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Base substitution is one of the raw fuels that produce genetic variation and drive evolution. Recent studies have shown that the genome components affect mutation patterns to some extent. In order to infer the correlation between the Transition/Transversion ratio (Ts/Tv) and the number of immediately adjacent A&T nucleotides, we investigated 3611007 Oryza sativa SNPs (including 45462 coding SNPs, and 242811 intronic SNPs) and 32019 Arabidopsis SNPs. The results show that Ts/Tv is negatively correlated with the number of immediately adjacent A&T in O. Sativa and Arabidopsis. We further calculated AT2 (the number of SNPs whose immediately adjacent nucleotides are either A or T) and AT0 (the number of SNPs whose immediately adjacent nucleotides are either C or G) for all 6 types of SNPs. C/G SNP of O. sativa and Arabidopsis has the highest AT2/AT0, which denotes C/G SNP may be influenced by the adjacent A&T nucleotides mostly. For SNPs in O. sativa, the neighboring effect of A&T nucleotides is limited to 2 nucleotides on both sides; for SNPs in Arabidopsis, the effect extends no more than 4 nucleotides on both sides.  相似文献   

Base substitution, the most common mutation thatone or more bases substitute another, is the main causethat creates individual variation, community diversityand the evolution of species. Studying the role andmechanism of base substitution could help peopl…  相似文献   

中国沙塘鳢属鱼类线粒体12S rRNA基因序列分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
沙塘鳢属鱼类为东亚特有的小型淡水经济鱼类,中国产沙塘鳢属鱼类分类问题长期存在争议。本文测定了中国产沙塘鳢属鱼类全部种类的线粒体12S rRNA基因部分序列,结合GenBank中下载的2种日本沙塘鳢属鱼类和塘鳢科鱼类同源序列,探讨中国产4种沙塘鳢属鱼类的物种有效性,分析沙塘鳢属鱼类的系统发育关系。作者所使用的同源序列长度为690bp,其中变异位点258个,简约信息位点201个,包括插入/缺失位点34个,转换/颠换平均值为3.0,表明12S rRNA基因是研究沙塘鳢属鱼类系统发育关系的合适分子标记。基于p-distance模型的6种沙塘鳢属鱼类种内遗传距离为0.000—0.024,种间遗传距离为0.058—0.064,支持暗色沙塘鳢和中华沙塘鳢为不同种,中国产沙塘鳢属鱼类包括中华沙塘鳢、河川沙塘鳢、海丰沙塘鳢、鸭绿江沙塘鳢4个种的观点;至于中国还有没有新的沙塘鳢属鱼类,尚有待进一步研究。系统发育分析表明海丰海塘鳢是河川沙塘鳢的姐妹群,暗色沙塘鳢与O.hikimius的亲缘关系最为密切,而同属其余类群之间的系统发育关系则由于自展数据支持率较低而尚不明确。中国产沙塘鳢和日本产沙塘鳢并未单独分群,推测沙塘鳢属鱼类的共同原始祖先可能广泛分布于中国、朝鲜和日本等东亚地区,约在4.9—6.5百万年前的上新世开始分化,系统发育过程比较适合离散假说。  相似文献   

Summary The gene organization of starfish mitochondrial DNA is identical with that of the sea urchin counterpart except for a reported inversion of an approximately 4.6-kb segment containing two structural genes for NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 and 2 (ND 1 and ND 2). When the codon usage of each structural gene in starfish, sea urchin, and vertebrate mitochondrial DNAs is examined, it is striking that codons ending in T and G are preferentially used more for heavy strand-encoded genes, including starfish ND 1 and ND 2, than for light strand-encoded genes, including sea urchin ND 1 and ND 2. On the contrary, codons ending in A and Care preferentially used for the light strand-encoded genes rather than for the heavy strand-encoded ones. Moreover, G-U base pairs are more frequently found in the possible secondary structures of heavy strandencoded tRNAs than in those of light strand-encoded tRNAs. These observations suggest the existence of a certain constraint operating on mitochondrial genomes from various animal phyla, which results in the accumulation of G and T on one strand, and A and C on the other.  相似文献   

The structure of human mitochondrial DNA variation   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Summary Restriction analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of 3065 humans from 62 geographic samples identified 149 haplotypes and 81 polymorphic sites. These data were used to test several aspects of the evolutionary past of the human species. A dendrogram depicting the genetic relatedness of all haplotypes shows that the native African populations have the greatest diversity and, consistent with evidence from a variety of sources, suggests an African origin for our species. The data also indicate that two individuals drawn, at random from the entire sample will differ at approximately 0.4% of their mtDNA nucleotide sites, which is somewhat higher than previous estimates. Human mtDNA also exhibits more interpopulation heterogeneity (GST=0.351±0.025) than does nuclear DNA (GST=0.12). Moreover, the virtual absence of intermediate levels of linkage disequilibrium between pairs of sites is consistent with the absence of genetic recombination and places constraints on the rate of mutation. Tests of the selective neutrality of mtDNA variation, including the Ewens-Watterson and Tajima tests, indicate a departure in the direction consistent with purifying selection, but this departure is more likely due to the rapid growth of the human population and the geographic heterogeneity of the variation. The lack of a good fit to neutrality poses problems for the estimation of times of coalescence from human mtDNA data.  相似文献   

以普通野生稻(Oryza rufipogon Griff.)线粒体基因组为对象,分析其蛋白质编码基因的密码子使用特征及与亚洲栽培稻(O. sativa L.)的差异,探讨其密码子偏性形成的影响因素和进化过程。结果显示:普通野生稻线粒体基因组编码序列第1、第2和第3位碱基的GC含量依次为49.18%、42.67%和40.86%;有效密码子数(Nc)分布于45.32~61.00之间,其密码子偏性较弱; Nc值仅与GC_3呈显著相关,密码子第3位的碱基组成对密码子偏性影响较大;第1向量轴上显示9.91%的差异,其与GC3s、Nc、密码子偏好指数(CBI)和最优密码子使用频率(Fop)的相关性均达到显著水平;而GC_3和GC12的相关性未达到显著水平。因此,普通野生稻线粒体基因组密码子的使用偏性主要受自然选择压力影响而形成。本研究确定了21个普通野生稻线粒体基因组的最优密码子,大多以A或T结尾,与叶绿体密码子具有趋同进化,但是与核基因组具有不同的偏好性。同义密码子相对使用度(RSCU)、PR2偏倚分析和中性绘图分析显示,普通野生稻线粒体基因功能和其密码子使用密切相关,且线粒体密码子使用在普通野生稻、粳稻(O. sativa L. subsp. japonica Kato)和籼稻(O. sativa L. subsp.indica Kato)内具有同质性。  相似文献   

动物线粒体基因组通常组成稳定,基因排列也相对保守,极少发生重组。但是昆虫的线粒体基因组具有重排的可能性,而且这些重排事件可能为系统发育研究提供重要的信息。因此,深入研究昆虫线粒体基因组的重排可能有助于解决具有争议的系统发生关系。本文对昆虫线粒体基因组的重排类型、重排机理和重排在昆虫系统发育分析中的应用等方面的研究进展进行了介绍。  相似文献   

以普通野生稻(Oryza rufipogon Griff.)线粒体基因组为对象,分析其蛋白质编码基因的密码子使用特征及与亚洲栽培稻(O.sativa L.)的差异,探讨其密码子偏性形成的影响因素和进化过程。结果显示:普通野生稻线粒体基因组编码序列第1、第2和第3位碱基的GC含量依次为49.18%、42.67%和40.86%;有效密码子数(Nc)分布于45.32~61.00之间,其密码子偏性较弱;Nc值仅与GC3呈显著相关,密码子第3位的碱基组成对密码子偏性影响较大;第1向量轴上显示9.91%的差异,其与GC3s、Nc、密码子偏好指数(CBI)和最优密码子使用频率(Fop)的相关性均达到显著水平;而GC3和GC12的相关性未达到显著水平。因此,普通野生稻线粒体基因组密码子的使用偏性主要受自然选择压力影响而形成。本研究确定了21个普通野生稻线粒体基因组的最优密码子,大多以A或T结尾,与叶绿体密码子具有趋同进化,但是与核基因组具有不同的偏好性。同义密码子相对使用度(RSCU)、PR2偏倚分析和中性绘图分析显示,普通野生稻线粒体基因功能和其密码子使用密切相关,且线粒体密码子使用在普通野生稻、粳稻(O.sativa L.subsp.japonica Kato)和籼稻(O.sativa L.subsp.indica Kato)内具有同质性。  相似文献   

Role of mitochondrial permeability transition pores in mitochondrial autophagy   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
During autophagy, cells rid themselves of damaged and superfluous mitochondria, as well as other organelles. This activation of mitochondrial turnover could be the result of changes in the physiological state of mitochondria. Confocal microscopy and fluorescence techniques indicate that onset of mitochondrial permeability transition is one such change. The mitochondrial permeability transition is a reversible phenomenon whereby the mitochondrial inner membrane becomes freely permeable to solutes of less than 1500 Da. At onset of the mitochondrial permeability transition, mitochondria depolarize, uncouple, and undergo large amplitude swelling due to opening of permeability transition pores, which may form by aggregation of damaged, misfolded membrane proteins. When injurious cellular stresses occur, cells may protect themselves using autophagy to remove damaged mitochondria and mutated mitochondrial DNA. Ca2+ overloading, reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, decreased mitochondrial membrane potential, and oxidation of pyridine nucleotides and glutathione all promote mitochondrial damage and onset of the mitochondrial permeability transition. The mitochondrial permeability transition is also associated with necrosis and apoptosis after a variety of stimuli. This review emphasizes the role of the mitochondrial permeability transition as a key event in mitochondrial autophagy.  相似文献   

The codon-degeneracy model (CDM) predicts that patterns of nucleotide substitution in protein-coding genes are largely determined by the relative frequencies of four-fold (4f), two-fold, and non-degenerate sites, the attributes of which are determined by the structure of the governing genetic code. The CDM thus further predicts that genetic codes with alternative structures will "filter" molecular evolution differentially. A method, therefore, is presented by which the CDM may be applied to the unique structure of any genetic code. The mathematical relationship between the proportion of transitions at 4f degenerate nucleotide sites and the transition-to-transversion ratio is described. Predictions for five individual genetic codes, relative to the relationship between code structure and expected patterns of nucleotide substitution, are clearly defined. To test this "filter" hypothesis of genetic codes, simulated DNA sequence data sets were generated with a variety of input parameter values to estimate the relationship between patterns of nucleotide substitution and best-fit estimates of transition bias at 4f degenerate sites for both the universal genetic code and the vertebrate mitochondrial genetic code. These analyses confirm the prediction of the CDM that, all else being equal, even small differences in the structure of alternative genetic codes may result in significant shifts in the overall pattern of nucleotide substitution.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial ribosomes contain bacterial-type proteins reflecting their endosymbiotic heritage, and a subset of these genes is retained within the mitochondrion in land plants. Variation in gene location is observed, however, because migration to the nucleus is still an ongoing evolutionary process in plants. To gain insights into adaptation events related to successful gene transfer, we have compiled data for bacterial-origin mitochondrial-type ribosomal protein genes from the completely sequenced Arabidopsis and rice genomes. Approximately 75% of such nuclear-located genes encode amino-terminal extensions relative to their Escherichia coli counterparts, and of that set, only about 30% have introns at (or near) the junction in support of an exon shuffling-type recruitment of upstream expression/targeting signals. We find that genes that were transferred to the nucleus early in eukaryotic evolution have, on average, about twofold higher density of introns within the core ribosomal protein sequences than do those that moved to the nucleus more recently. About 20% of such introns are at positions identical to those in human orthologs, consistent with their ancestral presence. Plant mitochondrial-type ribosomal protein genes have dispersed chromosomal locations in the nucleus, and about 20% of them are present in multiple unlinked copies. This study provides new insights into the evolutionary history of endosymbiotic bacterial-type genes that have been transferred from the mitochondrion to the nucleus.  相似文献   

Late-Holocene evolutionary and ecological response of pocket gophers ( Thomomys talpoides ) and other species to climatic change is documented by mammalian fossils from Lamar Cave, a palaeontological site in northern Yellowstone National Park. Pocket gophers illustrate ecological sensitivity to a series of mesic to xeric climatic excursions in the sagebrush-grassland ecotone during the last 3200 years, increasing in abundance during mesic intervals, and declining in abundance during xeric intervals. Four other small mammal taxa (Microtus sp., Peromyscus maniculatus, Neotoma cinerea and Spermophilus armatus) also show response to climatic change, increasing or decreasing in abundance in accordance with their preferred habitat requirements. To determine evolutionary response to climate, two craniodental characters for the northern pocket gopher ( Thomomys talpoides ) are investigated in modern representatives within a 400 km radius of Lamar Cave and then tracked through the time spanned by the fossils. One morphologic character shows that variation in body size, primarily a plastic response to the environment, demonstrates few taxonomically consistent patterns of geographic variation across 39 modern localities. In contrast, the other character indicates genetic relatedness within subspecies. Stasis in the genetically controlled character indicates that the same subspecies of pocket gopher ( T. talpoides tenellus ) has occupied northern Yellowstone for at least 3200 years. However, T. t. tenellus does show plastic response to climatic change because pocket gophers during the Medieval Warm Period were smaller than at any other time spanned by the deposit.  相似文献   

从细胞色素b基因序列探讨笛鲷属的分子系统发生关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
测定了9种中国南海的笛鲷属鱼类的细胞色素b基因的部分序列,结合来自GenBank中1种分布于菲律宾和9种分布于美国大西洋的笛鲷属鱼类的相应同源序列,用邻接法和最大简约法构建分子系统树。结果显示:红鳍笛鲷(Lutjanuserythropterus)与红笛鲷(L.sanguineus)之间的同源序列碱基差异百分率只有0.32%,支持二者是同种异名的观点;中国南海的笛鲷属鱼类间的平均碱基差异要高于美国大西洋笛鲷属鱼类。在MP和NJ树中,美国大西洋笛鲷表现为亲缘关系较近,来源于中国南海的笛鲷鱼类相对集中在树的基部,分歧较大。这与所研究的笛鲷地理分布和地理隔离基本相一致,同时也说明中国南海笛鲷分化较早并且分歧较大。  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation in the cytochrome b gene was determined for two divergent taxa of pocket gophers, Thomomys bottae actuosus and T. b. ruidosae . These two taxa hybridize in a narrow contact zone, but introgression of nuclear markers such as allozymes or chromosomes does not extend much beyond the hybrid zone (Patton et al. 1979). We found that despite their distinctness, the two subspecies shared very similar mtDNA haplotypes. By a comparison of phylogenetic histories derived from nuclear markers (allozymes) and from mtDNA haplotypes sampled in different populations of T. bottae from New Mexico, we show that apparent similarity is due to an introgression of T. b. ruidosae mtDNA into T. b. actuosus nuclear background. Evidence of introgression is not limited to the present-day contact zone between these two taxa, but extends at least 75 km away from it. The actuosus haplotype coexists along with the ruidosae mtDNA in the Gallinas Mts., which are inhabited by otherwise pure T. b. actuosus , while further north only typical actuosus haplotypes were detected. Of several potential mechanisms which could lead to such a geographical pattern of variation, we argue that a combination of range shifts due to climatic fluctuations, and genetic drift are most likely. Horizontal gene transfers due to hybridization are historical events which seem rather common among pocket gophers. Although they can be identified with careful phylogenetic study using independent data sets, the potential for misinterpreting a gene tree as an organismal tree is great in this and other groups of animals.  相似文献   

Identifying the genes responsible for adaptation has been an elusive goal in evolutionary biology. Rock pocket mice (Chaetodipus intermedius) provide a useful system for studying the genetics of adaptation: most C. intermedius are light-coloured and live on light-coloured rocks, but in several different geographical regions, C. intermedius are melanic and live on dark-coloured basalt lava, presumably as an adaptation for crypsis. Previous work demonstrated that mutations at the melanocortin-1 receptor gene (Mc1r) are responsible for the dark/light difference in mice from one population in Arizona. Here, we investigate whether melanism has evolved independently in populations of dark C. intermedius from New Mexico, and whether the same or different genes underlie the dark phenotype in mice from these populations compared with the dark mice from Arizona. Seventy-six mice were collected from pairs of dark and light localities representing four different lava flows and adjacent light-coloured rocks; lava flows were separated by 70-750 km. Spectrophotometric analysis of mouse pelage and of rock samples revealed a strong positive association between coat colour and substrate colour. No significant differences were observed in the colour of rocks among the four lava flows, suggesting that mice in these separate populations have experienced similar selection for crypsis. Despite this similarity in environment, melanic mice from the three New Mexico populations were slightly, but significantly, darker than melanic mice from Arizona. The entire Mc1r gene was sequenced in all mice. The previously identified mutations responsible for the light/dark difference in mice from Arizona were absent in all melanic mice from three different populations in New Mexico. Five new Mc1r polymorphisms were observed among mice from New Mexico, but none showed any association with coat colour. These results indicate that adaptive melanism has arisen at least twice in C. intermedius and that these similar phenotypic changes have a different genetic basis.  相似文献   

To investigate the potential importance of gene duplication in D. melanogaster accessory gland protein (Acp) gene evolution we carried out a computational analysis comparing annotated D. melanogaster Acp genes to the entire D. melanogaster genome. We found that two known Acp genes are actually members of small multigene families. Polymorphism and divergence data from these duplicated genes suggest that in at least four cases, protein divergence between D. melanogaster and D. simulans is a result of directional selection. One putative Acp revealed by our computational analysis shows evidence of a recent selective sweep in a non-African population (but not in an African population). These data support the idea that selection on reproduction-related genes may drive divergence of populations within species, and strengthen the conclusion that Acps may often be under directional selection in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Studies of morphology, interspecific hybridization, protein/DNA sequences, and levels of gene expression have suggested that sex-related characters (particularly those involved in male reproduction) evolve rapidly relative to non-sex-related characters. Here we report a general comparison of evolutionary rates of sex-biased genes using data from cDNA microarray experiments and comparative genomic studies of Drosophila. Comparisons of nonsynonymous/synonymous substitution rates (d(N)/d(S)) between species of the D. melanogaster subgroup revealed that genes with male-biased expression had significantly faster rates of evolution than genes with female-biased or unbiased expression. The difference was caused primarily by a higher d(N) in the male-biased genes. The same pattern was observed for comparisons among more distantly related species. In comparisons between D. melanogaster and D. pseudoobscura, genes with highly biased male expression were significantly more divergent than genes with highly biased female expression. In many cases, orthologs of D. melanogaster male-biased genes could not be identified in D. pseudoobscura through a Blast search. In contrast to the male-biased genes, there was no clear evidence for accelerated rates of evolution in female-biased genes, and most comparisons indicated a reduced rate of evolution in female-biased genes relative to unbiased genes. Male-biased genes did not show an increased ratio of nonsynonymous/synonymous polymorphism within D. melanogaster, and comparisons of polymorphism/divergence ratios suggest that the rapid evolution of male-biased genes is caused by positive selection.  相似文献   

To analyze the genetic diversity and genetic structure of cultured populations of Mytilus galloprovincialis, 44 individuals were sampled from three localities, Yantai, Rushan of Shandong province and Dongji of Zhejiang province. Sequence analysis of ribosomal (18S rRNA gene) and mitochondrial DNA (COIII gene) revealed 23 haplotypes of 18S rRNA and 30 haplotypes of COIII. Haplotype diversities (Hd), nucleotide diversities (Pi) and average nucleotide differences (K) were 0.712 (18S rRNA) and 0.946 (COIII), 0.0044 (18S rRNA) and 0.0207 (COIII), and 0.703 (18S rRNA) and 15.316 (COIII), respectively. Fixation indices (ΦST) of the three cultured populations showed no genetic divergence between Yantai and Rushan populations but significant genetic divergence between Dongji and the other two populations. In the present study, we found no evidence for decline in genetic polymorphism of cultural M. galloprovincialis populations. The findings of the present study will be useful in the management and conservation of M. galloprovincialis resources.  相似文献   

The patterns and rates of nucleotide substitution in mitochondrial ribosomal RNA genes are described and applied in a phylogenetic analysis of fishes of the subfamily Serrasalminae (Teleostei, Characiformes, Characidae). Fragments of 345 bp of the 12S and 535 bp of the 16S genes were sequenced for 37 taxa representing all but three genera in the subfamily. Secondary-structure models based on comparative sequence analysis were derived to characterize the pattern of change among paired and unpaired nucleotides, forming stem and loop regions, respectively. Base compositional biases were in the direction of A-rich loops and G-rich stems. Ninety-five percent of substitutions in stem regions were compensatory mutations, suggesting that selection for maintenance of base pairing is strong and that independence among characters cannot be assumed in phylogenetic analyses of stem characters. The relative rate of nucleotide substitution was similar in both fragments sequenced but higher in loop than in stem regions. In both genes, C-T transitions were the most common type of change, and overall transitions outnumbered transversions by a factor of two in 16S and four in 12S. Phylogenetic analysis of the mitochondrial DNA sequences suggests that a clade formed by the generaPiaractus, Colossoma, andMylossoma is the sister group to all other serrasalmins and that the generaMyleus, Serrasalmus, andPristobrycon are paraphyletic. A previous hypothesis concerning relationships for the serrasalmins, based on morphological evidence, is not supported by the molecular data. However, phylogenetic analysis of host-specific helminth parasites and cytogenetic data support the phylogeny of the Serrasalminae obtained in this study and provide evidence for coevolution between helminth parasites and their fish hosts.  相似文献   

双孢蘑菇Agaricus bisporus是世界上最广泛栽培的食用菌之一.本研究通过分析双孢蘑菇基因组密码子使用偏性,探讨密码子偏性的影响因素及其对基因表达的影响.以双孢蘑菇基因组和转录组数据为依据,分析了双孢蘑菇基因组基因、高表达基因(high expression gene,HEG)和低表达基因(low expre...  相似文献   

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