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Phospholipase activities of the P388D1 macrophage-like cell line   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The murine macrophage (M phi) cell line, P388D1, was employed as a source of M phi phospholipases in order to characterize the enzymatic properties and subcellular localization of these enzymes because of their importance for prostaglandin biosynthesis. Phospholipase activity was assessed with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) as substrate. Phospholipases were characterized with respect to divalent cation dependence, pH optima, and localization in subcellular compartments using linear sucrose gradients. By these criteria a number of different phospholipases were identified. Most importantly, a single Ca2+-dependent activity with a pH optimum of 8.8 was identified in membrane-rich fractions (plasma membrane, mitochondria, and endoplasmic reticulum) and could be clearly separated from the remaining activities, which are Ca2+ independent and exhibit pH optima of 7.5, 5.1, and 4.2. The phospholipases with acidic pH optima may be associated with subcellular components containing lysosomal enzymes and both phospholipase A1 and phospholipase A2 activities are observed. In contrast, the phospholipase activity with a pH optimum of 7.5 sediments with the cytosolic proteins and is inhibited by 5 mM Ca2+. No significant phospholipase C activity was detected in assays performed with or without added Ca2+ at pH's 4.2, 5.1, 7.5, or 8.8 using DPPC as substrate. However, the P388D1 cells do contain a lysophospholipase that is at least 20 times more active than the phospholipase A activities identified. Its presence must be taken into account in evaluating the positional specificities and properties of the macrophage phospholipases.  相似文献   

Two lysophospholipase activities (designated I and II) were identified in the macrophage-like cell line P388D1. Lysophospholipase I was purified (8,500-fold) to homogeneity by DEAE-Sephacel, Sephadex G-75, Blue-Sepharose, and chromatofocusing chromatography. Lysophospholipase II was separated from the lysophospholipase I in the Blue-Sepharose step. The apparent molecular mass of lysophospholipase I and II are 27,000 and 28,000 daltons, respectively, determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Their pI values were 4.4 and 6.1 respectively, as determined by isoelectric focusing. Lysophospholipase I exhibited a broad pH optimum between 7.5-9.0. The double-reciprocal plot of the substrate dependence curve of the purified lysophospholipase I showed a break around the critical micelle concentration of the substrate (1-palmitoyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphorylcholine). The apparent Km, determined from substrate concentrations above 10 microM was 22 microM, and the apparent Vmax was 1.3 mumol min-1mg-1. The purified enzyme did not have phospholipase A1, phospholipase A2, acyltransferase, or lysophospholipase-transacylase activity. No activity was detected toward triacylglycerol, diacylglycerol, p-nitrophenol acetate, p-nitrophenol palmitate, or cholesterol ester. The enzyme did, however, hydrolyze monoacylglycerol although at a rate 20-fold less than lysophospholipid, 0.06 mumol min-1mg-1. The lysophospholipase I was inhibited by fatty acids but not by glycerol-3-phosphorylcholine, glycerol-3-phosphorylethanolamine, or glyc-fjerol-3-phosphorylserine. A synthetic manoalide analogue 3(cis,cis,-7,10)hexadecadienyl-4-hydroxy-2-butenolide inhibited the enzyme with half-inhibition (IC50) at about 160 microM. Triton X-100 decreased the enzymatic activity, although this apparent inhibition can be explained by a "surface dilution" effect. The pure lysophospholipase I was stable for at least 5 months at -20 degrees C in the presence of glycerol and beta-mercaptoethanol. Lysophospholipid also demonstrated a protective effect during the later stage of purification.  相似文献   

The properties of basal and prostaglandin (PG)-stimulated adenylate cyclase of membrane preparations of P388D1 cells were investigated. Three partially purified membrane fractions were obtained by sucrose density gradient centrifugation at the final step of purification from crude homogenate. About 96% of the basal and 89% of PGE2-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity in the homogenate were recovered in three membrane fractions. Two lighter membrane fractions (I and II), which were enriched 11-fold and 8.4-fold in adenylate cyclase activity over crude homogenate, were pooled and subjected to various studies. Results suggested that the basal activity of the membrane preparations has, as in many other cell types, a relatively broad pH optimum (pH 7.5 to 8.5), requires Mg2+, which must be present in excess ATP, and is inhibited by Ca2+. Highly reactive sulfhydryl group(s), which may be present in the lipid bilayer, is required for the adenylate cyclase activity. Because both fluoride ions and GTP augment the enzymatic activity, P388D1 cell membrane adenylate cyclase must possess stimulatory guanine nucleotide-binding protein. The membrane preparations respond to exogeneously added PG by 1.5-fold to 3-fold increase in adenosine 3'-5' cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) production. The magnitude of PG-responsiveness was dependent on the types of PG and the order of potency in stimulation was PGE1 greater than PGE2 greater than PGI2. PGA1, B1, B2, F1 alpha, and F2 alpha stimulated adenylate cyclase only at the highest concentration tested.  相似文献   

Effects of recombinant murine interferon-gamma (rIFN-gamma) on the membrane adenylate cyclase of a murine macrophage cell line (P388D1) were investigated in order to explore the nature of a signal transmitted by IFN-gamma receptor. Following the incubation of P388D1 cells with 40 U/ml of rIFN-gamma, the intracellular level of cAMP gradually increased about twofold over the control level within 60 min, and then began to gradually decline to about half the control level by 24 h incubation. The initial rise in cAMP level appeared to be due to the modest activation of adenylate cyclase and not due to the inhibition of cAMP-phosphodiesterase. Later decrease of intracellular cAMP may be due to quantitative down-regulation of the adenylate cyclase system. The basal enzymatic activity of the membrane prepared from P388D1 cells exposed to IFN-gamma for 24 h was found to be reduced to about 20% of that of the control membrane. However, the quality of the adenylate cyclase system appeared unchanged, because the relative degree of the response of the down-regulated membrane adenylate cyclase to prostaglandin PGE2, NaF, guanylimidodiphosphate (GppNHp), choleara toxin (CT), or forskolin was found to remain unchanged. This quantitative down-regulation of adenylate cyclase must be due to the action of rIFN-gamma, since the prior treatment of rIFN-gamma with either acid (pH 2) or monoclonal anti-IFN-gamma antibody inhibited the ability of IFN-gamma to induce the down-regulation. The rIFN-gamma-induced down-regulation is a reversible process, since the adenylate cyclase activity of the membrane was found to be restored when the rIFN-gamma-exposed cells were cultured for 72 h in the absence of rIFN-gamma. In addition, the 48 h-incubation of P388D1 cells with rIFN-beta or IFN-alpha was found not to significantly affect the membrane adenylate cyclase system.  相似文献   

The mode of PGE2-induced desensitization of the adenylate cyclase of a murine macrophage-like cell line, P388D1 was investigated. The exposure of cells to PGE2 for 60 min induced PGE2-specific desensitization of the adenylate cyclase system which still responded normally to other specific ligand such as isoproterenol, 5'-guanylimidodiphosphate (Gpp(NH)p), or forskolin. The exposure of the cells to PGE2 for 6 hr induced heterologous desensitization, as the responses of adenylate cyclase to PGE2 as well as to isoproterenol or Gpp(NH)p were significantly reduced. The lowest concentration of PGE2 to induce both early homologous and late heterologous desensitization was found to be about two-fold over the KD of the low affinity PGE2-binding sites of P388D1 cells. The early homologous desensitization appeared to be due in part to the reduction in number of PGE2 receptors from the cell surface. The late heterologous desensitization may involve functional and/or structural alteration of Gs proteins, in addition to the reduction of PGE2 receptors from the cell surface.  相似文献   

Endothelial cell growth factor (ECGF) is a potent polypeptide mitogen which stimulates the growth of endothelial cells. The mitogenic effect of ECGF was inhibited by addition of recombinant interleukin-1 (rIL-1) alpha or beta in a concentration dependent manner. The morphological change was not observed distinctly. In the condition without ECGF, both types of rIL-1 enhanced [3H]-thymidine uptake slightly, but failed to increase cell numbers. These data suggest the possibility that the effect of rIL-1 on EC is modulated by the presence of ECGF.  相似文献   

The release of free arachidonic acid from membrane phospholipids is believed to be the rate-controlling step in the production of the prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and related metabolites in inflammatory cells such as the macrophage. We have previously identified several different phospholipases in the macrophage-like cell line P388D1 potentially capable of controlling arachidonic acid release. Among them, a membrane-bound, alkaline pH optimum, Ca2+-dependent phospholipase A2 is of particular interest because of the likelihood that the regulatory enzyme has these properties. This phospholipase A2 has now been solubilized from the membrane fraction with octyl glucoside and partially purified. The first two steps in this purification are butanol extractions that yield a lyophilized, stable preparation of phospholipase A2 lacking other phospholipase activities. This phospholipase A2 shows considerably more activity when assayed in the presence of glycerol, regardless of whether the substrate, dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, is in the form of sonicated vesicles or mixed micelles with the nonionic surfactant Triton X-100. Glycerol (70%) increases both the Vmax and the Km with both substrate forms, giving a Vmax of about 15 nmol min-1 mg-1 and an apparent Km of about 60 microM for vesicles and a Vmax of about 100 nmol min-1 mg-1 and an apparent Km of about 1 mM for mixed micelles. Vmax/Km is slightly greater for vesicles than for mixed micelles. The lyophilized preparation of the enzyme is routinely purified about 60-fold and is suitable for evaluating phospholipase A2 inhibitors such as manoalide analogues. Subsequent steps in the purification are acetonitrile extraction followed by high performance liquid chromatography on an Aquapore BU-300 column and a Superose 12 column. This yields a 2500-fold purification of the membrane-bound phospholipase A2 with a 25% recovery and a specific activity of about 800 nmol min-1 mg-1 toward 100 microM dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine in mixed micelles. When this material was subjected to analysis on a Superose 12 sizing column, the molecular mass of the active fraction was approximately 18,000 daltons.  相似文献   

Lactoperoxidase-catalyzed iodination, NP-40 lysis, and subsequent affinity chromatography on IgG-Sepharose were used in an attempt to define some of the molecular properties of the Fc receptor of P388D1, a macrophage-like mouse tumor line. Radioiodinated material retained on columns of Sepharose coupled either to monomeric mouse IgG2a or monomeric human IgG1 appeared on SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to contain principally three labeled components, a major band of about 57,000 m.w. and two minor bands of 28,000 and 24,000 m.w. The mobilities of these components changed little on reduction, which suggested that they represented single polypeptide chains, An identical pattern was obtained with Sepharose-linked Fc fragments of human IgG1, but neither Fab fragments of IgG1 nor IgM appeared to bind these components. Since the specificity of binding to the immobilized proteins is the same as that observed in vivo, it is postulated that these proteins represent either all or some portion of the P388D1 Fc receptor.  相似文献   

D M Xiao  L Levine 《Prostaglandins》1986,32(5):709-718
Recombinant human interleukin-l (rIL-1) alpha and beta, which have 26% homology in their amino acid sequence, stimulated arachidonic acid metabolism by squirrel monkey smooth muscle cells and rat liver cells; their relative effectiveness, however, varied with the two cells. Recombinant IL-1 alpha was 3 times more effective than rIL-1 beta at stimulating arachidonic acid metabolism by the primate smooth muscle cells. Recombinant IL-1 alpha was 3 times less effective than rIL-1 beta when measured by their capacity to synergistically stimulate arachidonic acid metabolism of rat liver cells in the presence of palytoxin and anti-diuretic hormone (ADH). The rIL-1 alpha and rIL-1 beta also stimulated the release of radiolabelled arachidonic acid from the smooth muscle cells prelabelled with [3H]arachidonic acid. The two recombinant IL-1s have different heat stabilities, again when measured by their capacity to stimulate arachidonic acid metabolism; IL-1 alpha was more heat stable than IL-1 beta.  相似文献   

Binding studies of human IgG proteins to murine P388D1 cells indicated that they bind to an apparently homogeneous Fc receptor population. The association constant was 0.89 x 10(6)M-1 at 22 degrees C and was comparable to the binding affinities of homologous murine IgG2a and IgG2b. The number of receptor sites was found to be approximately 6 x 10(5)/cell. Fc gamma 1 and Fc gamma 3 fragments bound with an affinity comparable to that of the parent proteins. The P388D1 receptors could discriminate between the human IgG subclasses; the relative cytophilic activity was IgG3 greater than IgG1 greater than IgG4 and IgG2 was devoid of binding activity. Fragments corresponding to the C gamma 2 and C gamma 3 domains of human IgG1 were both unable to bind to the P388D1 receptors either alone or in equimolar combination. This suggests that the cytophilic site may be formed cooperatively by interaction between the two domains. The integrity of the hinge region appeared to be essential for full expression of cytophilic activity since reduction of the hinge-region disulfides in both human IgG1 and its Fc fragment markedly decreased their binding affinity. In addition, a mutant IgG1 molecule lacking the hinge region was significantly less cytophilic than its normal counterpart.  相似文献   

We examined the biological effects induced by both human recombinant interleukin-1 alpha (IL-1 alpha) and beta (IL-1 beta) in five different cell types of human, rat and mouse origin. IL-1 alpha and beta preparations were standardized in terms of biological activity in the EL-4/CTLL bioassay and, in parallel, employed to stimulate PGE2 secretion in human fibroblasts, mesangial cells (MC), C57B1/6 mouse MC, DBA/2 mouse macrophages and Sprague Dawley rat MC. In addition, the co-mitogenic effects of IL-1 alpha and beta were determined in freshly prepared Sprague Dawley rat thymocytes. No significant differences in IL-1 alpha and beta concentration dependent PGE2 production were detectable in the different cell types (MC, fibroblasts and macrophages) of human or mouse origin. Incubation of Sprague Dawley rat MC with both IL-1 alpha and beta resulted in a concentration dependent production of PGE2. However, in contrast to mouse or human MC the potency of IL-1 beta to induce PGE2 in Sprague Dawley rat MC was 26-fold higher compared to IL-1 alpha. In addition, the potency of IL-1 beta to enhance co-stimulated proliferation of Sprague Dawley thymocytes was 200-fold higher than that of equal biological activities of IL-1 alpha. When we tested the additive effects on Sprague Dawley cells, increasing IL-1 beta concentrations added to a fixed IL-1 alpha concentration resulted in a cumulative rise in both, PGE2 secretion by MC and thymocyte proliferation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Choi K  Lee J  Choi C 《FEBS letters》2007,581(24):4691-4696
Impaired functioning of the proteasome pathway is one of the molecular mechanism underlying neurodegenerative changes in Alzheimer's disease. In this study, we report that dysfunction of the proteasome pathway in astroglial cells leads to decreased survival and dysregulation of chemokines by differential regulation of the nuclear factor kappa B and c-jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathways. We further demonstrated that proteasome inhibition augmented interleukin-1 beta- and tumor necrosis factor-alpha-induced activation of the IkappaBalpha kinase and MKK4/JNK/c-Jun pathway along with TAK1 activation. These results suggest that impaired function of the proteasome pathway may potentiate the immuno-pathologic role of secondarily activated astrocytes in the brain.  相似文献   

Crystallization of purified recombinant human interleukin-1 beta   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The gene for human interleukin-1 beta was cloned from SK-hep-1 hepatoma cellular RNA and expressed at high levels in Escherichia coli both as the naturally processed form (rIL-1 beta) and as a variant with an additional sequence of three amino acids on the N-terminus (rIL-1 beta +). Expressed protein was purified to homogeneity by a sequence of steps, which included low pH incubation, adsorption and desorption from Procion Red Sepharose, sizing on a Superose 12 fast-performance liquid chromatography (FPLC) column, and anion exchange chromatography on QAE Sepharose. The final step provided a biologically active protein that migrates on two-dimensional (2-D) gels as a single spot with a pI of 6.7 +/- 0.2 and a molecular mass of 17,500 daltons. Concentrated solutions of rIL-1 beta have produced crystals by ammonium sulfate precipitation. The crystals are tetragonal, show the symmetry of space group P4(1) or its enantiomer, have lattice constants of a = 58.46 (1) and c = 77.02 (3) A, and scatter to at least 2 A resolution. A structure determination based on these crystals is under way.  相似文献   

Purification and characterization of human recombinant interleukin-1 beta   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A human interleukin-1 (IL-1) beta cDNA was cloned, and the region coding for the mature protein was expressed in Escherichia coli. The 17-kDa biologically active product was purified in 40% yield to apparent homogeneity, without chaotropes, from the soluble fraction of sonicated cell lysates. The recombinant IL-1 beta was characterized by amino acid analysis, NH2- and COOH-terminal sequence analysis, sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, spectroscopy, and biological assay. Specific biological activity was 4.6 X 10(8) units/mg in a co-mitogenic IL-2 induction assay using cultured EL-4 T-lymphocytes. The molar extinction coefficient was determined to be 10,300 cm-1 M-1 at 280 nm. NH2-terminal sequence analysis revealed that 70% of the product begins with the Ala corresponding to the NH2 terminus of the natural protein, while 30% begins with the following Pro. No initiator Met was observed. Both of the sulfhydryl groups are reactive to Ellman's reagent and to iodoacetamide under nonreducing conditions, indicating that the Cys residues do not form disulfide bonds. S-Carboxamidomethyl-Cys-rIL-1 beta retained biological activity in the IL-2 induction assay. Circular dichroism suggested an extensive beta sheet structure for rIL-1 beta.  相似文献   

A lymphocytic tumor of early B cell lineage, P388, and a mature macrophage tumor, P388D1, appear to have been derived from a common precursor based on identical immunoglobulin gene rearrangements and shared cell surface antigens. These cell lines may have resulted from differential maturation of a transformed cell that is an immediate cellular precursor to both the B cell and myeloid lineages. This supports earlier findings that suggest a close relationship between early B cell and myeloid differentiation pathways.  相似文献   

We investigated the internalization and growth of influenza A NWS virus in macrophagelike P388D1 cells. Flow cytometric analysis using fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled virus showed that the attachment of normal rabbit serum-exposed virus (NS-V) to neuraminidase (NA)-treated cells was noticeably limited compared with that to untreated cells. However, rabbit antiserum-exposed virus (AS-V) could attach equally well to both cells. Virus coated with Fab prepared from antiviral immunoglobulin G could not attach. These data suggest that the NWS virus can infect P388D1 cells in one of two ways, via viral or via Fc receptors, depending on the presence of antibodies. The NS-V could grow in the untreated cells, but not in the NA-treated cells. The highest growth of AS-V in the NA-treated cells was observed at an antibody concentration showing 50% plaque reduction titer. Growth was exponentially decreased toward the lower and higher dilutions of antibodies. By using three different immunoglobulin G subclasses of monoclonal antibodies against hemagglutinin, it was demonstrated that both Fc receptors I and II could take part in this phenomenon. The presence of 20 mM NH4Cl inhibited the growth of both AS-V and NS-V, suggesting that the intracellular pathways after internalization via Fc or viral receptors are similar. These data indicate that the concentration of antibodies has a critical role on the antibody-mediated growth of influenza virus in macrophages.  相似文献   

Changes in the activities of adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP)-dependent protein kinases in response to prostaglandin (PG)E2-induced elevation of intracellular cAMP level were investigated with a murine macrophage-like cell line, P388D1. Photoaffinity labeling with 8-azido-[32P]cAMP showed that untreated P388D1 cells possess two types of cAMP-binding proteins of m.w. 49,000 and 52,000, respectively, in the cytosol fraction in a ration of 1:8. They must represent regulatory subunits (RI and RII, respectively) of cAMP-dependent protein kinases, because affinity chromatography on a column of omega-aminohexyl-agarose of the cytosol fraction clearly separated two fractions that exhibited the enzymatic activities and cAMP-binding activities. Photoaffinity labeling of these fractions with 8-azido-[32P]cAMP confirmed the separation of two types of isoenzymes, because each cAMP-dependent protein kinase active fraction was associated with only one type of regulatory subunit. The exposure of P388D1 cells to exogenously added PGE2 (1 microM) caused about 7.5-fold increase in the intracellular cAMP level within 30 sec. The cAMP level then sharply dropped to about 100 pmol/10(7) cells, remained at this level for about 20 min, and then gradually increased to 200 pmol/10(7) (about fivefold over the control). The enzyme assay of the cytosol demonstrated that the activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinases closely follows the kinetics of the intracellular cAMP level. The activation of the enzyme was specific for PGE2 and was not triggered by 1 microM PGF2 alpha or PGD2 which have been shown to be unable to activate adenylate cyclase of P388D1 cells. The PGE2-induced increase in the intracellular cAMP level appeared to activate preferentially the type I isoenzyme, inasmuch as the enzymatic activity of this type separated by the affinity chromatography of the cytosol of PGE2-exposed cells was lower in the presence than in the absence of cAMP, whereas the type II enzyme activity remained responsive to exogenously added cAMP.  相似文献   

IL 1 can exhibit dichotomous effects in the sense that it is cytotoxic for certain cells, although growth promoting for other cells. Because IL 1 is growth promoting for astrocytes, but cytotoxic for melanoma cells, the current investigation evaluated the effect of IL 1 upon astrocytomas. The human astrocytoma U373 was found to incorporate [3H]thymidine after exposure to recombinant human IL 1 alpha and IL 1 beta and murine IL 1 alpha. Surprisingly, U373 also incorporated [3H]thymidine after exposure to recombinant TNF. The response of the U373 to IL 1 may be used as a simple and sensitive assay for IL 1.  相似文献   

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