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Graphical methods have traditionally been the principal means for estimation of parameters (e.g., affinity constants, cooperativity parameters, and concentrations of receptor sites) in enzymology and ligand-binding problems. The present report provides a review of these methods as well as new results, as applied to three coordinate systems popularly used in ligand-binding studies: BF vs [Bound]. BF vs [Free], and BF vs [Total]. We consider two extremely general models, the statistical mechanical model and the Adair model for equilibrium ligand binding. We also consider a very specialized case of receptor interaction wherein the equilibrium constannt of dissociation is linearly related to receptor occupancy. We collect previously described equations and derive new ones, to enable the user to estimate the parameters of the models in terms of relatively easily measurable graphical characteristics. We have evaluated the performance of these methods in representative cases using Monte Carlo studies. The results indicate the kind of precision and accuracy which can be obtained with typical experimental designs. Depending upon the magnitude of experimental error, the graphical methods can provide dependable values for the binding parameters. However, in general, the results obtained by the graphical methods should be regarded as reasonable initial estimates for further refinement by weighted nonlinear least-squares curve fitting.  相似文献   

A new method is described for the determination of NAD+ in picomole amounts. An enzymatic coupling system of NAD-pyrophosphorylase and hexokinase is used to convert sodium [32P]pyrophosphate and NAD+ to [32P]ADP, glucose 6-[32P]phosphate, and NMN. The key step in this analysis is the selective adsorption of the reaction product [32P]ADP, onto activated charcoal with a solution of 1m K2HPO4:10% trichloroacetic acid (1:3, v/v, pH 2). The range of concentrations of NAD+ that can be measured is 1–200 pmol. The simplicity of the method allows as many as 180 samples to be assayed in 4–5 h. This procedure has been used to quantitate NAD+ in crude extracts of germinating wheat embryos.  相似文献   

In order to study the uptake and metabolism of PP(i) by bone, (32)PP(i) was added to the medium surrounding explanted mouse calvaria maintained in organ culture. Most of the PP(i) was hydrolysed during incubation, but there was a measurable entry of intact PP(i) into bone. When (32)P(i) was added to the medium, synthesis of PP(i) and organic phosphates from P(i) was observed in bone. There was no detectable passage of PP(i) from bone into the medium. These results are discussed in terms of two models of pyrophosphate hydrolysis and exchange. Some quantitative estimates about the fate of PP(i) in bone were made.  相似文献   

The incubation of proteins with chromium (Cr3+ or Cr6+) in the presence of 32P ([gamma-32P]ATP or H3(32)PO4) at room temperature for 10-30 min resulted in the labeling of these proteins with 32P. The 32P-labeled proteins could be separated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and identified by exposure to X-ray film. The characteristics of this procedure included: the optimal chromium concentration was 100 microM; the minimum requirement of each protein was 1 microgram; the optimal pH value was between 6 and 8; metal ions such as V5+, Mn2+ and Fe3+ strongly inhibited the effect of chromium, whereas Ca2+ and Mg2+ had little effect. It was concluded that chromium binds to the proteins and forms a complex with 32P to achieve the 32P-labeling of the proteins. This technique can be applied for the rapid preparation of 32P labels on protein markers for gel electrophoresis and for the identification of unknown protein species.  相似文献   

A general two step procedure for the internal labeling of L-deoxyoligonucleotides, Spiegelmers, has been developed. Through radioactive labeling oligonucleotides can easily be detected and monitored in biological samples. T4 polynucleotide kinase is shown to efficiently phosphorylate strands of L-nucleic acids which allows the labeling with phosphorous isotopes such as (32)P. In order to protect the terminal phosphate label against unspecific phosphatases, one of two fragments of a Spiegelmer is enzymatically phosphorylated with [gamma-(32)P]ATP. In a second step we used a template- directed chemical ligation reaction in order to attach the labeled oligonucleotide to the other fragment to yield the full-length Spiegelmer with an internal [(32)P]phosphodiester bond. It has been shown that the functionality of a chemically ligated Spiegelmer is still retained.  相似文献   

Incubation of bovine tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase (EC deprived of endogenous tryptophan, with [14C]ATP and without [gamma-32P]ATP, causes an appearance of radioactivity in protein due to formation of adenylated enzyme, [14C]AMP-E. Examination of the properties of the [14C]AMP-E thus obtained led to the conclusion that AMP is linked to the protein molecule via a macroergetic phosphoanhydride bond. ATP is formed when AMP-E is incubated with PPi. However, no tryptophanyl adenylate formation was observed when AMP-E was treated with tryptophan. The functional role of AMP-E remains obscure.  相似文献   

This method describes a procedure that can be carried out easily to obtain large amounts of [32P]phosphatidylcholine and [32P]lysophosphatidylcholine. The method involves germinating soya beans in the presence of [32P]Pi. The yield was 0.58% for [P]phosphatidylcholine and 0.52% for [32P]lysophosphatidylcholine, and the specific radioactivity of both was 10(7) d.p.m./mumol.  相似文献   

A method has been developed for the enzymatic preparation of alpha-(32)P-labeled ribo- and deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates, cyclic [(32)P]AMP, and cyclic [(32)P]GMP of high specific radioactivity and in high yield from (32)Pi. The method also enables the preparation of [gamma-(32)P]ATP, [gamma-(32)P]GTP, [gamma-(32)P]ITP, and [gamma-(32)P]-dATP of very high specific activity and in high yield. The preparation of the various [alpha-(32)P]nucleoside triphosphates relies on the phosphorylation of the respective 3'-nucleoside monophosphates with [gamma-(32)P]ATP by polynucleotide kinase and a subsequent nuclease reaction to form [5'-(32)P]nucleoside monophosphates. The [5'-(32)P]nucleoside monophosphates are then converted enzymatically to the respective triphosphates. All of the reactions leading to the formation of [alpha-(32)P]nucleoside triphosphates are carried out in the same reaction vessel, without intermediate purification steps, by the use of sequential reactions with the respective enzymes. Cyclic [(32)P]AMP and cyclic [(32)P]GMP are also prepared enzymatically from [alpha-(32)P]ATP or [alpha-(32)P]GTP by partially purified preparations of adenylate or guanylate cyclases. With the exception of the cyclases, all enzymes used are commerically available. The specific activity of (32)P-labeled ATP made by this method ranged from 200 to 1000 Ci/mmol for [alpha-(32)P]ATP and from 5800 to 6500 Ci/mmol for [gamma-(32)P]ATP. Minor modifications of the method should permit higher specific activities, especially for the [alpha-(32)P]nucleoside triphosphates. Methods for the use of the [alpha-(32)P]nucleoside phosphates are described for the study of adenylate and guanylate cyclases, cyclic AMP- and cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase, cyclic nucleotide binding proteins, and as precursors for the synthesis of other (32)P-labeled compounds of biological interest. Moreover, the [alpha-(32)P]nucleoside triphosphates prepared by this method should be very useful in studies on nucleic acid structure and metabolism and the [gamma-(32)P]nucleoside triphosphates should be useful in the study of phosphate transfer systems.  相似文献   

We describe a procedure of preparing [32P]phosphotyrosyl histones with minimal contamination by 32P-labeled lipids; the latter was usually found to be mixed with the phosphoproteins when the cell membrane-enriched fraction of A-431 cells was used as a source of tyrosine kinase. The phosphatase activities previously found to be associated with the plasma membranes of a human astrocytoma were resolved using purified [32P]phosphotyrosyl histones and [32P]phosphatidylinositol phosphate. In comparison with the phosphotyrosyl protein phosphatase, the phosphatidylinositol phosphate phosphatase activity is more active over a broad range of pH values, and its activity is inhibited by fluoride, zinc chloride, and lower concentrations of vanadate.  相似文献   

An enzymatic method for the synthesis of [beta-32P]ADP from [gamma-32P]ATP is described. This substrate is required for the assay of ADPase and is not commercially available. The method described results in a preparation of [beta-32P]ADP of high purity with a yield of approximately 40% the theoretical obtainable.  相似文献   

Regulation of tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase formation.   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

We developed a novel chemical synthesis of thiamine triphosphate which allows us to incorporate 32P in the gamma position. The reaction is based on the condensation of [32P]orthophosphoric acid and thiamine diphosphate in the presence of ethyl chloroformate. After purification by two ion-exchange purification steps, the thiamine derivative has a specific radioactivity of 10 Ci/mmol. The average final yield synthesis is about 10%.  相似文献   

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