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Amide hydrogen/deuterium exchange rates were measured as a function of pH and urea for 37 slowly exchanging amides in the beta-trefoil protein hisactophilin. The rank order of exchange rates is generally maintained under different solution conditions, and trends in the pH and urea dependence of exchange rates are correlated with the rank order of exchange rates. The observed trends are consistent with the expected behavior for exchange of different amides via global and/or local unfolding. Analysis of the pH dependence of exchange in terms of rate constants for structural opening and closing reveals a wide range of rates in different parts of the hisactophilin structure. The slowest exchanging amides have the slowest opening and closing rates. Many of the slowest exchanging amides are located in trefoil 2, but there are also some slow exchanging amides in trefoils 1 and 3. Slow exchangers tend to be near the interface between the beta-barrel and the beta-hairpin triplet portions of this single-domain structure. The pattern of exchange behaviour in hisactophilin is similar to that observed previously in interleukin-1 beta, indicating that exchange properties may be conserved among beta-trefoil proteins. Comparisons of opening and closing rates in hisactophilin with rates obtained for other proteins reveal clear trends for opening rates; however, trends in closing rates are less apparent, perhaps due to inaccuracies in the values used for intrinsic exchange rates in the data fitting. On the basis of the pH and urea dependence of exchange rates and optical measurements of stability and folding, EX2 is the main exchange mechanism in hisactophilin, but there is also evidence for varying levels of EX1 exchange at low and high pH and high urea concentrations. Equilibrium intermediates in which subglobal portions of structure are cooperatively disrupted are not apparent from analysis of the urea dependence of exchange rates. There is, however, a strong correlation between the Gibbs free energy of opening and the denaturant dependence of opening for all amides, which suggests exchange from a continuum of states with different levels of structure. Intermediates are not very prominent either in equilibrium exchange experiments or in quenched-flow kinetic studies; hence, hisactophilin may not form partially folded states as readily as IL-1 beta and other beta-trefoil proteins.  相似文献   

In an effort to develop a more versatile quenched hydrogen exchange method for studies of peptide conformation and protein-ligand interactions, the mechanism of amide proton exchange for model peptides in DMSO-D2O mixtures was investigated by NMR methods. As in water, H-D exchange rates in the presence of 90% or 95% DMSO exhibit characteristic acid- and base-catalyzed processes and negligible water catalysis. However, the base-catalyzed rate is suppressed by as much as four orders of magnitude in 95% DMSO. As a result, the pH at which the exchange rate goes through a minimum is shifted up by about two pH units and the minimum exchange rate is approximately 100-fold reduced relative to that in D2O. The solvent-dependent decrease in base-catalyzed exchange rates can be attributed primarily to a large increase in pKa values for the NH group, whereas solvent effects on pKW seem less important. Addition of toluene and cyclohexane resulted in improved proton NMR chemical shift dispersion. The dramatic reduction in exchange rates observed in the solvent mixture at optimal pH makes it possible to apply 2D NMR for NH exchange measurements on peptides under conditions where rates are too rapid for direct NMR analysis. To test this solvent-quenching method, melittin was exchanged in D2O (pH 3.2, 12 degrees C), aliquots were quenched by rapid freezing, lyophilized, and dissolved in quenching buffer (70% DMSO, 25% toluene, 4% D2O, 1% cyclohexane, 75 mM dichloroacetic acid) for NMR analysis. Exchange rates for 21 amide protons were measured by recording 2D NMR spectra on a series of samples quenched at different times. The results are consistent with a monomeric unfolded conformation of melittin at acidic pH. The ability to trap labile protons by solvent quenching makes it possible to extend amide protection studies to peptide ligands or labile protons on the surface of a protein involved in macromolecular interactions.  相似文献   

E M Goodman  P S Kim 《Biochemistry》1991,30(50):11615-11620
The two-stranded coiled-coil motif, which includes leucine zippers, is a simple protein structure that is well suited for studies of helix-helix interactions. The interaction between helices in a coiled coil involves packing of "knobs" into "holes", as predicted by Crick in 1953 and confirmed recently by X-ray crystallography for the GCN4 leucine zipper [O'Shea, E.K., Klemm, J.D., Kim, P.S., & Alber, T. (1991) Science 254, 539]. A striking periodicity, extending over six helical turns, is observed in the rates of hydrogen-deuterium exchange for amide protons in a peptide corresponding to the leucine zipper of GCN4. Protons at the hydrophobic interface show the most protection from exchange. The NMR chemical shifts of amide protons in the helices also show a pronounced periodicity which predicts a short H-bond followed by a long H-bond every seven residues. This variation was anticipated in 1953 by Pauling and is sufficient to give rise to a local left-handed superhelical twist characteristic of coiled coils. The amide protons that lie at the base of the "hole" in the "knobs-into-holes" packing show slow amide proton exchange rates and are predicted to have short H-bond lengths. These results suggest that tertiary interactions can lead to highly localized, but substantial, differences in stability and dynamics within a secondary structure element and emphasize the dominant nature of packing interactions in determining protein structure.  相似文献   

The pH dependence of hydrogen exchange in proteins   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The static accessibility modified discrete charge model for electrostatic interactions in proteins is extended to the prediction of the pH dependence of hydrogen exchange reactions. The exchange rate profiles of buried amide protons are shown to follow the calculated pH dependence of the electrostatic component of protein stability. Rate profiles are calculated for individual buried amide protons in ribonuclease S and bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor. The electrostatic free energy of stabilization of the protein and the energy required to bring the catalytic ion to an exchange site are expressed as an apparent, pH-dependent contribution to the activation energy. Changes in the electrostatic stabilization of the proteins affect the calculated exchange rate for buried amide protons by more than 1000, while local field effects raise or lower the predicted exchange rates by less than 100. The pH dependence of exchangeable protons at the protein surface, such as the C-2 imidazole protons, is shown to follow the estimated energy required to introduce the catalytic ion at the exchange site. These calculations are discussed in terms of current models for proton exchange which incorporate the dynamic nature of the structure to explain exchange data from the interior of a protein.  相似文献   

Nuclear magnetic resonance was used to measure the hydrogen-deuterium exchange rates for individual interior amide protons in a group of small globular proteins related to the basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI). These proteins include two homologous proteins and seven chemical modifications of BPTI. It was previously shown that the spatial structure of BPTI is preserved in all these related proteins. The exchange rates for corresponding amide protons in the different proteins were found to vary by a factor of as much as 5 X 104. The proton exchange is correlated with the thermal stability of the proteins, i.e. the lower the denaturation temperature, the faster the NH exchange. Further evidence that the exchange of interior amide protons is promoted by global fluctuations of the protein structures comes from the observation that the order of the relative exchange rates for the individual protons is the same in all the different species. This is the third in a series of three papers on nuclear magnetic resonance studies of labile protons in BPTI-related proteins. A detailed interpretation of the data will be given in a forthcoming paper.  相似文献   

H C Joao  I G Scragg  R A Dwek 《FEBS letters》1992,307(3):343-346
Assignment of most of the proton NMR resonances of bovine pancreatic RNase B has been achieved using standard NMR techniques and by comparison with the published assignments for RNase A. A comparison of the NMR spectra of RNase B with RNase A shows that glycosylation of the enzyme has little overall effect on the conformation of the protein in solution. Comparisons of hydrogen-deuterium solvent exchange rates for the NH protons of RNase A and RNase B were made using two-dimensional 1H correlation spectroscopy. In the case of the glycosylated enzyme the exchange rates decreased for the NH protons of residues 9-14, 23-24, 32, 34-35, 39-40, 43-44, 48-49, 60, 71, 75-76, 80, 83-85, 100-101, 107, 111 and 122, relative to the unglycosylated RNase A. These results are consistent with the presence of the oligosaccharide inducing enhanced global dynamic stability and consequent changes to the unfolding equilibrium of the enzyme. The enhanced stability is observed not only for residues in the vicinity of the glycosylation site, asparagine-34, but also at residues remote from this site, as much as 30 A away.  相似文献   

H Roder  G Wagner  K Wüthrich 《Biochemistry》1985,24(25):7407-7411
A novel experiment is described for measurements of amide proton exchange rates in proteins with a time resolution of about 1 s. A flow apparatus was used to expose protein solutions in 2H2O first to high temperature for a predetermined time period, during which 1H-2H exchange proceeded, and then to ice-water. The technique was applied for exchange studies in thermally unfolded, selectively reduced basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor. Measurements were made by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance after the exchange was quenched by rapid cooling. Thereby, the sequence-specific resonance assignments for the folded protein could be used, which had been previously obtained. The results of this study indicate that the exchange rates in the thermally unfolded protein are close to those expected for a random chain and that the NH exchange is catalyzed by 2H+ and O2H- up to high temperature, with no significant contributions from p2H-independent catalysis. We conclude that the parameters derived by Molday et al. [Molday, R. S., Englander, S. W., & Kallen, R. G. (1972) Biochemistry 11, 150-158] from measurements with small model peptides can be used to calculate intrinsic exchange rates in unfolded proteins and thus provide a reliable reference for the interpretation of exchange rates measured under native conditions.  相似文献   

The pH dependence of amide proton exchange rates have been measured for trp-repressor. One class of protons exchanges too fast to be measured in these experiments. Among the protons that have measurable hydrogen-deuterium exchange rates, two additional classes may be distinguished. The second class of protons are in elements of secondary structure that are mostly on the surface of the protein, and exchange linearly with increasing base concentration (log kex versus pH). The third class of amide protons is characterized by much higher protection against exchange at higher pH. These protons are located in the core of the protein, in helices B and C. The exchange rate in the core region does not increase linearly with pH, but rather goes through a minimum around pH 6. The mechanism of exchange for the slowly exchanging core protons is interpreted in terms of the two-process model of Hilton and Woodward (1979, Biochemistry 18:5834-5841), i.e., exchange through both a local mechanism that does not require unfolding of the protein, and a mechanism involving global unfolding of the protein. The increase in exchange rates at low pH is attributed to a partial unfolding of the repressor. It is concluded that the formation of secondary structure alone is insufficient to account for the high protection factors seen in the core of native proteins at higher pH, and that tertiary interactions are essential to stabilize the structure.  相似文献   

NMR spin relaxation in the rotating frame (R) is a unique method for atomic-resolution characterization of conformational (chemical) exchange processes occurring on the microsecond time scale. Here, we use amide 1H off-resonance R relaxation experiments to determine exchange parameters for processes that are significantly faster than those that can be probed using 15N or 13C relaxation. The new pulse sequence is validated using the E140Q mutant of the C-terminal domain of calmodulin, which exhibits significant conformational exchange contributions to the transverse relaxation rates. The 1H off-resonance R data sample the entire relaxation dispersion profiles for the large majority of residues in this protein, which exchanges between conformations with a time constant of approximately 20 μs. This is in contrast to the case for 15N, where additional laboratory-frame relaxation data are required to determine the exchange parameters reliably. Experiments were performed on uniformly 15N-enriched samples that were either highly enriched in 2H or fully protonated. In the latter case, dipolar cross-relaxation with aliphatic protons were effectively decoupled to first order using a selective inversion pulse. Deuterated and protonated samples gave the same results, within experimental errors. The use of deuterated samples increases the sensitivity towards exchange contributions to the 1H transverse relaxation rates, since dipolar relaxation is greatly reduced. The exchange correlation times determined from the present 1H off-resonance R experiments are in excellent agreement with those determined previously using a combination of 15N laboratory-frame and off-resonance R relaxation data, with average values of and 21 ± 3 μs, respectively.  相似文献   

Exchange between protein backbone amide hydrogen and water gives relevant information about solvent accessibility and protein secondary structure stability. NMR spectroscopy provides a convenient tool to study these dynamic processes with saturation transfer experiments. Processing of this type of NMR spectra has traditionally required peak integration followed by exponential fitting, which can be tedious with large data sets. We propose here a computer-aided method that applies inverse Laplace transform in the exchange rate measurement. With this approach, the determination of exchange rates can be automated, and reliable results can be acquired rapidly without a need for manual processing.  相似文献   

Multidimensional NMR methods were used to obtain 1H-15N correlations and 15N resonance assignments for amide and side-chain nitrogens of oxidized and reduced putidaredoxin (Pdx), the Fe2S2 ferredoxin, which acts as the physiological reductant of cytochrome P-450cam (CYP101). A model for the solution structure of oxidized Pdx has been determined recently using NMR methods (Pochapsky TC, Ye XM, Ratnaswamy G, Lyons TA, 1994, Biochemistry 33:6424-6432) and redox-dependent 1H NMR spectral features have been described (Pochapsky TC, Ratnaswamy G, Patera A, 1994, Biochemistry 33:6433-6441). 15N assignments were made with NOESY-(1H/15N) HMQC and TOCSY-(1H/15N) HSQC spectra obtained using samples of Pdx uniformly labeled with 15N. Local dynamics in both oxidation states of Pdx were then characterized by comparison of residue-specific amide proton exchange rates, which were measured by a combination of saturation transfer and H2O/D2O exchange methods at pH 6.4 and 7.4 (uncorrected for isotope effects). In general, where exchange rates for a given site exhibit significant oxidation-state dependence, the oxidized protein exchanges more rapidly than the reduced protein. The largest dependence of exchange rate upon oxidation state is found for residues near the metal center and in a region of compact structure that includes the loop-turn Val 74-Ser 82 and the C-terminal residues (Pro 102-Trp 106). The significance of these findings is discussed in light of the considerable dependence of the binding interaction between Pdx and CYP101 upon the oxidation state of Pdx.  相似文献   

Residue-specific amide proton spin-flip rates K were measured for peptide-free and peptide-bound calmodulin. K approximates the sum of NOE build-up rates between the amide proton and all other protons. This work outlines the theory of multi-proton relaxation, cross relaxation and cross correlation, and how to approximate it with a simple model based on a variable number of equidistant protons. This model is used to extract the sums of K-rates from the experimental data. Error in K is estimated using bootstrap methodology. We define a parameter Q as the ratio of experimental K-rates to theoretical K-rates, where the theoretical K-rates are computed from atomic coordinates. Q is 1 in the case of no local motion, but decreases to values as low as 0.5 with increasing domination of sidechain protons of the same residue to the amide proton flips. This establishes Q as a monotonous measure of local dynamics of the proton network surrounding the amide protons. The method is applied to the study of proton dynamics in Ca2+-saturated calmodulin, both free in solution and bound to smMLCK peptide. The mean Q is 0.81 ± 0.02 for free calmodulin and 0.88 ± 0.02 for peptide-bound calmodulin. This novel methodology thus reveals the presence of significant interproton disorder in this protein, while the increase in Q indicates rigidification of the proton network upon peptide binding, confirming the known high entropic cost of this process.  相似文献   

In the past decade, it has become possible to use the nuclear (proton, 1H) signal of the hydrogen atoms in water for noninvasive assessment of functional and physiological parameters with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Here we show that it is possible to produce pH-sensitive MRI contrast by exploiting the exchange between the hydrogen atoms of water and the amide hydrogen atoms of endogenous mobile cellular proteins and peptides. Although amide proton concentrations are in the millimolar range, we achieved a detection sensitivity of several percent on the water signal (molar concentration). The pH dependence of the signal was calibrated in situ, using phosphorus spectroscopy to determine pH, and proton exchange spectroscopy to measure the amide proton transfer rate. To show the potential of amide proton transfer (APT) contrast for detecting acute stroke, pH effects were noninvasively imaged in ischemic rat brain. This observation opens the possibility of using intrinsic pH contrast, as well as protein- and/or peptide-content contrast, as diagnostic tools in clinical imaging.  相似文献   

Proton translocation in spheroplasts from Escherichia coli has been studied in two mutants, one of which expresses cytochrome o and the other cytochrome d as the terminal oxidase. Using the O2 pulse method, the H+/e- ratio of proton translocation associated with cytochrome o was confirmed to be near 2 at neutral pH, but was found to decrease considerably when the medium pH was raised above 8. At high pH there was an increase in H+/OH- permeability of the cell membrane, but this was not sufficient to explain the decline in proton ejection. The pH effect was confined to cytochrome o-linked activity. It was not present when cytochrome d generated the electrochemical proton gradient. This makes it improbable that the Na+/H+ antiporter is responsible. The most likely explanation for our finding is that there is a "slip" in the proton-pumping mechanism of cytochrome o at high pH.  相似文献   

Influence of charge on the rate of amide proton exchange   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

For both the [2Fe-2S] and the [4Fe-4S] ferredoxins, dialysis against 2H2O prior to single electron reduction leads to the appearance of a deuterium modulation pattern in the electron spin echo decay envelope indicative of deuteron-proton exchange very near the paramagnetic center. In contrast, if the ferredoxin is exposed to 2H2O after its reduction in H2O, far less deuterium exchange near the metal center takes place. Thus, proton exchange with solvent is in part dependent on the redox state of the protein. For high potential iron-sulfur proteins, this type of proton-deuteron exchange near the metal center does not occur unless the protein is partially unfolded in dimethylsulfoxide in 2H2O.  相似文献   

Summary A rapid and sensitive 2D approach is presented for measuring amide proton exchange rates and the NOE interaction between amide protons and water. The approach is applicable to uniformly 13C/15N-enriched proteins and can measure magnetization exchange rates in the 0.02 to >20s–1 range. The experiments rely on selective excitation of the water resonance, coupled with purging of underlying H resonances, followed by NOESY-or ROESY-type transfer to amide protons, which are dispersed by the amide 15N frequencies in an HSQC-type experiment. Two separate but interleaved experiments, with and without selective inversion of the H2O resonance, yield quantitative results. The method is demonstrated for a sample of the calcium-binding protein calcineurin B. Results indicate rapid amide exchange for the five calcineurin B residues that are analogous to the five rapidly exchanging residues in the central helix of the homologous protein calmodulin.  相似文献   

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