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1. Hypopomus occidentalis, a weakly electric gymnotiform fish with a pulse-type discharge, has a sexually dimorphic electric organ discharge (Hagedorn 1983). The electric organ discharges (EODs) of males in the breeding season are longer in duration and have a lower peak-power frequency than the EODs of females. We tested reproductively mature fish in the field by presenting electronically generated stimuli in which the only cue for sex recognition was the waveshape of individual EOD-like pulses in a train. We found that gravid females could readily discriminate male-like from female-like EOD waveshapes, and we conclude that this feature of the electric signal is sufficient for sex recognition. 2. To understand the possible neural bases for discrimination of male and female EODs by H . occidentalis, we conducted a neurophysiological examination of both peripheral and central neurons. Our studies show that there are sets of neurons in this species which can discriminate male or female EODs by coding either temporal or spectral features of the EOD. 3. Temporal encoding of stimulus duration was observed in evoked field potential recordings from the magnocellular nucleus of the midbrain torus semicircularis. This nucleus indirectly receives pulse marker electroreceptor information. The field potentials suggest that comparison is possible between pulse marker activity on opposite sides of the body. 4. From standard frequency-threshold curves, spectral encoding of stimulus peak-power frequency was measured in burst duration coder electroreceptor afferents. In both male and female fish, the best frequencies of the narrow-band population of electroreceptors were lower than the peak-power frequency of the EOD. Based on this observation, and the presence of a population of wide-band receptors which can serve as a frequency-independent amplitude reference, a slope-detection model of frequency discrimination is advanced. 5. Spectral discrimination of EOD peak-power frequency was also shown to be possible in a more natural situation similar to that present during behavioral discrimination. As the fish's EOD mimic slowly scanned through and temporally coincided with the neighbor's EOD mimic, peak spike rate in burst duration coder afferents was measured. Spike rate at the moment of coincidence changed predictably as a function of the neighbor's EOD peak-power frequency. 6. Single-unit threshold measurements were made on afferents from peripheral burst duration coder receptors in the amplitude-coding pathway, and midbrain giant cells in the time-coding pathway.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

It is well-known that weakly electric fish can exhibit extreme temporal acuity at the behavioral level, discriminating time intervals in the submicrosecond range. However, relatively little is known about the spatial acuity of the electrosense. Here we use a recently developed model of the electric field generated by Apteronotus leptorhynchus to study spatial acuity and small signal extraction. We show that the quality of sensory information available on the lateral body surface is highest for objects close to the fish's midbody, suggesting that spatial acuity should be highest at this location. Overall, however, this information is relatively blurry and the electrosense exhibits relatively poor acuity. Despite this apparent limitation, weakly electric fish are able to extract the minute signals generated by small prey, even in the presence of large background signals. In fact, we show that the fish's poor spatial acuity may actually enhance prey detection under some conditions. This occurs because the electric image produced by a spatially dense background is relatively “blurred” or spatially uniform. Hence, the small spatially localized prey signal “pops out” when fish motion is simulated. This shows explicitly how the back-and-forth swimming, characteristic of these fish, can be used to generate motion cues that, as in other animals, assist in the extraction of sensory information when signal-to-noise ratios are low. Our study also reveals the importance of the structure of complex electrosensory backgrounds. Whereas large-object spacing is favorable for discriminating the individual elements of a scene, small spacing can increase the fish's ability to resolve a single target object against this background.  相似文献   

The novelty response of weakly electric mormyrids is a transient acceleration of the rate of electric organ discharges (EOD) elicited by a change in stimulus input. In this study, we used it as a tool to test whether Gnathonemus petersii can perceive minute waveform distortions of its EOD that are caused by capacitive objects, as would occur during electrolocation. Four predictions of a hypothesis concerning the mechanism of capacitance detection were tested and confirmed: (1) G. petersii exhibited a strong novelty response to computer-generated (synthetic) electric stimuli that mimic both the waveform and frequency shifts of the EOD caused by natural capacitive objects (Fig. 3). (2) Similar responses were elicited by synthetic stimuli in which only the waveform distortion due to phase shifting the EOD frequency components was present (Fig. 4). (3) Novelty responses could reliably be evoked by a constant amplitude phase shifted EOD that effects the entire body of the fish evenly, i.e., a phase difference across the body surface was lacking (Figs. 3, 4). (4) Local presentation of a phase-shifted EOD mimic that stimulated only a small number of electroreceptor organs at a single location was also effective in eliciting a behavioral response (Fig. 5).Our results indicate that waveform distortions due to phase shifts alone, i.e. independent of amplitude or frequency cues, are sufficient for the detection of capacitive, animate objects. Mormyrids perceive even minute waveform changes of their own EODs by centrally comparing the input of the two types of receptor cells within a single mormyromast electroreceptor organ. Thus, no comparison of differentially affected body regions is necessary. This shows that G. petersii indeed uses a unique mechanism for signal analysis, which is different from the one employed by gymnotiform wavefish.Abbreviations EOD electric organ discharge - p-p-amplitude peak-to-peak amplitude  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(2):333-339
We investigated group cohesion in four species of African weakly electric fish (Brienomyrus niger, Gnathonemus petersii, Marcusenius cyprinoides and Pollimyrus isidori). The attraction among members of the same and different species served as the criterion for species recognition. To identify possible mechanisms underlying this ability, conspecifics were allowed to interact through a wide-meshed plastic screen with either a pair of confined conspecifics or a pair from a related species. Members of each of the four test species were optimally attracted to their own kind, but also responded selectively to the presence of the other species. These interspecific interactions ranged from attraction to avoidance. The difference in the fish's preference to aggregate in inter- and intraspecific interactions pointed to species-specific social cues that facilitate group cohesion in mormyrid fish. Since all four species respond to each other's electric organ discharge with changes in their own discharge rate, species recognition cannot be merely a function of electroreceptor characteristics but must involve the integration of electroreceptive and other sensory cues.  相似文献   

Weakly electric fish orient at night by employing active electrolocation. South American and African species emit electric signals and perceive the consequences of these emissions with epidermal electroreceptors. Objects are detected by analyzing the electric images which they project onto the animal’s electroreceptive skin surface. Electric images depend on size, distance, shape, and material of objects and on the morphology of the electric organ and the fish’s body. It is proposed that the mormyrid Gnathonemus petersii possesses two electroreceptive “foveae” at its Schnauzenorgan and its nasal region, both of which resemble the visual fovea in the retina of many animals in design, function, and behavioral use. Behavioral experiments have shown that G. petersii can determine the resistive and capacitive components of an object’s complex impedance in order to identify prey items during foraging. In addition, fish can measure the distance and three-dimensional shape of objects. In order to determine object properties during active electrolocation, the fish have to determine at least four parameters of the local signal within an object’s electric image: peak amplitude, maximal slope, image width, and waveform distortions. A crucial parameter is the object distance, which is essential for unambiguous evaluation of object properties.  相似文献   

Summary A classical conditioning paradigm was used to test the ability of Sternopygus macrurus to detect EOD-like stimuli (sine waves) of different frequencies. The behavioral tuning curves were quite close in shape to tuning curves based on single-unit recordings of T units, although the sensitivity at all frequencies was much greater. The behavioral curves showed notches of greatly reduced sensitivity when the test frequency was equal to, or twice the EOD frequency. The EOD of each of the fish was eliminated by lesioning the medullary pacemaker nucleus, and the fish were retested. The resulting tuning curves were nearly the same in shape as those of the EOD-intact individuals, but the PMN-lesioned fish showed an overall reduction of sensitivity of 30 dB. The EOD appears to enhance sensitivity by placing the summed stimulus (test stimulus + fish's EOD) at an amplitude where T units are maximally sensitive to small temporal modulations in the fish's own EOD. Peripheral tuning appears to limit the ability of males to detect the EOD of females, since these are, on average, an octave higher in frequency than the male EOD, while the peak sensitivity of the male occurs 5–10 Hz above its own EOD frequency.Abbreviations EOD electric organ discharge - PMN pacemaker nucleus - BF best frequency - DF difference frequency  相似文献   

1. Extracellular HRP injections into the nucleus praeeminentialis dorsalis (NPd) of Apteronotus leptorhynchus retrogradely labeled a population of electrosensory lateral line lobe (ELL) efferent cells, deep basilar pyramidal cells, that differ morphologically from the previously described basilar and nonbasilar pyramidal cells. These neurons are found deep in the ELL cellular layers; they have small cell bodies and very short sparsely branching apical dendritic trees. The previously described basilar and nonbasilar pyramidal cells are larger, have extensive apical dendrites and are found more superficially. 2. Axon terminals of the deep basilar pyramidal cells were recorded from in the NPd and labeled with lucifer yellow. These NPd afferents have high, regular spontaneous firing rates, and respond tonically to changes in electric organ discharge amplitude. 3. Deep basilar pyramidal cell bodies were recorded from and labeled in the ELL, and these showed the same physiological responses as did the NPd afferent fibers. 4. In addition, basilar pyramidal cells were found which had spontaneous activity patterns and adaptation characteristics intermediate to those typical of the superficial basilar pyramidal cells and the deep basilar pyramidal cells. The size of the pyramidal cells' apical dendritic trees and the placement of their somata within the dorsoventral extent of the ELL cellular layers are highly correlated with the neurons' physiological properties.  相似文献   

Different species have developed different solutions to the problem of constructing a representation of the environment from sensory images projected onto sensory surfaces. Comprehension of how these images are formed is an essential first step in understanding the representation of external reality by a given sensory system. Modeling of the electrical sensory images of objects began with the discovery of electroreception and continues to provide general insights into the mechanisms of imaging. Progress in electric image research has made it possible to establish the physical basis of electric imaging, as well as methods to accurately predict the electric images of objects alone and as a part of a natural electric scene. In this review, we show the following. (1) The internal low resistance of the fish’s body shapes the image in two different ways: by funneling the current generated by the electric organ to the sensory surface, it increases the fields rostrally, thus enhancing the perturbation produced by nearby objects; and by increasing the projected image. (2) The electric fish’s self-generated currents are modified by capacitive objects in a distinctive manner. These modulations can be detected by different receptor types, yielding the possibility of “electric color.” (3) The effects of different objects in a scene interact with each other, generating an image that is different from the simple addition of the images of individual objects, thus causing strong contextual effects.  相似文献   

There is a sexual dimorphism in the frequency of the quasi-sinusoidal electric organ discharge (EOD) of Sternopygus macrurus, with males, on average, an octave lower. EODs are detected by tuberous electroreceptor organs, which exhibit V-shaped frequency tuning with maximal sensitivity near the fish's own EOD frequency. This would seem to limit the ability of a fish to detect the EODs of opposite-sex conspecifics. However, electroreceptor tuning has always been based on single-frequency stimulation, while actual EOD detection involves the addition of a conspecific EOD to the fish's own. In the present study, recordings were made from single electroreceptive units while the fish were stimulated with pairs of sine waves: one (S1) representing the fish's own EOD added to a second (S2) representing a conspecific EOD. T unit response was easily predicted by assuming that the electroreceptor acts as a linear filter in series with a threshold-sensitive spike initiator. P unit response was more complex, and unexpectedly high sensitivity was found for frequencies of S2 well displaced from the fish's EOD frequency. For both P and T units, detection thresholds for S2 were much lower when added to S1, than when presented alone.  相似文献   

Electroreceptive fish detect nearby objects by processing the information contained in the pattern of electric currents through the skin. The distribution of local transepidermal voltage or current density on the sensory surface of the fish's skin is the electric image of the surrounding environment. This article reports a model study of the quantitative effect of the conductance of the internal tissues and the skin on electric image generation in Gnathonemus petersii (Günther 1862). Using realistic modelling, we calculated the electric image of a metal object on a simulated fish having different combinations of internal tissues and skin conductances. An object perturbs an electric field as if it were a distribution of electric sources. The equivalent distribution of electric sources is referred to as an object's imprimence. The high conductivity of the fish body lowers the load resistance of a given object's imprimence, increasing the electric image. It also funnels the current generated by the electric organ in such a way that the field and the imprimence of objects in the vicinity of the rostral electric fovea are enhanced. Regarding skin conductance, our results show that the actual value is in the optimal range for transcutaneous voltage modulation by nearby objects. This result suggests that "voltage" is the answer to the long-standing question as to whether current or voltage is the effective stimulus for electroreceptors. Our analysis shows that the fish body should be conceived as an object that interacts with nearby objects, conditioning the electric image. The concept of imprimence can be extended to other sensory systems, facilitating the identification of features common to different perceptual systems.  相似文献   

Summary Members of the family of African electric fish, Mormyridae, exhibit a novelty response, consisting of an acceleration in the rate of electric organ discharges (EODs), when faced with changes in feedback arising from their EODs. In this study, the novelty responses of three different species of mormyrids to shunts with different electrical characteristics were noted. The three species differed in the frequency contents of their EODs: two species had relatively high spectral frequencies in their EODs (>10 kHz), while the third species had only lower spectral frequencies (< 10 kHz). Primarily resistive shunts elicited novelty response accelerations in all three species, and the magnitudes of these responses, when normalized to the responses obtained for a shunt with no introduced resistance, were comparable for all three species. For primarily capacitive shunts, however, the magnitudes of the normalized responses were different for the three species: the two species with high spectral frequencies in their EODs showed larger normalized responses than the third species which had only low EOD spectral frequencies.The differences in species responses for capacitive shunts, and the similarities in species responses for resistive shunts, suggest that electric fish detect the complex impedance of objects in their near field environment: a circuit model consisting of a fish emitting discharges into the surrounding water, which can be shunted by a variable complex impedance, conforms well to the data. Thus, electrolocation is a frequency dependent sensory process, and this frequency dependency should be considered in any speculation about the adaptive value of different EOD waveforms.Abbreviation EOD electric organ discharge  相似文献   

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