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The interaction of copper(II) with adenosine, 2'-deoxyadenosine, 1-methyladenosine, 7-deazaadenosine and AMP was studied by spectroscopic and magnetochemical methods. In non-aqueous medium, copper(II) interacts with adenosine and AMP at N-7 and N-1, and with 1-methyladenosine at N-7 and N-3. The copper ion is not bound to the NH2 group. In aqueous solution, copper(II) interacts both with N-7 and N-1 of adenosine, and in AMP additionally with the phosphate group. The interaction of copper(II) with the heterocyclic part, but not withthe phosphate group, is dependent on the extent of protonation of the molecular. A crystalline AMP-copper(II) complex [Cu(C10H12N5O7P).(H2O)2] was obtained; the phosphate group and probably N-7 are involved in the complex formation.  相似文献   

1. In aqueous and non-aqueous solutions, copper(II) interacts with the N-3 of cytidine but not with the carbonyl group oxygens of pyrimidine nucleosides. 2. In aqueous solution, copper(II) interacts with the phosphate group and ribose of pyrimidine nucleotides, and additionally with N-3 of 5'-CMP. 3. Broadening of resonance signals of the H-5 proton of 5'-UMP and C-5 of 5'-UMP and 5'-TMP results probably from the interaction between metal ion and the phosphate group situated in direct vicinity of the above atoms. 4. In the copper(II)-pyrimidine nucleotide complexes in solid state, copper is coordinated with the phosphate group, and in 5'-CMP additionally with the pyrimidine moiety of the nucleotide.  相似文献   

Difference electronic absorption and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy were used to monitor the formation of the ternary complexes of Cu(II) ions with nucleosides and dipeptides containing Gly, Leu and Trp residues. Stability constants of these mixed-ligand complexes of Cu(II)-peptides with nucleosides were found to decrease in the following order: 6-ketopurines greater than 6-aminopurine greater than pyrimidines. Interpretation of the EPR data indicated that the covalent nature of the copper-ligand bond also decreases in the same order. The EPR findings suggest that nucleosides are bonded in the equatorial position of the Cu(II)-peptide complexes, however, in the case of pyrimidine nucleosides weak axial bonding also seems to occur.  相似文献   

The nature of interaction of Au(III) with nucleic acids was studied by using methods such as uv and ir spectrophotometry, viscometry, pH titrations, and melting-temperature measurements. Au(III) is found to interact slowly with nucleic acids over a period of several hours. The uv spectra of native calf-thymus DNA 9pH 5.6 acetate buffer containing (0.01M NaCIO4) showed a shift in λ max to high wavelengths and an increase in optical density at 260 nm. There was a fourfold decrease in viscosity (expressed as ηsp/c). The reaction was faster at pH 4.0 and also with denatured DNA (pH 5.6) and whole yeast RNA (pH 5.6). The order of preference of Au(III) (as deduced from the time of completion of reaction) for the nucleic acids in RNA > denatured DNA > DNA. The reaction was found to be completely reversible with respect KCN. Infrared spectra of DNA-Au(III) complexes showed binding to both the phosphate and bases of DNA. The same conclusions were also arrived at by melting-temperature studies of Au(III)-DNA system. pH titrations showed liberation of two hydroxylions at r = 0.12 [r = moles of HAuCl4 added per mole of DNA-(P)] and one hydrogen ion at r = 0.5. The probable binding sites could be N(1)/N(7) of adenine, N(7) and/or C(6)O of guanine, N(3) of cytosine and N(3) of thymine. DNAs differing in their (G = C)-contents [Clostridium perfingens DNA(G = C, 29%), salmon sperm DNA (G + C, 42%) and Micrococcus lysodeikticus DNA(G + C, 29%), salmon sperm DNA (G = C, 72%)] behaved differently toward Au(III). The hyperchromicity observed for DNAs differing in (G + C)-content and cyanide reversal titrations indicate selectivity toward ( A + T)-rich DNA at lw values of r. Chemical analysis and job's continuous variation studies indicated the existence of possible complexes above and below r = 1. The results indicate that Au(III) ions probably bind to hte phosphate group in the initial stages of the reaction, particularly at low values of r, and participation of the base interaction also increases. Cross-linking of the two strands by Au(III) may take place, but a complete collapse of the doulbe helix is not envisaged. It is probable that tilting of the bases or rotaiton of the bases around the glucosidic bond, resulting in a significant distrotion of the double helix, might take place due to binding of Au(III) to DNA.  相似文献   

The copper (II)-inosine system in water-DMSO solutions was investigated as a function of pH and the molar ratio between the ligand and copper(II) ion by the EPR, NMR, CD and visible absorption spectrometric methods. It was concluded that a simple M.[-N]L copper(II)-inosine 1:1 complex is formed over the pH range 1.4-5.0, while M.[-N]L2 complexes are present in the solutions of pH 5.0-6.2. From pH 6.2 to 7.8 a diamagnetic, hydroxybridged complex M2.(OH)2.[-N]L4 dominates. At pH values of 7.8-9.2 an insoluble, oxybridged species (M.O.[-N]L)n is formed in addition to the soluble paramagnetic M.[-N-1)L4 complex. Above pH 9.1 the nitrogenbridged polymeric complex (M.[-N-1].M[-N-7] )n is formed which is stable up to pH 12.5, and above pH 12.5 the only species found is the M.[-OH]L2 chelate complex in which inosine is coordinated to copper through the two ionized hydroxyl groups.  相似文献   


Addition of amino acids, glycine, alanine, and serine, to poorly soluble copper(II) salts [copper(II) citrate and copper(II) succinate] all increase solubility of the copper(II) salts. Relative increases in solubility follow the polarity trend in the selected amino acids, with serine creating the greatest increase in solubility. Simultaneous equilibria calculations indicate the formation of mixed-ligand complexes in the copper(II) succinate–amino acid systems, the first time such mixed-ligand complexes have been observed. In contrast, mixed-ligand complexes are not predicted in the copper(II) citrate–amino acid systems. Potential bioavailability of copper(II) appears to be increased by the inclusion of amino acids in solution, roughly in parallel with the increase in solubility of the copper(II) salt. Therefore, measurement of the change in solubility caused by addition of amino acids to aqueous solution gives qualitative insight to the potential increase in bioavailability of the metal ion.  相似文献   

The interaction of purine with DNA, tRNA, poly A, poly C, and poly A. poly U complex was investigated. In the presence of purine, the nucleic acids in coil form (such as denatured DNA, poly A and poly C in neutral solutions, or tRNA) have lower optical rotations. In addition, hydrodynamic studies indicate that in purine solutions the denatured DNA has a higher viscosity and a decreased sedimentation coefficient. These findings indicate that through interaction with purine, the bases along the poly-nucleotide chain are unstacked and are separated farther from each other, resulting in increased assymmetry (and possibly volume) of the whole polymer. Thus, the de-naturation effect of purine reported previously can be explained by this preferential interaction of purine with the bases of nucleic acids in coil form through a hydrophobic-costacking mechanism. Results from studies on optical rotation and helix-coil transition show that the interaction of purine is greater with poly A than with poly C. The influence of temperature, Mg++ concentration, ionic strength, and purine concentration on the effect of purine on nucleic acid conformation has also been investigated. In all these situations the unraveling of nucleic acid conformation occurs at much lower temperatures (20–40°C lower) in the presence of purine (0.2–0.6M).  相似文献   

The reactivity of silver(I) ions towards twenty amino acids has been studied in aqueous unbuffered solutions using an ion-selective electrode as a highly sensitive monitor. Contrary to general belief, silver ions are not completely specific for cysteine, but also react with lysine, arginine, methionine and, to a minor extent, cystine. Nevertheless the interaction with all of these species except cysteine is too weak to affect significantly the determination of thiol in proteins by the customary argentometric titration method. The possible origin of errors arising in such titrations is discussed.  相似文献   

A helix-destabilizing protein, HD40 (Mr 40,000), isolated from the cytoplasm of Artemia salina (Marvil, D.K., Nowak, L., and Szer, W. (1980) J. Biol. Chem. 255, 6466-6472) stoichiometrically disrupts the secondary structures of synthetic single-stranded and helical polynucleotides (e.g. poly(rA), poly(dA), poly(rC), poly(dC), and poly(rU)) as well as those of natural polynucleotides (e.g. MS2 RNA and phi X174 viral DNA). The conformations of double-stranded DNA and double- or triple-stranded synthetic polynucleotides are not affected by the protein. Formation of duplexes, e.g. poly(rA . rU), is prevented by HD40 at 25 to 50 mM but not at 100 to 140 mM NaCl. The unwinding of the residual secondary structure of RNA and DNA by HD40 is not highly cooperative and has a stoichiometry of one HD40 per 12 to 15 nucleotides. The addition of HD40 in excess of 1 molecule per 12 to 15 nucleotides results in the cooperative formation of distinct bead-like structures along the nucleic acid strand. The beads are about 20 nm in diameter with a center to center distance of about 40 nm. The appearance of the beads is not accompanied by any spectral changes (CD and UV) beyond those obtained at a stoichiometry of one HD40 molecule per 12 to 15 nucleotides.  相似文献   

It is demonstrated that, poly(A + U) and poly(I + C) are both formed under low ionic strength conditions. Continuous variation studies indicate the formation of copper(II) complexes of poly A, poly C, and poly I, but not of poly U. Copper(II) in a 1:1 ratio to polynucleotide prevents the formation of poly(A + U) and brings about the dissociation of the poly (A + U) complex produced in the absence of the metal. Poly (I + C) is similarly dissociated by copper(II) ions. The addition of sufficient electrolyte reverses the copper(II) induced dissociation of poly(I + C). The effect of copper(II) on ordered synthetic polynucleotides is thus very similar to its effect on DNA.  相似文献   

The reaction between L-arabinose and hydrated Sr(II) or Ba(II) halide salts has been studied in H2O solution and adducts of the type M(L-arabinose)X(2).4H(2)O, where M = Sr(II) or Ba(II) and X = Cl- or Br- have been isolated and characterized by means of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, 1H-NMR spectroscopy, molar conductivity and X-ray powder diffraction measurements. Due to the marked spectral similarities with those of the structurally known Ca(L-arabinose)X2 . 4H2O (X= Cl- or Br-) compounds, the Sr(II) and the BA(II) ions are eight-coordinated, binding to two l-arabinose molecules via O1, O5 of the first and O3, O4 of the second sugar moiety and to four H2O molecules. 1H-NMR spectroscopy indicated that the free L-arabinose has the beta-anomer configuration in aqueous solution, whereas the alpha-anomer isomer is preferred by Mg(II), Ca(II), Sr(II) and Ba(II) ions, on complexation.  相似文献   

The compound [Cu(2)(II)(D(1))(H(2)O)(2)](ClO(4))(4).2H(2)O [D(1)=binucleating ligand with tris(2-pyridylmethyl)amine (TMPA) moieties linked in the 5-pyridyl position by a -CH(2)CH(2)- bridge] mediated efficient oxidative cleavage of pBR322 plasmid DNA under reducing conditions. A mononuclear analogue, [Cu(TMPA)(H(2)O)](ClO(4))(2), was less effective at linearizing supercoiled (Form I) plasmid DNA as compared to the binuclear complex. A new method for quenching the copper-dependent reactions has been developed to avoid plasmid scission by the binuclear complex and the standard gel loading buffer. EDTA was not sufficient for retarding copper reaction, but diethyldithiocarbamic acid was capable of inhibiting all reactivity. Investigation of oxidative cleavage of double-helical oligonucleotides by [Cu(2)(II)(D(1))(H(2)O)(2)](ClO(4))(4) confirmed the enhanced reactivity of the binuclear over the mononuclear complex and provided mechanistic insights into the nature of the reaction. Cleavage of DNA required both the binuclear complex and a reductant and likely proceeded through an O(2)-derived intermediate that does not include a diffusible hydroxyl radical. The greater efficiency of the binuclear complex relative to the mononuclear analogue is consistent with their relative abilities to activate dioxygen.  相似文献   

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