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With increasing plant age, total soluble nitrogen of Brussels sprout plants decreased after a peak at 6–9 weeks. The plants then became less suitable for Brevicoryne brassicae and Myzus persicae (particularly the latter) as shown by estimates of the mean relative growth rate (RGR) of the aphids in two experiments. This growth statistic was, however, only poorly correlated with total soluble N and this lack of correlation was particularly marked on plants less than 9 weeks old. Multiple regression on the leaf amino acid spectrum indicated that much of the variability in aphid RGR could be assigned to relatively few amino acids. The complex of asparagine and glutamine gave a positive coefficient for both aphids, but otherwise different amino acids were involved in the regression for each aphid. Attention is drawn to the presence in each regression of an amino acid with a negative coefficient; the inverse correlation of M. persicae RGR with amino-butyric acid may be particularly important in the aphid/hostplant relationship.
Zusammenfassung In einem ersten Versuch zeigte sich, daß der Gehalt an löslichem Stickstoff in den Blättern mit dem Alter der Pflanzen zwischen 8 und 20 Wochen ständig abnahm. Die relative Wachstumsrate (RGR) von Brevicoryne brassicae veränderte sich dabei kaum, jedoch waren die einzelnen Werte der RGR und des löslichen Stickstoffgehalts der entsprechenden Pflanzen gut korreliert. Dagegen reagierte Myzus persicae unmittelbarer auf das Pflanzenalter als auf den Stickstoffgehalt und ihre RGR nahm ab, je älter die Pflanzen wurden.Im zweiten Versuch wurden jüngere Pflanzen benützt. Hier stieg der Gehalt an löslichem Stickstoff bis zu einem Höhepunkt in der neunten Woche an. Unabhängig vom Stickstoffgehalt nahm die RGR bei M. persicae wieder ab, je älter die Pflanzen wurden. In diesem Versuch wurde auch der, Aminosäuregehalt der Blätter analysiert. Die Variabilität der RGR beider Blattlausarten war mit 4 Aminosäuren korreliert. Sowohl Asparagin wie Glutamin zusammen waren dabei für beide Blattlausarten wichtig; daneben erschienen Threonin und Phenylalanin in der Korrelationsgleichung für B. brassicae, Methionin und Aminobuttersäure in der für M. persicae. Für M. persicae konnten so 42% der gesamten Variabilität der RGR durch die Korrelationsgleichung erklärt werden; für B. brassicae nur 21%.Von besonderem Interesse ist 1) daß sich 42% der M. persicae-Variabilität mit der Verfügbarkeit von nur 4 Aminosäuren erklären lassen, 2) daß die Korrelation zwischen Blattlaus-Wachstumsrate und Asparagin + Glutamin vielleicht dem oft nachgewiesenen Zusammenhang zwischen Pflanzenempfindlichkeit und löslichem Stickstoff entspricht, 3) daß die Wachstumsraten der beiden Blattlausarten negativ mit je einer Aminosäure korreliert sind: mit Phenylalanin bei B. brassicae und, sehr wichtig, mit Aminobuttersäure bei M. persicae und 4) daß die Resultate bezüglich M. persicae ziemlich gut mit Resultaten bei küstlichen Ernährungsversuchen anderer Autoren übereinstimmen.

Brevicoryne brassicae and Myzus persicae removed similar quantities of 32P-labelled material from Brussels sprout leaves whether they fed for 24 or 48 h periods. They also removed similar quantities from untreated leaf disks as from leaf disks treated with a sub-lethal dose of menazon. When a lethal dose was used, the uptake of 32P by B. brassicae was significantly less than by M. persicae. M. persicae excreted a greater proportion of 32P label in the honeydew than B. brassicae and a greater proportion of the amount absorbed was lost in the progeny of this aphid than in B. brassicae.
B. brassicae was 6.2 times more susceptible than M. persicae to dimethoate acting systemically. When it was applied topically the aphids were equally susceptible.
Considerable variation in uptake of 32P occurred between replicates and the factors that could influence this are discussed.  相似文献   

Although intermittent water stress is largely beneficial and continuous water stress largely detrimental to the reproduction and survival of Myzus persicae and Brevicoryne brassicae feeding on Brussels sprouts, there are differences between the species on different leaf ages. During intermittent water stress in the old leaves, the normal feeding stratum of M. persicae, this aphid is relatively more successful than B. brassicae. During continuous water stress in the young leaves, the normal feeding stratum of B. brassicae, this aphid is relatively more successful than M. persicae. The high suitability of old leaves for M. persicae and, to a lesser extent, their low suitability for B. brassicae, are also apparent on turgid plants, in terms of reproduction, survival and the proportion of alate progeny. For M. persicae substrates which permit greater reproduction also promote fewer alatae but this is not always so for B. brassicae. However, crowding was not controlled in these experiments.It is suggested that these responses result from variation in the provision of the different nutritional and phagostimulant requirements of the two species by different leaf ages and during water stress.In the field irrigation may delay aphid multiplication during dry weather.
Zusammenfassung Die Reaktionen ungeflügelter Virginoparer von M. persicae und B. brassicae auf verschiedenes Blattalter von Kohlpflanzen (Brassicae oleracea L. var. bullata gemmifera) in Blumentöpfen mit verschiedener Wasserversorgung wurde an der Reproduktionsrate, der Entwicklungs-und Lebensdauer (des Adultstadiums, der Dauer der reproduktiven wie der post-reproduktiven Phase) und der Geflügeltenbildung der Blattläuse untersucht. Dazu wurden zwei Formen des Wassermangels benutzt: (1) vorübergehender, bei welchem das verfügbare (AW) zwischen der Feldkapazität und einen im voraus festgelegten Defizit (10% = Wasser feucht, 50% = mäßig, 90% = trocken) schwankte, und (2) dauernder, bei welchem eine Abnahme des verfügbaren Wässers von einem bekannten Ausgangspunkt allmählich erfolgte.Obwohl für die Aphiden vorübergehender Wassermangel weitgehend vorteilhaft, beständiger aber schädlich ist, bestehen Unterschiede zwischen den Arten auf verschiedenaltrigen Blättern. Auf jungem und reifem Laub steigen Vermehrung und Lebensdauer beider Arten Durch vorübergehenden Wassermangel an, aber auf alten Blättern leidet B. brassicae in dem Maße wie sich der Mangel verstärkt, während M. persicae bei mäßigem Mangel Vorteile hat und nur leidet, wenn periodisches Welken eintritt. Bei beiden Arten verursacht beständiger Wassermangel Hemmung der Reproduktion. Diese Abnahme beschleunigt sich bei Annäherung an den permanenten Welkepunkt (PWP) und war für die Aphiden auf alten Blättern am stärksten. Im Gegensatz zu M. persicae nimmt die Reproduktionsrate von B. brassicae sogar am permanenten Welkepunkt nicht ab. Die. hohe Eignung alter Blätter für M. persicae und — in geringerem Maße — ihre geringe Eignung für B. brassicae waren auch an turgeszenten Pflanzen bei der Reproduktionsrate, der Überlebensdauer und dem Prozentsatz geflügelter Nachkommen deutlich festzustellen.Es wird vermutet, daß sich diese Reaktionen aus Verschiedenheiten in der Befriedigung unterschiedlicher nutritiver und phagostimulatorischer Bedürfnisse der beiden Arten auf verschieden alten Blättern und bei Wassermangel ergeben. Im Freien dürfte bei trockenem Wetter künstliche Bewässerung die Blattlausvermehrung verzögern.

Two groups of brussels sprout plants of one variety given different fertilizer treatments proved ‘resistant’ and ‘susceptible’ to both Myzus persicae and Breicoryrie brassicae, as measured by aphid mean relative growth rate. The hypothesis that leaf disc would fail to reflect differences in ‘nutritionallybased’ plant resistance was confirmed with B.brussicue but not M.persicae. Both aphids grew more slowly on discs than leaves of ‘susceptible’ plants; the reverse tendency showed on ‘resistant’ material. Total:(, amino nitrogen proved poorly correlated with aphid performance. Previously published (van Emden & Bashford, 1971) equations relating individual amino acids to aphid performance gave a better fit to the results, but still failed to account for the reduced performance of the aphids on ‘susceptible’ discs.  相似文献   

Feeding behaviour of the specialist Brassicae aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae (L) (cabbage aphid) and the generalist, Myzus persicae, (Sulzer) (peach potato aphid) was monitored electronically on the susceptible cauliflower, Brassica oleracea var. botrytis cv Newton Seale, and a range of 17 Brassica species, B. carinata, B. juncea, B. nigra, B. macrocarpa, and B. villosa var. drepanensis and cultivated brassica varieties, B. oleracea, B. campestris and B. napus. Aphids, monitored for 10 h on the underside of leaves, performed recognisable feeding behaviour on all brassica species. The main differences in feeding behaviour, between M. persicae and B. brassicae, on the susceptible cauliflower Newton Seale, were fewer probes, shorter times to initially reach the phloem but longer times to establish sustained phloem ingestion and the longer times spent, by M. persicae, in xylem ingestion.Feeding behaviour on the range of brassica species tested indicated that generalist and specialist aphids are influenced differently by the host plant. A longer time spent in xylem ingestion was again the major difference in the feeding behaviour of the two aphids. In addition, rejection of passive phloem ingestion, by M. persicae, was not related so closely to increased time spent in non probing activities, as for B. brassicae. This observation indicates that M. persicae does not generally accept or reject brassica species due to the presence of phagostimulants, such as glucosinolates at the leaf surface or along the stylet pathway, unless the concentration is very high. Differences in feeding strategies employed by generalist and specialist aphids on the same plants are discussed.  相似文献   

Apparatus was designed for testing the frequency of flights of aphids under different conditions of temperature, relative humidity, light and pressure. Young aphids (1–4 days after metamorphosis) flew more often and showed less individual variability than older ones; with all ages activity increased for the first few hours under experimental conditions. Starving increased activity for the first 1–2 hr. Aphids used in experiments on a second day flew less frequently than controls which had remained on the plant the first day. Alate B. brassicae were more active than M. persicae : both species showed alternating periods of activity and quiescence.
At light intensities between 100 and 1000 f.c. there was little difference in flight frequency, but below 100 f.c. activity declined rapidly and apparently ceased with darkness.
Changes in relative humidity temporarily affected flight frequency, a change to a higher humidity retarding, a change to a lower increasing it. After adjusting to the change aphids flew readily at all humidities tested between 50 and 100% with temperatures below 80° F. (26.7°C.). The combination of high humidity and high temperature (90°F. = 32·2°C.) sometimes inhibited flight.
Changes of pressure often increased activity temporarily and flight frequency was greater under fluctuating pressure than under constant pressure.
It is concluded that changes in microclimate in crops are adequate to influence frequency of flight of aphids and consequently the spread of virus diseases.  相似文献   

Movement of 14C-assimilates from young and mature leaves to young rose shoots (Rosa hybrida cv. Marimba) was examined in two developmental stages. In the first stage after bud breaking the young shoot, especially its tip, depends for its supply of assimilates mainly on the mature foliage. At this stage young leaves are powerful sinks and retain 97% of their own photosynthates. The translocated 3% move mainly to the roots. At a later stage, just after the appearance of the flower bud, most of the leaves on the shoot become a source. The upper leaves supply assimilates to the flower bud and to the upper part of the stem. The 14C-assimilates from the lower leaves move in two directions, the larger part being directed downward.  相似文献   

The upper shoot on decapitated rose branches ( Rosa hybrids cv. Marimba) grows faster than lower shoots on the same branch. Transport of radioactive assimilates to the upper shoot is higher than to the lower ones. Darkening of the uppermost shoot resulted in the reduction of growth and I4C-assimilate accumulation in the darkened shoot as well as the promotion of growth and 14C transport to the lower 2 shoots, thereby rendering dominance to the second shoot. Benzyladenine treatment to the uppermost shoot reversed the effect of darkening and restored the apical control of this shoot.  相似文献   

The relationship between benzyladenine and assimilate distributions in shoot tips of English Ivy (Hedera helix L.) was studied. Exogenous applications of benzyladenine resulted in small amounts of the hormone moving to the apical meristem. The large part of the recovered benzyladenine was found in the young leaves of the shoot tip. Benzyladenine increased the amount of 14C-labelled assimilates in the shoot tip, but the distribution pattern of those assimilates within the tip was like that of the untreated control.  相似文献   

The effect of foliar application of [14C] phorate on the larvae of M. persicae and B. brassicae was studied. Regression analysis of the toxic components in the foliage and the probit kill showed that B. brassicae was more susceptible to the insecticide than M. persicae. The level of radioactivity extracted from the leaves, aphids and their honeydew shows that there was no correlation between the applied dose and the mortality. The amounts of honeydew produced by colonies before and after application of the insecticide were measured. The ratio of honeydew calculated shows that in M. persicae there was a slight increase in the honeydew production as the insecticide was increased from sublethal doses. At higher doses over the lethal range of the insecticide, honeydew production declined gradually in both the species.  相似文献   

This paper describes an experiment to investigate the relative importance of glucosinolates and the availability of free amino acids in the phloem to the feeding behaviour and development of the specialist brassica aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae (L) (cabbage aphid) and the generalist, Myzus persicae, (Sultzer) (peach potato aphid). Aphid development was determined on brassica species and cultivated brassica varieties. Analysis of individual glucosinolates in the wild brassica species identified significant differences in their profiles and in their concentrations present in freeze dried leaves. Multiple regression analysis showed a significant correlation ( ) between the intrinsic rate of increase of B. brassicae and glucosinolate concentrations; four glucosinolates, 2-OH-3-butenyl, and 2-propenylglucosinolate, 3-methoxyindolyl and 4-pentenylglucosinolates accounted for 79% of the variation. The intrinsic rate of increase of M. persicae was less correlated, though still significant ( ); 3-indolyglucosinolate and 3-butenylglucosinolate accounted for 47% of the variation. Regression analysis also showed a correlation between phloem amino acid concentrations and the intrinsic rate of increase of B. brassicae ( ) but not of M. persicae. The concentration of the important amino acids tyrosine, alanine, leucine and glutamic acid, accounted for 43% of the variation in intrinsic rate of increase. Leaf water potential of the Brassica species showed no relationship with the intrinsic rate of increase of either B. brassicae or M. persicae.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the behaviour of different legumes against salinity and water stress, thus trying to discover simultaneous adaptations to both stresses. The nitrogen fixation, transpiration, predawn leaf water potential, and stomatal response of Medicago sativa L. (cvs. Tierra de Campos and Aragon), Trifolium repens L. (cv. Aberystwyth S-184) and T. brachycalycinum Katzn. et Morley (= T. subterraneum L. cv. Clare) were compared at three levels of stress (0.05, 0.3 and 0.5 MPa of either NaCl or polyethylene glycol 6000) in nutrient solution. The plants were stressed for three days and then returned to control nutrient solution. The changes in the parameters analyzed were dependent on the proportion of stress treatments and the nature of the species, always being greater in plants from PEG than from NaCl solutions. Transfer of lucerne and subclover plants from NaCl at 0.05 MPa to a non-saline medium resulted in an increase of nitrogen fixation above the level of the non-salinized control plants, especially significant in lucerne. Analysis of possible inorganic impurities in commercial PEG suggest that such type of impurities are not responsible for the toxic effects reported. Plant damage resulting from PEG treatment was apparently due to penetrations of PEG (as determined qualitatively by using the tetraiodinebismuthic acid technique) or low-molecular organic impurities into the plant. – The results are discussed as part of the adaptation of the different species to salinity and water stress. The best performance was given by "Tierra de Campos".  相似文献   

Abstract: Production of [14C]acetylcholine and 14CO2 was examined by using tissue prisms from neocortex, hippocampus, and striatum from rats aged approximately 5 months, 13 months, and 27 months. [14C]Acetylcholine synthesis in the striatum showed highly significant decreases with age for measurements in the presence of both 5 m m - and 31 m m -K+, contrasting with the lack of significant change in 14CO2 production in this region. The neocortex and hippocampus showed only small changes, especially when comparison was made between 13-month and senescent animals. Measurements of the release of [14C]acetylcholine and influence of atropine on this release confirmed the relative stability with age of the cholinergic system in the neocortex.  相似文献   

Earthworm‐produced compost or vermicompost has been shown to increase resistance of plants to a variety of insect pests, but it is still unclear whether this resistance is dose dependent and whether the mechanisms responsible are the same for insect species with differing feeding habits and preferences. Therefore, we tested the effects of plants grown in various vermicompost concentrations (0, 20, 40, and 60%) on the preference and performance of generalist, Myzus persicae L., and specialist, Brevicoryne brassicae L. (both Hemiptera: Aphididae), aphid pests. Preference was evaluated with leaf disk (apterous) and whole plant (alate) choice assays. After 24 h of feeding, there was no significant negative effect on the feeding preference noted for apterae of either species of any of the treatments tested. To the contrary, apterae B. brassicae showed a significant preference for vermicompost treatments over control leaf disks. Alate M. persicae preferred alighting on control plants over vermicompost‐grown plants, but B. brassicae showed no preference toward any of the treatments tested. Both aphid species deposited significantly more nymphs on control plants than on those grown in 20% vermicompost. Furthermore, plants grown in soil amended with 20% vermicompost significantly suppressed mass accumulation, as well as numbers of adults and nymphs of both aphid species compared to controls. These data clearly show that vermicompost soil amendments can significantly influence pest aphid preference and performance on plants and that these effects are not dose dependent, but rather species and morph dependent.  相似文献   

When turnip plants with 3–7 leaves were inoculated with cabbage black ringspot virus (CBRSV) on the 3rd rough-leaf, symptoms only appeared on leaves that had been less than 15 mm long at the time of inoculation, although infection decreased the area and both fresh and dry weight of all leaves. Leaves were ‘aged’ by their appearance and placed in Leaf Age Categories (LACs). Leaves with symptoms senesced (‘aged’) prematurely. CBRSV-infection of cv. Green Top White did not change the distribution of populations of Myzus persicae between LACs, but increased the proportion of the plant suitable for colonisation. All suitable LACs were quickly colonised by adult apterae and nymphs. On CBRSV-infected plants the nymphal period was shorter, F1 adults deposited larvae more frequently and the live body weight and tibial length of the F2 generation was greater, than on healthy plants. The distribution of Brevicoryne brassicae populations on cv. Green Top White differed from that of M. persicae but was also unchanged by CBRSV-infection. On healthy plants the largest colonies were on mature leaves, so that on virus-infected plants premature senescence shortened the life of the colony. On CBRSV-infected plants the nymphal period was prolonged and the live weight of F1 and F2 adult apterae was less than on healthy plants. The differences between the biology of M. persicae and B. brassicae on CBRSV-infected cv. Green Top White were associated with the accelerated senescence of CBRSV-infected leaves. The possibility that CBRSV-infection might reduce the resistance of turnips to aphid infestation was tested. M. persicae and B. brassicae were cultured on two favourable and two less favourable cultivars. No improvement in population growth rate was found when the less favourable host cultivars were infected with CBRSV, but both aphid species weighed less and/or had smaller nymphal populations on cultivars showing the severest symptoms. These results are discussed in relation to the evolution of non-persistent virus transmission by aphids.  相似文献   

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