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The specificity of the auxin transport system   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary In an effort to examine the specificity of the auxin transport system, the movement of a variety of growth substances and of auxin analogues through corn coleoptile sections was measured in both the basipetal and acropetal directions. In contrast to the basipetal, polar transport of the auxins indoleacetic acid (IAA) and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, no such movement was found for benzoic acid or for gibberellin A1. A comparison of the - and -isomers of naphthaleneacetic acid showed that the growth-active -form is transported, but not the inactive -analogue. Both the dextro (+) and leavo (-) isomer of 3-indole-2-methylacetic acid showed the basipetal movement characteristic of IAA, the dextro isomer being more readily transported than the (-)-form. In this instance, too, the transport was roughtly proportional to the growth promoting activity. The antiauxin p-chlorophenoxyisobutyric acid inhibited auxin transport as it inhibited auxin-induced growth. These results agree with the hypothesis that processes involved in auxin transport are closely linked to or even identical with the primary auxin action.  相似文献   

Summary The basipetal movement of IAA in 5-mm Zea coleoptile segments is drastically reduced under anaerobic conditions, but it remains greater than acropetal movement which is closely similar in the presence and absence of oxygen. The polarity of IAA movement has thus been confirmed in Zea coleoptile segments which have been deprived of oxygen. This net polar flux is dependent upon anaerobic metabolism since it is abolished in the presence of the metabolic inhibitiors sodium fluoride and iodoacetic acid.Acropetal movement of IAA is unaffected by the presence of sodium fluoride in air or anaerobic conditions. Uptake of IAA from a basal donor is not affected by sodium fluoride in air, but under anaerobic conditions the inhibitor decreased uptake by approximately 13%.Under anaerobic conditions both inhibitors reduce basipetal movement of IAA to the level of acropetal movement, and both decrease the total uptake of IAA from an apical donor by up to 30–45%. Under aerobic conditions sodium fluoride has no marked effect upon either the uptake of IAA from an apical donor or the basipetal movement of IAA by the segments. On the other hand, iodoacetic acid greatly decreased the uptake of IAA by the segments in air, but the same fraction of the total IAA taken up was recovered in the receiving block in the presence and absence of the inhibitor.This research was supported by Grant Number 83/6 to Professor M. B. Wilkins from the U. K. Agricultural Research Council.  相似文献   

Summary When cytoplasmie streaming in oat and maize coleoptile cells is completely inhibited by cytochalasin B (CB), polar transport of auxin (indole-3-acetic acid) continues at a slightly reduced rate. Therefore, cytoplasmic streaming is not required for polar transport. Auxin induces elongation in CB-inhibited coleoptile and pea stem segments, but elongation rate is reduced about 40% by CB. Therefore, stimulation of cytoplasmic streaming cannot be the means by which auxin promotes cell elongation, but streaming may be beneficial to elongation growth although not essential to it. A more severe inhibition of elongation develops after several hours in CB. With coleoptiles this could be due to inhibition of sugar uptake; in pea tissue it may be due to permeability changes and cytoplasmic degeneration. CB does not disorganize or disorient microfilament bundles when it inhibits streaming in maize, but appears instead to cause hypercondensation of microfilament material.  相似文献   

P. H. Rubery 《Planta》1977,135(3):275-283
1. The specificity of the auxin transport system of suspension-cultured crown gall cells from Parthenocissus tricuspidata Planch- is examined with regard to 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4 D), l-Naphthylacetic acid (NAA) and Benzoic acid (BA) as well as for indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). — 2. All four weak acids can be accumulated by the cells from a medium more acidic than the cytoplasm. This is by virtue of non-specific passive diffusion of their lipid-soluble protonated forms down a concentration gradient. The corresponding anionic species are much less permeant. The extent of the accumulation is dependent on the pH difference that is maintained by the cells between their cytoplasm and the incubation medium. Studies of the concentration dependence of BA and NAA net uptake at a series of external pHs suggest that an acidification of the cytoplasm can be eventually brought about by the entry of weak acid into the cells. — 3. The uptake of 2,4 D, as well as that of IAA, has a saturable carrier-mediated component in addition to the passive diffusion of the undissociated acid. These saturable components probably represent anion uptake and appear to be mediated by a common carrier. The kinetic studies provided no evidence for the participation of carriers in the transport of BA or NAA. — 4. It was shown that the efflux of 2,4 D also has a carrier-mediated component and it is suggested that both the influx and efflux of IAA and 2,4 D occur on a common carrier. — 5. The inhibitor of polar auxin transport, 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA), stimulates the net uptake of IAA by inhibiting carrier-mediated efflux of IAA from the cells. However, TIBA could not be demonstrated to have a significant effect on 2,4 D transport and any perturbation that occurs is very small in comparison with its effect on IAA movement. To account for this, the proposed common carrier could exhibit some difference in its internal binding characteristics betweend 2,4 D and IAA. An alternative explanation is that a second carrier is present, which mediates IAA efflux only, and which is inhibited by TIBA. — 6. TIBA has no significant effect on the transport of either BA or NAA, except to bring about an inhibition of net uptake, and a corresponding stimulation of efflux, when it is present at concentrations sufficient to acidify the cytoplasm. —7. The crown gall cells are compared to intact plant tissues capable of polar auxin transport with regard to the specificities exhibited for the transport of the auxins IAA, 2,4 D and NAA and the non-auxin BA.Abbreviations IAA indol-3-yl acetic acid - 2,4 D 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - NAA 1-Naphthylacetic acid - BA Benzoic acid - TIBA 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid  相似文献   

Funneling auxin action: specificity in signal transduction   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

D. A. Morris  A. Guy Thomas 《Planta》1974,118(3):225-234
Summary When eight 14C-labelled auxin and non-auxin compounds were applied to the apical buds of intact dwarf pea seedlings (Pisum sativum L.), only [1-14C]indoleacetic acid ([14C]IAA) and -[1-14C] naphthaleneacetic acid ([14C]NAA) underwent appreciable basipetal transport during the first 24 h; over a longer period (72 h) considerable basipetal transport of the auxin [1-14C]2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid ([14C]2,4-D) also occurred, but at a very much lower velocity (ca. 1.4–2.2 mm·h-1). The movement of 2,4-D possessed many of the characteristics of a typical auxin transport. During uptake and transport IAA and NAA were extensively metabolised to the corresponding aspartates, and to ethanol-insoluble/NaOH-soluble compounds; little metabolism of 2,4-D was observed. None of the non-auxin compounds applied (sorbose, sucrose, leucine, adenine and kinetin) underwent appreciable basipetal transport from the apical bud. All but sorbose were extensively metabolised by the apical tissues. Little metabolism of sorbose itself was detected.The results suggest that the long-distance basipetal auxin transport system from the apical bud of intact plants is specific for auxins; the specificity may result from the affinity of auxins for specific transport sites.  相似文献   

Axillary meristems play a fundamental role in inflorescence architecture. Maize (Zea mays) inflorescences are highly branched panicles because of the production of multiple types of axillary meristems. We used auxin transport inhibitors to show that auxin transport is required for axillary meristem initiation in the maize inflorescence. The phenotype of plants treated with auxin transport inhibitors is very similar to that of barren inflorescence2 (bif2) and barren stalk1 (ba1) mutants, suggesting that these genes function in the same auxin transport pathway. To dissect this pathway, we performed RNA in situ hybridization on plants treated with auxin transport inhibitors. We determined that bif2 is expressed upstream and that ba1 is expressed downstream of auxin transport, enabling us to integrate the genetic and hormonal control of axillary meristem initiation. In addition, treatment of maize inflorescences with auxin transport inhibitors later in development results in the production of single instead of paired spikelets. Paired spikelets are a key feature of the Andropogoneae, a group of over 1000 grasses that includes maize, sorghum, and sugarcane. Because all other grasses bear spikelets singly, these results implicate auxin transport in the evolution of inflorescence architecture. Furthermore, our results provide insight into mechanisms of inflorescence branching that are relevant to all plants.  相似文献   

Gravitropism: lateral thinking in auxin transport   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Moore I 《Current biology : CB》2002,12(13):R452-R454
Plant stems and roots orient themselves with respect to directional illumination and gravity by differential growth on either side of the organ. A model formulated in the 1930s proposed that tropic growth curvature arose from growth hormone redistribution. Studies with Arabidopsis are beginning to reveal the mechanism.  相似文献   

Summary Roots of 3.5-day-old seedlings of Zea mays cv. Giant White Horsetooth contain an extractable auxin which has chromatographic properties and reactions to chromogenic sprays identical with those of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). By separating stele from cortex (and root tips) before extraction it was shown that the auxin is localized predominantly in the stele, with little being found in the cortex. Whole roots, isolated cortices and isolated steles accumulate and metabolize exogenously applied IAA-1-14C. The stelar tissue is distinguished from whole roots and cortical tissue in having a different pattern of IAA metabolism.  相似文献   

Kinetic parameters of chicken and rat lipoprotein lipase (LPL) were determined in the incubation in vitro with various monoacid triacylglycerol emulsion and plasma lipoproteins. In rat- and chicken-LPL there is an inverse relationship between the hydrolytic rate by both LPL and the increased acyl-chain unsaturation of monoacid triacylglycerol; C18:1>C18:2>C18:3. The rat LPL catalyzed hydrolysis of saturated monoacid triaclyglycerol increased with an increase of chain length as C16>C14>C12, whereas in chicken LPL hydrolytic rate of C12 was higher than C14 and C16 triaclyglycerol. Vmax of rat- and chicken-LPL for chylomicron and VLDL were higher but apparent Km for those were lower than other lipoproteins. In chicken, Vmax and apparent Km of LPL for VLDL were almost the same as those for chylomicron, whereas in rat, Vmax of LPL for VLDL was twice that of chylomicron with the same apparent Km. The chicken and rat VLDL with different particle size prepared by Bio-Gel A50 gel chromatography were similarly hydrolyzed by LPL, while the hydrolysis of small chicken-chylomicron particles was inclined to be higher than that of the large particles. These results show species differences between chickens and rats in the substrate specificity of LPL.  相似文献   

Cathepsin K is known to play an important role in bone resorption, and it has the P2 specificity for proline. Rat cathepsin K has 88% identity with the human enzyme. However, it has been reported that its enzymatic activity for a Cbz-Leu-Arg-MCA substrate is lower than that of human cathepsin K, and that the rat enzyme is not well inhibited by human cathepsin K inhibitors. For this study, we prepared recombinant enzyme to investigate the substrate specificity of rat cathepsin K. Cleavage experiments using the fragment of type I collagen and peptidic libraries demonstrated that rat cathepsin K preferentially hydrolyses the substrates at the P2 Hyp position. Comparison of the S2 site between rat and human cathepsin K sequences indicated that two S2 residues at Ser134 and Val160 in rat are varied to Ala and Leu, respectively, in the human enzyme. Cleavage experiments using two single mutants, S134A and V160L, and one double mutant, S134A/V160L, of rat cathepsin K showed that all the rat mutants lost the P2 Hyp specificity. The information obtained from our comparative studies on rat and human cathepsin K should make a significant impact on developing specific inhibitors of human cathepsin K since rat is usually used as test species.  相似文献   

The directional transport of the plant hormone auxin is a unique process mediating a wide variety of developmental processes. Auxin movement between cells depends on AUX1/LAX, PGP and PIN protein families that mediate auxin transport across the plasma membrane. The directionality of auxin flow within tissues is largely determined by polar, subcellular localization of PIN auxin efflux carriers. PIN proteins undergo rapid subcellular dynamics that is important for the process of auxin transport and its directionality. Furthermore, various environmental and endogenous signals can modulate trafficking and polarity of PIN proteins and by this mechanism change auxin distribution. Thus, the subcellular dynamics of auxin transport proteins represents an important interface between cellular processes and development of the whole plant. This review summarizes our recent contributions to the field of PIN trafficking and auxin transport regulation.  相似文献   

Summary Cytochemical detection of ascorbic acid in cultured root tips of Zea mays shows that dividing cells accumulate ascorbic acid in the cytoplasm. The localization pattern alters in the root tip as the cells begin to elongate. In elongating cells ascorbic acid is distinctly localized on cell walls. Ascorbic acid content per cell inreases with the onset of cell elongation. Fully elongated cells contain fivefold more ascorbic acid than meristematic cells. Cytophotometric analysis reveals a sharp and positive correlation (r=+0.93) between percentage increase in content of ascorbic acid per cell and corresponding increase in cell size at different phases of cell elongation. IAA treatment to the roots raises the content of ascorbic acid per cell with a parallel increase in size of cell. Involvement of ascorbic acid in IAA induced cell elongation is discussed.  相似文献   

Effect of auxin on acropetal auxin transport in roots of corn   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Acropetal [14C]indoleacetic acid (IAA) transport was investigated in roots of corn. At least 40 to 50% of this movement is dependent on activities in the root apex. Selective excision of various populations of cells comprising the root apex, e.g. the root cap, quiescent center, or proximal meristem show that the proximal meristem is the critical region in the apex with regard to influencing IAA movement. The quiescent center has no influence and the root cap has only a minor effect. Excision and replacement of the proximal meristem with an exogenous supply of 10−8 to 10−9 molar IAA prevents the reduction in acropetal IAA transport which would normally occur in the absence of this meristem. Substituting 10−9 molar IAA for the excised root cap brings about a significant increase in the amount of IAA moved acropetally, as compared to intact roots with the root cap still in place. From this and previous work, it is concluded that IAA synthesis occurring in the proximal meristem stimulates the movement of IAA from the basal to apical end of the root.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》1999,9(1):R8-R10
Regulated transport has long been known to play a key part in action of the plant hormone auxin. Now, at last, a family of auxin efflux carriers has been identified, and the characterisation of one family member has provided strong evidence in support of models that have been proposed to explain gravitropic curvature in roots.  相似文献   

H. Veen 《Planta》1967,73(3):281-295
Summary Transport and metabolism of naphthylacetic acid, labelled with 14C or with 3H, were studied by means of the liquid scintillation counting technique in combination with thin layer chromatography.The amounts of radioactivity reaching the receiver blocks as well as the loss from donor blocks greatly depended on the donor concentration. The relative amounts in receiver blocks increased with decreasing auxin concentrations in donor blocks. This phenomenon may be ascribed to the low immobilization capacity of the tissue at very low auxin concentrations.The relative amounts of radioactivity lost from donor blocks increased with decreasing auxin concentrations in donor blocks.Different characteristics of auxin transport can be explained by assuming a movement in symplast or in apoplast. During transport in the symplast the auxin is immobilized. Auxin immobilization governs many characteristics of auxin transport and could have a regulating effect on the free auxin content in plant tissues.  相似文献   

Lateral auxin transport in stems and roots   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Burg SP  Burg EA 《Plant physiology》1967,42(6):891-893

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