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Nitric oxide (NO) is identified as a signaling molecule involved in many cellular or physiological functions including meiotic maturation and parthenogenetic activation of mammalian oocytes. We observed that nitric oxide donor SNAP was potent to induce parthenogenetic activation in Xenopus eggs. NO-scavenger CPTIO impaired the effects of SNAP, providing evidence for the effects of the latter to be specific upon NO release. In Xenopus eggs, SNAP treatment induced pigment rearrangement, pronucleus formation and exocytosis of cortical granules. At a biochemical level, SNAP exposure lead to MAPK and Rsk inactivation within 30 minutes whereas MPF remained active, in contrast to calcium ionophore control where MPF activity dropped rapidly. MAPK inactivation could be correlated to pronuclear envelope reformation observed. In SNAP-treated eggs, a strong increase in intracellular calcium level was observed. NO effects were impaired in calcium-free or calcium limited medium, suggesting that that parthenogenetic activation of Xenopus oocytes with a NO donor was mainly calcium-dependent.  相似文献   

It has been previously demonstrated by our group that our specifically designed synchronization modulation electric field can dynamically entrain the Na/K ATPase molecules, effectively accelerating the pumping action of these molecules. The ATPase molecules are first synchronized by the field, and subsequently their pumping rates are gradually modulated in a stepwise pattern to progressively higher and higher levels. Here, we present results obtained on application of the field to intact twitch skeletal muscle fibers. The ionic concentration gradient across the cell membrane was monitored, with the membrane potential extrapolated using a slow fluorescent probe with a confocal microimaging technique. The applied synchronization-modulation electric field is able to slowly but consistently increase the ionic concentration gradient across the membrane and, hence, hyperpolarize the membrane potential. All of these results were fully eliminated if ouabain was applied to the bathing solution, indicating a correlation with the action of the Na/K pump molecules. These results in combination with our previous results into the entrainment of the pump molecules show that the synchronization-modulation electric field-induced activation of the Na/K pump functions can effectively increase the ionic concentration gradient and the membrane potential.  相似文献   

An extract obtained from Cynops sperm induced the activation of both Cynops and Xenopus eggs with accompanying changes in the potential of the egg membrane that were quite similar to those caused by the Cynops sperm. The activation-inducing properties of the extract were abolished by treatment with proteinase K or by heating (60°C, 15 min) and were associated with a protease activity against peptidyl Arg-MCA substrates. The activation of Xenopus eggs by the extract was inhibited by those substrates, or by protease inhibitors, aprotinin or leupeptin. The protease activity was localized in the acrosomal region of Cynops sperm. The activation of Xenopus eggs by the extract was prevented when the exterior concentration of Ca2+ions, [Ca2+]0, was reduced to 1.5 μM, but it was enhanced when [Ca2+]0 was increased to 340 μM. The activation of Xenopus eggs by the extract was not affected by positive clamping when [Ca2+]0 was 340 μM. These results suggest that the sperm extract contains a protease that causes an increase in the influx of Ca2+ions that results in voltage-insensitive activation of the egg.  相似文献   

We have examined the effects of ethanol on early fertilization events and later development in the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus . Eggs can still be fertilized in ethanol concentrations as high as 480 mM (2.0%); egg cytolysis was rapidly observed postinsemination in 50% of the cells at 220 mM ethanol. Yet, sperm motility was essentially normal in 250 mM ethanol; 940 mM ethanol was required to affect a 50% reduction. To determine the effect of ethanol on K+-efflux from eggs induced by fertilization, we used parthenogenetic activation induced by the Ca2+-ionophore A23187. Surprisingly, ethanol at only 0.2 mM caused an abnormal K+-efflux, but only when added between 1 and 3 min after induction of activation. The K+-efflux rates of unfertilized eggs were not influenced by up to 730 mM ethanol. Finally, normal embryonic development through the mesenchyme blastula stage was observed in egg suspensions which were treated for 30 min with ethanol concentrations as high as 240 mM, but washed with normal seawater prior to insemination. Normal plutei were obtained from cultures which were continuously cultured in 24 mM ethanol from 15 min postinsemination. We conclude that an extreme ethanol sensitivity of embryogenesis is apparent only during the cortical reaction.  相似文献   

西藏蟾蜍(Bufo tibetanus)主要生活在海拔2 400~4 300 m的高海拔地区,本研究分析了这一高原两栖物种雄性个体的鸣声特征和听觉敏感性。采用录音机和指向性话筒,在野外记录西藏蟾蜍的广告鸣声,使用听觉脑干反应(ABR)检测听觉敏感性。采用Praat声音分析软件绘制广告鸣声的波形图和频谱图,鸣声特征参数通过Adobe Audition软件获取。广告鸣声由多个单音节鸣叫组成,鸣声主频为(1150±99)Hz。ABR对于刺激的响应以谷峰波形展示,听力图结果显示,听觉敏感区域在1.4~2.0 kHz,但在0.6~6.0 kHz范围的听觉阈值均高于70 dB,表明雄性西藏蟾蜍相较于其他物种听觉敏感性较差。尽管雄性西藏蟾蜍的最佳听觉敏感频率(1.6kHz)稍高于鸣声主频,但其鸣声能谱结构与听觉敏感性曲线在1.0~1.4 kHz存在一定程度重叠,符合"匹配过滤假说"。  相似文献   

Eggs of the sea urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus , were stimulated by halothane, known to induce Ca2+ release from sarcosome, to cause fertilization membrane formation in normal and Ca2+ free artificial sea water. In the absence of external Ca2+, halothane-induced formation of fertilization membrane was inhibited by dantrolene, an inhibitor of Ca2+ release from sarcosome, but was not blocked by nifedipine, a Ca2+ antagonist specific to Ca2+ channels in plasma membrane. Ca2+ release from sedimentable fraction isolated from eggs was induced by halothane and was inhibited by dantrolene, but was not blocked by nifedipine. In normal artificial sea water, halothane-caused egg activation was not inhibited either by dantrolene or by nifedipine, but was blocked in the presence of both compounds. 45Ca2+ influx was substantially stimulated by halothane in eggs exposed to 45CaCl2. Halothane-induced 45Ca2+ influx into eggs was inhibited by nifedipine but was not blocked by dantrolene. When Ca2+ release from intracellular organellae is blocked, Ca2+ transport through Ca2+ channels in plasma membrane probably acts as a "fail-safe" system to induce an increase in cytosolic Ca2+ level, resulting in egg activation.  相似文献   

It is shown that the potential difference between the rootsof five plant species and their external solution is relatedto the ionic strength of the solution in a logarithmic fashionas predicted by diffuse double-layer theory. The slope of thestraight-line relationship indicates a change of 48 mV for atenfold change in the ionic strength of the solution. At lowphosphate concentrations the rate of uptake is linearly relatedto the square root of the ionic strength of the solution. Thisis in agreement with the effect of ionic strength on surfacepotential and in turn with the effect of potential on surfaceconcentration of adsorbed ions.  相似文献   

Electrical Properties of Toad Oocytes During Maturation and Activation   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The full-grown oocytes of the toad Bufo bufo japonicus , whether in follicular layer or not, had a membrane potential of about -50 mV in De Boer's solution (DB), but underwent a deep hyper-polarization of up to -90 mV when pretreated with Ca, Mg-free EDTA-solution. Regardless of the magnitude of their resting potentials, the defolliculated oocytes exposed to progesterone underwent a gradual depolarization before the germinal vesicle breakdown and retained membrane potential at a level of -10 mV until 18 hr post hormone treatment (PHT), the stage of the second meiotic metaphase. A positive-going activation potential of a magnitude of 70 mV was recorded in the oocytes when pricked at 18 hr PHT as well as in uterine eggs 3–5 min after insemination. A low magnitude of activation potential in response to pricking was recorded in 63% of the oocytes at 13 hr PHT, and premature oocytes exhibiting the activation potential always underwent cortical granule breakdown (CGBD) and perivitelline space formatión. Oocytes where the germinal vesicle had been removed before the hormone treatment exhibited an activation potential and underwent CGBD in response to pricking at 18 hr PHT, whereas those pulse-treated with cycloheximide (10 μg/ml) during the 8–11 hr PHT exhibited neither of these cortical responses. These results indicate that the syntheses of proteins independent of germinal vesicle taking place at 9–11 hr PHT enable the oocytes to undergo cortical responses.  相似文献   

The germinal vesicle of the mature Chaetopterus egg is invested by an envelope which can be seen in electron micrographs to contain "pores" in its bilaminar structure. While under continuous microscopic observation, individual germinal vesicles were isolated in various test solutions by an extremely gentle method. Repeated measurements of nuclear diameter and of optical path differences with an interference microscope provided data on changes in mass after isolation. It was found that bovine serum albumin can readily penetrate the nuclear envelope of the isolated nucleus and that there are soluble elements which rapidly diffuse out. A relatively non-diffusible mass is lost at a much slower rate, the proportion of soluble to non-diffusible mass being dependent on the ionic environment. Calcium and manganese increase the proportion of the non-diffusible mass at the expense of the soluble components, while potassium decreases it. The shape and size of the isolated nucleus is at least partially dependent on the non-diffusible mass of its interior. Digestion with trypsin causes a complete structural collapse and loss of the non-diffusible elements, along with disappearance of the nucleolus. The nucleus shrinks and becomes wrinkled. A small residual mass is left which is probably associated with the nuclear envelope. Digestion with RNase or DNase causes no detectable effect on the isolated nucleus. Micromanipulation of the isolated nucleus consistently indicates that there are strands emanating from the nucleus. They may be up to several hundred microns long, are structurally strong, and are not destroyed by trypsin, RNase, or DNase. Electron micrographs of thin sections of intact cells show that the germinal vesicle is highly irregular in outline with complex evaginations extending into the cytoplasm. With the light microscope the isolated nucleus looks spherical and smooth and no emanating strands can be seen. The nature of the strands is not known.  相似文献   

Rana pipiens eggs dividing normally in diluted Ringer's solution show an increase in transmembrane potential inside negative, a decrease in resistance, and no change in total surface membrane capacitance at the appearance of a division furrow. Furrows of eggs in solutions with the tonicity of full Ringer develop partially, then regress so that the surface is again spherical. The potential and resistance changes are greater and substantial increases in capacitance occur when furrowing is so inhibited. It is proposed that the electrical changes at division are due to the introduction of new plasma membrane, between the blastomeres, having selective permeability to K and a low resistance compared to the outer spherical membrane. A narrow gap between blastomeres limits current flow through new membrane during normal division. A direct exposure of new membrane to the bathing medium when furrowing is disrupted results in larger changes in potential and resistance and permits the capacitance of new membrane to be detected.  相似文献   

The calcium wave subsequent to fertilization of the egg is analyzed interms of an electrical equivalent circuit. The circuit consists of aswitch, capacitor, an inductor, and a resistor. The switch symbolizes aseries of chemical reactions initiated by the sperm the lead to thedevelopment of the calcium wave. Its closure signifies the onset of thecalcium wave. The capacitor and inductor represent the endoplasmicreticulum. The capacitive component of the endoplasmic reticulum controlsthe release of calcium ions while the inductive component regulates thesequestration of clacium ions. The resistor represents the inductor andcytoplasm and has very low resistance. The analysis of the circuit showsthat the period of the calcium oscillations is proportional to the size ofthe egg. It agrees with the measurements on various types of eggs.  相似文献   

Chicken products are suspected as a source of extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC), which causes diseases in humans. The zoonotic risk to humans from chicken-source E. coli is not fully elucidated. To clarify the zoonotic risk posed by ExPEC in chicken products and to fill existing knowledge gaps regarding ExPEC zoonosis, we evaluated the prevalence of ExPEC on shell eggs and compared virulence-associated phenotypes between ExPEC and non-ExPEC isolates from both chicken meat and eggs. The prevalence of ExPEC among egg-source isolates was low, i.e., 5/108 (4.7%). Based on combined genotypic and phenotypic screening results, multiple human and avian pathotypes were represented among the chicken-source ExPEC isolates, including avian-pathogenic E. coli (APEC), uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC), neonatal meningitis E. coli (NMEC), and sepsis-associated E. coli (SEPEC), as well as an undefined ExPEC group, which included isolates with fewer virulence factors than the APEC, UPEC, and NMEC isolates. These findings document a substantial prevalence of human-pathogenic ExPEC-associated genes and phenotypes among E. coli isolates from retail chicken products and identify key virulence traits that could be used for screening.  相似文献   

目的 采用电阻抗成像(electrical impedance tomography,EIT)方法研究神经肌肉电刺激(neuromuscular electrical stimulation,NMES)下小腿肌肉的电学特性,旨在将EIT作为一种长期监测方法,从而可视化NMES训练对人类小腿肌肉的训练效果。方法 16名实验对象被随机分配到对照组(control group,CG,n=8)和最佳电压强度的NMES训练组(optimal voltage intensity training group,OG,n=8)。对照组保持正常生活方式并不进行NMES和其他的肌肉训练;NMES训练组中使用商业NMES设备对实验对象右小腿进行23 min的NMES训练,每周3次,为期5周。应用EIT测量在每周一训练开始前的电导率分布。并且采用生物电阻抗分析(bioelectrical impedance analysis,BIA)方法测量右腿细胞外含水量与身体总含水量的比率(ECW/TBW) βrl,及身体总含水量(TBW)τ。为了量化NMES在肌肉训练过程中的作用,使用配对样本t检验分析EIT重建图像的...  相似文献   

External direct coupled recordings from the neurons of the mechanosensory hairs of insects show nerve impulses and graded slow potentials in response to deformation of the hair. These slow potentials or receptor potentials are negative going, vary directly with the magnitude of the stimulus, and show no overshoot when returning to baseline. The impulses have an initial positive phase which varies in size directly with the amplitude of the receptor potential. The receptor potential is related to the generator potential for the impulse in that it must attain some critical level before impulses are produced, and the frequency of impulses varies directly with amplitude of the receptor potential. The receptor potential does not return to the baseline after each impulse. In some receptors static deformation of the hair will maintain the receptor potential. It appears likely that both the receptor potential and the variation in size of the impulses are caused by a change in conductance of the cell membrane at the receptor site, and that the receptor potential originates at a site which is not invaded by the propagated impulses.  相似文献   

During fertilization or ionophore induced activation, ascidian eggs rapidly release cell surface N-acetylglucosaminidase activity used in the block against polyspermy and undergo cortical contractions before they re-initiate meiosis. To better understand the activation process, we probed the relationship between these two processes in Ascidia ceratodes eggs by activating with different agents that increase intracellular Ca levels and under different ionic conditions. Glycosidase activity release was followed by the use of a fluorogenic substrate, and cortical contractions were followed by examining changes in cell shape with light microscopy. Ionomycin (2.7 μM) and thimerosal (1 mM) initiate glycosidase release and cortical contractions when administered in complete sea water (SW) but only the contractions in low Ca SW. Ryanodine (0.67 mM), known to raise free intracellular Ca in a number of cell types by release from the endoplasmic reticulum, causes glycosidase release but fails to initiate cortical contractions in complete SW. Thapsigargin (10 μM), which inhibits Ca dependent ATPase in the ER, causes glycosidase release but induces the contractions only about 50% of the time. These experiments show that, although glycosidase release normally precedes the ooplasmic shape changes that accompany the resumption of meiosis in ascidian eggs, they are not obligately coupled. That both processes can be induced by treatments known to raise intracellular Ca in other systems but under different conditions indicates that there may be a multiplicity of Ca requiring but functionally independent events during egg activation.  相似文献   

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