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Endometriosis is a chronic, estrogen-dependent disease and characterized by the implantation of endometrial glands and stroma deep and haphazardly into the outside the uterine cavity. It affects an estimated 10% of the female population of reproductive age and results in obvious reduction in health-related quality of life. Unfortunately, there is no a consistent theory for the etiology of endometriosis. Furthermore, the endometriosis is hard to diagnose in early stage and the treatment methods are limited. Importantly, emerging evidence has investigated that there is a close relationship between endometriosis and autophagy. However, autophagy is a friend or foe in endometriosis is puzzling, the precise mechanism underlying autophagy in endometriosis has not been fully elucidated yet. Here, we provide an integrated view on the acquired findings of the connections between endometriosis and autophagy. We also discuss which may contribute to the abnormal level of autophagy in endometriosis.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) is an obligate intracellular protozoan causing several forms of toxoplasmosis in humans. The main mechanisms that allow the development of the prolonged forms of the disease and its subsequent pathology are yet to be clarified. However, many researchers have hypothesized that immunological and genetic parameters may play crucial roles in the etiology of the disease. Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) is a cytokine with a dual role in the regulation of immune responses including those against parasites. However, the relationship between TGF-β and immune responses against T .gondii are not fully understood. The important roles played by TGF-β in the development of Th17 and T regulatory lymphocytes, mucosal immunity and regulation of immune responses have been documented and this provides insights into TGF-β function during parasitic infections such as toxoplasmosis. Therefore, the aim of this review is to collate the current information regarding the status and association of TGF-β with T. gondii infection.  相似文献   

Accumulation of amyloid-like aggregates is a hallmark of numerous neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's and polyglutamine disease. Yet, whether the amyloid inclusions found in these diseases are toxic or cytoprotective remains unclear. Various studies suggest that the toxic culprit in the amyloid folding pathway is actually a soluble oligomeric species which might interfere with normal cellular function by a multifactorial mechanism including aberrant protein-protein interactions. Molecular chaperones suppress toxicity of amyloidogenic proteins by inhibiting aggregation of non-native disease substrates and targeting them for refolding or degradation. Paradoxically, recent studies also suggest a protective action of chaperones in their promotion of the assembly of large, tightly packed, benign aggregates that sequester toxic protein species.  相似文献   

In mammals, the central nervous system (CNS) is the most cholesterol rich organ by weight. Cholesterol metabolism is tightly regulated in the CNS and all cholesterol available is synthesized in situ. Deficits in cholesterol homeostasis at the level of synthesis, transport, or catabolism result in severe disorders featured by neurological disability. Recent studies indicate that a disturbed cholesterol metabolism is involved in CNS disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD), multiple sclerosis (MS), and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). In contrast to circulating cholesterol, dietary plant sterols, can cross the blood–brain barrier and accumulate in the membranes of CNS cells. Plant sterols are well-known for their ability to lower circulating cholesterol levels. The finding that they gain access to the CNS has fueled research focusing on the physiological roles of plant sterols in the healthy and diseased CNS. To date, both beneficial and detrimental effects of plant sterols on CNS disorders are defined. In this review, we discuss recent findings regarding the impact of plant sterols on homeostatic and pathogenic processes in the CNS, and elaborate on the therapeutic potential of plant sterols in CNS disorders.  相似文献   

This short essay examines infant formula marketing and information sources for their representation of "choice" in the infant feeding context, and finds that while providing information about breast and bottle feeding, infant formula manufacturers focus on mothers' feelings and intuition rather than knowledge in making decisions. In addition, the essay considers how "choice" operates in the history of reproductive rights, shifting the discourse from a rights-based set of arguments to one based on a consumerist mentality. Utilizing the work of historian Rickie Solinger and a 2007 paper for the National Bureau of Labor Statistics, I argue that the structure of market work, and not abstract maternal decision making, determine mothers' choices and practices concerning infant feeding. For true freedoms for mothers to be achieved, freedoms that would include greater social provisions for mothers, our culture will have to confront how structural constraints make breastfeeding difficult, as well as how the concept of choice divides mothers into those who make good choices and those who do not.  相似文献   

Most cardiac Na+ channels open transiently upon membrane depolarization and then are quickly inactivated. However, some channels remain active, carrying the so-called persistent or late Na+ current (INaL) throughout the action potential (AP) plateau. Experimental data and the results of numerical modeling accumulated over the past decade show the emerging importance of this late current component for the function of both normal and failing myocardium. INaL is produced by special gating modes of the cardiac-specific Na+ channel isoform. Heart failure (HF) slows channel gating and increases INaL, but HF-specific Na+ channel isoform underlying these changes has not been found. Na+ channels represent a multi-protein complex and its activity is determined not only by the pore-forming subunit but also by its auxiliary β subunits, cytoskeleton, calmodulin, regulatory kinases and phosphatases, and trafficking proteins. Disruption of the integrity of this protein complex may lead to alterations of INaL in pathological conditions. Increased INaL and the corresponding Na+ flux in failing myocardium contribute to abnormal repolarization and an increased cell Ca2+ load. Interventions designed to correct INaL rescue normal repolarization and improve Ca2+ handling and contractility of the failing cardiomyocytes. This review considers (1) quantitative integration of INaL into the established electrophysiological and Ca2+ regulatory mechanisms in normal and failing cardiomyocytes and (2) a new therapeutic strategy utilizing a selective inhibition of INaL to target both arrhythmias and impaired contractility in HF.  相似文献   

As the voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) forms the interface between mitochondria and the cytosol, its importance in metabolism is well understood. However, research on VDAC's role in cell death is a rapidly growing field, unfortunately with much confusing and contradictory results. The fact that VDAC plays a role in outer mitochondrial membrane permeabilization is undeniable, however, the mechanisms behind this remain very poorly understood. In this review, we will summarize the studies that show evidence of VDAC playing a role in cell death. To begin, we will discuss the evidence for and against VDAC's involvement in mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT) and attempt to clarify that VDAC is not an essential component of the MPT pore (MPTP). Next, we will evaluate the remaining literature on VDAC in cell death which can be divided into three models: proapoptotic agents escaping through VDAC, VDAC homo- or hetero-oligomerization, or VDAC closure resulting in outer mitochondrial membrane permeabilization through an unknown pathway. We will then discuss the growing list of modulators of VDAC activity that have been associated with induction/protection against cell death. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: VDAC structure, function, and regulation of mitochondrial metabolism.  相似文献   

In the past two decades there have been substantial advances in understanding the anti-cancer mechanisms of oncolytic viruses (OVs). OVs can mediate their effects directly, by preferentially infecting and killing tumour cells. Additionally, OVs can indirectly generate anti-tumour immune responses. These differing mechanisms have led to a paradoxical divergence in strategies employed to further increase the potency of oncolytic virotherapies. On one hand, the tumour neovasculature is seen as a vital lifeline to the survival of the tumour, leading some to use OVs to target the tumour vasculature in hopes to starve cancers. Therapeutics causing vascular collapse can potentiate tumour hypoxia, nutrient restriction and pro-inflammatory cytokine release, which has shown promise in oncological studies. On the other hand, the same vasculature plays an important role for the dissemination of OVs, trafficking of effector cells and other therapeutics, which has prompted researchers to find ways of normalizing the vasculature to enhance infiltration of leukocytes and delivery of therapeutic agents. This article describes the recent developments of therapies aimed to shut down versus normalize tumour vasculature in order to inform researchers striving to optimize OV-based therapies.  相似文献   

Inflammation is believed to be a component of a number of degenerative brain diseases including Alzheimer’s disease. A recent article by Fu and colleagues (2016) demonstrated that the cytokine IL-33 can modulate microglia in an animal model of AD to become better scavengers of beta-amyloid and less pro-inflammatory. The findings have potential therapeutic implications for a number of brain conditions.  相似文献   

Acetate is reported as a regulator of fat mass but also as lipogenic source for cancer cells. Breast cancer is surrounded by adipose tissue and has been associated with obesity. However, whether acetate contributes to cancer cell metabolism as lipogenic substrate and/or by changing fat storage and eventually obesity‐induced breast cancer progression remains unknown. Therefore, we studied the contribution of acetate to breast cancer metabolism and progression. In vitro, we found that acetate is not a bioenergetic substrate under normoxia and did not result in a significant change of growth. However, by using lipidomic approaches, we discovered that acetate changes the lipid profiles of the cells under hypoxia. Moreover, while mice fed a high‐fat diet (HFD) developed bigger tumours than their lean counterparts, exogenous acetate supplementation leads to a complete abolishment of fat mass gain without reverting the HFD‐induced obesity‐driven tumour progression. In conclusion, although acetate protects against diet‐induced obesity, our data suggest that it is not affecting HFD‐driven tumour progression.  相似文献   

The impact of invasion on diversity varies widely and remains elusive. Despite the considerable attempts to understand mechanisms of biological invasion, it is largely unknown whether some communities’ characteristics promote biological invasion, or whether some inherent characteristics of invaders enable them to invade other communities. Our aims were to assess the impact of one of the massive plant invaders of Scandinavia on vascular plant species diversity, disentangle attributes of invasible and noninvasible communities, and evaluate the relationship between invasibility and genetic diversity of a dominant invader. We studied 56 pairs of Heracleum persicum Desf. ex Fisch.‐invaded and noninvaded plots from 12 locations in northern Norway. There was lower native cover, evenness, taxonomic diversity, native biomass, and species richness in the invaded plots than in the noninvaded plots. The invaded plots had nearly two native species fewer than the noninvaded plots on average. Within the invaded plots, cover of H. persicum had a strong negative effect on the native cover, evenness, and native biomass, and a positive association with the height of the native plants. Plant communities containing only native species appeared more invasible than those that included exotic species, particularly H. persicum. Genetic diversity of H. persicum was positively correlated with invasibility but not with community diversity. The invasion of a plant community by H. persicum exerts consistent negative pressure on vascular plant diversity. The lack of positive correlation between impacts and genetic diversity of H. persicum indicates that even a small founder population may cause high impact. We highlight community stability or saturation as an important determinant of invasibility. While the invasion by H. persicum may decrease susceptibility of a plant community to further invasion, it severely reduces the abundance of native species and makes them more vulnerable to competitive exclusion.  相似文献   

Iron is a trace element involved in metabolic functions for all organisms, from microorganisms to mammalians. Iron deficiency is a prevalent health problem that affects billions of people worldwide, and iron overload could have some hazardous effect. The complex microbial community in the human body, also called microbiota, influences the host immune defence against infections. An imbalance in gut microbiota, dysbiosis, changes the host's susceptibility to infections by regulating the immune system. In recent years, the number of studies on the relationship between infectious diseases and microbiota has increased. Gut microbiota is affected by different parameters, including mode of delivery, hygiene habits, diet, drugs, and plasma iron levels during the lifetime. Gut microbiota may influence iron levels in the body, and iron overload and deficiency can also affect gut microbiota composition. Novel researches on microbiota shed light on the fact that the bidirectional interactions between gut microbiota and iron play a role in the pathogenesis of many diseases, especially infections. A better understanding of these interactions may help us to comprehend the pathogenesis of many infectious and metabolic diseases affecting people worldwide and following the development of more effective preventive and/or therapeutic strategies. In this review, we aimed to present the iron-mediated host-gut microbiota interactions, susceptibility to bacterial infections, and iron-targeted therapy approaches for infections.  相似文献   

Friend or foe?: a plant's induced response to an omnivore   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Omnivorous natural enemies of herbivores consume plant-based resources and may elicit induced resistance in their host plant. A greater induction threshold for damage produced by omnivorous predators than for strict herbivores might be expected if omnivore performance is enhanced on noninduced plants, allowing them to reduce future levels of herbivory. Currently, it is not known if a plant responds to feeding by omnivorous predators and by herbivores similarly. To examine this question, we chose herbivore and omnivore species that produce the same kind of quantifiable damage to cotton leaves, enabling us to control statistically for the intensity of plant damage, and ask whether plant responses differed depending on the identity of the damaging species. We first compared changes in plant peroxidase activity, gossypol gland number and density, and leaf area in response to feeding by the spider mite Tetranychus turkestani (Ugarov and Nikolski) (an herbivore) and by one of the mite's principal natural enemies, the western flower thrips Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (an omnivore). Both species increased the activity of peroxidase, but when we controlled for the amount of damage, the peroxidase activity of mite-damaged plants was higher than that of thrips-damaged plants. We also found that thrips, but not spider mites, increased the density of gossypol glands in the second true leaf. In a second experiment we included an additional herbivore, the bean thrips Caliothrips fasciatus (Pergande), to see if the different responses of cotton to thrips and mite herbivory we first observed were attributable to differences in trophic function (herbivore versus omnivore) or to other differences in feeding generated by thrips versus mites. Cotton plants exhibited the same pattern of induced responses (elevated peroxidase, increased number of glands, reduced leaf area) to herbivory generated by the bean thrips (an herbivore) and western flower thrips (an omnivore), suggesting that trophic function was not a key determinant of plant response. Thrips-damaged plants again showed a significantly higher density of gossypol glands than did mite-damaged plants. Overall, our results suggest that (1) an omnivorous predator systemically induces resistance traits in cotton and (2) whereas there is evidence of taxonomic specificity (thrips versus mites), there is little support for trophic specificity (herbivorous thrips versus omnivorous thrips) in the elicitation of induced responses.  相似文献   

Fibrosis is a common phenomenon associated with several pathologies, characterized by an excessive extracellular matrix deposition that leads to a progressive organ dysfunction. Thus fibrosis has a relevant role in chronic diseases affecting the kidney, the liver, lung, skin (scleroderma) and joints (arthritis), among others. The pathogenesis of fibrosis in different organs share numerous similarities, being one of them the presence of activated fibroblasts, denominated myofibroblast, which act as the main source of extracellular matrix proteins. Transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGF-β1) is a profibrotic cytokine that plays a pivotal role in fibrosis. The TGF-β1/ALK5/Smad3 signaling pathway has been studied in fibrosis extensively. However, an increasing number of studies involving the ALK1/Smad1 pathway in the fibrotic process exist. In this review we offer a perspective of the function of ALK1/Smad1 pathway in renal fibrosis, liver fibrosis, scleroderma and osteoarthritis, suggesting this pathway as a powerful therapeutical target. We also propose several strategies to modulate the activity of this pathway and its consequences in the fibrotic process.  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins (Hsps) can be found in two forms, intracellular and extracellular. The intracellular Hsps are induced as a result of stress and have been found to be cytoprotective in many instances due to their chaperone functions in protein folding and in protein degradation. The origin and role of extracellular Hsps is less clear. Although they were suspected originally to be released from damaged cells (necrosis), their presence in most normal individuals rather suggests that they have regulatory functions in circulation. As immunodominant molecules, Hsps can stimulate the immune system, leading to the production of autoantibodies recognizing epitopes shared by microbial and human Hsps. Thus, extracellular Hsps can influence the inflammatory response as evidenced by the production of inflammatory cytokines. Antibodies to Hsps have been found under normal conditions but seem to be increased in certain stresses and diseases. Such antibodies could regulate the inflammatory response positively or negatively. Here, we review the literature on the findings of antibodies to Hsps in situations of environmental or occupational stress and in a number of diseases and discuss their possible significance for the diagnosis, prognosis, or pathogenesis of these diseases.  相似文献   

《Trends in parasitology》2023,39(8):618-621
Parasites stabilise food webs and facilitate species coexistence but can also lead to population- or species-level extinctions. So, in biodiversity conservation, are parasites friends or foes? This question is misleading: it implies that parasites are not part of biodiversity. Greater integration of parasites into global biodiversity and ecosystem conservation efforts is required.  相似文献   

Viral myocarditis is an important cause of heart failure for which no specific treatments are available. Direct viral injury to cardiac cells provokes an inflammatory response that significantly contributes to cardiac damage and ensuing morbidity. Despite the central pathogenic role of autoimmune injury, broad inhibition of the inflammatory response does not result in patient benefit. Many preclinical studies collectively emphasize that modulating distinct inflammatory signaling pathways may yield effective viral clearance while preserving cardiac structure. This review aims to provide an overview of the sometimes contrasting observations from experimental viral myocarditis models and to translate the lessons learned into opportunities for future investigations and therapies.  相似文献   

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