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Recent progress in the understanding of psoriasis has shown that the regulation of local and systemic cytokines plays an important role in its pathogenesis. The most often used psoriasis score is the psoriasis area and severity index (PASI). A simple laboratory test from a blood sample would be an attractive, patient-independent, and observer-independent marker of disease severity. To this end, we evaluated the association of serum levels of some proinflammatory cytokines in vivo and their correlation with severity of psoriasis. The serum levels of cytokines levels were determined with the use of the ELISA method. All mean values except IL-17 levels of patients were significantly higher than those of controls. There was a significant correlation between serum levels of IFN-gamma, IL-12, IL-17, and IL-18, and severity of the disease. Psoriasis can be described as a T-cell-mediated disease, with a complex role for a variety of cytokines, which has led to the development of new immunomodulatory therapies. In this study, serum TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma, IL-6, IL-8, IL-12, and IL-18 levels were significantly higher in active psoriatic patients than in controls. Furthermore, high levels of IFN-gamma, IL-12, and IL-18 correlated with the clinical severity and activity of psoriasis, and those measurements of serum levels of these cytokines may be objective parameters for the disease severity.  相似文献   

Pro-inflammatory cytokines, tumor necrosis factor (TNF-alpha), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) as well as anti-inflammatory compounds, soluble TNF-Receptor p55 (sTNFRp55), sTNFRp75 and IL-1 receptor antagonist (sIL-1Ra), were investigated in 34 Brazilian cases of dengue fever (DF) originated from a study of exanthematic virosis. The presence of pro-inflammatory cytokines was detected in sera from these patients by ELISA. TNF-alpha and IL-6 levels were significantly higher than control subjects in 32% and 52% patients, respectively. To our knowledge this was the first time a receptor antagonist and soluble receptors for cytokines were detected in sera obtained during exanthematic DF without hemorrhagic manifestations. Both sTNFRp55 and sTNFRp75 were consistently elevated in 42% and 84% patients, respectively. Most patients had IL-1beta levels not different from those of normal subjects, except for one case. Only 16% patients had altered levels of IL-1Ra. Previous studies in dengue hemorrhagic fever patients demonstrated production of these soluble factors; here we observed that they are found in absence of hemorrhagic manifestations. The possible role of these anti-inflammatory compounds in immune cell activation and in regulating cytokine-mediated pathogenesis during dengue infection is discussed.  相似文献   

低氧对巨噬细胞分泌TNF-α和IL-6的影响及其机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:观察低氧对巨噬细胞(Mφ)前炎症因子TNF-α和IL-6分泌的影响及其机制.方法:收集分离小鼠腹腔Mφ,建立Mφ的低氧(1% O2,5%CO2)培养模型,并用非特异性酯酶染色法进行鉴定;ELISA法检测上清液中TNF-α和IL-6的含量;RT-PCR法检测TNF-α和IL-6的转录物水平;用Western blot法检测Mφ核内NF-κB的激活量;通过在培养液中加入氢化可的松(5 mg/L),观察低氧时TNF-α和IL-6分泌量的变化.结果:TNF-α和IL-6分泌量在低氧12 h时明显增加(P<0.01);低氧6 h时,TNF-α mRNA和IL-6 mRNA表达量明显高于对照组(P<0.01);M中核内NF-κB的激活量在低氧2 h时明显增高(P<0.05),低氧5 h内持续存在;而当培养液中加入氢化可的松抑制NF-κB活性后,TNF-α和IL-6的分泌水平无明显变化.结论:低氧可通过核转录因子NF-κB途径促进细胞因子TNF-α和IL-6基因的表达和分泌.  相似文献   

We investigated the serum concentration of the interleukin-10 (IL-10), along with cytokines of interleukin-6 (IL-6) family (IL-6, IL-11 and oncostatin M - OSM), as well as soluble receptor for IL-6 (sIL-6R), in 121 patients with multiple myeloma (MM) and 28 healthy subjects. We studied the interactions between IL-10 and other cytokines, and the receptor. The correlation between IL-10 and some clinical and laboratory parameters associated with the disease activity were also analysed. The IL-10 was detectable in all patients with multiple myeloma and in all controls. The IL-10 concentration was significantly increased in myeloma patients compared with healthy persons (mean - 7.09 and 2.1 pg/ml, respectively) (p = 0.008). The level of IL-10 correlated positively with the advanced stage of disease estimated according to the Salmon and Durie classification (I versus III stage - p = 0.03). Higher values of IL-10 were found in patients with the light chain disease, hypercalcaemia, and correlated with the elevated concentrations of C-reactive protein (CRP). IL-6 was detected in 117 of the 121 patients and in all controls. The concentration of IL-6 was statistically increased in MM patients compared with control group (mean - 16.06 and 4.49 pg/ml, respectively) (p = 0.01). We found a positive correlation between IL-10 and IL-6 serum levels in MM patients. The relationship, expressed as Spearman's rank sum coefficient (rho = 0.249, p = 0.006) was significant. IL-11 was detected in 26 of the 121 MM patients and in 3 of the 28 healthy subjects at the mean concentration of 1.2 and 0.6 pg/ml respectively (p > 0.05). OSM was at detectable levels in 51 of the 121 patients and in only 4 of the 28 controls (mean - 3.84 and 0.1 pg/ml, p = 0. 002). The correlation between IL-10 and IL-11 levels in MM patients was not significant, but there was a strong statistical correlation between IL-10 and OSM concentrations (rho= 0.327, p = 0.0002). The serum concentration of sIL-6R was measurable in all patients and all controls (mean - 66.00 and 39.57 ng/ml respectively), but the difference between these groups was not significant. We found significant, positive correlation between the levels of IL-10 and sIL-6R (rho= 0.233, p = 0.01). In conclusion, we state that the serum concentrations of IL-10, IL-6, OSM and sIL-6R in MM patients may be a useful markers for the evaluation of the disease activity.  相似文献   

The anti-atherogenic properties of human apoprotein E-associated lipoproteins have been partially attributed to its anti-inflammatory properties. We studied if endogenously expressed apoprotein E (apoE) elicits isoform-dependent effects on pro-inflammatory cytokine expression and secretion. Mouse J774A.1 peritoneal macrophages without native expression of apoE were used to establish cell lines with stable expression of the three human apoE isoforms, apoE2, apoE3 and apoE4. In the presence of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), expression and secretion of TNF-alpha and IL-6 in cells expressing different apoE isoforms were determined by RT-PCR, immunoblotting and ELISA assays. ApoE3-expressing cells have significantly lower expression and secretion levels of the two cytokines as compared to cells with apoE2 and apoE4 expression. Such observations were accompanied with the lowest ERK1/2 activity in apoE3-expressing cells. Further study shows that the apoE isoform-dependent variations of TNF-alpha and IL-6 expression/secretion in macrophages are diminished in the presence of ERK1/2 inhibitor U0126. In conclusion, apoE elicits isoform-dependent effects on macrophage TNF-alpha and IL-6 expression as well as secretion. The ERK1/2 signaling pathways are involved in mediating such apoE isoform-dependent effects.  相似文献   

Pro-inflammatory cytokines, e.g. interleukin 1 (IL-1), tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), IL-6 produced by surgical intervention or non-specific immunotherapy may directly affect both the growth and the metastasis of tumour cells. It is therefore important to clarify the direct influence of pro-inflammatory cytokines on tumour cells in order to obtain a better knowledge of anti-tumour therapy. Four human lung cancer cell lines were used. The tumour cells were incubated for 72 h in the presence of various concentrations of IL-1beta, TNF-alpha, or IL-6 and then the proliferative response was assessed by an MTT assay. After 14 days of culture with each pro-inflammatory cytokine, the cell-surface antigen expressions (HLA-class I, HLA-class II, CEA, sialyl Lewis(x)) were assessed by an immunocytochemical staining method. Among the various combinations of tumour cells (PC-9, PC-12, QG-56, QG-95) and cytokines (IL-1beta, TNF-alpha, IL-6), only TNF-alpha significantly exhibited an antiproliferative effect against PC-9 cells. However, various modulations of the cell-surface antigen expression by the cytokines were observed. The HLA-class I antigen expression of PC-9 was augmented by either TNF-alpha or IL-1beta. Furthermore, IL-1beta was able to induce CEA in PC-9, QG-56, and QG-95 cells while TNF-alpha was able to enhance the expression of sialyl Lewis(x)in QG-95 cells. Although the influence of pro-inflammatory cytokines on the growth of tumour cells was only slight, some modulations of the cell-surface antigen expression were notable. The augmentation of HLA-class I expression can thus improve the immunogenicity of tumour cells while the induction of CEA or sialyl Lewis(x)may therefore be associated with the promotion of metastasis.  相似文献   

It has been well documented that human milk contains several immunomodulator components which are important during infant period when the newborn's immune system is still under development. In this study, we aim at examining levels of cytokines, zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu) in milk from mothers of premature and mature infants, and comparing changes during lactation periods consequently. Milk was collected from total of 40 mothers (group M: mothers of mature infants, n = 20; group PM: mothers of premature infants, n = 20) from four lactation stages: colostrum (0-7 days), transitional (7-14 days), mature milk (21 days), and mature milk (2nd month). Levels of cytokines (interleukin [IL]-lbeta, IL-2, IL-6, IL-8, tumor necrosis factor-alpha [TNF-alpha]) were determined by chemiluminesence method, whereas atomic absorption spectrophotometer was used for the determination of Zn and Cu levels. Cytokine levels were determined to be high in colostrum and transient milk from mothers of full-term infants, whereas their levels were reduced drastically in the 21st day and the 2nd month milk (P < .01, P < .001). Similar trends were observed in milk from mothers of premature infants, but cytokine levels were significantly lower in colostrum compared to colostrum from mothers of mature infants (P < .01). The differences in cytokine levels were continuous in transient milk (P < .05) and mature milk (21 days) (P < .05), whereas there was no statistically significant differences between milk from both groups of mothers in the 2nd month (P > .05). Zn levels in milk from mothers of premature infants were significantly lower compared to the ones from mothers of mature infants (P < .01) and these differences continued through the 2nd month. Although Cu levels were lower in milk from mothers of premature infants, there was no statistically significant difference except colostrum (P > .05). Our results clearly demonstrate that the level of immunomodulating agents such as cytokines and trace elements in milk from mothers of premature infants is less than the level of the same agents in milk from mothers of full-term infants. Although there are commercially available products for infant feeding, human milk is still the best natural nutrient for newborns. Therefore, when premature infants are breastfed, necessary precautions such as supplemantary diets must be considered for possible infections and risks related with immune system deficiency.  相似文献   

Sickle cell anemia (HbSS) includes chronic inflammation, but the origin is unclear. We hypothesized that in stable HbSS patients the inflammation was associated with hypermetabolism. We compared selected hypermetabolic and key immunomodulator indicators in HbSS versus control children and examined associations between measures of hypermetabolism and inflammation. Twelve fasting asymptomatic HbSS children 6-12 years and 9 controls matched for age, gender and fat mass (FM) were studied. Proportional reticulocyte count (retic%) and resting energy expenditure (REE) represented hypermetabolism, and C-reactive protein (CRP) indicated inflammation. Proinflammatory cytokines tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and interleukin-6 (IL-6), chemokine monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), and energy balance cytokine leptin were measured. Methods were indirect calorimetry, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and radioimmunoassay. Statistical analysis included simple correlation and regression analysis. REE (51 +/- 6 vs. 43 +/- 12 kcal/kg per fat-free mass (FFM), mean +/- SD), retic% (12 +/- 4 vs. 0.7 +/- 0.3%), CRP (5 +/- 3 vs. 0.3 +/- 0.4 mg/liter), and IL-6 (71 +/- 40 vs. 20 +/- 7 pg/ml) were significantly higher for HbSS than controls (P < 0.05). Conversely, leptin (0.1 +/- 0.1 vs. 2 +/- 1 microg/liter per kgFM) and MCP-1 (34 +/- 5 vs. 41 +/- 4 pg/ml) were significantly lower for the HbSS subjects (P < 0.01). TNF-alpha was not significantly different. There were no significant associations between REE or retic% and any cytokine measured. However, CRP was significantly associated with REE in HbSS (r = 0.8, P = 0.003) and an important predictor of REE/FFM. We provide new evidence for low circulating levels of inflammatory chemokine MCP-1 in stable HbSS children, confirm mostly low cytokine levels, inflammation, and hypermetabolism and demonstrate association of hypermetabolism with inflammation via CRP but not via cytokines.  相似文献   

Production of interleukin 1 beta (IL-1 beta), interleukin 6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin 2 (IL-2), interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) after stimulation by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and phytohemagglutinin (PHA) was studied in 1/10 diluted whole blood (WB) culture and in peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) culture. Cytokines IL-1 beta, TNF-alpha and IL-6 are preferentially stimulated by LPS whereas IL-2, IFN-gamma and GM-CSF are stimulated by PHA. Combination of 5 micrograms/ml PHA and 25 micrograms/ml LPS gave the most reliable production of the six cytokines studied. IL-1 beta, TNF-alpha and IL-6 represent a homogeneous group of early-produced cytokines positively correlated among themselves and with the number of monocytes in the culture (LeuM3). Furthermore, IL-1 beta was negatively correlated with the number of T8 lymphocytes. IL-2, IFN-gamma and GM-CSF represent a group of late-produced cytokines. Kinetics and production levels of IL-6 and GM-CSF are similar in WB and PBMC cultures. In contrast, production levels of TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma are higher in WB than in PBMC whereas production levels of IL-6 and IL-2 are lower in WB than in PBMC. Individual variation in responses to PHA + LPS was always higher in PBMC cultures than in WB cultures. The capacity of cytokine production in relation to the number of mononuclear cells is higher in WB, or in PBMC having the same mononuclear cell concentration as WB, than in conventional cultures of concentrated PBMC (10(6)/ml). Because it mimics the natural environment, diluted WB culture may be the most appropriate milieu in which to study cytokine production in vitro.  相似文献   

IL-10 is an immunosuppressive cytokine in the immune system. It was in clinical trial as an anti-inflammatory therapy for inflammatory bowel disease and various autoimmune diseases such as psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis. IL-19 belongs to the IL-10 family, which includes IL-10, IL-19, IL-20, IL-22, melanoma differentiation-associated gene (MDA-7, IL-24), and AK155 (IL-26). Despite a partial homology in their amino acid sequences, they are dissimilar in their biologic functions. Little is known about the biologic function and gene regulation of IL-19. To understand the gene regulation of human IL-19, we identified a human IL-19 genomic clone and analyzed its promoter region. Five fusion genes containing different regions upstream of exon 1 linked to a luciferase reporter gene were expressed in the canine kidney epithelial-like Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. A fusion gene containing 394 bp showed luciferase activity 7- to 8-fold higher than the negative control of the promoterless fusion gene. We also isolated a full-length mouse cDNA clone. Mouse IL-19 shared 71% amino acid identity with human IL-19. Treatment of monocytes with mouse IL-19 induced the production of IL-6 and TNF-alpha. It also induced mouse monocyte apoptosis and the production of reactive oxygen species. Taken together, our results indicate that mouse IL-19 may play some important roles in inflammatory responses because it up-regulates IL-6 and TNF-alpha and induces apoptosis.  相似文献   

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an immune disease in which the pathological immune reaction is thought to be initiated by the presentation of an (auto) antigen or superantigen by MHC class II positive cells to CD4 T cells. These successive immunological events can be studied by the cytokines produced at the different stages. Cytokine secretion by stimulated cells in autologous diluted whole blood has allowed the study of the immune profile characteristic of rheumatoid arthritis. The pattern of RA patient whole blood cells cultured in autologous blood is characterized by hyperactivity of the mononuclear cells with high secretion of IL-1 beta, TNF-alpha and IL-6 and low production of IFN-gamma, in comparison with the normal (N) and osteoarthrosis (OA) populations. The IL-2 secretion pattern is unique, arising from production followed by consumption. This production-consumption turnover is the most elevated in the RA group. The T cells are indeed activated in rheumatoid arthritis but regulatory events suppress some of their functions. A correlation was found between the inflammatory proteins and mediators of cellular immunity and macrophagic function: IL-1 beta and the sedimentation rate; IL-6 and fibrinogen; TNF-alpha and the number of blood monocytes. The secretion of OA-stimulated whole blood cells was similar to RA for two monokines (overproduction of TNF-alpha and IL-6) and different for IL-1 beta, not different from normal in OA. Stimulated whole blood cell cytokine secretion profile from RA and OA groups, was the same as previously observed in synovial fluid.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   



Knowledge of the cytokine response at infection with Brachyspira hyodysenteriae can help understanding disease mechanisme involved during swine dysentery. Since this knowledge is still limited the aim of the present study was to induce dysentery experimentally in pigs and to monitor the development of important immunoregulatory cytokines in blood collected at various stages of the disease.  相似文献   

急性高原肺水肿患者血清中VEGF,TNF-α,IL-6及NO的含量变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:检测高原肺水肿患者发生及转归过程中内皮生长因子(VEGF),肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α),白介素-6(IL-6)和一氧化氮(NO)的含量变化,探讨高原肺水肿发生发展可能的病理生理机制。方法:收集10例高原肺水肿患者治疗前和转归后的血清样本,采用酶联免疫法和硝酸还原测定VEGF,TNF-α,IL-6和NO的含量。结果:VEGF在高原肺水肿发病时血清的含量为(167.9±26.5)pg/ml,而转归之后其含量显著降低为(53.1±17.0)pg/ml,(P〈0.01);TNF-α在血清中的含量从发病时的(86.2±24.1)pg/ml减少到转归后的(29.2±6.8)pg/ml,(P〈0.05),有显著性差异。而IL-6的水平也从发病时的(32.3±16.5)pg/ml变化为转归后的(12.5±8.0)pg/ml,虽然有下降的趋势,但没有统计学差异。而高原肺水肿患者血清中的NO水平从发病时的(33.8±3.3)μmol/L明显的升高到转归后的(74.1±6.2)μmol/L,(P〈0.01)。结论:VEGF,TNF-α,IL-6和NO参与了高原肺水肿的发生和转归过程。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate soluble proteins of tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and IL-6 receptor subunit gp80 (sIL-6R gp80), as markers of multiple sclerosis (MS). Paired cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serum samples of 20 MS patients and 15 controls suffering from non-inflammatory neurological diseases have been assayed retrospectively using monoclonal antibodies-based ELISAs. While TNF-alpha could not be detected in CSF, it was measurable in 20% of total sera. Interleukin-6 was measurable in 5% of total CSF and in 10% of total sera only. However, soluble IL-6R gp80 protein subunit was readily measurable, showing sera concentration (pg/mL) about 34 times higher and specific content (pg/mg total protein) around five times lower than those in paired CSF, similarly for both group of patients. No significant difference of sIL-6R gp80 level, which could be disease-, gender- or age-related, and no correlation of CSF sIL-6R gp80 content with that of paired serum or with routine clinical data for CSF, have been observed. We have concluded that soluble proteins of TNF-alpha, IL-6 and sIL-6R gp80 assayed by monoclonal antibodies-based ELISAs could not serve as markers of the MS activity.  相似文献   

Microparticles (MPs) are vesicles released from activated or apoptotic cells. MP derive from various cells, most notably platelets, but also leucocytes, lymphocytes, erythrocytes, and endothelial cells. The aim of this study was to investigate endothelial MP (EMP), platelet MP (PMP), lymphocyte MP and monocyte MP and TF-positive MPs (TF+ MPs) in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD), and to evaluate the correlation of these MPs with Interleukin-6 (IL-6) and C-reactive protein (CRP). Different cell-derived MPs and TF+ MPs were analyzed by flow cytometry in 40 patients with myocardial infarction (MI), 30 unstable angina (UA), 20 stable angina (SA) and 20 healthy individuals, and IL-6 and CRP were determined by ELISA and special protein analyzer, respectively. Compared with SA and control, EMP and PMP was significantly elevated in MI and UA (P < 0.001), and TF+ MPs was significantly elevated in MI and UA (P < 0.001). EMP and PMP correlated with IL-6 (r = 0.822, P < 0.001 and r = 0.567, P < 0.001; respectively) or CRP level (r = 0.597, P < 0.001 and r = 0.66, P < 0.001; respectively). Different cell-derived MPs in CHD may indicate the different pathophysiological changes in vessels, and MPs may both participate in the development of thrombosis and enhance the vascular inflammation.  相似文献   

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