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The rate of nest parasitism is a product of two interacting phenomena: host selection by cuckoos and defence by hosts. In our study area the rate of nest parasitism by cuckoos is significantly lower in the great reed warbler (GRW; Acrocephalus arundinaceus) than in the reed warbler (RW; A. scirpaceus), even though they breed in the same habitat and their reproductive biology is similar. We hypothesized that the difference in the proportion of parasitized nests may reflect a narrow selection of host by cuckoos (they prefer RW nests) or/and the relatively better alien egg discrimination in the GRW. In the egg discrimination experiment the GRW rejected the higher proportion of alien eggs than the RW. However, in both species the discriminative ability considerably varied in time, both within the day and within the breeding cycle. A logistic regression model suggests that the GRW would be a frequent host if only nest parasites could exploit the period of its lowest sensitivity to alien eggs. We conclude that the relatively low rate of nest parasitism in the GRW may reflect both its good discriminative ability and the low number of cuckoos that are specialized in dumping eggs to nests of this warbler. The adaptation of cuckoos to the particular host species may involve not only production of mimetic eggs, but also adjusting activity to temporal changes in sensitivity to alien eggs in the host.  相似文献   

Guira cuckoos (Guira guira) are communal nesting birds endemic to South America that show high levels of conflict between members of the group over the contribution to the clutch. Adults eject eggs and even nestlings from the communal nest, sometimes leading to the loss of the entire brood. We developed seven polymorphic microsatellites for Guira cuckoos using an enrichment protocol. The number of alleles ranged from 5 to 14 (mean 9.86) and the heterozygosity ranged from 0.41 to 0.89 for the eight to 88 individuals screened. These loci will allow parentage assignments and population analysis in this species.  相似文献   

Fledgling birds sometimes abandon their own nest and move to neighboring nests where they are fed by host parents. This behaviour, referred to as ‘nest‐switching’, is well known in precocial birds that are mobile soon after hatching and can easily reach foster nests. In contrast, due to the difficulty of observing nest‐switching in territorial altricial birds, the causes and consequences of moving to others’ nests are poorly known in this group of birds. Nest‐switchers can be adopted by the foster parents or they can steal food from the host parents meant for their offspring, a form of kleptoparasitism, which may result in reduced breeding success of the host nest. In Israel, 12 barn owl fledglings left their natal nests and were found in 9 host nests out of 111 monitored nests (8.1%). Nest‐switchers that fledged earlier in the breeding season flew shorter distances to reach host nests probably because the density of nests with younger nestlings is higher early in the season. The number of host nestlings fledged and the percentage of nestlings fledged was lower in host nests than in nests without switchers. The occasional nest‐switchers were always older than host nestlings (respectively 80 and 50 days of age, on average) and host parents fledged fewer young when nest‐switchers occupied host nests with younger nestlings. This suggests that nest‐switchers are kleptoparasites because the presence of the older alien fledglings is associated with a lower breeding success of the host parents.  相似文献   

Cuckoos hold a prominent position in the study of parental care, because they show the greatest variation of any bird family in the way they care for their offspring. Despite this, few data are available on cuckoos with biparental care even though it is the most common form of parental care in cuckoos and birds in general. Here I describe the breeding behaviour of the pheasant coucal, Centropus phasianinus , an old-world nesting cuckoo. I show that males almost exclusively build the nest and incubate and brood the young alone both at night and during the day. The incubation pattern of short, c . 40 min bouts on the nest interspersed with 20 min frequent recesses is well suited to incubation by a single parent and is widespread amongst birds. Males also defend the nestlings and deliver 80% of the feeds to the young consisting of insects (65%), frogs and reptiles. Females did not compensate for their fewer feeding visits by delivering more vertebrates than males. Although coucal males get little help feeding, the hourly feeding rate of 3.8 feeds per brood (1.4 feeds/nestling) exceed that of the few nesting cuckoos studied to date and matches that of other tropical non-passerines. Predominantly male care is found in less than 5% of birds, mainly species with reversed sexual size dimorphism or reversed sex-roles. Its evolution, especially in monogamous species, remains puzzling. The breeding behaviour of pheasant coucals illustrates a possible transitional stage in the evolution of polyandry and interspecific brood parasitism in cuckoos.  相似文献   

In many bird species, parents usually feed the first nestling that starts to beg before its nest‐mates. The pressure to avoid missed feeds could trigger nestlings to perform in erroneous begging in absence of parents, which has the same costs as begging in the presence of parents but without any reward. So, nestlings should try to minimize both erroneous begging and missed feeds simultaneously. The threshold to start begging is predicted to be lower for hungry nestlings and for nestlings that are unrelated to their nest‐mates, because they suffer lower inclusive fitness costs when depriving nest‐mates of food. In line with this idea, we found that brood parasitic great spotted cuckoo nestlings responded sooner than their magpie nest‐mates when an adult arrived to the nest. Under laboratory conditions, nestlings of both species rarely incurred in erroneous begging when food was abundant, but under conditions of restricted food, magpie nestlings increased erroneous begging while cuckoo nestlings did not. Highly conspicuous begging in cuckoos results in an increased predation risk, which could have resulted in stronger selection pressures on cuckoos to avoid erroneous begging, probably resulting in better developed perceptual abilities, allowing cuckoos to perform better than their host nest‐mates.  相似文献   

洋县野生朱Huan的繁殖   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)的繁殖状况 ,尤其是种群数量的变化 ,一直受到国内外的关注。本文收集分析了 1 981~ 1 997年 1 7年朱繁殖资料 ,进一步研究了朱的繁殖及其数量 ,以期为朱保护 ,采取行之有效的措施 ,提供科学依据。1 研究方法自 1 981年朱被重新发现后 ,至 1 997年 ,每年3~ 6月繁殖期 ,固定人员 ,2~ 3人为 1组 ,在每个巢区设立观察点 ,进行跟踪观察 ,并详细统计每窝产卵数、孵化数、雏鸟成活数和死亡数。并结合平常的跟踪监护 ,调查分析种群数量动态 ,统计成鸟死亡数 ,然后进行整理分析。2 结果与讨论2 .1 种群数量1 98…  相似文献   

The majority of altricial bird species defend their brood against predators more intensively in nestlings rather than eggs stage. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain this difference. The majority of existing experimental studies have recorded a gradually increasing intensity of nest defence supporting the reproductive value hypothesis. We have compared nest defence in two nesting stages of the red‐backed shrike against two predators of adult birds and against two predators of nests. While the nests with nestlings were defended by parents against three out of four predators, nests with eggs were almost not defended at all. This rapid change in parent nest defence supports rather the vulnerability hypothesis, predicting that the threat to nests with nestlings increases rapidly after hatching, as they became more conspicuous due to their begging and parental provisioning. Unlike most of the species tested previously, the red‐backed shrike uses very vigorous mobbing towards predators. We suggest that the occurrence of this active mobbing (strikes, including physical contact) is a good proxy of the current threat to the nest.  相似文献   

C. M. Perrins 《Ibis》1970,112(2):242-255
Examination of survival rdtes of nestlings and fledglings of some species show that there is a strong tendency for those young which are hatched earliest in the season to have the greatest chance of surviving to breed. Since natural selection so strongly favours parents who leave many surviving young, the question arises as to why other birds breed later than the date at which they could most successfully raise their young.
It is suggested that the food supply for the breeding females immediately prior to the breeding season may limit their ability to form eggs and the females may thus not be able to lay at the time which would result in young being in the nest at the best time for raising them, but as soon after this time as the female is able to produce her eggs. Not all species are likely to be prevented, by food shortage, from breeding at the best time for raising young and the groups of birds most likely to be affected are discussed.  相似文献   

Peter  Ward 《Ibis》1965,107(3):326-349
A study of the breeding biology of Quelea quelea in Nigeria, and particularly at a large breeding colony near Lake Chad, showed that losses of eggs and young were extremely small. 95% of eggs laid hatched successfully, and 87% give rise to fledglings. Nestling deaths were density-dependent and apparently due to starvation.
The incubation period was 10 days or less. By day, eggs were heated to 34°- 37° C. by the sun; at night the females incubated. The nestlings were initially fed mainly on insects, their diet gradually changing to one of seeds—mostly of the grass Echinochloa pyramidalis . The deep body temperatures of young birds were determined. It is suggested that the nestlings left the nest after, on average, 111/2 days to escape intolerable temperature conditions in the nest.
Fat reserves were accumulated by nestlings and fledglings, and were utilized when the young became independent. The adults put on fat during the incubation period and lost it during the time spent feeding nestlings.
It is concluded that the most common clutch-size of Q. quelea , which is everywhere three, corresponds to the largest number of young the parents can normally nourish. This conforms to Lack's theory on the significance of clutch-size, and gives no support to Skutch's opinion that the theory does not apply to tropical birds.  相似文献   

Parent birds often give alarm calls when a predator approaches their nest. However, it is not clear whether these alarms function to warn nestlings, nor is it known whether nestling responses are species-specific. The parental alarms of reed warblers, Acrocephalus scirpaceus ("churr"), dunnocks, Prunella modularis ("tseep"), and robins, Erithacus rubecula ("seee") are very different. Playback experiments revealed that nestlings of all three species ceased begging only in response to conspecific alarm calls. These differences between species in response are not simply a product of differences in raising environment, because when newly hatched dunnocks and robins were cross-fostered to nests of the other two species, they did not develop a response to their foster species' alarms. Instead, they still responded specifically to their own species' alarms. However, their response was less strong than that of nestlings raised normally by their own species. We suggest that, as in song development, a neural template enables nestlings to recognize features of their own species' signals from a background of irrelevant sounds, but learning then fine-tunes the response to reduce recognition errors.  相似文献   

Coevolution between antagonistic species has produced instances of exquisite mimicry. Among brood-parasitic cuckoos, host defences have driven the evolution of mimetic eggs, but the evolutionary arms race was believed to be constrained from progressing to the chick stage, with cuckoo nestlings generally looking unlike host young. However, recent studies on bronze-cuckoos have confounded theoretical expectations by demonstrating cuckoo nestling rejection by hosts. Coevolutionary theory predicts reciprocal selection for visual mimicry of host young by cuckoos, although this has not been demonstrated previously. Here we show that, in the eyes of hosts, nestlings of three bronze-cuckoo species are striking visual mimics of the young of their morphologically diverse hosts, providing the first evidence that coevolution can select for visual mimicry of hosts in cuckoo chicks. Bronze-cuckoos resemble their own hosts more closely than other host species, but the accuracy of mimicry varies according to the diversity of hosts they exploit.  相似文献   

Anti-predatory strategies of birds are diverse and may include predator-specific alarm calls. For example, oriental tit (Parus minor) parents can distinguish snakes from other predators and produce snake-specific referential vocalizations ("jar" call) when a snake poses a threat to their nest. The “jar” call has a very specific function to induce fledging of nestlings close to fledging age. This reaction ensures nestlings' survival in natural encounters with snakes that are capable of entering nest cavities and kill entire broods. Sciurid rodents, like chipmunks, may pose a similar threat to cavity-nesting birds. We explored the hypothesis that parents use the fledging-inducing alarm vocalizations in this situation, because chipmunks, like snakes, can kill the brood upon entering the nest cavity. We compared alarm calls of parents toward two predators (chipmunk and snake) who pose a similar threat to the nestlings in a nest cavity, and toward an avian predator (Eurasian jay) who cannot enter nest cavities and poses no threat to the nestlings in a nest. Our results show that the vocal responses of oriental tits were different among the three predators. This suggests that the acoustic properties of vocal responses to predators are different between predators of a similar hunting strategy (nest-cavity entering). The playback of recorded vocal responses of parents to chipmunks did not trigger the fledging of old nestlings, whereas the vocalizations toward a snake did, as shown by earlier studies. Our study suggests that the vocal response of parents does not carry information about the ability of predators to enter the nest cavity and confirms the special status of alarm calls triggered by snakes.  相似文献   

Selection due to cuckoo parasitism is responsible for the evolution of anti-parasitism defenses in hosts. Different host species breeding sympatrically with a single parasitic cuckoo may evolve different strategies to reduce the risk of counter cuckoo parasitism, resulting in different interactions between cuckoos and hosts in areas of sympatry. Here, we studied the coevolutionary interactions between Himalayan cuckoos Cuculus saturatus and 2 sympatric and closely related potential hosts belonging to the family Pycnonotidae, the brown-breasted bulbul Pycnonotus xanthorrhous and the collared finchbill Spizixos semitorques. We investigated parasitism rates and nest-site selection (nest height, nest cover, human disturbance, perch height, forest distance, and degree of concealment) related to parasitism risk, nest defense against a cuckoo dummy, and egg rejection against cuckoo model eggs. Bulbuls used specific nest sites that were further away from forests than those of finchbills, and they behaved more aggressively toward cuckoos than finchbills. In contrast, bulbuls possessed moderate egg rejection ability, whereas the finchbill rejected 100% of cuckoo model eggs. We suggest that selection of a nest site away from forests by the bulbul explains the absence of parasitism by Himalayan cuckoos. We suggest that these interspecific differences in nest-site selection and nest defense indicate alternative responses to selection due to cuckoos.  相似文献   

Chicks of the brood parasitic common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) typically monopolize host parental care by evicting all eggs and nestmates from the nest. To assess the benefits of parasitic eviction behaviour throughout the full nestling period, we generated mixed broods of one cuckoo and one great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) to study how hosts divide care between own and parasitic young. We also recorded parental provisioning behaviour at nests of singleton host nestlings or singleton cuckoo chicks. Host parents fed the three types of broods with similar-sized food items. The mass of the cuckoo chicks was significantly reduced in mixed broods relative to singleton cuckoos. Yet, after the host chick fledged from mixed broods, at about 10-12 days, cuckoo chicks in mixed broods grew faster and appeared to have compensated for the growth costs of prior cohabitation by fledging at similar weights and ages compared to singleton cuckoo chicks. These results are contrary to suggestions that chick competition in mixed broods of cuckoos and hosts causes an irrecoverable cost for the developing brood parasite. Flexibility in cuckoos' growth dynamics may provide a general benefit to ecological uncertainty regarding the realized successes, failures, and costs of nestmate eviction strategies of brood parasites.  相似文献   

It is common in birds that the sizes of nestlings vary greatly when multiple young are produced in one nest. However, the methods used by parents to establish size hierarchy among nestlings and their effect on parental provisioning pattern may differ between species. In the Azure‐winged Magpie Cyanopica cyanus, we explored how and why parents controlled the sizes of nestlings. Asynchronous hatching was the main cause of size hierarchy within the brood, although the laying of larger eggs later in the laying sequence reduced this effect. Parents with asynchronous broods produced more eggs and fledged more nestlings than those with synchronous broods but their brood provisioning rates, food delivery per feeding bout and feeding efficiency did not differ. We performed a cross‐fostering experiment to synchronize some asynchronous broods. Provisioning rates of asynchronous broods were lower than those of synchronized broods, but the daily growth rates and fledging body mass of their nestlings were not different. Our findings indicate that parents of asynchronous broods can achieve higher reproductive success than those of synchronous broods based on the same parental care, and the same reproductive success as those of synchronized broods based on less parental care. It appears that parent birds can better trade off reproductive success and parental care by establishing a size hierarchy among nestlings.  相似文献   

Brian J.  Gill 《Ibis》1983,125(1):40-55
For three seasons starting in 1976 I studied the breeding of Shining Cuckoos Chrysococcyx lucidus in forest near Kaikoura, New Zealand. There is no evidence that the cuckoo parasitizes any host on mainland New Zealand other than the Grey Warbler Gerygone igata. A nestling cuckoo returned to within 1 km of its natal site in a subsequent breeding season, presumably after migrating beyond New Zealand. Empirical and theoretical estimates of the area occupied by Shining Cuckoos while breeding are given. Cuckoos near Kaikoura laid during ten weeks, the modal week of laying following seven weeks after the presumed peak of arrival of birds in New Zealand. First clutches of the host escaped parasitism because they were laid before most cuckoos arrived. Parasitized clutches received one cuckoo egg which replaced a host's egg. It was laid before, just after or long after the host began incubating, and mimicry was lacking. Cuckoo eggs, which were about 8% of the adult cuckoo's weight, hatched in 14–17 days. The frequency of parasitism near Kaikoura was 55% of late clutches (n = 40).
At 3–7 days old, nestling Shining Cuckoos evicted from the nest all other contents. The nestling period was at least 19 days. Growth in weight followed a logistic curve and the equation is given. Just over half the cuckoo eggs produced fledglings. The effect of brood-parasitism on the Grey Warbler's productivity was small. Only 17% of late warbler eggs, and late eggs only, were prevented by parasitism from yielding fledglings. Late laying by some Shining Cuckoos (relative to the host's incubational cycle), and late eviction, often led to brief inter-specific competition among nestlings for food. The brief coexistence of young Warblers and Cuckoos in the nest may explain the apparent mimicry by newly-hatched Shining Cuckoos of the host's young.  相似文献   

The evolution of egg size in the brood parasitic cuckoos   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We compared genera of nonparasitic cuckoos and two groups ofparasitic cuckoos: those raised together with host young ("nonejectors")and those in which the newly hatched cuckoo either ejects thehost eggs or chicks, or kills the host young ("ejectors"). Nonejectorsare similar to their hosts in body size and parasitize largerhosts than do ejectors, which parasitize hosts much smallerthan themselves. In both types of parasite, the cuckoo's eggtends to match the host eggs in size. To achieve this, nonejectorshave evolved a smaller egg for their body size than have nonparasiticcuckoos, and ejectors have evolved an even smaller egg. Amongejector cuckoo genera, larger cuckoos have larger eggs relativeto the eggs of their hosts, and the relationship between cuckooegg volume (mass of the newly-hatched cuckoo) and host egg volume(mass to be ejected) did not differ from that predicted by weight-liftingallometry. However, comparing among Cuculus cuckoo species,the allometric slope differed from the predicted, so it is notclear that egg size is related to the need to give the cuckoochick sufficient strength for ejection. Comparing the two mostspeciose ejector genera, Chrysococcyx cuckoos (smaller and parasitizedome-nesting hosts) lay eggs more similar in size to their host'seggs than do Cuculus cuckoos (larger and parasitize open cup–nestinghosts). Closer size-matching of host eggs in Chrysococcyx mayreflect the following: (1) selection to reduce adult body massto facilitate entry through small domed nest holes to lay, and(2) less need for a large egg, because longer incubation periodsin dome-nesting hosts allow the young cuckoo more time to growbefore it need eject host eggs.  相似文献   

Young birds and mammals are extremely vulnerable to predators and so should benefit from responding to parental alarm calls warning of danger. However, young often respond differently from adults. This difference may reflect: (i) an imperfect stage in the gradual development of adult behaviour or (ii) an adaptation to different vulnerability. Altricial birds provide an excellent model to test for adaptive changes with age in response to alarm calls, because fledglings are vulnerable to a different range of predators than nestlings. For example, a flying hawk is irrelevant to a nestling in a enclosed nest, but is dangerous to that individual once it has left the nest, so we predict that young develop a response to aerial alarm calls to coincide with fledging. Supporting our prediction, recently fledged white-browed scrubwrens, Sericornis frontalis, fell silent immediately after playback of their parents' aerial alarm call, whereas nestlings continued to calling despite hearing the playback. Young scrubwrens are therefore exquisitely adapted to the changing risks faced during development.  相似文献   

Coevolution between parasites and their hosts typically leads to increasing specialization on host species by the parasite. Where multiple hosts are parasitized, specialization on each host can result in genetic divergence within the parasite population to create host races, and, ultimately, new species. We investigate how host-specific traits arise in Horsfield's bronze-cuckoo Chalcites basalis nestlings. Newly hatched cuckoos evict host young from the nest, yet in the absence of a model they accurately mimic the different begging calls of a primary host (superb fairy-wren, Malurus cyaneus) and a secondary host (buff-rumped thornbill, Acanthiza reguloides). Using cross-fostering experiments, we show that begging calls are modified after parasitism, through experience. Further, we demonstrate the mechanism by which mimetic calls are acquired. All cuckoo nestlings initially produced the call of their primary host. When cross-fostered as eggs to a secondary host, calls increased in variability and were rapidly modified to resemble those of the secondary host through shaping by host parents. We suggest that plasticity in the development of host-specific traits after parasitism is likely to reduce selection for host race formation.  相似文献   

Parent birds generally eat their nestlings' feces when the nestlingsare young and carry the feces from the nest as the nestlingsget older. This change in behavior may be due to the declinein energy content of the feces as the nestlings' digestive systembecomes more efficient, or because the cost to the parent fromeating nestling feces increases with the volume and number offecal sacs eaten. In tree swallows (Tachycincta bicolor), red-wingedblackbirds (Agelaius phoenice-us), and American robins (Turdusmigraiorius), parents ate a smaller proportion of fecal sacsas their nestlings got older, even though the energy densityof fecal sacs remained constant with nestling age. The increasein size of fecal sacs with nestling age explains the declinein parental consumption much better than does energy content.These results better support the hypothesis that eating fecalsacs is an economic alternative to carrying them from the nestand is not done so that parents use the sacs as a source ofenergy. The benefits of not carrying a fecal sac from the nestmay be that parents can remain at the nest longer for otherpurposes (e.g., brooding) and that they avoid the transportationcosts associated with fecal sac disposal. Understanding thecosts and benefits of fecal sac consumption may explain bothintersexual and interspecific differences in this behavior.[Behav Ecol 1991, 2: 69–76]  相似文献   

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