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The major progestin in teleosts is not progesterone, as in tetrapods, but 17,20β-dihydroxypregn-4-en-3-one (17,20β-P) or, in certain species, 17,20β,21-trihydroxy-pregn-4-en-3-one (17,20β,21-P). Several functions for 17,20β-P and 17,20β,21-P have been proposed (and in some cases proved). These include induction of oocyte final maturation and spermiation (milt production), enhancement of sperm motility (by alteration of the pH and fluidity of the seminal fluid) and acting as a pheromone in male cyprinids. Another important function, initiation of meiosis (the first step in both spermatogenesis and oogenesis), has only very recently been proposed. This is a process that takes place at puberty in all fishes and once a year in repeat spawners. The present review critically examines the evidence to support the proposed functions of 17,20β-P in males, including listing of the evidence for the presence of 17,20β-P in the blood plasma of male fishes and discussion of why, in many species, it appears to be absent (or present at low and, in some cases, unvarying concentrations); consideration of the evidence, obtained mainly from in vitro studies, for this steroid being predominantly produced by the testis, for its production being under the control of luteinizing hormone (gonadotrophin II) and, at least in salmonids, for two cell types (Leydig cells and sperm cells) being involved in its synthesis; discussion of the factors involved in the regulation of the switch from androgen to 17,20β-P production that seems to occur in many species just at the time of spermiation; discussion of the effects of in vivo injection and application of 17,20β-P (and closely related compounds) in males; a listing of previously published evidence that supports the proposed new function of 17,20β-P as an initiator of meiosis; finally, discussion of the evidence for environmental endocrine disruption by progestins in fishes.  相似文献   

Sicyopterus japonicus (Teleostei, Gobiidae), a hill‐stream herbivorous gobiid fish, possesses an unusual oral dentition among teleost fishes on account of its feeding habitat. By using scanning electron microscopy, light microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy, including vital staining with tetracycline, we examined the development of the attachment tissues of the upper jaw teeth in this fish. The functional teeth of S. japonicus had an asymmetrical dentine shaft. The dentine shaft attached to the underlying uniquely shaped pedicel by means of two different attachment mechanisms. At the lingual base, collagen fiber bundles connected the dentine shaft with the pedicel (hinged attachment), whereas the labial base articulated with an oval‐shaped projection of the pedicel (articulate attachment). The pedicel bases were firmly ankylosed to the crest of the thin flange of porous spongy bone on the premaxillary bone, which afforded a flange‐groove system on the labial surface of the premaxillary bone. Developmentally, the pedicel and thin flange of spongy bone were completely different mineralized attachment tissues. The pedicel had a dual origin, i.e., the dental papilla cells, which differentiated into odontoblasts that constructed the internal surface of the pedicel, and the mesenchymal cells, which differentiated into osteoblasts that formed the outer face of the pedicel. A thin flange of spongy bone was deposited on the superficial resorbed labial side of the premaxillary bone proper, and later rapid bone remodeling proceeded toward the pedicel base. These unique features of pedicellate tooth attachment for the upper jaw teeth in the adult S. japonicus are highly modified teeth for enhancing the ability of individual functional teeth to move closely over irregularities in the rock surfaces during the scraping of algae. J. Morphol., 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Synopsis The temperate wrasse, Pseudolabrus celidotus (Labridae), was studied in a shallow rocky reef habitat to asses how ecological and behavioural factors influence its within habitat patterns of distribution. Emphasis was placed on examining the mechanisms underlying size/age related changes in dispersion and habitat use. Juveniles (< 100 mm SL) were found to be aggregated whereas adults tended to be more randomly dispersed. This pattern appeared to be a product of both (a) ecological, and (b) behavioural factors. (a) Juveniles were closely associated with shelter (macro-algae) which was located in patches throughout the habitat. Their local distribution was probably not related to the distribution of their major prey items. Shelter dependence appears to decrease with growth and fish switched from feeding on micro-crustaceans present in macro-algae to those associated with bare rock — coralline turf areas. Adults foraged throughout larger home ranges, but fed preferentially in microhabitats where their prey items (e.g. bivalves) were most abundant. (b) Juveniles tended to aggregate into loose foraging schools. This tendency declined with age and was associated with a corresponding increase in the rate of aggressive interactions among individuals of a cohort. Consequently, individuals of the same size became more spaced out as they grew. Between cohort association or aggression was rare and apparently unimportant in determining local patterns of distribution. Many interspecific foraging associations and aggressive interactions were recorded. However, with the probable exception of interspecific territoriality by the blenny Forsterygion varium, these behaviours probably had only a transitory influence on the distribution of the wrasse.  相似文献   

The gonad development in the red-throat emperor Lethrinus miniatus is described and the first detailed evidence for protogyny in this species provided. The identification of transitional individuals, bimodal sex-specific size-frequency distributions and female biased sex ratios suggest that L. miniatus is most likely a protogynous hermaphrodite. Transitional L. miniatus gonads were characterized by the concurrent degeneration of all oocytes and the proliferation of spermatocysts near the edge of the lamellae, an increase in blood vessels along strands of stromal tissue within the lamellae and the formation of multiple sperm sinuses. The sites of oocyte degeneration and proliferation of spermatocysts were spatially segregated. An increase in blood vessels along strands of stromal tissue within the lamellae of transitional phase gonads is likely to assist in the breakdown of oocytes and the proliferation of spermatocysts. Most mature resting females containing spermatocysts occurred within the transitional size-frequency distribution, suggesting that the presence of spermatocysts in these females may be an early sign of sex change. Oocytes within female gonads were interrupted by filamentous strands of stromal tissue within the lamellae. The testis contained a remanent ovarian lumen but no residual oocytes. Three characteristics of transitional L. miniatus gonads were found to be unusual and described for few other species of coral reef fishes. These included the absence of oocytes within testes, increased numbers of blood vessels, and the presence of strands of stromal tissue within the lamellae.  相似文献   

Groups of loach (Misgurnus fossilis L.) embryos of different ages were kept in different quartz cuvettes for 20–24 h so that only optic contact between the groups was, possible. Subsequent observations showed that parameters of their development deviated from those in the control groups. Wave-mediated biocorrection proved to have both positive and negative effects, depending on the developmental stages of the interacting groups. Changes in spectral characteristics and polarization of biological radiation affected the results of the experiments. Various developmental abnormalities, caused by distant wave-mediated interactions of embryos and specific to each combination of developmental stages and conditions of optic communication are described.  相似文献   

Changes in ovarian maturation-inducing steroid (MIS; 17,20 beta, 21-trihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one [20 beta-S]) membrane receptor concentrations during the reproductive cycle were investigated in spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) captured at their spawning grounds. Ovarian receptor concentrations increased gradually during ovarian recrudescence and subsequently increased rapidly during oocyte maturation, reaching 3.5-fold the prematuration values by the beginning of ovulation. The significant elevation of receptor concentrations by the germinal vesicle migration stage of oocyte maturation was accompanied by increases in circulating levels of gonadotropin (LH, GTH II) and MIS (20 beta-S). The regulation and physiological significance of the increase in ovarian MIS membrane receptor concentrations were investigated in a double in vitro incubation system. Incubation of fully grown, follicle-enclosed oocytes with hCG (10 IU/ml) for 6 h caused a two- to fourfold increase in oocyte and ovarian MIS receptor concentrations and the development of oocyte maturational competence (OMC; ability to complete oocyte maturation in vitro in response to exogenous 20 beta-S in a second incubation). Both upregulation of the MIS receptor and development of OMC in response to gonadotropin were blocked by coincubation with actinomycin D or cycloheximide, which are inhibitors of mRNA and protein synthesis, respectively, but not by cyanoketone, which is an inhibitor of 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-dependent steroid synthesis. Incubation with a variety of steroids, including 20 beta-S, failed to increase receptor concentrations or to induce OMC, further supporting a steroid-independent mechanism of gonadotropin action. In contrast, insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) mimicked the actions of gonadotropin, which suggests IGF-I may be a component of the hormone signaling pathway. A close correlation was found between the relative increase in MIS receptor concentrations and the percentage of oocytes that became maturationally competent after treatment with different concentrations of gonadotropins and drugs that elevate cAMP levels. The finding that upregulation of the MIS receptor in response to gonadotropin and other treatments is invariably associated with the development of OMC indicates that these two processes are intimately related, and it suggests that the increase in MIS receptor concentrations is a critical regulatory step in the hormonal control of oocyte maturation.  相似文献   

Many wrasses on coral reefs exhibit daily spawning that peaks around daytime high tides. In this study, we examined tidal-related ovarian development in the threespot wrasse, Halichoeres trimaculatus, a species common on coral reefs in the Indo-Pacific Ocean. When the fish were collected in the morning at different tidal phases, the gonadosomatic index (GSI) and ovarian histology changed; concomitant with increases in GSI towards high tide, a clutch of the most advanced oocytes developed from vitellogenic to maturation stages. Ovulated eggs and post-ovulated follicles (POF) existed in most ovaries around high tide, but only POF remained around ebb tide, suggesting that spawning occurred during or after high tide. We noticed that tidal-related spawning was considerable in the morning and that most ovaries collected on the afternoon high tide exhibited post-spawning features. This suggests that certain labrid species possess plasticity with regard to their spawning time and utilize potent environmental cues to ensure their reproductive success. When pieces of ovary were incubated with precursor steroids, high conversion of testosterone to 17beta-estradiol occurred during high and ebb tides, while that of 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone to 17alpha,20beta-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one and 17alpha,20beta,21-trihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one was observed during low and flood tides. Incubation of pieces of ovary with human chorionic gonadotropin resulted in similar fluctuations in the steroid hormones with tidal phase. Production of these steroid hormones correlated with oocyte development in the ovaries and was probably regulated by gonadotropin. These results demonstrate that the daily cycle is fundamental for oocyte development, and that the tidal cycle is superimposed on this process.  相似文献   

An opportunity arose to obtain humphead wrasse Cheilinus undulatus specimens between 2006 and 2009 from Indonesia, the major source and exporting country of this species, making study on its early gonad development possible for the first time. Protogynous hermaphroditism, previously proposed for this species, was confirmed in this study. Based on histological examination of 178 specimens, mainly <500 mm total length (LT) and ranging from 208 to 1290 mm LT (119·1 g to 43·0 kg whole body mass), the minimum body sizes for female and male sexual maturation were determined to be 650 and 845 mm LT, respectively. Primary male development through juvenile sexual differentiation was not detected. A unique blind pouch, with a possible sperm storage function and associated with the testis, was reported for the first time in the Labridae. In Hong Kong retail markets, the global trading centre for this valuable species, live C. undulatus on sale for food were dominated by body sizes <500 mm LT between 1995 and 2009, reflecting an international trade largely focused on juveniles. In consideration of these findings, and given the threatened status of this species, management for C. undulatus capture and trade nationally and internationally are discussed with recommendations for ensuring sufficient spawning biomass in exploited populations and for sustainable trade.  相似文献   

Voronina, E.P. and Hughes, D.R. 2011. Types and development pathways of lateral line scales in some teleost species. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 00 : 1–13. A comparative study of lateral line scales (lls) in nine teleost species was undertaken to trace their ontogenetic structural changes. Three universal characters were used to describe and classify definitive and developing lls. The four main structural types in teleosts are represented. In adult fish, lls are the same structural type in all parts of lateral line in any one specimen, but number of tubules and their orientation may vary. In juvenile fish, except for one species, the structural type of every lls changes with growth, and this process progresses along the lateral line in the direction of development typical for the species. Definitive structural type of the lls is not determined by common scale type and size, presence or absence of nerve foramen on lls, scale overlapping or time of initiation of scales and trunk canal. Development pathways are proposed in which terminal states correspond to the final development of the most complex lls type in Cyprinus carpio, Carassius carassius, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Diplodus annularis and Mullus barbatus. The intermediate states of these pathways correspond to other types of lls as examples of pedomorphosis in Perca fluviatilis, Sander lucioperca, Symphysodon aequifasciatus and Hippoglossoides platessoides.  相似文献   

Seven ovarian stages are described in summer flounder Paralichthys dentatus. In the prespawning season plasma oestradiol levels increased in maturing fish with lipidogenic oocytes and gonadosomatic index increased in fish undergoing vitellogenesis. Atretic oocytes present in the postspawning season indicated which individuals may have spawned. The pattern of oocyte development is similar to that of other flatfishes and some teleosts. The summer flounder was unusual in having a long lipid uptake phase (oocyte diameter up to 301 μm) prior to any indication of vitellogenin (yolk protein) uptake. This information will be useful in the construction of an updated maturity schedule for the wild population.  相似文献   

The effects of thrice weekly injections of Ovaprim (sGnRH-A in combination with domperidone) on the ovary of Thalassoma bifasciatum , a protogynous marine fish, after 4 and 6 weeks are described. At the end of 4 weeks of treatment, 72% ( n =13) of the original females showed signs of reversal. The majority of these were deemed early stage although mid- ( n =2) and late ( n =1) stage reversals were present. At 6 weeks, 92% of the females had ovaries that were undergoing transformation. None of these, however, progressed beyond the early stage. Only 3.8% of the control fish showed signs of reversal over the same periods. The blue head colour pattern, typical of the terminal phase, did not appear in any of the fish.
To our knowledge, this is the first report investigating the hypothalamic influence on sex reversal in T. bifasciatum . These observations shed new light on the neuroendocrine control of reversal of gender in this species and hermaphroditic fishes in general.  相似文献   

Anti-proteinase activity has been found in seminal plasma of eight teleost fish species: brown trout, rainbow trout, brook trout, lake whitefish, bream, northern pike, Danube salmon and burbot. This activity correlated with seminal plasma protein and sperm concentrations. Using a mammalian (bovine) trypsin for detecting proteinase inhibitors it was found for the first time that there are species-specific electrophoretic profiles of anti-proteinase activity. One to three bands could be identified by this method. However, additional proteinase inhibitors could be identified by using fish (cod) trypsin. These inhibitors were detected in seminal plasma of salmonids and coregonids and have a slow migration rate. Fast-migrating proteinase inhibitors were present in rainbow, brown and brook trout, northern pike, whitefish and burbot. These inhibitors could be detected in brook and brown trout by using either trypsins. However, they were detected only with bovine trypsin in rainbow trout, northern pike, whitefish and burbot. These results suggest that multiple forms of serine proteinase inhibitors exist in seminal plasma of teleost fish and they differ in their affinity toward serine proteinases. Seminal plasma serine proteinase inhibitors of rainbow trout migrated during electrophoresis similarly to blood plasma proteinase inhibitors, and suggests that the two inhibitors may be similar or the same. Anti-proteinase specific activity was similar in blood and seminal plasma. Proteinase inhibitors of fish seminal plasma seem to be an important part of sperm physiology, possibly related to protection of spermatozoa. Staining for detection of serine proteinase inhibitors also allowed detection of presence of nonspecific esterase in seminal plasma of most species.  相似文献   

Synopsis The mating system of the labrid fishThalassoma bifasciatum has been extensively described in the literature, and the species has formed the basis for much work in ecology and behavior. However, most work in the past on this species has concentrated in small patch reef habitats. Here I describe a different mating pattern in bluehead wrasses occurring on a large, linear barrier reef in St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. On this reef, very large group-mating aggregations (> 10000 fish) form daily at a single area on the forepart of the reef. Tagging studies showed that fishes are faithful to particular feeding schools arrayed along the forereef, and that they migrate to the spawning grounds along a specific path from distances more than 1.5 km away. No mating appears to occur in other upcurrent areas of the forereef. One-way migration times averaged 52 min from the farthest site studied, and feeding does not occur en route. Despite large differences in time spent in migration, no significant differences existed in fecundity or frequency of spawning among females living at different distances from the mating aggregation. The only apparent differences was a significantlyhigher growth rate in the fishes residing farthest from the aggregation. This higher growth rate corresponded to a higher overall feeding rate in the distant location, suggesting that food intake can more than compensate for the increased costs of migration.  相似文献   

In this experiment, golden rabbitfish (Siganus guttatus) were allocated between three treatment groups. The fish were injected with saline, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and D-Ala6, Pro9-Net-mGnRH. After injection, in 6 hr intervals, blood plasma samples were collected for steroid hormone (testosterone [T] in males and estradiol-17β [E2] in females) using enzyme immune assay (EIA). In male fish, T levels significantly increased and reached 170 and 650 pg/ml for hCG and D-Ala6, Pro9-Net-mGnRH treatments, respectively. Then T levels slightly decreased until 24 hr post injection. There were no significant changes of T levels in saline treatment. In female fish, we found significant changes in E2 levels at 2,567 and 524 pg/ml at 12 hr post injection in hCG and D-Ala6, Pro9-Net-mGnRH treatments, respectively. No significant differences of E2 levels were observed in saline group. In the second experiment, we injected 100 golden rabbitfish with both hCG and D-Ala6, Pro9-Net-mGnRH. Fish spawned successfully when hCG and D-Ala6, Pro9-Net-mGnRH were given individually and in combination. Latency periods were between 46–64 hr with an average fertilization rate of 70%–90% and hatching rate of 56%–74%. The embryonic duration was 16–20 hr. The saline-injected group produced no spawning. Our findings contribute to further understanding of exogenous hormones impact on golden rabbitfish reproductive endocrinology, refining breeding protocol and implications for fish propagation.  相似文献   

Postvitellogenic follicles of freshwater perch Anabas testudineus incubated with [(3)H]pregnenolone as exogenous precursor produced several metabolites, including 17 alpha, 20 beta-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (DHP) and 5 beta-pregnane-3 alpha, 17 alpha,20 beta-triol (5 beta-3 alpha,17 alpha,20 beta-P). These were identified by chromatography, microchemical reactions, and crystallization to constant specific activity. Following stimulation with fish (perch) pituitary extract (FPE) there was significant high production of DHP and 5 beta-3 alpha,17 alpha,20 beta-P, concomitant with a high percentage of germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD). Inhibitor of steroidogenesis (trilostane) and inhibitors of protein synthesis (cycloheximide and actinomycin-D) completely blocked FPE-induced pregnenolone metabolism and oocyte maturation. The effectiveness of various C(21) steroids in inducing GVBD was examined. Results indicate that DHP was the most potent inducer of GVBD than other structurally related C(21) steroids. In intact follicles, FPE-stimulated production of DHP was shown to be mediated through the adenylate cyclase-cAMP pathway. Addition of IBMX or forskolin, which increases the endogenous cAMP level, as well as directly supplementing dbcAMP to the incubation medium, had no inhibitory effect on DHP-induced GVBD in the intact follicles. But all these agents were shown to inhibit GVBD in fully denuded oocytes. This study provides evidence that DHP, produced by postvitellogenic follicles through the adenylate cyclase-cAMP pathway, is the maturation-inducing steroid in freshwater perch and that the role played by cAMP in the induction of GVBD in intact follicles is different from that in the denuded oocytes. J. Exp. Zool. 287:294-303, 2000.  相似文献   

We determined the Ca(2+) dependence and time course of the modulation of ligand sensitivity in cGMP-gated currents of intact cone photoreceptors. In electro-permeabilized single cones isolated from striped bass, we measured outer segment current amplitude as a function of cGMP or 8Br-cGMP concentrations in the presence of various Ca(2+) levels. The dependence of current amplitude on nucleotide concentration is well described by the Hill function with values of K(1/2), the ligand concentration that half-saturates current, that, in turn, depend on Ca(2+). K(1/2) increases as Ca(2+) rises, and this dependence is well described by a modified Michaelis-Menten function, indicating that modulation arises from the interaction of Ca(2+) with a single site without apparent cooperativity. (Ca)K(m), the Michaelis-Menten constant for Ca(2+) concentration is 857 +/- 68 nM for cGMP and 863 +/- 51 for 8Br-cGMP. In single cones under whole-cell voltage clamp, we simultaneously measured changes in membrane current and outer segment free Ca(2+) caused by sudden Ca(2+) sequestration attained by uncaging diazo-2. In the presence of constant 8Br-cGMP, 15 micro, Ca(2+) concentration decrease was complete within 50 ms and membrane conductance was enhanced 2.33 +/- 0.95-fold with a mean time to peak of 1.25 +/- 0.23 s. We developed a model that assumes channel modulation is a pseudo-first-order process kinetically limited by free Ca(2+). Based on the experimentally measured changes in Ca(2+) concentration, model simulations match experimental data well by assigning the pseudo-first-order time constant a mean value of 0.40 +/- 0.14 s. Thus, Ca(2+)-dependent ligand modulation occurs over the concentration range of the normal, dark-adapted cone. Its time course suggests that its functional effects are important in the recovery of the cone photoresponse to a flash of light and during the response to steps of light, when cones adapt.  相似文献   

Synopsis The process of sex change in the protogynous wrasse, Thalassoma duperrey, was investigated through histological and ultrastructural observations on the gonads of females changing sex to male. Changes in plasma steroid levels concomitant with structural changes were measured by radioimmunoassay. The process of sex change from ovary to testis was divided into six stages on the basis of changes in the structure of the germinal and somatic elements. Ovaries of females were filled with vitellogenic oocytes during the breeding season, but contained no spermatogenic tissue (Stage 1). At the commencement of sex change (Stage 2), vitellogenic oocytes began to degenerate, and were ingested by macrophagous cells. This stage was accompanied by a rapid drop in plasma levels of estradiol-17. Thereafter, previtellogenic oocytes (Stage 3) also began to degenerate, and aggregations of stromal tissue, and loose connective tissue were observed in the central region of the lamellae. Steroid producing cells (Leydig cells), developed at the border of this loose connective tissue. Presumed spermatogonia proliferated on the periphery of the lamellae, and Leydig cells increased in size and number (Stage 4). Spermatogonia formed cysts, and underwent spermatogenesis (Stage 5). Finally, sex change to male was considered complete, with the beginning of active spermatogenesis and spermiation (Stage 6). Plasma levels of testosterone remained low throughout the sex change, but a second androgen, 11-ketotestosterone increased gradually in parallel to the increased numbers of Leydig cells and spermatogonia. Preliminary in vitro incubation of gonads with salmon gonadotropin, revealed that sex-changed males had higher levels of 11-ketotestosterone production than did females, while females had higher levels of estradiol-17 production than did males. Production of both these steroids increased in a dose-related fashion with increasing doses of gonadotropin.  相似文献   

Maturation-inducing steroid in amago salmon (Oncorhynchus rhodurus) has been identified from media in which immature but fully grown folliculated oocytes of amago salmon had been incubated for 18-24 hr with chum salmon gonadotropin (SGA). The maturation-inducing (MI) activity of residues at various steps of purification was assessed by an in vitro germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) assay based on fully grown prophase-arrested folliculated oocytes of amago salmon. Ether extracts of the media from these incubates showed high MI activity. Yolk and oil droplets were removed from the ether extract by partition with equal volumes of 50% methanol and n-hexane. MI activity was found only in the 50% methanol phase. The 50% methanol phase was then fractionated (20 separate fractions) by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. MI activity was found only in fraction 10 which had a retention time coinciding exactly with 17 alpha,20 beta-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17 alpha,20 beta-diOHprog). The purity and final characterization of the residues of fraction 10 were further confirmed by thin-layer chromatography and mass spectrometry with authentic 17 alpha,20 beta-diOHprog standard. The present study, together with our previous findings that in amago salmon 17 alpha,20 beta-diOHprog is the most potent steroid for the induction of oocyte maturation in vitro and is present at high concentrations in the plasma only around the time of oocyte maturation, indicates that 17 alpha,20 beta-diOHprog is the major naturally occurring maturation-inducing steroid in this species.  相似文献   

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