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G. H. Goldman  N. R. Morris 《Genetics》1995,139(3):1223-1232
Cytoplasmic dynein is a large molecular weight protein complex that functions as a microtubule-dependent, negative, end-directed ``motor.' Mutations in nudA, which encodes the heavy chain of cytoplasmic dynein, inhibit nuclear migration in Aspergillus nidulans. This paper describes the selection and characterization of extragenic suppressors of the nudA1 mutation preparatory to the identification of other proteins that interact directly or indirectly with the cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain. To facilitate future cloning of the suppressor genes, we have searched particularly for extragenic suppressor mutations that also convey a selectable phenotype, such as cold or dimethyl sulfoxide sensitivity. Genetic analysis of 16 revertants has defined at least five extragenic suppressors of nudA1 (snaA-E). All the sna mutations except one were recessive in diploids homozygous for nudA1 and heterozygous for sna mutations. To characterize the nuclear migration phenotype in the sna mutants, conidia of one representative of each complementation group were germinated, fixed and nuclei stained. The sna mutants display partial suppression of the nudA1 nuclear migration defect. Although conidiophores were produced in the sna mutants, they failed to develop normally and to produce spores. Examination of the nudA1,sna conidiophores under the microscope showed that nuclear migration into the metulae and phialides was defective.  相似文献   

Y. H. Chiu  N. R. Morris 《Genetics》1995,141(2):453-464
Nuclear migration plays an important role in the growth and development of many organisms including the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans. We have cloned three genes from A. nidulans, nudA, nudC, and nudF, in which mutations affect nuclear migration. The nudA gene encodes the heavy chain of cytoplasmic dynein. The nudC gene encodes a 22-kD protein. The nudF gene was identified as an extracopy suppressor of the temperature sensitive (ts(-)) nudC3 mutation. The nudC3 mutation substantially decreases the intracellular concentration of the nudF protein at restrictive temperature. This is restored toward the normal level by an extra copy of nudF. To identify other genes whose products interact directly or indirectly with the NUDC protein, we have isolated a set of extragenic suppressors of the nudC3 temperature-sensitive mutation. Genetic analysis of 16 such extragenic suppressors showed them to represent nine different genes, designated sncA-sncI (for suppressor of nudC). sncA-sncH were either dominant or semidominant in diploids homozygous for nudC3 and heterozygous for the snc mutations. All of the suppressors reversed the ts(-) phenotype of nudC3 by restoring the intracellular concentration of the NUDF protein.  相似文献   

Y. H. Chiu  N. R. Morris 《Genetics》1997,145(3):707-714
NudC encodes a protein of unknown biochemical function that is required for nuclear migration. In an attempt to define its function by identifying interacting proteins, a screen for extragenic suppressors of the temperature-sensitive nudC3 mutation was undertaken that identified nine snc genes. Here we demonstrate that nudC3 has a missense mutation at amino acid 146 that causes leucine to be replaced by proline and that sncB69 encodes a mutant tRNA(Leu) that corrects the mutation. The sncB69 mutation deletes a single nucleotide in the anticodon of a tRNA(Leu) that changes its normal (5')CAG(3') leucine anticodon to the proline anticodon (5')CGG(3'), which presumably allows incorporation of leucine at the mutant nudC3 proline codon 146 and thereby causes suppression of the nudC3 mutant phenotype.  相似文献   

J. L. Mooney  D. E. Hassett    L. N. Yager 《Genetics》1990,126(4):869-874
Light-dependent conidiation in the filamentous ascomycete, Aspergillus nidulans, is contingent on the allelic state of the velvet (veA) gene. Light dependence is abolished by a mutation in this gene (veA1), which allows conidiation to occur in the absence of light. We have isolated and characterized six extragenic suppressors of veA1 that restore the light-dependent conidiation phenotype. Alleles of four genes, defined by complementation tests, were subjected to extensive genetic and phenotypic analysis. The results of light-dark shifting experiments and the phenotypes of double mutant combinations are consistent with the possibility that the expression of the light-dependent phenotype is regulated by specific interactions of the suppressor gene products with the velvet gene product and with each other.  相似文献   

Mutants at a number of loci, designated sthenyo, have been isolated as enhancers of the oligoconidial mutations at the medA locus. Two loci have been mapped: sthA on linkage group I, and sthB on linkage group V. Two probable alleles have been identified at each locus but two further mutants were unlinked to either sthA or sthB. Neither sthA nor sthB mutants have conspicuous effects on morphology on their own, nor could the sthA1 sthB2 double mutant be distinguished from wild type. Mutants at both loci also interact with the temperature-sensitive brlA42 mutant at the permissive temperature to give a phenotype described as ``Abacoid.' sthA1 also induces a slight modification of the phenotype of an abaA mutant. We conclude that sthenyo genes act mainly at the phialide stage of conidiation. We also describe the isolation of new medA mutants arising spontaneously as outgrowths on brlA42 colonies.  相似文献   

C. L. Holt  G. S. May 《Genetics》1996,142(3):777-787
We previously identified a gene, bimD, that functions in chromosome segregation and contains sequences suggesting that it may be a DNA-binding protein. Two conditionally lethal mutations in bimD arrest with aberrant mitotic spindles at restrictive temperature. These spindles have one-third the normal number of microtubules, and the chromosomes never attach to the remaining microtubules. For this reason, we hypothesized that BIMD functioned in chromosome segregation, possibly as a component of the kinetochore. To identify other components that function with bimD, we conducted a screen for extragenic suppressors of the bimD5 and bimD6 mutations. We have isolated seven cold-sensitive extragenic suppressors of bimD6 heat sensitivity that represent three or possibly four separate sud genes. We have cloned one of the suppressor genes by complementation of the cold-sensitive phenotype of the sudA3 mutation. SUDA belongs to the DA-box protein family. DA-box proteins have been shown to function in chromosome structure and segregation. Thus bimD and the sud genes cooperatively function in chromosome segregation in Aspergillus nidulans.  相似文献   

The role of isocitrate lyase in Aspergillus Nidulans   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

X. Chen  C. L. Simpson  K. L. Kindle    D. B. Stern 《Genetics》1997,145(4):935-943
A suppressor of a translation initiation defect caused by an AUG to AUU mutation in the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii chloroplast petD gene was isolated, defining a nuclear locus that we have named SIM30. A dominant mutant allele at this locus, sim30-1d, was found to increase the translation initiation rate of the mutant petD mRNA. sim30-1d was also able to suppress the translational defect caused by an AUG to AUC mutation in the petD gene, and an AUG to AUU mutation in the chloroplast petA gene. We therefore suggest that the SIM30 gene may encode a general chloroplast translation factor. The ability of sim30-1d to suppress the petD AUG to AUU mutation is diminished in the presence of one or more antibiotic resistance markers located within the 16S and 23S rRNAs, suggesting that the activity of the sim30-1d gene product in translation initiation may involve interaction with ribosomal subunits.  相似文献   

M. Kruger  R. Fischer 《Genetics》1996,144(2):533-540
Aspergillus nidulans reproduces asexually with single nucleated conidia. In apsA (anucleate primary sterigmata) strains, nuclear positioning is affected and conidiation is greatly reduced. To get further insights into the cellular functions of apsA, aconidial apsA strains were mutagenized and conidiating suppressor strains were isolated. The suppressors fell into two complementation groups, samA and samB (suppressor of anucleate metulae). samA mapped on linkage group I close to pyrG. The mutant allele was dominant in diploids homozygous for apsA. Viability of conidia of samA suppressor strains (samA(-); apsA(-)) was reduced to 50% in comparison to wild-type conidia. Eighty percent of viable spores produced small size colonies that were temperature- and benomyl-sensitive. samB mapped to chromosome VIII and was recessive. Viability of conidia from samB suppressor strains (apsA(-); samB(-)) was also affected but no small size colonies were observed. Both suppressors produced partial defects in sexual reproduction and both suppressed an apsA deletion mutation. In wild-type background the mutant loci affected hyphal growth rate (samA) or changed the colony morphology (samB) and inhibited sexual spore formation (samA and samB). Only subtle effects on conidiation were found. We conclude that both suppressor genes bypass the apsA function and are involved in microtubule-dependent processes.  相似文献   

S. D. Harris  J. L. Morrell    J. E. Hamer 《Genetics》1994,136(2):517-532
Filamentous fungi undergo cytokinesis by forming crosswalls termed septa. Here, we describe the genetic and physiological controls governing septation in Aspergillus nidulans. Germinating conidia do not form septa until the completion of their third nuclear division. The first septum is invariantly positioned at the basal end of the germ tube. Block-and-release experiments of nuclear division with benomyl or hydroxyurea, and analysis of various nuclear division mutants demonstrated that septum formation is dependent upon the third mitotic division. Block-and-release experiments with cytochalasin A and the localization of actin in germlings by indirect immunofluorescence showed that actin participated in septum formation. In addition to being concentrated at the growing hyphal tips, a band of actin was also apparent at the site of septum formation. Previous genetic analysis in A. nidulans identified four genes involved in septation (sepA-D). We have screened a new collection of temperature sensitive (ts) mutants of A. nidulans for strains that failed to form septa at the restrictive temperature but were able to complete early nuclear divisions. We identified five new genes designated sepE, G, H, I and J, along with one additional allele of a previously identified septation gene. On the basis of temperature shift experiments, nuclear counts and cell morphology, we sorted these cytokinesis mutants into three phenotypic classes. Interestingly, one class of mutants fails to form septa and fails to progress past the third nuclear division. This class of mutants suggests the existence of a regulatory mechanism in A. nidulans that ensures the continuation of nuclear division following the initiation of cytokinesis.  相似文献   

J. F. Marhoul  T. H. Adams 《Genetics》1995,139(2):537-547
Overexpression of several Aspergillus nidulans developmental regulatory genes has been shown to cause growth inhibition and development at inappropriate times. We set out to identify previously unknown developmental regulators by constructing a nutritionally inducible A. nidulans expression library containing small, random genomic DNA fragments inserted next to the alcA promoter [ alcA (p) ] in an A. nidulans transformation vector. Among 20,000 transformants containing random alcA (p) genomic DNA fusion constructs, we identified 66 distinct mutant strains in which alcA (p) induction resulted in growth inhibition as well as causing other detectable phenotypic changes. These growth inhibited mutants were divided into 52 FIG (Forced expression Inhibition of Growth) and 14 FAB (Forced expression Activation of brlA) mutants based on whether or not alcA (p) induction resulted in accumulation of mRNA for the developmental regulatory gene brlA. In four FAB mutants, alcA (p) induction not only activated brlA expression but also caused hyphae to differentiate into reduced conidiophores that produced viable spores from the tips as is observed after alcA (p) :: brlA induction. Sequence analyses of the DNA fragments under alcA (p) control in three of these four sporulating strains showed that in two cases developmental activation resulted from overexpression of previously uncharacterized genes, whereas in the third strain, the alcA (p) was fused to brlA. The potential uses for this strategy in identifying genes whose overexpression results in specific phenotypic changes like developmental induction are discussed.  相似文献   

Radioactive conidiospores of Aspergillus nidulans were prepared by growing a purine-requiring mutant with tritiated adenine. When these spores germinated in a nonradioactive medium, the dispersion of the original chromosome set could be followed by treating the hyphae with ribonuclease and preparing radioautograms. Germinating spores with four or eight nuclei contained two highly labeled nuclei and two or six nuclei with much less or no radioactivity. Successive mitotic divisions thus distributed the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of the eight spore chromosomes among only two of the progeny nuclei. The two nuclei containing the original chromosome set were not dispersed at random along the linear hypha but were usually located near the growing tip. These results are compatible with the view that chromatids containing DNA strands of identical age segregate as a unit during mitosis. They further indicate that the mechanism which disperses newly formed nuclei in the growing hypha can distinguish between nuclei containing DNA strands of different ages.  相似文献   

We investigated the functions of the highly expressed, sporulation-specific SpoC1 genes of Aspergillus nidulans by deleting the entire 38-kb SpoC1 gene cluster. The resultant mutant strain did not differ from the wild type in (1) growth rate, (2) morphology of specialized reproductive structures formed during completion of the asexual or sexual life cycles, (3) sporulation efficiency, (4) spore viability or (5) spore resistance to environmental stress. Thus, deletion of the SpoC1 gene cluster, representing 0.15% of the A. nidulans genome, had no readily detectable phenotypic effects. Implications of this result are discussed in the context of major alterations in gene expression that occur during A. nidulans development.  相似文献   

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