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Binding of 3H-etorphine and 3H-D-Ala2-D-Leu5-enkephalin to opiate receptors in synaptosomal and microsomal fractions prepared from guinea pig ileum homogenates has been studied. It is found that the dissociation constants for etorphine from all fractions are the same. The binding capacity for etorphine for the purified synaptosomal fraction is greater than for other fractions by a factor of 5. For the enkephalin derivative binding to the microsomal fraction the dissociation constant is greater than for etorphine while the binding capacity is a factor of 3 lower. These results are in contrast to the case for binding to central nervous system subcellular fractions.  相似文献   

In order to complete preliminary investigations on the subcellular calcium localisation in smooth muscle cells, further experiments are presented using smooth muscle cells from the coronary artery of the pig. The methods used were a precipitation technique using potassium oxalate and autoradiography using 45Ca. In all cases we were able to reproduce the results obtained in our preliminary study. The preparations clearly show calcium oxalate precipitates in the cell membrane, the sarcoplasmic reticulum, the microvesicles, mitochondria and the nucleus membrane. These findings were supported by silver grain distributions in autoradiograms obtained by means of 45Ca. The qualitative results obtained histochemically are in good agreement with estimations of the calcium distribution in subcellular fractions obtained by atomic absorption spectrophotometry.  相似文献   

Microsomes prepared from guinea-pig ileum longitudinal smooth muscle and rat uterus continuously sequester calcium for a one hour period in the presence of Mg-ATP as an energy source and oxalate anion as a trapping agent. Dithiothreitol is essential for maximal calcium uptake activity of the rat uterus microsomes. On sucrose density gradients, calcium uptake of the smooth muscle microsomes appears to be associated with intracellular membrane (sarcoplasmic reticulum). Release of sequestered calcium from the longitudinal muscle microsomes is very slow (20% in 50 minutes). A small labile fraction (20%) is released by EGTA (1 mM) in 10 minutes. Rapid release of sequestered calcium (90% in 10 minutes) occurs in presence of the calcium ionophore A23187 (2 μM) or in the presence of chlorpromazine (1 mM).  相似文献   

The purpose of the present work was to study the factors influencing calcium incorporation into a microsomal fraction prepared from the longitudinal smooth muscle of the guinea-pig ileum. Calcium incorporation required the presence of both ATP and Mg2+ and was unaffected by azide. It was enhanced by oxalate; this effect was pH dependent and it was maximal at pH 6.6. The relation between calcium uptake with oxalate and free Ca2+ concentration in the medium was represented by a curve with an optimum for Ca2+ equal to 3-10-5 M. The threshold concentration was comprised between 5-10-7 and 10-6 7. The optimum calcium uptake rate was 4.5 nmol Ca2+/mg protein per min. In the absence of oxalate, two distinct groups of binding sites were identified. Low affinity sites had a binding constant of 7-104 M-1 and a maximum binding capacity of 0.6-106 M-1 and a binding capacity of 33 nmol Ca2+/mg protein; their capacity was sensitive to pH changes. In the absence of oxalate, Ca2+ binding was depressed by Na+ with respect to K+ or choline. When the medium was supplemented with oxalate, the stimulation of 45Ca incorporation was barely detectable in the presence of choline+ and it was lower in a medium containing Na+ instead of K+. The subcellular distribution profiles of calcium incorporation with and without oxalate indicate the microsomal location of both activities. However, the oxalate-stimulated calcium uptake activity sedimented faster than the calcium binding activity. The subcellular distribution of marker enzyme actvities has been examined. The present results indicate that Ca2+ incorporations with and without oxalate are the result of two processes likely related to two different structures. The role of microsomal calcium uptake in excitation-contraction coupling and its modification by the activity of the sodium pump is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary A microsomal fraction was isolated from the smooth muscle of the antrum of the pig stomach by differential centrifugation. Electron microscopy of the negatively stained material showed that this fraction is heterogeneous in composition. The microsomes accumulated calcium in the presence of ATP, magnesium and oxalate. The amount of calcium taken up per mg protein was in the same range as observed for other smooth muscle microsomal preparations. Although this amount is much smaller than that in the microsomal fraction of skeletal muscle, calcium oxalate crystals were formed in some vesicles, as occurs in the skeletal muscle fragmented sarcoplasmic reticulum. Through the presence of the calcium oxalate crystals, many of these vesicles acquired sufficient mass and density to allow them to be isolated by centrifugation. A purification of about 40 fold in terms of calcium content was reached.  相似文献   

We have characterized ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport into highly purified plasma membrane fraction isolated from guinea pig ileum smooth muscle. The membrane fraction contained inside-out sealed vesicles and was enriched 30-40-fold in 5'-nucleotidase and phosphodiesterase I activity as compared to post nuclear supernatant. Plasma membrane vesicles showed high rate (76 nmol/mg/min) and high capacity for ATP dependent Ca2+ transport which was inhibited by addition of Ca2+ ionophore A23187. The inhibitors of mitochondrial Ca2+ transport, i.e., sodium azide, oligomycin and ruthenium red did not inhibit ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake into plasma membrane vesicles. The energy dependent Ca2+ uptake into plasma membranes showed very high specificity for ATP as energy source and other nucleotide triphosphates were ineffective in supporting Ca2+ transport. Phosphate was significantly better as Ca2+ trapping anion to potentiate ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake into plasma membrane fraction as compared to oxalate. Orthovanadate, an inhibitor of cell membrane (Ca2+-Mg2+)-ATPase activity, completely inhibited ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport and the Ki was approximately 0.6 microM. ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport and formation of alkali labile phosphorylated intermediate of (Ca2+-Mg2+)-ATPase increased with increasing concentrations of free Ca2+ in the incubation mixture and the Km value for Ca2+ was approximately 0.6-0.7 microM for both the reactions.  相似文献   

THE EGTA — ruthenium red quench technique was used to obtain initial-velocity plots of Ca2+ uptake by skeletal-muscle mitochondria. The Km was 5 μM and the Hill coefficient 1.9 at both 0° and 10°C. Inorganic phosphate stimulated and Mg2+ inhibited initial rates of transport. In experiments on Ca2+ release, the Na+Ca2+ exchange was demonstrated. Factors influencing Ca2+ release during anaerobiosis include phosphate concentration and extent of Ca2+ loading. The results are discussed in relation to the possible participation of mitochondria in the calcium-ion regulation of muscle.  相似文献   

A detailed procedure for subcellular fractionation of the smooth muscle from pig coronary arteries based on dissection of the proper tissue, homogenization, differential centrifugation and sucrose density gradient centrifugation is described. A number of marker enzymes and Ca2+ uptake in presence or absence of oxalate, ruthenium red and azide were studied. The ATP-dependent oxalate-independent azide- or ruthenium red-insensitive Ca2+ uptake, and the plasma membrane markers K+-activated ouabain-sensitive p-nitrophenylphosphatase, 5'-nucleotidase and Mg2+-ATPase showed maximum enrichment in the F2 fraction (15-28% sucrose) which was also contaminated with the endoplasmic reticulum marker NADPH: cytochrome c reductase, and to a small extent with the inner mitochondrial marker cytochrome c reductase, and also showed a small degree of oxalate stimulation of the Ca2+ uptake. F3 fraction (28-40% sucrose) was maximally enriched in the ATP- and oxalate-dependent azide-insensitive Ca2+ uptake and the endoplasmic reticulum marker NADPH: cytochrome c reductase but was heavily contaminated with the plasma membrane and the inner mitochondrial markers. The mitochondrial fraction was enriched in cytochrome c oxidase and azide- or ruthenium red-sensitive ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake but was heavily contaminated with other membranes. Electron microscopy showed that F2 contained predominantly smooth surface vesicles and F3 contained smooth surface vesicles, rough endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. The ATP-dependent azide-insensitive oxalate-independent and oxalate-stimulated Ca2+ uptake comigrated with the plasma membrane and the endoplasmic reticulum markers, respectively, and were preferentially inhibited by digitonin and phosphatidylserine, respectively. This study establishes a basis for studies on receptor distribution and further Ca2+ uptake studies to understand the physiology of coronary artery vasodilation.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of peroxynitrite pretreatment of pig coronary arteries on their sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca(2+) pump function. Pretreating rings from de-endothelialized arteries with peroxynitrite, followed by a wash to remove this agent, led to a decrease in the force of contraction produced in response to the SR Ca(2+) pump inhibitor cyclopiazonic acid (CPA, IC(50) = 87 +/- 6 microM). Inclusion of catalase and superoxide dismutase with the peroxynitrite did not alter its effect indicating that the inhibition was produced by peroxynitrite. Contractions produced by 30 mM KCl were not affected by up to 250 microM peroxynitrite. Smooth muscle cells cultured from this artery gave a transient increase in cytosolic Ca(2+) in response to CPA. Treating the cells with peroxynitrite inhibited this increase. Treating the SR-enriched isolated subcellular membrane fraction with peroxynitrite produced an inhibition of the ATP-dependent azide-insensitive oxalate-stimulated Ca(2+) uptake. Thus, peroxynitrite damages the SR Ca(2+)pump in the coronary artery, and this inhibition appears to lead to an inability of the arteries to respond to CPA. Thus, peroxynitrite produced from superoxide and NO in the arteries may compromise regulation of coronary tone which requires mobilization of Ca(2+) from the SR.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial Ca(2+) handling has been implicated in spontaneous rhythmic activity in smooth muscle and interstitial cells of Cajal. In this investigation we evaluated the effect of mitochondrial inhibitors on spontaneous action potentials (APs), Ca(2+) flashes, and Ca(2+) waves in gallbladder smooth muscle (GBSM). Disruption of the mitochondrial membrane potential with carbonyl cyanide 3-chlorophenylhydrazone, carbonyl cyanide 4-(trifluoromethoxy) phenylhydrazone, rotenone, and antimycin A significantly reduced or eliminated APs, Ca(2+) flashes, and Ca(2+) waves in GBSM. Blockade of ATP production with oligomycin did not alter APs or Ca(2+) flashes but significantly reduced Ca(2+) wave frequency. Inhibition of mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake and Ca(2+) release with Ru360 and CGP-37157, respectively, reduced the frequency of Ca(2+) flashes and Ca(2+) waves in GBSM. Similar to oligomycin, cyclosporin A did not alter AP and Ca(2+) flash frequency but significantly reduced Ca(2+) wave activity. These data suggest that mitochondrial Ca(2+) handling is necessary for the generation of spontaneous electrical activity and may therefore play an important role in gallbladder tone and motility.  相似文献   

The longitudinal smooth muscle of guinea pig ileum contains three different types of oxidative deaminating enzymes: monoamine oxidase types A and B, diamine oxidase and a soluble clorgyline-deprenyl-resistant benzylamine oxidase. These enzymes have different subcellular locations. The longitudinal smooth muscle of guinea pig ileum oxidatively deaminates beta-phenylethylamine at a much higher rate than benzylamine. beta-Phenylethylamine is a good substrate for monoamine oxidase type B but also for the soluble clorgyline-deprenyl-resistant benzylamine oxidase. On the other hand, benzylamine is oxidised by mitochondrial monoamine oxidase, by the clorgyline-deprenyl-resistant enzyme and by diamine oxidase.  相似文献   

Uptake of 45Ca2+ by a microsomal fraction isolated pancreatic islets of non-inbred ob/ob mice was studied. ATP strongly stimulated 45Ca2+ uptake, the maximum effect being obtained with 2mM-ATP. GTP and CTP at this concentration did not increase the uptake. Scatchard analysis revealed at least two types of uptake mechanisms in the presence of 2mM-ATP; the apparent association constants were 1.1 x 10(5)m(-1) and less than 2.5 x 10(2)m(-1). In contradistinction to an unaffected low-affinity uptake, the high-affinity uptake was drastically decreased on ommission of ATP. The ATP-dependent and high-affinity uptake was half-saturated at about 10-20mum-Ca(2+) and was inhibited by 10 or 100mum cyclic AMP, 10mum cyclic GMP, 10 mum cyclic GMP, or 5mm-theophylline. 45ca2+ uptake in the absence of ATP was not affected by 100mum-cyclic AMP. In view of its sensitivity to ATP and cyclic nucleotides, the high-affinity Ca2+-uptake mechaniam may play a role in stimulus-secretion coupling in the beta-cells by regulating the cytosolic concentration of Ca2+.  相似文献   

Development of mitochondrial and microsomal choline phosphotransferase in the fetal guinea pig lung was investigated. The activity in fetal mitochondria was more than twice of that in fetal microsomes. However, in adult lung, the enzyme was distributed mostly in microsomes. In fetal lung, both the mitochondrial and microsomal enzyme activity was greatest at approx. 81% of the total gestation period (55 days). The specific activity in the microsomal fraction then declined until term, but increased again in the 24-h newborn from 1.0 to 2.3 nmol/min per mg protein. The activity in the mitochondrial fraction declined after 61 days (2.8 nmol/min per mg) to a minimal level at term (0.6 nmol/min per mg). Although the enzyme activity decreased from day 55 (1.2 nmol/min per mg), the amount of phosphatidylcholine gradually increased between day 55 and term.  相似文献   

The kinetics of uptake of Ca(2+) by rat heart mitochondria were studied by a spectrophotometric method with Arsenazo III indicator. The exponential rate coefficients measured with or without added phosphate increase with the amount of Ca(2+) added up to about 24mum. Evidence is given that the effect is attributable to a combination of formation of chelates at low concentrations to act as Ca(2+) buffers, with co-transport of substrate to provide more respiratory fuel. The inhibitory effect of Mg(2+) depends on the Ca(2+) concentration, so with a constant [Mg(2+)] the low concentrations of Ca(2+) are most inhibited, and the rate coefficients are still more Ca(2+)-dependent. Ca(2+) uptake is slowed by local anaesthetics such as butacaine and dibucaine, and also by propranolol and palmitoyl-CoA. After an uptake, the release of Ca(2+) was investigated. The spontaneous release involves an initially slow and small appearance of free Ca(2+) and is followed by an auto-accelerated phase. The release is accompanied by a gradual decrease in internal ATP; it is initiated by palmitoyl-CoA (reversed by carnitine), by lysophosphatidylcholine, by Na(+) salts (reversed by oligomycin) and by K(+) salts added to a K(+)-free medium containing valinomycin. The process is probably a response to an increased energy load imposed on the mitochondria by the various conditions, which include the spontaneous action of phospholipase activated by traces of Ca(2+). The problem of how much mitochondrial activity is participating in normal heart Ca(2+) turnover is discussed, and experiments showing only 7-14% exchange of the mitochondrial Ca(2+) occurring in vivo in 10 or 20min are reported.  相似文献   

Summary We have reported earlier that cholinephosphotransferase (EC is present in both mitochondria and microsomes of fetal guinea pig lung. This study was designed to compare the properties of mitochondrial and microsomal cholinephosphotransferase in fetal guinea pig lung. Various parameters, such as substrate specificity, Km values, sensitivity to N-ethylmaleimide, dithiothreitol and trypsin were measured. Both showed significant preference for unsaturated diacylglycerols over saturated diacylglycerols. Data on Km and Vmax indicate that the affinity of this enzyme for different diacylglycerols varies between the two forms. The ID50 values for N-ethylmaleimide were 20 mM and 12.5 mM for the mitochondrial and microsomal form of the enzyme, respectively. Dithiothreitol showed an inhibitory effect on both; however, the mitochondrial form was inhibited less than the microsomal form. The effects of N-ethylmaleimide and dithiothreitol on both forms of enzyme indicated that the microsomal cholinephosphotransferase requires a higher concentration of -SH for its activity than the mitochondrial enzyme does. The enzyme was inhibited by trypsin in both mitochondria and microsome under isotonic condition suggesting that this enzyme is on the outside of the membrane in both endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria.  相似文献   

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