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We describe reproductive seasonality of bottlenose dolphins in North Carolina (NC), U.S.A., using strandings data from the entire coast of NC and sighting data from Beaufort, NC and by estimating dates of birth of known females. We found a strong peak of neonate strandings in the spring (April-May), and low levels of neonate strandings in the fall and winter. The distribution of neonate strandings was significantly different from a uniform distribution ( P < 0.001, K = 3.8). We found a unimodal distribution of 282 sightings of neonates with a diffuse peak in the summer. The temporal distribution of sightings of neonates departed significantly from a uniform distribution (P < 0.001, K = 5.1). Estimated birth dates of neonates from known females occurred in May ( n = 6) and June ( n = 4), with a single fall birth. These methods shed light on bottlenose reproductive patterns and underscore the value of using information from multiple types of data. Clarification of bottlenose dolphin reproductive patterns, such as the seasonality of birth, may enhance our understanding of the population structure of this species in the mid-Atlantic region.  相似文献   

Published records of cetaceans stranded on the Irish coast during the period 1901–95 are reviewed. In this review the number of stranding events has been used in the analysis and includes both live strandings and those animals washed up dead. There were 529 records involving 21 species. The Harbour Porpoise (27%) was the most frequently reported species, followed by Common Dolphins (16%) and Pilot Whales (15%). Minke Whales (8%) were the most frequently reported mysticete. The number of reported strandings has increased since the 1960s which is thought to be mainly due to increased observer effort. Cetaceans have stranded on all Irish coasts but mainly along the south coast and along the western seaboard but with no apparent overall seasonal trend. There was a peak in the strandings of Common Dolphins during 1991–92 when 27% (28 records) of all strandings were reported and of White-sided Dolphins when 60% (28 records) were reported, both of which were attributed to possible interactions with fisheries. The number of Striped Dolphins stranded on the Irish coast has increased steadily since the 1980s and may reflect increasing water temperatures.
These stranding records are considered inadequate to determine the status of most species of cetaceans in Irish waters but are sufficient to identify unusual stranding events such as high mortalities due to fisheries interactions or epizootics. More observer coverage is required before the stranding data are adequate for monitoring the status of most species but a stranding scheme is considered the most effective and efficient method of long-term monitoring of cetaceans in Irish waters.  相似文献   

Marine mammal strandings in the New Caledonia region, Southwest Pacific   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A total of 11,162 stranded marine mammals was admitted to a rehabilitation center on the central California coast between January 2003 and September 2015. Six hundred seventeen animals (6%) had evidence of anthropogenic trauma (AT). California sea lions comprised the majority (83%) of AT cases, particularly by entanglement in marine debris (n = 277) and gunshot injuries (n = 165). Guadalupe fur seals had the highest prevalence of entanglement in marine debris. Cetaceans were primarily affected by boat collisions (n = 19). The highest numbers of overall strandings were recorded in 2009 (n = 1,690) and 2015 (n = 1,666); 2009 also had the highest total number (n = 137) and prevalence (8%) of AT cases. Prevalence of fishing tackle cases increased compared to similar data from 1986 to 1998 while prevalence of gunshot cases decreased, and other causes remained static. Cases of fisheries interactions were further examined and characterized, and when direct fisheries interactions were separated from other causes of AT, fisheries interactions accounted for 50% (n = 310) of all AT cases during the study period. Direct fisheries interactions were the most common type of AT observed among stranded marine mammals in central California. Tracking AT trends is important to further understand possible causes and inform mitigation efforts.  相似文献   

  • 1 In the Mediterranean Sea, the sperm whale Physeter macrocephalus is one of eight regular cetacean species. Poor knowledge of its ecology and status, together with suspected decline in numbers, make studies of historical and present occurrence especially relevant. Long‐term time series of stranding events are the most reliable data to provide a scientific framework for testing hypotheses that seek to explain the mechanisms responsible for cetacean strandings.
  • 2 We present a comprehensive overview of cases of sperm whale mortality and human response to such events encompassing five centuries (1555–2009) within a portion of the Mediterranean Sea that offers a wealth of historical information – the Adriatic Sea.
  • 3 A total of 36 mortality events were validated, involving 68 animals. Two findings of skeletal materials are also reported. The geographic distribution of strandings within the basin clearly was uneven: 44% of records (n = 16) were clustered along a 280km portion of the western Adriatic coast. A relatively high number of mortality events occurred along gently sloping sandy beaches away from suitable sperm whale habitat.
  • 4 Until the first half of the 20th century, live‐stranded animals were routinely killed: all but one cases with known human response elicited killing attempts. Starting from the 1980s, killing was replaced by efforts to rescue the animals.
  • 5 Mass strandings of sperm whales have occurred since historical times in the Adriatic Sea. Mortality events involving multiple individuals accounted for at least 17% of the total sample (6 of 36 mortality events). At least 29% of live strandings (6 of 21) involved more than one individual.
  • 6 This study contributes a long‐term dataset based on careful validation of historical information, suitable for hypothesis testing aimed at investigating spatial and temporal correlates of sperm whale strandings – particularly live strandings – as a clue to their causes.

We aimed to compare the soil ant diversity in different land use systems from Atlantic Forest area, in Southern Bahia state, Brazil. The ants were sampled in 16 sites: two primary forest sites (un-logged forest); three young secondary forests (<8 years old); three intermediate secondary forests (8-20 years old); three old secondary forests (>20 years old); three Eucalyptus grandis plantations (3-7 years old), and two introduced pastures. Each site was sampled in three sampling points 15 m apart, and distant over 50 m from the site edge. In each sampling point we gathered the litter from a 1 m2 and extracted the ants with Winkler extractors during 48h. We found 103 ant species from 29 genera and eight subfamilies. The five richest genera were Pheidole (19 species), Solenopsis (8), Apterostigma (10), Hypoponera (7) e Paratrechina (5). The highest ant richness density was found in the primary forest (7.4 species/sample; S = 37; n = 5); followed by the old secondary forest (5.33 species/sample; S = 48; n = 9); young secondary forest (5.25 species/sample; S = 42, n = 8); eucalyptus plantation (4.22 species/sample; S = 38, n = 9), intermediate secondary forest (3.5 species/sample; S = 35, n = 10, and introduced pasture (2.67 species/sample; S = 16, n = 6). The ecosystems with higher structural complexity showed the highest ant richness density by sample. Therefore, in the Atlantic Forest region, the eucalyptus plantation is a better alternative of land use to conserve the ant biodiversity than pastures, and quite similar to native secondary forests in ant community characteristics.  相似文献   

The seroprevalence of Hantaan virus (HTNV) in wild rodents in South Korea was analyzed. Wild rodents were trapped in 18 cities in eight provinces during 2005-2007 and on three islands and four mountains during 2008-2010. Sera were collected from 629 out of 933 trapped wild animals and examined for immunoglobulin G antibodies to HTNV using indirect immunofluorescence assays. Apodemus agrarius (80.1%) was the most frequently captured species at almost all trapping sites. The overall prevalence of HTNV antibodies was 0.26 (162/629). Seropositive individuals were more frequent in cities (32.2%, n=410) than on islands (14.0%, n=57) or mountains (13.6%, n= 162). HTNV antibody-positive rate was higher in the fall (29.6%, n=253) than in the spring (23.1%, n=376). A. agrarius had the highest prevalence of HTNV antibodies (26.9%, n=561) of all tested species. Considering all the individuals, the prevalence of HTNV antibodies was higher in males (29.2%, n=250) than in females (22.3%, n=305). Our results show that HTNV is widely distributed throughout South Korea, and that HTNV infection of wild rodents is affected by their habitat, species, sex, and season.  相似文献   

Marine vertebrate strandings data can provide insights into the long-term dynamics of cetacean populations, and the threats they face. We investigate whether the spatio-temporal patterns of cetacean strandings around Cornwall, SW Britain, have changed in the past century. Analysis of strandings from 1911 to 2006 (n = 2,257) show that, since the mid-1970s, the relative frequency of strandings of common dolphins (Delphinus delphis), harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) and pilot whales (Globicephala melas) has increased significantly. Seasonal peaks in strandings frequencies are apparent, between December and March for harbour porpoises and common dolphins, and between November and January for pilot whales. There were significant positive trends in the number of common dolphin and harbour porpoise strandings, as a proportion of total strandings, over time. Strandings of common dolphins, porpoises and all other species occur more frequently on the south coast of Cornwall. A total of 415 cetaceans were subject to full veterinary necropsy to determine cause of death, between 1990 and 2006, and 253 (61%) of these individuals were determined to have died due to bycatch in fishing gear. Analyses of industrialised fishing pressure in UK waters show the seas around Cornwall to be one of the most heavily fished areas of the UK. We suggest a number of factors that could be responsible for the recent increases in cetacean strandings in southwest UK waters in recent years, including survey effort, as well as abundance and range shifts that are potentially linked with climate change. Although detectable levels of bycatch rate have not increased over time, fisheries interactions are in significant part responsible for mortality patterns and are worthy of more detailed investigation. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

An unprecedented 85 harbour porpoises stranded freshly dead along approximately 100 km of Danish coastline from 7–15 April, 2005. This total is considerably above the mean weekly stranding rate for the whole of Denmark, both for any time of year, 1.23 animals/week (ranging from 0 to 20 during 2003–2008, excluding April 2005), and specifically in April, 0.65 animals/week (0 to 4, same period). Bycatch was established as the cause of death for most of the individuals through typical indications of fisheries interactions, including net markings in the skin and around the flippers, and loss of tail flukes. Local fishermen confirmed unusually large porpoise bycatch in nets set for lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) and the strandings were attributed to an early lumpfish season. However, lumpfish catches for 2005 were not unusual in terms of season onset, peak or total catch, when compared to 2003–2008. Consequently, human activity was combined with environmental factors and the variation in Danish fisheries landings (determined through a principal component analysis) in a two-part statistical model to assess the correlation of these factors with both the presence of fresh strandings and the numbers of strandings on the Danish west coast. The final statistical model (which was forward selected using Akaike information criterion; AIC) indicated that naval presence is correlated with higher rates of porpoise strandings, particularly in combination with certain fisheries, although it is not correlated with the actual presence of strandings. Military vessels from various countries were confirmed in the area from the 7th April, en route to the largest naval exercise in Danish waters to date (Loyal Mariner 2005, 11–28 April). Although sonar usage cannot be confirmed, it is likely that ships were testing various equipment prior to the main exercise. Thus naval activity cannot be ruled out as a possible contributing factor.  相似文献   

We compiled historical reports of megamouth sharks Megachasma pelagios (mostly fishery by-catch and strandings) from 1976 to 2018 (n = 117) and found that they are distributed globally (highest latitude, 36°) with three hotspots: Japan, Taiwan and the Philippines. Despite possible biases due to variability in fishing effort, more individuals were reported at higher latitudes in the summer, suggesting seasonal, latitudinal migrations. Sex ratios were female-biased in Japan, but more even in Taiwan and the Philippines, suggesting some sexual segregation. Females (total length, LT = 3.41–7.10 m) were larger than males (LT = 1.77–5.39 m) and matured at a larger LT (5.17 m) than males (4.26 m). Also, we reviewed the systematics, feeding ecology and swimming behaviour of Megachasma pelagios based on the literature. Our review shows that, compared with their morphology, anatomy and genetics, behavioural ecology of this species remains largely unknown and electronic tagging studies are warranted.  相似文献   

Cetacean strandings are a constant phenomenon that occurs on coastlines; mortality is related to several factors but commercial fishing is considered one of the main pressures, in the Mediterranean, that can impact small cetacean species such as common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) and striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba). Since all eight species of cetaceans residing in the Mediterranean Sea are listed in the Habitats Directive, there is a legislative and management need to survey and report their conservation status every 6 years. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship, in Sicily, between strandings of two species and the fishery capacity, using records from 1995 to 2012. Positions and densities of all the strandings were compared with values of engine power from all the fishing vessels registered in 48 Sicilian ports. In addition, the relationship between strandings and the wild population at sea was investigated. Results showed that trends of fishing capacity and strandings both decreased, with a strong positive association. Trends were also confirmed when data were grouped into “6-year periods” or into different geographical sub-areas. Strandings were clustered near ports with higher fishing capacities; S. coeruleoalba records were distributed more homogenously along the coastline compared to T. truncatus, whose strandings were mostly distributed on the southern coastline, where the fishing capacity of bottom otter trawls was greater. The ratio between the two cetacean species was similar both for strandings and at-sea populations. Results show that fishing capacity is a pertinent indicator of pressure/threat to small cetacean species, and stranding records could complement at-sea data to assess population status within the framework of EU Directives.  相似文献   

Ixodid ticks were collected and identified from 8 wild carnivore species in Phu Khieo Wildlife Sanctuary, northeastern Thailand. Six tick species belonging to 4 genera were recovered and identified from 132 individuals. These included Amblyomma testudinarium (n = 36), Haemaphysalis asiatica (n = 58), H. hystricis (n = 31), H. semermis (n = 3), Rhipicephalus haemaphysaloides (n = 3), and Ixodes granulatus (n = 1). Leopard cats (Prionailurus bengalensis) (n = 19) were infested with 4 tick species, whereas yellow-throated marten (Martes flavigula) (n = 4), clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) (n = 2), and dhole (Cuon alpinus) (n = 1) were infested with 3 tick species, Asiatic golden cat (Catopuma temmincki) (n = 2) with 2 species, and marbled cat (Pardofelis marmorata), binturong (Arctictis binturong), and large Indian civet (Viverra zibetha) each infested with 1 species. This information contributes to the knowledge available on the ectoparasites of wild carnivores in Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

The latitudinal range of all records of sightings ( n = 9), and live strandings and carcasses ( n = 180) of Caperea marginata in the Australasian region was 32°00'–47°00'S. Records were concentrated on the edge of the South Australian gulfs, around Tasmania, at Stewart Island, in Cook Strait, and in the Auckland area. Limited data suggest that these may be related to planktonrich waters nearby. Body lengths ranged from 198 to 650 cm. Overall sex ratio was 0.70 (males: females). In regions north of about 41°S, juveniles (preweaning) made up 41% of the records and subadults (postweaning) were rare (13%). In regions south of about 41°S subadults (36%) were proportionately more abundant than juveniles (17%). Neonates were recorded from 35°37' to 47°00'S. Adults were found throughout the latitudinal range of the species in Australasia. The diet of the pygmy right whale included copepods and small euphausiids. Behavior consistent with feeding has been observed in coastal waters of Australia.  相似文献   

Improved knowledge of the breeding biology of carnivorous marsupials is warranted given their heightened conservation status. Past studies have focused on smaller dasyurids and little is known of male reproductive physiology in the larger species. This study aimed to characterize the pattern of androgen concentrations in male devils and spotted-tailed quolls and to evaluate fecal steroid measurement as a practical, alternative technique for monitoring reproductive activity. Blood and fecal samples were collected from captive adult devils (n=6) and adult quolls (n=8). Plasma and fecal androgen concentrations were significantly positively correlated. In both species there was a significant effect of season on androgen concentrations; and the annual increase preceded female estrus activity. For devils, fecal androgens were elevated during the austral summer: peak concentrations were observed in January-February, and copulation occurred from late February-late May. In quolls, fecal androgen concentrations were highest during austral autumn/winter: the annual increase began in April and copulation occurred from mid-May to early October. The lengthy period of elevated plasma and fecal androgens and protracted annual period of mating activity implies a period of extended spermatogenesis in both species.  相似文献   

A multi-year unusual mortality event (UME) involving primarily common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncates) was declared in the northern Gulf of Mexico (GoM) with an initial start date of February 2010 and remains ongoing as of August 2014. To examine potential changing characteristics of the UME over time, we compared the number and demographics of dolphin strandings from January 2010 through June 2013 across the entire GoM as well as against baseline (1990-2009) GoM stranding patterns. Years 2010 and 2011 had the highest annual number of stranded dolphins since Louisiana’s record began, and 2011 was one of the years with the highest strandings for both Mississippi and Alabama. Statewide, annual numbers of stranded dolphins were not elevated for GoM coasts of Florida or Texas during the UME period. Demographic, spatial, and temporal clusters identified within this UME included increased strandings in northern coastal Louisiana and Mississippi (March-May 2010); Barataria Bay, Louisiana (August 2010-December 2011); Mississippi and Alabama (2011, including a high prevalence and number of stranded perinates); and multiple GoM states during early 2013. While the causes of the GoM UME have not been determined, the location and magnitude of dolphin strandings during and the year following the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill, including the Barataria Bay cluster from August 2010 to December 2011, overlap in time and space with locations that received heavy and prolonged oiling. There are, however, multiple known causes of previous GoM dolphin UMEs, including brevetoxicosis and dolphin morbillivirus. Additionally, increased dolphin strandings occurred in northern Louisiana and Mississippi before the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Identification of spatial, temporal, and demographic clusters within the UME suggest that this mortality event may involve different contributing factors varying by location, time, and bottlenose dolphin populations that will be better discerned by incorporating diagnostic information, including histopathology.  相似文献   

Zordan M  Deem SL  Sanchez CR 《Zoo biology》2012,31(2):181-188
We examined 1,092 skulls of captive and free-living individuals, representing 33 felid species, to determine the prevalence of focal palatine erosion (FPE). FPE was detected in 3.2% of cats evaluated, including cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) and 14 other felid species. The prevalence of FPE between cheetah (9.4%; n = 64) and non-cheetah species (2.8%; n = 1,028) (χ(2) test; P = 0.004) and between captive (5.7%; n = 246) and free-living (2.4%; n = 824) individuals (χ(2) test; P = 0.010) were significantly different, with prevalence between captive (19%; n = 21) and free-living (2.9%; n = 34) cheetahs approaching significance (Fisher's exact test; P = 0.064). FPE was diagnosed with equal prevalence in skulls from individuals in which the lower molars did not meet the palatine bone (60.6%) and individuals in which it did (39.4%; n = 33) (χ(2) test; P = 0.139). In cheetahs with FPE, one was a captive animal in Germany, one a free-living cheetah from Mali, one captive cheetah from Kenya, and three captive cheetahs of unknown origin. Additionally, we evaluated the medical records of 49 captive cheetahs in Namibia. Of these cheetahs, 48 (98.0%) had clinical signs consistent with FPE, although only 16 of these 48 (39.6%) had perforation of the palatine bone. Based on physical examinations, FPE was diagnosed in two caracals (Caracal caracal) and one fishing cat (Prionailurus viverrinus) from a North American Zoo. Results from this study confirm FPE in cheetahs outside of Namibia, in a minimum of 15 felid species, and a higher FPE prevalence in captive individuals than free-living ones. Clinical implications of these findings and recommendations for future studies are provided.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial control region was sequenced for 60 individuals representing different populations for each of the four species of the subterranean mole rat Spalax ehrenbergi superspecies in Israel: Spalax galili (2n = 52), S. golani (2n = 54), S. carmeli (2n = 58), and S. judaei (2n = 60). The control region of all species and populations is very similar both in length (979 to 983 bp) and in base composition. As in agreement with previous surveys on mitochondrial control regions on mammals, the mole rat control region can be divided into a central domain and two flanking domains, ETAS (extended termination associated sequences) and CSB (conserved sequence blocks). Along with the common conserved blocks found in these domains (ETAS1, ETAS2, CSB1, CSB2, and CSB3), we have also detected in all individuals an ETAS1-like and a CSB1-like element, both in the ETAS domain. The most conserved region was the central domain, followed by the CSB and ETAS domains, showing important differences in the four species analyzed. Phylogenetic analysis supported the existence of two clades. One clade contained individuals belonging to Spalax galili (2n = 52) and S. golani (2n = 54), separated in two different branches depending on the species. The other clade contained individuals belonging to S. carmeli (2n = 58) and S. judaei (2n = 60) mixed together, suggesting a more recent event of speciation. Within species we have observed a southward trend of increasing variability. These results have been explained as a consequence of the adaptation of the species to ecological factors such as aridity and temperature stresses.  相似文献   

An integrated approach of using strandings and bycatch data may provide an indicator of long-term trends for data-limited cetaceans. Strandings programs can give a faithful representation of the species composition of cetacean assemblages, while standardised bycatch rates can provide a measure of relative abundance. Comparing the two datasets may also facilitate managing impacts by understanding which species, sex or sizes are the most vulnerable to interactions with fisheries gear. Here we apply this approach to two long-term datasets in East Australia, bycatch in the Queensland Shark Control Program (QSCP, 1992–2012) and strandings in the Queensland Marine Wildlife Strandings and Mortality Program (StrandNet, 1996–2012). Short-beaked common dolphins, Delphinus delphis, were markedly more frequent in bycatch than in the strandings dataset, suggesting that they are more prone to being incidentally caught than other cetacean species in the region. The reverse was true for humpback whales, Megaptera novaeangliae, bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops spp.; and species predominantly found in offshore waters. QSCP bycatch was strongly skewed towards females for short-beaked common dolphins, and towards smaller sizes for Australian humpback dolphins, Sousa sahulensis. Overall, both datasets demonstrated similar seasonality and a similar long-term increase from 1996 until 2008. Analysis on a species-by-species basis was then used to explore potential explanations for long-term trends, which ranged from a recovering stock (humpback whales) to a shift in habitat use (short-beaked common dolphins).  相似文献   

I. Zuri    J. Terkel 《Journal of Zoology》1996,240(1):123-140
The northern bottlenose whale has been caught in the Faroe Islands for centuries, with written catch records going back to 1584 and unbroken from 1709. A total of 811 whales has been reported in the period 1584-1993. The Faroese bottlenose whaling is an opportunistic drive fishery of pods sighted very close to shore. Natural strandings also occur. Most of the fishery has taken place in two close southern villages of the Faroese archipelago (72% of the catch). The high season is 20 August-20 September. The pod contains 1-7 whales with an average of 2.1 whales. Most of them are immature males or mature females with juveniles, but as many males as females have been caught overall. Females and males at every stage of development have been caught in the Faroes, although it appears that the bottlenose whales approaching the Faroese coast and then driven ashore have not included as large and as small individuals as those shot offshore. A body weight (W in kg) and length (L in cm) relationship has been calculated for both sexes combined: W = 0.0000131 x L3.07. Females and immature males have a grey and bulbous forehead. As the males mature their forehead becomes flatter and lighter, and only large mature males have a white and flat forehead. The stomach contents of nine whales contained in total at least 13 squid species. A comparison with pilot whaling shows that bottlenose whales arrive 2-4 weeks later than the pilot whales and that the geographical distribution of the catch is very different for both species, suggesting a different pattern of migration through the archipelago.  相似文献   

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