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An Intermediate Category of Seed Storage Behaviour?: I. COFFEE   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
Seeds of four cultivars of arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L.)were tested for germination following hermetic storage for upto 12 months at several different combinations of temperaturesbetween –20 °C and 15 °C and moisture contentsbetween 5% and 10% (wet basis). Most of the seeds from one cultivarwithstood desiccation to between 5% and 6% moisture content,a seed water potential of approximately –250 MPa, butthose of the remaining three cultivars were much more sensitiveto desiccation damage. Moreover, in all four cultivars, seedlongevity at cool and sub-zero temperatures, and at low moisturecontents did not conform with orthodox seed storage behaviour:viability was lost more rapidly under these conditions thanat either warmer temperatures or higher moisture contents. Theresults confirm that coffee seeds fail to satisfy the definitionsof either typical orthodox or recalcitrant seed storage behaviour.These results, therefore, point to the possibility of a thirdcategory of storage behaviour intermediate between those oforthodox and recalcitrant seeds. One of the main features ofthis category is that dry seeds are injured by low temperatures. Key words: coffee, Coffea arabica L., seed storage, seed longevity, desiccation, temperature  相似文献   

Investigations were undertaken on the desiccation and freezingsensitivity of recalcitrant seeds of three species: tea [Camelliasinensis (L.) O. Kuntze], cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) and jackfruit(Artocarpus heterophyllus Lamk.). All species showed changesin the physiological characteristics, desiccation and freezingsensitivity of both the seed and the embryonic axes with increasingseed maturity. Fully mature seeds of tea, cocoa and jackfruitsurvived desiccation to 24, 35 and 31% moisture content, respectively,but at these moisture levels seeds were not able to toleratefreezing in liquid nitrogen (-196 °C). Some survival ofcryopreservation was, however, achieved for excised embryonicaxes of partially and fully-mature tea and jackfruit seeds afterdrying to 14% moisture content; cocoa axes were totally freezingsensitive at all three stages of physiological maturity studied.Biochemical investigations on fully mature axes after desiccationand freezing showed that the decline in viability with moisturelevel was associated with increased leachate conductivity, lipidperoxidation products and/or soluble carbohydrates. Evidencefor disruption of cell membranes during desiccation and freezingwas supported by ultrastructural studies.Copyright 1995, 1999Academic Press Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze, Theobroma cacao L., Artocarpus heterophyllus Lamk., Phaseolus vulgaris L., tea, cocoa, jackfruit, french bean, seeds, embryonic axes, desiccation, freezing, cryopreservation  相似文献   

Seeds of Hancornia speciosa germinated best at a temperatureof 20–30 °C. The viability of the seeds during storagewas short and the best storage conditions for viability entailedkeeping the seeds in polyethylene bags. Seed viability was maintainedonly when the seeds were stored at a moisture content above30%; storage conditions which allowed dehydration resulted ina rapid loss of viability (the seeds showed recalcitrant behaviour). Low temperature during storage did not improve longevity. Arelationship between germination and moisture content was established,but when the moisture content fell below 25% there was a drasticreduction of germination. After 9 weeks of storage, even athigh moisture content, seeds lost viability. Loss of seed viability during seed dehydration was associatedwith increased leakage of electrolytes and organic solutes,and reduced tetrazolium staining during subsequent imbibition. Hancornia speciosa, germination, recalcitrant seeds, storage, moisture  相似文献   

Seeds of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and mung bean (Vigna radiata(L.) Wilczek), with orthodox seed storage behaviour, were imbibedfor between 8 h and 96 h at 15 °C and 25 °C, respectively,while barley seeds were also maintained in moist aerated storageat 15 °C for 14 d. These seeds and seedlings, together withcontrols, were then dried to various moisture contents between3% and 16% (wet basis) and hermetically stored for six monthsat —20°C, 0°C or 15°C. In both species, neitherdesiccation nor subsequent hermetic storage of the control lotsresulted in loss in viability. The results for barley seedsimbibed for 24 h were similar to the control, but desiccationsensitivity increased progressively with duration of imbibitionbeyond 24 h in barley or 8 h in mung bean; these treatmentsalso reduced the longevity of the surviving seeds in air-drystorage. Loss in viability in barley imbibed for 48 h was mostrapid at the two extreme seed storage moisture contents of 3·6%and 14·3%, and in both these cases was more rapid at15 °C than at cooler temperatures. Similarly, for mung beanimbibed for 8 h, loss in viability was most rapid at the lowest(4·3%) moisture content, but in this case it was morerapid at –20 °C than at warmer temperatures. Thus,these results for the storage of previously imbibed orthodoxseeds conform with the main features of intermediate seed storagebehaviour Key words: Barley, Hordeum vulgare L., mung bean, Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek, desiccation sensitivity, seed longevity, seed storage behaviour  相似文献   

Freshly harvested seeds of Zizania palustris L. representingfour distinct stages of development were intolerant of desiccation.Rapid drying did not improve survival. The relationship betweenprobit viability and embryo moisture content for freshly harvestedmature seeds was identical to that described in an earlier publicationfor seeds previously stored fully imbibed at low temperaturesto remove dormancy. A small reduction in embryo moisture contentduring the first 3 d of drying at 15% r.h. and 15°C ledto a highly sigificant (P < 0.01) increase in the proportionof fresh seeds capable of germination in response to a rangeof dormancy breaking factors including giberellins. Resultsare discussed in relation to previous work on recalcitrant seedsand to the widely reported developmental changes in orthodoxseeds which are triggered by desiccation. Zizania palustris, wild rice, seeds, drying, desiccation intolerance, development  相似文献   

Effects of 2 °C chilling on the threshold moisture contentsand water potentials for various physiological processes wereestimated forAesculus hippocastanumL. seed. Seed harvested atthe time of maximum seed fall exhibited a dual response to drying:partial drying from near 50% to 32–40% moisture contentprogressively increased germination percentage (at 16 °C)up to various peak values; further desiccation was detrimental,confirming that the seeds are ‘recalcitrant’. Themoisture content for optimum germination was increased by atleast 10% as the chilling period was raised from 0 to 9 weeks.A negative linear relationship was found between log10mean timeto germinate and probit final germination, regardless of pre-treatment,indicating that partial desiccation and chilling are interchangeablein promoting germination of hydrated seed. For nearly fullyhydrated seeds, increasing the chilling period from 6 to 26weeks increased the viability-loss onset point for desiccationinjury from near 40% to about 48% moisture content without alteringthe drying rates of seed tissues. Extending moist chilling invarious seed lots from 0 to 26 weeks decreased subsequent longevityat 16 °C. For 26-week-chilled seeds longevity (the periodto lose one probit of germination) differed above and belowa threshold moisture content of 48%. It remained constant inthe moisture-content range 48–38%, but increased progressivelyas moisture content was raised above 48%. This threshold moisturecontent coincided with the value above which chilled seed pre-germinatedin storage. The results indicate that post-harvest desiccationand chilling alter the water relations of various physiologicalprocesses and a schematic summary is presented which relatesthe results to an axis water sorption isotherm.Copyright 1998Annals of Botany Company Aesculus hippocastanumL., horse chestnut, chilling, moisture content, water potential, desiccation tolerance, longevity, recalcitrant seed, embryo axis, maturation, germination.  相似文献   

Effects of dehydration, storage temperature and humidificationon germination of Salix alba andS. matsudana seeds were studied.Newly released seeds showed 100% germination before and afterdehydration to 11–12% moisture content. Germination ofthe high vigour lot (100% initial normal germination) was notaffected by dehydration to 6.7% moisture content but germinationdecreased with further dehydration to 4.3%. The lower vigourlot (75% initial normal germination) was more susceptible todehydration and germination decreased following dehydrationto 6.7% moisture content. Dry seeds of both species survivedimmersion in liquid nitrogen without loss of viability. Thegermination of seeds stored with 9% moisture content decreasedto 35–40% in 5 months at -20°C or in 2 months at 5°C.However, at 25°C seeds entirely lost viability within 2weeks. Seeds showed improved performance when stored at -70°C> - 20°C > 5°C > 25°C and tolerated dehydrationto a moisture content in equilibrium with 15% relative humidity.Results suggest that they are orthodox in storage behaviouralthough they are short-lived. Humidification treatment of lowvigour seed lots resulted in a remarkable increase in germinationpercentage. Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company Salix alba, Salix matsudana, willow, seed storage behaviour, dehydration, humidification, cryopreservation  相似文献   

The moisture content/probit viability relationship for storedseeds of Zizania palustris L. and Spartina anglica C. E. Hubbardwas linear and independent of the rate of embryo drying. Theseresults provide firm evidence of recalcitrant storage physiologyin these taxa. Preliminary tests strongly suggest that freshseeds of Porteresia coarctata (Roxb.) Tateoka are also intolerantof desiccation In Z. palustris apparent differences in desiccation tolerancebetween individuals can be partly explained by wide variationin individual embryo moisture contents during desiccation. Long-termstorage experiments in solutions of polyethylene glycol 6000(PEG) suggest that the actual variation in desiccation toleranceis confined to a narrow range of embryo water potentials inthe range –2 to –3 MPa. Despite the presence of prolonged dormancy in seeds of Z. palustrisand S. anglica there is no evidence of a significant effectof dormancy or storage period (up to the point of visible germination)on the limits of desiccation tolerance Aquatic grasses, seeds, storage, desiccation intolerance  相似文献   

Mechanisms Involved in Delayed Germination of Quercus nigra L. Seeds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Neither the pericarp nor the seed coat impose significant barriersto passage of water in Quercus nigra seeds. The pericarp eventuallybecomes limiting to continued swelling due to its mechanicalstrength. During stratification trapped gasses escape and continuedswelling of the cotyledons causes expansion of the pericarp.Vigorous acorns need around 105 days of combined stratificationand germination time to reach maximum germination. This additivityphenomenon is true for stratification times between 4 and 10weeks. Delayed germination is caused by at least three factors:(1) Mechanical strength of the pericarp, which was constantduring the observation period of 13 weeks; (2) Chemical inhibitionby the pericarp, which was alleviated by stratification forapproximately 4 weeks; (3) Slowly increasing capacity to imbibewater required for pericarp rupture. This component was apparentlynot dependent on temperature within the range of 5 to 30 °C,and operates during the entire stratification and germinationperiod. Quercus nigra L, water oak, seed germination, pericarp, stratification, dormancy  相似文献   

KRAAK  H. L.; VOS  J. 《Annals of botany》1987,59(3):343-349
Seeds of two lettuce cultivars (Lactuca sativa L., cv. Meikoninginand cv. Grand Rapids) were hermetically stored with constantmoisture contents ranging between 3.6 and 17.9 per cent (freshweight basis) at constant temperatures ranging between 5 and75 °C. The decline with time in percentage germination andpercentage normal seedlings was determined for each storagetreatment. The data were fitted to an equation which containsthe constants: K1, the probit of the initial percentage germinationor normal seedlings; KE, a species constant; CW, the constantof a logarithmic moisture term; CH, the constant of a lineartemperature term and CQ, the constant of a quadratic temperatureterm. Regression analysis of data from storage periods up to5.5 years at temperatures of 5–75 °C and seed moisturecontents of 3.6–13.6 per cent yielded the following values:KE= 8.218, CW=4.797±0.163, CH=0.0489±0.0050 andCQ=0.000365±0.000056. Although this equation consistentlyprovided a better fit, simplified equations, assuming eithera log-linear relationship between seed longevity and temperature,or a log-linear relationship between seed longevity and bothmoisture content and temperature, accounted for more than 94per cent of the variation at the restricted temperature rangeof 5–40 °C. Longevity of the same seed lots at sub-zero temperatures (–5,–10 and –20 °C) was studied in separate tests.Freezing damage, resulting in abnormal seedlings in the germinationtest, occurred at –20 °C when the moisture contentof the seeds exceeded 12 per cent. No decline in percentagenormal seedlings was observed after a storage period of 18 monthsor longer at –20 °C, provided the seed moisture contentdid not exceed 9.5 per cent. For seeds stored at –5 and–10 °C with 9.6–12.5 per cent moisture content,the observed rate of decline of percentage normal seedlingswas adequately predicted by the viability equation, using theabove values for the constants. This suggests that for low moisturecontents the viability equation can be applied to estimate longevityat sub-zero temperatures. Lettuce, Lactuca sativa (L.), seed longevity, seed storage, viability constants, storage conditions  相似文献   

The germination of cassava seed in response to various constantand alternating temperature regimes within the range 19–40°C was investigated using a two-dimensional temperaturegradient plate. It was found that almost all seeds were incapableof germination unless the temperature for part of the day exceeded30 °C and the mean temperature was at least 24 °C. However,dormant seeds required environments where the temperature forpart of the day exceeded 36 °C, the mean temperature wasat least 33 °C, and the amplitude of the diurnal temperaturealteration was within the range 3–18 °C. Providingthese conditions were met, the times spent at the upper andlower temperatures within a diurnal cycle were not critical.Hermetic storage of the seed for 77 days at 40 °C with 7.9per cent moisture content did not influence the pattern of germinationin response to constant and alternating temperatures. It issuggested that an alternating temperature regime of 30 °Cfor 8 h/38 °C for 16 h applied for a minimum of 21 daysis appropriate for cassava seed viability tests. Manihot esculenta Crantz, cassava, germination, dormancy, temperature  相似文献   

The Dry Storage of Citrus Seeds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The survival of seeds of lemon (Citrus limon L.), lime [C. arantifolia(Christm.) Swing.] and sour orange (C. aurantium L.) was examinedunder a wide range of constant moisture contents and temperatures.Seed longevity was increased by decreasing the moisture contentand temperature of the storage environment. Maximum viabilitywas maintained in the combination of storage conditions includingthe lowest moisture content (5 per cent) and lowest temperature(–20 °C) investigated. The practicality of dry storageof citrus seed for genetic conservation is discussed. Citrus limon L., lemon, Citrus aurantifolia (Christm.), Swing, lime, Citrus aurantium L., sour orange, dry storage, moisture content, temperature, seed viability, seed longevity  相似文献   

Low temperature tolerance was investigated in the imbibed seedof 15 seed lots compnsmg seven cultivars of Lactuca sativa L.During rapid cooling (20 °C h–1) some seeds of allseed lots survived to –16 °C but none to –20°C. The majority of seed lots retained over 50 per centviability above –14 °C due to isolation of the embryofrom external ice by the endosperm, and subsequent embryo super-cooling.Certain seed lots, including all three seed lots of cv. TomThumb, showed high mortality at temperatures above –10°C. Correlation of mortality with the formation of externalice suggested that the endosperm is not an effective nucleationbarrier in these seed lots. Survival to –20 °C was increased at slower coolingrates (6 to 1 °C h–1) due to freeze desiccation ofthe embryo, but seed lots varied considerably in their toleranceof specific cooling rates. A model to explain this variationwas developed incorporatmg (1) seed lot super-cooling limittemperature, (2) the rate at which freeze dehydration of thesupercooled embryo took place, (3) the moisture content at whichnucleation (at –20 °C) was no longer certain and (4)the.initial equilibrium moisture content of the fully imbibedseed. Factors (1), (2) and (3) were found to be relatively constant,but low (or artificially reduced) seed moisture content wasclosely correlated with high survival at natural cooling rates.Seed size fractions of similar moisture content from a singlecultivar showed that more small seeds survive cooling at 3 °Ch–1 to –20 °C than larger seed. Seed with pierced endosperms or ineffective nucleation barrierswere capable of surviving to at least –10 °C if cooledslowly (1 °C h–1) but were killed by rapid (20 °Ch–1) cooling. Lactuca sativa L, lettuce, seed germination freezing tolerance, super-cooling  相似文献   

Tomato seeds with a moisture content of 16.4% were stored hermeticallyat one of five constant temperatures (10, 20, 30, 40, 50 °C)or in one of nine alternating temperature (24 h/24 h) regimes(10/30, 10/40, 10/50, 20/30, 20/40, 20/50, 30/40, 30/50, 40/50°C) for up to 224 d. In each regime, seed survival conformedto cumulative negative normal distributions and all 14 survivalcurves could be constrained to a common origin. Estimates ofthe constants CHand CQof the viability equation determined atconstant temperatures were 0.0346 (s.e. 0.0058) and 0.000401(s.e. 0.000096), respectively. The effective temperature forseed survival of each alternating temperature regime was alwaysmuch higher than the mean. Tomato seeds were also stored hermeticallyat 15.9% moisture content at 40 °C for 0, 7, 14, 21 or 28d before transfer to 50 °C. This investigation showed thatthe standard deviation of the subsequent survival curves at50 °C was unaffected by the duration of previous storageat 40 °C. The results of both investigations were consistentwith the hypothesis that loss in probit viability is solelya function of the current storage environment, with no effectof change in temperature per se. The application of the viabilityequation to seed survival in fluctuating environments was validatedagainst independent observations for rice in uncontrolled storageconditions. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Temperature, seed storage, longevity, moisture content, viability equation, tomato, rice  相似文献   

In previous work, we demonstrated that there was an optimummoisture level for seed storage at a given temperature (Vertucciand Roos, 1990), and suggested, using thermodynamic considerations,that the optimum moisture content increased as the storage temperaturedecreased (Vertucci and Roos, 1993b). In this paper, we presentdata from a two year study of aging rates in pea (Pisum sativum)seeds supporting the hypothesis that the optimum moisture contentfor storage varies with temperature. Seed viability and vigourwere monitored during storage under dark or lighted conditionsat relative humidities between 1 and 90%, and temperatures between-5 and 65°C. The optimum moisture content varied from 0·015g H2O g-1 d.wt at 65°C to 0·101 g H2O g-1 d.wt at15°C under dark conditions and from 0·057 at 35°Cto 0·092 g H2O g-1 d.wt at -5°C under lighted conditions.Our results suggest that optimum moisture contents cannot beconsidered independently of temperature. This conclusion hasimportant implications for 'ultra-dry' and cryopreservationtechnologies.Copyright 1994, 1999 Academic Press Seed storage, seed aging, seed longevity, water content, temperature, glass, desiccation damage, ultradry, Pisum sativum L., pea, cryopreservation  相似文献   

The effects of kinetin (6-furfurylaminopurine) on viability during storage of recalcitrant sal (Shorea robusta Gaertn. f.) seeds at low temperature (15°C) were investigated. The freshly mature sal seeds showed an absolute loss of viability within 6–7 dah (days after harvest) when stored at ambient or at 15°C (control). Storage of these seeds at 15°C after kinetin (10 ppm) treatment prolonged the viability period up to 35 days with 20% germination. The kinetin-treated seeds exhibited 100% germination up to 10 days compared with 3 days in controls. Measurements of leachate conductivity, ·O 2 and lipid peroxidation registered gradual increases from 0 dah onward to 35 dah with significantly low levels compared with controls. On the other hand, an enormous increase in superoxide dismutase activity was discernible for a longer duration (0–35 dah) in kinetin-treated seeds than in control seeds where it remained for 3 dah. The role of kinetin in prolonging seed viability by reducing the loss of leachates, lipid peroxidation, ·O 2, and enhancing of superoxide dismutase is discussed. Received October 7, 1997; accepted January 27, 1998  相似文献   

Quercus coccifera L. and Q. ilex L. leaves, collected in winter,when the plants were in full turgor, were treated with polyethyleneglycol (PEG) with a water potential of –48 and –65bar, at 15 °C and at 30 °C, for 2 days. The responseof each species differs with temperature as far as the plastidpigment, anthocyanin and soluble sugar content is concerned.Thus Q. ilex is affected more at 15 °C rather than at 30°C, while in Q. coccifera, apart from a small increase inanthocyanins, no significant change was observed at 15 °C.On the contrary, at 30 °C significant changes were observedin all studied parameters. Chloroplast pigments decreased generallyon the first day and their content either dropped further orincreased to reach the control values on the second day. Alltreatments resulted in an increase in anthocyanin content. Solublesugar content raised in Q. ilex at 15 °C and decreased inboth species at 30 °C. Quercus coccifera, Quercus ilex, oak, temperature, water stress, anthocyanin, chlorophyll, carotenoids  相似文献   

Seed growth characteristics of Aesculus hippocastanum were examinedin detail during development from about 70 to 140 d after anthesis(DAA), mainly in 1988 and 1989. Mean fresh and dry weights increasedfor both the axis and the whole seed up to the time of peakseed fall at 135 DAA with no cessation before fruit abscission.Water per seed increased up to 100 DAA, after which no furtherincrease occurred; moisture content declined for the embryonicaxis and whole seed respectively from above 75 and 65% at 95DAA to 65 and 50% at 130 DAA. At fruit shedding in 1990 waterpotential values of -1·2, -2·6 and -1·1MPa were observed for the testa, cotyledon and axis tissuesrespectively; relevant sorption isotherms are presented. Decreases in seed moisture content during development were accompaniedby increases in desiccation tolerance and in germinability,both reaching their maximum at the time of peak seed fall. Atmaturity, only about 10% viability was retained on drying seedto 20% moisture content; it is confirmed that the seeds are'recalcitrant'. The exact relationship between moisture contentand germination during development was dependent on the deptof dormancy, as judged by the period of chilling required; eachduration of chilling at 2°C within the range 3-12 weeksyields a curve of sigmoid shape. No germination occurred at26°C without chilling, but nearly full germination can beobserved for samples collected at 6 weeks before maximum seedfall with 12 weeks chilling. The rate of moisture loss duringdesiccation at 15°C and 15% rh becomes reduced during development.The ontogeny of these 'recalcitrant' seeds is compared withthat of 'orthodox' seeded species and the implication of sigmoid-shapedcurves for the relationship between seed moisture content andgermination are considered.Copyright 1993, 1999 Academic Press Aesculus hippocastanum L., horse chestnut, seed development, water status, germination, desiccation intolerance, desiccation rate  相似文献   

The effects of temperature, 40–85 °C, on the permeabilityand germinability of the hard seeds of the pioneer tree Rhusjavanica L. with a fire syndrome were studied. The temperatureeffective for removal of the water-impermeable coat dormancyof the seeds was 55 ± 7·4 °C. With increasingtemperature, shorter exposure became sufficient to render theseeds permeable, but at temperatures above 75 °C, heat impairmentof germinability resulted in less than 60% germinability, evenwith long exposure. The most favourable regimes among thosetested were temperatures of 65–75 °C for durationsof 30–120 min, which frequently occur on denuded groundduring the midday hours of clear spring or summer days. Rhus javanica L., water-impermeable coat dormancy, seed germination, high temperature  相似文献   

TOMPSETT  P. B. 《Annals of botany》1982,50(5):693-704
Seeds of Araucaria hunsteinii K. Schum. dried quicker at 29°Cthan at 19°C and quicker with the seed-coat removed thanwhen intact; seeds enclosed in polyethylene bags increased inmoisture content. At 15°C, seeds in a flow of air driedquicker than seeds in a box with silica gel, which in turn driedquicker than seeds in a box with no desiccant. No loss of germinationability occurred on drying fresh seed from 53 to about 32 percent moisture content (fresh weight basis); during further desiccationthe percentage germination was related to percentage moisturecontent in the form of a sigmoid curve, culminating in a completefailure to germinate at approximately 14 per cent moisture content.A consistent relationship was observed for all treatments andthe mean critical moisture content for seed death (failure togerminate) was near 23 per cent. Excised embryos grew on 1 percent agar but died if previously subjected to 14 h of desiccationat 15°C. In contrast, no relationship was found between germination andmoisture content of A. cunninghamii D. Don on desiccation from21 to 7 per cent moisture content. Possible causes for the observeddifference in response to desiccation are discussed and methodsfor seed storage are considered. Araucaria hunsteinii, Klinkii pine, Araucaria cunninghamii, Hoop pine, desiccation, seed longevity, storage of seeds  相似文献   

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