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Kin selection affects many aspects of social behaviour, especially in gregarious animals in which relatives are permanently associated. In most group-living primates with complex social behaviour, females are philopatric and organized into matrilines. Models of primate social evolution assume that females in solitary primates are also organized into matrilines. We examined the genetic structure and the mating system of a population of Coquerel's dwarf lemur (Mirza coquereli), a solitary primate from Madagascar, to test this assumption. Our genetic and behavioural analyses revealed that this population of solitary individuals is indeed structured into matrilines, even though this pattern was not predicted by behavioural data. Specifically, females sharing a mitochondrial DNA haplotype were significantly clustered in space and the average genetic and geographical distances among them were negatively correlated. Not all females were philopatric, but there is no evidence for the successful settlement of dispersing females. Although not all adult males dispersed from their natal range, they were not significantly clustered in space and all of them roamed widely in search of oestrous females. As a result, paternity was widely spread among males and mixed paternities existed, indicating that scramble competition polygyny is the mating system of this species. Our data therefore revealed facultative dispersal in both sexes with a strong bias towards female philopatry in this primitive primate. We further conclude that complex kinship structures also exist in non-gregarious species, where their consequences for social behaviour are not obvious.  相似文献   

Social learning as one of the key concepts of cognitive ecology includes different forms of behavioural displays from relatively simple, such as "social release" and "stimulus enhancement" up to "teaching" and "cultural transmission" in animal communities. Rapid development of this fields resulted in some contradictions in methods and terminology. In this review different forms and levels of social learning are analyzed. Ecological aspects of social learning are connected with diet shaping, fear of predators and mate choice. The first aspect is the most studied but still discussible. Social learning being an intricate component of feeding behaviour matches with innate behaviour, imprinting as well as early associative learning. Investigation of cognitive aspects of social learning going back to Thorndike's crucial question "Do apes ape?" are now developing into series of questions including even: "Do ants ape?". Elaboration of universal methods of comparative studying of social learning such as "artificial fruit" and "two ways/one outcome" has essentially enlightened these questions and made comparative analysis possible. Large continuum of displays of cognitive skills in social learning has been revealed in non-primate species. One of the discussible issues in the role of social learning is distribution of innovations. Many authors have investigated this intriguing aspect of animal behaviour in different ways, such as long field observations as well as laboratory experiments based on "artificial innovators" that is specimens specially taught by experimentalists. Many impressive results were obtained; in particular it turned out in contradiction with some mathematical models that individuals in groups are rather different in their psychophysiological predisposition to innovative behaviour. Role of teaching in such different forms of behaviour as shaping of species-specific behavioural patterns and spread of innovations is considered. Although the majority of animals in wild populations are not good teachers and pupils, some cultural aspects of behaviour were recently revealed, mostly in primates. At the same time some classical results concerning cultural transmission of new patterns (for example, bottle-opening in tits) were experimentally revised. Many problems still remain unsolved, in particular, how spread of innovations may favour prosperity of populations; to what degree behavioural peculiarities of local groups may be determined by processes of social learning; which internal and external factors and under what circumstances invest into social learning in natural environment.  相似文献   

Increasingly, behavioral ecologists have applied quantitative genetic methods to investigate the evolution of behaviors in wild animal populations. The promise of quantitative genetics in unmanaged populations opens the door for simultaneous analysis of inheritance, phenotypic plasticity, and patterns of selection on behavioral phenotypes all within the same study. In this article, we describe how quantitative genetic techniques provide studies of the evolution of behavior with information that is unique and valuable. We outline technical obstacles for applying quantitative genetic techniques that are of particular relevance to studies of behavior in primates, especially those living in noncaptive populations, e.g., the need for pedigree information, non-Gaussian phenotypes, and demonstrate how many of these barriers are now surmountable. We illustrate this by applying recent quantitative genetic methods to spatial proximity data, a simple and widely collected primate social behavior, from adult rhesus macaques on Cayo Santiago. Our analysis shows that proximity measures are consistent across repeated measurements on individuals (repeatable) and that kin have similar mean measurements (heritable). Quantitative genetics may hold lessons of considerable importance for studies of primate behavior, even those without a specific genetic focus.  相似文献   

Female and male animals often choose mates based upon the complementarity of their courtship behaviours and preferences. The importance of this fact on the evolutionary dynamics of populations has long been appreciated. What has not been appreciated is the role that social learning might play in the transmission of systems of courtship behaviour across generations. This paper addresses the social transmission of courtship behavioural traditions in vertebrates. It discusses views of culture in the context of behavioural signals and preferences in courtship. It then reviews empirical evidence for culture-like processes affecting courtship behaviour, focusing on studies of song learning in passerine birds and work on social learning of mating preferences. The paper concludes with potential future directions for research on social traditions in systems of courtship behaviour, including determining mechanisms of transmission, genetic and non-social environmental effects, and selective factors influencing the stability of behavioural traditions over time. By integrating proximate and ultimate questions for the transmission of courtship systems, this work would increase our understanding of the ways individual development, cultural processes, and population evolution influence, and are in turn influenced by, one another.  相似文献   

The analysis of genetic behaviour within and between species provides important clues about the forces shaping the evolution of behavioural genes. Genes can affect natural behavioural variation in different ways. Allelic variation causes alternative behavioural phenotypes, whereas changes in gene expression can influence the initiation of behaviour at different ages. Identifying the genes involved in polygenic traits has been difficult. Chromosomal analysis has been widely used as a first step in elucidating the genetic architecture of several behaviours ofDrosophila. Behavioural genetic and molecular studies helped to reveal the genetic basis of circadian time keeping and rhythmic behaviours. InDrosophila, a number of key processes such as emergence from the pupal case, locomotor activity, feeding, olfaction and aspects of mating behaviour are under circadian regulation. Evolutionary biology considers migration behaviour as central in genetic structure of populations and speciation. Genetic loci that influence behaviour are often difficult to identify and localise in part due to the quantitative nature of behavioural phenotypes. Diapause is a hormonally mediated delayed response to future adverse conditions and can occur at any stage of development in an insect. Diapauseassociated gene expression was studied inDrosophila using subtractive hybridisation. Several approaches have been made to unravel the genetic complexity of the behaviour, which have provided information that may be useful in different ways. There is evidence that species do differ in genetic architecture of photoresponse and this may be related to their natural environment. The classical experiments by Jerry Hirsh and Th. Dobzhansky to know the nature of genetic basis for extreme selected geotactic behaviour in fruit flies constituted the first attempt at the genetic dissection of a complex, polygenic behaviour. Understanding the genetic differences between these selected lines would provide an important point of entry into the study of genetic mechanisms of sensing and responding to gravity, as well as clues to the origins of genetic flexibility and plasticity in an organism’s response.  相似文献   

Facial colour patterns and facial expressions are among the most important phenotypic traits that primates use during social interactions. While colour patterns provide information about the sender''s identity, expressions can communicate its behavioural intentions. Extrinsic factors, including social group size, have shaped the evolution of facial coloration and mobility, but intrinsic relationships and trade-offs likely operate in their evolution as well. We hypothesize that complex facial colour patterning could reduce how salient facial expressions appear to a receiver, and thus species with highly expressive faces would have evolved uniformly coloured faces. We test this hypothesis through a phylogenetic comparative study, and explore the underlying morphological factors of facial mobility. Supporting our hypothesis, we find that species with highly expressive faces have plain facial colour patterns. The number of facial muscles does not predict facial mobility; instead, species that are larger and have a larger facial nucleus have more expressive faces. This highlights a potential trade-off between facial mobility and colour patterning in primates and reveals complex relationships between facial features during primate evolution.  相似文献   

Recent interest in animal cultures has been fuelled by high-profile reports of intra- and interpopulation differences in the behavioural repertoires of primates and cetaceans, consistent with the existence of socially learned traditions. Several studies have mapped spatial differences in behaviour, revealing a mosaic of behavioural phenotypes within species. The dominant current approach attempts to determine whether this is cultural variation by excluding asocial learning, ecological or genetic factors. However, claims of animal cultures remain controversial because such comparisons are subject to weaknesses; thus, new approaches to isolating the influence of culture on behaviour are required. Here we suggest that, rather than attributing behaviour to explanatory categories, researchers would often be better advised to partition variance in behaviour to alternative sources.  相似文献   

More long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) than any other primate are imported into the UK for research, and journey times may be of up to 58 h. Whilst a number of studies have examined the stress associated with transport, these have typically involved laboratory rodents and livestock, and little is known of its effect on non-human primates. This paper reports the results of a study of behavioural changes in a group of long-tailed macaques transported by air from standard breeding conditions and then re-housed in standard laboratory primate conditions. The animals were studied prior to their departure, immediately after their arrival, and 3 weeks after that. Data were collected on individual time budgets using focal animal sampling and on hierarchy using a feeding trial. The data were analysed for changes in behavioural repertoires and for social perturbation that would be reflected in hierarchical changes. Changes in behaviour occurred which reflected heightened levels of stress in the study group. It was also clear that although there was some adjustment of behaviour, after an initial change on arrival at the new establishment, there was no return to levels observed at the breeding facility within the first month. This study demonstrates that, as a whole, the process of international air transport and re-housing in laboratory conditions may result in the compromising of the welfare of the study animals.  相似文献   

Lindström  K.  St Mary  C.  Gunnels  B.  Hale  R.  Osenberg  C.  Stevens  S.  Vonesh  J.  & Wilson  J. 《Journal of fish biology》2003,63(S1):236-236
Fish have comparatively small brains and are not renowned for their intelligence. Yet a series of laboratory experiments on the guppy reveals that they can be surprisingly good at learning from each other, and that social learning processes can mediate behavioural traditions analogous to the tool using traditions of different populations of chimpanzees. Transmission chain experiments have established that arbitrary and even maladaptive information can be socially transmitted among shoals of fish. Studies of behavioural innovation in guppies are strikingly consistent with findings of equivalent studies in primates. There are strong sex differences in innovatory tendencies and social learning abilities in guppies, which also parallel observations of primates. These studies suggest that the adage 'necessity is the mother of invention' may be a characteristic feature of animal innovation. When considered in combination with the findings of transfer experiments carried out on natural populations of fish, it becomes apparent that fish are an excellent model system for studies of animal social learning and culture.  相似文献   

According to behavioural ecology theory, sociality evolves when the net benefits of close association with conspecifics exceed the costs. The nature and relative magnitude of the benefits and costs of sociality are expected to vary across species and habitats. When sociality is favoured, animals may form groups that range from small pair-bonded units to huge aggregations. The size and composition of social groups have diverse effects on morphology and behaviour, ranging from the extent of sexual dimorphism to brain size, and the structure of social relationships. This general argument implies that sociality has fitness consequences for individuals. However, for most mammalian species, especially long-lived animals like primates, there are sizable gaps in the chain of evidence that links sociality and social bonds to fitness outcomes. These gaps reflect the difficulty of quantifying the cumulative effects of behavioural interactions on fitness and the lack of information about the nature of social relationships among individuals in most taxa. Here, I review what is known about the reproductive consequences of sociality for mammals.  相似文献   

Phenotypic variance results from variation in biological information possessed by individuals. Quantitative geneticists often strive to partition out all environmental variance to measure heritability. Behavioral biologists and ecologists however, require methods to integrate genetic and environmental components of inherited phenotypic variance in order to estimate the evolutionary potential of traits, which encompasses any form of information that is inherited. To help develop this integration, we build on the tools of quantitative genetics and offer the concept of ‘inclusive heritability’ which identifies and unifies the various mechanisms of information transmission across generations. A controversial component of non‐genetic information is animal culture, which is the part of phenotypic variance inherited through social learning. Culture has the unique property of being transmitted horizontally and obliquely, as well as vertically. Accounting for cultural variation would allow us to examine a broader range of evolutionary mechanisms. Culture may, for instance, produce behavioral isolating mechanisms leading to speciation. To advance the study of animal culture, we offer a definition of culture that is rooted in quantitative genetics. We also offer four testable criteria to determine whether a trait is culturally inherited. These criteria may constitute a conceptual tool to study animal culture. We briefly discuss methods to partition out cultural variance. Several authors have recently called for ‘modernizing the modern synthesis’ by including non‐genetic factors such as epigenetics and phenotypic plasticity in order to more fully explain phenotypic evolution. Here, we further propose to broaden the concept of inheritance by incorporating the cultural component of behavior. Applying the concept of inclusive heritability may advance the integration of multiple forms of inheritance into the study of evolution.  相似文献   

Fish have comparatively small brains and are not renowned for their intelligence. Yet a series of laboratory experiments on the guppy reveals that they can be surprisingly good at learning from each other, and that social learning processes can mediate behavioural traditions analogous to the tool using traditions of different populations of chimpanzees. Transmission chain experiments have established that arbitrary and even maladaptive information can be socially transmitted among shoals of fish. Studies of behavioural innovation in guppies are strikingly consistent with findings of equivalent studies in primates. There are strong sex differences in innovatory tendencies and social learning abilities in guppies, which also parallel observations of primates. These studies suggest that the adage ‘necessity is the mother of invention’ may be a characteristic feature of animal innovation. When considered in combination with the findings of transfer experiments carried out on natural populations of fish, it becomes apparent that fish are an excellent model system for studies of animal social learning and culture.  相似文献   

Social animals interact frequently with conspecifics, and their behaviour is influenced by social context, environmental cues and the behaviours of interaction partners, allowing for adaptive, flexible adjustments to social encounters. This flexibility can be limited by part of the behavioural variation being genetically determined. Furthermore, behaviours can be genetically correlated, potentially constraining independent evolution. Understanding social behaviour thus requires carefully disentangling genetic, environmental, maternal and social sources of variations as well as the correlation structure between behaviours. Here, we assessed heritability, maternal, common environment and social effects of eight social behaviours in Neolamprologus pulcher, a cooperatively breeding cichlid. We bred wild‐caught fish in a paternal half‐sibling design and scored ability to defend a resource against conspecifics, to integrate into a group and the propensity to help defending the group territory (“helping behaviour”). We assessed genetic, social and phenotypic correlations within clusters of behaviours predicted to be functionally related, namely “competition,” “aggression,” “aggression‐sociability,” “integration” and “integration‐help.” Helping behaviour and two affiliative behaviours were heritable, whereas there was little evidence for a genetic basis in all other traits. Phenotypic social effects explained part of the variation in a sociable and a submissive behaviour, but there were no maternal or common environment effects. Genetic and phenotypic correlation within clusters was mostly positive. A group's social environment influenced covariances of social behaviours. Genetic correlations were similar in magnitude but usually exceeding the phenotypic ones, indicating that conclusions about the evolution of social behaviours in this species could be provisionally drawn from phenotypic data in cases where data for genetic analyses are unobtainable.  相似文献   

Aggression is a quantitative trait deeply entwined with individual fitness. Mapping the genomic architecture underlying such traits is complicated by complex inheritance patterns, social structure, pedigree information and gene pleiotropy. Here, we leveraged the pedigree of a reintroduced population of grey wolves (Canis lupus) in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA, to examine the heritability of and the genetic variation associated with aggression. Since their reintroduction, many ecological and behavioural aspects have been documented, providing unmatched records of aggressive behaviour across multiple generations of a wild population of wolves. Using a linear mixed model, a robust genetic relationship matrix, 12,288 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and 111 wolves, we estimated the SNP‐based heritability of aggression to be 37% and an additional 14% of the phenotypic variation explained by shared environmental exposures. We identified 598 SNP genotypes from 425 grey wolves to resolve a consensus pedigree that was included in a heritability analysis of 141 individuals with SNP genotype, metadata and aggression data. The pedigree‐based heritability estimate for aggression is 14%, and an additional 16% of the phenotypic variation was explained by shared environmental exposures. We find strong effects of breeding status and relative pack size on aggression. Through an integrative approach, these results provide a framework for understanding the genetic architecture of a complex trait that influences individual fitness, with linkages to reproduction, in a social carnivore. Along with a few other studies, we show here the incredible utility of a pedigreed natural population for dissecting a complex, fitness‐related behavioural trait.  相似文献   

Primate Behavioral Ecology: From Ethnography to Ethology and Back   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nonhuman primates occupy a special niche in anthropology because of the comparative insights into humans they provide. Initial anthropological interest in primates targeted the apes for their close phylogenetic relationships with humans, and the semiterrestrial Old World monkeys for their ecological similarities with hominids adapting to life on the ground. From the earliest anecdotal reports of tool use and hunting to more contemporary quantitative analyses of local "cultural" traditions, nonhuman primates have challenged deep-rooted concepts of human uniqueness and redefined the boundaries between us and other animals. Yet, despite the long-standing influence of primate studies in anthropology, approaches to studying primates began diverging from those of earlier ethnographers. Advances in primatology, particularly during the 1990s, have included a much deeper understanding of how ecology, phylogeny, and demography affect behavior. Insights into intraspecific, population-level variation represent an important area of convergence between primatology, other areas of anthropology, and conservation biology. [Keywords: primate behavioral ecology, anthropocentrism, evolutionary theory, systematic methods, biology]  相似文献   

Although many studies have examined social learning capabilities in apes and monkeys, experiments involving prosimians remain largely absent. We investigated the potential for social learning in black-and-white ruffed lemurs using a two-action foraging task. Eight individuals were divided into two experimental groups and exposed to conspecifics using one of two techniques to access food. Subjects were then given access to the apparatus and their retrieval techniques were recorded and compared. All subjects made their first retrieval using the technique they observed being demonstrated, and there were significant differences between the two groups in their overall response patterns. These results suggest that prosimians are capable of social learning and that additional long-term field studies may reveal the presence of behavioural traditions similar to those found in other primates.  相似文献   

Uncertainty is a ubiquitous component of human economic behaviour, yet people can vary in their preferences for risk across populations, individuals and different points in time. As uncertainty also characterizes many aspects of animal decision-making, comparative research can help evaluate different potential mechanisms that generate this variation, including the role of biological differences or maturational change versus cultural learning, as well as identify human-unique components of economic decision-making. Here, we examine decision-making under risk across non-human primates, our closest relatives. We first review theoretical approaches and current methods for understanding decision-making in animals. We then assess the current evidence for variation in animal preferences between species and populations, between individuals based on personality, sex and age, and finally, between different contexts and individual states. We then use these primate data to evaluate the processes that can shape human decision-making strategies and identify the primate foundations of human economic behaviour.This article is part of the theme issue ‘Existence and prevalence of economic behaviours among non-human primates’.  相似文献   

While the importance of frugivorous primates as seed dispersers is well established, the question of the extent to which they exert selective pressure on fruit color phenotypes is contested. Numerous studies have identified suites of primate fruit colors, but the lack of agreement among them illustrates the difficulty of identifying the match between primate foraging behavior and the extent of primate–plant coevolution. This may indicate that primates do not shape fruit traits, at least in a consistent direction, or that the evolution of fruit color is affected by a complex array of selection pressures in which primates play only a part. Here, we review the role of primates in shaping fruit color in the context of primate color vision phenotypes, and fruit phenotypic constraints and selective pressures. To test the hypothesis that fruit color is subjected to selection pressures by primates, we offer six testable predictions aimed at disentangling the complex array of factors that can contribute to fruit color phenotypes, including animal mutualists, animal antagonists, and developmental and phylogenetic constraints of fruits. We conclude that identifying the importance of primate seed dispersers in shaping fruit visual traits is possible, but more complex than previously thought.  相似文献   

1. Urban and rural populations of animals can differ in their behaviour, both in order to meet their ecological requirements and due to the constraints imposed by different environments. The study of urban populations can therefore offer useful insights into the behavioural flexibility of a species as a whole, as well as indicating how the species in question adapts to a specifically urban environment. 2. The genetic structure of a population can provide information about social structure and movement patterns that is difficult to obtain by other means. Using non-invasively collected hair samples, we estimated the population size of Eurasian badgers Meles meles in the city of Brighton, England, and calculated population-specific parameters of genetic variability and sex-specific rates of outbreeding and dispersal. 3. Population density was high in the context of badger densities reported throughout their range. This was due to a high density of social groups rather than large numbers of individuals per group. 4. The allelic richness of the population was low compared with other British populations. However, the rate of extra-group paternity and the relatively frequent (mainly temporary) intergroup movements suggest that, on a local scale, the population was outbred. Although members of both sexes visited other groups, there was a trend for more females to make intergroup movements. 5. The results reveal that urban badgers can achieve high densities and suggest that while some population parameters are similar between urban and rural populations, the frequency of intergroup movements is higher among urban badgers. In a wider context, these results demonstrate the ability of non-invasive genetic sampling to provide information about the population density, social structure and behaviour of urban wildlife.  相似文献   

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