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DNA重组酶Cre可以识别LoxP位点,使含有LoxP位点的DNA分子发生重组:2个同向LoxP之间的DNA片段被删除,2个环状DNA分子被整合为一个大分子.基于Cre酶的这些作用特性,构建了一套载体间基因的重组转移体系,在Cre酶的作用下,gfp基因被从基因供体pTLG上切除下来,然后转移到基因受体pET-LoxP上,从而快速、简便地完成了gfp基因高效表达载体pET-gfp的构建.gfp基因在大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)中被诱导表达,使菌落产生了可视的绿色荧光.通过对荧光菌落的计数分析,比较了环状基因供体pTLG和线性基因供体pTLG对有效重组率的影响.使繁琐的传统载体构建变为简单的酶促反应,极大地简化了载体构建步骤,为Cre酶在基因克隆和亚克隆中的应用提供了很好的研究基础. 相似文献
Cre重组酶结构与功能的研究进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Cre/loxP定位重组系统来源于噬菌体P1,由Cre重组酶和loxP位点两部分组成。在Cre重组酶的介导下,设定的DNA片段可以被切除,可以发生倒位,亦可造成定点的整合。由于其作用方式高效简单,Cre/loxP定位重组系统已在特定基因的删除、基因功能的鉴定、外源基因的整合、基因捕获及染色体工程等方面得到了有效的利用,在转基因的酵母、植物、昆虫、哺乳动物的体内外DNA重组方面成为一个有力的工具。这里就Cre重组酶的结构、功能及该定位重组系统的应用等方面的研究进行了综述。 相似文献
利用转基因技术构建了平滑肌细胞特异表达Cre重组酶的转基因小鼠(SMA-Cre),将该小鼠与基因组上携带LoxP位点的ROSA26小鼠杂交,通过LacZ染色检测Cre重组酶介导重组的功能以及表达的组织特异性。结果显示,在气管C形软骨连接处平滑肌、细支气管壁平滑肌、食道壁平滑肌、胃壁平滑肌、小肠壁平滑肌、子宫壁平滑肌、膀胱壁平滑肌、血管壁平滑肌、心肌及骨骼肌中检测到Cre重组酶活性。表明SMA—Cre转基因小鼠在所有平滑肌细胞中表达Cre重组酶,并且有很好的组织特异性。 相似文献
利用组织特异性分子标志物启动子调控Cre重组酶,研制了6种在不同组织中特异性表达Cre重组酶的转基因小鼠.这些转基因小鼠的基因型鉴定均使用设计在Cre基因编码区的通用引物.为了特异性检测胰腺组织表达Cre重组酶的转基因小鼠,在大鼠胰岛素RIP启动子上和Cre基因上设计1对引物进行PCR扩增,并通过凝胶电泳进行分析.PCR结果显示,设计在Cre基因上的通用引物可以从6种不同组织特异性Cre重组酶转基因小鼠基因组DNA中扩增获得480 bp产物;利用本研究设计的特异性引物可以从胰腺组织表达Cre重组酶转基因小鼠基因组DNA中扩增200 bp的目的条带.这一结果表明,利用特异性引物进行PCR反应,可有效地将胰腺组织表达Cre重组酶转基因小鼠与其他多种组织的Cm重组酶转基因小鼠鉴别开来. 相似文献
胰腺组织表达Cre重组酶转基因小鼠的建立及鉴定 总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16
肥大软骨细胞是软骨细胞的终末分化形式,在软骨内成骨过程中发挥十分关键的作用。为了研究肥大软骨细胞在骨骼发育过程中的功能,我们构建了在8.2 kb小鼠X型胶原基因(Col10a1)启动子控制下表达Cre重组酶的转基因小鼠品系(Col10a1-8.2-Cre)。采用显微注射法将11.5 kb的转基因片段引入小鼠基因组,共注射受精卵328枚,获得子代鼠51只,经PCR基因型鉴定有3只在基因组上整合有Cre重组酶基因。PCR检测发现Col10a1-8.2-Cre转基因在含有肥大软骨细胞的组织中表达。为了检测Cre重组酶表达的强度和组织特异性,转基因小鼠与ROSA26报告小鼠交配。子代ROSA26;Col10a1-8.2-Cre双转基因小鼠LacZ染色检测的结果显示,Cre重组酶在所有的肥大软骨细胞中表达。原位杂交的结果验证Col10a1-8.2-Cre转基因表达在肥大区的上端。以上结果表明,我们建立的肥大软骨细胞特异性表达Cre重组酶的转基因小鼠品系可以作为一种遗传学工具,介导目的基因在肥大软骨细胞中的敲除。 相似文献
软骨组织特异性表达Cre重组酶转基因小鼠的研制和鉴定 总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13
构建了含有软骨组织特异性Ⅱ型胶原A1启动子和Cre重组酶基因的转基因载体pcol2Al-Cre。323枚小鼠受精卵经显微注射引入转基因片段后,分别移植至14只假孕母鼠的输卵管使其发育。共得到仔鼠52只,PCR结果显示其中10只小鼠基因组上有Cre基因的整合,整合率为19.2%。用整合有Cre基因的转基因小鼠与基因组上携带LoxP位点的条件基因打靶小鼠交配,以检测Cre酶介导的重组及其组织特异性。PCR结果表明:col2Al-Cre转基因小鼠软骨组织中表达的Cre重组酶成功地介导了LoxP之间的重组。此结果通过Southern杂交得到了进一步的证实。 相似文献
肾上腺是人体重要的内分泌器官。由于缺乏肾上腺皮质束状带特异性表达Cre酶的工具鼠,目前对肾上腺皮质束状带细胞中特异表达基因的功能缺乏深入的解析。CYP11B1基因编码类固醇11β-羟化酶,该酶是糖皮质激素合成的关键酶,在肾上腺皮质束状带中特异性表达。本研究旨在利用CYP11B1基因在束状带特异性表达的特点,构建在肾上腺皮质束状带中特异性表达Cre重组酶的转基因动物。采用CRISPR/Cas9技术在CYP11B1基因终止密码子位点定点敲入2A-GfpCre表达框,获得CYP11B1-2A-GfpCre同源重组载体,进而构建CYP11B1Cre小鼠,并通过mTmG和LacZ染色确定Cre酶主要表达在小鼠肾上腺皮质束状带。在此基础上,本研究还用该工具鼠与胱硫醚-γ-裂解酶(cystathionineγ-lyase, CTH)条件性敲除鼠交配,获得了肾上腺皮质束状带CTH特异性敲除的小鼠,并证实了该动物肾上腺皮质束状带中CTH表达缺失。以上结果充分说明肾上腺皮质束状带特异性表达Cre重组酶小鼠构建成功。该工具鼠的成功构建,为深入研究肾上腺皮质束状带相关功能提供了有力工具。 相似文献
表面活性蛋白A启动子指导Cre重组酶在转基因小鼠Ⅱ型肺上皮细胞中表达 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
Ⅱ型肺上支细胞合成和分泌肺表面活性物质(PS),与肺损伤后的修复有关,很多肺相关疾病的发生伴随有Ⅱ型肺上皮细胞功能不全及PS系统缺陷。Ⅱ型肺上皮细胞在肺的发育、机体免疫及疾病的发生发展过程中的具体功能尚不明确.对调控Ⅱ型肺上皮细胞功能的遗传机制也知之甚少。为了利用Cre-loxP系统研究调节Ⅱ型肺上皮细胞功能的遗传机制,研制了表面活性蛋白A(SP—A)启动子指导Cre重组酶基因在转基因小鼠Ⅱ型肺上皮细胞中表达的转基因小鼠。将整合有Cre重组酶基因的首建者小鼠与Smad4条件基因打靶小鼠及ROSA26报告小鼠交配,利用基因组PCR和LacZ染色检测Cre重组酶表达的组织分布及其钵内介导loxP位点间重组的活性。多组织基因组PCR显示Cre重组酶在转基因小鼠肺、脑和消化道组织中表达。LacZ染色显示仅在Ⅱ型肺上皮细胞中检测到Cre重组酶的活性。以上结果表明本研究研制的pSP—A—Cre转基因小鼠可用于在Ⅱ型肺上皮细胞中进行条件基因打靶和细胞谱系分析。 相似文献
基于Cre重组酶体系的鸡卵清蛋白基因打靶载体的构建 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用胚胎干细胞基因打靶技术制备转基因鸡是研制鸡输卵管反应器的最佳技术路线。为建立基于Cre/loxp系统的鸡卵清蛋白基因(Ovalbumingene,OV)位点的双交换打靶载体系统,本研究克隆了鸡的OV基因7.8kb片段,并与克隆的内部核糖体进入位点(IRES)、人工合成的含有Cre重组酶识别位点变异体交换盒m2/loxp71EGFPloxp66,一起构建了含有Hsvtk负筛选标记的针对鸡卵清蛋白基因位点的敲入型共表达基因打靶载体pSSCm2/71EGFP66IRESOV7.8;以猪β干扰素基因(βInterferon,IFNβ)为目的基因构建了穿梭载体pMDm2/66MCSIFNMCSLoxp71,经过限制酶酶切及部分测序鉴定,所构建载体结构正确。进一步将它们共转化组成性表达Cre的细菌BM25.8,验证了loxp突变位点对重组反应的有效性 相似文献
二苯并噻吩(DBT)及其衍生物微生物脱硫的4S途径需要4个酶(DszA,DszB,DszC and DszD)参与催化。其中DBT单加氧酶(DszC or DBT-MO)和DBT-砜单加氧酶(DszA or DBTO2-MO)都是黄素依赖型氧化酶,它们的催化反应需要菌体中还原型的黄素单核苷酸(FMNH2),FMNH2由辅酶黄素还原酶(DszD)再生。因此,共表达DszA,DszB,DszC和DszD可以提高整个脱硫途径的速率。构建了两个不相容性表达载体pBADD和paN2并在大肠杆菌中实现了4个脱硫酶基因的共表达。DszA,DszB,DszC和DszD的可溶性蛋白表达量分别占菌体总蛋白质的7.6%,3.5%,3.1%和18%。共表达时的脱硫活性是单独用paN2表达时的5.4倍,并对工程菌休止细胞脱除模拟柴油中DBT的活性进行了研究。 相似文献
Henriette Undeutsch Christoffer Löf Stefan Offermanns Jukka Kero 《Genesis (New York, N.Y. : 2000)》2014,52(4):333-340
We have created a mouse model expressing tamoxifen‐inducible Cre recombinase (CreERT2) under the control of the thyroglobulin (Tg) gene promoter to be able to study the role of defined genetic modifications in the regulation of thyroid function. We chose the thyroglobulin promoter, as it is expressed specifically in the thyroid. In order to obtain reliable expression under the control of the Tg promoter, we used a P1 artificial chromosome (PAC) containing a large piece of the Tg promoter. A tamoxifen inducible CreERT2 construct was selected to avoid the possible consequences of the gene deletion for the development of the thyroid gland, and to study the role of gene deletion in the adult thyroid. Transgenic lines (TgCreERT2) carrying this construct were generated and analyzed by crossing the TgCreERT2 mice with the ROSA26LacZ reporter strain. The activity and specificity of the Cre recombinase was tested by staining for β‐galactosidase activity and by immunohistochemistry using an anti‐Cre‐antibody. In the TgCreERT2xROSA26LacZ reporter line, Cre‐mediated recombination occurred specifically in the thyrocytes only after tamoxifen administration, and no significant staining was observed in controls. The recombination efficiency was nearly complete, since almost all thyrocytes showed X‐gal staining. We could also induce the recombination in utero by giving tamoxifen to the pregnant female. In addition, mice expressing TgCreERT2 had no obvious histological changes, hormonal alterations, or different response to growth stimuli as compared to controls. These results demonstrate that the TgCreERT2 mouse line is a powerful tool to study temporally controlled deletion of floxed genes in the thyroid. genesis 52:333–340, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献
It is commonly believed that incompatible plasmids carrying the same replicon cannot coexist stably in one Escherichia coli cell. However, we found that two incompatible plasmids carrying different antibiotic resistance genes, if under the selection pressure of the two antibiotics, can coexist in E. coli for at least 14 h, which is adequate for routine culture and protein expression. Based on this discovery, we developed a new method to coexpress foreign proteins in E. coli using two incompatible plasmids. The coding regions of the two subunits (DFF45 and DFF40) of the human DNA fragmentation factor (DFF) were cloned into two incompatible bacterial expression vectors-pET-21a with ampicillin resistance and pET-28a with kanamycin resistance, respectively. The two resulting plasmids were used to cotransform E. coli BL21(DE3) cells. After selection by ampicillin and kanamycin simultaneously, cotransformants that contain both recombinant plasmids were obtained. Induced by isopropyl beta-d-thiogalactoside, DFF45, and DFF40 were coexpressed efficiently in the presence of the two antibiotics. The coexpression product contained adequate soluble portions for both DFF45 and DFF40, while all DFF40 was insoluble if expressed alone. The coexpression product also exhibited the same caspase-activated DNase activity as its natural counterparts, which cannot be obtained if its two subunits are expressed separately. 相似文献
Embryonic or neonatal lethality of mice with targeted disruption of critical genes preclude them from further characterization of specific roles of these genes during postnatal development and aging. In order to study the molecular roles of such genes in teeth, we generated transgenic mouse lines expressing bacteriophage Cre recombinase under the control of the mouse dentin sialophosphoprotein (dspp) gene promoter. The expression of Cre recombinase protein was mainly detected in the nucleus of the odontoblasts. The efficiency of Cre activity was analyzed by crossing the Dspp-Cre mice with ROSA26 reporter (R26R) mice. The offspring with both genotypes have shown specific deletion of intervening sequences flanked by loxP sites upstream of the reporter gene, thereby facilitating the expression of the beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) gene in the teeth. The activity of beta-gal was initially observed in the odontoblasts of 1-day-old mice and increased with tooth development. Almost all of the odontoblasts have shown lacZ activity by 3 weeks of age. We could not detect Cre recombinase activity in any other cells, including ameloblasts. These studies indicate that the Dspp-Cre transgenic mice will be valuable to generate odontoblast-specific gene knockout mice so as to gain insight into the molecular roles of critical genes in the odontoblasts during dentinogenesis. 相似文献
A method was developed to study plasmid stability in Escherichia coli cells, which utilised the high speed analysis properties of flow cytometry. To discriminate between plasmid-harbouring cells and plasmid-free cells a plasmid-encoded Lac repressor protein was used to regulate the expression of a chromosomally inserted green fluorescent protein gene in the host cells. Flow cytometric analysis enabled detection and quantification of plasmid-free cells due to their green fluorescent phenotype. The reported system offers real-time analysis in combination with a very low detection level of plasmid loss in bacterial populations. This could be useful in future investigations of plasmid stability and population selection in bacterial communities. 相似文献
Protein insolubility is a major problem when producing recombinant proteins (e.g., to be used as antigens) from large cDNAs in Escherichia coli. Here, we describe a system using three convertible plasmid vectors to screen for soluble proteins produced in E. coli. This system experimentally identified any random cDNA fragments producing soluble protein domains. Shotgun fragments introduced into any of our three plasmids, which contain Gateway recombination sites, fused in-frame to the ORF of the protein tag. These plasmids produced N-terminal GST- and C-terminal three-frame-adaptive FLAG-tagged proteins, kanamycin-resistant gene-tagged proteins (which were pre-selected for in-frame fused cDNAs), or GFP-tagged fusion proteins. The latter is useful as a fluorescence indicator of protein folding. The Gateway recombination sites promote smooth conversion for enrichment of in-frame clones and facilitate both protein solubility assays and final production of proteins without the C-terminal tag. This high-throughput screening method is particularly useful for procedures that require the handling of many cDNAs in parallel. 相似文献
Construction of GFP vectors for use in Gram-negative bacteria other than Escherichia coli 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Ann G. Matthysse Serina Stretton Catherine Dandie Nicholas C. McClure Amanda E. Goodman 《FEMS microbiology letters》1996,145(1):87-94
Abstract A set of vectors containing a mutated gfp gene was constructed for use with Gram-negative bacteria other than Escherichia coli . These constructs were: pTn 3gfp for making random promoter probe gfp insertions into cloned DNA in E. coli for subsequent introduction into host strains; pUTmini-Tn 5gfp for making random promoter probe gfp insertions directly into host strains; p519 gfp and p519 ngfp , broad host range mob + plasmids containing gfp from a lac and an npt 2 promoter, respectively. 相似文献
Textpresso Site Specific Recombinases ( http://ssrc.genetics.uga.edu/ ) is a text‐mining web server for searching a database of more than 9,000 full‐text publications. The papers and abstracts in this database represent a wide range of topics related to site‐specific recombinase (SSR) research tools. Included in the database are most of the papers that report the characterization or use of mouse strains that express Cre recombinase as well as papers that describe or analyze mouse lines that carry conditional (floxed) alleles or SSR‐activated transgenes/knockins. The database also includes reports describing SSR‐based cloning methods such as the Gateway or the Creator systems, papers reporting the development or use of SSR‐based tools in systems such as Drosophila, bacteria, parasites, stem cells, yeast, plants, zebrafish, and Xenopus as well as publications that describe the biochemistry, genetics, or molecular structure of the SSRs themselves. Textpresso Site Specific Recombinases is the only comprehensive text‐mining resource available for the literature describing the biology and technical applications of SSRs. genesis 47:842–846, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Control of tryptophan synthetase amplified by varying the numbers of composite plasmids in Escherichia coli cells. 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
Using pSC101, RSF1010, RSF2124 and RP4 plasmids as vectors and bacteriophage lambdatrpD-A60-3 DNA as a source of the Escherichia coli whole tryptophan operon, composite plasmids of pSC101-trp, RSF1010-trp, RSF2124-trp and RP4-trp were constructed in vitro with EcoRI restriction endonuclease and DNA ligase. Each composite plasmid could be maintained stably in E. coli cells. The copy number of pSC101-trp, RSF1010-trp, RSF2124-trp and RP4-trp were 4.2, 11.2, 11.9 and 1.6 per chromosome respectively. The tryptophan synthetase activities in cells containing pSC101-trp, RSF1010-trp, RSF2124-trp aand RP4-trp plasmid were found to be 2.1, 6.0, 5.0 and 2.5 times compared with the level in chromosomal trp+ cells when they were grown in a minimal medium. By partial derepression with indolylacrylic acid, the enzyme levels were elevated to 10.1, 16.3, 15.3, 12.3 times, respectively, that of the control cells. The tryptophan synthetase activities did not increase in proportion to the copy number of the plasmids, but were strongly affected by the repression system of host cells. 相似文献