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An experimental study with captive individuals and study of video recordings of wild monkeys explored whether and how tufted capuchin monkeys use onehand to hold one or more objects with multiple grips (compound grips). A task designed to elicit compound grip was presented to five captive tufted capuchin monkeys (Sapajus spp). The monkeys held one to four balls in onehand and dropped the balls individually into a vertical tube. Multiple simple grips and independent digit movements enabled separate control of multiple objects in one hand. Monkeys always supported the wrist on the horizontal edge of the tube before releasing the ball. Increasing the number of balls decreased the likelihood that the monkeys managed the task. Wild bearded capuchins (Sapajus libidinosus) used compound grips spontaneously to store multiple food items. Compound grips have been described in macaques, gorillas, chimpanzees, and humans, and now in a New World primate. We predict that any primate species that exhibits precision grips and independent digit movement can perform compound grips. Our findings suggest many aspects of compound grip that await investigation.  相似文献   

Many nonhuman primates live in complex social groups in which they regularly encounter both social stressors such as aggression and social support such as that provided by long‐term affiliative relationships. Repeated exposure to social stressors may result in chronically elevated cortisol levels that can have deleterious physical effects such as impaired immune function, cardiovascular disease, and reduced brain function. In contrast, affiliative social relationships may act as a buffer, dampening the release of cortisol in response to acute and chronic stressors. Understanding how social stressors and social support predict cortisol levels is therefore essential to understanding how social situations relate to health and welfare. We studied this relationship in 16 socially housed captive brown capuchin monkeys (Cebus [Sapajus] apella) by comparing long‐term hair cortisol levels with behavioral measures of social stress (dominance rank, rank certainty, and amount of aggression received) and social support (amount of affiliation and centrality in the affiliative social network of the group). Dominance rank, rank certainty, amount of affiliation, and age were not significant predictors of long‐term cortisol levels in this population. Instead, long‐term cortisol levels were positively related to the amount of aggression received and negatively related to centrality in the affiliative social network of the group. This pattern may be attributed to the species’ socially tolerant dominance system and to the availability of social support across the dominance hierarchy.  相似文献   

A hypertrophied peroneal process of the hallucal metatarsal, as seen in prosimians, has been linked to a powerful hallucal grasp via the contraction of the peroneus longus (PL) muscle causing adduction of the big toe. Electromyography (EMG) studies of lemurs and lorises, however, have concluded that PL is not substantially recruited during small branch locomotion when powerful hallucal grasping is needed most, and have suggested that there is no link between PL activity and peroneal process size. If this is correct, then we should also observe no change in PL activity when strong hallucal grasping is required in anthropoids because they have a relatively smaller peroneal process for PL to act on. This study addresses this hypothesis by evaluating EMG of crural and pedal muscles in capuchins (Sapajus apella) walking on substrates of different diameters. During locomotion on the narrow substrate (3.1 cm) that should elicit a strong hallucal grasp, we observed an intense increased recruitment of adductor hallucis, but only sustained, rather than markedly increased, PL activity. This indicates that PL is not involved in powerful hallucal grasping in capuchins, and confirms similar findings previously documented in prosimians. We continue to reject the hypothesis that a large peroneal process is an adaptation for powerful grasping and further argue that its morphology may not be related to PL's ability to adduct the hallux at all. In addition, the morphology of the peroneal process should not be used to assess hallucal grasping performance in fossils. Am J Phys Anthropol 156:553–564, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Pulmonary neoplasia is rare among wild New World primates. We report the gross, microscopical, and immunohistochemical features of a primary multicentric pulmonary adenosquamous carcinoma in a free‐living black capuchin monkey (Sapajus nigritus). Herein, the spectrum of pulmonary neoplasms in non‐human primates is widened and briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

Food action plans in many global cities articulate interest in multiple objectives including reducing in‐ and trans‐boundary environmental impacts (water, land, greenhouse gas (GHG)). However, there exist few standardized analytical tools to compare food system characteristics and actions across cities and countries to assess trade‐offs between multiple objectives (i.e., health, equity) with environmental outcomes. This paper demonstrates a streamlined model applied for analysis of four cities with varying characteristics across the United States and India, to quantify system‐wide water, energy/GHG, and land impacts associated with multiple food system actions to address health, equity, and environment. Baseline diet analysis finds key differences between countries in terms of meat consumption (Delhi 4; Pondicherry 16; United States 59, kg/capita/year), and environmental impact of processing of the average diet (21%, 19%, <1%, <1% of community‐wide GHG‐emissions for New York, Minneapolis, Delhi, and Pondicherry). Analysis of supply chains finds city average distance (food‐miles) varies (Delhi 420; Pondicherry 200; United States average 1,640 km/t‐food) and the sensitivity of GHG emissions of food demand to spatial variability of energy intensity of irrigation is greater in Indian than US cities. Analysis also finds greater pre‐consumer waste in India versus larger post‐consumer accumulations in the United States. Despite these differences in food system characteristics, food waste management and diet change consistently emerge as key strategies. Among diet scenarios, all vegetarian diets are not found equal in terms of environmental benefit, with the US Government's recommended vegetarian diet resulting in less benefit than other more focused targeted diet changes.  相似文献   

The diverse colours of mature pepper (Capsicum spp.) fruit result from the accumulation of different carotenoids. The carotenoid biosynthetic pathway has been well elucidated in Solanaceous plants, and analysis of candidate genes involved in this process has revealed variations in carotenoid biosynthetic genes in Capsicum spp. However, the allelic variations revealed by previous studies could not fully explain the variation in fruit colour in Capsicum spp. due to technical difficulties in detecting allelic variation in multiple candidate genes in numerous samples. In this study, we uncovered allelic variations in six carotenoid biosynthetic genes, including phytoene synthase (PSY1, PSY2), lycopene β‐cyclase, β‐carotene hydroxylase, zeaxanthin epoxidase and capsanthin‐capsorubin synthase (CCS) genes, in 94 pepper accessions by single‐molecule real‐time (SMRT) sequencing. To investigate the relationship between allelic variations in the candidate genes and differences in fruit colour, we performed ultra‐performance liquid chromatography analysis using 43 accessions representing each allelic variation. Different combinations of dysfunctional mutations in PSY1 and CCS could explain variation in the compositions and levels of carotenoids in the accessions examined in this study. Our results demonstrate that SMRT sequencing technology can be used to rapidly identify allelic variation in target genes in various germplasms. The newly identified allelic variants will be useful for pepper breeding and for further analysis of carotenoid biosynthesis pathways.  相似文献   

The conditioning of dolphins to human‐interaction behaviors has been documented in several areas worldwide. However, the metrics used to report human‐interaction behaviors vary among studies, making comparison across study areas difficult. The purpose of this study was to develop standard metrics for reporting human‐interaction behaviors and utilize these metrics to quantify the prevalence of human‐interaction behaviors by common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) near Savannah, Georgia. The four metrics used were percentage of days with human‐interaction behaviors, percentage of sightings with human‐interaction behaviors, percentage of the catalog that interacted with humans, and spatial extent of human‐interaction behaviors. Human‐interaction behaviors were observed on 69.6% of days and 23.5% of sightings near Savannah. In addition, 20.1% of the animals in the catalog were observed interacting with humans. These rates are much higher than those found in other areas with known issues with human‐interaction behaviors. These behaviors were observed across an area of 272.6 km2, which is larger than other reported areas. The four metrics used in this study proved to be a valuable way to report human‐interaction behaviors, and their use is recommended for future studies to allow for comparison among areas.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of carbon dioxide and host temperature in host attraction in frog‐biting midges (Corethrella spp). In these midges, females are known to use frog calls to localize their host, but the role of other host‐emitted cues has yet not been investigated. We hypothesized that carbon dioxide acts as a supplemental cue to frog calls. To test this hypothesis, we determined the responses of the midges to carbon dioxide, frog calls, and both cues. A significantly lower number of midges are attracted to carbon dioxide and silent traps than to traps broadcasting frog calls. Adding carbon dioxide to the calls does not increase the attractiveness to the midges. Instead, carbon dioxide can have deterrent effects on frog‐biting midges. Temperature of calling frogs is not a cue potentially available to the midges. Contrary to our hypothesis, there was no supplemental effect of carbon dioxide when presented in conjunction to calls. Midge host‐seeking behavior strongly depends on the mating calls emitted by their anuran host. Overall, non‐acoustic cues such as host body temperature and carbon dioxide are not important in long‐distance host location by frog‐biting midges.  相似文献   

We examined vervet monkey (Chlorocebus pygerythrus) space use using GPS/UHF telemetry data from 10 vervet monkeys across six troops over 9 months within a 420 ha suburban eco‐estate. We documented a mean home range of 0.99 km2 (95% MCP) and 1.07 km2 (95% KDE) for females (n = 6), 1 km2 (95% MCP) and 1.50 km2 (95% KDE) for males (n = 4) and 0.87 km2 (95% MCP) and 1.12 km2 (95% KDE) for troops (n = 6), respectively, indicating that males and larger troops had larger home ranges. These relatively small home ranges included shared territorial boundaries and high home range overlap. Vervet monkey movements indicated higher morning activity levels, and habitat selection indicated significantly more use of golf course, urban residential and forest, thicket and woodland areas, and avoidance of wetland, grassland and shrub, and urban built‐up areas. Our results suggest that modified habitat use by vervet monkeys is a consequence of behavioural facilitation to access highly available food resources, thereby facilitating their persistence in green spaces in urban areas of South Africa. Conflict management is dependent on the conservation of sufficient natural habitats and food resources, to minimise their dependence on anthropogenic supplementary food resources and consequently reduce human–monkey conflict.  相似文献   

The rice Waxy (Wx) gene encodes granule‐bound starch synthase 1 (EC, OsGBSS1, which is responsible for amylose synthesis in rice seed endosperm. In this study, we determined the functional contribution of eight amino acids on the activity of OsGBSS1 by introducing site‐directed mutated Wx gene constructs into the wx mutant glutinous rice. The eight amino acid residues are suspected to play roles in OsGBSS1 structure maintenance or function based on homologous enzyme sequence alignment and homology modelling. Both OsGBSS1 activity and amylose content were analysed in homozygous transgenic lines carrying the mutated OsGBSS1 (Wx) genes. Our results indicate that mutations at diverse sites in OsGBSS1 reduces its activity by affecting its starch‐binding capacity, its ADP‐glucose‐binding capability or its protein stability. Our results shed new light on the structural basis of OsGBSS1 activity and the mechanisms of OsGBSS1 activity on amylose synthesis in vivo. This study also demonstrates that it is feasible to finely modulate amylose content in rice grains by modifying the OsGBSS1 activity.  相似文献   

The role of rhizosphere yeasts as plant nutrient‐scavenging microsymbionts in resource‐limited Mediterranean‐type heathlands is unknown. This study, therefore, focused on quantitative elemental distribution within the roots of a medicinal sclerophyll, Agathosma betulina (Berg.) Pillans, grown under nutrient‐poor conditions, and colonized by Cryptococcus laurentii. Micro‐particle‐induced X‐ray emission (PIXE) was used to assess quantitative elemental distribution within the roots of A. betulina inoculated with viable C. laurentii, as well as within roots of control plants that received autoclaved yeast. To aid in the interpretation of heterogeneous elemental distribution patterns, apoplastic barriers (Casparian bands) in root tissues were located using fluorescence microscopy. In addition, root cross‐sections were examined for endophytic C. laurentii using light and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The average concentrations of P, Fe and Mn were significantly (P < 0.05) higher in roots of yeast‐inoculated plants, compared to control plants. Casparian bands were observed in the exodermal cells of both treatments, and the presence of these bands was correlated with elemental enrichment in the epi/exodermal‐outer cortical tissues. Light and TEM micrographs revealed that the yeast was not a root endophyte. This is the first report describing the role of a soil yeast as a plant nutrient‐scavenging microsymbiont.  相似文献   

Banana (Musa spp.) is severely damaged by Fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc). Biocontrol by inducing systemic resistance has been considered as one of the most important strategies to improve plant health. Very few studies have investigated appropriate reference gene selection for RT‐qPCR (quantitative real‐time polymerase chain reaction) analysis suitable for conditions of systemic activated resistance. In this study, we assessed over a time‐course the expression of seven candidate reference genes (EF1, TUB, ACT1, ACT2, L2, RPS2 and RAN) for Cavendish cultivar Brazilian (Musa spp. AAA) and dwarf banana cultivar Guangfen No. 1 (Musa spp. ABB) that were inoculated by Bacillus subtilis strain TR21 and Foc. We choose these plants because they are commonly planted in Southern China. Expression stability of the candidate genes was evaluated using various software packages (GeNorm, NormFinder and BestKeeper). L2 and TUB genes displayed maximum stability in Guangfen No. 1. In Brazilian, ACT1 and TUB were the most stable genes. To further validate the suitability of the reference genes identified in this study, the expression of pathogenesis‐related 1 (PR1) gene under TR21 and Foc strains Foc004/Foc009 treatments was also studied. Identified reference genes in this work that are most suitable for normalizing gene expression data in banana under Fusarium wilt resistance induction conditions will contribute to the understanding of disease resistance mechanisms induced by biocontrol strains in banana.  相似文献   

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