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Review of the traditional separation of global Ordovician conodont distribution into the North American Midcontinent Province (NAMP) and North Atlantic Province (NAP) reveals a confusing variety of concepts and definitions that hinder biogeographic analysis. Use of this twofold scheme and its subsequent variants should be­discontinued in favour of the more detailed divisions proposed here. Major biogeographical entities of the Shallow-Sea and Open-Sea Realms, separated by the shelf-slope break, are both further subdivisible into Tropical, Temperate and Cold Domains. In the Cold domains, faunal differences between the two Realms and their subdivisions are not easily discernible, since biofacies zones and different habitats were highly condensed. Faunal differences are amplified in the tropical regions, where the North American Midcontinent Province and North Atlantic Province were originally defined. Recognition of endemic taxa is essential for finer classification within domains of the Shallow-Sea Realm (SSR). Our preliminary analysis of Early Ordovician conodont distribution identifies the Laurentian Province (in the Tropical Domain), Australian­(Tropical Domain), North China (Tropical Domain), South China (Temperate Domain), Argentine Precordillera (Temperate Domain) and Balto-Scandian Province (in the Cold Domain). The Open-Sea Realm (OSR) is dominated by cosmopolitan and widespread taxa, and formal subdivision at provincial level is yet to be achieved. The North Atlantic Province encompasses both the Open-Sea Realm and the Temperate and Cold Domains of the Shallow-Sea Realm. The North American Midcontinent Province sensu stricto is more or less equivalent to the Laurentian Province, representing shallow-water regions fringing Laurentia; in a broader sense the North American Midcontinent Province includes all provinces of the Tropical Domain within the Shallow-Sea Realm.  相似文献   

The structure and evolution of Ordovician conodont apparatuses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Multielement taxonomy was instituted for Ordovician conodonts over a decade ago, and probably a majority of the multielement genera have been defined or are well understood. The present systems of notation for elements within apparatuses are inadequate and cumbersome. A new notation scheme is proposed which applies a single-letter code to the position in the apparatus occupied by certain element morphotypes. The taxonomic status of all known Ordovician conodont genera is reviewed (appendix) using the new notation, and a new scheme to classify conodont apparatuses is presented. Five main apparatus types (I-V) and seventeen subtypes (IA-IC, etc.) are defined. Within these groups, all known Ordovician conodont genera can be accommodated, and probably few new groups are required to include all other conodont genera. The apparatus types and subtypes are defined on the basis of symmetry, curvature, and number of the element types, with a clear distinction being made between the first and second transition series. Certain homologous relationships, both between and within many apparatus types, are noted. The evolution of the five major types, and the subtypes, is traced through the Ordovician. The pattern of evolution suggests that the types and subtypes recognized are probably natural biologic groupings, largely reflecting phylogenetic change.  相似文献   

Accurate palacobiological interpretation of the fossil record requires an assessment of biostratinomic processes. Samples which have undergone significant post-mortem sorting reflect only the hydrodynamic regime prevalent at the time of deposition and not the original faunal composition. Conodont bedding plane assemblagcs are rare and many conodont taxa are known only through reconstructions of apparatuses using empirical techniques. These methods require large collections where the elements have undergone no significant post-mortem transportation. In this paper measurements of settling velocities are used to predict relative hydrodynamic behaviour in a current. The settling velocity of a particle is of about the same magnitude as the current required to entrain that particle. Conodont elements rotate during fall, spinning about a central axis. Elements with equal Reynolds numbers may have different drag coefficients indicating that shape is an important factor in determining conodont element hydrodynamics. In a current of increasing velocity the predicted order of entrainment of elements of the same equivalent size is as follows: Polygnathus S. Ancyrodella Pa. Polygnathus Pa. Palmatolepis Pa. Polygnathus Pb. lcriodus Pa. Conodont elements grow by accretion of lamellae; to the first approximation. length is a satisfactory indication of size. Length can therefore be used to predict the settling velocities of elements, and which elements will sort together. Measurement of element lengths allows a rapid estimation of the degree of post-mortem sorting undergone by a sample and therefore its suitability for use in palaeobiological analysis. □ Conodont hydrodynamics, biostratinomy, drag coefficient, settling velocity. sorting.  相似文献   

Ordovician conodont specimens resemblingOistodus venustus Stauffer, 1935 have been reported from many areas. There is increasing evidence, however, that several lineages with homeomorphic conodont elements have erroneously been referred to one and the same species. I have investigated Baltoscandian conodont elements of this kind in order to find out about their origins and phylogenetic relationships with morphologically comparable elements from other areas. A natural grouping of finds from the Middle and lower Upper Ordovician of Baltoscandia is here described as belonging to a new species of a new genus,Venoistodus balticus n. gen., n. sp. The new species probably evolved paedomorphically fromDrepanoistodus forceps (Lindström, 1955) in the Early Ordovician.  相似文献   

The conodont fauna from the Willara Formation, a carbonate-dominated stratigraphic unit widely distributed in the subsurface Canning Basin of Western Australia, is represented by 41 species, including a new species, Erraticodon neopatu Zhen n. sp. The Jumudontus gananda and Histiodella altifrons biozones are recognized in the lower and upper parts, respectively, of the Willara Formation. Deposited primarily in shallow nearshore settings, the Willara Formation is characterized by the occurrence of predominantly long-range coniform species of Triangulodus, Scalpellodus, Drepanoistodus, Drepanodus, and Kirkupodus. Several widely distributed age-diagnostic species, including Histiodella altifrons, Histiodella holodentata, Histiodella serrata, and Jumudontus gananda, serve as keys for biostratigraphic analysis and correlation. Our study also shows that the basal and top boundaries of the Willara Formation are diachronous across the basin, extending from the middle Floian (Oepikodus communis Biozone) to middle Darriwilian (Histiodella holodentata-Eoplacognathus pseudoplanus Biozone). This contribution provides crucial new biostratigraphic data for precise correlation of the Willara Formation with its time equivalents regionally and internationally.  相似文献   

Conodont elements from Palaeozoic strata (Ordovician, Devonian and Carboniferous) contain abundant evidence for presumed post-mortem colonisation by endolithic organisms. It is possible to distinguish several morphotypes of microcavities in conodont apatite, which show some morphological similarities to microborings in calcareous substrates. Some of them are believed to be produced by microendoliths, some others are yet unknown from calcareous substrates. The present report deals with the various kinds of microendolithic traces in conodont apatite. The significance of microborings in conodont elements is discussed.  相似文献   

Five functional types are recognized among Late Paleozoic conodont elements; they are distinguished by morphological and histological characteristics: grasping-holding, filtering, cutting, crushing, and grinding. Combinations of functional types of elements form functional types of conodont apparatuses, the main of which are filtering, grasping-cutting, grasping-pressing, grasping-cutting-grinding, and grasping-cutting-crushing apparatuses.  相似文献   

Terfelt, F, Bagnoli, G. & Stouge, S. 2011: Re‐evaluation of the conodont Iapetognathus and implications for the base of the Ordovician System GSSP. Lethaia, Vol. 45, pp. 227–237. In 2000, the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) ratified the decision from the International Working Group on the Cambrian–Ordovician Boundary (COBWG) to place the Global boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Ordovician System in the Green Point section, Newfoundland, Canada, at a point coinciding with the first appearance of the conodont Iapetognathus fluctivagus. However, a restudy of the conodont successions from Green Point shows that this species is not present at the boundary interval, and as a consequence the section does not fulfil the biostratigraphical requirements of a GSSP. The GSSP horizon as now defined is based on a level part‐way through the range of I. preaengensis– a species with lower first appearance datum (FAD). The true FAD of I. fluctivagus is above the FAD of planktonic graptolites and well above the FAD of I. preaengensis. As a consequence of these problems, a restudy of the GSSP section and the other sections in the Cow Head Group is necessary. A redefinition of the GSSP horizon is suggested. The following four alternative horizons have potential as new horizons for the GSSP level: the FAD of Cordylodus intermedius; the FAD of Cordylodus andresi; the FAD of Eoconodontus notchpeakensis; and the FAD of the agnostoid Lotagnostus americanus. □Boundary, Cambrian, conodont, Global boundary Stratotype Section Point, Iapetognathus, Ordovician.  相似文献   

Naimanodus degtyarevi gen. et sp. nov., a new conodont genus and species from the Lower Darriwilian (Middle Ordovician) limestones of the Naiman Formation in central Kazakhstan is described. Three types of coniform nongeniculate elements are identified in the apparatus of this species. The new species was widespread in the Asian Paleobasin and recorded in three localities in Kazakhstan, eastern Kyrgyzstan, and Altai.  相似文献   

The Middle Ordovician conodont genera that are suitable for palaeoenvironmental interpretations from the epicontinental Baltoscandian platform have been identified and evaluated to establish and describe conodont biofacies and their relationship to global cooling. The construction of biofacies was based on multivariate statistical analyses of more than 375 700 conodont specimens from 520 samples and 21 localities across Baltica. Three distinct, recurrent and laterally extensive conodont biofacies existed across the Baltoscandian platform of the Baltica continent during the Dapingian and early to middle Darriwilian stages (Middle Ordovician). A relatively shallow water conodont assemblage named the Baltoniodus–Microzarkodina Biofacies characterized the inner shelf localities in central Sweden, Estonia, Russia and Ukraine. In the distal shelf areas, patterns are more complex. Here, genera of the Periodon Biofacies characterized the shelf margin areas of the Scandinavian Caledonides facing the relatively warm Iapetus Ocean towards the north, whereas the Protopanderodus Biofacies dominated the distal shelf areas facing the cooler Tornquist Sea towards the south‐west. Although these three main biofacies continued to dominate during the succeeding Darriwilian stage, distinct changes in the distribution of biofacies took place during the transition from the Dapingian Stage to the Darriwilian. We argue that the biofacies change was triggered by a regressive event related to early Darriwilian cooling, and that the palaeoclimatological changes influenced the Baltic conodont faunas near the Tornquist Sea margin before those of the Iapetus margin (early vs middle Darriwilian).  相似文献   

The elements of many conodont taxa exhibit a polygonal surface micro-ornamentation. Four main types are recognized (striation, linear texture, regular (idiomorphic) texture and granular texture) and their distribution over the conodont elements of different morphology is considered. The intraspecific (ontogenetic and ecological) and interspecific (phylogenetic) causes of the reticulation texture variations are also considered.  相似文献   

The conodont animal   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A unique specimen of a small, elongate, soft-bodied animal from the Lower Carboniferous of the Edinburgh district, Scotland, is described. The head expands anteriorly into two lobate structures flanking a central lumen; behind this lies a conodont apparatus, apparently in situ, consisting of an aligned set of ramiform elements followed by a pair of ozarkodiniform elements and one of platform elements. From the morphology of the platform elements the animal has been identified as Clydagnathus? cf. cavusformis. Repeated structures which may represent segments are evident in the posterior part of the trunk, which bears a posterior and a caudal fin, each supported by rays. The animal shows similarities to both chordates and chactognaths, but the evidence supports its assignment to a separate phylum, the Conodonta. The function of the conodonts remains equivocal, but it seems more likely that they served as teeth than as internal supports.  相似文献   

The oldest occurrences of the monothalamous foraminifer species Amphitremoida longa Nestell and Tolmacheva and A. laevis Nestell and Tolmacheva are found in the San Juan Formation together with conodonts of the Oepikodus evae Zone of the Floian (Lower Ordovician), in the Salagasta 2 section, southern Precordillera, Argentina. These discoveries represent the oldest record for foraminifers in South America. The foraminifers, species of which were originally described from the Lower Ordovician of northwestern Russia, are found in shallow high energy carbonate platform deposits in the Precordillera, together with a North Atlantic province conodont fauna. The carbonate sequence of the San Juan Formation in the Salagasta region is interpreted as a succession ranging from shallower tidal deposits to carbonate crinoidal shoaling bar deposits.  相似文献   

Krejsa, R. J., Bringas, P. Jr. & Slavkin, H. C. 1990 10 15: A neontological interpretation of conodont elements based on agnathan cyclostome tooth structure, function, and development. Lethaia , Vol. 23, pp. 359–378. Oslo. ISSN 0024–1164.
Speculation about a conodont-cyclostome connection has led us to search for and establish a biological basis for various characteristic structures in conodont elements. Measurements of juvenile hagfish palatal and lingual teeth overlap those of representative conodont elements, demonstrating a size correspondence of conodonts with teeth of living vertebrates. When hagfish tooth histology is compared with internal and surface topography (SEM) of hagfish, keratinous teeth and mineralized conodont elements, microspaces and tubules similar to those found in hagfish functional tooth coverings and replacement elements are also found within the white matter' of conodont elements. It is provisionally suggested that the primary organic matrix of conodont elements could be keratin and/or keratin-related molecules, and that individual conodont elements could represent shed tooth coverings. The basal bodies' found in certain conodont elements could be replacement elements. These interpretations are contrary to several paradigms of orthodox conodontology. ▭ Agnatha, conodonts, cyclostomes, hagfish, keratin, paleo-biology, shedding, teeth .  相似文献   

The discovery of fossilized conodont soft tissues has led to suggestions that these enigmatic animals were among the earliest vertebrates and that they were macrophagous, using their oropharyngeal skeletal apparatus to capture and process prey. These conclusions have proved controversial. There is now a consensus that conodonts belong within the chordates, but their position within the clade is hotly debated. Resolution of these questions has major implications for our understanding of the origin of the vertebrates and the selective pressures that led to the development of the vertebrate skeleton.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Natural assemblages of a new conodont taxon, Notiodella keblon, from the Upper Ordovician Soom Shale Lagerstätte of South Africa contain 17 elements. This is the first time that a 17‐element apparatus plan has been unequivocally demonstrated in conodonts. The apparatus comprises paired P1, P2, P3, M, S1, S2, S3 and S4 elements and an unpaired, axial S0 element and provides a new template for use in the reconstruction of apparatuses from the collections of dispersed elements, particularly for those with icrion‐bearing P1 elements and perhaps for other balognathids.  相似文献   

Ordovician conodonts have been extensively documented in the Argentine Precordillera, providing a robust database for a diverse set of palaeontological studies. Despite the numerous studies, the published taxonomy and stratigraphical ranges, data remain contradictory for particular time intervals. Data from a new conodont collection from the Gualcamayo Formation exposed at the Cerro La Chilca section, and new information on the occurrence and ranges of species from the Las Chacritas and Las Aguaditas sections are presented herein. We used a computer‐assisted numerical sequencing program (CONOP9) to construct a composite stratigraphical range chart from data of 57 conodont species in four sections from the Argentine Precordillera. The identified zones of Lenodus variabilis, Yangtzeplacognathus crassus, Eoplacognathus pseudoplanus and Eoplacognathus suecicus allowed us to verify and adjust the biostratigraphical scheme for the Darriwilian of the Central Precordillera. Additionally, species of the genera Histiodella, namely Histiodella sinuosa, Histiodella holodentata, Histiodella kristinae and Histiodella bellburnenisis, enable a reasonable correlation between the Histiodella‐based zonation and the Baltoscandian zonation. Conodont diversity is evaluated using conventional measures (total diversity and normalized diversity) and an interval‐free approach with CONOP9 software. Our data show a positive pattern in conodont diversification, increasing rapidly through the L. variabilis to the Y. crassus zones and reaching a peak in the E. pseudoplanus Zone. When analysing diversity fluctuations with respect to the environmental changes within the depositional basin, migrations in and out of the basin related to local sea level fluctuations appear to be an important process driving the conodont diversity pattern in the Precordillera.  相似文献   

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