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Interspecific mutualisms have been playing a central role in the functioning of all ecosystems since the early history of life. Yet the theory of coevolution of mutualists is virtually nonexistent, by contrast with well-developed coevolutionary theories of competition, predator-prey and host-parasite interactions. This has prevented resolution of a basic puzzle posed by mutualisms: their persistence in spite of apparent evolutionary instability. The selective advantage of 'cheating', that is, reaping mutualistic benefits while providing fewer commodities to the partner species, is commonly believed to erode a mutualistic interaction, leading to its dissolution or reciprocal extinction. However, recent empirical findings indicate that stable associations of mutualists and cheaters have existed over long evolutionary periods. Here, we show that asymmetrical competition within species for the commodities offered by mutualistic partners provides a simple and testable ecological mechanism that can account for the long-term persistence of mutualisms. Cheating, in effect, establishes a background against which better mutualists can display any competitive superiority. This can lead to the coexistence and divergence of mutualist and cheater phenotypes, as well as to the coexistence of ecologically similar, but unrelated mutualists and cheaters.  相似文献   

Biological populations may survive lethal environmental stress through evolutionary rescue. The rescued populations typically suffer a reduction in growth performance and harbor very low genetic diversity compared with their parental populations. The present study addresses how population size and within‐population diversity may recover through compensatory evolution, using the experimental adaptive radiation of bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens. We exposed bacterial populations to an antibiotic treatment and then imposed a one‐individual‐size population bottleneck on those surviving the antibiotic stress. During the subsequent compensatory evolution, population size increased and leveled off very rapidly. The increase of diversity was of slower paces and persisted longer. In the very early stage of compensatory evolution, populations of large sizes had a greater chance to diversify; however, this productivity–diversification relationship was not observed in later stages. Population size and diversity from the end of the compensatory evolution was not contingent on initial population growth performance. We discussed the possibility that our results be explained by the emergence of a “holey” fitness landscape under the antibiotic stress.  相似文献   

A fundamental question in evolutionary biology asks whether organisms experiencing similar selective pressures will evolve similar solutions or whether historical contingencies dominate the evolutionary process and yield disparate evolutionary outcomes. It is perhaps most likely that both shared selective forces as well as unique histories play key roles in the course of evolution. Consequently, when multiple species face a common environmental gradient, their patterns of divergence might exhibit both shared and unique elements. Here we describe a general framework for investigating and evaluating the relative importance of these contrasting features of diversification. We examined morphological diversification in three species of livebearing fishes across a predation gradient. All species (Gambusia affinis from the United States of America, Brachyrhaphis rhabdophora from Costa Rica, and Poecilia reticulata from Trinidad) exhibited more elongate bodies, a larger caudal peduncle, and a relatively lower position of the eye in predator populations. This shared response suggests that common selective pressures generated parallel outcomes within three different species. However, each species also exhibited unique features of divergence, which might reflect phylogenetic tendencies, chance events, or localized environmental differences. In this system, we found that shared aspects of divergence were of larger magnitude than unique elements, suggesting common natural selective forces have played a greater role than unique histories in producing the observed patterns of morphological diversification. Assessing the nature and relative importance of shared and unique responses should aid in elucidating the relative generality or peculiarity in evolutionary divergence.  相似文献   

Progress on the evolutionary origin and diversification of feathers has been hampered by conceptual problems and by the lack of plesiomorphic feather fossils. Recently, both of these limitations have been overcome by the proposal of the developmental theory of the origin of feathers, and the discovery of primitive feather fossils on nonavian theropod dinosaurs. The conceptual problems of previous theories of the origin of feathers are reviewed, and the alternative developmental theory is presented and discussed. The developmental theory proposes that feathers evolved through a series of evolutionary novelties in developmental mechanisms of the follicle and feather germ. The discovery of primitive and derived fossil feathers on a diversity of coelurosaurian theropod dinosaurs documents that feathers evolved and diversified in nonavian theropods before the origin of birds and before the origin of flight. The morphologies of these primitive feathers are congruent with the predictions of the developmental theory. Alternatives to the theropod origin of feathers are critique and rejected. Hypotheses for the initial function of feathers are reviewed. The aerodynamic theory of feather origins is falsified, but many other functions remain developmentally and phylogenetically plausible. Whatever their function, feathers evolved by selection for a follicle that would grow an emergent tubular appendage. Feathers are inherently tubular structures. The homology of feathers and scales is weakly supported. Feathers are composed of a suite of evolutionary novelties that evolved by the duplication, hierarchical organization, interaction, dissociation, and differentiation of morphological modules. The unique capacity for modular subdivision of the tubular feather follicle and germ has fostered the evolution of numerous innovations that characterize feathers. The evolution of feather keratin and the molecular basis of feather development are also discussed.  相似文献   

The Hawaiian honeycreepers are a dramatic example of adaptive radiation but contrast with the four other songbird lineages that successfully colonized the Hawaiian archipelago and failed to undergo similar diversification. To explore the processes that produced the diversity dichotomy in this insular fauna, we compared clade age and morphological diversity between the speciose honeycreepers and the comparatively depauperate Hawaiian thrushes. Mitochondrial-DNA-based genetic distances between these Hawaiian clades and their continental sister taxa indicate that the ancestral thrush colonized the Hawaiian Islands as early as the common ancestor of the honeycreepers. This similar timing of colonization indicates that the marked difference in diversity between the Hawaiian honeycreeper and thrush clades is unlikely to result from differences in these clades' tenures within the archipelago. If time cannot explain the contrasting diversities of these taxa, then an intrinsic, clade-specific trait may have fostered the honeycreeper radiation. As the honeycreepers have diversified most dramatically in morphological characters related to resource utilization, we used principal components analyses of bill characters to compare the magnitudes of morphological variation in the ancestral clades from which the Hawaiian honeycreeper and thrush lineages are derived, the Carduelini and Turdinae respectively. Although the Carduelini share a more recent common ancestor and have a lower species diversity than the Turdinae, these finch-like relatives of the honeycreepers exhibit significantly greater variation in bill morphology than do the continental relatives of the Hawaiian thrushes. The higher magnitude of morphological variation in the non-Hawaiian Carduelini suggests that the honeycreepers fall within a clade exhibiting a generally high evolutionary flexibility in bill morphology. Accordingly, although the magnitude of bill variation among the honeycreepers is similar to that of the entire passerine radiation, this dramatic morphological radiation represents an extreme manifestation of a general clade-specific ability to evolve novel morphologies.  相似文献   

The circular, double-stranded 8-kb DNA genome of papillomaviruses (PVes) consists mainly of 4 large genes, E1, E2, L2, and L1. Approximately 150 papillomavirus genomes have been sequenced to date. We analyzed a representative sample of 53 PVes genomes using maximum likelihood, Bayesian inference, maximum parsimony, and distance-based methods both on nucleotide (nt) and on amino acid (aa) alignments. When the 4 genes were analyzed separately, aa-inferred phylogenies contradicted each other less than nt-inferred trees (judged by partition homogeneity tests). In particular, gene combinations including the L2 gene generated significant incongruence (P < 0.001). Combined analyses of the remaining genes E1-E2-L1 produced a well-supported phylogeny including supertaxon beta + gamma + pi + xi-PVes (infecting Artiodactyla, Carnivora, Primates, and Rodentia) and supertaxon kappa + lambda + mu + nu + sigma-PVes (infecting Carnivora, Lagomorpha, Primates, and Rodentia). Based on the tree topology, host-linked evolution appears plausible at shallow, rather than deeper, taxonomic levels. Diversification within PVes may also involve adaptive radiation establishing different niches (within a single-host species) and recombination events (within single-host cells). Heterogeneous groups of closely related PVes infecting, for example, humans and domestic animals such as hamster, dog, and cattle suggest multiple infections across species borders. Additional evolutionary phenomena such as strong codon usage preferences, and computational biases including reconstruction artifacts and insufficient taxon sampling, may contribute to the incomplete resolution of deep phylogenetic nodes. The molecular data globally supports a complex evolutionary scenario for PVes, which is driven by multiple mechanisms but not exclusively by coevolution with corresponding hosts.  相似文献   

Studies of character evolution often assume that a phylogeny's shape is determined independently of the characters, which then evolve as mere passengers along the tree's branches. However, if the characters help shape the tree, but this is not considered, biased inferences can result. Simulations of asymmetrical speciation (i.e., one character state conferring a higher rate of speciation than another) result in data that are interpreted to show a higher rate of change toward the diversification-enhancing state, even though the rates to and from this state were in fact equal. Conversely, simulations of asymmetrical character change yield data that could be misinterpreted as showing asymmetrical rates of speciation. Studies of biased diversification and biased character change need to be unified by joint models and estimation methods, although how successfully the two processes can be teased apart remains to be seen.  相似文献   

<正>The deadly plant killer Phytophthora contains more than 100 species, which together attack a wide range of host plants to cause failure of crops and forest plants(Kamoun et al.,2015). During the infection, each Phytophthora secrets numerous effectors into plant cells to manipulate host cellular processes for successful colonization. How these effectors are evolved to target diverse host proteins and the underlying biochemical mechanisms are key to our understanding of the adaptation of ...  相似文献   

alpha-Mannosidase enzymes comprise a class of gylcoside hydrolases involved in the maturation and degradaton of glycoprotein-linked oligosaccharides. Various alpha-mannosidase enzymatic activities are encoded by an ancient and ubiquitous gene superfamily. A comparative sequence analysis was employed here to characterize the evolutionary relationships and dynamics of the alpha-mannosidase superfamily. A series of lineage-specific BLAST searches recovered the first ever recognized archaean and eubacterial alpha-mannosidase sequences, in addition to numerous eukaryotic sequences. Motif-based alignment and subsequent phylogenetic analysis of the entire superfamily revealed the presence of three well-supported monophyletic clades that represent discrete alpha-mannosidase families. The comparative method was used to evaluate the phylogenetic distribution of alpha-mannosidase functional variants within families. Results of this analysis demonstrate a pattern of functional diversification of alpha-mannosidase paralogs followed by conservation of function among orthologs. Nucleotide polymorphism among the most closely related pair of duplicated genes was analyzed to evaluate the role of natural selection in the functional diversification of alpha-mannosidase paralogs. Ratios of nonsynonymous and synonymous variation show an increase in the rate of nonsynonymous change after duplication and a relative excess of fixed nonsynonymous changes between the two groups of paralogs. These data point to a possible role for positive Darwinian selection in the evolution of alpha-mannosidase functional diversification following gene duplication.  相似文献   

Theoretical models suggest that resource competition can lead to the adaptive splitting of consumer populations into diverging lineages, that is, to adaptive diversification. In general, diversification is likely if consumers use only a narrow range of resources and thus have a small niche width. Here we use analytical and numerical methods to study the consequences for diversification if the niche width itself evolves. We found that the evolutionary outcome depends on the inherent costs or benefits of widening the niche. If widening the niche did not have costs in terms of overall resource uptake, then the consumer evolved a niche that was wide enough for disruptive selection on the niche position to vanish; adaptive diversification was no longer observed. However, if widening the niche was costly, then the niche widths remained relatively narrow, allowing for adaptive diversification in niche position. Adaptive diversification and speciation resulting from competition for a broadly distributed resource is thus likely if the niche width is fixed and relatively narrow or free to evolve but subject to costs. These results refine the conditions for adaptive diversification due to competition and formulate them in a way that might be more amenable for experimental investigations.  相似文献   

Here, we have identified a protist (dinoflagellate) lineage that has diversified recently in evolutionary terms. The species members of this lineage inhabit cold-water marine and lacustrine habitats, which are distributed along a broad range of salinities (0–32) and geographic distances (0–18 000 km). Moreover, the species present different degrees of morphological and sometimes physiological variability. Altogether, we analysed 30 strains, generating 55 new DNA sequences. The nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) sequences (including rapidly evolving introns) were very similar or identical among all the analysed isolates. This very low nrDNA differentiation was contrasted by a relatively high cytochrome b (COB) mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) polymorphism, even though the COB evolves very slowly in dinoflagellates. The 16 Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian phylogenies constructed using nr/mtDNA indicated that the studied cold-water dinoflagellates constitute a monophyletic group (supported also by the morphological analyses), which appears to be evolutionary related to marine-brackish and sometimes toxic Pfiesteria species. We conclude that the studied dinoflagellates belong to a lineage which has diversified recently and spread, sometimes over long distances, across low-temperature environments which differ markedly in ecology (marine versus lacustrine communities) and salinity. Probably, this evolutionary diversification was promoted by the variety of natural selection regimes encountered in the different environments.  相似文献   

Exotic species invasions create almost ideal conditions for promoting evolutionary diversification: establishment of allopatric populations in new environmental conditions; altered ecological opportunities for native species; and new opportunities for hybridization between previously allopatric taxa. Here, we review recent studies of the evolutionary consequences of species invasions, revealing abundant and widespread examples of exotic species promoting evolutionary diversification via increased genetic differentiation among populations of both exotic and native species and the creation of new hybrid lineages. Our review indicates that, although the well-documented reductions to biodiversity caused by exotic species might outweigh the increases resulting from diversification, a complete understanding of the net effects of exotic species on biodiversity in the long term will require consideration of both.  相似文献   

Segmentation is one of the most salient characteristics of arthropods, and differentiation of segments along the body axis is the basis of arthropod diversification. This article evaluates whether the evolution of segmentation involves the differentiation of already independent units, i.e., do segments evolve as modules? Because arthropod segmental differentiation is commonly equated with differential character of appendages, we analyze appendages by comparing similarities and differences in their development. The comparison of arthropod limbs, even between species, is a comparison of serially repeated structures. Arthropod limbs are not only reiterated along the body axis, but limbs themselves can be viewed as being composed of reiterated parts. The interpretation of such reiterated structures from an evolutionary viewpoint is far from obvious. One common view is that serial repetition is evidence of a modular organization, i.e., repeated structures with a common fundamental identity that develop semi-autonomously and are free to diversify independently. In this article, we evaluate arthropod limbs from a developmental perspective and ask: are all arthropod limbs patterned using a similar set of mechanisms which would reflect that they all share a generic coordinate patterning system? Using Drosophila as a basis for comparison, we find that appendage primordia, positioned along the body using segmental patterning coordinates, do indeed have elements of common identity. However, we do not find evidence of a single coordinate system shared either between limbs or among limb branches. Data concerning the other diagnostic of developmental modularity--semi-autonomy of development--are not currently available for sufficient taxa. Nonetheless, some data comparing patterns of morphogenesis provide evidence that limbs cannot always be temporally or spatially decoupled from the development of their neighbors, suggesting that segment modularity is a derived character.  相似文献   

The tenet that ecological opportunity drives adaptive diversification has been central to theories of speciation since Darwin, yet no widely accepted definition or mechanistic framework for the concept currently exists. We propose a definition for ecological opportunity that provides an explicit mechanism for its action. In our formulation, ecological opportunity refers to environmental conditions that both permit the persistence of a lineage within a community, as well as generate divergent natural selection within that lineage. Thus, ecological opportunity arises from two fundamental elements: (1) niche availability, the ability of a population with a phenotype previously absent from a community to persist within that community and (2) niche discordance, the diversifying selection generated by the adaptive mismatch between a population's niche‐related traits and the newly encountered ecological conditions. Evolutionary response to ecological opportunity is primarily governed by (1) spatiotemporal structure of ecological opportunity, which influences dynamics of selection and development of reproductive isolation and (2) diversification potential, the biological properties of a lineage that determine its capacity to diversify. Diversification under ecological opportunity proceeds as an increase in niche breadth, development of intraspecific ecotypes, speciation, and additional cycles of diversification that may themselves be triggered by speciation. Extensive ecological opportunity may exist in depauperate communities, but it is unclear whether ecological opportunity abates in species‐rich communities. Because ecological opportunity should generally increase during times of rapid and multifarious environmental change, human activities may currently be generating elevated ecological opportunity – but so far little work has directly addressed this topic. Our framework highlights the need for greater synthesis of community ecology and evolutionary biology, unifying the four major components of the concept of ecological opportunity.  相似文献   

We address the problem of cultural diversification by studying selection on cultural ideas that colonize human hosts and using diversification of religions as a conceptual example. In analogy to studying the evolution of pathogens or symbionts colonizing animal hosts, we use models for host-pathogen dynamics known from theoretical epidemiology. In these models, religious content colonizes individual humans. Rates of transmission of ideas between humans, i.e., transmission of cultural content, and rates of loss of ideas (loss of belief) are determined by the phenotype of the cultural content, and by interactions between hosts carrying different ideas. In particular, based on the notion that cultural non-conformism can be negative frequency-dependent (for example, religion can lead to oppression of lower classes and emergence of non-conformism and dissent once a religious belief has reached dominance), we assume that the rate of loss of belief increases as the number of humans colonized by a particular religious phenotype increases. This generates frequency-dependent selection on cultural content, and we use evolutionary theory to show that this frequency dependence can lead to the emergence of coexisting clusters of different cultural types. The different clusters correspond to different cultural traditions, and hence our model describes the emergence of distinct descendant cultures from a single ancestral culture in the absence of any geographical isolation.  相似文献   

Poales represents more than one‐third of all monocotyledons (c. 20 000 species in 16 families) and constitutes a microcosm of the angiosperms. The extreme variation in species richness among the families of Poales is still not understood: Poaceae includes ~10 000 species, whereas six families have fewer than ten species. Here, using the largest phylogenetic analysis of Poales to date, molecular dating, ancestral reconstructions and diversification analyses, we develop a macro‐evolutionary and macro‐ecological approach to seek correlates for changing diversification patterns. We show that the poalean families diverged in the Late Cretaceous, a time of high levels of CO2 and high rainfall. Our habitat reconstructions indicate that Poales inhabited open and dry habitats in this environment. We also demonstrate that lineages with CO2‐concentrating mechanisms inhabiting dry and open environments exhibited higher diversification rates than C3, shade and wet lineages. CO2‐concentrating mechanisms counteract the effects of low atmospheric CO2 and reduce phototranspiration. It is believed that the parallel evolution of C4 and CAM (Crassulacean acid metabolism) photosynthesis in Poaceae, Cyperaceae and Bromeliaceae is an adaptation to changes in atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Combinations of extrinsic and intrinsic factors might have played a role in shifts in diversification rates and may explain the variation in species richness in Poales. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 175 , 4–16.  相似文献   

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