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Short-period (40-50 min) synchronized metabolic oscillation was found in a continuous culture of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae under aerobic conditions at low-dilution rates. During oscillation, many parameters changed cyclically, such as dissolved oxygen concentration, respiration rate, ethanol and acetate concentrations in the culture, glycogen, ATP, NADH, pyruvate and acetate concentrations in the cells. These changes were considered to be associated with glycogen metabolism. When glycogen was degraded, the respiro-fermentative phase was observed, in which ethanol was produced and the respiration rate decreased. In this phase, the levels of intracellular pyruvate and acetate became minimum, ATP became high and intracellular pH at its lowest level. When glycogen metabolism changed from degradation to accumulation, the respiratory phase started, during which ethanol was re-assimilated from the culture and the respiration rate increased. Intracellular pyruvate and acetate became maximum, ATP decreased and the intracellular pH appeared high. These findings may indicate new aspects of the control mechanism of glycogen metabolism and how respiration and ethanol fermentation are regulated together under aerobic conditions.  相似文献   

Sustained oscillations of biomass, ethanol, and ammonium concentrations, specific growth rate, and specific uptake rates of ethanol, ammonium, and oxygen were found in continuous cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae under controlled dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, and temperature conditions. The period of oscillations was approximately 2.5-3 h at a pH of 5.5 and 2-2.5 h at a pH of 6.5. Oscillations were observed only under conditions of low carbon (glucose below the minimum detectable level), nitrogen nutrient (ammonium concentration varied between 0.00001 and 0.0015M), and ethanol concentration (0.002-0.085 g/L) in the bioreactor.The oscillatory behavior at pH 5.5 was also characterized by partially synchronized cell growth and reproduction. Not only did the total percentage of budding cells oscillate with the same period as observed for the global biomass and nutrient concentrations, but the peaks in the individual subpopulations of initial budding, middle budding, and late budding cells appeared sequentially during the oscillation period. This provides strong evidence of the hypothesis that variations in metabolism during different periods in the cell cycle of a partially synchronized cell population are responsible for the observed oscillatory bioreactor behavior.The specific nutrient uptake rates for ammonium and oxygen as well as the net specific ethanol uptake rate oscillated with the same period as the biomass oscillations. These results show a dramatic increase in the ammonium and oxygen consumption rates prior to the initial budding of the synchronized subpopulation and a decrease in these rates during the late budding phase. At a pH of 5.5, the late budding phase is characterized by high specific ethanol productivity; however, the ethanol productivity lags the late budding phase at a pH pf 6.5. The observed time-varying metabolism in the oscillatory operating regime appears to be the result of the metabolic changes which occur during the cell cycle. Models which can predict the oscillatory biomass concentration and nutrient levels in this regime must be capable of predicting the concentrations and metabolic rates of the subpopulations as well.  相似文献   

Summary Glucose limited growth of a respiratory deficient mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was studied in continuous culture under steady state conditions. The maximal growth rate, the Michaelis constant, the cell yield, the maintenance coefficient and the ethanol yield of the growing cell population were determined. The steady state concentrations of cells, glucose and ethanol were measured as functions of the dilution rate and compared with theoretical predictions. A far-reaching agreement between theory and experiment was observed. The decrease of the cell yield in the range of low dilution rates is well explained by introducing the concept of maintenance energy in the general theory of continuous cultures. A deviation of the cell yield from the predicted values, which has been found in the range of high dilution rates, is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was investigated under aerobic conditions in a glucose limited chemostat. The steady state concentrations of cells, glucose and ethanol were measured in dependence of the dilution rate. The growth rate showed a biphasic dependence from the glucose concentration. A shift from respiratory to fermentative metabolism (Crabtree-effect) altering heavily the cell yield and the ethanol yield took place in the range of dilution rates between 0.3 h-1 and 0.5 h-1. Therefore the classical theory of continuous cultures is not applicable on aerobic growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae under glucose limitation without introducing further premises. On the other hand the steady state cell concentration as a function of the dilution rate fits well the theoretically calculated curves, if cells are cultivated under conditions where only fermentation or respiration is possible.  相似文献   

Cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae grown continuously produce an autonomous oscillation in many metabolic outputs. The most conveniently measured variable, i.e., dissolved oxygen concentration, oscillates with a period of 40-55 min. Previously we have identified two compounds capable of resetting phase, acetaldehyde and hydrogen sulfide. The phase-response curves constructed for acetaldehyde show a strong (Type 0) response at 3.0 mM and a weak (Type 1) response at 1.0 mM. Ammonium sulfide phase-response curves (pulse injected at 1.0 microM and 3.0 microM) revealed that sulfide is only an effective perturbation agent when endogenous sulfide concentrations are at a maximum. Also only Type 1 phase responses were observed. When the phase-response curve for sulfite (at 3.0 M) was constructed, phase responses were at a maximum at 60 degrees, indicating the possible involvement of sulfite in cell synchronization. It is concluded that endogenously produced acetaldehyde and sulfite tune the oscillation of mitochondrial energization state whereas sulfide mediates population synchrony.  相似文献   

A structured segregated model was developed for studying spontaneous oscillations of S. cerevisiae in continuous culture. The model is based on cells of a simple metabolic structure and assumptions about the modification of this structure during the cell cycle. The most important features of the model cells are the ability to grow on ethanol and glucose simultaneously in continuous culture, the accumulation of intracellular storage carbohydrates during the single cell phase and their mobilization during the budding phase. The model predicts oscillations of considerable similarity to those observed in experiments.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae baker's yeast mutants which produce 3 to 17 times as much lysine as the wild type, depending on the nitrogen source, have been selected. The baker's yeast strain was growth in a pH-regulated chemostat in minimal medium with proline as the nitrogen source, supplemented with increasing concentrations of the toxic analog of the lysine S-2-aminoethyl-L-cysteine (AEC). The lysine-overproducing mutants, which were isolated as AEC-resistant mutants, were also resistant to high external concentrations of lysine and to alpha-aminoadipate and seemed to be affected in the lysine biosynthetic pathway but not in the biosynthetic pathways of other amino acids. Lysine overproduction by one of the mutants seemed to be due to, at least, the loss of repression of the homocitrate synthase encoded by the LYS20 gene. The mutant grew slower than the wild type, and its dough-raising capacity was reduced in in vitro assays, probably due to the toxic effects of lysine accumulation or of an intermediate produced in the pathway. This mutant can be added as a food supplement to enrich the nutritive qualities of bakery products, and its resistance to alpha-aminoadipate, AEC, and lysine can be used as a dominant marker.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, maltose is transported by a proton symport mechanism, whereas glucose transport occurs via facilitated diffusion. The energy requirement for maltose transport was evaluated with a metabolic model based on an experimental value of YATP for growth on glucose and an ATP requirement for maltose transport of 1 mol.mol-1. The predictions of the model were verified experimentally with anaerobic, sugar-limited chemostat cultures growing on a range of maltose-glucose mixtures at a fixed dilution rate of 0.1 h-1. The biomass yield (grams of cells.gram of sugar-1) decreased linearly with increasing amounts of maltose in the mixture. The yield was 25% lower during growth on maltose than during that on glucose, in agreement with the model predictions. During sugar-limited growth, the residual concentrations of maltose and glucose in the culture increased in proportion to their relative concentrations in the medium feed. From the residual maltose concentration, the in situ rates of maltose consumption by cultures, and the Km of the maltose carrier for maltose, it was calculated that the amount of this carrier was proportional to the in situ maltose consumption rate. This was also found for the amount of intracellular maltose. These two maltose-specific enzymes therefore exert high control over the maltose flux in S. cerevisiae in anaerobic, sugar-limited, steady-state cultures.  相似文献   

A recombinant strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, containing a 2-m-fragment-based plasmid (pYEa4) was grown under non-selective conditions in continuous culture. The decrease in the population carrying the plasmid-encoded auxotrophic marker, LEU2, was examined under different physiological conditions. The difference in growth rate (µ) between plasmid-free and plasmid-containing cells and the rate of plasmid segregation (R) were determined using a non-linear regression technique. Loss rates were greater in defined glucose-limited cultures than in complex glucose-limited cultures. Plasmid loss was µ-dominated in cultures grown on defined media whereas µ and R were co-dominant in cultures grown on complex medium. Loss rates increased with increasing dilution rate in complex glucose-limited cultures. The reverse was found in defined glucose-limited cultures. Plasmid retention and loss kinetics determined from defined magnesium-limited cultures were not significantly different from those observed in defined glucose-limited cultures. Although plasmid retention in defined phosphate-limited culture was not significantly different from that in defined glucose-limited culture, reduced R and increased µ indicated an alternative physiological effect of phosphate limitation on plasmid stability.  相似文献   

Summary Bakers' yeast has been grown on a medium containing 1% glucose in aerobic conditions. The fermentation exhibited five phases, lag, fermentative growth, transition, growth on ethanol and stationary phase. Samples were taken during each phase and analysed for the levels of a selection of intermediary metabolites. The levels of ATP, AMP, glucose 6-phosphate, fructose 1,6- diphosphate, 6-phosphogluconate, citrate and glyoxylate showed differences in the different phases of the fermentation and can be used as indicators of metabolic state, whereas ADP, triose phosphates, fructose 6-phosphate, 2-phosphoglycerate and oxalacetate did not show much variation and were less useful as metabolic indicators.  相似文献   

The problem of dynamically modeling a chemostat is addressed. Using the results of continuous culture experiments for the growth of a strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on a glucose-limited medium, a general approach to developing dynamic models is discussed. The approach to develop and verify the model involves three different types of experiments: steady-state, dynamic step response, and feedback identification.  相似文献   

Furfural is an important inhibitor of yeast metabolism in lignocellulose-derived substrates. The effect of furfural on the physiology of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CBS 8066 was investigated using anaerobic continuous cultivations. Experiments were performed with furfural in the feed medium (up to 8.3 g/L) using three different dilution rates (0.095, 0.190, and 0.315 h(-1)). The measured concentration of furfural was low (< 0.1 g/L) at all steady states obtained. However, it was not possible to achieve a steady state at a specific conversion rate of furfural, q(f), higher than approximately 0.15 g/g.h. An increased furfural concentration in the feed caused a decrease in the steady-state glycerol yield. This agreed well with the decreased need for glycerol production as a way to regenerate NAD+, i.e., to function as a redox sink because furfural was reduced to furfuryl alcohol. Transient experiments were also performed by pulse addition of furfural directly into the fermentor. In contrast to the situation at steady-state conditions, both glycerol and furfuryl alcohol yields increased after pulse addition of furfural to the culture. Furthermore, the maximum specific conversion rate of furfural (0.6 g/g.h) in dynamic experiments was significantly higher than what was attainable in the chemostat experiments. The dynamic furfural conversion could be described by the use of a simple Michaelis-Menten-type kinetic model. Also furfural conversion under steady-state conditions could be explained by a Michaelis-Menten-type kinetic model, but with a higher affinity and a lower maximum conversion rate. This indicated the presence of an additional component with a higher affinity, but lower maximum capacity, either in the transport system or in the conversion system of furfural.  相似文献   

An oscillatory behavior in population density was observed when a transformant of Bacillus stearothermophilus carrying a rocombinant plasmid pZAM26 was cultivated continuously in a well-stirred reactor vessel at a fixed dilution rato. Among the transformant cells that were subjected to the continuous culture, the fraction of cells harboring p2AM26 was found to be as high as 0.98-1.00 despite the emergence of the oscillation. Cells whose plasmids underwent rearrangement of DMA in terms of structural change could not be found throughout. With reference to this observation, the dynamics of the genetic-engineered bacterium was analyzed within the category of both the linearized stability principle and the bifurcation theory. It was concluded that Hopf bifurcation was most probable to account for the experimental oscillation.  相似文献   

Low concentrations of benzoic acid stimulated fermentation rates in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. At concentrations near the maximum permitting growth, there was inhibition of fermentation, lowered ATP and intracellular pH, and relatively greater accumulation of benzoate. Changes in the levels of glycolytic intermediates suggested that fermentation was inhibited as a result of high ATP usage rather than of lowered intracellular pH. Specific inhibition of phosphofructokinase or of several other glycolytic enzymes was not observed.  相似文献   

A D Warth 《Applied microbiology》1991,57(12):3415-3417
Low concentrations of benzoic acid stimulated fermentation rates in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. At concentrations near the maximum permitting growth, there was inhibition of fermentation, lowered ATP and intracellular pH, and relatively greater accumulation of benzoate. Changes in the levels of glycolytic intermediates suggested that fermentation was inhibited as a result of high ATP usage rather than of lowered intracellular pH. Specific inhibition of phosphofructokinase or of several other glycolytic enzymes was not observed.  相似文献   

During the steady-state continuous culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on sugar cane blackstrap molasses under different experimental conditions, oscillatory variations of the invertase activity of the intact yeast cells were observed. The continuous morphological changes of the cells wall and of the periplasmic space affecting the interaction between invertase and sucrose molecules could be responsible by the observed oscillatory phenomena. The average invertase activity at the steady state is linearly correlated to the cell's growth rate.  相似文献   

Baker's yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, was investigated for the combined influence of dissolved oxygen and glucose concentration in continuous culture. A reactor was operated at a range of dilution rates (0.1, 0.2, 0.25, 0.27, and 3.0 h(-1)), above and below the critical value that separates the oxidative and fermentation regions. For each dilution rate (D), steady states were established at each of five to ten different dissolved oxygen concentrations (DO) in the range of 0.01-5 mg/L. The use of on-line mass spectrometry facilitated the measurement of gaseous and dissolved O(2), CO(2), and ethanol. Intracellular carbohydrate, protein, RNA, DNA, lipid, and cytochrome concentrations were measured. Cell size measurements were reduced to specific surface areas. Cytochrome content showed up to 100% variation during a 20-day period of adaptation at D = 0.2 h(-1) to low DO. Eventually, the culture behaved the same at DO = 0.05 mg/L as it did initially at 3 mg/L. At D = 0.2, 0.25, and 0.27 h(-1), the transition between oxidation and fermentation was characterized by a critical DO which decreased with decreasing D. The X-D curves were shifted such that the critical D value was reduced with decreasing DO. Specific oxygen update rates varied with DO according to the saturation kinetics. Specific cell surface areas increased with decreasing DO. Cytochrome content generally decreased with decreasing DO, and Q(O(2) ) could be linearly related to the total cytochrome content, which exhibited a maximum at D = 0.27 h(-1).  相似文献   

This paper presents a kinetic study of the dynamics of the population of two Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains (designated K1 and 522D) in mixed culture. These two strains are commonly used in wine making. The K1 strain (killer yeast) secretes a glycoprotein (killer toxin) which causes the death of the 522D strain (sensitive yeast). Initially, the mixed cultures were realized in batch fermentations. Initial concentrations of killer yeast were 5 and 10% of the total population. The influence of the killer strain on the sensitive cultures was measured in comparison with a reference fermentation. The reference fermentation was inoculated only with the sensitive strain. Results show that an initial concentration of 10% of killer strain affects the microbial population balance and the rate of ethanol production. However the fermentation was only slightly disturbed when the proportion of killer to sensitive yeast at the beginning of mixed culture was 5%. To achieve total displacement by the killer yeast at low concentrations, the mixed cultures were carried out in a continuous system. The results obtained in continuous fermentations with the same strains have shown that a level of contamination as low as 0.8% of killer strain was sufficient to completely displace the original sensitive population after 150 h incubation.  相似文献   

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