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Evolution at silent sites is often used to estimate the pace of selectively neutral processes or to infer differences in divergence times of genes. However, silent sites are subject to selection in favor of preferred codons, and the strength of such selection varies dramatically across genes. Here, we use the relationship between codon bias and synonymous divergence observed in four species of the genus Saccharomyces to provide a simple correction for selection on silent sites.  相似文献   

Inferring the selective forces that orthologous genes underwent across different lineages can help us understand the evolutionary processes that have shaped their extant diversity and the phenotypes they underlie. The most widespread metric to estimate the selection regimes of coding genes—across sites and phylogenies—is the ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitutions (dN/dS, also known as ω). Nowadays, modern sequencing technologies and the large amount of already available sequence data allow the retrieval of thousands of orthologous genes across large numbers of species. Nonetheless, the tools available to explore selection regimes are not designed to automatically process all genes, and their practical usage is often restricted to the single‐copy ones which are found across all species considered (i.e., ubiquitous genes). This approach limits the scale of the analysis to a fraction of single‐copy genes, which can be as low as an order of magnitude in respect to those which are not consistently found in all species considered (i.e., nonubiquitous genes). Here, we present a workflow named BASE that—leveraging the CodeML framework—eases the inference and interpretation of gene selection regimes in the context of comparative genomics. Although a number of bioinformatics tools have already been developed to facilitate this kind of analyses, BASE is the first to be specifically designed to allow the integration of nonubiquitous genes in a straightforward and reproducible manner. The workflow—along with all relevant documentation—is available at github.com/for‐giobbe/BASE.  相似文献   

Multifunctional genes are expected to evolve at lower rates because mutations in such genes that improve one function might often have deleterious effects on other functions. Here we tested for an association between multifunctionality and evolutionary rates in genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and we find a highly significant negative correlation between the number of biological processes in which a gene is involved in and its rate of evolution. However, the magnitude of this effect is small, and the results do not support the notion that multifunctionality limits a gene's rate of evolution.  相似文献   

The evolution of haemagglutinin (HA), an important influenza virus antigen, has been the subject of intensive research for more than two decades. Many characteristics of HA's sequence evolution are captured by standard Markov chain substitution models. Such models assign equal fitness to all accessible amino acids at a site. We show, however, that such models strongly underestimate the number of homoplastic amino acid substitutions during the course of HA's evolution, i.e. substitutions that repeatedly give rise to the same amino acid at a site. We develop statistics to detect individual homoplastic events and find that they preferentially occur at positively selected epitopic sites. Our results suggest that the evolution of the influenza A HA, including evolution by positive selection, is strongly affected by the long-term site-specific preferences for individual amino acids.  相似文献   

Summary Mitochondrial genomes from yeasts in the Dekkera/Brettanomyces/Eeniella group vary in size from 28 to 101 kb. Mapping of genes has shown that the three smallest genomes, of 28–42 kb, have the same gene order, whereas the three larger mitochondrial DNAs of 57–101 kb are rearranged relative to the smaller molecules and between themselves. To examine the relationships between these genomes, a phylogenetic tree has been constructed by sequence comparison of the mitochondrialencoded cytochrome oxidase subunit gene (COX2) from the six species. Contrary to expectation, the tree shows that the larger rearranged genomes are more closely related than the smaller mtDNAs. This result indicates that the gene order of the smaller mtDNAs (28–42 kb) is ancestral and that larger mtDNA molecules (57–101 kb) are more prone to rearrangement than smaller forms.Offprint requests to: G.D. Clark-Walker  相似文献   

Simultaneous identification and comparison of perfect and imperfect microsatellites within a genome is a valuable tool both to overcome the lack of a consensus definition of SSRs and to assess repeat history. Detailed analysis of the overall distribution of perfect and imperfect microsatellites in closely related bacterial taxa is expected to give new insight into the evolution of prokaryotic genomes. We have performed a genome-wide analysis of microsatellite distribution in four Escherichia coli and seven Chlamydial strains. Chlamydial strains generally have a higher density of SSRs and show greater intra-group differences of SSR distribution patterns than E. coli genomes. In most investigated genomes the distribution of the total lengths of matching perfect and imperfect trinucleotide repeats are highly similar, with the notable exception of C. muridarum. Closely related strains show more similar repeat distribution patterns than strains separated by a longer divergence time. The discrepancy between the preferred classes of perfect and imperfect repeats in C. muridarum implies accelerated evolution of SSRs in this particular strain. Our results suggest that microsatellites, although considerably less abundant than in eukaryotic genomes, may nevertheless play an important role in the evolution of prokaryotic genomes and several gene families.  相似文献   

Reconstructing the ancestral characteristics of species is a major goal in evolutionary and comparative biology. Unfortunately, fossils are not always available and sufficiently informative, and phylogenetic methods based on models of character evolution can be unsatisfactory. Genomic data offer a new opportunity to estimate ancestral character states, through (i) the correlation between DNA evolutionary processes and species life‐history traits and (ii) available reliable methods for ancestral sequence inference. Here, we assess the relevance of mitochondrial DNA – the most popular molecular marker in animals – as a predictor of ancestral life‐history traits in mammals, using the order of Cetartiodactyla as a benchmark. Using the complete set of 13 mitochondrial protein‐coding genes, we show that the lineage‐specific nonsynonymous over synonymous substitution rate ratio (dN/dS) is closely correlated with the species body mass, longevity and age of sexual maturity in Cetartiodactyla and can be used as a marker of ancestral traits provided that the noise introduced by short branches is appropriately dealt with. Based on ancestral dN/dS estimates, we predict that the first cetartiodactyls were relatively small animals (around 20 kg). This finding is in accordance with Cope's rule and the fossil record but could not be recovered via continuous character evolution methods.  相似文献   

The nocturnal origin of mammals is a longstanding hypothesis that is considered instrumental for the evolution of endothermy, a potential key innovation in this successful clade. This hypothesis is primarily based on indirect anatomical inference from fossils. Here, we reconstruct the evolutionary history of rhodopsin—the vertebrate visual pigment mediating the first step in phototransduction at low‐light levels—via codon‐based model tests for selection, combined with gene resurrection methods that allow for the study of ancient proteins. Rhodopsin coding sequences were reconstructed for three key nodes: Amniota, Mammalia, and Theria. When expressed in vitro, all sequences generated stable visual pigments with λMAX values similar to the well‐studied bovine rhodopsin. Retinal release rates of mammalian and therian ancestral rhodopsins, measured via fluorescence spectroscopy, were significantly slower than those of the amniote ancestor, indicating altered molecular function possibly related to nocturnality. Positive selection along the therian branch suggests adaptive evolution in rhodopsin concurrent with therian ecological diversification events during the Mesozoic that allowed for an exploration of the environment at varying light levels.  相似文献   

Salamanders have the largest nuclear genomes among tetrapods and, excepting lungfishes, among vertebrates as a whole. Lynch and Conery (2003) have proposed the mutational‐hazard hypothesis to explain variation in genome size and complexity. Under this hypothesis, noncoding DNA imposes a selective cost by increasing the target for degenerative mutations (i.e., the mutational hazard). Expansion of noncoding DNA, and thus genome size, is driven by increased levels of genetic drift and/or decreased mutation rates; the former determines the efficiency with which purifying selection can remove excess DNA, whereas the latter determines the level of mutational hazard. Here, we test the hypothesis that salamanders have experienced stronger long‐term, persistent genetic drift than frogs, a related clade with more typically sized vertebrate genomes. To test this hypothesis, we compared dN/dS and Kr/Kc values of protein‐coding genes between these clades. Our results do not support this hypothesis; we find that salamanders have not experienced stronger genetic drift than frogs. Additionally, we find evidence consistent with a lower nucleotide substitution rate in salamanders. This result, along with previous work showing lower rates of small deletion and ectopic recombination in salamanders, suggests that a lower mutational hazard may contribute to genomic gigantism in this clade.  相似文献   

Yu G 《Génome》2011,54(5):402-418
Comparative genome analysis is a powerful approach to understanding the biology of infectious bacterial pathogens. In this study, a quantitative approach, referred to as Gnom(Cmp), was developed to study the microevolution of bacterial pathogens. Although much more time-consuming than existing tools, this procedure provides a much higher resolution. Gnom(Cmp) accomplishes this by establishing genome-wide heterogeneity genotypes, which are then quantified and comparatively analyzed. The heterogeneity genotypes are defined as chromosomal base positions that have multiple variants within particular genomes, resulted from DNA duplications and subsequent mutations. To prove the concept, the procedure was applied on the genomes of 15 Staphylococcus aureus strains, focusing extensively on two pairs of hVISA/VISA strains. hVISA refers to heteroresistant vancomycin-intermediate S. aureus strains and VISA is their VISA mutants. hVISA/VISA displays some remarkable properties. hVISA is susceptible to vancomycin, but VISA mutants emerge soon after a short period of vancomycin therapy, therefore making the pathogen a great model organism for fast-evolving bacterial pathogens. The analysis indicated that Gnom(Cmp) could reveal variants within the genomes, which can be analyzed within the global genome context. Gnom(Cmp) discovered evolutionary hotspots and their dynamics among many closely related, even isogenic genomes. The analysis thus allows the exploration of the molecular mechanisms behind hVISA/VISA evolution, providing a working hypotheses for experimental testing and validation.  相似文献   

The original signature of the transferrin (TF) family of proteins was the ability to bind ferric iron with high affinity in the cleft of each of two homologous lobes. However, in recent years, new family members that do not bind iron have been discovered. One new member is the inhibitor of carbonic anhydrase (ICA), which as its name indicates, binds to and strongly inhibits certain isoforms of carbonic anhydrase. Recently, mouse ICA has been expressed as a recombinant protein in a mammalian cell system. Here, we describe the 2.4 Å structure of mouse ICA from a pseudomerohedral twinned crystal. As predicted, the structure is bilobal, comprised of two α‐β domains per lobe typical of the other family members. As with all but insect TFs, the structure includes the unusual reverse γ‐turn in each lobe. The structure is consistent with the fact that introduction of two mutations in the N‐lobe of murine ICA (mICA) (W124R and S188Y) allowed it to bind iron with high affinity. Unexpectedly, both lobes of the mICA were found in the closed conformation usually associated with presence of iron in the cleft, and making the structure most similar to diferric pig TF. Two new ICA family members (guinea pig and horse) were identified from genomic sequences and used in evolutionary comparisons. Additionally, a comparison of selection pressure (dN/dS) on functional residues reveals some interesting insights into the evolution of the TF family including that the N‐lobe of lactoferrin may be in the process of eliminating its iron binding function.  相似文献   

The best-known endocannabinoid ligands, anandamide and 2-AG, signal at least seven receptors and involve ten metabolic enzymes. Genes for the receptors and enzymes were examined for heterogeneities in tempo (relative rate of evolution, RRE) and mode (selection pressure, Ka/Ks) in six organisms with sequenced genomes. BLAST identified orthologs as reciprocal best hits, and nucleotide alignments were performed with ClustalX and MacClade. Two bioinformatics platforms, LiKaKs (a distance-based LWL85 model) and SNAP (a parsimony-based NG86 model) made pairwise comparisons of orthologs in murids (rat and mouse) and primates (human and macaque). Mean RRE of the 18 endocannabinoid genes was significantly greater in murids than primates, whereas mean Ka/Ks did not differ significantly. Next we used FUGE (tree-based maximum-likelihood model) to compute human lineage-specific Ka/Ks calculations for 18 genes, which ranged from 1.11 to 0.00, in rank order from highest to lowest: PTPN22, NAAA, TRPV1, TRPA1, NAPE-PLD, MAGL, PPARγ, FAAH1, COX2, FAAH2, ABDH4, CB2, GPR55, DAGLβ, PPARα, TRPV4, CB1, DAGLα; differences were significant (p < 0.0001). Rat and mouse presented different rank orders (e.g., GPR55 generated the greatest Ka/Ks ratio). The 18 genes were then tested for recent positive selection (within 10,000 yr) using an extended haplotype homozygosity analysis of SNP data from the HapMap database. Significant evidence (p < 0.05) of a positive “selective sweep” was exhibited by PTPN22, TRPV1, NAPE-PLD, and DAGLα. In conclusion, the endocannabinoid system is collectively under strong purifying selection, although some genes show evidence of adaptive evolution. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi: ) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Reviewing Editor: Dr. Bryan Fry  相似文献   

Summary In phenotype the mycoplasmas are very different from ordinary bacteria. However, genotypically (i.e., phylogenetically) they are not. On the basis of ribosomal RNA homologies the mycoplasmas belong with the clostridia, and indeed havespecific clostridial relatives. Mycoplasmas are, however, unlike almost all other bacteria in the evolutionary characteristics of their ribosomal RNAs. These RNAs contain relatively few of the highly conserved oligonucleotide sequences characteristic of normal eubacterial ribosomal RNAs. This is interpreted to be a reflection of an elevated mutation rate in mycoplasma lines of descent. A general consequence of this would be that the variation associated with a mycoplasma population is augmented both in number and kind, which in turn would lead to an unusual evolutionary course, one unique in all respects. Mycoplasmas, then, are actually tachytelic bacteria. The unusual evolutionary characteristics of their ribosomal RNAs are the imprints of their rapid evolution.  相似文献   

Summary Comparison of physical maps of the broad host range plasmids R751, R906 and R772, belonging to the IncP sub-group of the Escherichia coli incompatibility group P, reveals two large regions of similarity, separated by dissimilar regions which contain the majority of the cleavage sites for restriction endonucleases with hexanucleotide recognition sites. Mapping of the regions of these plasmids which show homology to probes specific for genetically characterised segments of the distantly related IncP plasmid RK2, involved in plasmid maintenance or conjugal transfer, reveals that all four plasmids share a similar genetic organisation. In each case the homologous plasmid back-bone is interrupted by heterologous segments both between the essential replication loci oriV and trfA, and between the conjugal transfer regions tra1 and tra2, although in the case of R772 the segment of the backbone carrying the trfA and tra2 regions is inverted relative to that of the other plasmids. However, in the case of pJP4, shown to be a fourth member of the IncP sub-group, the back-bone is interrupted only by a single large segment adjacent to the trfA region. Mapping of the regions of the four IncP plasmids which show homology to Tn501 and nucleotide sequence determination at the ends of the homologous regions reveals that R906, R772 and pJP4 share a common mercury resistance region. This region, which appears to have been inactivated in R772, was probably inserted into a common ancestor of these plasmids by the transposition of an element related to an ancestor of Tn501. R751 shows no trace of the mercury resistance region, but contains a short relict of Tn501, derived from an independent insertion event.  相似文献   

Baculoviruses are members of a large, well-characterized family of dsDNA viruses that have been identified from insects of the orders Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera, and Diptera. Baculovirus genomes from different virus species generally exhibit a considerable degree of structural diversity. However, some sequenced baculovirus genomes from closely related viruses are structurally very similar and share overall nucleotide sequence identities in excess of 95%. This review focuses on the comparative analysis of partial and complete nucleotide sequences from two groups of closely related baculoviruses with broad host ranges: (a) group I multiple nucleopolyhedroviruses (MNPVs) from a cluster including Autographa californica (Ac)MNPV, Rachiplusia ou (Ro)MNPV, and Plutella xylostella (Plxy)MNPV; and (b) granuloviruses (GVs) from a cluster including Xestia c-nigrum (Xecn)GV and Helicoverpa armigera (Hear)GV. Even though the individual viruses in these clusters share high nucleotide sequence identities, a significant degree of genomic rearrangement (in the form of insertions, deletions, and homologous recombination resulting in allelic replacement) is evident from alignments of their genomes. These observations suggest an important role for recombination in the early evolution and biological characteristics of baculoviruses of these two groups.  相似文献   

A number of statistical tests have been proposed to detect positive Darwinian selection affecting a few amino acid sites in a protein, exemplified by an excess of nonsynonymous nucleotide substitutions. These tests are often more powerful than pairwise sequence comparison, which averages synonymous (d(S)) and nonsynonymous (d(N)) rates over the whole gene. In a recent study, however, Hughes AL and Friedman R (2005. Variation in the pattern of synonymous and nonsynonymous difference between two fungal genomes. Mol Bio Evol. 22: 1320-1324) argue that d(S) and d(N) are expected to fluctuate along the sequence by chance and that an excess of nonsynonymous differences in individual codons is no evidence for positive selection. The authors compared codons in protein-coding genes from the genomes of 2 yeast species, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces paradoxus. They calculated the proportions of synonymous and nonsynonymous differences per site (p(S) and p(N)) in every codon and discovered that p(N) is often greater than p(S) and that among some codons p(S) and p(N) are negatively correlated. The authors argued that these results invalidate previous tests of codons under positive selection. Here I discuss several errors of statistics in the analysis of Hughes and Friedman, including confusion of statistics with parameters, arbitrary data filtering, and derivation of hypotheses from data. I also apply likelihood ratio tests of positive selection to the yeast data and illustrate empirically that Hughes and Friedman's criticisms on such tests are not valid.  相似文献   

The evolution of elaborate secondary sexual traits (i.e., ornaments) is well‐studied in males but less so in females. Similarity in the appearance of ornaments between males and females supports the view that female ornaments arise as a neutral byproduct of selection on male traits due to genetic correlation between sexes, but recent research suggests an adaptive function of female ornaments in at least some contexts. Information on the degree to which production of ornaments differs between the sexes can shed light on these alternative perspectives. We therefore characterized the structural underpinnings of melanin‐based plumage production in males and females of two closely related passerine bird species (genus Malurus). Importantly, both ornamented and unornamented phenotypes in each sex are present between these two species, providing an opportunity to test the null expectation of equivalent modes of production in male and female ornamented phenotypes. In Malurus alboscapulatus, ornamented females are qualitatively similar to males, but we describe a distinctive ornamented female phenotype that differs from that of males in lacking a blue sheen and in lower feather barbule density. In M. melanocephalus, unornamented males and females are also similar in appearance, and we describe a similarity between unornamented phenotypes of males and females in both color and underlying feather barbule structure and pigment composition. Unornamented male M. melanocephalus can flexibly transition to the ornamented phenotype in weeks, and we found extreme differences in color and feather structure between these two alternative male phenotypes. These results contradict the idea that female ornaments have evolved in this system following a simple switch to male‐like plumage by demonstrating greater complexity in the production of the ornamented phenotype in males than in females.  相似文献   

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