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The shape of scoliotic spines as measured from frontal radiographs (see Part I of this paper) is analysed with respect to interrelations between lateral deviation, lateral tilt and axial rotation of the vertebrae. These parameters are represented by sinusoidal functions of the longitudinal coordinate. The interrelations can, therefore, be expressed in terms of amplitude and phase relations. Two additional functions—‘spinal tilt’ and (local) curvature—are calculated from the first and second derivatives of lateral deviation. The method has been applied to three patient groups with different aetiology: 113 patients with idiopathic scoliosis (478 radiographs, partially follow-up examinations), 23 patients with scoliosis secondary to Wilms' tumour irradiation and 18 patients with scoliosis secondary to poliomyelitis. The amplitude and phase relations of all functions reveal a characteristic pattern which is apparently independent of the specific aetiology. The results show that the available biomechanic explanations of coupling of vertebral motions are questionable.  相似文献   

In animal cells, positioning of the mitotic spindle is crucial for defining the plane of cytokinesis and the size ratio of daughter cells. We have characterized this phenomenon in a rat epithelial cell line using microscopy, micromanipulation, and microinjection. Unmanipulated cells position the mitotic spindle near their geometric center, with the spindle axis lying roughly parallel to the long axis of the cell. Spindles that were initially misoriented underwent directed rotation and caused a delay in anaphase onset. To gain further insight into this process, we gently deformed cells with a blunted glass needle to change the spatial relationship between the cortex and spindle. This manipulation induced spindle movement or rotation in metaphase and/or anaphase, until the spindle reached a proper position relative to the deformed shape. Spindle positioning was inhibited by either treatment with low doses of nocodazole or microinjection of antibodies against dynein, apparently due to the disruption of the organization of dynein and/or astral microtubules. Our results suggest that mitotic cells continuously monitor and maintain the position of the spindle relative to the cortex. This process is likely driven by interactions among astral microtubules, the motor protein dynein, and the cell cortex and may constitute part of a mitotic checkpoint mechanism.  相似文献   

Biological shape and visual science. I   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Site-directed spin labeling was used to determine the membrane orientation and insertion of the C2A domain from synaptotagmin I. A series of single cysteine mutants of the C2A domain of synaptotagmin I was prepared and labeled with a sulfhydryl specific spin label. Upon Ca2+ or membrane binding, the EPR line shapes of these mutants reveal dramatic decreases in label mobility within the Ca2+-binding loops. This loss in mobility is likely due in part to a reduction in local backbone fluctuations within the loop regions. Power saturation was then used to determine the position of each spin-labeled site along the bilayer normal, and these EPR distance constraints were used along with the high-resolution solution structure of C2A to generate a model for the orientation and position of the domain at the membrane interface. This model places the polypeptide backbone of both the first and third Ca2+-binding loops in contact with the membrane interface, with several labeled side chains lying within the bilayer interior. All three Ca2+-binding sites lie near a plane defined by the lipid phosphates. This model indicates that there is some desolvation of this domain upon binding and that hydrophobic as well as electrostatic interactions contribute to the binding of C2A. When compared to the C2 domain from cPLA2 (Frazier et al. (2002) Biochemistry 41, 6282), a similar orientation for the beta-sandwich region is found; however, the cPLA2 C2 domain is translocated 5-7 A deeper into the membrane hydrocarbon. This difference in depth is consistent with previous biophysical data and with the difference that long-range electrostatic interactions and desolvation are expected to make to the binding of these two C2 domains.  相似文献   

This paper reports the changes in spinal shape resulting from scoliotic spine surgical instrumentation expressed as intervertebral rotations and centers of rotation. The objective is to test the hypothesis that the type of spinal instrumentation system (Cotrel-Dubousset versus Colorado) does not influence these motion parameters. Intervertebral rotations and centers of rotation of the scoliotic spines were computed from the pre- and post-operative radiographs of 82 patients undergoing spinal correction. The three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of six anatomical landmarks was achieved for each of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. A least-squares approach based on singular value decomposition was used to calculate the rigid body transformation parameters. Average centers of rotation for all intervertebral levels are located in the neural canal at the mid-sagittal plane and approximately at the superior endplate level of the inferior vertebra. Intervertebral rotations have components in all planes: 6.7 degrees (frontal), 5.5 degrees (sagittal) and 4.5 degrees (transverse) RMS for all intervertebral levels. Nearly all intervertebral rotations and centers of rotation are not significantly different for the two instrumentation systems. Various intervertebral rotations and 3D reconstruction errors were simulated on a theoretical model of a lumbar functional unit to assess the proposed method. Intervertebral rotation errors were 1.7 degrees when simulating 3D errors of 3mm on the position of the landmarks. Maximum errors for the position of centers of rotation were below 1cm in the case of intervertebral rotations larger than 2.5 degrees (most cases), but were larger (38 mm) for small intervertebral rotations (<1 degrees ). The type of instrumentation system did not influence intervertebral rotations and centers of rotation. These results provide valuable data for the development and validation of simulation models for surgical instrumentation of idiopathic scoliosis.  相似文献   

The size and shape of macromolecules such as proteins and nucleic acids play an important role in their functions. Prior efforts to quantify these properties have been based on various discretization or tessellation procedures involving analytical or numerical computations. In this article, we present an analytically exact method for computing the metric properties of macromolecules based on the alpha shape theory. This method uses the duality between alpha complex and the weighted Voronoi decomposition of a molecule. We describe the intuitive ideas and concepts behind the alpha shape theory and the algorithm for computing areas and volumes of macromolecules. We apply our method to compute areas and volumes of a number of protein systems. We also discuss several difficulties commonly encountered in molecular shape computations and outline methods to overcome these problems. Proteins 33:1–17, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that epigenetic (non-genomic) factors, related to muscular function, significantly regulate the shape and position of the auricular cartilage. We tested this experimentally by doing unilateral partial and total facial neurectomies, auricular myectomies, and ear rotations with skin excisions in rats. The neurectomies produced muscle atrophy, abolished the horizontal scaphoid ridging, and produced characteristic changes in the auricular shape. The myectomies of extrinsic auricular musculature alone were followed routinely by complete muscle regeneration and no changes in shape. The auricular rotations, with skin excision, produced an antihelix-like complex analogous to the human ear--a configuration that was permanent and was accompanied by muscle relocation. The findings are believed to support our hypothesis.  相似文献   

P. O'Higgins    D. R. Johnson    T. J. McAndrew   《Journal of Zoology》1988,214(2):373-381
We have used Fourier transforms and discriminant analysis to look at the shapes of cervical and upper thoracic vertebrae from two pairs of mouse strains and biological intermediates (the F1s) between them. We have also constructed mathematically intermediate shapes and compared mathematical and biological intermediates.
Mathematical and biological intermediates did not correspond in any of the 18 cases studied. We suggest that failure in correspondence is due to complex genetical and environmental factors acting on the F1 phenotype, and that multivariate shape inheritance may be modelled in a similar way to univariate inheritance. Both depend on a large number of genetic loci.  相似文献   

A photographic assessment of the head shape of infants who had undergone surgical correction of sagittal synostosis was performed to determine (a) whether this subset could be delineated from an age-matched normal subpopulation and (b) whether two operative procedures differed in achieving normalization of head shape. This retrospective study included 8 patients who underwent extended strip craniectomy, 12 patients who underwent subtotal calvarectomy and cranial vault remodeling, and 12 age-matched subjects with no calvarial abnormality, for a total of 32 subjects. Criteria for inclusion in this study included surgery for sagittal synostosis within the first year of life and postoperative photographs at ages 4 to 8 years (mean, 4.5 years). Each set of images (frontal and lateral profile) were ranked from most to least normal by five lay observers and four professional observers. The rankings were analyzed with statistics designed for ordinal data. Differences in ranking between treatment groups were examined with Kruskal-Wallis rank sums tests. Mean ranks were calculated for lay and professional observers in an attempt to produce simpler and more generalizable results; these means were also analyzed using statistics designed for ordinal data. There was no statistical difference in the ranks of infants who had undergone a surgical correction and the normal subpopulation. In the mean rankings of the lay observers, the normal groups had the highest score mean (15.6), the group with extended strip craniectomy was second (16.0), and the subtotal calvarectomy with calvarial remodeling group was last (17.8) (p = 0.84). In the mean rankings of the professional observers, the normal groups again had the highest score mean (15.8), the subtotal calvarectomy group was second (15.9), and the extended craniectomy group was last (18.6) (p = 0.77). These results suggest that children who have undergone correction of sagittal synostosis in infancy are indistinguishable from their peers, on the basis of fully haired head shape on frontal and lateral photographs, when they begin primary school, irrespective of the type of calvarial surgery.  相似文献   

Research on animal orientation shows a persistent lack of integration. Theories entertained in different “schools” are couched in incommensurable terms. The underlying definitions mostly do not satisfy elementary canons of methodology, and this results in a confusion of empirical and conceptual problems. Application of basic methodology shows that current classifications of orientation patterns are logically incomplete.Moreover, allegedly distinct kinds of orientation wrongly show logical dependencies resulting from poor definitions. Reference to physiological mechanisms, beyond stimuli and responses, must be omitted from definitions for orientation patterns. Likewise, orientation must not be made functional (adaptive) by definition. Vagueness is to some extent unavoidable in general theories.  相似文献   

The measurements of erythrocyte orientation, obtained through a spin labeling technique, are compared with a phenomenological model. Several rheological conditions are varied: hematocrit, suspending medium viscosity, blood age, artificial reversible aggregation. We found that the onset of orientation is very sensitive to any variation of these conditions, and that its measurement would be a good method to assess erythrocyte deformability. A critical shear rate for the orientation process is then determined and compared to the corresponding parameter obtained from viscosity measurements of identical suspensions. A close qualitative relationship is found between the two sets of values of the critical shear rate.  相似文献   

When discs of frontal periosteum from presumptive antler sites of 6-8 month old male fawns of the fallow deer are grafted beneath the foreleg skin, they will differentiate into pedicle bones and induce small antlers in the overlying integument. These antlers shed their velvet in the fall, and in succeeding years are replaced by larger outgrowths not exceeding 7 cm in length. Periosteal transplants 1.5 cm in diameter gave rise to ectopic antlers in 100% of the grafts, while discs measuring 1.05 cm, 0.75 cm and 0.4 cm did so in only 20% of the cases. Conversely, the donor sites produced antlers in 20-23% of the cases following removal of 1.05 cm or 1.5 cm of periosteum, while 80% and 100% grew antlers after deletions of 0.75 cm and 0.4 cm discs of periosteum, respectively. Semicircular grafts of periosteum induced antler development in most cases, especially when derived from the lateral halves of the antlerogenic region on the frontal bone. These findings confirm that the histogenesis of a deer's first pedicle and antler resides in the frontal periosteum over an area about 1.5 cm wide. They also show that leg skin is capable of antlerogenic development under the inductive influence of frontal periosteum, and that integumental wounding may enhance inductive interactions.  相似文献   

The selection for a single additively inherited quantitative character is studied using computer models of 3 types: 1) all the individuals had the same viability, and the paratypic deviation does not depend on their genotype; 2) differential viability of genotypes is taken into account with respect to a number of heterozygous loci; 3) differential paratypic deviation is estimated, it is introduced like viability in the model 2. Two types of trancation selection, stabilizing and directed, under the selection coefficient of approximately 0.5 are studied. There are studied dynamics of genotypic (omega2gamma) and phenotypic (omega2phi) variances, the heritability index and it estimates (for the correlation progeny-parent--rho; for the regression progeny-parent--b; for half-sibses--v), and the non-equilibrium of a population for the models. The number of generation was 10; the population number in every generation was 200; the number of loci in the main experiment was 10.h2 values were calculated in the progeny before selection (p1, b1, v1) and after selection (p2, b2, v2). It is shown that stabilizing selection results in the formation of balanced gene complexes; the rate of decreasing omega2phi depends on the genetic length of a chromosome region in which genes, determining the character, are located, and not on the number of genes. The distribution of a character under directed selection depends on the type of the model. p2, b2, and v2 values are the worst. The best is the b1 value. It is concluded that the problem of predicting the selection effect using statistical estimates of heretability is connected with the problem of investigation of population heterogeneity and integrating their genetical structure.  相似文献   

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