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We have examined the use of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) to measure DNA double-strand breaks induced in CHO cells by ionizing radiation. The PFGE assay provides a simple method for the measurement of DNA double-strand breaks for doses as low as 3-4 Gy ionizing radiation, and appears applicable for the measurement of damage produced by any agent producing double-strand breaks. The conditions of transverse alternating field electrophoresis determined both the sensitivity of the assay and the ability to resolve DNA fragments with different sizes. For example, with 0.8% agarose and a 1-min pulse time at 250 V for 18 h of electrophoresis, 0.39% of the DNA per gray migrated into the gel, and only molecules less than 1500 kb could be resolved. With 0.56% agarose and a 60-min pulse time at 40 V for 6 days of electrophoresis, 0.55-0.90% of the DNA per gray migrated into the gel, and molecules between 1500 and 7000 kb could be resolved.  相似文献   

The substitution of BrdU for TdR in the DNA of Chinese hamster ovary cells caused radiosensitization for both cell killing and an increase in the rate of neutral elution of the DNA. However, no radiosensitization was observed for the amount of DNA that migrated from the plug of agarose gels subjected to pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. An unexpected observation, however, was that the migration rate of BrdU-substituted DNA was relatively independent of radiation dose and was much less than that of unsubstituted DNA which migrated at a faster rate as the radiation dose increased. This difference in migration between TdR- and BrdU-labeled DNA was observed only when electrophoresis conditions were optimized for separating DNA molecules from 1 to 7 Mb. Possibly, the increase in negative charge on BrdU-labeled DNA increases the reorientation time during each pulse, with a resulting decrease in rate of migration, or radiation effects on BrdU-labeled DNA may be responsible for the decrease in migration rate.  相似文献   

Radiation-induced DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) were measured in Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO-K1) using an experimental protocol involving static-field gel electrophoresis following exposure to various accelerated ions. Dose-effect curves were set up, and relative biological efficiencies (RBEs) for DSB induction were determined for different radiation qualities. RBEs around 1 were obtained for low energy deuterons (6–7 keV/µm), while for high energy oxygen ions (20keV/µm) an RBE value slightly greater than 1 was determined. Low energetic oxygen ions (LET=250 keV/µm) were found to show RBEs substantially below unity, and for higher LET particles (31 y-250 keVµm) RBEs for DSB induction were generally found to be smaller than 1. The data presented here are in line with the generally accepted view that not induced DSBs, but rather misrepaired or unrepaired DNA lesions are related to cellular inactivation.  相似文献   

Restriction enzymes can be electroporated into mammalian cells, and the induced DNA double-strand breaks can lead to aberrations in metaphase chromosomes. Chinese hamster ovary cells were electroporated with PstI, which generates 3' cohesive-end breaks, PvuII, which generates blunt-end breaks, or XbaI, which generates 5' cohesive-end breaks. Although all three restriction enzymes induced similar numbers of aberrant metaphase cells, PvuII was dramatically more effective at inducing both exchange-type and deletion-type chromosome aberrations. Our cytogenetic studies also indicated that enzymes are active within cells for only a short time. We used pulsed-field gel electrophoresis to investigate (i) how long it takes for enzymes to cleave DNA after electroporation into cells, (ii) how long enzymes are active in the cells, and (iii) how the DNA double-strand breaks induced are related to the aberrations observed in metaphase chromosomes. At the same concentrations used in the cytogenetic studies, all enzymes were active within 10 min of electroporation. PstI and PvuII showed a distinct peak in break formation at 20 min, whereas XbaI showed a gradual increase in break frequency over time. Another increase in the number of breaks observed with all three enzymes at 2 and 3 h after electroporation was probably due to nonspecific DNA degradation in a subpopulation of enzyme-damaged cells that lysed after enzyme exposure. Break frequency and chromosome aberration frequency were inversely related: The blunt-end cutter PvuII gave rise to the most aberrations but the fewest breaks, suggesting that it is the type of break rather than the break frequency that is important for chromosome aberration formation.  相似文献   

The acceleration of linear DNA during pulsed-field gel electrophoresis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The velocity and orientation of T4 and lambda DNA have been measured for the first 20 s during pulsed-field gel electrophoresis in order to clarify the DNA motions that occur. For a square pulse with field strength E = 10 V/cm, the velocity of lambda DNA increases gradually to 10.5 microns/s in 1.0 s, declines to 8.6 microns/s, and then rises to a plateau value of 9.3 microns/s after 4 s. T4 DNA behaves similarly, but more slowly. Parallel measurements of fluorescence-detected linear dichroism show that the DNA becomes substantially aligned with its chain axis parallel to the electrophoretic field E after the pulse is applied. The alignment also shows an overshoot, an undershoot, and a plateau comparable to those seen for velocity. When the field strength increases, both the velocity and the alignment reach their peaks more quickly. For all field strengths and both molecular weights, the velocity peak occurs when the molecular center of mass has moved 0.3 to 0.5 L, where L is the chain contour length. A qualitative model is provided.  相似文献   

Repair under non-growth conditions of DNA double-stranded breaks (DSBs) and S1 nuclease-sensitive sites (SSSs; e.g. DNA damage which is processed by in vitro treatment with S1 nuclease to DSBs) induced by [60Co]-gamma-rays (200 Gy; anoxic conditions) was monitored in a diploid repair-competent strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We used pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), which allows the separation of chromosome-sized yeast DNA molecules, to determine the number of DSBs and SSSs in individual chromosome species of yeast. Our results indicate that SSSs which have been regarded as clusters of base damage in opposite DNA strands are repaired efficiently in a repair-proficient diploid strain of yeast. The time course of SSS repair is comparable to the one of DSB repair, indicating similarities in the molecular mechanism. Both types of repair kinetics are different for different chromosome species.  相似文献   

The repair of radiation-induced DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) is frequently investigated by measuring the time-dependent decrease in the fraction of fragmented DNA that is able to enter electrophoresis gels. When transformed into equivalent doses without repair, such measurements are thought to reflect the removal of DSBs, and they typically exhibit a fast initial component and a decreasing rate at longer repair intervals. This formalism, however, assumes that the spatial distribution of unrejoined breakage resembles the pattern of induction of DSBs. While the size distributions for initial fragmentation, such as that resolved by conventional pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) (between about 10(5) and 10(7) bp), are well known to agree with the prediction of random breakage, no data are available from studies explicitly testing this relationship for residual breakage. Therefore, Chinese hamster V79 cells and MeWo (human melanoma) cells were irradiated with different doses (10-100 Gy) or were incubated for repair for up to 4 h after a single dose of 100 Gy (V79) or 90 Gy (MeWo) before being subjected to PFGE. Fragment size distributions were calculated by convolution of the PFGE profiles with an appropriately generated size calibration function. The results clearly demonstrate an over-representation of smaller fragments (below about 2-3 Mbp) compared to the prediction of randomness for residual breakage. In consequence, the time-dependent decrease of dose-equivalent values calculated from data on the fraction released may not directly reflect DSB rejoining rates. The present findings are compatible with an earlier suggestion of slow rejoining of breaks which have been induced as multiple breaks (two or more) in large chromosomal loops, thus also predicting an increase of the slowly rejoining DSB fraction with increasing dose.  相似文献   

Gradzka I  Iwaneńko T 《DNA Repair》2005,4(10):1129-1139
A PFGE method was adapted to measure DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in mammalian cells after low (0-25 Gy) doses of ionising radiation. Instead of radionuclide incorporation, DNA staining in the gel by SYBR-Gold was used, which lowered the background of DNA damage and could be applied to non-cycling cells. DSB level was defined as a product of a fraction of DNA released to the gel (FR) and a number of DNA fragments in the gel (DNA(fragm)) and expressed as a percentage above control value. The slope of the dose-response curve was two-fold higher compared to that with FR alone as DSB level indicator (31.4 versus 15.6% per Gy). Two alternative ways were proposed to determine the total amount of DNA, used for FR calculation: measurement of DNA content in a plug not subjected to electrophoresis, with the use of Pico-Green, or estimation of DNA released to the gel from a plug irradiated with 600 Gy of gamma-rays. The limit of DSB detection was 0.25 Gy for human G1-lymphocytes and 0.5-1 Gy for asynchronous cultures of human glioma M059 K and J or mouse lymphoma L5178Y-R and -S cells. Specificity of our PFGE assay to DSB was confirmed by the fact that no damage was detected after treatment of the cells with H(2)O(2), an inducer of single-strand DNA breaks (SSBs). On the contrary, the H(2)O(2) inflicted damage was detected by neutral comet assay, attaining 160% above control (equivalent to 2.5 Gy of X-radiation). DSB rejoining, measured in cells after X-irradiation with a dose of 10 Gy, generally proceeded faster than that measured previously after higher (30-50 Gy) doses of ionising radiation. Clearly seen were defects in DSB rejoining in radiosensitive M059 J and L5178Y-S cells compared to their radioresistant counterparts, M059 K and L5178Y-R. In some cell lines, a secondary post-irradiation increase in DSB levels was observed. The possibility is considered that these additional DSBs may accumulate during processing of non-DSB clustered DNA damage or/and represent early apoptotic events.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to characterize expressions of relevance to the interpretation of pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) experiments where randomly distributed double-strand breaks (DSBs) are detected as smears of DNA fragments. Specifically, equations for conversion of percentages of fragments in defined size ranges to DSBs were derived. Several models have been used, one of which is based on theoretically fragmented DNA from the fission yeastSchizosaccharomyces pombe, which has three PFGE separable chromosomes.  相似文献   

An experimental setup using static-field gel electrophoresis (SFGE) was developed to determine radiation-induced DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in CHO-K1 cells after exposure to X-rays or heavy charged particles. The fraction of DNA eluted into the gel matrix depends on the quantity of DSBs introduced. In agreement with a recent report, SFGE and pulsed-field electrophoresis were found to be equally sensitive in DSB detection. With radiolabeled DNA from cell cultures, the absolute amount of DNA migrating out of agarose plugs into the gel was quantified by determining the radioactivity in the gel lane. Alternatively, relative measurements of the amount of DNA released into the gel were achieved with a standardized protocol for both SFGE and a subsequent densitometric scanning of photographic negatives from gels stained with ethidium bromide. After calibration with the radioactive method, the fractions of DNA retained could be calculated directly from the data obtained with the densitometric assay to set up classical dose-effect curves. This procedure was validated for its application with heavy ions using an 500 MeV/u lead beam.  相似文献   

The maintenance of genome stability requires efficient DNA double-stranded break (DSB) repair mediated by the phosphorylation of multiple histone H2AX molecules near the break sites. The phosphorylated H2AX (γ-H2AX) molecules form foci covering many megabases of chromatin. The formation of g-H2AX foci is critical for efficient DNA damage response (DDR) and for the maintenance of genome stability, however, the mechanisms of protein organization in foci is largely unknown. To investigate the nature of γ-H2AX foci formation, we analyzed the distribution of γ-H2AX and other DDR proteins at DSB sites using a variety of techniques to visualize, expand and partially disrupt chromatin. We report here that γ-H2AX foci change composition during the cell cycle, with proteins 53BP1, NBS1 and MRE11 dissociating from foci in G2 and mitosis to return at the beginning of the following G1. In contrast, MDC1 remained colocalized with g-H2AX during mitosis. In addition, while γ-H2AX was found to span large domains flanking DSB sites, 53BP1 and NBS1 were more localized and MDC1 colocalized in doublets in foci. H2AX and MDC1 were found to be involved in chromatin relaxation after DSB formation. Our data demonstrates that the DSB repair focus is a heterogeneous and dynamic structure containing internal complexity.  相似文献   

Unidirectional pulsed-field electrophoresis improves the separation of single-stranded DNA molecules longer than 20 kilobases (kb) in alkaline agarose gels compared to static-field electrophoresis. The greatest improvement in separation is for molecules longer than 100 kb. The improved resolution of long molecules with unidirectional pulsed-field electrophoresis makes possible the measurement of lower frequencies of single-strand breaks. The analytical function that relates the length and mobility of single-stranded DNA electrophoresed with a static field also applies to unidirectional pulsed field separations. Thus, the computer programs used to measure single-strand breaks are applicable to both undirectional pulsed- and static-field separations. Unidirectional pulsed-field electrophoresis also improves the separation of double-stranded DNA in neutral agarose gels. The function relating molecular length and mobility for double-stranded DNA separated by unidirectional pulsed-field electrophoresis is a superset of the function for single-stranded DNA. The coefficients of this function can be determined by iterative procedures.  相似文献   

We have investigated the role of DNA ends during gap repair by homologous recombination. Mouse cells were transfected with a gapped plasmid carrying distinctive ends: on one side mouse LINE-1 repetitive sequences (LlMd-A2), and on the other rat LINE-1 sequences (LlRn-3). The gap could be repaired by homologous recombination with endogenous mouse genomic LINE-1 elements, which are on average 95% and 85% homologous to LlMd-A2 and LlRn-3 ends, respectively. Both LlMd-A2 and LlRn-3 ends were found to initiate gap repair with equal efficiency. However, there were two types of gap repair products – precise and imprecise – the occurrence of which appears to depend on which end had been used for initiation and thus which end was left available for subsequent steps in recombination. These results, together with sequence analysis of recombinants obtained with plasmids having either mouse or rat LINE-1 sequences flanking the gap, strongly suggest that the two DNA ends played different roles in recombinational gap repair. One end was used to initiate the gap repair process, while the other end was involved at later steps, in the resolution of the recombination event. Received: 16 April 1997 / Accepted: 24 June 1997  相似文献   

The SpeI/DpnI map of the 5.9 Mb Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO (DSM 1707) genome was refined by two-dimensional (2D) pulsed-field gel electrophoresis techniques (PFGE) which allow the complete and consistent physical mapping of any bacterial genome of interest. Single restriction digests were repetitively separated by PFGE employing different pulse times and ramps in order to detect all bands with optimum resolution. Fragment order was evaluated from the pattern of 2D PFGE gels: 1. Partial-complete digestion. A partial restriction digest was separated in the first dimension, redigested to completion, and subsequently perpendicularly resolved in the second dimension. 2D-gel comparisons of the ethidium bromide stain of all fragments and of the autoradiogram of end-labeled partial digestion fragments was nearly sufficient for the construction of the macrorestriction map. 2. Reciprocal gels. A complete restriction digest with enzyme A was run in the first dimension, redigested with enzyme B, and separated in the second orthogonal direction. The order of restriction digests was reverse on the second gel. In case of two rare-cutters, fragments were visualized by ethidium bromide staining or hybridization with genomic DNA. If a frequent and a rare cutter were employed, linking fragments were identified by end-labeling of the first digest. 3. A few small fragments were isolated by preparative PFGE and used as a probe for Southern analysis.--38 SpeI and 15 DpnI fragments were positioned on the map. The zero point was relocated to the 'origin of replication'. The anonymous mapping techniques described herein are unbiased by repetitive DNA, unclonable genomic regions, unfavourable location of restriction sites, or cloning artifacts as frequently encountered in other top-down or bottom-up approaches.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) comprise several oxygen containing compounds, among them hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which are generated by internal and external sources and play pleiotropic roles in physiological and pathological states. Skin cells as well as cells from other tissues have developed antioxidant defense mechanisms to protect themselves from high concentrations of ROS. Although biological and pathological roles of ROS have previously been elucidated, so far only limited knowledge exists regarding ROS-mediated generation of DNA breaks and base lesions occurring at low frequency in intact skin cells. This study was therefore designed to probe a newly adapted pulsed-field gel electrophoresis technique for the adequate measurement of high molecular weight DNA fragments as well as to investigate the protective role of the antioxidant enzyme catalase against H2O2-mediated damage in human dermal fibroblasts. We stably transfected and overexpressed the full-length catalase cDNA in the human dermal fibroblast cell line 1306 in culture and found that these cells are significantly more protected from cytotoxicity, overall DNA strand breaks, and 8-oxodeoxyguanine base lesions resulting from H2O2-triggered oxidative stress compared to vector-transfected 1306 cells or secondary dermal fibroblasts. This work has outlined the importance of catalase in the protection from H2O2-mediated cytotoxicity and DNA damage which — if unbalanced — even when occurring at low frequency are known to lead to genomic instability, a hallmark in carcinogenesis and premature aging.  相似文献   

B de Massy  V Rocco    A Nicolas 《The EMBO journal》1995,14(18):4589-4598
Initiation of meiotic recombination in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae occurs by localized DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) at several locations in the genome, corresponding to hot spots for meiotic gene conversion and crossing over. The meiotic DSBs occur in regions of chromatin that are hypersensitive to nucleases. To gain insight into the molecular mechanism involved in the formation of these DSBs, we have determined their positions at the nucleotide level at the CYS3 hot spot of gene conversion on chromosome I. We found four major new features of these DSBs: (i) sites of DSBs are multiple with varying intensities and spacing within the promoter region of the CYS3 gene; (ii) no consensus sequence can be found at these sites, indicating that the activity involved in DSB formation has little or no sequence specificity; (iii) the breaks are generated by blunt cleavages; and (iv) the 5' ends are modified in rad50S mutant strains, where the processing of these ends is known to be prevented. We present a model for the initiation of meiotic recombination taking into account the implications of these results.  相似文献   

Survival and induction of DNA double-strand breaks were studied in cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae irradiated under oxic or anoxic conditions with 30 MeV electrons. A linear relationship between DNA double-strand breakage and dose was found in both cases. The o.e.r.-value for colony forming ability was found to be 1.9 +/- 0.2, whereas the o.e.r.-value for DNA double-strand breakage was 3.0 +/- 0.1. These results are not inconsistent with the idea that DNA double-strand breaks are involved in killing of yeast cells. The frequency of induction of DNA double-strand breaks was found to be 0.74 x 10(-11) double-strand breaks per g/mol per Gy when cells were irradiated under oxygen and 0.24 x 10(-11) double-strand breaks per g/mol per Gy under nitrogen.  相似文献   

The effect of DNA concentration on pulsed field gel electrophoretic mobility was studied for human genomic DNA prepared in agarose inserts at 8-800 micrograms/ml and digested to completion with Not I. An eighth of each 100 microliter insert was used to produce DNA loads of 0.1 to 10 micrograms per lane. The mobility of single copy restriction fragments, as detected by hybridization, was largely concentration independent when DNA concentrations were 80 micrograms/ml or less. However, at DNA concentrations of 200 micrograms/ml and greater, dramatic effects of DNA concentration are evident. In the worst case, at 800 micrograms/ml, the apparent size of a DNA fragment is almost 2.5 times its true size. At constant DNA concentrations, increasing the DNA mass loads by loading larger insert slices had no further effect on DNA electrophoretic mobility, although the bands were broader for bigger insert slices. Thus, for precise and accurate sizing in pulsed field gel electrophoresis the DNA concentration in agarose inserts should not be greater than 80 micrograms/ml (10(7) diploid human cells/ml agarose insert).  相似文献   

The detection of Helicobacter species by genus-specific polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) was compared with that by species-specific PCR in murine intestinal samples. Results suggest that, in samples containing multiple Helicobacter species, genus-specific PCR-DGGE may fail to detect all Helicobacter species present and that this relates to the initial template DNA ratio.  相似文献   

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