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The structure of the chicken gizzard G-actin X DNase I complex has been determined at 5 A resolution by an X-ray diffraction method. Protein phases were computed by the multiple isomorphous replacement method using four heavy atom derivatives. The mean figure of merit was 0.65. Dimensions of the three molecular species, the complex, G-actin and DNase I, were determined based on the "cypress wood" models derived from the electron density map. The natures of the heavy atom binding sites are discussed in relation to the distinction between the two component molecules. The pattern of successive contacts between actin molecules observed in the present crystal seems unrelated to that found in F-actin.  相似文献   

D Suck  C Oefner  W Kabsch 《The EMBO journal》1984,3(10):2423-2430
The three-dimensional structure of bovine pancreatic deoxyribonuclease I (DNase I) has been determined at 2.5 A resolution by X-ray diffraction from single crystals. An atomic model was fitted into the electron density using a graphics display system. DNase I is an alpha, beta-protein with two 6-stranded beta-pleated sheets packed against each other forming the core of a 'sandwich'-type structure. The two predominantly anti-parallel beta-sheets are flanked by three longer alpha-helices and extensive loop regions. The carbohydrate side chain attached to Asn 18 is protruding by approximately 15 A from the otherwise compact molecule of approximate dimensions 45 A X 40 A. The binding site of CA2+-deoxythymidine-3',5'-biphosphate (Ca-pdTp) has been determined by difference Fourier techniques confirming biochemical results that the active centre is close to His 131. Ca-pdTp binds at the surface of the enzyme between the two beta-pleated sheets and seems to interact with several charged amino acid side chains. Active site geometry and folding pattern of DNase I are quite different from staphylococcal nuclease, the only other Ca2+-dependent deoxyribonuclease whose structure is known at high resolution. The electron density map indicates that two Ca2+ ions are bound to the enzyme under crystallization conditions.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase from Rhodospirillum rubrum has been fitted to the electron density maps. The resulting protein model has been refined to a nominal resolution of 1.7 A using the constrained-restrained least-squares refinement program of Sussman and the restrained least-squares refinement program of Hendrickson & Konnert. The crystallographic refinement, based on 76,452 reflections with F greater than sigma (F) in the resolution range 5.5 to 1.7 A resulted in a crystallographic R-factor of 18.0%. The asymmetric unit contains one dimeric ribulose-1,5-biphosphate carboxylase molecule, consisting of 869 amino acid residues and 736 water molecules. The geometry of the refined model is close to ideal, with root-mean-square deviations of 0.018 A in bond lengths and 2.7 degrees in bond angles. Two loop regions, comprising residues 54 to 63 and 324 to 335, and the last ten amino acid residues at the C terminus are disordered in our crystals. The expected trimodal distribution is obtained for the side-chain chi 1-angles with a marked preference for staggered conformation. The hydrogen-bonding pattern in the N-terminal beta-sheet and the parallel sheet in the beta/alpha-barrel is described. A number of hydrogen bonds and salt bridges are involved in domain-domain and subunit-subunit interactions. The subunit-subunit interface in the dimer covers an area of 2800 A2. Considerable deviations from the local 2-fold symmetry are found at both the N terminus (residues 2 to 5) and the C terminus (residues 422 to 457). Furthermore, loop 8 in the beta/alpha-barrel domain has a different conformation in the two subunits. A number of amino acid side-chains have different conformations in the two subunits. Most of these residues are located at the surface of the protein. An analysis of the individual temperature factors indicates a high mobility of the C-terminal region and for some of the loops at the active site. The positions and B-factors for 736 solvent sites have been refined (average B: 45.9 A2). Most of the solvent molecules are bound as clusters to the protein. The active site of the enzyme, especially the environment of the activator Lys191 in the non-activated enzyme is described. Crystallographic refinement at 1.7 A resolution clearly revealed the presence of a cis-proline at the active site. This residue is part of the highly conserved region Lys166-Pro167-Lys168.  相似文献   

The structure of Chromatium high potential iron protein (HiPIP) has been refined by semiautomatic Fo-Fc (observed minus calculated structure amplitude Fourier methods to a convential R index, R=sum of the absolute value of Fo-Fc divided by the sum of Fo, of 24.7% for a model in which bond distances and angles are constrained to standard values. Bond length and angle constraints were applied only intermittenly during the computations. At a late stage of the refinement, atomic parameters for only the Fe4S4 cluster plus the 4 associated cystein S-gamma atoms were adjusted by least squares methods and kept fixed during the rest of the refinement. The refined model consists of 625 of the 632 nonhydrogen atoms in the protein plus 75 water molecules. Seven side chain atoms could not be located in the final electron density map. A computer program rather than visual inspection was used wherever possible in the refinement: for locating water molecules, for removing water molecules that too closely approach other atoms, for deleting atoms that lay in regions of low electron density, and for evaluating the progress of refinement. Fo-Fc Fourier refinement is sufficiently economical to be applied routinely in protein crystal structure determinations. The complete HiPIP refinement required approximately 12 hours of CDC 3600 computer time and cost less than $3000 starting from a "trial structure," based upon multipe isomorphoous replacement phases, which gave an R of 43%...  相似文献   

The structure of Cu,Zn yeast superoxide dismutase has been determined to 2.5 A resolution. The enzyme crystallizes in the P2(1)2(1)2 space group with two dimeric enzyme molecules per asymmetric unit. The structure has been solved by molecular replacement techniques using the dimer of the bovine enzyme as the search model, and refined by molecular dynamics with crystallographic pseudo-energy terms, followed by conventional crystallographic restrained refinement. The R-factor for 32,088 unique reflections in the 10.0 to 2.5 A resolution range (98.2% of all possible reflections) is 0.158 for a model comprising two protein dimers and 516 bound solvent molecules, with a root-mean-square deviation of 0.016 A from the ideal bond lengths, and an average B-factor value of 29.9 A2. A dimeric molecule of the enzyme is composed of two identical subunits related by a non-crystallographic 2-fold axis. Each subunit (153 amino acid residues) has as its structural scaffolding a flattened antiparallel eight-stranded beta-barrel, plus three external loops. The overall three-dimensional structure is quite similar to the phylogenetically distant bovine superoxide dismutase (55% amino acid homology), the largest deviations can be observed in the regions of amino acid insertions. The major insertion site hosting residues Ser25A and Gly25B, occurs in the 2,3 beta-turn between strands 2b and 3c, resulting in the structural perturbations of the two neighbouring strands. The second insertion site, at the end of the 3c beta-strand in the wide Greek-key loop, hosts the Asn35A residue, having an evident effect on the structure of the loop and possibly on the neighbouring 5,4 beta-turn. The salt bridge Arg77-Asp99 and the disulphide bridge Cys55-Cys144 stabilize the loop regions containing the metal ligands. The stereochemistry of the two metal centres is conserved, with respect to the bovine enzyme. The Cu2+ ligands show an uneven distortion from a square plane, while Zn2+ co-ordination geometry is distorted tetrahedral. The imidazole ring of the His61 residue forms a bridge between Cu and Zn ions. A solvent peak compatible with a fifth ligand is observed 2.0 A away from the copper in the active site channel, which is filled by ordered water molecules that possibly contribute to the stability and function of the enzyme. The charged residues responsible for the electrostatic guidance of the substrate to the active site (Glu130, Glu131, Lys134 and Arg141) are fairly conserved in their positions, some of them showing different interactions in the four chains due to the intermolecular contacts between the dimers.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

W Kabsch  H G Mannherz    D Suck 《The EMBO journal》1985,4(8):2113-2118
The shape of an actin subunit has been derived from an improved 6 A map of the complex of rabbit skeletal muscle actin and bovine pancreatic DNase I obtained by X-ray crystallographic methods. The three-dimensional structure of DNase I determined independently at 2.5 A resolution was compared with the DNase I electron density in the actin:DNase map. The two structures are very similar at 6 A resolution thus leading to an unambiguous identification of actin as well as DNase I electron density. Furthermore the correct hand of the actin structure is determined from the DNase I atomic structure. The resolution of the actin structure was extended to 4.5 A by using a single heavy-atom derivative and the knowledge of the atomic coordinates of DNase I. The dimensions of an actin subunit are 67 A X 40 A X 37 A. It consists of a small and a large domain, the small domain containing the N terminus. Actin is an alpha,beta-protein with a beta-pleated sheet in each domain. These sheets are surrounded by several alpha-helices, comprising at least 40% of the structure. The phosphate peak of the adenine nucleotide is located between the two domains. The complex of actin and DNase I as found in solution (i.e., the actin:DNase I contacts which do not depend on crystal packing) was deduced from a comparison of monoclinic with orthorhombic crystals. Residues 44-46, 51, 52, 60-62 of DNase I are close to a loop region in the small domain of actin. At a distance of approximately 15 A there is a second contact in the large domain in which Glu13 of DNase I is involved. A possible binding region for myosin is discussed.  相似文献   

The structure of the allosterically inhibited form of phosphofructokinase from Bacillus stearothermophilus has been determined by X-ray crystallography to 7 A resolution by molecular replacement using the known structure of the active state as a starting model. Comparing the inhibited state with the active state, the tetramer is twisted about its long axis such that one pair of subunits in the tetramer rotates relative to the other pair by about 8 degrees around one of the molecular dyad axes. This rotation partly closes the binding site for the co-operative substrate fructose-6-phosphate, explaining its weaker binding to this conformational state. Within the subunit, one domain rotates relative to the other by 4.5 degrees, which further closes the fructose-6-phosphate site, without closing the cleft between the domains of the same subunit: this motion causes little change to the catalytic site. This T-state model is consistent with the simple allosteric kinetic scheme in which the active and the inhibited conformations differ in their affinities for fructose-6-phosphate, but not in their catalytic rates. It does not explain the heterotropic allosteric effects.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional crystal structure of the complex between the Fab from the monoclonal anti-lysozyme antibody D1.3 and the antigen, hen egg white lysozyme, has been refined by crystallographic techniques using x-ray intensity data to 2.5-A resolution. The antibody contacts the antigen with residues from all its complementarity determining regions. Antigen residues 18-27 and 117-125 form a discontinuous antigenic determinant making hydrogen bonds and van der Waals interactions with the antibody. Water molecules at or near the antigen-antibody interface mediate some contacts between antigen and antibody. The fine specificity of antibody D1.3, which does not bind (K alpha less than 10(5) M-1) avian lysozymes where Gln121 in the amino acid sequence is occupied by His, can be explained on the basis of the refined model.  相似文献   

Even being a bacterial purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP), which normally shows hexameric folding, the Mycobacterium tuberculosis PNP (MtPNP) resembles the mammalian trimeric structure. The crystal structure of the MtPNP apoenzyme was solved at 1.9 A resolution. The present work describes the first structure of MtPNP in complex with phosphate. In order to develop new insights into the rational drug design, conformational changes were profoundly analyzed and discussed. Comparisons over the binding sites were specially studied to improve the discussion about the selectivity of potential new drugs.  相似文献   

This paper describes the 2.5 Å crystallographic structure determination of ferricytochrome c′ from the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodospirillum molischianum. The molecule is a symmetric dimer, with each 128-residue polypeptide chain incorporating a covalently bound protoheme IX prosthetic group. The monomer is structurally organized as an array of four nearly parallel α-helices, which pack most closely at one end and thereafter spatially diverge to accommodate the heme prosthetic group. Although local features of the heme attachment pattern resemble those seen in cytochrome c, the heme iron in cytochrome c′ is pentaco-ordinate with a solvent-exposed histidine residue furnishing the single axial ligand to the heme iron.Subunit association in the dimeric molecule is principally stabilized by helix interactions, which are qualitatively similar to those occurring within each monomer. These interactions result in a dimer geometry that situates the exposed regions of both hemes on the same molecular surface.The structural basis for some of the physiochemical properties cytochrome c′ are examined and compared to those of other heme proteins of known structure.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of demetallized concanavalin A has been determined at 2.5 Å resolution and refined to a crystallographic R-factor of 18%. The lectin activity of concanavalin A requires the binding of both a transition metal ion, generally Mn2+, and a Ca2+ ion in two neighboring sites in close proximity to the carbohydrate binding site. Large structural differences between the native and the metal-free lectin are observed in the metal-binding region and consequently for the residues involved in the specific binding of saccharides. The demetallization invokes a series of conformational changes in the protein backbone, apparently initiated mainly by the loss of the calcium ion. Most of the Mn2+ ligands retain their position, but the Ca2+ binding site is destroyed. The Ala207-Asp208 peptide bond, in the β-strand neighboring the metal-binding sites, undergoes a cis to trans isomerization. The cis conformation for this bond is a highly conserved feature among the leguminous lectins and is critically maintained by the Ca2+ ion in metal-bound concanavalin A. A further and major change adjacent to the isomerized bond is an expansion of the loop containing the monosaccharide ligand residues Leu99 and Tyr100. The dispersion of the ligand residues for the monosaccharide binding site (Asn14, Agr228, Asp208, Leu99, and Tyr100) in metalfree concanavalin A abolishes the lectin's ability to bind saccharides. Since the quaternary structure of legume lectins is essential to their biological role, the tetramer formation was analyzed. In the crystal (pH 5), the metal-free concanavalin A dimers associate into a tetramer that is similar to the native one, but with a drastically reduced number of inter-dimer interactions. This explains the tetramer dissociation into dimers below pH values of 6.5. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

X-ray structure of the DNase I-d(GGTATACC)2 complex at 2.3 A resolution.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The crystal structure of a complex between DNase I and the self-complementary octamer duplex d(GGTATACC)2 has been solved using the molecular replacement method and refined to a crystallographic R-factor of 18.8% for all data between 6.0 and 2.3 A resolution. In contrast to the structure of the DNase I-d(GCGATCGC)2 complex solved previously, the DNA remains uncleaved in the crystal. The general architecture of the two complexes is highly similar. DNase I binds in the minor groove of a right-handed DNA duplex, and to the phosphate backbones on either side over five base-pairs, resulting in a widening of the minor groove and a concurrent bend of the DNA away from the bound enzyme. There is very little change in the structure of the DNase I on binding the substrate. Many other features of the interaction are conserved in the two complexes, in particular the stacking of a deoxyribose group of the DNA onto the side-chain of a tyrosine residue (Y76), which affects the DNA conformation and the binding of an arginine side-chain in the minor groove. Although the structures of the DNA molecules appear at first sight rather similar, detailed analysis reveals some differences that may explain the relative resistance of the d(GGTATACC)2 duplex to cleavage by DNase I: whilst some backbone parameters are characteristic of a B-conformation, the spatial orientation of the base-pairs in the d(GGTATACC)2 duplex is close to that generally observed in A-DNA. These results further support the hypothesis that the minor-groove width and depth and the intrinsic flexibility of DNA are the most important parameters affecting the interaction. The disposition of residues around the scissile phosphate group suggests that two histidine residues, H134 and H252, are involved in catalysis.  相似文献   

Orthorhombic crystals of isolectin I (LOLI) from the seeds of Lathyrus ochrus were first obtained during the STS 29 space shuttle mission. Subsequently, isostructural crystals were also obtained in the laboratory. They belong to the space group P2(1)2(1)2, with cell dimensions a = 135.84 A, b = 63.12 A and c = 54.54 A with one functional entity, a dimer, in the asymmetric unit (Vm = 2.2 A3/Da). The three-dimensional structure of LOLI, which was solved by the molecular replacement method using a 3 A resolution model of pea lectin, has subsequently been refined by using crystallographic data between 8.0 A and 1.9 A resolution, coupled to molecular dynamics and energy minimization techniques. The conventional R-factor is 0.185 for Fo greater than 1 sigma(Fo). The final model includes 220 well-defined water molecules and has root-mean-square deviations from ideal bond distances and angles of 0.004 A and 3 degrees, respectively. Only slight conformation differences have been found between the two alpha beta monomers. The molecular structure of LOLI, the first to be determined from the genus Lathyrus, is very similar to those of concanavalin A, pea lectin and favin. Differences are confined to the loop regions and beta-chain termini. Comparison of equivalent C alpha atom positions between our final model and the pea lectin structure shows slight differences in the association of the two monomers, which are probably due to the different environments in the crystals. The root-mean-square deviation between C alpha atoms of LOLI and pea lectin is 0.40 A. The metal binding sites are very similar in pea lectin, concanavalin A and LOLI. The sugar-binding sites of LOLI are occupied by four well-ordered water molecules each. The cleavage site for one of the monomers is specially well defined in the final electron density map: the amino group of Glul (alpha) seems to form a salt bridge with the carboxylate group of the terminal Asn181 (beta). A detailed analysis of the difference in crystal packing contacts between pea lectin and LOLI shows that, as might be expected, several of the intermolecular interactions are mediated by residues that correspond to substitutions in the LOLI amino acid sequence.  相似文献   

The structure of human lactoferrin has been refined crystallographically at 2.8 A (1 A = 0.1 nm) resolution using restrained least squares methods. The starting model was derived from a 3.2 A map phased by multiple isomorphous replacement with solvent flattening. Rebuilding during refinement made extensive use of these experimental phases, in combination with phases calculated from the partial model. The present model, which includes 681 of the 691 amino acid residues, two Fe3+, and two CO3(2-), gives an R factor of 0.206 for 17,266 observed reflections between 10 and 2.8 A resolution, with a root-mean-square deviation from standard bond lengths of 0.03 A. As a result of the refinement, two single-residue insertions and one 13-residue deletion have been made in the amino acid sequence, and details of the secondary structure and tertiary interactions have been clarified. The two lobes of the molecule, representing the N-terminal and C-terminal halves, have very similar folding, with a root-mean-square deviation, after superposition, of 1.32 A for 285 out of 330 C alpha atoms; the only major differences being in surface loops. Each lobe is subdivided into two dissimilar alpha/beta domains, one based on a six-stranded mixed beta-sheet, the other on a five-stranded mixed beta-sheet, with the iron site in the interdomain cleft. The two iron sites appear identical at the present resolution. Each iron atom is coordinated to four protein ligands, 2 Tyr, 1 Asp, 1 His, and the specific Co3(2-), which appears to bind to iron in a bidentate mode. The anion occupies a pocket between the iron and two positively charged groups on the protein, an arginine side-chain and the N terminus of helix 5, and may serve to neutralize this positive charge prior to iron binding. A large internal cavity, beyond the Arg side-chain, may account for the binding of larger anions as substitutes for CO3(2-). Residues on the other side of the iron site, near the interdomain crossover strands could provide secondary anion binding sites, and may explain the greater acid-stability of iron binding by lactoferrin, compared with serum transferrin. Interdomain and interlobe interactions, the roles of charged side-chains, heavy-atom binding sites, and the construction of the metal site in relation to the binding of different metals are also discussed.  相似文献   

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