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Understanding terrestrial vegetation dynamics is a crucial tool in global change research. The Loess Plateau, an important area for the study of Asian monsoons and early agriculture, poses a controversial question on the potential vegetation and its pattern. Fossil charcoal as direct evidence of wood provides precision in species identification and hence vegetation reconstruction. Charcoals from the Dadiwan and Xishanping sites suggest a great variety of plants between 5200 and 4300?cal. b.p. in the valley area of the western Loess Plateau. The deciduous broad-leaf wood from Quercus, Ulmus, Betula, Corylus and Acer is very frequent and makes up almost half the total abundance ratio of the represented taxa. Meanwhile, some typical subtropical taxa such as Liquidambar formosana, Eucommia ulmoides, Toxicodendron and Bambusoideae, are present at the two study sites. The high abundance of Picea appearing between 5200 and 4300?cal. b.p. suggests the development of Picea forests in the valley of the western Loess Plateau. The assemblages of charcoal indicate that the mixed forest of evergreen deciduous and conifer-deciduous broadleaved trees developed in the valley of the Loess Plateau during the Holocene optimum. Precipitation is the main controlling factor for forest development. The increasing precipitation is the probable reason for the appearance of north-subtropical forests between 5200 and 4300?cal. b.p.  相似文献   

Palaeoecological reconstructions from the region of southwestern Bulgaria were used for inferring the human impact on the vegetation and landscape during the last 8 millennia. They are based on data from pollen analyses of lakes and peat-bogs, plant macrofossils, archaeobotanical finds and radiocarbon dating. During the early Holocene, after 7900?cal. b.p. (5950?cal. b.c.) the climate changed to cooler summers, milder winters and higher precipitation resulting in the formation of a coniferous belt dominated by Pinus sp. and Abies alba. These favorable environmental pre-conditions had a positive influence on the Neolithisation of the Balkans after the 8200?cal. b.p. (6250?cal. b.c.) cold event, which caused drought in the Eastern Mediterranean. Direct evidence from wood charcoal records from the Neolithic settlement layers in the study area shows a slight modification of the surrounding woodlands and an increase of the light-demanding components, probably expressed through larger forest border zones and thinning out of the wood stands. The increase in the number of settlements in the valleys of southwestern Bulgaria intensified the human activity visible in the palaeobotanical record from 6950?cal. b.p. (5000?cal. b.c.) onwards. Between ca. 5700–5100?cal. b.p. (3800–3200?cal. b.c.) signs of anthropogenic influence on the vegetation are virtually absent. The intensity of human impact increased notably after 3200?cal. b.p. (1400–1250?cal. b.c., approx. Late Bronze Age), documented by a rise of pollen anthropogenic indicators. The final transformations in the natural forest cover after 2750?cal. b.p. (800?cal. b.c. onset of the Iron Age) marked the reduction of the coniferous forests dominated by Abies alba and Pinus sp. and the expansion of Fagus sylvatica and Picea abies. These vegetation changes are contemporaneous with increase of the palaeofire activities and the next peak of anthropogenic indicators. The changes in the landscape during the Roman period and the medieval period reflect regional environmental features and were forced by the diversification of anthropogenic activity.  相似文献   

Beet yellows virus (BYV) was mechanically transmitted by sap from sugar-beet plants, infected with BYV, to the plants ofChenopodium quinoa Willd. and ofChenopodium foliosum (Moench) Asch. Mechanical transmission of BYV to the plants ofTetragonia expansa Murr. failed. Infectious material was homogenized in phosphate buffer with veronal and EDTA, pH 7–8. Experimental plants were darkened three days before infection and kept at a temperature of 5°C. Plants ofC. quinoa Willd. were decapitated. Back transmissions fromC. quinoa Willd. andC. foliosum (Moench) Asch. infected with BYV, to sugar-beet plants were carried out by the aveidMyzus persicae Sulz. These transmissions were positive. Filamentous particles of BYV, of an average length 1275 nm, were found in plants ofC. quinoa Willd. andC. Foliosum (Moench) Asch., infected with BYV.  相似文献   

A revision of the genusOlpitrichum Atk. was undertaken, revealing three species:O. macrosporum (Farlow exSacc.)Sumstine,O. patulum (Sacc etBerl.)Hol.-Jech. andO. tenellum (Berk. etCurt)Hol.-Jech.O. macrosporum andO. tenellum occur on decayed cotton bolls,O. patulum on dead rotten wood and bark. Aspergilliform phialosporous state has been found inO. macrosporum andO. patulum.  相似文献   

Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl. (bottle gourd) is pantropic and displays large variation in fruit and seed shape. Two subspecies are currently recognized: the African L. siceraria ssp. siceraria and the Asian L. siceraria ssp. asiatica. The Asian type of bottle gourd belongs to the earliest domesticated plants in the Americas. In Europe, bottle gourd only appears with some frequency from the Roman period onwards. The paper is the study of ancient DNA (aDNA) and seed morphology of one almost complete bottle gourd fruit from the Roman site of Oedenburg/Biesheim–Kunheim, France (1st century a.d.), and from individual seed finds from the Roman vicus of Petinesca–Vorderberg, Switzerland (3rd century a.d.), both recovered from waterlogged layers. Width and length measurements of seeds show large variation. Based on the index of width to length, seeds from both sites differ significantly (p?<?0.0001 Mann–Whitney) suggesting that there were different variants present north of the Alps. Genetically, the bottle gourd fruit from Roman Oedenburg/Biesheim–Kunheim and one commercial cultivar L. siceraria cv. ‘Herkuleskeule’ are of Asian origin as identified by three Asian and African specific chloroplast markers. These results support an early and long-lasting presence of the Asian type of domestic bottle gourd in Europe. No chloroplast markers were found in the seeds from Petinesca–Vorderberg. However preserved nuclear high copy 5.8S rDNA fragments correctly matched to Cucurbitaceae, further supporting the evidence for preservation of DNA in waterlogged plant remains.  相似文献   

The use of subfossil cladocerans is rare for understanding environmental, cultural and archaeological developments of lakes in Europe. In 2007, we collected a 12-m long sediment core from Lake Schalkenmehrener Maar (SMM), Germany for the analyses of subfossil cladocerans. Dating of core was based on tephrochronology, radiocarbon and pollen stratigraphy. Pollen-based chronostratigraphy indicated a decline of species richness and abundance of chydorids during the Lateglacial (ca.14500?cal?yr?bp) with dominant cold preferring taxa Acroperus harpae Baird and Alona affinis Leydig. During the early B?lling, the abundance of cladocerans increased commensurate with growth of birch (Betula L.) and pine (Pinus L.) trees. Except a spike of Bosmina coregoni Baird during the Younger Dryas, cladoceran assemblages remained stable from the B?lling to the mid-Atlantic period. During the Neolithic (ca. 4300?bc), the abundance of B. coregoni increased sharply with reciprocal decrease in Daphnia. However, as soon as Daphnia was dominant (ca. 4250?bc), a reciprocal decline in abundance of B. coregoni occurred. The mid-Holocene change in cladoceran abundance coincided with the use of hardwood forest. This situation ended at ca. 4000?bc and remained unchanged throughout the Neolithic and Bronze Age (ca. 3000?C1200?bc). Low Daphnia abundance indicated reduced water quality in the Hunsr??ck-Eifel culture (ca. 800?bc). A spike of B. coregoni at ca. ad 150 indicates construction of the Roman Villa Rustica and extensive farming. However, reoccurrence of Daphnia at ca. ad 470 indicates the retreat of the Romans from the Eifel region. From the early Frankish rule (ca. ad 500) to the Medieval period (ca. ad 1500), species richness reduced but abundance of B. coregoni increased indicating a switch in lake ecosystem. The loss of species richness and the lack of precise evidence of the human activity in the region in the past have impeded the restoration of the ecosystem of the Lake SMM.  相似文献   

Seven species ofBucania Hall 1847 from the Ordovician of Estonia are presented, also taking into consideration Pleistocene drift material from Germany, and their stratigraphical and geographical distributions are revised. The Middle Ordovician speciesBucania latissima Koken 1897 andBucania salpinx Koken 1897 are tentatively assigned toMegalomphala Ulrich inUlrich &Scofield 1897, while the Lower Ordovician speciesBucania macera Koken inKoken &Perner 1925 is placed inSalpingostoma Roemer 1876. The Middle OrdovicianBucania czekanowskii (Schmidt 1858) and the Upper OrdovicianBucania radiata (d’Eichwald 1856) were earlier considered conspecific, but based on study of the type material they are here considered distinct species.Salpingostoma cornu (Koken 1897), commonly referred to this genus because of the trema, is here transferred toBucania. Two Upper Ordovician specimens ofBucania display wide and abruptly flaring apertures morphologically far removed from other species of the genus.  相似文献   

In the years 1976–1981 we studied chromosome counts and karyotypic formulae of the following 29 species of plants from 41 localities (of these 6 from Bohemia, 32 from Moravia, 3 from Slovakia):Batrachium baudotii (Godron) F. W. Schultz,Chenopodium rubrum L.,C. polyspermum L.,C. murale L.,C. ficifolium Sm.,C. opulifolium Schrader ex DC. inLam. et DC.,C. strictum Roth [subsp.strictum, subsp.glaucophyllum (Aellen)Aellen inJust etAellen, subsp.striatiforme Uotila],Arenaria grandiflora L.,Illecebrum verticillatum L.,Spergula morisonii Boreau inDuchartre,Spergularia marginata (DC. inLam. et DC.)Kittel S. marina (L.)Griseb.,S. rubra (L.) J. etC. Presl,Silene conica L.,Sisymbrium loeselii L.,S. volgense Bieb. exE. Fourn.,S. orientale L. [subsp. orientale, subsp.macroloma (A. Pomel)Dvo?ák],S. officinale (L.)Scop.,Descurainia sophia (L.)Webb exPrantl inEngler etPrantl,Nasturtium officinale R. Br. inAiton,Barbarea arcuata (Opiz inPresl J. et C.)Reichenb.,Lunaria annua L.,Soldanella montana Willd.,S. carpatica Vierh. inUrban etGraebner,Lotus tenuis Waldst. etKit. exWilld.,L. uliginosus Schkuhr,Trigonella monspeliaca L.,Geranium sibiricum L.,Lactuca tatarica (L.)C. A. Meyer.  相似文献   

Higher syntaxa of the classAsteretea tripolium are reviewed. This class covers plant communities of the Euro-Asian continent on low- and medium-salinized soils with medium moisture conditions where perennial herbaceous plants (hemicryptophytes) of non-succulent character prevail. On the territory of the former USSR and Mongolia, the classAsteretea tripolium is represented by the following orders:Glauco-Puccinellietalia Beeftink etWesthoff inBeeftink 1962,Cirsietalia esculenti Mirkin etV. Golub exV. Golub ord. novus,Scorzonero-Juncetalia gerardii Vicherek 1973,Halerpestetalia Mirkin et al. exV. Golub ord. novus,Artemisio santonicae-Limonietalia gmelinii V. Golub etV. Solomakha 1988,Suaedetalia corniculatae V. Golub ord. novus. Superspecies and aggregations of species are used for the diagnosis of higher syntaxa.  相似文献   

The present study deals with five genera of hepatics in Africa, Isotachis Mitt., Anastrophyllum (Spruce) Steph., Tritomaria Schiffn. ex Loeske, Gymnocoleopsis (Schust.) Schust. and Lophozia (Dum.) Dum. All African populations of the genus Isotachis Mitt. are considered to be one species, I. aubertii (Schwaegr.) Mitt. Four species of Anastrophyllum (Spruce) Steph. (s.l.), A. auritum (Lehm.) Steph., A. piligerum (Nees) Spruce, A. subcomplicatum (Lehm. et Lindenb.) Steph. and A. minutum (Schreb.) Schust., and two species of Tritomaria Schiffn. et Loeske, T. camerunensis S. Arnell and T. exsecta (Schrad.) Schiffn. ex Loeske occur in Africa. Gymmocoleopsis multiflora (Steph.) Schust. represents a genus and species hitherto unreported for the African flora. Finally, five Lophozia (Dum.) Dum. species, L. argentina (Steph.) Schust., L. capensis S. Arnell, L. decolorans (Limpr.) Steph., L. hedbergii S. Arnell and L. tristaniana (S. Arnell) Váňa, are reported from central and southern Africa; two of these (L. argentina (Steph.) Schust. and L. decolorans (Limpr.) Steph.) represent the first reports from Africa.  相似文献   

On the basis of allozyme and cultivation data, and of additional herbarium material, a taxonomic and nomenclatural revision ofTaraxacum sect.Piesis A.J. Richards exKirschner et?těpánek is provided. The section is made up of halophilous, sexually reproducing taxa. InT. stenocephalum Boiss. etKotschy,T. pindicum Kirschner et?těpánek, sp. nov., andT. perenne Kirschner et?těpánek, sp. nov., a tetraploid chromosome number has been recorded, representing the only known case of sexuality at the tetraploid level in the genus. The complex ofT. stenocephalum, includes some geographically and morphologically extreme populations treated as subspecies: subsp.gumusanicum (Soest)Kirschner et?těpánek, comb. nov., subsp.magnum Kirschner et?těpánek, subsp. nov., and subsp.daralagesicum (Schischk.)Kirschner et?těpánek, comb. nov. In addition toT. bessarabicum (Hornem.)Hand.-Mazz., a widely distributed Eurasian species,T. stenocephalum, a complex centred in Transcaucasia and Anatolia, andT. pachypodum H. Lindb., a North African endemic, four new species are described:T. salsum Kirschner et?těpánek, sp. nov., a diploid endemic confined to E Crimea,T. perenne Kirschner et?těpánek, sp. nov., a tetraploid sexual species known only from SW Crimea,T. pindicum Kirschner et?těpánek, sp. nov., a remarkable tetraploid endemic to the Pindos Mts., Greece, andT. salsitatis Kirschner, ?těpänek etYirdirimli, sp. nov., an Anatolian diploid species. Furthermore, a hybrid betweenT. salsum andT. bessarabicum from Crimea (documented on the basis of allozyme data elsewhere) is given a binomial,T. xmesohalobium Kirschner et?těpánek, nothosp. nov.  相似文献   

The sphinctozoid sponge generaFania Senowbari-Daryan 1990 andSpica Termier &Termier 1977 are preoccupied.Fania is replaced byFanthalamia nom. nov. andSpica by the younger synonymFistulispongia Termier &Termier 1977. The invalid subfamily name FaniinaeSenowbari-Daryan 1990 is replaced by Fanthalamiinae n. subfam. The invalid family and subfamily names SpicidaeTermier &Termier 1977 and SpicinaeSenowbari-Daryan 1990 respectively are replaced by FistulispongiidaeTermier atTermier 1977 and FistulispongiinaeSenowbari-Daryan 1990. The generaWaagenium de Laubenfels 1957 andCatubria Merla 1931 were previously overlooked.Waagenium DeLaubenfels 1957 is a younger synonym ofColospongia Laube 1865. The position ofCatubria Merla 1931 is uncertain. Most probablyCatubria is an alga.  相似文献   

In this study, the d-serine ammonia lyase (dsdA) gene from Escherichia coli was evaluated as a selectable marker for maize transformation. Plants are incapable of utilizing the D-form of most amino acids, and d-serine has recently been demonstrated to be phytoinhibitory to plant growth. d-Serine ammonia lyase detoxifies d-serine via a substrate-specific reaction to pyruvate, ammonia, and water. d-Serine inhibits germination of isolated maize immature embryos and growth of embryogenic callus from wild-type plants at concentrations about approx. 2?C15 mM. Transgenic plants were recovered in the presence of d-serine in tissue culture media with dsdA as the selection marker at efficiencies comparable to using a mutated acetohydroxy acid synthase selection marker gene and selection in the presence of imidazolinone herbicides. Immature embryos infected with an Agrobacterium strain containing an acetohydroxy acid synthase gene construct without dsdA did not yield any transgenic events on the selection medium with 10 mM d-serine, indicating that d-serine provided selection tight enough to prevent escapes. Molecular analysis confirmed the integration of the dsdA gene into the genome of the transgenic plants. No adverse phenotypes were observed in the greenhouse, and expression of the dsdA marker had no affect on agronomic characteristics or grain yield in multi-location field trials. Seed compositional analysis demonstrated no significant differences in the contents of seed protein, starch, fatty acids, fiber, phytic acid, and free amino acids between transgenic and non-transgenic control plants. These data indicate that the dsdA gene is properly expressed in maize and the d-serine ammonia lyase (DSDA) enzyme functions appropriately to metabolize d-serine during in vitro selection. Preliminary safety assessments indicated that no adverse affects would be expected if humans were exposed to the DSDA protein in the diet from an allergenicity or toxicity perspective. The dsdA gene in combination with phytoinhibitory levels of d-serine represents a new and effective selectable marker system for maize transformation.  相似文献   

Dersechste Beitrag aus der Serie der vorbereiteten Studien über die SubfamilieJungermannioideae (Jungermanniaceae, Hepaticae) enthält die taxonomische Bearbeitung des Subg.Solenostoma (Mitt.)Amak. (GattungJungermannia L. emend.Dum.) in Europa (inkl. Kaukasus und Kleinasien) und Nordamerika. Im genannten Gebiet kommen 10 Arten vor, u. zw.J. caespiticia Lindenb.,J. caucasica Váňa,J. confertissima Nees,J. gracillima Sm.,J. handelii (Schiffn.)Amak.,J. jenseniana Grolle,J. lignicola (Schiffn.)Grolle,J. pyriflora Steph.,J. rubra Gott. exUnd. undJ. sphaerocarpa Hook. Die ArtJ. confertissima Nees (bisher alsSolenostoma levieri (Steph.)Steph. bezeichnet) gehört zu der SektionDesmorhiza Amak., alle anderen Arten gehören zu der SektionSolenostoma.  相似文献   

Silene subgenusPetrocoptis comprises sexual diploid taxa and it is restricted to calcareous cliffs in the Iberian peninsula. Artificial crosses involvingSilene pyrenaica (Bergeret)Mayol etRosselló (≡Petrocoptis pyrenaica (Bergeret)Walp.),Silene laxipruinosa Mayol etRosselló andS. montserratii subsp.crassifolia (Rouy)Mayol etRosselló (≡P. crassifolia Rouy) were attempted to assess the extent of barriers developed within the subgenusPetrocoptis. Usually, intraspecific crosses involving allopatric populations were successful, suggesting that geographically isolated populations are not genetically isolated. Cross-compatibility was noted among the polymorphicS. pyrenaica, which developed fertile F1 hybrids. All other interspecific crosses failed due to cross- or seed-incompatibility. Crossing results agree with available evidence supporting the merging of segregates ofS. pyrenaica within a single taxon.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the following three mountainOxytropis species:Oxytropis urumovii Jáv. inUrumov, an endemic species of the Pirin (Bulgaria);O. dinarica (Murb.) Wettst. distributed predominantly in Yugoslavia, andO. campestris which is common in the East Alps, but very rare in the Balkans. Three subspecies ofO. dinarica were distinguished: subsp.dinarica, subsp.weberi Chrtek etChrtková, and subsp.velebitica Chrtek etChrtková. In addition, a new combinationO. halleri Bunge exKoch subsp.korabensis (Kümmerle etJáv.)Chrtek etChrtková is given.  相似文献   

The gene of an l-rhamnose isomerase (RhaA) from Bacillus subtilis was cloned to the pET28a(+) and then expressed in the E. coli ER2566. The expressed enzyme was purified with a specific activity of 3.58 U/mg by His-Trap affinity chromatography. The recombinant enzyme existed as a 194 kDa tetramer and the maximal activity was observed at pH 8.0 and 60°C. The RhaA displayed activity for l-rhamnose, l-lyxose, l-mannose, d-allose, d-gulose, d-ribose, and l-talose, among all aldopentoses and aldohexoses and it showed enzyme activity for l-form monosaccharides such as l-rhamnose, l-lyxose, l-mannose, and l-talose. The catalytic efficiency (k cat/K m) of the recombinant enzyme for l-rhamnose, l-lyxose, and l-mannose were 7,460, 1,013, and 258 M/sec. When l-xylulose 100 g/L and l-fructose 100 g/L were used as substrates, the optimum concentrations of RpiB were determined with 6 and 15 U/mL, respectively. The l-lyxose 40 g/L was produced from l-xylulose 100 g/L by the enzyme during 60 min, while l-mannose 25 g/L was produced from l-fructose 100 g/L for 80 min. The results suggest that RhaA from B. subtilis is a potential producer of l-form monosaccharides.  相似文献   

The species of three genera—Sporoschisma Berk. etBr.,Sporoschismopsis Hol.-Jech. etHennebert andCatenularia Grove are treated in this paper from Czechoslovakia:Sporoschisma juvenile Boudier,S. mirabile Berk. etBr.,Sporoschismopsis moravica Hol.-Jech. etHennebert andCatenularia cuneiformis (Richon) Mason. The studied fungi produce the conidia in basipetal succession, endogenously or subendogenously, quite internally in large phialides or only inside open swollen collarettes.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers are reported for 14 species collected in Cuba. The first chromosome records are reported forAlbizzia cubana Britton etWilson (2n=26),Atkinsia cubensis (Britton etWilson)Howard (2n=26),Caesalpinia violacea (Mill.)Standl. (2n=24),Colubrina ferruginosa Brongn. (2n=24). Chromosome numbers of the following species were confirmed:Albizzia lebbeck (L.)Benth. (2n=26),Canavalia maritima (Aubl.)Thouars (2n=22),Casuarina equisetifolia Forst. (2n=18),Cedrela mexicana M.J. Roem. (2n=56),Delonix regia (Bojer)Raf. (2n=28),Guazuma tomentosa H.B.K. (2n=16),Lysiloma bahamense Benth. (2n=26),L. latisiliqua (L.)Benth. (2n=26),Samanea saman (Jacq.)Merrill (2n=26),Thespesia populnea (L.)Soland (2n=26).  相似文献   

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