two residues in the stability of the C4a-hydroperoxy-FMN intermediate. The results indicated that the rate constant for C4a-hydroperoxy-FMN formation decreased ∼30-fold in H396N, 100-fold in H396A, and 300-fold in the H396V mutant, compared with the wild-type enzyme. Lesser effects of the mutations were found for the subsequent step of H2O2 elimination. Studies on pH dependence showed that the rate constant of H2O2 elimination in H396N and H396V increased when pH increased with pKa >9.6 and >9.7, respectively, similar to the wild-type enzyme (pKa >9.4). These data indicated that His-396 is important for the formation of the C4a-hydroperoxy-FMN intermediate but is not involved in H2O2 elimination. Transient kinetics of the Ser-171 mutants with oxygen showed that the rate constants for the H2O2 elimination in S171A and S171T were ∼1400-fold and 8-fold greater than the wild type, respectively. Studies on the pH dependence of S171A with oxygen showed that the rate constant of H2O2 elimination increased with pH rise and exhibited an approximate pKa of 8.0. These results indicated that the interaction of the hydroxyl group side chain of Ser-171 and flavin N5 is required for the stabilization of C4a-hydroperoxy-FMN. The double mutant S171A/H396V reacted with oxygen to directly form the oxidized flavin without stabilizing the C4a-hydroperoxy-FMN intermediate, which confirmed the findings based on the single mutation that His-396 was important for formation and Ser-171 for stabilization of the C4a-hydroperoxy-FMN intermediate in C2.  相似文献   

Angucyclines are aromatic polyketides produced in Streptomycetes via complex enzymatic biosynthetic pathways. PgaE and CabE from S. sp PGA64 and S. sp. H021 are two related homo-dimeric FAD and NADPH dependent aromatic hydroxylases involved in the early steps of the angucycline core modification. Here we report the three-dimensional structures of these two enzymes determined by X-ray crystallography using multiple anomalous diffraction and molecular replacement, respectively, to resolutions of 1.8 A and 2.7 A. The enzyme subunits are built up of three domains, a FAD binding domain, a domain involved in substrate binding and a C-terminal thioredoxin-like domain of unknown function. The structure analysis identifies PgaE and CabE as members of the para-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase (pHBH) fold family of aromatic hydroxylases. In contrast to phenol hydroxylase and 3-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase that utilize the C-terminal domain for dimer formation, this domain is not part of the subunit-subunit interface in PgaE and CabE. Instead, dimer assembly occurs through interactions of their FAD binding domains. FAD is bound non-covalently in the "in"-conformation. The active sites in the two enzymes differ significantly from those of other aromatic hydroxylases. The volumes of the active site are significantly larger, as expected in view of the voluminous tetracyclic angucycline substrates. The structures further suggest that substrate binding and catalysis may involve dynamic rearrangements of the middle domain relative to the other two domains. Site-directed mutagenesis studies of putative catalytic groups in the active site of PgaE argue against enzyme-catalyzed substrate deprotonation as a step in catalysis. This is in contrast to pHBH, where deprotonation/protonation of the substrate has been suggested as an essential part of the enzymatic mechanism.  相似文献   

HadA is a flavin-dependent monooxygenase catalyzing hydroxylation plus dehalogenation/denitration, which is useful for biodetoxification and biodetection. In this study, the X-ray structure of wild-type HadA (HadAWT) co-complexed with reduced FAD (FADH) and 4-nitrophenol (4NP) (HadAWT−FADH−4NP) was solved at 2.3-Å resolution, providing the first full package (with flavin and substrate bound) structure of a monooxygenase of this type. Residues Arg101, Gln158, Arg161, Thr193, Asp254, Arg233, and Arg439 constitute a flavin-binding pocket, whereas the 4NP-binding pocket contains the aromatic side chain of Phe206, which provides π-π stacking and also is a part of the hydrophobic pocket formed by Phe155, Phe286, Thr449, and Leu457. Based on site-directed mutagenesis and stopped-flow experiments, Thr193, Asp254, and His290 are important for C4a-hydroperoxyflavin formation with His290, also serving as a catalytic base for hydroxylation. We also identified a novel structural motif of quadruple π-stacking (π-π-π-π) provided by two 4NP and two Phe441 from two subunits. This motif promotes 4NP binding in a nonproductive dead-end complex, which prevents C4a-hydroperoxy-FAD formation when HadA is premixed with aromatic substrates. We also solved the structure of the HadAPhe441Val−FADH−4NP complex at 2.3-Å resolution. Although 4NP can still bind to this variant, the quadruple π-stacking motif was disrupted. All HadAPhe441 variants lack substrate inhibition behavior, confirming that quadruple π-stacking is a main cause of dead-end complex formation. Moreover, the activities of these HadAPhe441 variants were improved by ⁓20%, suggesting that insights gained from the flavin-dependent monooxygenases illustrated here should be useful for future improvement of HadA’s biocatalytic applications.  相似文献   

para-Hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase is a flavoprotein monooxygenase that catalyzes a reaction in two parts: reduction of the enzyme cofactor, FAD, by NADPH in response to binding p-hydroxybenzoate to the enzyme, then oxidation of reduced FAD by oxygen to form a hydroperoxide, which oxygenates p-hydroxybenzoate to form 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate. These diverse reactions all occur within a single polypeptide and are achieved through conformational rearrangements of the isoalloxazine ring and protein residues within the protein structure. In this review, we examine the complex dynamic behavior of the protein that enables regulated fast and specific catalysis to occur. Original research papers (principally from the past 15 years) provide the information that is used to develop a comprehensive overview of the catalytic process. Much of this information has come from detailed analysis of many specific mutants of the enzyme using rapid reaction technology, biophysical measurements, and high-resolution structures obtained by X-ray crystallography. We describe how three conformations of the enzyme provide a foundation for the catalytic cycle. One conformation has a closed active site for the conduct of the oxygen reactions, which must occur in the absence of solvent. The second conformation has a partly open active site for exchange of substrate and product, and the third conformation has a closed protein structure with the isoalloxazine ring rotated out to the surface for reaction with NADPH, which binds in a surface cleft. A fundamental feature of the enzyme is a H-bond network that connects the phenolic group of the substrate in the buried active site to the surface of the protein. This network serves to protonate and deprotonate the substrate and product in the active site to promote catalysis and regulate the coordination of conformational states for efficient catalysis.  相似文献   

Abstract The first two steps in the catabolism of 4-hydroxybenzoate by the ascomycetous yeast Candida parapsilosis CBS604 were investigated. In contrast to the well-known bacterial pathways and to what was previously assumed, metabolism of 4-hydroxybenzoate in C. parapsilosis proceeds through initial oxidative decarboxylation to give 1,4-dihydroxybenzene. This reaction is catalyzed by a NAD(P)H and FAD-dependent 4-hydroxybenzoate 1-hydroxylase. Further metabolism of 1,4-dihydroxybenzene to the ring-fission substrate 1,2,4-trihydroxybenzene is catalyzed by a NADPH-specific FAD-dependent aromatic hydroxylase acting on phenolic compounds. 19F-NMR experiments with cell extracts and 2-fluoro-4-hydroxybenzoate as the model compound confirm this metabolic pathway and exclude the alternative pathway proceeding through initial 3-hydroxylation followed by oxidative decarboxylation in the second step.  相似文献   

Styrene monooxygenase (SMO) from Pseudomonas putida S12 is a two-component flavoenzyme composed of the NADH-specific flavin reductase, SMOB, and FAD-specific styrene epoxidase, SMOA. Here, we report the cloning, and expression of native and histidine-tagged versions of SMOA and SMOB and studies of the flavin transfer and styrene oxygenation reactions. In the reductive half-reaction, SMOB catalyzes the two-electron reduction of FAD with a turnover number of 3200 s(-1). Single turnover studies of the reaction of reduced SMOA with substrates indicate the formation of a stable oxygen intermediate with the absorbance characteristics of a flavin hydroperoxide. Based on the results of numerical simulations of the steady-state mechanism of SMO, we find that the observed coupling of NADH and styrene oxidation can be best explained by a model, which includes both the direct transfer and passive diffusion of reduced FAD from SMOB to SMOA.  相似文献   

The substrate range of the haem monooxygenase cytochrome P450cam (CYP101) has been broadened by site-directed mutagenesis. The hydroxylation selectivity of five mutants at the 96 position towards a range of substrates has been used to investigate P450cam -substrate molecular recognition. The substrates contained aromatic and activated and unactivated aliphatic C---H bonds, as well as reactive functional groups. Diphenylmethane, diphenylether, diphenylamine, and 1,1-di-phenylethylene were all hydroxylated regiospecifically at the para position, with no attack at the amine or the olefinic double bond. With benzylcyclohexane the activated benzylic and tertiary C---H bonds were not attacked, and the reactions catalysed by the Y96G and Y96A mutants were highly diastereoselective, with 4-trans-benzylcyclohexanol constituting 90% of the products. 1-Phenyl-1-cyclohexylethylene was oxidised predominantly at the 4-position of the cyclohexane ring without attack at the olefinic double bond, and approximately equal amounts of cis- and trans-4-phenylethenylcyclohexanol were formed. These results show that P450cam can be engineered to oxidise C---H bonds without attacking more reactive functional groups.  相似文献   

Bacteria are equipped with two-component systems to cope with environmental changes, and auxiliary proteins provide response to additional stimuli. The Cpx two-component system is the global modulator of cell envelope stress in Gram-negative bacteria that integrates very different signals and consists of the kinase CpxA, the regulator CpxR, and the dual function auxiliary protein CpxP. CpxP both inhibits activation of CpxA and is indispensable for the quality control system of P pili that are crucial for uropathogenic Escherichia coli during kidney colonization. How these two essential biological functions of CpxP are linked is not known. Here, we report the crystal structure of CpxP at 1.45 Å resolution with two monomers being interdigitated like “left hands” forming a cap-shaped dimer. Our combined structural and functional studies suggest that CpxP inhibits the kinase CpxA through direct interaction between its concave polar surface and the negatively charged sensor domain on CpxA. Moreover, an extended hydrophobic cleft on the convex surface suggests a potent substrate recognition site for misfolded pilus subunits. Altogether, the structural details of CpxP provide a first insight how a periplasmic two-component system inhibitor blocks its cognate kinase and is released from it.  相似文献   

The PhoP-PhoQ two-component system is commonly used by bacteria to sense environmental factors. Here we show that the PhoP-PhoQ system of Edwardsiella tarda detects changes in environmental temperature and Mg(2+) concentration as well as regulates the type III and VI secretion systems through direct activation of esrB. Protein secretion is activated from 23 to 35 °C or at low Mg(2+) concentrations, but it is suppressed at or below 20 °C, at or above 37 °C, or at high Mg(2+) concentrations. The effects of temperature and Mg(2+) concentration are additive. The PhoQ sensor domain has a low T(m) of 37.9 °C, and it detects temperatures through a conformational change of its secondary structure. Mutation of specific Pro or Thr residues increased the stability of the PhoQ sensor drastically, altering its temperature-sensing ability. The PhoQ sensor detects Mg(2+) concentration through the direct binding of Mg(2+) to a cluster of acidic residues (DDDSAD) and through changes that likely affect its tertiary structure. Here, we describe for the first time the use of PhoP-PhoQ as a temperature sensor for bacterial virulence control.  相似文献   

Galactokinase catalyses the phosphorylation of α-d-galactose and some structurally related monosaccharides. The enzyme is of interest due to its potential as a biocatalyst for the production of sugar 1-phosphates and due to its involvement in the inherited metabolic disease type II galactosemia. It has been previously shown that a region (residues 231–245) in human galactokinase often has altered mobility when active site residues are varied. We hypothesised that the reverse may be true and that designing changes to this region might affect the functioning of the active site of the enzyme. Focussing on four residues (Leu-231, Gln-242, Glu-244 and Glu-245) we conducted molecular dynamics simulations to explore the effects of changing these residues to glycine or serine. In most cases the variations resulted in local changes to the 231–245 region and global changes to the root mean squared fluctuation (RMSF) of the protein. The four serine variants were expressed as recombinant proteins. All had altered steady state enzyme kinetic parameters with α-d-galactose as a substrate. However, these changes were generally less than ten-fold in magnitude. Changes were also observed with 2-deoxy-α-d-galactose, α-d-galactosamine and α-d-talose as substrates, including (in some cases) loss of detectable activity, suggesting that these variations can tune the specificity of the enzyme. This study demonstrates that activity and specificity of human galactokinase can be modulated by variations designed to affect active site flexibility. It is likely that this principle can be generalised to other enzymes.  相似文献   

Recent kinetic studies established that the positive charge on the trimethylammonium group of choline plays an important role in substrate binding and specificity in the reaction catalyzed by choline oxidase. In the present study, pH and solvent viscosity effects with the isosteric analogue of choline 3,3-dimethyl-butan-1-ol have been used to further dissect the contribution of the substrate positive charge to substrate binding and catalysis in the reaction catalyzed by choline oxidase. Both the kcat and kcat/Km values with 3,3-dimethyl-butan-1-ol increased to limiting values that were approximately 3- and approximately 400-times lower than those observed with choline, defining pKa values that were similar to the thermodynamic pKa value of approximately 7.5 previously determined. No effects of increased solvent viscosity were observed on the kcat and kcat/Km values with the substrate analogue at pH 8, suggesting that the chemical step of substrate oxidation is fully rate-limiting for the overall turnover and the reductive half-reaction in which the alcohol substrate is oxidized to the aldehyde. The kcat/Km value for oxygen determined with the substrate analogue was pH-independent in the pH range from 6 to 10, with an average value that was approximately 75-times lower than that previously determined with choline as substrate. These data are consistent with the positive charge headgroup of choline playing important roles for substrate binding and flavin oxidation, with minimal contribution to substrate oxidation.  相似文献   

The three-component toluene dioxygenase system consists of an FAD-containing reductase, a Rieske-type [2Fe-2S] ferredoxin, and a Rieske-type dioxygenase. The task of the FAD-containing reductase is to shuttle electrons from NADH to the ferredoxin, a reaction the enzyme has to catalyze in the presence of dioxygen. We investigated the kinetics of the reductase in the reductive and oxidative half-reaction and detected a stable charge transfer complex between the reduced reductase and NAD+ at the end of the reductive half-reaction, which is substantially less reactive toward dioxygen than the reduced reductase in the absence of NAD+. A plausible reason for the low reactivity toward dioxygen is revealed by the crystal structure of the complex between NAD+ and reduced reductase, which shows that the nicotinamide ring and the protein matrix shield the reactive C4a position of the isoalloxazine ring and force the tricycle into an atypical planar conformation, both factors disfavoring the reaction of the reduced flavin with dioxygen. A rapid electron transfer from the charge transfer complex to electron acceptors further reduces the risk of unwanted side reactions, and the crystal structure of a complex between the reductase and its cognate ferredoxin shows a short distance between the electron-donating and -accepting cofactors. Attraction between the two proteins is likely mediated by opposite charges at one large patch of the complex interface. The stability, specificity, and reactivity of the observed charge transfer and electron transfer complexes are thought to prevent the reaction of reductaseTOL with dioxygen and thus present a solution toward conflicting requirements.  相似文献   

This work describes molecular dynamics (MD) simulations in aqueous media for the complex of the homotetrameric urate oxidase (UOX) from Aspergillus flavus with xanthine anion ( 5 ) in the presence of dioxygen (O2). After 196.6 ns of trajectory from unrestrained MD, a O2 molecule was observed leaving the bulk solvent to penetrate the enzyme between two subunits, A/C. From here, the same O2 molecule was observed migrating, across subunit C, to the hydrophobic cavity that shares residue V227 with the active site. The latter was finally attained, after 378.3 ns of trajectory, with O2 at a bonding distance from 5 . The reverse same O2 pathway, from 5 to the bulk solvent, was observed as preferred pathway under random acceleration MD (RAMD), where an external, randomly oriented force was acting on O2. Both MD and RAMD simulations revealed several cavities populated by O2 during its migration from the bulk solvent to the active site or backwards. Paying attention to the last hydrophobic cavity that apparently serves as O2 reservoir for the active site, it was noticed that its volume undergoes ample fluctuations during the MD simulation, as expected from the thermal motion of a flexible protein, independently from the particular subunit and no matter whether the cavity is filled or not by O2.  相似文献   

The flavoprotein tryptophan 2-monooxygenase catalyzes the oxidative decarboxylation of tryptophan to indoleacetamide. His338, Cys339, and Cys511 of the Pseudomonas savastanoi enzyme were previously identified as possible active-site residues by modification with 2-oxo-3-pentynoate ([G. Gadda, L.J. Dangott, W.H. Johnson Jr., C.P. Whitman, P.F. Fitzpatrick, Biochemistry 38 (1999) 5822-5828]). The H338N, C339A, and C511S enzymes have been characterized to determine the roles of these residues in catalysis. The steady-state kinetic parameters with both tryptophan and methionine decrease only slightly in the case of the H338N and C339A enzymes; the decrease in activity is greater for the C511S enzyme. Only in the case of the C511S enzyme do deuterium kinetic isotope effects on kinetic parameters indicate a significant change in catalytic rates. The structural bases for the effects of the mutations can be interpreted by identification of L-amino acid oxidase and tryptophan monooxygenase as homologous proteins.  相似文献   

Dynamics of large-amplitude conformational motions in proteins are complex and less understood, although these processes are intimately associated with structure, folding, stability, and function of proteins. Here, we use a large set of spectra obtained by cross-relaxation suppressed exchange NMR spectroscopy (EXSY) to study the 180° flipping motion of the Y97 ring of horse ferricytochrome c as a function of near-physiological temperature in the 288–308 K range. With rising temperature, the ring-flip rate constant makes a continuous transition from Arrhenius to anti-Arrhenius behavior through a narrow Arrhenius-like zone. This behavior is seen not only for the native state of the protein, but also for native-like states generated by adding subdenaturing amounts of guanidine deuterochloride (GdnDCl). Moderately destabilizing concentrations of the denaturant (1.5 M GdnDCl) completely removes the Arrhenius-like feature from the temperature window employed. The Arrhenius to anti-Arrhenius transition can be explained by the heat capacity model where temperature strengthens ground state interactions, perhaps hydrophobic in nature. The effect of the denaturant may appear to arise from direct protein-denaturant interactions that are structure-stabilizing under subdenaturing conditions. The temperature distribution of rate constants under different stability conditions also suggests that the prefactor in Arrhenius-like relations is temperature dependent. Although the use of the transition state theory (TST) offers several challenges associated with data interpretation, the present results and a consideration of others published earlier provide evidence for complexity of ring-flip dynamics in proteins.  相似文献   

Single-molecule experiments are performed by investigating spectroscopic properties of molecules either diffusing in and out of the observation volume or fixed in space by different immobilization procedures. To evaluate the effect of immobilization methods on the structural and dynamic properties of proteins, a highly fluorescent mutant of the green fluorescent protein, GFPmut2, was spectroscopically characterized in bulk solutions, dispersed on etched glasses, and encapsulated in wet, nanoporous silica gels. The emission spectrum, the fluorescence lifetimes, the anisotropy, and the rotational correlation time of GFPmut2, encapsulated in silica gels, are very similar to those obtained in solution. This finding indicates that the gel matrix does not alter the protein conformation and dynamics. In contrast, the fluorescence lifetimes of GFPmut2 on glasses are two-to fourfold higher and the fluorescence anisotropy decays yield almost no phase shifts. This indicates that the interaction of the protein with the bare glass surface induces a significant structural perturbation and severely restricts the rotational motion. Single molecules of GFPmut2 on glasses or in silica gels, identified by confocal image analysis, show a significant stability to illumination with bleaching times of the order of 90 and 60 sec, respectively. Overall, these data indicate that silica gels represent an ideal matrix for following biologically relevant events at a single molecule level.  相似文献   


The application of Molecular-Dynamics simulation in protein-crystallographic structure refinement has become common practice. In this paper, structure optimizations are described where the driving force is derived only from the crystallographic data and not from any physical potential energy function. Under this extreme condition ab initio structure refinement and the application of structure-factor time averaging was investigated using a small 9 atom test system. Success in ab initio refinement, where the starting atomic positions are randomly distributed, depends on the resolution of the crystallographic data used in the optimization. The presence of high resolution data introduces false minima in the X-ray energy profile, enhancing the search problem significantly. On the same system, we also tested the method of time-averaged crystallographically restrained Molecular Dynamics, again in the absence of a physical force field. In this method, the diffraction data is modelled by an ensemble of structures instead of one single structure. In comparison to conventional single-structure refinement, more reflections were required to determine a correct atomic distribution. A time-averaging simulation at 0.2 nm resolution (40 reflections) yielded an incorrect distribution, although a low R-factor was obtained. Simulations at 0.1 nm resolution (248 reflections) gave both low R-factors, 3 to 4%, and correct atomic distributions. The scale factor between the observed and time-averaged calculated structure factor amplitudes appeared to be unstable, when optimized during a time-averaging simulation. Tests of time-averaged restrained simulations with noise added to the observed structure-factor amplitudes, indicated that noise is modelled when no information in the form of constraints or restraints is available to distinguish it from real data.  相似文献   

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