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Bacterial quorum sensing plays a very important role in the regulation of biofilm formation, virulence, conjugation, sporulation, and swarming mobility. Inhibitors of bacterial quorum sensing are important research tools and potential therapeutic agents. In this paper, we describe for the first time the discovery of several boronic acids as single digit micromolar inhibitors of bacterial quorum sensing in Vibrio harveyi.  相似文献   

Bacteria have been evolving antibiotic resistance since their discovery in the early twentieth century. Most new antibiotics are derivatives of older generations and there are now bacteria that are virtually resistant to almost all antibiotics. This poses a global threat to human health and has been classified as a clinical “super-challenge”, which has necessitated research into new antimicrobials that inhibit bacterial virulence while minimizing selective pressures that lead to the emergence of resistant strains. Quorum sensing (QS), the process of population dependent bacterial cell-cell signaling, can accelerate bacterial virulence and is an increasingly interesting target for developing next generation antimicrobials. Most QS inhibitors target species-specific signals, such as acylhomoserine lactones (AHLs) and oligopeptides. Methodologies for intercepting the cross-species signal, autoinducer-2 (AI-2), have only recently emerged. We review these strategies to prevent the relay of the AI-2 signal amongst pathogens, including Escherichia coli, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, Vibrio cholerae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Inhibition mechanisms are categorized based on the target (i.e., enzymes for signal generation, the signal molecule itself, or the various components of the signal transduction process). The universal nature of the AI-2 signal imparts on its inhibitors the potential for broad spectrum use.  相似文献   

Gram-negative bacteria communicate with each other by producing and sensing diffusible signaling molecules. This mechanism is called quorum sensing (QS) and regulates many bacterial activities from gene expression to symbiotic/pathogenic interactions with hosts. Therefore, the elucidation and control of bacterial QS systems have been attracted increasing attention over the past two decades. The most common QS signals in Gram-negative bacteria are N-acyl homoserine lactones (AHLs). There are also bacteria that employ different QS systems, for example, the plant pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum utilizes 3-hydroxy fatty acid methyl esters as its QS signals. The QS system found in the endosymbiotic bacterium associated with the fungus Mortierella alpina, the development of an affinity pull-down method for AHL synthases, and the elucidation of a unique QS circuit in R. solanacearum are discussed herein.  相似文献   

Quorum sensing has attracted much attention due to its involvement in pathologically relevant events such as biofilm formation, virulence factor production, and sporulation. Inhibitors of quorum sensing are important research tools and potential therapeutic agents. In this paper, we describe a phenothiazine structural scaffold as a new type of quorum sensing inhibitors with IC50 values in the single digit micro molar range in Vibrio harveyi.  相似文献   

Bacterial quorum sensing and cell surface electrokinetic properties   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The hypothesis tested in this paper is that quorum sensing influences the microbial surface electrokinetic properties. Escherichia coli MG1655 and MG1655 LuxS- mutant (lacking quorum-sensing gene for Autoinducer synthase AI-2) were used for this study. AI-2 production (or lack of) in both strains was analyzed using the Vibrio harveyi bioassay. The levels of extracellular AI-2 with and without glucose in the growth medium were consistent with previously published work. The surface electrokinetic properties were determined for each strain of E. coli MG1655 by measuring the electrophoretic mobility using a phase amplitude light-scattering (PALS) Zeta potential analyser. The findings show that the surface charge of the cells is dependent upon the stage in the growth phase as well as the ability to participate in quorum sensing. In addition, significant differences in the electrophoretic mobility were observed between both strains of E. coli. These findings suggest that quorum sensing plays a significant role in the surface chemistry of bacteria during their growth.  相似文献   

群体感应系统是一种细胞密度依赖的基因表达系统,其广泛存在于细菌性病原体中,是细菌细胞通讯方式的一种。群体感应系统可利用细菌释放的信号分子不断监控周围细菌的密度。当细菌密度达到阈值时,群体感应系统网络将启动,参与调控生物被膜、细菌毒力等特定基因的表达,从而使临床抗感染治疗失败。而通过抑制群体感应系统,可一定程度上治疗铜绿假单胞菌引起的感染。本文通过查阅近年国内外相关文献,对铜绿假单胞菌群体感应系统研究进展进行总结,为临床铜绿假单胞菌治疗提供新的方向,即群体感应系统抑制剂有可能成为治疗铜绿假单胞菌感染的新策略。  相似文献   

很多细菌在生长过程中会产生一些小分子量的自诱导分子,也称为信号分子,当其随着细胞数量增加而积累到一定阈值时能够调控细菌特定基因的表达,这个过程称为群体感应(Quorum sensing,QS)。多数自诱导分子具有物种特异性,但很多种属的细菌都会产生一种共同的自诱导分子AI-2,AI-2被认为是细菌种间交流的通用语言。定量检测AI-2对于研究与其相关的生理生化过程是非常必要的。然而,目前还没有一种标准的定量检测AI-2的方法。因此,本文就目前关于AI-2的检测方法进行综述,为后续研究者提供参考。  相似文献   

Fozard JA  Lees M  King JR  Logan BS 《Bio Systems》2012,109(2):105-114
Bacteria communicate through small diffusible molecules in a process known as quorum sensing. Quorum-sensing inhibitors are compounds which interfere with this, providing a potential treatment for infections associated with bacterial biofilms. We present an individual-based computational model for a developing biofilm. Cells are aggregated into particles for computational efficiency, but the quorum-sensing mechanism is modelled as a stochastic process on the level of individual cells. Simulations are used to investigate different treatment regimens. The response to the addition of inhibitor is found to depend significantly on the form of the positive feedback in the quorum-sensing model; in cases where the model exhibits bistability, the time at which treatment is initiated proves to be critical for the effective prevention of quorum sensing and hence potentially of virulence.  相似文献   

Bacteria regulate their pathogenicity and biofilm formation through quorum sensing (QS), which is an intercellular communication system mediated by the binding of signaling molecules to QS receptors such as LasR. In this study, a range of dihydropyrrolone (DHP) analogues were synthesized via the lactone-lactam conversion of lactone intermediates. The synthesized compounds were tested for their ability to inhibit QS, biofilm formation and bacterial growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The compounds were also docked into a LasR crystal structure to rationalize the observed structure-activity relationships. The most active compound identified in this study was compound 9i, which showed 63.1% QS inhibition of at 31.25?µM and 60% biofilm reduction at 250?µM with only moderate toxicity towards bacterial cell growth.  相似文献   

铜绿假单胞菌群体感应抑制剂研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铜绿假单胞菌是一种常见的机会致病菌,可在人群中引起严重的急性和慢性感染,是病人在医院期间发生感染的第三大致病菌。铜绿假单胞菌多种毒力因子的分泌以及生物被膜的形成都是受一种被称为群体感应(Quorum Sensing,QS)的胞间信号传导系统调控的。QS使细菌能够根据细胞密度变化进行基因表达的调控。通过抑制QS来治疗铜绿假单胞菌感染是一个很有前景的发展方向。本文将就近年来铜绿假单胞菌群体感应抑制剂的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

从进化谈细菌细胞间的群体感应信号传递   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chen L  Yang L  Duan KM 《遗传》2012,34(1):33-40
传统观念认为细菌是一种个体的、非社会性的生物体。近年来的研究表明细菌可以产生化学信号并通过它们实现细菌间信息传递。细菌的群体感应调节系统(Quorum sensing,QS)调节着个体细胞之间的相互合作,使其表现出类似多细胞的群体行为。文章以近年来的一些最新研究进展为基础,在了解细菌间的信息传递系统的基础上,从进化角度讨论了QS系统的遗传产生过程,探讨了细菌细胞间的相互作用。细菌间的信息交流是一种动态的过程,受到了环境中的营养物质的水平、温度、pH等多种因素的影响。作者推测细菌信号传递系统的进化是受到环境条件以及基因交换、所在微生物群体变化等因素影响下的一种不断变化的动态过程,这也许有别于动植物这类的高等生物的进化过程。这种动态的变化过程也就暗示:从长远来看,信息传递系统中的偷机者只是在一定条件下的暂时存在。  相似文献   

Bacteria communicate at high cell density through quorum sensing, however, there are no reports about this mechanism in archaea. The archaeon Natronococcus occultus produces an extracellular protease at the end of growth. Early production of protease activity was observed when a low density culture was incubated with late exponential conditioned medium suggesting the presence of factor(s) inducing this activity. Conditioned medium and ethyl acetate extracts corresponding to the transition from exponential to stationary phase showed a positive signal in Agrobacterium biosensor. We report the detection of potential autoinducer molecules of the acylated homoserine lactone type in the archaeon N. occultus. These molecules may be responsible for the production/activation of extracellular protease.  相似文献   

【目的】从海洋环境中筛选出能有效抑制细菌群体感应的活性菌株,为以致病菌群体感应为靶点的新型疗法提供新的天然产物资源。【方法】以紫色杆菌(Chromobacteriumviolaceum)为报告菌,采用滤纸片法和双层软琼脂法相结合的筛选模型进行群体感应抑制活性菌的筛选。【结果】通过对美国圣璜岛海域海绵中分离出来的272株海洋细菌群体感应抑制活性的筛选,得到了具有抑制紫色杆菌素产生的细菌51株,其中74号菌株抑制效果最好,具有进一步研究的价值。【结论】海洋细菌中有很多具有抑制细菌群体感应效应的菌株,是天然群体感应抑制剂的潜在来源。  相似文献   

Autoinducer sensing, also known as quorum sensing, is the communication of bacteria by autoinducer (small signaling molecules). Cells respond on extremely low concentrations of autoinducer: only one or two molecules per cell are sufficient. At this signal level a high degree of noise is inherent. We ask for the mechanism that is able to overcome the stochasticity of the signal. By means of a model and parameter fitting we show that the sensing module acts as a low pass filter, representing the biochemical equivalent of a moving average. It is shown that the system works most sensitive in the range of 0-50 nM autoinducer. Moreover, the time scale of the reaction depends on the signal strength in a crucial manner. Nonlinear feedback is able to further enhance the sensitivity. The biological implications of the low pass filter property are discussed.  相似文献   

Alkynyl- and azido-tagged 3-oxo-C12-acylhomoserine lactone probes have been synthesized to examine their potential utility as probes for discovering the mammalian protein target of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa autoinducer, 3-oxo-C12-acylhomoserine lactone. Although such substitutions are commonly believed to be quite conservative, from these studies, we have uncovered a drastic difference in activity between the alkynyl- and azido-modified compounds, and provide an example where such structural modification has proved to be much less than conservative.  相似文献   

群体感应抑制剂对海洋生态功能菌生物膜形成的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
[目的]研究天然群体感应抑制剂(Quorum sensing inhibitors,QSI)分子对海洋生态功能菌生物膜形成的影响.[方法]以对污损生物幼虫附着具有诱导作用的海洋细菌为目标菌,通过在其生物膜的形成过程中添加天然群体感应抑制剂,研究其对目标菌成膜细菌数和浮游细菌数、生物膜形态以及生物膜表面胞外多糖含量的影响.[结果]呋喃酮和吡啶在50 mg/L时,对8株目标菌的成膜有显著的抑制作用,抑制率在80%左右,吲哚、青霉烷酸和香豆素在较高浓度800 mg/L才有比较好的抑制活性.生长抑制实验结果显示,同等浓度下,QSI分子对目标菌成膜的抑制活性明显高于其对浮游细菌生长的抑制活性.结果表明,QSI分子主要通过干扰目标菌群体感应系统以抑制生物膜的形成.[结论]研究证实QSI分子在海洋菌生物膜形成过程中具有一定的调控作用.通过添加QSI可能能够间接抑制由生物膜诱导的污损生物附着,从而以新的角度研制新型抗污损物质.  相似文献   

The inactivation of quorum sensing signals, a phenomenon known as quorum quenching, has been described in diverse microorganisms, though it remains almost unexplored in yeasts. Beyond the well-known properties of these microorganisms for the industry or as eukaryotic models, the role of yeasts in soil or in the inner tissues of a plant is largely unknown. In this report, the wider survey of quorum quenching activities in yeasts isolated from Antarctic soil and the inner tissues of sugarcane, a tropical crop, is presented. Results show that, independently of their niche, quorum quenching activities are broadly present in unicellular fungi. Although yeasts showing a broad range of quorum quenching activity are present in the two niches, at the same time specific AHL inactivation profiles can also be found. Furthermore, yeasts from both sampling sites show quorum quenching activities compatible with lactonase-like and acylase-like inactivations of AHLs. Interestingly, the characterization of Rhodotorula mucilaginosa 7Apo1 showed that the presence of a particular AHL does not interfere with the quenching of a second molecule. Evidence suggests that yeasts could play a role in the modulation of the quorum sensing activity of bacteria. The relationship among phylogeny, sampling sites and yeast quorum quenching activities of the isolates is analyzed.  相似文献   

Quorum sensing is a bacterial mechanism used to synchronize the coordinated response of a microbial population. Because quorum sensing in Gram-negative bacteria depends on release and detection of a diffusible signaling molecule (autoinducer) among a multicellular group, it is considered a simple form of cell-cell communication for the purposes of mathematical analysis. Stochastic equation systems have provided a common approach to model biochemical or biophysical processes. Recently, the effect of noise to synchronize a specific homogeneous quorum sensing network was successfully modeled using a stochastic equation system with fixed parameters. The question remains of how to model quorum sensing networks in a general setting. To address this question, we first set a stochastic equation system as a general model for a heterogeneous quorum sensing network. Then, using two relevant biophysical characteristics of Gram-negative bacteria (the permeability of the cell membrane to the autoinducer and the symmetry of autoinducer diffusion) we construct the solution of the stochastic equation system at an abstract level. The solution indicates that stable synchronization of a quorum sensing network is robustly induced by an environment with a heterogenous distribution of extracellular and intracellular noise. The synchronization is independent of the initial state of the system and is solely the result of the connectivity of the cell network established through the effects of extracellular noise.  相似文献   

N-acyl homoserine lactones (AHLs) are signal molecules used by a large number of gram-negative bacteria in quorum sensing and their hydrolysis is known to inhibit biofilm formation. Micellar imprinting of AHL-like templates with catalytic functional monomers yielded water-soluble nanoparticles with AHL-shaped active site and nearby catalytic groups. Either Lewis acidic zinc ions or nucleophilic pyridyl ligands could be introduced through this strategy, yielding artificial enzymes for the hydrolysis of AHLs in a substrate-selective fashion.  相似文献   

Quorum sensing (QS) regulates population-dependent bacterial behaviours, such as toxin production, biofilm formation and virulence. Autoinducer-2 (AI-2) is to date the only signalling molecule known to foster inter-species bacterial communication across distantly related bacterial species. In this work, the synthesis of pure enantiomers of C4-propoxy-HPD and C4-ethoxy-HPD, known AI-2 analogues, has been developed. The optimised synthesis is efficient, reproducible and short. The (4S) enantiomer of C4-propoxy-HPD was the most active compound being approximately twice as efficient as (4S)-DPD and ten-times more potent than the (4R) enantiomer. Additionally, the specificity of this analogue to bacteria with LuxP receptors makes it a good candidate for clinical applications, because it is not susceptible to scavenging by LsrB-containing bacteria that degrade the natural AI-2. All in all, this study provides a new brief and effective synthesis of isomerically pure analogues for QS modulation that include the most active AI-2 agonist described so far.  相似文献   

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