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The planarian flatworm is an ideal system for the study of regeneration in vivo. In this study, we focus on TINP1, which is one of the most conserved proteins in eukaryotic organisms. We found that TINP1 was expressed in parenchymal region through whole body as well as central nervous system (CNS) during the course of regeneration. RNA interference targeting DjTINP1 caused lysis defects in regenerating tissues and a decreased in cell division and expression levels of DjpiwiA and Djpcna. Furthermore, the expression levels of DjTINP1 were decreased when we inhibited the TGF-β signal by knockdown of smad4, which is the sole co-smad and has been proved to control the blastema patterning and central nervous system (CNS) regeneration in planarians. These findings suggest that DjTINP1 participate in the maintenance of neoblasts and be required for proper cell proliferation in planarians as a downstream gene of the TGF-β signal pathway.  相似文献   

Having the ability to coordinate the behavior of stem cells to induce regeneration of specific large-scale structures would have far-reaching consequences in the treatment of degenerative diseases, acute injury, and aging. Thus, identifying and learning to manipulate the sequential steps that determine the fate of new tissue within the overall morphogenetic program of the organism is fundamental. We identified novel early signals, mediated by the central nervous system and 3 innexin proteins, which determine the fate and axial polarity of regenerated tissue in planarians. Modulation of gap junction-dependent and neural signals specifically induces ectopic anterior regeneration blastemas in posterior and lateral wounds. These ectopic anterior blastemas differentiate new brains that establish permanent primary axes re-established during subsequent rounds of unperturbed regeneration. These data reveal powerful novel controls of pattern formation and suggest a constructive model linking nervous inputs and polarity determination in early stages of regeneration.  相似文献   

In adult organisms, stem cells are crucial to homeostasis and regeneration of damaged tissues. In planarians, adult stem cells (neoblasts) are endowed with an extraordinary replicative potential that guarantees unlimited replacement of all differentiated cell types and extraordinary regenerative ability. The molecular mechanisms by which neoblasts combine long-term stability and constant proliferative activity, overcoming the impact of time, remain by far unknown. Here we investigate the role of Djmot, a planarian orthologue that encodes a peculiar member of the HSP70 family, named Mortalin, on the dynamics of stem cells of Dugesia japonica. Planarian stem cells and progenitors constitutively express Djmot. Transient Djmot expression in differentiated tissues is only observed after X-ray irradiation. DjmotRNA interference causes inability to regenerate and death of the animals, as a result of permanent growth arrest of stem cells. These results provide the first evidence that an hsp-related gene is essential for neoblast viability and suggest the possibility that high levels of Djmot serve to keep a p53-like protein signaling under control, thus allowing neoblasts to escape cell death programs. Further studies are needed to unravel the molecular pathways involved in these processes.  相似文献   

Freshwater planarians exhibit a striking power of regeneration, based on a population of undifferentiated totipotent stem cells, called neoblasts. These somatic stem cells have several characteristics resembling those of germ line stem cells in other animals, such as the presence of perinuclear RNA granules (chromatoid bodies). We have isolated a Tudor domain-containing gene in the planarian species Schmidtea polychroa, Spoltud-1, and show that it is expressed in neoblast cells, germ line cells and central nervous system, and during embryonic development. Within the neoblasts, Spoltud-1 protein is enriched in chromatoid bodies. Spoltud-1 RNAi eliminates protein expression after 3 weeks, and abolishes the power of regeneration of planarians after 7 weeks. Neoblast cells are eliminated by the RNAi treatment, disappearing at the end rather than gradually during the process. Neoblasts with no detectable Spoltud-1 protein are able to proliferate and differentiate. These results suggest that Spoltud-1 is required for long term stem cell self renewal.  相似文献   

Planarians are flatworms and can perform whole-body regeneration. This ability involves a mechanism to distinguish between anterior-facing wounds that require head regeneration and posterior-facing wounds that require tail regeneration. How this head-tail regeneration polarity decision is made is studied to identify principles underlying tissue-identity specification in regeneration. We report that inhibition of activin-2, which encodes an Activin-like signaling ligand, resulted in the regeneration of ectopic posterior-facing heads following amputation. During tissue turnover in uninjured planarians, positional information is constitutively expressed in muscle to maintain proper patterning. Positional information includes Wnts expressed in the posterior and Wnt antagonists expressed in the anterior. Upon amputation, several wound-induced genes promote re-establishment of positional information. The head-versus-tail regeneration decision involves preferential wound induction of the Wnt antagonist notum at anterior-facing over posterior-facing wounds. Asymmetric activation of notum represents the earliest known molecular distinction between head and tail regeneration, yet how it occurs is unknown. activin-2 RNAi animals displayed symmetric wound-induced activation of notum at anterior- and posterior-facing wounds, providing a molecular explanation for their ectopic posterior-head phenotype. activin-2 RNAi animals also displayed anterior-posterior (AP) axis splitting, with two heads appearing in anterior blastemas, and various combinations of heads and tails appearing in posterior blastemas. This was associated with ectopic nucleation of anterior poles, which are head-tip muscle cells that facilitate AP and medial-lateral (ML) pattern at posterior-facing wounds. These findings reveal a role for Activin signaling in determining the outcome of AP-axis-patterning events that are specific to regeneration.  相似文献   

Similarly to development, the process of regeneration requires that cells accurately sense and respond to their external environment. Thus, intrinsic cues must be integrated with signals from the surrounding environment to ensure appropriate temporal and spatial regulation of tissue regeneration. Identifying the signaling pathways that control these events will not only provide insights into a fascinating biological phenomenon but may also yield new molecular targets for use in regenerative medicine. Among classical models to study regeneration, freshwater planarians represent an attractive system in which to investigate the signals that regulate cell proliferation and differentiation, as well as the proper patterning of the structures being regenerated. Recent studies in planarians have begun to define the role of conserved signaling pathways during regeneration. Here, we extend these analyses to the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor pathway. We report the characterization of three epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptors in the planarian Schmidtea mediterranea. Silencing of these genes by RNA interference (RNAi) yielded multiple defects in intact and regenerating planarians. Smed-egfr-1(RNAi) resulted in decreased differentiation of eye pigment cells, abnormal pharynx regeneration and maintenance, and the development of dorsal outgrowths. In contrast, Smed-egfr-3(RNAi) animals produced smaller blastemas associated with abnormal differentiation of certain cell types. Our results suggest important roles for the EGFR signaling in controlling cell proliferation, differentiation and morphogenesis during planarian regeneration and homeostasis.  相似文献   

A Bruno-like gene is required for stem cell maintenance in planarians   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The regenerative abilities of freshwater planarians are based on neoblasts, stem cells maintained throughout the animal's life. We show that a member of the Bruno-like family of RNA binding proteins is critical for regulating neoblasts in the planarian Schmidtea mediterranea. Smed-bruno-like (bruli) mRNA and protein are expressed in neoblasts and the central nervous system. Following bruli RNAi, which eliminates detectable Bruli protein, planarians initiate the proliferative response to amputation and form small blastemas but then undergo tissue regression and lysis. We characterize the neoblast population by using antibodies recognizing SMEDWI-1 and Histone H4 (monomethyl-K20) and cell-cycle markers to label subsets of neoblasts and their progeny. bruli knockdown results in a dramatic reduction/elimination of neoblasts. Our analyses indicate that neoblasts lacking Bruli can respond to wound stimuli and generate progeny that can form blastemas and differentiate; yet, they are unable to self-renew. These results suggest that Bruli is required for stem cell maintenance.  相似文献   

Planarians have a well-organized central nervous system (CNS), including a brain, and can regenerate the CNS from almost any portion of the body using pluripotent stem cells. In this study, to identify genes required for CNS regeneration, genes expressed in the regenerating CNS were systematically cloned and subjected to functional analysis. RNA interference (RNAi) of the planarian clathrin heavy chain (DjCHC) gene prevented CNS regeneration in the intermediate stage of regeneration prior to neural circuit formation. To analyze DjCHC gene function at the cellular level, we developed a functional analysis method using primary cultures of planarian neurons purified by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) after RNAi treatment. Using this method, we showed that the DjCHC gene was not essential for neural differentiation, but was required for neurite extension and maintenance, and that DjCHC-RNAi-treated neurons entered a TUNEL-positive apoptotic state. DjCHC-RNAi-treated uncut planarians showed brain atrophy, and the DjCHC-RNAi planarian phenotype was mimicked by RNAi-treated planarians of the mu-2 (micro2) gene, which is involved in endocytosis, but not the mu-1 (micro1) gene, which is involved in exocytosis. Thus, clathrin-mediated endocytic signals may be required for not only maintenance of neurons after synaptic formation, but also axonal extension at the early stage of neural differentiation.  相似文献   

How adult stem cell populations are recruited for tissue renewal and repair is a fundamental question of biology. Mobilization of stem cells out of their niches followed by correct migration and differentiation at a site of tissue turnover or injury are important requirements for proper tissue maintenance and regeneration. However, we understand little about the mechanisms that control this process, possibly because the best studied vertebrate adult stem cell systems are not readily amenable to in vivo observation. Furthermore, few clear examples of the recruitment of fully potent stem cells, compared with limited progenitors, are known. Here, we show that planarian stem cells directionally migrate to amputation sites during regeneration. We also show that during tissue homeostasis they are stationary. Our study not only uncovers the existence of specific recruitment mechanisms elicited by amputation, but also sets the stage for the systematic characterization of evolutionarily conserved stem cell regulatory processes likely to inform stem cell function and dysfunction in higher organisms, including humans.  相似文献   

Cardiac remodeling resulting from impairment of myocardial integrity leads to heart failure, through still incompletely understood mechanisms. The fibroblast growth factor (FGF) system has been implicated in tissue maintenance, but its role in the adult heart is not well defined. We hypothesized that the FGF system plays a role in the maintenance of cardiac homeostasis, and the impairment of cardiomyocyte FGF signaling leads to pathological cardiac remodeling.  相似文献   

Early patterning of vertebrate embryos involves the generation of asymmetric signals across the left-right (L-R) axis that position and are required for the proper function of internal organs. This patterning is directed by a conserved nodal/lefty signaling cascade on the left side of the embryo, thought to be asymmetrically directed by ciliary beating that generates a leftward fluid flow in the mammalian node and in Kupffer's vesicle (KV), the related structure in zebrafish. Following morpholino knockdown of Cx43.4, asymmetric gene expression and global organ distribution are randomized, consistent with the expression of Cx43.4 in KV. Randomization is recapitulated in mosaic embryos in which Cx43.4 is depleted preferentially in KV cells, showing that Cx43.4 is specifically required in KV for proper L-R axis formation. The mechanistic basis for the laterality anomalies in Cx43.4-deficient embryos is a primary morphogenesis defect during lumen formation in KV. Additionally, the role of Cx43.4 appears to be conserved given that its ortholog, human Cx45, is able to functionally compensate for zebrafish Cx43.4 during L-R patterning. This is the first report linking connexin function in the ciliated, node-like cells of KV with normal L-R axis development.  相似文献   

Accumulated evidence indicates that ROS fluctuations play a critical role in cell division. Dividing plant cells rapidly respond to them. Experimental disturbance of ROS homeostasis affects: tubulin polymerization; PPB, mitotic spindle and phragmoplast assembly; nuclear envelope dynamics; chromosome separation and movement; cell plate formation. Dividing cells mainly accumulate at prophase and delay in passing through the successive cell division stages. Notably, many dividing root cells of the rhd2 Arabidopsis thaliana mutants, lacking the RHD2/AtRBOHC protein function, displayed aberrations, comparable to those induced by low ROS levels. Some protein molecules, playing key roles in signal transduction networks inducing ROS production, participate in cell division. NADPH oxidases and their regulators PLD, PI3K and ROP-GTPases, are involved in MT polymerization and organization. Cellular ROS oscillations function as messages rapidly transmitted through MAPK pathways inducing MAP activation, thus affecting MT dynamics and organization. RNS implication in cell division is also considered.  相似文献   

Planarian flatworms are an exception among bilaterians in that they possess a large pool of adult stem cells that enables them to promptly regenerate any part of their body, including the brain. Although known for two centuries for their remarkable regenerative capabilities, planarians have only recently emerged as an attractive model for studying regeneration and stem cell biology. This revival is due in part to the availability of a sequenced genome and the development of new technologies, such as RNA interference and next-generation sequencing, which facilitate studies of planarian regeneration at the molecular level. Here, we highlight why planarians are an exciting tool in the study of regeneration and its underlying stem cell biology in vivo, and discuss the potential promises and current limitations of this model organism for stem cell research and regenerative medicine.  相似文献   

Homeostatic mechanisms operate to stabilize synaptic function; however, we know little about how they are regulated. Exploiting Drosophila genetics, we have uncovered a critical role for the target of rapamycin (TOR) in the regulation of synaptic homeostasis at the Drosophila larval neuromuscular junction. Loss of postsynaptic TOR disrupts a retrograde compensatory enhancement in neurotransmitter release that is normally triggered by a reduction in postsynaptic glutamate receptor activity. Moreover, postsynaptic overexpression of TOR or a phosphomimetic form of S6 ribosomal protein kinase, a common target of TOR, can trigger a strong retrograde increase in neurotransmitter release. Interestingly, heterozygosity for eIF4E, a critical component of the cap-binding protein complex, blocks the retrograde signal in all these cases. Our findings suggest that cap-dependent translation under the control of TOR plays a critical role in establishing the activity dependent homeostatic response at the NMJ.  相似文献   

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