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A method for isolating the mitotic apparatus from dividing sea urchin eggs without the use of ethyl alcohol or of detergents is described. In the present method, the eggs are dispersed directly in a medium containing 1 M (to 1.15 M) sucrose, 0.15 M dithiodiglycol, and 0.001 M Versene at pH 6, releasing the visibly intact mitotic apparatus. The method is designed for studies of enzyme activities, lipid components, and the variables affecting the stability of the apparatus.  相似文献   

The isolation of the mitotic apparatus (MA) from the echinoderm egg was studied in detail, with particular attention given to the factors governing its stability. Successful isolation depends mainly on the pH of the isolation solution, slightly acid values being required. The use of a 1 M solution of hexanediol, buffered at pH 6.0 to 6.4, gives high yields of stable MA, while MA of poorer quality can be isolated in water buffered at pH 5.5 to 5.8. Isolation is possible only over a very narrow range of pH, as the cells become more difficult to break at lower values and the MA becomes unstable at higher values. Within this range the fibrous structure of the MA varies with the pH. The isolated MA disintegrates slowly when transferred to water at pH 7 and dissolves rapidly in solutions of high ionic strength.  相似文献   

The mitotic apparatus of the sea urchin egg was isolated at 30°C in an isolation medium containing glycerol which is known to stabilize microtubules. After isolation in the 1 m glycerol-isolation medium, the mitotic apparatus was stabilized on addition of glycerol to a final concentration of 3 to 4 m. Without the addition, the chromosomes were disjoined from the spindle and the interzonal region between separating chromosomes was fragile resulting in separation of half spindles. Lowering the temperature of the isolation medium to 20°C or below, the isolation procedure allowed to isolate spindles. The isolated spindle behaved in a manner similar to the mitotic apparatus on the effect of glycerol concentration.
The glycerol-mitotic apparatus contained tubulin which was extractable with the isolation medium containing Ca ions or an organic mercurial. Tubulin was also extracted upon lowering the temperature to 0°C in the presence of GTP. Addition of KCl to a final concentration of 0.6 m immediately dispersed the mitotic apparatus. The extract revealed a colchicine binding of 0.001 mole per 105,000 × g of protein. The colchicine binding complex was found to have a molecular weight of 105,000. The DEAE Sephadex column chromatography of the KCl extract allowed to elute tubulin fraction which bound 0.1 mole colchicine per 105,000 × g of protein. The mitotic apparatus tubulin was shown to contain α and β subunits with mobilities quite identical with those of brain tubulin subunits. The molecular weights of the α and β subunits were 55,000 ± 1,000 and 51,000 ± 1,000, respectively.  相似文献   

THE MITOTIC APPARATUS : Fine Structure of the Isolated Unit   总被引:11,自引:9,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The fine structure of the mitotic apparatus isolated from the sea urchin egg has been investigated. The isolation was accomplished by lysis of metaphase eggs in a 1 M solution of hexanediol, buffered at pH 6. The fine structure of the isolated apparatus was studied after fixation with osmium tetroxide directly in the isolation medium. The spindle is composed of fine fibrils, approximately 20 mµ in diameter, which appear tubular. Similar fibrils, radially oriented, are found in the aster. If the isolated mitotic apparatus is exposed to water at pH 6 before fixation, the structure is considerably modified. The most pronounced effects are an increase in the number of large membrane-bounded vesicles and in the amount of free granular material present. The conditions necessary for the fixation of the mitotic apparatus in dividing cells are discussed in the light of these observations on the isolated unit.  相似文献   

As the metaphase HeLa cell approaches anaphase, pericentriolar spindle tubules fragment and become encapsulated by a unit membrane. By early anaphase, the encapsulated forms appear to have expanded, giving rise to polar spherical aggregates. Some of these elements show ribosomes on their bounding membrane, and some of them localize on the condensed chromatin during reformation of the nuclear membrane. It thus is suggested that these elements are newly derived cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Similar transformations are seen in later anaphase in the interzonal region, and it may be that the ER serves as a storage depot for some fraction of depolymerized microtubules. The time and location of the pericentriolar transitions are consistent with their being intimately involved in the mechanics of chromosome separation.  相似文献   


Vegetative nuclei of fungi Ceratocystis fagacearum and Fusarium oxysporum were studied both in the living condition with phase-contrast microscopy and after fixation and staining by HCl-Giemsa, aceto-orcein, and acid fuchsin techniques. Nucleoli, chromosomes, centrioles, spindles, and nuclear envelopes were seen in living hyphae of both fungi. The entire division process occurred within an intact nuclear envelope. Spindles were produced between separating daughter centrioles. At metaphase the chromosomes became attached to the spindle at different points. In F. oxysporum the metaphase chromosomes were clear enough to allow counts to be made, and longitudinal splitting of the chromosomes into chromatids was observed. Anaphase was characterized in both fungi by separation of chromosomes to poles established by the centrioles, and in F. oxysporum anaphase separation of chromosomes was observed in vivo. Continued elongation of the spindles further separated the daughter nuclei. Maturing daughter nuclei of both fungi were quite motile; and in C. fagacearum the centriole preceded the bulk of the nucleus during migration. The above observations on living cells were corroborated by observations on fixed and stained material.  相似文献   

Isolated mitotic apparatuses (MA) of clam and sea urchin eggs were investigated by polarizing and electron microscopy. Examination of fixed MA in oils of different refractive index revealed that at least 90% of the retardation of isolated MA is due to positive, form birefringence, the remaining retardation deriving from positive, intrinsic birefringence. Electron micrographs reveal the isolated MA to be composed of microtubules, ribosome-like particles, and a variety of vesicles. In the clam MA the number of vesicles and ribosome-like particles relative to the number of microtubules is much lower than in the sea urchin MA. In clam MA this allows form and intrinsic birefringence to be related directly to microtubules. The relation of birefringence to microtubules in isolated sea urchin MA is more complex since ribosome-like particles adhere to microtubules, are oriented by them, and are likely to contribute to the form birefringence of the isolated MA. However, comparison of values of retardation for clam and sea urchin MA, indicates that the major part of the birefringence in sea urchin MA is also due to microtubules. The interpretation of the structures giving rise to birefringence in the MA of the living cells is likely to be even more complex since masking substances, compression, or tension on the living MA may alter the magnitude or sign of the birefringence.  相似文献   

When HeLa cells were grown in the presence of nitrous oxide (N2O) under pressure (80 lb/in2) mitosis was inhibited and the chromosomes displayed a typical colchicine metaphase (c-metaphase) configuration when examined by light microscopy. When the cells were returned to a 37°C incubator, mitosis was resumed and the cells entered G1 synchronously. Ultrastructural studies of N2O-blocked cells revealed a bipolar spindle with centriole pairs at each pole. Both chromosomal and interpolar (pole-to-pole) microtubules were also present. Thus, N2O, unlike most c-mitotic agents, appeared to have little or no effect upon spindle microtubule assembly. However, the failure of chromo somes to become properly aligned onto the metaphase plate indicated an impairment in normal prometaphase movement. The alignment of spindle microtubules was frequently atypical with some chromosomal microtubules extending from kinetochores to the poles, while others extended out at acute angles from the spindle axis. These ultrastructural studies indicated that N2O blocked cells at a stage in mitosis more advanced than that produced by Colcemid or other c-mitotic agents. Like Colcemid, however, prolonged arrest in mitosis with N2O led to an increased incidence of multipolar spindles.  相似文献   

The mitotic figures in dividing cells of sea urchin embryos, from first division to the onset of cilia formation, were studied with regard to the filament system and its relation to kinetochores, chromosomes, and poles, as well as to fixation conditions which would best preserve these structures. With regard to fixation, variations in the salt concentration and pH of the fixative indicated that an extraction effect on the chromosomes noted in earlier work was probably due to a combination of neutral pH and salt concentration equivalent to sea water. The presence of the 15 mµ filaments depended on the presence of either of two stabilizing conditions: pH 6.1 or presence of the salts of sea water, presumably the divalent cations of Ca and Mg. Kinetochores and centrioles were unaffected by the fixative variations. The 15 mµ filaments, reported earlier in the central spindle, are also found in great numbers in the asters of early cleavage divisions. However, with successive divisions and reduction in cell size, the aster disappears at about the 32 to 64 cell stage, and the 15 mµ filaments are entirely associated with the central spindle. This disappearance of the aster suggests that it may be, in fact, merely a specialization of large cells for cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Mitotic apparatus (MA) were isolated from sea urchin zygotes using various isolation procedures, and various properties of the isolated MA were studied and compared. MA isolated using hexylene glycol had birefringences which depended on the pH of the isolation medium, the lower the pH the higher the MA birefringence. The stability of the MA Birefringence also depended on the pH of the hexylene glycol isolation medium (the lower the pH the slower the rate of decay of birefringence), as did the final birefringence reached after prolonged storage. MA isolated using glycerol-dimethylsulphoxide (MTME) had much more stable birefringence than MA isolated using hexylene glycol; their birefringence decay rates were about 1000 times slower than those of MA isolated using hexylene glycol. Birefringence which remained after extraction of MA with H2O, or 0.5 M KC1 was also studied; the results depended on the MA isolation medium, on the medium the MA were stored in, and on the amount of time the MA were stored after isolation, as described in detail in the text. These results are discussed, and it is suggested that several components (including, perhaps, oriented ribosomes) contribute to birefringence of isolated MA.  相似文献   

The birefringence of the MAs or spindles isolated from sea urchin eggs with the 1 M glycerol-isolation medium was stabilized when more than 0.5 mg/ml tubulin was contained in the medium. The addition of glycerol up to a final concentration of of 4 M strongly stabilized the MAs even in the absence of GTP and tubulin. The birefringence of the spindle and asters was not reduced even for the periods of several hours. The incorporation of heterogeneous tubulin into the isolated anaphase MAs was demonstrated by augmentation of the birefringence at the interzonal region as well as half spindles accompanied by enlargement of spindle and asters. In the anaphase MAs isolated in the absence of brain tubulin, chromosomes moved a short distance toward the poles upon addition of ATP, Mg2+ and 0.5 mg/ml tubulin. When the MAs were isolated in the presence of 0.5 mg/ml tubulin, the chromosomes moved in a more regular fashion to half the way to the poles accompanied by an increase in spindle length by 10 to 15%. GTP could not be substituted for ATP for inducing the motion. The chromosome motion of the isolated anaphase spindle was less significant than that of the isolated MA. Increasing tubulin concentration to 3 mg/ml, the chromosomes in the isolated MA separated at random by an unusual growth of the spindle. The stretch of the interzonal region by incorporating heterogeneous tubulin seemed to push the chromosomes apart abnormally. It was suggested that brain tubulin in a range of 0.5 mg/ml supports a tubulin-MA microtubule equilibrium favoring more regular motion of chromosomes in vitro .  相似文献   

After treatment of HeLa and L cells with vinblastine sulfate the material of microtubules (tubulin) was reorganized into (a) large paracrystals (PC) of tightly packed tubules; (b) smaller aggregates of tubules with greater diameter whose walls are constituted from well defined, helically arranged morphological subunits; and (c) microtubules associated with helices of polyribosomes of uniform size. All of these structures survived disruption of cellular membranes by means of a nonionic detergent. Following a thorough stripping of membranes there remained a subcellular fraction sedimenting at 1,500 g for 15 min, in which were contained nuclei, centrioles, and the above mentioned microtubular elements, maintained as a complex of organelles by an interconnecting network of 80 Å microfibrils. As a result of membrane disruption it was possible to localize precisely in the electron microscope the binding of ferritin antibody conjugates. Specific labeling at the surface of PC and microtubule aggregates could be demonstrated. This result was substantiated by means of the immunoperoxidase method of labeling the PC. A concentrated deposit of ferritin was also found in the vicinity of centrioles and related structures, the annuli of the nuclear pore complex and the annulate lamellae. However, the specificity of the label on these organelles remains questionable because ferritin, albeit in lower concentration, was also present on them in control preparations reacted with preimmune sera.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that the "22S protein" of mitotic apparatus isolated from sea urchin eggs is not microtubule protein. An antibody preparation active against 22S protein is described, and immunochemical studies of the distribution of 22S protein in various cellular fractions and among morphological features of mitotic apparatus are reported. The protein is ubiquitous in the metaphase egg fractions that were tested but is not found in sperm flagella. It is immunologically distinct from proposed microtubule protein isolated from mitotic apparatus by the method of Sakai, and from proposed microtubule protein obtained after extraction with mild acid. It exists in nontubule material of isolated mitotic apparatus but is not detectable in microtubules.  相似文献   

ATPase was localized in distinct regions of the mitotic apparatus of HeLa and Sarcoma 180 tissue culture cells. ATPase was demonstrated in the metaphase spindle of HeLa and Sarcoma 180 cells fixed in cold buffered 2 per cent formalin (pH 6.5 to 6.8) containing 2 x 10-3 M CaCl2. A high concentration of ATPase was frequently observed at the poles of the spindle. ATPase was also demonstrated in the interzonal region of both cell types during anaphase. The narrowing of the band of ATPase activity localized in the interzonal region during telophase indicates that ATPase activity is associated with the central spindle. In polar views of Sarcoma 180 cells fixed in cold, unbuffered, 2 per cent formalin, ATPase was frequently localized in granules in the region of the inner circumference of the ring of chromosomes formed at metaphase. ATPase in the mitotic apparatus of HeLa and Sarcoma 180 cells was shown not to be due to non-specific alkaline phosphatase. Mitotic apparatus ATPase in Sarcoma 180 cells was suppressed by an —SH inhibitor.  相似文献   

A large quantity of paraffin oil, sucrose solution, or sea water was injected into the eggs of the heart urchin Clypeaster japonicus shortly before the onset of the first cleavage. The injected oil became spherical, pushing the mitotic apparatus aside. The sucrose solution mixed with the protoplasm and caused disintegration of the mitotic apparatus, and the sea water formed a vacuole at the center of the cell. In all these cases, cleavage may take place almost normally in spite of the absence of the mitotic apparatus or its displacement within the cell. In some eggs, furrowing may take place when more than fifty per cent of the endoplasm has been replaced with sea water before onset of cleavage.  相似文献   

Chromosome motion in glycerol-isolated mitotic apparatus (MA) of sea urchin and starfish eggs was investigated with respect to nucleotide specificity and the effects of antisera against tryptic fragment (Fragment A) of flagellar dynein and starfish egg myosin. The motion was highly specific for ATP. GTP, ITP, CTP, UTP, and ADP caused no displacement of the chromosomes towards the poles. The anti-Fragment A serum completely inhibited chromosome motion in the MA of the sea urchin egg, while antiserum against starfish egg myosin as well as its γ-globulin fraction did not inhibit the motion in the isolated MA of the starfish egg, suggesting that chromosome motion depends upon dynein-microtubule but not upon myosin-actin interaction. In addition, colchicine completely suppressed the chromosome motion in vitro.  相似文献   

Mitotic apparatus isolated from sea urchin eggs has been treated with meralluride sodium under conditions otherwise resembling those of its isolation. The treatment causes a selective morphological disappearance of microtubules while extracting a major protein fraction, probably consisting of two closely related proteins, which constitutes about 10% of mitotic apparatus protein. Extraction of other cell particulates under similar conditions yields much less of this protein. The extracted protein closely resembles outer doublet microtubule protein from sea urchin sperm tail in properties considered typical of microtubule proteins: precipitation by calcium ion and vinblastine, electrophoretic mobility in both acid and basic polyacrylamide gels, sedimentation coefficient, molecular weight, and, according to a preliminary determination, amino acid composition. An antiserum against a preparation of sperm tail outer doublet microtubules cross-reacts with the extract from mitotic apparatus. On the basis of these findings it appears that microtubule protein is selectively extracted from isolated mitotic apparatus by treatment with meralluride, and is a typical microtubule protein.  相似文献   

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