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Pulse-chase experiments in conjunction with subcellular fractionation and quantitative immunoprecipitation have been used to study the intracellular transport of four secretory proteins, albumin, transferrin, prealbumin and retinol-binding protein, in isolated rat hepatocytes. The proteins were found to be transported from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the Golgi complex (GC) at greatly different rates (t1/2 = 14-137 min), indicating that transport of secretory proteins between these organelles is effected by a selective, possibly receptor-mediated process and not through bulk phase transfers. The transport from the Golgi complex to the medium was rapid for all proteins (t1/2 approximately 15 min) and possibly occurred at the same rate. Consistent with these kinetic data, the amount of a rapidly transported protein (albumin) in the GC fraction was found to be high (relative to its amount in the ER fraction) whereas the amount of a slowly transported protein (transferrin) in the GC fraction was found to be low, as determined by radioimmunoassays.  相似文献   

Jacob R  Naim HY 《Current biology : CB》2001,11(18):1444-1450
The function of polarized epithelial cells and neurons is achieved through intracellular sorting mechanisms that recognize classes of proteins in the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and deliver them into separate vesicles for transport to the correct surface domain. Some proteins are delivered to the apical membrane after their association with membrane detergent-insoluble glycophosphatidylinositol/cholesterol (DIG) membrane microdomains [1], while some do not associate with DIGs [2-4]. However, it is not clear if this represents transport by two different pathways or if it can be explained by differences in the affinity of individual proteins for DIGs. Here, we investigate the different trafficking mechanisms of two apically sorted proteins, the DIG-associated sucrase-isomaltase (SI) and lactase-phlorizin hydrolase, which uses a DIG-independent pathway [5]. These proteins were tagged with YFP or CFP, and their trafficking in live cells was visualized using confocal laser microscopy. We demonstrate that each protein is localized to distinct subdomains in the same transport vesicle. A striking triangular pattern of concentration of the DIG-associated SI in subvesicular domains was observed. The original vesicles partition into smaller carriers containing either sucrase-isomaltase or lactase-phlorizin hydrolase, but not both, demonstrating for the first time a post-TGN segregation step and transport of apical proteins in different vesicular carriers.  相似文献   

We have identified a vesicle fraction that contains alpha 1-antitrypsin and other human HepG2 hepatoma secretory proteins en route from the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) to the cis face of the Golgi complex. [35S]Methionine pulse-labeled cells were chased for various periods of time, and then a postnuclear supernatant fraction was resolved on a shallow sucrose-D2O gradient. This intermediate fraction has a density lighter than RER or Golgi vesicles. Most alpha 1-antitrypsin in this fraction (P1) bears N-linked oligosaccharides of composition similar to that of alpha 1-antitrypsin within the RER; mainly Man8GlcNac2 with lesser amounts of Man7GlcNac2 and Man9GlcNac2; this suggests that the protein has not yet reacted with alpha-mannosidase-I on the cis face of the Golgi complex. This light vesicle species is the first post-ER fraction to be filled by labeled alpha 1-antitrypsin after a short chase, and newly made secretory proteins enter this compartment in proportion to their rate of exit from the RER and their rate of secretion from the cells: alpha 1-antitrypsin and albumin faster than preC3 and alpha 1-antichymotrypsin, faster, in turn, then transferrin. Deoxynojirimycin, a drug that blocks removal of glucose residues from alpha 1-antitrypsin in the RER and blocks its intracellular maturation, also blocks its appearance in this intermediate compartment. Upon further chase of the cells, we detect sequential maturation of alpha 1- antitrypsin to two other intracellular forms: first, P2, a form that has the same gel mobility as P1 but that bears an endoglycosidase H- resistant oligosaccharide and is found in a compartment--probably the medial Golgi complex--of density higher than that of the intermediate that contains P1; and second, the mature sialylated form of alpha 1- antitrypsin.  相似文献   

During the development of pseudopodial spermatozoa of the nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, protein synthesis stops before differentiation is completed. Colloidal gold conjugates of monoclonal antibody SP56, which binds to the surface of spermatozoa, and TR20, which recognizes the major sperm cytoplasmic protein (MSP), were used to label thin sections of testes embedded in Lowicryl K4M in order to follow polypeptides from their synthesis early in spermatogenesis to their segregation to specific compartments of the mature cell. Both antigens are synthesized in primary spermatocytes and are assembled into a unique double organelle, the fibrous body-membranous organelle (FB-MO) complex. However, the antigens are localized in different regions of this FB-MO complex. As described in detail, the assembly of proteins into the FB-MO complex allows both membrane and cytoplasmic components to be concentrated in the spermatids after meiosis. Then, the stepwise disassembly of this transient structure ensures delivery of each component to its final destination in the mature spermatozoan: MSP filaments in the fibrous body depolymerize, releasing MSP into the cytoplasm and the membranous organelles fuse with the plasma membrane, delivering SP56 antigen to the surface.  相似文献   

Newly synthesized G protein of vesicular stomatitis virus is not transported to the surface of cultured mammalian cells during mitosis (Warren et al., 1983, J. Cell Biol. 97:1623-1628). To determine where intracellular transport is inhibited, we have examined the post-translational modifications of G protein, which are indicators of specific compartments on the transport pathway. G protein in mitotic cells had only endo H-sensitive oligosaccharides containing seven or eight mannose residues, but no terminal glucose, and was not fatty acylated. These modifications were indicative of processing only by enzymes of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Quantitative immunocytochemistry was used as an independent method to confirm that transport of G protein out of the ER was inhibited. The density of G protein in the ER cisternae was 2.5 times greater than in infected G1 cells treated similarly. Incubation of infected mitotic cells with cycloheximide, which inhibits protein synthesis without affecting transport, did not result in a decrease in the density of G protein in the ER cisternae, demonstrating that G protein cannot be chased out of the ER. These results suggest that intracellular transport stops at or before the first vesicle-mediated step on the pathway.  相似文献   

Transport of cargo through and from the Golgi complex is mediated by vesicular carriers and transient tubular connections. Two classes of vesicle have been implicated in the biosynthetic or anterograde membrane traffic of this organelle. Both classes of vesicle are coated on the cytoplasmic surface with proteins, of which at least one component is related. Tubular connections also enable exchange of material between membrane-bounded compartments associated with the Golgi complex, most obviously in cells that have been treated with the drug, brefeldin A. Coat proteins appear to be involved in the regulation of these transport processes. Their putative functions include sorting of cargo, as well as regulation of budding, fusion or targeting of the membrane carriers.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1985,100(5):1558-1569
Hepatocytes of estradiol-treated rats, which express many low density lipoprotein receptors, rapidly accumulate intravenously injected low density lipoprotein in multivesicular bodies (MVBs). We have isolated MVBs and Golgi apparatus fractions from livers of estradiol-treated rats. MVB fractions were composed mainly of large vesicles, approximately 0.55 micron diam, filled with remnantlike very low density lipoproteins, known to be taken up into hepatocytes by receptor- mediated endocytosis. MVBs also contained numerous small vesicles, 0.05- 0.07 micron in diameter, and had two types of appendages: one fingerlike and electron dense and the other saclike and electron lucent. MVBs contained little galactosyltransferase or arylsulfatase activity, and content lipoproteins were largely intact. Very low density lipoproteins from Golgi fractions, which are derived to a large extent from secretory vesicles, were larger than those of MVB fractions and contained newly synthesized triglycerides. Membranes of MVBs contained much more cholesterol and less protein than did Golgi membranes. We conclude that two distinct lipoprotein-filled organelles are located in the bile canalicular pole of hepatocytes. MVBs, a major prelysosomal organelle of low density in the endocytic pathway, contain remnants of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins, whereas secretory vesicles of the Golgi apparatus contain nascent very low density lipoproteins.  相似文献   

Neurons transport newly synthesized membrane proteins along axons by microtubule-mediated fast axonal transport. Membrane proteins destined for different axonal subdomains are thought to be transported in different transport carriers. To analyze this differential transport in living neurons, we tagged the amyloid precursor protein (APP) and synaptophysin (p38) with green fluorescent protein (GFP) variants. The resulting fusion proteins, APP-yellow fluorescent protein (YFP), p38-enhanced GFP, and p38-enhanced cyan fluorescent protein, were expressed in hippocampal neurons, and the cells were imaged by video microscopy. APP-YFP was transported in elongated tubules that moved extremely fast (on average 4.5 micrometer/s) and over long distances. In contrast, p38-enhanced GFP-transporting structures were more vesicular and moved four times slower (0.9 micrometer/s) and over shorter distances only. Two-color video microscopy showed that the two proteins were sorted to different carriers that moved with different characteristics along axons of doubly transfected neurons. Antisense treatment using oligonucleotides against the kinesin heavy chain slowed down the long, continuous movement of APP-YFP tubules and increased frequency of directional changes. These results demonstrate for the first time directly the sorting and transport of two axonal membrane proteins into different carriers. Moreover, the extremely fast-moving tubules represent a previously unidentified type of axonal carrier.  相似文献   

Efficient export of secretory proteins through a vacuolized Golgi complex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The transport of the secretory proteins fibronectin (FN) and procollagen (PC) was studied in cells infected with the temperature-sensitive mutant ts 12 of Uukuniemi virus. Using pulse-labeling followed by immunoprecipitation and SDS-PAGE (FN), or by determination of radioactivity incorporated into hydroxyproline (PC) at different time points we could show that the secretion rates for these proteins were normal although the Golgi complex had become vacuolized as a result of infection with the virus. We conclude that such a morphologically altered Golgi can still carry out effective transport of secretory proteins.  相似文献   

Using indirect immunofluorescence we have examined the effects of reagents which inhibit the function of ras-related rab small GTP-binding proteins and heterotrimeric G alpha beta gamma proteins in ER to Golgi transport. Export from the ER was inhibited by an antibody towards rab1B and an NH2-terminal peptide which inhibits ARF function (Balch, W. E., R. A. Kahn, and R. Schwaninger. 1992. J. Biol. Chem. 267:13053-13061), suggesting that both of these small GTP-binding proteins are essential for the transport vesicle formation. Export from the ER was also potently inhibited by mastoparan, a peptide which mimics G protein binding regions of seven transmembrane spanning receptors activating and uncoupling heterotrimeric G proteins from their cognate receptors. Consistent with this result, purified beta gamma subunits inhibited the export of VSV-G from the ER suggesting an initial event in transport vesicle assembly was regulated by a heterotrimeric G protein. In contrast, incubation in the presence of GTP gamma S or AIF(3-5) resulted in the accumulation of transported protein in different populations of punctate pre-Golgi intermediates distributed throughout the cytoplasm of the cell. Finally, a peptide which is believed to antagonize the interaction of rab proteins with putative downstream effector molecules inhibited transport at a later step preceding delivery to the cis Golgi compartment, similar to the site of accumulation of transported protein in the absence of NSF or calcium (Plutner, H., H. W. Davidson, J. Saraste, and W. E. Balch. 1992. J. Cell Biol. 119:1097-1116). These results are consistent with the hypothesis that multiple GTP-binding proteins including a heterotrimeric G protein(s), ARF and rab1 differentially regulate steps in the transport of protein between early compartments of the secretory pathway. The concept that G protein-coupled receptors gate the export of protein from the ER is discussed.  相似文献   

Recent studies indicate that regulation of the actin cytoskeleton is important for protein trafficking, but its precise role is unclear. We have characterized the ARF1-dependent assembly of actin on the Golgi apparatus. Actin recruitment involves Cdc42/Rac and requires the activation of the Arp2/3 complex. Although the actin-binding proteins mAbp1 (SH3p7) and drebrin share sequence homology, they are differentially segregated into two distinct ARF-dependent actin complexes. The binding of Cdc42 and mAbp1, which localize to the Golgi apparatus, but not drebrin, is blocked by occupation of the p23 cargo-protein-binding site on coatomer. Exogenously expressed mAbp1 is mislocalized and inhibits Golgi transport in whole cells. The ability of ARF, vesicle-coat proteins, and cargo to direct the assembly of cytoskeletal structures helps explain how only a handful of vesicle types can mediate the numerous trafficking steps in the cell.  相似文献   

We have examined the role of ras-related rab proteins in transport from the ER to the Golgi complex in vivo using a vaccinia recombinant T7 RNA polymerase virus to express site-directed rab mutants. These mutations are within highly conserved domains involved in guanine nucleotide binding and hydrolysis found in ras and all members of the ras superfamily. Substitutions in the GTP-binding domains of rab1a and rab1b (equivalent to the ras 17N and 116I mutants) resulted in proteins which were potent trans dominant inhibitors of vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (VSV-G protein) transport between the ER and cis Golgi complex. Immunofluorescence analysis indicated that expression of rab1b121I prevented delivery of VSV-G protein to the Golgi stack, which resulted in VSV-G protein accumulation in pre-Golgi punctate structures. Mutants in guanine nucleotide exchange or hydrolysis of the rab2 protein were also strong trans dominant transport inhibitors. Analogous mutations in rab3a, rab5, rab6, and H-ras did not inhibit processing of VSV-G to the complex, sialic acid containing form diagnostic of transport to the trans Golgi compartment. We suggest that at least three members of the rab family (rab1a, rab1b, and rab2) use GTP hydrolysis to regulate components of the transport machinery involved in vesicle traffic between early compartments of the secretory pathway.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1993,121(6):1245-1256
We are studying intercompartmental protein transport to the yeast lysosome-like vacuole with a reconstitution assay using permeabilized spheroplasts that measures, in an ATP and cytosol dependent reaction, vacuolar delivery and proteolytic maturation of the Golgi-modified precursor forms of vacuolar hydrolases like carboxypeptidase Y (CPY). To identify the potential donor compartment in this assay, we used subcellular fractionation procedures that have uncovered a novel membrane-enclosed prevacuolar transport intermediate. Differential centrifugation was used to separate permeabilized spheroplasts into 15K and 150K g membrane pellets. Centrifugation of these pellets to equilibrium on sucrose density gradients separated vacuolar and Golgi complex marker enzymes into light and dense fractions, respectively. When the Golgi-modified precursor form of CPY (p2CPY) was examined (after a 5-min pulse, 30-s chase), as much as 30-40% fractionated with an intermediate density between both the vacuole and the Golgi complex. Pulse-chase labeling and fractionation of membranes indicated that p2CPY in this gradient region had already passed through the Golgi complex, which kinetically ordered it between the Golgi and the vacuole. A mutant CPY protein that lacks a functional vacuolar sorting signal was detected in Golgi fractions but not in the intermediate compartment indicating that this corresponds to a post-sorting compartment. Based on the low transport efficiency of the mutant CPY protein in vitro (decreased by sevenfold), this intermediate organelle most likely represents the donor compartment in our reconstitution assay. This organelle is not likely to be a transport vesicle intermediate because EM analysis indicates enrichment of 250-400 nm compartments and internalization of surface-bound 35S-alpha-factor at 15 degrees C resulted in its apparent cofractionation with wild-type p2CPY, indicating an endosome-like compartment (Singer, B., and H. Reizman. 1990. J. Cell Biol. 110:1911-1922). Fractionation of p2CPY accumulated in the temperature sensitive vps15 mutant revealed that the vps15 transport block did not occur in the endosome-like compartment but rather in the late Golgi complex, presumably the site of CPY sorting. Therefore, as seen in mammalian cells, yeast CPY is sorted away from secretory proteins in the late Golgi and transits to the vacuole via a distinct endosome-like intermediate.  相似文献   

The antiviral antibiotic brefeldin A (BFA) strongly inhibits the protein secretion in cultured rat hepatocytes (Misumi, Y., Misumi, Y., Miki, K., Takatsuki, A., Tamura, G., and Ikehara, Y. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 11398-11403). We have further examined the inhibitory effect of the drug on intracellular transport of albumin by an immunocytochemical technique with peroxidase-conjugated Fab fragments of anti-rat albumin IgG. In hepatocytes treated with BFA (2.5 micrograms/ml) for 1 h at 37 degrees C, no characteristic structures of the Golgi complex could be observed, and albumin was diffusely distributed in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), nuclear envelope, and small vesicles around, in contrast to its condensed localization in the Golgi complex in the control cells. Such an unusual distribution of the secretory protein, however, was rearranged to the normal localization in the Golgi complex after 4 h even in the presence of the drug, possibly due to a metabolism of the drug to an inert form. Exposure of the cells to BFA with constant renewals (2.5 micrograms/ml at 1-h intervals) or at a higher concentration (10 micrograms/ml) caused a prolonged accumulation of albumin in the ER, resulting in its dilation. These results indicate that BFA primarily blocks the protein transport from the ER to the Golgi complex, consistent with the biochemical data previously reported.  相似文献   

Although glycosphingolipids are ubiquitously expressed and essential for multicellular organisms, surprisingly little is known about their intracellular functions. To explore the role of glycosphingolipids in membrane transport, we used the glycosphingolipid-deficient GM95 mouse melanoma cell line. We found that GM95 cells do not make melanin pigment because tyrosinase, the first and rate-limiting enzyme in melanin synthesis, was not targeted to melanosomes but accumulated in the Golgi complex. However, tyrosinase-related protein 1 still reached melanosomal structures via the plasma membrane instead of the direct pathway from the Golgi. Delivery of lysosomal enzymes from the Golgi complex to endosomes was normal, suggesting that this pathway is not affected by the absence of glycosphingolipids. Loss of pigmentation was due to tyrosinase mislocalization, since transfection of tyrosinase with an extended transmembrane domain, which bypassed the transport block, restored pigmentation. Transfection of ceramide glucosyltransferase or addition of glucosylsphingosine restored tyrosinase transport and pigmentation. We conclude that protein transport from Golgi to melanosomes via the direct pathway requires glycosphingolipids.  相似文献   

HeLa cells arrested in prometaphase were pulse-labeled with [35S]methionine and chased in the absence of nocodazole to allow passage through mitosis and into G1. Transport of histocompatibility antigen (HLA) molecules to the medial- and trans-Golgi cisternae was measured by monitoring the resistance to endoglycosidase H and the acquisition of sialic acid residues, respectively. Transport to the plasma membrane was measured using neuraminidase to remove sialic acid residues on surface HLA molecules. The half-time for transport to each of these compartments was about 65-min longer in cells progressing out of mitosis than in G1 cells. This delay was only 5-min longer than the half-time for the fall in histone H1 kinase activity suggesting that inactivation of the mitotic kinase triggers the resumption of protein transport. The half-time for reassembly of the Golgi stack, measured using stereological procedures, was also 65 min, suggesting that both transport and reassembly are triggered at the same time. However, since reassembly was complete within 5 min, whereas HLA took 25 min to reach the medial-cisterna, we can conclude that the Golgi stack has reassembled by the time HLA reaches it.  相似文献   

EMBO J (2012) 31 20, 3976–3990 doi:10.1038/emboj.2012.235; published online August212012In this issue, Malhotra and colleagues use biochemical approaches to identify a new class of secretory cargo carriers (CARTS) that do not contain the larger cargoes, collagen or Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV)-G glycoprotein. CARTS appear to be basolateral membrane-directed carriers that use myosin for their motility but not for their formation.Protein secretion involves the collection of proteins into transport carriers that form at the exit (or ‘trans'') face of the Golgi apparatus for delivery to the cell surface. Multiple classes of secretory carriers form at the trans Golgi (Anitei and Hoflack, 2011). Some deliver cargo continuously to the cell surface; others release cargo in response to a signal. Regulated and constitutive secretory cargoes traverse the Golgi complex together and are sorted just before their exit. Proteins destined for different domains of the plasma membrane are also packaged into different carriers that bud from the Golgi and are delivered to either the apical or basolateral surface, respectively. Also departing the Golgi are clathrin-coated vesicles that carry newly synthesized lysosomal enzymes to endocytic compartments.Despite the importance of protein secretion, the carriers that transport cargo from the Golgi to the cell surface have not yet been isolated or characterized. When visualized in live cells expressing GFP-tagged cargo, Golgi-to-cell surface carriers appear as variably sized vesicles and tubules of 1–8 μm in length (Hirschberg et al, 1998; Toomre et al, 1999; Polishchuk et al, 2003; Anitei and Hoflack, 2011). Both actin- and microtubule-based motors participate in their formation, along with phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate that is needed to recruit components that participate in membrane budding and scission.In this issue, Wakana et al (2012) report the identification of transport carriers (CARriers from the trans Golgi network to the cell surface or CARTS) that mediate the Golgi-to-cell surface transport of a select set of cargo proteins. Unexpectedly, the authors report that collagen and VSV-G glycoprotein use a different carrier for their transport to the cell surface; CARTS also use myosin II for motility but not for vesicle scission (see Figure 1).Open in a separate windowFigure 1PAUF and collagen export from the Golgi require protein kinase D, which distinguishes these export events from the transport of proteins to the apical surface. Small cargoes like PAUF use myosin II for vesicle motility after carrier formation; large cargoes like collagen and VSV-G may use myosin for both carrier formation and motility.Wakana et al (2012) first characterize the vesicle formation process by monitoring TGN46. TGN46 is a protein of unknown function that localizes to the trans Golgi at steady state but cycles between the Golgi and the cell surface. Thus, TGN46 should be present in the Golgi and to a lesser extent, in secretory transport vesicles and endocytic and recycling vesicles. The authors use digitonin to permeabilize HeLa cells and monitor vesicle budding that occurs upon addition of ATP and rat liver cytosol. They use differential centrifugation to remove large membranes and identify a population of putative carriers that only sediment upon centrifugation at high speed and form in the presence of ATP and cytosol. TGN46-vesicle formation requires protein kinase D, a kinase needed for secretory carrier formation in cells (Liljedahl et al, 2001). Next, the authors use antibodies that recognize the cytoplasmic domain of TGN46 to immuno-isolate intact vesicles; controls show that the isolated membranes do not represent lysosomes, endosomes or the Golgi itself. Satisfyingly, the isolated vesicles include a secretory cargo: exogenously expressed, signal sequence containing, horseradish peroxidase. This is good evidence that the isolated carriers represent exocytic vesicles.Mass spectrometry was used to identify candidate transport vesicle proteins; low yields precluded the authors from carrying out a rigorous analysis. Nevertheless, pancreatic adenocarcinoma upregulated factor (PAUF or ZG16B) and lysozyme were identified and confirmed as endogenous, soluble cargo proteins, together with synaptotagmin II, Rab6A, Rab8A and myosin II. Expression of a protein kinase D mutant enabled the authors to accumulate PAUF in trans Golgi tubules; in cells, PAUF carriers were distinct from those coated with COPI, COPII and clathrin. By EM, the carriers were round to elongated, 100–250 nm diameter structures. The identification of an endogenous, constitutively secreted protein will be valuable to those studying secretion.Myosin II has been reported to play a role in the formation of vesicles containing VSV-G glycoprotein (cf. Miserey-Lenkei et al, 2010). Wakana et al (2012) showed that PAUF secretion was inhibited in the presence of blebbistatin, a myosin II inhibitor. However, in the presence of blebbistatin, PAUF-containing punctate structures detected by light microscopy were unchanged in total number or distribution, suggesting that CARTS formation is myosin II independent.Many studies of protein secretion have monitored the trafficking of VSV-G glycoprotein (Hirschberg et al, 1998; Toomre et al, 1999; Polishchuk et al, 2003). G protein is convenient and well studied but an important property that is often overlooked is the tendency of viral glycoproteins to form crystalline arrays within the secretory pathway, especially if proteins are accumulated in the trans Golgi by incubation of cells at 20°C (Griffiths et al, 1985). Under these conditions, cryoelectron microscopy has documented the oligomerization of viral glycoproteins. Large protein assemblies like these and like collagen may require modification of the vesicle formation process to accommodate the larger proteins (Malhotra and Erlmann, 2011; Jin et al, 2012). Thus, it was especially interesting that collagen and VSV-G protein are not detected in PAUF-containing vesicles en route to the cell surface. This may explain why PAUF carriers were not dependent upon myosin II (Wakana et al, 2012) while VSV-G carriers were (Miserey-Lenkei et al, 2010)—perhaps the larger carriers of VSV-G and collagen have a greater need for myosin II in their formation.Several models can explain the formation of the two transport vesicle classes detected. A trivial explanation would be that the carriers are distinct because they are destined for different plasma membrane domains—apical versus basolateral. However, only basolateral transport requires protein kinase D (Yeaman et al, 2004) and protein kinase D is important for all the cargoes studied here—suggesting that both carrier types are basolaterally directed. Simply by default, collection of large assemblies into a nascent vesicle may physically exclude soluble PAUF protein. Alternatively, larger cargoes may use a molecularly distinct class of transport carrier. Yet to be identified are the protein constituents that define CARTS—proteins that collect cargoes together with the vesicle targeting and fusion machinery that must be included in all functional, newly formed transport vesicles. Once these markers are identified, it will become possible to distinguish between these two models and to isolate CARTS in larger quantities for full mass spec analysis. For now, the findings confirm the segregation of small and large cargoes into different vesicles that traverse the path from the Golgi to the cell surface and clarify the role of myosin in transporting these vesicles, but not necessarily pinching them off from the trans Golgi.  相似文献   

Non-vesicular transport of ceramide from endoplasmic reticulum to Golgi membranes is essential for cellular lipid homeostasis. Protein kinase D (PKD) is a serine-threonine kinase that controls vesicle fission at Golgi membranes. Here we highlight the intimate connections between non-vesicular and vesicular transport at the level of the Golgi complex, and suggest that PKD and its substrate CERT, the ceramide transfer protein, play central roles in coordinating these processes by fine-tuning the local membrane lipid composition to maintain Golgi secretory function. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Lipids and Vesicular Transport.  相似文献   

Mitochondria and peroxisomes share a number of common biochemical processes, including the beta oxidation of fatty acids and the scavenging of peroxides. Here, we identify a new outer-membrane mitochondria-anchored protein ligase (MAPL) containing a really interesting new gene (RING)-finger domain. Overexpression of MAPL leads to mitochondrial fragmentation, indicating a regulatory function controlling mitochondrial morphology. In addition, confocal- and electron-microscopy studies of MAPL-YFP led to the observation that MAPL is also incorporated within unique, DRP1-independent, 70-100 nm diameter mitochondria-derived vesicles (MDVs). Importantly, vesicles containing MAPL exclude another outer-membrane marker, TOM20, and vesicles containing TOM20 exclude MAPL, indicating that MDVs selectively incorporate their cargo. We further demonstrate that MAPL-containing vesicles fuse with a subset of peroxisomes, marking the first evidence for a direct relationship between these two functionally related organelles. In contrast, a distinct vesicle population labeled with TOM20 does not fuse with peroxisomes, indicating that the incorporation of specific cargo is a primary determinant of MDV fate. These data are the first to identify MAPL, describe and characterize MDVs, and define a new intracellular transport route between mitochondria and peroxisomes.  相似文献   

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