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In the field of germline development in amniote vertebrates, primordial germ cell (PGC) specification in birds and reptiles remains controversial. Avians are believed to adopt a predetermination or maternal specification mode of PGC formation, contrary to an inductive mode employed by mammals and, supposedly, reptiles. Here, we revisit and review some key aspects of PGC development that channelled the current subdivision, and challenge the position of birds and reptiles as well as the ‘binary’ evolutionary model of PGC development in vertebrates. We propose an alternative view on PGC specification where germ plasm plays a role in laying the foundation for the formation of PGC precursors (pPGC), but not necessarily of PGCs. Moreover, inductive mechanisms may be necessary for the transition from pPGCs to PGCs. Within this framework, the implementation of data from birds and reptiles could provide new insights on the evolution of PGC specification in amniotes.  相似文献   

In avian species, the developmental fate of different-sex germ cells in the gonads is unclear. The present study attempted to confirm whether genetically female germ cells can differentiate into spermatozoa in male gonads using male germline chimeric chickens produced by the transfer of primordial germ cells (PGC), and employing molecular biological methods. As a result of Southern hybridization, specific sequences of the W chromosome (the female specific sex chromosome in birds) were detected in the genomic DNA extracted from one out of four male germline chimeric chickens. When two-color in situ hybridization was conducted on the spermatozoa of this germline chimera, 0.33% (average) of the nuclei of each semen sample showed the fluorescent signal indicating the presence of the W chromosome. The present study shows that female PGC can differentiate into spermatozoa in male gonads in the chicken. However, the ratio of produced W chromosome-bearing (W-bearing) spermatozoa fell substantially below expectations. It is therefore concluded that most of the W-bearing PGC could not differentiate into spermatozoa because of restricted spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

原始生殖细胞特化在精子和卵子生成过程中发挥着重要的作用,而PR结构域蛋白质(PR-domain protein,PRDM)家族部分成员参与了该过程。PRDM1可抑制体细胞程序化过程中基因的表达,而PRDM1和PRDM14共同参与了潜在的全能性细胞的重新获取和基因组范围内表观遗传学重编程。这三个过程都是原始生殖细胞特化所必需的。此外,原始生殖细胞特化还需要一些其他因素如骨形态发生蛋白4(bone morphogenetic protein4,Bmp4)和RNA结合蛋白Lin28,这些因素通过影响PRDM发挥生理作用。对原始生殖细胞特化的理解有利于生殖细胞发育和相关问题的研究。  相似文献   

The ovaries of early embryos (40 days post coitum/p.c.) of the bat Carollia perspicillata contain numerous germ-line cysts, which are composed of 10 to 12 sister germ cells (cystocytes). Variability in the number of cystocytes within the cyst and between the cysts (defying the Giardina rule) indicates that the mitotic divisions of the cystoblast are asynchronous in this bat species. Serial section analysis showed that the cystocytes are interconnected via intercellular bridges that are atypical, strongly elongated, short-lived, and rich in microtubule bundles and microfilaments. During slightly later stages of embryonic development (44-46 days p.c.), somatic cells penetrate the cyst, and their cytoplasmic projections separate individual oocytes. Separated oocytes surrounded by a single layer of somatic cells constitute the primordial ovarian follicles. The oocytes of C. perspicillata are similar to mouse oocytes and are asymmetric. In both species, this asymmetry is clearly recognizable in the localization of the Golgi complexes. The presence of germ-line cysts and intercellular bridges (although noncanonical) in the fetal ovaries of C. perspicillata suggest that the formation of germ-line cysts is an evolutionarily conserved phase in the development of the female gametes in a substantial part of the animal kingdom.  相似文献   

In many animals, germline development is initiated by proteins and RNAs that are expressed maternally. PIWI proteins and their associated small noncoding PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs), which guide PIWI to target RNAs by base-pairing, are among the maternal components deposited into the germline of the Drosophila early embryo. Piwi has been extensively studied in the adult ovary and testis, where it is required for transposon suppression, germline stem cell self-renewal, and fertility. Consequently, loss of Piwi in the adult ovary using piwi-null alleles or knockdown from early oogenesis results in complete sterility, limiting investigation into possible embryonic functions of maternal Piwi. In this study, we show that the maternal Piwi protein persists in the embryonic germline through gonad coalescence, suggesting that maternal Piwi can regulate germline development beyond early embryogenesis. Using a maternal knockdown strategy, we find that maternal Piwi is required for the fertility and normal gonad morphology of female, but not male, progeny. Following maternal piwi knockdown, transposons were mildly derepressed in the early embryo but were fully repressed in the ovaries of adult progeny. Furthermore, the maternal piRNA pool was diminished, reducing the capacity of the PIWI/piRNA complex to target zygotic genes during embryogenesis. Examination of embryonic germ cell proliferation and ovarian gene expression showed that the germline of female progeny was partially masculinized by maternal piwi knockdown. Our study reveals a novel role for maternal Piwi in the germline development of female progeny and suggests that the PIWI/piRNA pathway is involved in germline sex determination in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Primordial germ cell development in zebrafish   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In sexually reproducing organisms, primordial germ cells (PGCs) give rise to gametes that are responsible for the development of a new organism in the next generation. These cells follow a characteristic developmental path that is manifested in specialized regulation of basic cell functions and behavior making them an attractive system for studying cell fate specification, differentiation and migration. This review summarizes studies aimed at understanding the development of this cell population in zebrafish and compares these results with those obtained in other model organisms.  相似文献   

Motohashi HH  Kada H  Sato K 《Human cell》2004,17(1):67-74
The aim of this study was to clarify the developmental and ultrastructual characteristics of oocytes grown in vitro from primordial germ cells. The female genital ridges at 12.5 days post coitus were cultured for 18 days on an insert membrane in Waymouth's MB752/1 medium, supplemented with 15% fetal bovine serum and 1 mM sodium pyruvate; subsequently, the follicles isolated from the tissue were cultured for eight days in Waymouth's medium supplemented with 5 microg/ml insulin, 5 microg/ml transferrin, 5 ng/ml selenium, 10 mIU/ml follicle stimulating hormone, and 100 ng/ml stem cell factor. The primordial germ cells developed in vitro into oocytes of more than 60 microm in diameter. The transmission electron microscopic analysis indicated that the oocytes, which developed in vitro, showed no obvious abnormality in their ultrastructure and had organelles appropriate for the oocyte size. However, a delay in the progressive changes of morphology in some of the organelles during oocyte growth was often found when comparing them to oocytes grown in vivo.  相似文献   

The relationship between germ cells and pluripotent embryonic stem (ES) cells is of particular interest, together with approaches to generate primordial germ cell (PGCs) from ES cells. A critical requirement in these experiments is the ability to unambiguously detect PGCs with the use of, for example, reporter genes. The currently available transgenic reporters do not show exclusive expression in PGCs at their earliest developmental stages. Here we describe the use of germline-restricted expression of stella, which is currently the best marker gene for PGCs. We generated two stella-GFP reporters and show that both transgenes surpass other reporters in terms of timing and specificity of expression in PGCs. Additionally, we demonstrate the usefulness of stella-GFP during the derivation of PGCs from ES cells.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of follicle cells in the ovary at different developmental stages of Branchiostoma has been observed in detail with a transmission electron microscope. The results indicate that only one kind of follicle cell exists with structural features related to steroid hormone biosynthesis: (i) oval or round mitochondria with tubules; (ii) smooth surfaced endoplasmic reticulum; (iii) several large lipid droplets in the cytoplasm; (iv) a well de-veloped Golgi complex and tubular rough surfaced endoplasmic reticulum, as can be found in mammalian theca interna cells. In addition, as steroid hormone synthesizing cells, they obviously play an important role in the phagocytosis of relict gametes and cellular debris and may have a nutritive function for the oocytes. They can produce abundant secre-tory granules in stages III-IV ovaries. In mature ovaries they transform into flat epithelial cells with numerous micro-filaments which may play a role in ovulation.  相似文献   

This review summarizes and integrates our current understanding of how sea stars make gametes. Although little is known of the mechanism of germ line formation in these animals, recent results point to specific cells and to cohorts of molecules in the embryos and larvae that may lay the ground work for future research efforts. A coelomic outpocketing forms in the posterior of the gut in larvae, referred to as the posterior enterocoel (PE), that when removed, significantly reduces the number of germ cell later in larval growth. This same PE structure also selectively accumulates several germ‐line associated factors—vasa, nanos, piwi—and excludes factors involved in somatic cell fate. Since its formation is relatively late in development, these germ cells may form by inductive mechanisms. When integrated into the morphological observations of germ cells and gonad development in larvae, juveniles, and adults, the field of germ line determination appears to have a good model system to study inductive germ line determination to complement the recent work on the molecular mechanisms in mice. We hope this review will also guide investigators interested in germ line determination and regulation of the germ line into how these animals can help in this research field. The review is not intended to be comprehensive—sea star reproduction has been studied for over 100 years and many reviews are comprehensive in their coverage of, for example, seasonal growth of the gonads in response to light, nutrient, and temperature. Rather the intent of this review is to help the reader focus on new experimental results attached to the historical underpinnings of how the germ cell functions in sea stars with particular emphasis to clarify the important areas of priority for future research. genesis 52:367–377, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In our previous studies, we demonstrated that female primordial germ cells (PGCs) have the ability to differentiate into W chromosome-bearing (W-bearing) spermatozoa in male gonads of germline chimeric chickens. In this study, to investigate the differentiation pattern of female PGCs in male gonads in chickens, three germline chimeric chickens were generated by injecting female PGCs into the male recipient embryos. After these male chimeras reached sexual maturity, the semen samples were analyzed for detecting W-bearing cells by PCR and in situ hybridization analyses. The results indicated that the female PGCs had settled and differentiated in their testes. A histological analysis of the seminiferous tubule in those chimeras demonstrated that the W-bearing spermatogonia, spermatocytes, and round spermatids accounted for 30.8%, 32.7%, and 28.4%, respectively. However, the W-bearing elongating spermatid was markedly lower (7.7%) as compared to the W-bearing round spermatid. The W-bearing spermatozoa were hardly ever observed (0.2%). We concluded that although female PGCs in male gonads are capable of passing through the first and second meiotic division in adapting themselves to a male environment, they are hardly complete spermiogenesis.  相似文献   

Several media were tested for the extent to which they promoted high fertilization efficiencies in ovulated, stripped Xenopus eggs. One medium was selected for maintaining eggs in a ‘delayed fertilization’ (DelF) condition. DelF eggs displayed several unusual characteristics, including shift of the center of gravity, prominent sperm entrance site, and occasional polyspermy. The frequency of normal pattern formation varied according to the length of time eggs were maintained in the DelF condition. Various developmental abnormalities were observed during gastrulation, neurulation, and organogenesis. Most abnormalities appeared, however, to be related to morphogenesis of the endoderm. Primordial germ cell (PGC) development was examined in DelF eggs which displayed normal external morphological features at the swimming tadpole stage. PGC counts were usually normal in short-duration (eg, 5 hr) DelF eggs, but frequently substantially reduced or completely diminished in longer-duration (eg, 25hr) tadpoles. Six spawnings were compared and shown to exhibit considerable variability in fertility, morphogenesis, and PGC development. Yolk platelet shifts and developmental parameters were examined in two additional spawnings. The subcortical cytoplasm in which the germ plasm is normally localized appeared to be disrupted in longer duration DelF eggs. That observation may account for low PGC counts in DelF tadpoles.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that medaka primordial germ cells (PGC) are first distinguishable by olvas expression during late gastrulation, and that they migrate to the gonadal region through the lateral plate mesoderm. Here, we demonstrate that medaka nanos expression marks the germ line at early gastrulation stage. By marking the germ line with green fluorescent protein (GFP) fused to the nanos 3' untranslated region, we were able to visualize the behavior of PGC using time-lapse imaging. We show that there are three distinct modes of PGC migration that function at different stages of development. At early gastrulation stage, PGC actively migrate towards the marginal zone, a process that requires the function of a chemokine receptor, CXCR4. However, at late gastrulation stage, PGC change the mode and direction of their movement, as they are carried towards the midline along with somatic cells undergoing convergent movements. After aligning bilaterally, PGC actively migrate to the posterior end of the lateral plate mesoderm. This posterior movement depends on the activity of both HMGCoAR and a ligand of CXCR4, SDF-1a. These results demonstrate that PGC undergo different modes of migration to reach the prospective gonadal region of the embryo.  相似文献   

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