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Swimming cells of Sinorhizobium meliloti are driven by flagella that rotate only clockwise. They can modulate rotary speed (achieve chemokinesis) and reorient the swimming path by slowing flagellar rotation. The flagellar motor is energized by proton motive force, and torque is generated by electrostatic interactions at the rotor/stator (FliG/MotA-MotB) interface. Like the Escherichia coli flagellar motor that switches between counterclockwise and clockwise rotation, the S. meliloti rotary motor depends on electrostatic interactions between conserved charged residues, namely, Arg294 and Glu302 (FliG) and Arg90, Glu98 and Glu150 (MotA). Unlike in E. coli, however, Glu150 is essential for torque generation, whereas residues Arg90 and Glu98 are crucial for the chemotaxis-controlled variation of rotary speed. Substitutions of either Arg90 or Glu98 by charge-neutralizing residues or even by their smaller, charge-maintaining isologues, lysine and aspartate, resulted in top-speed flagellar rotation and decreased potential to slow down in response to tactic signalling (chemokinesis-defective mutants). The data infer a novel mechanism of flagellar speed control by electrostatic forces acting at the rotor/stator interface. These features have been integrated into a working model of the speed-modulating rotary motor.  相似文献   

Redox homeostasis determines cell fate for both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.In bacteria,redox state depends on aerobic respira-tion and antioxidant protection.Su...  相似文献   

Watson RJ  Heys R 《Plasmid》2006,55(2):87-98
The replication (rep) regions of small plasmids from three Sinorhizobium meliloti strains were cloned by marker rescue. Two unique replication regions were identified, one of which was common to two different strains. Plasmid pBB83 carried a 7.2 kbp rep region from a 42 kbp plasmid, and pBB84 carried a 4.5 kbp rep region from a 36 kbp plasmid. The cloned rep regions were of different compatibility types, and were capable of displacing their parent plasmids from S. meliloti. Neither could function in a PolA- strain of Escherichia coli. The cloned replication regions were less stable in S. meliloti than their parent plasmids. The rep genes for each plasmid were localized to less than 2.5 kbp segments. Sequencing data revealed that the pBB83 Rep protein is uncommon, with partial identity to a protein encoded by a plasmid from S. meliloti GR4 [Mercado-Blanco, J., Olivares, J., 1994. The large nonsymbiotic plasmid pRmeGR4a of Rhizobium meliloti GR4 encodes a protein involved in replication that has homology with the RepC protein of Agrobacterium plasmids. Plasmid 32, 75-79]. However, the cloned DNA fragment also contains a truncated segment of the common repABC genes, suggesting that the parent plasmid contained two sets of replication genes. Other genes and an IS-element within the insert are most closely related to sequences derived from the Rhizobiaceae family, suggesting that the plasmid has a limited host range. In contrast, the pBB84 rep region contained genes similar to those associated with several broad host-range plasmids, and its Rep protein is related to that of a Pseudomonas aeruginosa broad host-range plasmid, pVS1 [Heeb, S., Itoh, Y., Nishijyo, T., Schnider, U., Keel, C., Wade, J., Walsh, U., O'Gara, F., Haas, D., 2000. Small, stable shuttle vectors based on the minimal pVS1 replicon for use in gram-negative, plant-associated bacteria. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 13, 232-237]. The pBB84 rep region also includes a probable origin of replication, consisting of DNA boxes flanking a series of direct repeats and an AT-rich sequence.  相似文献   

The study of the effect of periplasmic glucan isolated from the root-nodule bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti CXM1-188 on the symbiosis of another strain (441) of the same root-nodule bacterium with alfalfa plants showed that this effect depends on the treatment procedure. The pretreatment of alfalfa seedlings with glucan followed by their bacterization with S. meliloti 441 insignificantly influenced the nodulation parameters of symbiosis (the number of root nodules and their nitrogen-fixing activity) but induced a statistically significant increase in the efficiency of symbiosis (expressed as the masses of the alfalfa overground parts and roots). At the same time, the pretreatment of S. meliloti 441 cells with glucan brought about a considerable decrease in the nodulation parameters of symbiosis (the number of root nodules and their nitrogen-fixing activity decreased by 2.5–11 and 7 times, respectively). These data suggest that the stimulating effect of rhizobia on host plants may be due not only to symbiotrophic nitrogen fixation but also to other factors. Depending on the experimental conditions, the treatment of alfalfa plants with glucan and their bacterization with rhizobial cells enhanced the activity of peroxidase in the alfalfa roots and leaves by 10–39 and 12–27%, respectively.  相似文献   

The study of the effect of the periplasmic glucan isolated from the root-nodule bacterium S. meliloti CXM1-188 on the symbiosis of another strain (441) of the same root-nodule bacterium with alfalfa plants showed that this effect depends on the treatment procedure. The pretreatment of alfalfa seedlings with the glucan followed by their bacterization with S. meliloti 441 insignificantly influenced the nodulation parameters of symbiosis (the number of root nodules and their nitrogen-fixing activity) but induced a statistically significant increase in the efficiency of symbiosis (expressed as the masses of the alfalfa overground parts and roots). At the same time, the pretreatment of S. meliloti 441 cells with the glucan brought about a considerable decrease in the nodulation parameters of symbiosis (the number of the root nodules and their nitrogen-fixing activity decreased by 2.5-11 and 7 times, respectively). These data suggest that the stimulating effect of rhizobia on host plants may be due not only to symbiotrophic nitrogen fixation but also to other factors. Depending on the experimental conditions, the treatment of alfalfa plants with the glucan and their bacterization with rhizobial cells enhanced the activity of peroxidase in the alfalfa roots and leaves by 10-39 and 12-27%, respectively.  相似文献   

The biology and biochemistry of plasmid transfer in soil bacteria is currently under active investigation because of its central role in prokaryote adaptation and evolution. In this work, we examined the conjugal properties of the cryptic plasmids present in a collection of the N2-fixing legume-symbiont Sinorhizobium meliloti . The study was performed on 65 S. meliloti isolates recovered from 25 humic soils of Argentina, which were grouped into 22 plasmid-profile types [i.e. plasmid operational taxonomic units (OTUs)]. The cumulative Shannon index calculated for the observed plasmid profiles showed a clear saturation plateau, thus indicating an adequate representation of the S. meliloti plasmid-profile types in the isolates studied. The results show that isolates of nearly 14% of the plasmid OTUs hosted transmissible plasmids and that isolates of 29% of the plasmid OTUs were able to retransfer the previously characterized mobilizable-cryptic plasmid pSmeLPU88b to a third recipient strain. It is noteworthy that isolates belonging to 14% of the plasmid OTUs proved to be refractory to the entrance of the model plasmid pSmeLPU88b, suggesting either the presence of surface exclusion phenomena or the occurrence of restriction incompatibility with the incoming replicon. Incompatibility for replication between resident plasmids and plasmid pSmeLPU88b was observed in c . 20% of the OTUs. The results reported here reveal a widespread compatibility among the conjugal functions of the cryptic plasmids in S. meliloti , and this fact, together with the observed high proportion of existing donor genotypes, points to the extrachromosomal compartment of the species as being an extremely active plasmid mobilome.  相似文献   

The Sinorhizobium meliloti nlpD gene consists of 1,539 nucleotides and codes for 512 amino acids. Expression of the nlpD gene as a histidine-tagged protein in Escherichia coli resulted in the production of a 57-kDa protein. The deduced polypeptide sequence of NlpD contains one unusual hexamer repeat (KVQRGQ), one tetramer (TVTV) and two direct and inverted trimer repeats (KAA, AAK). The N-terminal amino acid residues displayed similarity with signal peptides of secreted bacterial lipoproteins. Mutations of the S. meliloti nlpD gene caused decreased survival of cells in the stationary phase.  相似文献   

It was found that S. meliloti strain SmA818, which is cured of pSymA, could not grow on defined medium containing only formate and bicarbonate as carbon sources. Growth experiments showed that Rm1021 was capable of formate/bicarbonate-dependent growth, suggesting that it was capable of autotrophic-type growth. The annotated genome of S. meliloti Rm1021 contains three formate dehydrogenase genes. A systematic disruption of each of the three formate dehydrogenase genes, as well as the genes encoding determinants of the Calvin-Benson-Bassham, cycle was carried out to determine which of these determinants played a role in growth on this defined medium. The results showed that S. meliloti is capable of formate-dependent autotrophic growth. Formate-dependent autotrophic growth is dependent on the presence of the chromosomally located fdsABCDG operon, as well as the cbb operon carried by pSymB. Growth was also dependent on the presence of either of the two triose-phosphate isomerase genes (tpiA or tpiB) that are found in the genome. In addition, it was found that fdoGHI carried by pSymA encodes a formate dehydrogenase that allows Rm1021 to carry out formate-dependent respiration. Taken together, the data allow us to present a model of how S. meliloti can grow on defined medium containing only formate and bicarbonate as carbon sources.  相似文献   

The innate resistance of plants and animals to microbial infection is mediated in part by small cationic peptides with antimicrobial activity. We assessed the susceptibility of the alfalfa symbiont Sinorhizobium meliloti to the model antimicrobial peptide protamine. Twenty-one Tn5-induced mutants showing increased sensitivity to protamine were isolated, and nine were further characterized in detail. These nine mutants carried distinct transposon insertions that affected a total of seven different genes. Three of these genes are involved in exopolysaccharide and beta-(1,2)-glucan biosynthesis (exoT, exoU and ndvB), three other genes are implicated in nitrogen metabolism, such as a putative dyhidropyrimidinase, hutU and ureF, and the last gene exhibited similarity to the ATP binding cassette family of membrane transporters. Symbiotic defects ranging from severe to moderate were displayed by some of the protamine-hypersensitive mutants suggesting that S. meliloti possess active mechanisms to counteract hypothetical cationic peptides that may be produced by its host plant.  相似文献   

The Sinorhizobium meliloti megaplasmid pSymA has previously been implicated in gluconate utilization. We report a locus on pSymA encoding a putative tripartite ATP-independent periplasmic (TRAP) transporter that is required for gluconate utilization. The expression of this locus is negatively regulated by a GntR family regulator encoded adjacent to the transporter operon.  相似文献   

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