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Aim  Native American fire use influenced bark thickness of coastal and island Monterey pine ( Pinus radiata D. Don) and bishop pine ( Pinus muricata D. Don) populations.
Methods  Basal bark thickness and d.b.h. were measured in two common-garden pine plantations that included all five native Monterey pine populations and nine of 10 native bishop pine populations. One-factor analysis of covariance was used to determine if significant differences in bark thickness existed between island and coastal populations.
Results  Bark thickness was measured on 228 Monterey and 42 bishop pines. Bark thickness in coastal and island Monterey pine populations was significantly different. Bark thickness in coastal and island bishop pine populations was not significantly different.
Main conclusions  Basal bark was thick in populations where there was a history of Native American burning. Basal bark was thin in two island populations where Native Americans have been absent or distant from the pine populations. While other influences no doubt affect the evolution of lower-bole bark thickness, it appears that frequent anthropogenic fires may be a powerful selection force.  相似文献   

Using a functional genomics approach, four candidate genes (PtGT34A, PtGT34B, PtGT34C and PtGT34D) were identified in Pinus taeda. These genes encode CAZy family GT34 glycosyltransferases that are involved in the synthesis of cell‐wall xyloglucans and heteromannans. The full‐length coding sequences of three orthologs (PrGT34A, B and C) were isolated from a xylem‐specific cDNA library from the closely related Pinus radiata. PrGT34B is the ortholog of XXT1 and XXT2, the two main xyloglucan (1→6)‐α‐xylosyltransferases in Arabidopsis thaliana. PrGT34C is the ortholog of XXT5 in A. thaliana, which is also involved in the xylosylation of xyloglucans. PrGT34A is an ortholog of a galactosyltransferase from fenugreek (Trigonella foenum‐graecum) that is involved in galactomannan synthesis. Truncated coding sequences of the genes were cloned into plasmid vectors and expressed in a Sf9 insect cell‐culture system. The heterologous proteins were purified, and in vitro assays showed that, when incubated with UDP‐xylose and cellotetraose, cellopentaose or cellohexaose, PrGT34B showed xylosyltransferase activity, and, when incubated with UDP‐galactose and the same cello‐oligosaccharides, PrGT34B showed some galactosyltransferase activity. The ratio of xylosyltransferase to galactosyltransferase activity was 434:1. Hydrolysis of the galactosyltransferase reaction products using galactosidases showed the linkages formed were α‐linkages. Analysis of the products of PrGT34B by MALDI‐TOF MS showed that up to three xylosyl residues were transferred from UDP‐xylose to cellohexaose. The heterologous proteins PrGT34A and PrGT34C showed no detectable enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

Grosmannia clavigera is a fungal pathogen of pine forests in western North America and a symbiotic associate of two sister bark beetles: Dendroctonus ponderosae and D. jeffreyi. This fungus and its beetle associate D. ponderosae are expanding in large epidemics in western North America. Using the fungal genome sequence and gene annotations, we assessed whether fungal isolates from the two beetles inhabiting different species of pine in epidemic regions of western Canada and the USA, as well as in localized populations outside of the current epidemic, represent different genetic lineages. We characterized nucleotide variations in 67 genomic regions and selected 15 for the phylogenetic analysis. Using concordance of gene genealogies and distinct ecological characteristics, we identified two sibling phylogenetic species: Gc and Gs. Where the closely related Pinus ponderosa and P. jeffreyi are infested by localized populations of their respective beetles, Gc is present. In contrast, Gs is an exclusive associate of D. ponderosae mainly present on its primary host‐tree P. contorta; however, in the current epidemic areas, it is also found in other pine species. These results suggest that the host‐tree species and the beetle population dynamics may be important factors associated with the genetic divergence and diversity of fungal partners in the beetle‐tree ecosystems. Gc represents the original G. clavigera holotype, and Gs should be described as a new species.  相似文献   

Transfer and expression of the β–glucuronidase gene ( gusA ) in cultured cotyledons of radiata pine ( Pinus radiata D. Don ) were obtained by particle bombardment. Conditions for optimum transient expression were established by using plasmid pB[/12], delivered by gold particles, 1.6 μm in diameter, into 8-day-old cultured cotyledons. Helium pressure of 7.6 MPa, bombardment distance between the stopping screen and the target tissues of 6 cm, and 0.8 μg of plasmid DNA per bombardment proved to be the best parameters for transient expression; using these parameters 79% of bombarded cotyledons showed GUS activity, with 4.3 blue spots per cotyledon. This system was used for studying the expression of several gus-driven promoters the expression of the sunflower ubiquitin gene promoter was higher (99% of positive cotyledons, with 14.2 blue spots per cotyledon) than that of the CaMV 35S promoter, whereas the rice actin and the maize alcohol dehydrogenase gene promoters gave lower gusA expression, as determined histochemically. These results were confirmed by using the gus fluorometric assay. Use of the sunflower ubiquitin gene promoter resulted in gusA expression up to 20 days after bombardment, with a significant level of gus expressing loci per bombarded cotyledon, whereas with the CaMV 35S promoter gusA expression was lost 12 days after bombardment.  相似文献   

Extracts of resting pine seeds inhibited the proteinase activities present in extracts of endosperms of germinating seeds (hydrolysis of haemoglobin at pH 3.7 and hydrolysis of casein at pH 5.4 and 7.0). Heating the extracts of resting seeds at 60°C destroyed their own proteinase activity but their proteinase inhibitor activity decreased by only 25 to 30%. Some properties of the inhibitor(s) were studied using extracts treated at 60°C. The inhibitor activities were non-dialysable. the inhibition increased linearly with increasing inhibitor concentration up to 80% of total proteinase activity, and the maximal inhibition was 80% at pH 3.7. 90% at pH 5.4. and 97% at pH 7.0. The extracts of resting seeds did not inhibit the pepsin-like acid pine proteinase that accounts for a minor part of the proteolytic activity of endosperm extracts at pH 3.7. Neither did they have any effect on the acid pine carboxypeptidase or trypsin and chymotrypsin. Fresh extracts of endosperms of germinating seeds contained relatively high proteinase activity (assayed directly) and moderate inhibitor activity (assayed after treatment at 60°C). When fresh extracts were dialysed at 50°C for 48 h their proteinase activities increased considerably while the corresponding inhibitor activities disappeared. It is concluded that the decrease of inhibitors during dialysis is due to enzymatic inactivation and that the corresponding increase of proteinase activities is at least partly due to the destruction of the inhibitors.  相似文献   

Abstract 1 After a 1‐year, extensive pine looper (Bupalus piniaria) outbreak, plots were laid out to study tree susceptibility to attack, and performance of Tomicus piniperda in pine trees suffering from varying levels of defoliation. 2 Tomicus piniperda was the dominating stem‐attacking species among the primary stem colonizers, and 82% of all trees that died had been colonized by T. piniperda. 3 Beetle attacks primarily struck severely defoliated trees, i.e. trees that suffered from 90% to 100% defoliation. 4 Beetle attacks peaked in the second year after cessation of the outbreak, and suppressed trees were both more frequently attacked and more susceptible to beetle attack than intermediate and dominant trees. 5 Trees surviving beetle attacks carried more foliage than trees that did not survive the attacks. 6 A single year of severe defoliation is enough to render pine trees susceptible to secondary pests, such as T. piniperda.  相似文献   

A rapid PCR-based method for genetically mapping ESTs   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
A simple, semi-automatable procedure was developed for converting expressed sequence tags (ESTs) into mappable genetic markers. The polymerase chain reaction is used to amplify regions immediately 5′ or 3′ to the coding regions of genes in order to maximise sequence variability between alleles. Fragment length and nucleotide substitution polymorphisms among amplified alleles can be detected using either ethidium bromide staining or automated laser-based fluorescence. A 6% non-denaturing acrylamide gel, analysed with an ABI 377 DNA sequencer, proved capable of resolving homoduplexes and heteroduplexes formed between amplified alleles containing nucleotide substitutions as well as resolving allelic length differences. With this approach 75% of 60 ESTs from a range of Pinus species could be genetically mapped in each of three pedigrees from P. radiata and P. taeda. Furthermore, three or four alleles were detected in each pedigree for 42% of the EST markers. Received: 4 January 2000 / Accepted: 26 May 2000  相似文献   

New Perspectives is intended to allow the communication of comments, viewpoints, and speculative interpretation of issues in ecology pertinent to entomology. Comments, viewpoints, or suggestions arising from published papers intended to fuel discussion and debate are also welcome. Contributions should be as concise as possible, normally not exceeding two thousand words. Formal research reports will not be acceptable, but summarised novel data, suitably supported by statistics, may be allowed.  相似文献   

在室内条件下,分别用马尾松针叶(Pinus massoniana Lamb.)、湿地松针叶(Pinus elliottii Engelm)、以及在不同的幼虫龄期从用马尾松针叶转移到用湿地松针叶饲养马尾松毛虫Dendrolimus punctatus Walker,观察转换寄主对马尾松毛虫生长发育与繁殖的影响。结果表明:(1)从用马尾松针叶饲养转换到用湿地松针叶饲养,可显著影响马尾松毛虫生长发育和繁殖参数;而且当在马尾松毛虫幼虫老龄期进行转换寄主饲养比低龄期转换寄主饲养,可显著缩短马尾松毛虫幼虫的发育历期,降低死亡率,同时,可显著增加幼虫体重、蛹重和化蛹率;对食物的营养效应也越强。(2)取食马尾松的松毛虫较取食湿地松的马尾松毛虫发育历期短,死亡率低,幼虫及蛹重增加,产卵量高。结果说明,马尾松毛虫从马尾松转换移到湿地松上取食对其生长发育与繁殖是不利的。  相似文献   

Aspartate metabolism was investigated in excised cotyledons of radiata pine ( Pinus radiata D. Don). These cotyledons were cultured under shoot-forming (plus N6-benzyladenine, SF), non-shoot-forming (minus N6-benzyladenine, NSF) and unresponsive (plus N6-benzyladenine, OLD) conditions, then incubated with [14C]-aspartate for 3-h pulse treatments followed by 3-h chase treatments with cold aspartate. The majority of label was recovered in the CO2, amino acid, organic acid and pellet fractions. Uptake was greatest in all tissue types early in culture. Most (over 80%) of the [14C]-aspartate taken up by the tissues was converted to CO2 at day 0 in SF and NSF tissues, CO2 accounted for less than 50% of the total radioactivity in other tissues. Greater incorporation into fractions was observed in SF tissues during promeristemoid formation, while in NSF tissues the greatest incorporation was observed during a period of rapid elongation. Generally, less incorporation was observed in OLD cotyledons than in SF and NSF cotyledons. Analysis of the amino acid fraction showed that labelled aspartate was converted to other amino acids, mainly glutamate, glutamine, asparagine and 4-aminobutyric acid.  相似文献   

Phytophthora ramorum (Oomycetes) is an emerging plant pathogen in forests in southwestern Oregon (Curry County). Moreover, since 2003 it has been repeatedly isolated from plants in Oregon nurseries. In this study, we analysed the genetic diversity of the P. ramorum population in Oregon from 2001 to 2004 by using microsatellites. A total of 323 isolates (272 from the infested forest; 51 from nurseries) were screened at 10 loci. The overall P. ramorum population in Oregon is characterized by low genetic diversity and has all the hallmarks of an introduced organism. All isolates within the A2 mating type belonged to the same clonal lineage and no recombinant genotypes were found. The forest population (24 genotypes) was dominated by a single multilocus genotype which persisted over years, indicating that eradication efforts in the forest have not completely eliminated inoculum sources. In contrast, genotypic evidence suggests that eradication was effective in nurseries. In 2003 and 2004, a total of 11 genotypes were found in the nurseries (one belonged to the European lineage of P. ramorum) but no genotype was recovered in both sampling years. Significant differentiation and low gene flow were detected between nursery and forest populations. Only two nursery genotypes were also found in the forest, and then at low frequency. Thus, the nursery infestation is not caused by the genotypes observed in Curry County, but likely resulted through introduction of novel genotypes from nurseries out-of-state. This highlights the continued importance of sanitation and quarantine in nurseries to prevent further introduction and spread of P. ramorum.  相似文献   

边缘效应带促进红松生长的光合生理生态学研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
王文杰  祖元刚  杨逢建  王慧梅  王非 《生态学报》2003,23(11):2318-2326
以一个经过12a边缘效应带处理的14年生红松幼林生态系统为研究对象,通过对3种宽度(4m,6m,8m)边缘效应带及保留带内红松幼树的光合日进程、碳素日积累量及相关生理生态学因子(光照、气孔导度、小枝木质部水势、叶片温度、叶面饱和蒸气压亏缺)的研究,探讨了造成不同效应带和保留带内红松生长差异的光合生理生态学原因。结果:4m效应带光照不足引起的碳素日积累量过低导致红松生长较差,8m效应带气孔导度过低引起的光合午休现象导致了碳素日积累量低、红松生长较差。8m效应带引起气孔导度下降的因素主要是过强光照引起叶片温度较高、叶面饱和蒸气压亏缺较大以及小枝木质部水势过低。研究认为,太宽的8m带和太窄的4m带都在一定程度上引起了光合生理生态学的不适应,导致生长水平下降,6m宽度的边缘效应带是人工促进红松生长的最佳边缘效应带。  相似文献   

Breeding for resistance to forest pests and pathogens is emerging as a promising tool for minimising the impact of the increasing biotic threats that our forests are experiencing as a consequence of global change. Efficient phenotyping protocols of resistance are urgently needed. Here we present the results of two experiments aimed to determine whether the variation in resistance to the pine weevil Hylobius abietis, a harmful pest of European conifers, can be inferred by nondestructive bioassays using excised plant material collected in forest genetic trials. Weevil damage and amount of nonvolatile resin induced by weevil feeding were assessed in young trees and in branches of adult trees using several phenotyping procedures (bioassays using either living trees, excised plant material and cut stem twigs) on four pine species (Pinus pinaster, P. radiata, P. sylvestris and P. pinea). Half of the plants were previously induced with methyl jasmonate (MJ), a treatment that is known to affect resistance to the pine weevil. In Experiment 1, living and excised plants showed parallel results: MJ treatment significantly reduced weevil damage, and saplings responded to weevil damage locally increasing the nonvolatile resin (NVR) in the stems proportionally to the damage suffered. This response was, however, slightly lower in excised than in living saplings. On the contrary, patterns of weevil feeding on stem twigs completely departed from those observed in living and excised seedlings. Moreover, cut stem twigs were unable to respond to weevil feeding increasing NVR according to the weevil damage. In Experiment 2, assessment of weevil damage on excised branches explained around 50% of variation in damage on living branches. This relationship became much more pronounced (R2 = 0.81) when explored at the mean treatment level; branch manipulation did not alter the patterns of variation in resistance across pine species or MJ treatments. Irrespective of the assessment procedure, MJ consistently decreased weevil damage in all pine species, with larger reduction in weevil damage in stone and maritime pine than in radiata and Scots pine. Radiata pine was the most resistant while Scots pine was the most susceptible to the pine weevil. Overall, results suggest that using excised plant material is an operative alternative for phenotyping weevil resistance whenever care is taken to maintain the functionality of the excised plant material. This will allow taking advantage of multiple available conifer genetic trials to deepen the ecological genetics of resistance to the pine weevil and to screen for resistance without compromising the long‐term utility of those genetic trials.  相似文献   

The pine wood nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus), which causes the symptoms of pine wilt disease, is recognized worldwide as a major forest pest. It was introduced into Portugal in 1999. It is transmitted between trees almost exclusively by longhorn beetles of the genus Monochamus, including, in particular, M. galloprovincialis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in maritime pine forests. Accurate estimates of the flight capacity of this insect vector are required if we are to understand and predict the spread of pine wilt disease in Europe. Using computer‐linked flight mills, we evaluated the distance flown, the flight probability and speed of M. galloprovincialis throughout adulthood and investigated the effects of age, sex and body weight on these flight performances, which are proxies for dispersal capacity. The within‐population variability of flight performance in M. galloprovincialis was high, with a mean distance of 16 km flown over the lifetime of the beetle. Age and body weight had a significant positive effect on flight capacity, but there was no difference in performance between males and females. These findings have important implications for managing the spread of the pine wood nematode in European forests.  相似文献   

Aim To understand how the biophysical environment influences patterns of infection by non‐native blister rust (caused by Cronartium ribicola) and mortality caused by native mountain pine beetles (Dendroctonus ponderosae) in whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) communities, to determine how these disturbances interact, and to gain insight into how climate change may influence these patterns in the future. Location High‐elevation forests in south‐west Montana, central Idaho, eastern and western Oregon, USA. Methods Stand inventory and dendroecological methods were used to assess stand structure and composition and to reconstruct forest history at sixty 0.1‐ha plots. Patterns of blister rust infection and mountain pine beetle‐caused mortality in whitebark pine trees were examined using nonparametric Kruskal–Wallis ANOVA, Mann–Whitney U‐tests, and Kolmogorov–Smirnov two‐sample tests. Stepwise regression was used to build models of blister rust infection and mountain pine beetle‐related mortality rates based on a suite of biophysical site variables. Results Occurrence of blister rust infections was significantly different among the mountain ranges, with a general gradient of decreasing blister rust occurrence from east to west. Evidence of mountain pine beetle‐caused mortality was identified on 83% of all dead whitebark pine trees and was relatively homogenous across the study area. Blister rust infected trees of all ages and sizes uniformly, while mountain pine beetles infested older, larger trees at all sites. Stepwise regressions explained 64% and 58% of the variance in blister rust infection and beetle‐caused mortality, respectively, indicating that these processes are strongly influenced by the biophysical environment. More open stand structures produced by beetle outbreaks may increase the exposure of surviving whitebark pine trees to blister rust infection. Main conclusions Variability in the patterns of blister rust infection and mountain pine beetle‐caused mortality elucidated the fundamental dynamics of these disturbance agents and suggests that the effects of climate change will be complex in whitebark pine communities and vary across the species’ range. Interactions between blister rust and beetle outbreaks may accelerate declines or facilitate the rise of rust resistance in whitebark pine depending on forest conditions at the time of the outbreak.  相似文献   

The formerly endangered Kirtland's warbler (Setophaga kirtlandii) is among a growing number of conservation-reliant species that depend on active management to avoid reverting to endangered status. Because the Kirtland's warbler is a habitat specialist of young, even-aged jack pine (Pinus banksiana), managers of the recovery effort stressed creating new jack pine stands and monitoring numbers of singing males through an annual census using single visits to individual stands. Kirtland's warbler will occupy and breed in red pine (P. resinosa), but red pine has not been surveyed for Kirtland's warblers in the annual population census. Furthermore, the current monitoring approach cannot determine their species detection probability or individual detection probability, which is essential to evaluate both red pine use and the accuracy of the census. From 2016–2018 we estimated density and detection probabilities in jack pine and red pine stands through repeated visits to a limited number of stands rather than single visits to many stands. Estimates of species detection probability indicated that ≥1 male Kirtland's warbler would be detected on most sites when any were present, but individual detection probabilities were less and varied by stand type, indicating that single visits to sites would underestimate numbers and that accurate estimation of detection probability was important for estimation of density in different stand types. We offer quantitative estimates of detection probabilities for determination of Kirtland's warbler population size in jack pine versus red pine stands in the same areas and breeding seasons. Managers of Kirtland's warblers should incorporate detection probabilities into population surveys to achieve more accurate estimates of population size.  相似文献   

1 The feeding behaviour of Hylastes ater was investigated at 15 °C and 20 °C on a range of tree species. The role of an aggregation pheromone and the part played by olfactory cues in food selection was also investigated. 2 A distinct hierarchical preference at both 15 °C and 20 °C such that Pinus radiata > Pinus sylvestris > > Picea abies > > Rubus fruticosus=Betula pendula was shown. 3 Feeding on P. sylvestris led to the highest weight gain, closely followed by P. radiata and P. abies. Slightly elevated feeding was observed at 20 °C compared with 15 °C. 4 Reduced feeding in the presence of B. pendula suggests the possibility of an antifeedant effect and predamaged wood was found to be less nutritious, possibly due to greater plant defences. 5 The role of an aggregation pheromone was not supported. Olfactory cues enabled the detection of woody hosts, although differentiation between host was not observed. 6 These results are likely to be important in helping to design an effective integrated control approach against this pest.  相似文献   

Abstract. Attraction of the large pine weevil, Hylobius abietis (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) to pine logs was enhanced by the presence of weevils already on the logs. We investigated the volatiles emitted by insects feeding on host trees to determine the mechanism of the attraction. Chemical analyses of the collected volatiles showed large amounts of monoterpenes. There were no qualitative differences in the collections, between Scots pine alone and pine plus feeding weevils, nor between males and females, mated or virgin. Strong quantitative differences in monoterpenes existed that were correlated to the surface of cut bark. Electroantennograms (EAGs) were recorded on male and female antennae stimulated by increasing doses of collected volatiles. EAGs for pine alone and pine plus weevils at the same stimulus loading in (a + P)-pinene gave superimposable curves. EAGs of male and female volatiles were also identical. These results suggest an attraction mediated by host plant allelochemicals rather than by an aggregation pheromone.  相似文献   

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