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This work presents a systematic development of a new van der Waals potential (vdW2016) for common organic molecules based on symmetry-adapted perturbation theory (SAPT) energy decomposition. The Buf-14-7 function, as well as Cubic-mean and Waldman–Hagler mixing rules were chosen given their best performance among other popular potentials. A database containing 39 organic molecules and 108 dimers was utilized to derive a general set of vdW parameters, which were further validated on nucleobase stacking systems and testing organic dimers. The vdW2016 potential is anticipated to significantly improve the accuracy and transferability of new generations of force fields for organic molecules.  相似文献   

Strict physical theory and numerical calculations show that a specific coupling of many-atom van der Waals interactions with covalent bonding can significantly (half as much) increase the strength of attractive dispersion interactions when the direction of interaction coincides with the direction of the covalent bond, and decrease this strength when the direction of interaction is perpendicular to the direction of the covalent bond. The energy effect is comparable to that caused by the replacement of atoms (e.g. N by C or O) in conventional pairwise van der Waals interactions. Analysis of protein structures shows that they bear an imprint of this effect. This means that many-atom van der Waals interactions cannot be ignored in refinement of protein structures, in simulations of their folding, and in prediction of their binding affinities.  相似文献   

We calculate potentials of mean force (PMFs) for the intermolecular interaction of two blocked alanine dipeptide (AcAlaNHMe) molecules in water and gas phase at two temperatures, 278 and 300 K, from all-atom molecular dynamics simulations. Simple models based on buried solvent accessible surface and one-dimensional potentials derived from distance-based radial distribution functions are not capable of expressing the short- and long-range complexity of the solute-solute interactions in water. Instead, radial and angular variations in the PMFs are observed with the two-dimensional potentials. The strength of the interactions for specific relative orientations of the molecules in the two-dimensional PMFs is more than double that observed in the one-dimensional PMFs. The populations of specific blocked alanine dipeptide conformations in water, such as alpha(R) and PPII, vary with temperature, and most significantly, with the distance between the centers of mass. A preference for helical conformations is observed at close encounter between molecules.  相似文献   

Van der Waals interaction energy in globular proteins is presented by the interaction energies between regions of protein spatial structure with homogenous medium density distribution. We introduce a notion of the local medium permittivity as a function of absorptance of molecular groups with particular conformation. Proposed theory avoids shortcomings which are typical for the calculations on the basis of the pairwise additive approximation. The approach takes into account local peculiarities of protein spatial structure and physical-chemical characteristics of amino acid residues and molecular groups.  相似文献   

The study and prediction of kinase function (kinomics) is of major importance for proteome research due to the widespread distribution of kinases. However, the prediction of protein function based on the similarity between a functionally annotated 3D template and a query structure may fail, for instance, if a similar protein structure cannot be identified. Alternatively, function can be assigned using 3D-structural empirical parameters. In previous studies, we introduced parameters based on electrostatic entropy (Proteins 2004, 56, 715) and molecular vibration entropy (Bioinformatics 2003, 19, 2079) but ignored other important factors such as van der Waals (vdw) interactions. In the work described here, we define 3D-vdw entropies (degrees theta(k)) and use them for the first time to derive a classifier for protein kinases. The model classifies correctly 88.0% of proteins in training and more than 85.0% of proteins in validation studies. Principal components analysis of heterogeneous proteins demonstrated that degrees theta(k) codify information that is different to that described by other bulk or folding parameters. In additional validation experiments, the model recognized 129 out of 142 kinases (90.8%) and 592 out of 677 non-kinases (87.4%) not used above. This study provides a basis for further consideration of degrees theta(k) as parameters for the empirical search for structure-function relationships.  相似文献   

Computational determination of optimal side-chain conformations in protein structures has been a long-standing and challenging problem. Solving this problem is important for many applications including homology modeling, protein docking, and for placing small molecule ligands on protein-binding sites. Programs available as of this writing are very fast and reasonably accurate, as measured by deviations of side-chain dihedral angles; however, often due to multiple atomic clashes, they produce structures with high positive energies. This is problematic in applications where the energy values are important, for example when placing small molecules in docking applications; the relatively small binding energy of the small molecule is drowned by the large energy due to atomic clashes that hampers finding the lowest energy state of the docked ligand. To address this we have developed an algorithm for generating a set of side-chain conformations that is dense enough that at least one of its members would have a root mean-square deviation of no more than R Å from any possible side-chain conformation of the amino acid. We call such a set a side-chain cover set of order R for the amino acid. The size of the set is constrained by the energy of the interaction of the side chain to the backbone atoms. Then, side-chain cover sets are used to optimize the conformation of the side chains given the coordinates of the backbone of a protein. The method we use is based on a variety of dead-end elimination methods and the recently discovered dynamic programming algorithm for this problem. This was implemented in a computer program called Octopus where we use side-chain cover sets with very small values for R, such as 0.1 Å, which ensures that for each amino-acid side chain the set contains a conformation with a root mean-square deviation of, at most, R from the optimal conformation. The side-chain dihedral-angle accuracy of the program is comparable to other implementations; however, it has the important advantage that the structures produced by the program have negative energies that are very close to the energies of the crystal structure for all tested proteins.  相似文献   

In this work, we carried out geometry optimisations and classical molecular dynamics for the problem of cobaltocene (CC) encapsulation into different carbon nanotubes (CNTs) ((7,7), (8,8), (13,0) and (14,0) tubes were used). CCs are molecules composed of two aromatic pentagonal rings (C5H5) sandwiching one cobalt atom. From our simulation results, we observed that CC was encapsulated into CNTs (8,8), (13,0) and (14,0). However, for CNT (7,7), the encapsulation could not occur, in disaggrement with some previous works in the literature. Our results show that the encapsulation process is mainly governed by van der Waals potential barriers.  相似文献   

Grigoryan G  Ochoa A  Keating AE 《Proteins》2007,68(4):863-878
The rotamer approximation states that protein side-chain conformations can be described well using a finite set of rotational isomers. This approximation is often applied in the context of computational protein design and structure prediction to reduce the complexity of structural sampling. It is an effective way of reducing the structure space to the most relevant conformations. However, the appropriateness of rotamers for sampling structure space does not imply that a rotamer-based energy landscape preserves any of the properties of the true continuous energy landscape. Specifically, because the energy of a van der Waals interaction can be very sensitive to small changes in atomic separation, meaningful van der Waals energies are particularly difficult to calculate from rotamer-based structures. This presents a problem for computational protein design, where the total energy of a given structure is often represented as a sum of precalculated rigid rotamer self and pair contributions. A common way of addressing this issue is to modify the van der Waals function to reduce its sensitivity to atomic position, but excessive modification may result in a strongly nonphysical potential. Although many different van der Waals modifications have been used in protein design, little is known about which performs best, and why. In this paper, we study 10 ways of computing van der Waals energies under the rotamer approximation, representing four general classes, and compare their performance using a variety of metrics relevant to protein design and native-sequence repacking calculations. Scaling van der Waals radii by anywhere from 85 to 95% gives the best performance. Linearizing and capping the repulsive portion of the potential can give additional improvement, which comes primarily from getting rid of unrealistically large clash energies. On the other hand, continuously minimizing individual rotamer pairs prior to evaluating their interaction works acceptably in native-sequence repacking, but fails in protein design. Additionally, we show that the problem of predicting relevant van der Waals energies from rotamer-based structures is strongly nonpairwise decomposable and hence further modifications of the potential are unlikely to give significant improvement.  相似文献   

Effective van der Waals radii were calibrated in such a way that molecular models built from standard bond lengths and bond angles reproduced the amino acid conformations observed by crystallography in proteins and peptides. The calibrations were based on the comparison of the Ramachandran plots prepared from high-resolution X-ray data of proteins and peptides with the allowed phi, psi torsional angle space for the dipeptide molecular models. The calibrated radii are useful as criteria with which to filter energetically improbable conformations in molecular modeling studies of proteins and peptides.  相似文献   

Summary Using a pH signature criterion, it was found that whereas electrostatic attractions and repulsions were paramount in the binding of low molecular weight acid and basic dyes to tissue sections, high molecular weight dyes were also bound non-electrostatically.By studying the effects on staining of adding to aqueous dyebaths agents destroying the iceberg structure of water, the importance of hydrophobic bonding was established. It was noticed that the hydrophobic elastic fibres were stained by large dyes from dyebaths inhibitory both to electrostatic attractions and hydrophobic bonding (i.e. using acid dyes from alkaline aqueous-ethanol or aqueous-dimethylformamide dyebaths). This indicated that strong van der Waals attractions occurred, at least with some substrates. Supporting this idea was the observation that in tissue sections benzoylated before staining (i.e. made less acidophilic but more hydrophobic) additional structures were stained when using large acid dyes from alkaline aqueous-ethanol or aqueous-dimethylformamide dyebaths.Applications of the size-substantivity relationship were suggested, e.g. commenting on a standard stain for basic proteins; explaining the modes of action of traditional stains for elastic fibres and amyloid; rationalising the varied substantivities of tetrazolium salts; and finally suggesting guide lines for use in the design of new staining methods.  相似文献   

Novel 2D van der Waals heterostructures with innovative bimetallic oxychloride (Bi‐ and Sb‐based oxychloride) nanosheets that are well dispersed on reduced graphene oxide nanosheets, are established through element engineering for superior potassium ion battery (PIBs) anodes. This material displays an exceptional electrochemical performance, obtaining a discharge capacity as high as 360 mAh g?1 at 100 mA g?1 after running 1000 cycles for over 9 months with a capacity preservation percentage of 88.5% and achieving a discharge capacity as high as 319 mAh g?1 at 1000 mA g?1, in addition to the low charge/discharge plateaus for anodes and promising full cell performance. More significantly, the nature of such 2D van der Waals heterostructures, including the element engineering for morphology control, the function of each component of heterostructures, the mechanism of potassium ion storage, and the process of K+ intercalation accompanied with the lattice distortion and chemical bond breakages, is explored in depth. This study is critical for not only paving the way for the practical application of PIBs but also shedding light on fundamentals of potassium ion storage in 2D van der Waals heterostructures.  相似文献   

The dielectrically consistent reference interaction site model (DRISM) integral equation theory is applied to determine the potential of mean force (PMF) for an alanine tetramer. A stochastic dynamics simulation of the alanine tetramer using this PMF is then compared with an explicit water molecular dynamics simulation. In addition, comparison is also done with simulations using other solvent models like the extended reference interaction site model (XRISM) theory, constant dielectric and linear distance-dependent dielectric models. The results show that the DRISM method offers a fairly accurate and computationally inexpensive alternative to explicit water simulations for studies on small peptides.  相似文献   

We study the van der Waals energy of interaction of an array of parallel dielectric cylinders immersed in a dielectric medium. We consider only “thin” cylinders which have radius small compared to the separation of the cylinders. The energy is calculated as a sum of two body plus three body interactions. The case of hexagonally close packed cylinders is studied in more detail. Some biophysical applications are discussed and in particular the van der Waals energy of the myosin lattice in striated muscle is examined.  相似文献   

The problem in the calculation of Van der Waals interactions in protein globules based on the theory of condensed media was considered. The Van der Waals interactions are represented as energies of interaction of regions with a uniform density distribution. A definition of the local dielectric constant as a function of coefficients of absorption of molecular groups with a particular conformation was introduced. The applicability of this approach was estimated. The theory enables one to circumvent the problems arising in calculations based on pairwise additive approximation. The methods provides a high accuracy in determining the local features of spatial structures of globular proteins and physicochemical characteristics of their constituent amino acids and molecular groups.  相似文献   


Van der Waals interaction energy in globular proteins is presented by the interaction energies between regions of protein spatial structure with homogenous medium density distribution. We introduce a notion of the local medium permittivity as a function of absorptance of molecular groups with particular conformation. Proposed theory avoids shortcomings which are typical for the calculations on the basis of the pairwise additive approximation. The approach takes into account local peculiarities of protein spatial structure and physical-chemical characteristics of amino acid residues and molecular groups.  相似文献   

Sticky prey capture threads are produced by many members of the spider infraorder Araneomorphae. Cribellar threads are plesiomorphic for this clade, and viscous threads are apomorphic. The outer surface of cribellar thread is formed of thousands of fine, looped fibrils. Basal araneomorphs produce non-noded cribellar fibrils, whereas more derived members produce noded fibrils. Cribellar fibrils snag and hold rough surfaces, but other forces are required to explain their adherence to smooth surfaces. Threads of Hypochilus pococki (Hypochilidae) formed of non-noded fibrils held to a smooth plastic surface with the same force under low and high humidities. In contrast, threads of Hyptiotes cavatus and Uloborus glomosus (Uloboridae) formed of noded fibrils held with greater force to the same surface at intermediate and high humidities. This supports the hypothesis that van der Waals forces allow non-noded cribellar fibrils to adhere to smooth surfaces, whereas noded fibrils, owing to the hydrophilic properties of their nodes, add hygroscopic forces at intermediate and high humidities. Thus, there appear to have been two major events in the evolution of adhesive mechanisms in spider prey capture thread: the addition of hydrophilic nodes to the fibrils of cribellar threads and the replacement of cribellar fibrils by viscous material and glycoprotein glue.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 77 , 1–8.  相似文献   

A G Anderson  J Hermans 《Proteins》1988,3(4):262-265
A direct attack on the protein-folding problem has been initiated with the free energy perturbation methods of molecular dynamics. The complete conformational probability map for the alanine dipeptide is presented. This work uses the SPC model for the explicit hydration of the dipeptide. Free energy differences for the four observed minima (beta, alpha R, alpha L, C7ax) are given, and the free energy barriers between minima are outlined.  相似文献   

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