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A new docking algorithm based on shape complementarity is presented. The algorithm is based on Fuzzy Logic strategies. A small number of possible docking configurations is selected using partial ordering of a fuzzy measure of topographical properties between complementary surface patches. The algorithm was tested with the structures of three protein-protein-complexes of serin proteases. In one case the components determined separately by x-ray investigations whereas in the other cases the components obtained from the known complex structure were used.Electronic Supplementary Material available.  相似文献   

The problem of singlet excitation kinetics and dynamics, especially at high excitation intensities, among a small number of chromophores of a given system has been addressed. A specific scheme for the kinetics is suggested and applied to CPII, a small chlorophyll (Chl)a/b antenna complex the fluorescence lifetime of which has been reported to be independent of excitation intensity over a wide intensity range of picosecond pulses. We have modeled the kinetics from the point of view that Chla molecules in CPII are Förster coupled so that a second excitation received by the group of Chla's either creates a state with two localized excitons or raises the first one to a doubly excited state. The data on CPII can be understood on the basis of a kinetic model that does not exclude exciton annihilation during the excitation pulse. The implied annihilation rate is consistent with our theoretical estimates of that rate obtained by applying excitation transfer theory to pairs of molecules both initially excited.  相似文献   

Hill numbers (or the “effective number of species”) are increasingly used to characterize species diversity of an assemblage. This work extends Hill numbers to incorporate species pairwise functional distances calculated from species traits. We derive a parametric class of functional Hill numbers, which quantify “the effective number of equally abundant and (functionally) equally distinct species” in an assemblage. We also propose a class of mean functional diversity (per species), which quantifies the effective sum of functional distances between a fixed species to all other species. The product of the functional Hill number and the mean functional diversity thus quantifies the (total) functional diversity, i.e., the effective total distance between species of the assemblage. The three measures (functional Hill numbers, mean functional diversity and total functional diversity) quantify different aspects of species trait space, and all are based on species abundance and species pairwise functional distances. When all species are equally distinct, our functional Hill numbers reduce to ordinary Hill numbers. When species abundances are not considered or species are equally abundant, our total functional diversity reduces to the sum of all pairwise distances between species of an assemblage. The functional Hill numbers and the mean functional diversity both satisfy a replication principle, implying the total functional diversity satisfies a quadratic replication principle. When there are multiple assemblages defined by the investigator, each of the three measures of the pooled assemblage (gamma) can be multiplicatively decomposed into alpha and beta components, and the two components are independent. The resulting beta component measures pure functional differentiation among assemblages and can be further transformed to obtain several classes of normalized functional similarity (or differentiation) measures, including N-assemblage functional generalizations of the classic Jaccard, Sørensen, Horn and Morisita-Horn similarity indices. The proposed measures are applied to artificial and real data for illustration.  相似文献   

液流是分析树木耗水特性、研究树木水分传输机制的重要途径之一,热消散探针法已广泛用于树干液流变化的监测.热消散探针法是目前研究不同时空尺度上植物蒸腾耗水特性较为灵活、可靠、经济的一种方法.但由于物种特性的差异,可能造成试验过程中出现测量值与实际值相比偏低的状况.此外,相当一部分植物依赖树干储存水进行蒸腾,因此木材含水量的...  相似文献   

手术室是医院的重要医疗资源,通过有效流程优化及使用麻醉恢复室,其运转效率不断提高,但是仍然不能满足患者和临床科室日益增长的医疗服务需求,仍然存在手术室过度利用和利用不足的情况。人工手术资源调度一定程度提高手术资源利用效率,而借助计算机系统的数学协同优化的手术资源调度,能弥补人工调度的不足,实现系统资源匹配与动态实时优化,有效减少手术患者住院等待时间、提高手术资源利用效率。  相似文献   

Background: Breast cancer, a type of malignant tumor, affects women more than men. About one third of women with breast cancer die of this disease. Hence, it is imperative to find a tool for the proper identification and early treatment of breast cancer. Unlike the conventional data mining algorithms, fuzzy logic based approaches help in the mining of association rules from quantitative transactions.Methods: In this study a novel fuzzy methodology IFFP (Improved Fuzzy Frequent Pattern Mining), based on a fuzzy association rule mining for biological knowledge extraction, is introduced to analyze the dataset in order to find the core factors that cause breast cancer. This method consists of two phases. During the first phase, fuzzy frequent itemsets are mined using the proposed algorithm IFFP. Fuzzy association rules are formed during the second phase, indicating whether a person belongs to benign or malignant. This algorithm is applied on WBCD (Wisconsin Breast Cancer Database) to detect the presence of breast cancer.Results: It is determined that the factor, Mitoses has low range of values on both malignant and benign and hence it does not contribute to the detection of breast cancer. On the other hand, the high range of Bare Nuclei shows more chances for the presence of breast cancer.Conclusion: Experimental evaluations on real datasets show that our proposed method outperforms recently proposed state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of runtime and memory usage.  相似文献   

给出了一种基于信息理论的距离系数,这一新的信息系数是通过对信息论中的离散增量系数改进而得,并证明其满足距离系数的三个性质.将其应用于一组同源辅助蛋白的聚类分析,表明是可行的.与离散增量系数及经典的欧氏距离系数的聚类结果进行比较,应用相干系数对聚类结果进行评价,结果表明由新信息距离系数所确定的聚类结构与聚类数据问的拟合程度最好.  相似文献   

Due to the fact that the flood data series of small drainage basins is relatively short, available data are often not sufficient for flood risk analysis. This presents the problem of risk analysis using very small data samples. One method that can be applied is to regard the available small samples as fuzzy information and optimize them using information diffusion technology to yield analytical results with greater reliability. In this article a risk analysis method based on information diffusion theory is applied to create a new flood risk analysis model. Application of the model is illustrated taking the Jinhuajiang and Qujiang drainage basins as examples. This is a new attempt at applying information diffusion theory in flood risk analysis. Computations based on this analytical flood risk model can yield an estimated flood damage value that is relatively accurate. This study indicates that the aforementioned model exhibits fairly stable analytical results, even when using a small set of sample data. The results also indicate that information diffusion technology is highly capable of extracting useful information and therefore improves system recognition accuracy. This method can be easily applied and the analytical results produced are easy to understand. Results are accurate enough to act as a guide in disaster situations.  相似文献   

Among the leading environmental risks, global climate alteration has become one of the most important controversial issues. Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, methane, etc.) and air pollution have motivated a need to develop and improve environmental management strategies. As a consequence, environmental sanctions are forcing commercial enterprises to re-consider and re-design supply chain processes in a green way. This article provides a multi-objective model to design a closed-loop supply chain (CLSC) network in a green framework. Our first and second objectives are to minimize all the transportation costs for the supply chain's forward and reverse logistics; the third objective is to minimize total CO2 emissions; the fourth objective is to encourage customers to use recyclable materials as an environmental practice. To provide more realistic modeling by treating the uncertainty in decision-makers’ objectives, fuzzy modeling is used in this study. The model is explained and tested via fulfilling a numerical example. In scenario analyses, analytic hierarchy process (AHP), fuzzy AHP (F-AHP), and fuzzy TOPSIS (F-TOPSIS) approaches were applied and compared to evaluate different objectives to guide decision-makers.  相似文献   

为了推行惠民便民措施,优化就医流程、降低候诊时间,切实解决“看病难”问题,提出了优化整合PACS(医学影像存储和传输系统),整合以放射线科、磁共振室、CT室为主要科室,以信息流代替患者流为主要改进方式,以预约登记、检查诊断、数字传输、信息存储为主要功能的一体化综合诊断管理平台。基于PACS的影像学检查流程优化对于提升临床诊断水平、降低患者候诊时间、降低科室运营成本、缓解“看病难、看病贵”有着重大意义。  相似文献   

基于超滤技术的血塞通注射液的工艺优化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以HPLC和动态浊度法分别检测血塞通注射液超滤前后有效成分及细菌内毒素的含量变化,研究了10 kDa及50 kDa截留分子量的超滤膜对血塞通注射液中有效成分的影响及细菌内毒素的去除效果.结果表明,两种截留分子量的超滤膜均可有效的去除药液中的细菌内毒素,但10 kDa超滤膜对三七总皂苷有效成分有明显损失,50 kDa超滤膜对成分保留率均在95%以上.选用截留分子量为50 kDa的超滤膜即可保留有效成分,又可有效去除细菌内毒素,适用于血塞通注射液的生产.  相似文献   

Perspective texture synthesis has great significance in many fields like video editing, scene capturing etc., due to its ability to read and control global feature information. In this paper, we present a novel example-based, specifically energy optimization-based algorithm, to synthesize perspective textures. Energy optimization technique is a pixel-based approach, so it’s time-consuming. We improve it from two aspects with the purpose of achieving faster synthesis and high quality. Firstly, we change this pixel-based technique by replacing the pixel computation with a little patch. Secondly, we present a novel technique to accelerate searching nearest neighborhoods in energy optimization. Using k- means clustering technique to build a search tree to accelerate the search. Hence, we make use of principal component analysis (PCA) technique to reduce dimensions of input vectors. The high quality results prove that our approach is feasible. Besides, our proposed algorithm needs shorter time relative to other similar methods.  相似文献   

目的应用无创遥测技术观察运输应激对Beagle犬部分生理指标的影响。方法 16只Beagle犬随机分成两组(每组8只),即对照组和运输应激组,并利用大动物无创生理信号遥测技术,分别监测清醒自由活动状态下对照组和运输应激组应激4 h后Beagle犬的心电图、活动、皮肤温度和呼吸参数的变化。结果 Beagle犬心率、RR间期、QT间期、活动、皮肤温度、呼吸均具有明显的昼夜节律变化(P〈0.01);与对照组比,运输应激后Beagle犬心率、活动度、呼吸频率、每分钟通气量和潮气量均显著增加(P〈0.01),RR间期、PR间期、皮肤温度均显著降低(P〈0.01),相关分析表明运输应激对Beagle犬心率、活动、皮肤温度和呼吸频率具有显著的相关性(P〈0.05,P〈0.01)。结论运输应激可引起Beagle犬生理学指标的明显改变,但除皮肤温度外,运输应激(4 h)对Beagle犬昼夜节律变化破坏不明显;利用无创遥测技术平台可建立理想的Beagle犬生物模型,可用于动物福利和药理毒理学评价研究。  相似文献   

There is substantial research on psychological consequences of disasters. However, most disaster studies to date have focused on acute disasters, ignoring slow-onset chronic hazards, such as extreme climate conditions and pollution. Using a multilevel theoretical framework based on the Conservation of Resources theory (S. E. Hobfoll, The Ecology of Stress, Hemisphere, New York, 1988; Stress, Culture, and Community: The Psychology and Philosophy of Stress, Plenum, New York, 1998) and the “ecological analogy” (see e.g., S. E. Hobfoll and R. S Lilly, Journal of Community Psychology, 21:128–148, 1993; E. J. Trickett, Extreme Stress and Communities: Impact and Intervention, Kluwer, Boston, 1995), this critical review of the current literature is aimed at increasing our understanding of personal and community impacts of drought as a classic example of a natural, slow-onset disaster affecting large numbers of people worldwide. A gap in the current literature was identified concerning appraisal and coping at the individual level. These include psychological coping strategies and the role of resources other than economic resources in explaining vulnerability to negative consequences of drought, such as personal resources (e.g., knowledge, skills, self-sufficiency, mastery, control) and social resources (e.g., social support). Important differences were identified with fast-onset disasters. Most importantly, dealing with drought is generally an integrated part of life for people in drought prone areas. Therefore, individuals may not recognize that their problems are part of a community wide stressor, and raising community awareness during severe and long droughts that deplete community resources needs special attention. Implications for studying drought and effective intervention strategies are given.  相似文献   

基于潜意识理论的青少年网络成瘾研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综述了青少年网络成瘾的预防和戒除方法,坚持了"习惯说",保留了对"疾病说"的看法。基于潜意识理论,将网络成瘾视为心理亚健康状态,分析了青少年网络成瘾的发生机理、提出了其预防和戒除原则。青少年网络成瘾的成因是心理上的缺失感,与青少年自我防护意识差、自我控制能力小、心理弹性弱,以及潜意识具有反复影响才可改变的特点有关。戒除网络成瘾的原则是淡化评判试测的标准、分散注意力、培养成就感、增强自信心、坚持以心治心等。  相似文献   

提出了基于图论模型的H系数分类蛋白质结构为H结型和NH结型的方法.论述了蛋白质结构中序列不相邻的C_α原子之间的空间距离与序列相邻的C_α原子之间空间距离的关系.用此方法对PDB的66个单链蛋白质结构进行分类,结果显示H结型占18.2%.H结在全α型中出现比例较高,在全β型中出现比例较小,所以H结倾向出现在含有α螺旋的蛋白质结构中.  相似文献   

通过研究临床科室主任绩效考核指标,调动科室主任管理的积极性,增强科室员工质量管理意识和医疗安全意识,促进医院的发展。在分析传统临床科室绩效考核方法不足的基础上,结合模糊决策的概念,提出了一种基于模糊决策的临床科室主任综合评判方法。该方法充分利用了模糊逻辑中模糊决策的概念,对医院临床科室主任进行了模糊意见集中决策和模糊综合评判决策。最后通过具体的数值实验对该方法进行了性能分析,结果证明该方法具有良好的性能。  相似文献   

苜蓿遗传多样性的取样数目——RAPD和SSR群体标记法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
紫花苜蓿为异花授粉植物,其DNA多态性研究的取样策略与遗传多样性分析直接相关.选取了4个苜蓿品种陇东(地方品种)、中兰1号(育成品种)、牧歌(Graze)和金皇后(Queen)(引进品种),设置了取样数目分别为10、20、40和60个单株进行DNA混合,利用RAPD(random amplification polymorphic DNA,随机扩增长度多态性DNA)和SSR(simple sequence repeat,简单重复序列)标记分别进行了遗传多样性分析,结果发现40和60个单株DNA混合样的聚类结果一致,表明10和20个单株组成的群体太小,随着苜蓿群体取样数目的增加,遗传多样性分析的准确性也随之增加,但是分析成本也相应提高.鉴于此,利用RAPD和SSR标记分析苜蓿遗传多样性时采用40个单株的DNA混合样是较适宜的群体大小.  相似文献   

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