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The catalytic core of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase III contains three tightly associated subunits (alpha, epsilon, and theta). The theta subunit is the smallest, but the least understood of the three. As a first step in a program aimed at understanding its function, the structure of the theta subunit has been determined by triple-resonance multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. Although only a small protein, theta was difficult to assign fully because approximately one-third of the protein is unstructured, and some sections of the remaining structured parts undergo intermediate intramolecular exchange. The secondary structure was deduced from the characteristic nuclear Overhauser effect patterns, the 3J(HN alpha) coupling constants and the consensus chemical shift index. The C-terminal third of the protein, which has many charged and hydrophilic amino acid residues, has no well-defined secondary structure and exists in a highly dynamic state. The N-terminal two-thirds has three helical segments (Gln10-Asp19, Glu38-Glu43, and His47-Glu54), one short extended segment (Pro34-Ala37), and a long loop (Ala20-Glu29), of which part may undergo intermediate conformational exchange. Solution of the three-dimensional structure by NMR techniques revealed that the helices fold in such a way that the surface of theta is bipolar, with one face of the protein containing most of the acidic residues and the other face containing most of the long chain basic residues. Preliminary chemical shift mapping experiments with a domain of the epsilon subunit have identified a loop region (Ala20-Glu29) in theta as the site of association with epsilon.  相似文献   

The theta subunit of DNA polymerase III, the main replicative polymerase of Escherichia coli, has been examined by circular dichroism and by NMR spectroscopy. The polymerase core consists of three subunits: alpha, epsilon, and theta, with alpha possessing the polymerase activity, epsilon functioning as a proofreading exonuclease, and theta, a small subunit of 8.9 kD, of undetermined function. The theta subunit has been expressed in E. coli, and a CD analysis of theta indicates the presence of a significant amount of secondary structure: approximately 52% alpha helix, 9% beta sheet, 21% turns, and 18% random coil. However, at higher concentrations, theta yields a poorly-resolved 1D proton NMR spectrum in which both the amide protons and the methyl protons show poor chemical shift dispersion. Subsequent 1H-15N HSQC analysis of uniformly-15N-labeled theta supports the conclusion that approximately half of the protein is reasonably well-structured. Another quarter of the protein, probably including some of the N-terminal region, is highly mobile, exhibiting a chemical shift pattern indicative of random coil structure. The remaining amide resonances exhibit significant broadening, indicative of intermolecular and/or intramolecular exchange processes. Improved chemical shift dispersion and greater uniformity of resonance intensities in the 1H-15N HSQC spectra resulted when [U-15N]-theta was examined in the presence of epsilon186--the N-terminal domain of the epsilon-subunit. Further work is currently in progress to define the solution structure of theta and the theta-epsilon186 complex.  相似文献   

Purified DNA polymerase III holoenzyme (holoenzyme) was separated by glycerol gradient sedimentation into the beta subunit and the subassembly that lacks it (pol III). In the presence of ATP, beta subunit dimer dissociated from holoenzyme with a KD of 1 nM; in the absence of ATP, the KD was greater than 5 nM. The beta subunit was known to remain tightly associated in the holoenzyme upon formation of an initiation complex with a primed template and during the course of replication. With separation from the template, holoenzyme dissociated into beta and pol III. Cycling to a new template depended on the reformation of holoenzyme. Holoenzyme was in equilibrium with pol III and the beta subunit in crude enzyme fractions as well as in pure preparations.  相似文献   

The beta sliding clamp encircles the primer-template and tethers DNA polymerase III holoenzyme to DNA for processive replication of the Escherichia coli genome. The clamp is formed via hydrophobic and ionic interactions between two semicircular beta monomers. This report demonstrates that the beta dimer is a stable closed ring and is not monomerized when the gamma complex clamp loader (gamma(3)delta(1)delta(1)chi(1)psi(1)) assembles the beta ring around DNA. delta is the subunit of the gamma complex that binds beta and opens the ring; it also does not appear to monomerize beta. Point mutations were introduced at the beta dimer interface to test its structural integrity and gain insight into its interaction with delta. Mutation of two residues at the dimer interface of beta, I272A/L273A, yields a stable beta monomer. We find that delta binds the beta monomer mutant at least 50-fold tighter than the beta dimer. These findings suggest that when delta interacts with the beta clamp, it binds one beta subunit with high affinity and utilizes some of that binding energy to perform work on the dimeric clamp, probably cracking one dimer interface open.  相似文献   

The catalytic core of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase III contains three tightly associated subunits, the alpha, epsilon, and theta subunits. The theta subunit is the smallest and least understood subunit. The three-dimensional structure of theta in a complex with the unlabeled N-terminal domain of the epsilon subunit, epsilon186, was determined by multidimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The structure was refined using pseudocontact shifts that resulted from inserting a lanthanide ion (Dy3+, Er3+, or Ho3+) at the active site of epsilon186. The structure determination revealed a three-helix bundle fold that is similar to the solution structures of theta in a methanol-water buffer and of the bacteriophage P1 homolog, HOT, in aqueous buffer. Conserved nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) patterns obtained for free and complexed theta show that most of the structure changes little upon complex formation. Discrepancies with respect to a previously published structure of free theta (Keniry et al., Protein Sci. 9:721-733, 2000) were attributed to errors in the latter structure. The present structure satisfies the pseudocontact shifts better than either the structure of theta in methanol-water buffer or the structure of HOT. satisfies these shifts. The epitope of epsilon186 on theta was mapped by NOE difference spectroscopy and was found to involve helix 1 and the C-terminal part of helix 3. The pseudocontact shifts indicated that the helices of theta are located about 15 A or farther from the lanthanide ion in the active site of epsilon186, in agreement with the extensive biochemical data for the theta-epsilon system.  相似文献   

The catalytic core of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase III holoenzyme contains three subunits: alpha, epsilon, and theta. The alpha subunit contains the polymerase, and the epsilon subunit contains the exonucleolytic proofreading function. The small (8-kDa) theta subunit binds only to epsilon. Its function is not well understood, although it was shown to exert a small stabilizing effect on the epsilon proofreading function. In order to help elucidate its function, we undertook a determination of its solution structure. In aqueous solution, theta yielded poor-quality nuclear magnetic resonance spectra, presumably due to conformational exchange and/or protein aggregation. Based on our recently determined structure of the theta homolog from bacteriophage P1, named HOT, we constructed a homology model of theta. This model suggested that the unfavorable behavior of theta might arise from exposed hydrophobic residues, particularly toward the end of alpha-helix 3. In gel filtration studies, theta elutes later than expected, indicating that aggregation is potentially responsible for these problems. To address this issue, we recorded 1H-15N heteronuclear single quantum correlation (HSQC) spectra in water-alcohol mixed solvents and observed substantially improved dispersion and uniformity of peak intensities, facilitating a structural determination under these conditions. The structure of theta in 60/40 (vol/vol) water-methanol is similar to that of HOT but differs significantly from a previously reported theta structure. The new theta structure is expected to provide additional insight into its physiological role and its effect on the epsilon proofreading subunit.  相似文献   

The structured core of the N-terminal 3'-5' exonuclease domain of epsilon, the proofreading subunit of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase III, was defined by multidimensional NMR experiments with uniformly (15)N-labeled protein: it comprises residues between Ile-4 and Gln-181. A 185-residue fragment, termed epsilon(1-185), was crystallized by the hanging drop vapor diffusion method in the presence of thymidine-5'-monophosphate, a product inhibitor, and Mn(2+) at pH 5.8. The crystals are tetragonal, with typical dimensions 0.2 mm x 0.2 mm x 1.0 mm, grow over about 2 weeks at 4 degrees C, and diffract X-rays to 2.0 A. The space group was determined to be P4(n)2(1)2 (n = 0, 1, 2, 3), with unit cell dimensions a = 60.8 A, c = 111.4 A.  相似文献   

The dnaZ protein has been purified to near-homogeneity using an in vitro complementation assay that measures the restoration of activity in a crude enzyme fraction from the dnaZ mutant deficient in the replication of phi X174 DNA. Over 70-fold overproduction of the protein was obtained with a bacteriophage lambda lysogen carrying the dnaZ gene. The purified protein, under reducing and denaturing conditions, has a molecular weight of 52,000 and appears to be a dimer in its native form. The dnaZ protein is judged to be th 52,000-dalton gamma subunit of DNA polymerase III holoenzyme (McHenry, C., and Kornberg, A. (1977) J. Biol. Chem. 252, 6478-6484) for the following reasons: (i) highly purified DNA polymerase III holoenzyme contains a 52,000-dalton polypeptide and has dnaZ-complementing activity; (ii) the 52,000-dalton polypeptide is associated tightly with the DNA polymerase III holoenzyme and can be separated from the DNA polymerase III core only with severe measures; (iii) no other purified replication protein, among 14 tested, contains dnaZ protein activity; and (iv) the abundance of dnaZ protein, estimated at about 10 dimer molecules per Escherichia coli cell, is similar to that of the DNA polymerase III core. Among several circular templates tested in vitro (i.e. single stranded phi X174, G4 and M13 DNAs, and duplex phi X174 DNA), all rely on dnaZ protein for elongation by DNA polymerase III holoenzyme. The protein acts catalytically at a stoichiometry of one dimer per template.  相似文献   

To investigate the possible role of accessory subunits of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase III holoenzyme (HE) in determining chromosomal replication fidelity, we have investigated the role of the dnaX gene. This gene encodes both the tau and gamma subunits of HE, which play a central role in the organization and functioning of HE at the replication fork. We find that a classical, temperature-sensitive dnaX allele, dnaX36, displays a pronounced mutator effect, characterized by an unusual specificity: preferential enhancement of transversions and -1 frameshifts. The latter occur predominantly at non-run sequences. The dnaX36 defect does not affect the gamma subunit, but produces a tau subunit carrying a missense substitution (E601K) in its C-terminal domain (domain V) that is involved in interaction with the Pol III alpha subunit. A search for new mutators in the dnaX region of the chromosome yielded six additional dnaX mutators, all carrying a specific tau subunit defect. The new mutators displayed phenotypes similar to dnaX36: strong enhancement of transversions and frameshifts and only weak enhancement for transitions. The combined findings suggest that the tau subunit of HE plays an important role in determining the fidelity of the chromosomal replication, specifically in the avoidance of transversions and frameshift mutations.  相似文献   

The function of the theta subunit of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase III holoenzyme is not well established. theta is a tightly bound component of the DNA polymerase III core, which contains the alpha subunit (polymerase), the epsilon subunit (3'-->5' exonuclease), and the theta subunit, in the linear order alpha-epsilon-theta. Previous studies have shown that the theta subunit is not essential, as strains carrying a deletion of the holE gene (which encodes theta) proved fully viable. No significant phenotypic effects of the holE deletion could be detected, as the strain displayed normal cell health, morphology, and mutation rates. On the other hand, in vitro experiments have indicated the efficiency of the 3'-exonuclease activity of epsilon to be modestly enhanced by the presence of theta. Here, we report a series of genetic experiments that suggest that theta has a stabilizing role for the epsilon proofreading subunit. The observations include (i) defined DeltaholE mutator effects in mismatch-repair-defective mutL backgrounds, (ii) strong DeltaholE mutator effects in certain proofreading-impaired dnaQ strains, and (iii) yeast two- and three-hybrid experiments demonstrating enhancement of alpha-epsilon interactions by the presence of theta. theta appears conserved among gram-negative organisms which have an exonuclease subunit that exists as a separate protein (i.e., not part of the polymerase polypeptide), and the presence of theta might be uniquely beneficial in those instances where the proofreading 3'-exonuclease is not part of the polymerase polypeptide.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase III of Escherichia coli requires multiple auxiliary factors to enable it to serve as a replicative complex. We demonstrate that auxiliary components of the DNA polymerase III holoenzyme, the gamma delta complex and beta subunit, markedly stimulate DNA polymerase II on long single-stranded templates. DNA polymerase II activity is enhanced by single-stranded DNA binding protein, but the stimulation by gamma delta and beta can be observed either in the absence or presence of single-stranded DNA binding protein. In contrast with DNA polymerase III, the requirement of DNA polymerase II for gamma delta cannot be bypassed by large excesses of the beta subunit at low ionic strength in the absence of the single-stranded DNA binding protein. The product of the DNA polymerase II-gamma delta-beta reaction on a uniquely primed single-stranded circle is of full template length; the reconstituted enzyme apparently is incapable of strand displacement synthesis. The possible biological implications of these observations are discussed.  相似文献   

Sliding clamps are loaded onto DNA by ATP-driven clamp loader complexes. The structure of the E. coli clamp loader in a nucleotide-free state has been determined previously. We now report crystal structures of a truncated form of the isolated gamma-ATPase subunit, gamma(1-243), of the E. coli clamp loader, in nucleotide-free and bound forms. The gamma subunit adopts a defined conformation when empty, in which the nucleotide binding site is blocked. The binding of either ATPgammaS or ADP, which are shown to bind with equal affinity to gamma(1-243), induces a change in the relative orientation of the two domains such that nucleotides can be accommodated. This change would break one of the gamma:gamma interfaces seen in the empty clamp loader complex, and may represent one step in the activation process.  相似文献   

The DNA polymerase III holoenzyme (HE) is the primary replicative polymerase of Escherichia coli. The epsilon subunit of the HE complex provides the 3'-exonucleolytic proofreading activity for this enzyme complex. epsilon consists of two domains: an N-terminal domain containing the proofreading exonuclease activity (residues 1-186) and a C-terminal domain required for binding to the polymerase (alpha) subunit (residues 187-243). Multidimensional NMR studies of (2)H-, (13)C-, and (15)N-labeled N-terminal domains (epsilon186) were performed to assign the backbone resonances and measure H(N)-H(N) nuclear Overhauser effects (NOEs). NMR studies were also performed on triple-lableled [U-(2)H,(13)C,(15)N]epsilon186 containing Val, Leu, and Ile residues with protonated methyl groups, which allowed for the assignment of H(N)-CH(3) and CH(3)-CH(3) NOEs. Analysis of the (13)C(alpha), (13)C(beta), and (13)CO shifts, using chemical shift indexing and the TALOS program, allowed for the identification of regions of the secondary structure. H(N)-H(N) NOEs provided information on the assembly of the extended strands into a beta-sheet structure and confirmed the assignment of the alpha helices. Measurement of H(N)-CH(3) and CH(3)-CH(3) NOEs confirmed the beta-sheet structure and assisted in the positioning of the alpha helices. The resulting preliminary characterization of the three-dimensional structure of the protein indicated that significant structural homology exists with the active site of the Klenow proofreading exonuclease domain, despite the extremely limited sequence homology. On the basis of this analogy, molecular modeling studies of epsilon186 were performed using as templates the crystal structures of the exonuclease domains of the Klenow fragment and the T4 DNA polymerase and the recently determined structure of the E. coli Exonuclease I. A multiple sequence alignment was constructed, with the initial alignment taken from the previously published hidden Markov model and NMR constraints. Because several of the published structures included complexed ssDNA, we were also able to incorporate an A-C-G trinucleotide into the epsilon186 structure. Nearly all of the residues which have been identified as mutators are located in the portion of the molecule which binds the DNA, with most of these playing either a catalytic or structural role.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli DNA polymerase III holoenzyme is composed of 10 different subunits linked by noncovalent interactions. The polymerase activity resides in the α-subunit. The ε-subunit, which contains the proofreading exonuclease site within its N-terminal 185 residues, binds to α via a segment of 57 additional C-terminal residues, and also to θ, whose function is less well defined. The present study shows that θ greatly enhances the solubility of ε during cell-free synthesis. In addition, synthesis of ε in the presence of θ and α resulted in a soluble ternary complex that could readily be purified and analyzed by NMR spectroscopy. Cell-free synthesis of ε from PCR-amplified DNA coupled with site-directed mutagenesis and selective 15N-labeling provided site-specific assignments of NMR resonances of ε that were confirmed by lanthanide-induced pseudocontact shifts. The data show that the proofreading domain of ε is connected to α via a flexible linker peptide comprising over 20 residues. This distinguishes the α : ε complex from other proofreading polymerases, which have a more rigid multidomain structure.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase III holoenzyme (holoenzyme) processively and rapidly replicates a primed single-stranded DNA circle to produce a duplex with an interruption in the synthetic strand. The precise nature of this discontinuity in the replicative form (RF II) and the influence of the 5' termini of the DNA and RNA primers were analyzed in this study. Virtually all (90%) of the RF II products primed by DNA were nicked structures sealable by Escherichia coli DNA ligase; in 10% of the products, replication proceeded one nucleotide beyond the 5' DNA terminus displacing (but not removing) the 5' terminal nucleotide. With RNA primers, replication generally went beyond the available single-stranded template. The 5' RNA terminus was displaced by 1-5 nucleotides in 85% of the products; a minority of products was nicked (9%) or had short gaps (6%). Termination of synthesis on a linear DNA template was usually (85%) one base shy of completion. Thus, replication by holoenzyme utilizes all, or nearly all, of the available template and shows no significant 5'----3' exonuclease action as observed in primer removal by the "nick-translation" activity of DNA polymerase I.  相似文献   

The alpha subunit (140 kDa) of DNA polymerase III (pol III) holoenzyme has been purified to near-homogeneity from a plasmid-carrying Escherichia coli strain which overproduced the alpha subunit about 20-fold. Pol III core (containing only the alpha, epsilon, and theta subunits), produced at twice the normal level, was also purified in good yield. The isolated alpha subunit has DNA polymerase activity, which is completely inhibited by 10 mM N-ethylmaleimide or 150 mM KCl as observed in the pol III core or holoenzyme. The alpha subunit has an apparent turnover number of 7.7 nucleotides polymerized per s, compared to 20 for pol III core, and is more thermolabile. The alpha subunit lacks the 3'----5' exonuclease (proofreading) activity of pol III core; neither alpha subunit nor core (nor holoenzyme) possesses any of the previously reported 5'----3' exonuclease activity. Thus, the alpha polypeptide is the polymerase subunit and epsilon (27 kDa) is the proofreading subunit (Scheuermann, R. H., and Echols, H. (1984) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 81, 7747-7751). Together with the theta polypeptide (10 kDa), of unknown function, they form a pol III core with greater stability and catalytic efficiency.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli dnaE gene, which encodes the alpha subunit of DNA polymerase III (pol III) holoenzyme, has been cloned in a plasmid containing the PL promoter of phage lambda and thermally induced to overproduce the alpha subunit. In cells carrying this plasmid (pKH167), the alpha subunit was amplified, after heat induction, to a level of about 0.2% of the total cellular protein. Polymerase activity was assayed in three ways: (i) gap-filling by pol III holoenzyme and subassemblies of it, (ii) the extensive replication of a primed, single-stranded DNA circle only by pol III holoenzyme, and (iii) complementation of a crude, inactive pol III holoenzyme (temperature-sensitive dnaE mutant fraction) in replication of a primed, single-stranded DNA circle. Amplification of the alpha subunit raised the polymerase level 10-fold in assay (i), indicative of the dependence of pol III gap-filling activity on this polypeptide; pol III holoenzyme activity remained unaffected (assay (ii)), but the complementation activity was raised 5-fold (assay (iii)). Thus, the elevated alpha subunit (free or in a subassembly form) can substitute in vitro for a defective alpha subunit in pol III holoenzyme, but cannot increase the in vivo level of about eight pol III holoenzyme molecules per cell. This low level of pol III holoenzyme is fixed in wild type cells (bearing no plasmid) despite the presence of a 5-fold excess of the alpha subunit, as inferred from the various assays. These results suggest that the low level of pol III holoenzyme is determined by a factor or factors other than the level of the alpha subunit.  相似文献   

The DNA polymerase III (pol III)holoenzyme is the 10 subunit replicase of Escherichia coli. The 71 kDa tau subunit, encoded by dnaX, dimerizes the core polymerase (alpha epsilon theta) to form pol III'[(alpha epsilon theta)2 tau 2]. tau is also a single-stranded DNA-dependent ATPase and can substitute for the gamma subunit during initiation complex formation. We show here that tau also possesses a DNA-DNA and RNA-DNA annealing activity that is stimulated by Mg2+, but neither requires ATP nor is inhibited by non-hydrolyzable ATP analogs. This suggests the tau may act to stabilize the primer-template interaction during DNA replication.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli dnaX gene encodes both the tau and gamma subunits of DNA polymerase III holoenzyme in one reading frame. The 71.1 kDa tau and the shorter gamma share N-terminal sequences. Mutagenesis of a potential ribosomal frameshift signal located at codons 428-430 without changing the amino acid sequence of the tau product, eliminated detectable synthesis of the gamma subunit, suggesting that the reading frame is shifted at that sequence and gamma is terminated by a nonsense codon located in the -1 frame 3 nucleotides downstream of the signal. This seems to be the first known case of a frameshift which is used, along with the termination codon in the -1 frame, to terminate a peptide within a reading frame. [Mutagenesis of a dibasic peptide (lys-lys) at codons 498-499, the site at which a tau'-'LacZ fusion protein was cleaved in vitro (1) had no effect on gamma formation in vivo, suggesting that cleavage observed in vitro is not the mechanism of gamma formation in vivo.  相似文献   

Overproduction of the beta subunit of DNA polymerase III holoenzyme caused a 5- to 10-fold reduction of UV mutagenesis along with a slight increase in sensitivity to UV light in Escherichia coli. The same effects were observed in excision-deficient cells, excluding the possibility that they were mediated via changes in excision repair. In contrast, overproduction of the alpha subunit of the polymerase did not influence either UV mutagenesis or UV sensitivity. The presence of the mutagenesis proteins MucA and MucB expressed from a plasmid alleviated the effect of overproduced beta on UV mutagenesis. We have previously suggested that DNA polymerase III holoenzyme can exist in two forms: beta-rich form unable to bypass UV lesions and a beta-poor form capable of bypassing UV lesions (O. Shavitt and Z. Livneh, J. Biol. Chem. 264:11275-11281, 1989). The beta-poor form may be related to an SOS form of DNA polymerase III designed to perform translesion polymerization under SOS conditions and thereby generate mutations. On the basis of this model, we propose that the overproduced beta subunit affects the relative abundance of the regular replicative beta-rich polymerase and the SOS bypass-proficient polymerase by sequestering the polymerase molecules to the beta-rich form and blocking the SOS form.  相似文献   

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