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The present paper deals with the problem of a nutrient-phytoplankton (N-P) populations where phytoplankton population is divided into two groups, namely susceptible phytoplankton and infected phytoplankton. Conditions for coexistence or extinction of populations are derived taking into account general nutrient uptake functions and Holling type-II functional response as an example. It is observed that the three component systems persist when the infected phytoplankton population is not able to consume nutrient.  相似文献   

Epithelial cells of the HEp-2 line infected in parallel by genetically connected strains of Sh. flexneri, differing in the capacity to synthesize the type antigen were studied morphologically. The type antigen proved to show no significant influence on the penetration of dysentery bacilli into the cell. A study of the process of phagocytosis of the mentioned strains by a culture of peritoneal macrophages of guinea pig demonstrated that the presence of a type antigen communicated to the bacteria some selective advantages within the macrophages increasing their resistance to the action of the digestive enzymes.  相似文献   

Shigellosis is an acute inflammatory bowel disease caused by the enteroinvasive bacterium SHIGELLA: Upon host cell-Shigella interaction, major host cell signalling responses are activated. Deciphering the initial molecular events is crucial to understanding the infectious process. We identified a molecular complex involving proteins of both the host, CD44 the hyaluronan receptor, and Shigella, the invasin IpaB, which partitions during infection within specialized membrane microdomains enriched in cholesterol and sphingolipids, called rafts. We also document accumulation of cholesterol and raft-associated proteins at Shigella entry foci. Moreover, we report that Shigella entry is impaired after cholesterol depletion using methyl-beta-cyclodextrin. Finally, we find that Shigella is less invasive in sphingosid-based lipid-deficient cell lines, demonstrating the involvement of sphingolipids. Our results show that rafts are implicated in Shigella binding and entry, suggesting that raft-associated molecular machineries are engaged in mediating the cell signalling response required for the invasion process.  相似文献   

Results of electron-microscopic examination of Shigella flexneri cells, subjected to influence the bacteriocin-producing Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria are presented. The response of shigellae to bacteriocinogenic lactobacilli was shown both on cellular and population levels. On population level the correlation of various morphological types of shigella cells with increase of involution, lysing and resting forms is revealed. At a cellular level the specific ultrastructural changes of shigella evidencing the significant destructive processes of the cells were revealed. In one case destabilization of shigella cellular wall was observed, that was manifested in expansion of periplasmic spaces and appearence of specific involution forms of the cells. In other cases, changes in the ultrastructural organization of shigella nucleoid were found out, manifested in disappearance of thin-fibrillar DNA and formation of electronic-dense globular structures of the cells.  相似文献   

Host-microorganism interactions in the intestinal tract are complex, and little is known about specific nonpathogenic microbial factors triggering host responses in the gut. In this study, mannose-specific interactions of Lactobacillus plantarum 299v with jejunal epithelium were investigated using an in situ pig Small Intestinal Segment Perfusion model. The effects of L. plantarum 299v wild-type strain were compared with those of two corresponding mutant strains either lacking the gene encoding for the mannose-specific adhesin (msa) or sortase (srtA; responsible for anchoring of cell surface proteins like Msa to the cell wall). A slight enrichment of the wild-type strain associated with the intestinal surface could be observed after 8 h of perfusion when a mixture of wild-type and msa-mutant strain had been applied. In contrast to the mutant strains, the L. plantarum wild-type strain tended to induce a decrease in jejunal net fluid absorption compared with control conditions. Furthermore, after 8 h of perfusion expression of the host gene encoding pancreatitis-associated protein, a protein with proposed bactericidal properties, was found to be upregulated by the wild-type strain only. These observations suggest a role of Msa in the induction of host responses in the pig intestine.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted on albino mice. Experimentally induced dysentery infection proved to become aggravated under the effect of yeast Na-RNA expressed in the increase of the number of animals which fell ill and perished. This phenomenon proved to be based on the acceleration of reproduction of the causative agent, with a simultaneous selection of its virulent clones seen both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

The classical models of investigating Shigella flexneri adherence and invasion of tissue culture cells involve either bacterial centrifugation (spinoculation) or the use of AfaE adhesin to overcome the low infection rate observed in vitro. However clinically, S. flexneri clearly adheres and invades the human colon in the absence of ‘spinoculation’. Additionally, certain S. flexneri tissue cell based assays (e.g. plaque assays and infection of T84 epithelial cells on Transwells®), do not require spinoculation. In the absence of spinoculation, we recently showed that glycan-glycan interactions play an important role in S. flexneri interaction with host cells, and that in particular the S. flexneri 2a lipopolysaccharide O antigen glycan has a high affinity for the blood group A glycan. During the investigation of the effect of blood group A antibodies on S. flexneri interaction with cells, we discovered that Panc-1 cells exhibited a high rate of infection in the absence of spinoculation. Select blood group A antibodies inhibited invasion of Panc-1 cells, and adherence to T84 cells. The use of Panc-1 cells represents a simplified model to study S. flexneri pathogenesis and does not require either spinoculation or exogenous adhesins.  相似文献   

The electron-microscopic analysis of the adhesion of Shigella and Salmonella nonfimbriated strains to the surface of enterocytes of laboratory animals in vivo and in vitro has revealed the presence of structural links, whose formation occurs with the participation of the glycocalix of the interacting cells and the extracellular gel.  相似文献   

Some data showing specific ways of interaction of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis with the epithelium of the small intestinal mucosa have been received for the first time by using light microscopy of semithin sections. Comparative study of the lesion of the epithelium of different parts of rabbit small intestine by oral inoculation with Yersinia tuberculosis has expanded the ideas of the infection entry. It has been established for the first time that the most intensive penetration of the microorganisms into the epithelium of the mucous membrane takes place in the duodenum and jejunum. As the infected contents is evacuated via the intestinal tract, the Yersinia pathogenicity decreases, and in the ileum, the invasion of the microorganisms becomes less pronounced. It has been revealed that in pseudotuberculosis, there takes place a repeated dissemination of the infection in the intestinal tract because of decay of the involved enterocytes, which is of pathogenetic importance for the progress and outcome of the infection.  相似文献   

Dynamics of trigger factor interaction with translating ribosomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In all organisms ribosome-associated chaperones assist early steps of protein folding. To elucidate the mechanism of their action, we determined the kinetics of individual steps of the ribosome binding/release cycle of bacterial trigger factor (TF), using fluorescently labeled chaperone and ribosome-nascent chain complexes. Both the association and dissociation rates of TF-ribosome complexes are modulated by nascent chains, whereby their length, sequence, and folding status are influencing parameters. However, the effect of the folding status is modest, indicating that TF can bind small globular domains and accommodate them within its substrate binding cavity. In general, the presence of a nascent chain causes an up to 9-fold increase in the rate of TF association, which provides a kinetic explanation for the observed ability of TF to efficiently compete with other cytosolic chaperones for binding to nascent chains. Furthermore, a subset of longer nascent polypeptides promotes the stabilization of TF-ribosome complexes, which increases the half-life of these complexes from 15 to 50 s. Nascent chains thus regulate their folding environment generated by ribosome-associated chaperones.  相似文献   

The kinetic of polyreactive immunoglobulins (PRIG) and immobilized antigen interaction was examined at different temperatures. It was shown that this process can be described by the so-called "competitive" model, and the relatively simple method for the rate constant determination for this process was developed. According to the "competitive" model PRIG molecule could be either in "active" or in "inactive" state and dynamic equilibrium exist between "active" and "inactive" molecules which strongly depend on incubation temperature. Only "active" PRIG can interact with antigens, and this is the reason of strong temperature dependence of PRIG-antigen interaction. The data also show that the mechanism of PRIG-antigen interaction differ from that of antibody-antigen interaction.  相似文献   

Metarhizium anisopliae is an entomopathogenic fungus well characterized for the biocontrol of a wide range of plagues. Its pathogenicity depends on the secretion of hydrolytic enzymes that degrade the host cuticle. To identify proteins involved in the infection process and in host specify, immunoproteomic analysis was performed using antiserum produced against crude extract of M. anisopliae cultured in the presence of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus and Dysdercus peruvianus cuticles. Spots detected using antisera produced against M. anisopliae cultured in cuticles and spore surface proteins, but not with antiserum against M. anisopliae cultured in glucose, were identified so as to give insights about the infection process. An MS/MS allowed the identification of proteases, like elastase, trypsin, chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidase and subtilisin (Pr1A, Pr1I and PR1J), chitinases, DNase I and proline-rich protein. Chymotrypsin and Pr1I were inferred as host specific, being recognized in D. peruvianus infection only. This research represents an important contribution to the understanding the adaptation mechanisms of M. anisopliae to different hosts.  相似文献   

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