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High-frequency potential oscillations in the range of 300–900 Hz have recently been shown to concur with the primary response (N20) of the somatosensory cortex in awake humans. However, the physiological mechanisms of the high-frequency oscillations remained undetermined. We addressed the issue by analyzing magnetic fields during wakefulness and sleep over the left hemisphere to right median nerve stimulation with a wide bandpass (0.1–2000 Hz) recording with subsequent high-pass (> 300 Hz) and low-pass (< 300 Hz) filtering. With wide bandpass recordings, high-frequency magnetic oscillations with the main signal energy at 580–780 Hz were superimposed on the N20m during wakefulness. Isofield mapping at each peak of the high-pass filtered and isolated high-frequency oscillations showed a dipolar pattern and the estimated source for these peaks was the primary somatosensory cortex (area 3b) very close to that for the N20m peak. During sleep, the high-frequency oscillations showed dramatic diminution in amplitude while the N20m amplitude exhibited a moderate increment. This reciprocal relation between the high-frequency oscillations and the N20m during a wake-sleep cycle suggests that they represent different generator substrates. We speculate that the high-frequency oscillations represent a localized activity of the GABAergic inhibitory interneurons of layer 4, which have been shown in animal experiments to respond monosynaptically to thalamo-cortical input with a high-frequency (600–900 Hz) burst of short duration spikes. On the other hand, the underlying N20m represents activity of pyramidal neurons which receive monosynaptic excitatory input from the thalamus as well as a feed-forward inhibition from the interneurons.  相似文献   

The cornea has been a focus of animal electrophysiological research for decades, but little is known regarding its cortical representation in the human brain. This study attempts to localize the somatotopic representation of the cornea to painful stimuli in human primary somatosensory cortex using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). In this case study, a subject was imaged at 3T while bright light was presented in a block-design, which either produced pain and blinking (during photophobia) or blinking alone (after recovery from photophobia). Pain and blinking produced precisely localized activations in primary somatosensory cortex and primary motor cortex. These results indicate that noxious stimulation of the cornea can produce somatotopic activation in primary somatosensory cortex. This finding opens future avenues of research to evaluate the relationship between corneal pain and central brain mechanisms relating to the development of chronic pain conditions, such as dry eye-like symptoms.  相似文献   

Gamma oscillations (30 to 80 Hz) have been hypothesized to play an important role in feature binding, based on the observation that continuous long bars induce stronger gamma in the visual cortex than bars with a small gap. Recently, many studies have shown that natural images, which have discontinuities in several low-level features, do not induce strong gamma oscillations, questioning their role in feature binding. However, the effect of different discontinuities on gamma has not been well studied. To address this, we recorded spikes and local field potential from 2 monkeys while they were shown gratings with discontinuities in 4 attributes: space, orientation, phase, or contrast. We found that while these discontinuities only had a modest effect on spiking activity, gamma power drastically reduced in all cases, suggesting that gamma could be a resonant phenomenon. An excitatory–inhibitory population model with stimulus-tuned recurrent inputs showed such resonant properties. Therefore, gamma could be a signature of excitation–inhibition balance, which gets disrupted due to discontinuities.

Gamma oscillations (30-80 Hz) in visual cortex have been hypothesized to play an important role in feature binding, but this role has recently been questioned. This study shows that visual stimulus-induced gamma oscillations are highly attenuated with even small discontinuities in the stimulus. This "resonant" behaviour can be explained by a simple excitatory-inhibitory model in which discontinuities lead to a small reduction in lateral inputs.  相似文献   

Cellular mechanisms underlying synaptic plasticity are in line with the Hebbian concept. In contrast, data linking Hebbian learning to altered perception are rare. Combining functional magnetic resonance imaging with psychophysical tests, we studied cortical reorganization in primary and secondary somatosensory cortex (SI and SII) and the resulting changes of tactile perception before and after tactile coactivation, a simple type of Hebbian learning. Coactivation on the right index finger (IF) for 3 hr lowered its spatial discrimination threshold. In parallel, blood-oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signals from the right IF representation in SI and SII enlarged. The individual threshold reduction was linearly correlated with the enlargement in SI, implying a close relation between altered discrimination and cortical reorganization. Controls consisting of a single-site stimulation did not affect thresholds and cortical maps. Accordingly, changes within distributed cortical networks based on Hebbian mechanisms alter the individual percept.  相似文献   

Studies of neuronal oscillations have contributed substantial insight into the mechanisms of visual, auditory, and somatosensory perception. However, progress in such research in the human olfactory system has lagged behind. As a result, the electrophysiological properties of the human olfactory system are poorly understood, and, in particular, whether stimulus-driven high-frequency oscillations play a role in odor processing is unknown. Here, we used direct intracranial recordings from human piriform cortex during an odor identification task to show that 3 key oscillatory rhythms are an integral part of the human olfactory cortical response to smell: Odor induces theta, beta, and gamma rhythms in human piriform cortex. We further show that these rhythms have distinct relationships with perceptual behavior. Odor-elicited gamma oscillations occur only during trials in which the odor is accurately perceived, and features of gamma oscillations predict odor identification accuracy, suggesting that they are critical for odor identity perception in humans. We also found that the amplitude of high-frequency oscillations is organized by the phase of low-frequency signals shortly following sniff onset, only when odor is present. Our findings reinforce previous work on theta oscillations, suggest that gamma oscillations in human piriform cortex are important for perception of odor identity, and constitute a robust identification of the characteristic electrophysiological response to smell in the human brain. Future work will determine whether the distinct oscillations we identified reflect distinct perceptual features of odor stimuli.

Intracranial recordings from human olfactory cortex reveal a characteristic spectrotemporal response to odors, including theta, beta and gamma oscillations, and show that high-frequency responses are critical for accurate perception of odors.  相似文献   

Somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP) to ipsilateral and contralateral median nerve stimulations were recorded from subdural electrode grids over the perirolandic areas in 41 patients with medically refractory focal epilepsies who underwent evaluation for epilepsy surgery. All patients showed clearly defined, high-amplitude contralateral median SEPs. In addition, four patients showed ipsilateral SEPs. Compared with the contralateral SEPs, ipsilateral SEPs were very localized, had a different spatial distribution, were of considerably lower amplitude, had a longer latency (1.2–17.8 ms), did not show an initial negativity, and were markedly attenuated during sleep. Stimulation of the subdural electrodes overlying the sensory hand area was associated with contralateral hand paresthesias, but no ipsilateral hand paresthesias occurred. It was concluded that subdurally recorded cortical SEPs to ipsilateral stimulation of the median nerve (M) reflect unconscious sensory input from the hand possibly serving fast bimanual hand control. The anatomical pathway of these ipsilateral short-latency MSEPs is not yet known. Transcallosal transmission seems unlikely because of the short delay between the ipsilateral and contralateral responses in selected cases. The infrequent occurrence of ipsilateral subdurally recorded SEPs and their low amplitude and limited distribution suggest that they contribute very little to the short-latency ipsilateral median SEPs recorded on the scalp.  相似文献   



The somatosensory temporal discrimination threshold (STDT) measures the ability to perceive two stimuli as being sequential. Precisely how the single cerebral structures contribute in controlling the STDT is partially known and no information is available about whether STDT can be modulated by plasticity-inducing protocols.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To investigate how the cortical and cerebellar areas contribute to the STDT we used transcranial magnetic stimulation and a neuronavigation system. We enrolled 18 healthy volunteers and 10 of these completed all the experimental sessions, including the control experiments. STDT was measured on the left hand before and after applying continuous theta-burst stimulation (cTBS) on the right primary somatosensory area (S1), pre-supplementary motor area (pre-SMA), right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and left cerebellar hemisphere. We then investigated whether intermittent theta-burst stimulation (iTBS) on the right S1 improved the STDT. After right S1 cTBS, STDT values increased whereas after iTBS to the same cortical site they decreased. cTBS over the DLPFC and left lateral cerebellum left the STDT statistically unchanged. cTBS over the pre-SMA also left the STDT statistically unchanged, but it increased the number of errors subjects made in distinguishing trials testing a single stimulus and those testing paired stimuli.


Our findings obtained by applying TBS to the cortical areas involved in processing sensory discrimination show that the STDT is encoded in S1, possibly depends on intrinsic S1 neural circuit properties, and can be modulated by plasticity-inducing TBS protocols delivered over S1. Our findings, giving further insight into mechanisms involved in somatosensory temporal discrimination, help interpret STDT abnormalities in movement disorders including dystonia and Parkinson''s disease.  相似文献   

Correlation among neocortical neurons is thought to play an indispensable role in mediating sensory processing of external stimuli. The role of temporal precision in this correlation has been hypothesized to enhance information flow along sensory pathways. Its role in mediating the integration of information at the output of these pathways, however, remains poorly understood. Here, we examined spike timing correlation between simultaneously recorded layer V neurons within and across columns of the primary somatosensory cortex of anesthetized rats during unilateral whisker stimulation. We used bayesian statistics and information theory to quantify the causal influence between the recorded cells with millisecond precision. For each stimulated whisker, we inferred stable, whisker-specific, dynamic bayesian networks over many repeated trials, with network similarity of 83.3±6% within whisker, compared to only 50.3±18% across whiskers. These networks further provided information about whisker identity that was approximately 6 times higher than what was provided by the latency to first spike and 13 times higher than what was provided by the spike count of individual neurons examined separately. Furthermore, prediction of individual neurons' precise firing conditioned on knowledge of putative pre-synaptic cell firing was 3 times higher than predictions conditioned on stimulus onset alone. Taken together, these results suggest the presence of a temporally precise network coding mechanism that integrates information across neighboring columns within layer V about vibrissa position and whisking kinetics to mediate whisker movement by motor areas innervated by layer V.  相似文献   

Recent anatomical, physiological, and neuroimaging findings indicate multisensory convergence at early, putatively unisensory stages of cortical processing. The objective of this study was to confirm somatosensory-auditory interaction in A1 and to define both its physiological mechanisms and its consequences for auditory information processing. Laminar current source density and multiunit activity sampled during multielectrode penetrations of primary auditory area A1 in awake macaques revealed clear somatosensory-auditory interactions, with a novel mechanism: somatosensory inputs appear to reset the phase of ongoing neuronal oscillations, so that accompanying auditory inputs arrive during an ideal, high-excitability phase, and produce amplified neuronal responses. In contrast, responses to auditory inputs arriving during the opposing low-excitability phase tend to be suppressed. Our findings underscore the instrumental role of neuronal oscillations in cortical operations. The timing and laminar profile of the multisensory interactions in A1 indicate that nonspecific thalamic systems may play a key role in the effect.  相似文献   

Neuronal discharges in the primate temporal lobe, but not in the striate and extrastriate cortex, reliably reflect stimulus awareness. However, it is not clear whether visual consciousness should be uniquely localized in the temporal association cortex. Here we used binocular flash suppression to investigate whether visual awareness is also explicitly reflected in feature-selective neural activity of the macaque lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC), a cortical area reciprocally connected to the temporal lobe. We show that neuronal discharges in the majority of single units and recording sites in the LPFC follow the phenomenal perception of a preferred stimulus. Furthermore, visual awareness is reliably reflected in the power modulation of high-frequency (>50?Hz) local field potentials in sites where spiking activity is found to be perceptually modulated. Our results suggest that the activity of neuronal populations in at least two association cortical areas represents the content of conscious visual perception.  相似文献   

Chen LM  Friedman RM  Roe AW 《生理学报》2008,60(5):664-668
While the activation of primary somatosensory (SI) cortex during pain perception is consistently reported in functional imaging studies on normal subjects and chronic pain patients, the specific roles of SI, particularly the subregions within SI, in the processing of sensory aspects of pain are still largely unknown. Using optical imaging of intrinsic signal (OIS) and single unit electrophysiology, we studied cortical activation patterns within SI cortex (among Brodmann areas 3a, 3b and 1) and signal amplitude changes to various intensities of non-nociceptive, thermal nociceptive and mechanical nociceptive stimulation of individual distal finerpads in anesthetized squirrel monkeys. We have demonstrated that areas 3a and 1 are preferentially involved in the processing of nociceptive information while areas 3b and 1 are preferentially activated in the processing of non-nociceptive (touch) information. Nociceptive activations of individual fingerpad were organized topographically suggesting that nociceptive topographic map exits in areas 3a and 1. Signal amplitude was enhanced to increasing intensity of mechanical nociceptive stimuli in areas 3a, 3b and 1. Within area 1, nociceptive response co-localizes with the non-nociceptive response. Therefore, we hypothesize that nocicepitve information is area-specifically represented within SI cortex, in which nociceptive inputs are preferentially represented in areas 3a and 1 while non-nociceptive inputs are preferentially represented in areas 3b and 1.  相似文献   

Local Field Potentials (LFPs) integrate multiple neuronal events like synaptic inputs and intracellular potentials. LFP spatiotemporal features are particularly relevant in view of their applications both in research (e.g. for understanding brain rhythms, inter-areal neural communication and neuronal coding) and in the clinics (e.g. for improving invasive Brain-Machine Interface devices). However the relation between LFPs and spikes is complex and not fully understood. As spikes represent the fundamental currency of neuronal communication this gap in knowledge strongly limits our comprehension of neuronal phenomena underlying LFPs. We investigated the LFP-spike relation during tactile stimulation in primary somatosensory (S-I) cortex in the rat. First we quantified how reliably LFPs and spikes code for a stimulus occurrence. Then we used the information obtained from our analyses to design a predictive model for spike occurrence based on LFP inputs. The model was endowed with a flexible meta-structure whose exact form, both in parameters and structure, was estimated by using a multi-objective optimization strategy. Our method provided a set of nonlinear simple equations that maximized the match between models and true neurons in terms of spike timings and Peri Stimulus Time Histograms. We found that both LFPs and spikes can code for stimulus occurrence with millisecond precision, showing, however, high variability. Spike patterns were predicted significantly above chance for 75% of the neurons analysed. Crucially, the level of prediction accuracy depended on the reliability in coding for the stimulus occurrence. The best predictions were obtained when both spikes and LFPs were highly responsive to the stimuli. Spike reliability is known to depend on neuron intrinsic properties (i.e. on channel noise) and on spontaneous local network fluctuations. Our results suggest that the latter, measured through the LFP response variability, play a dominant role.  相似文献   

New neurophysiological results show the existence of multiple transformations of color signals in the primary visual cortex (V1) in macaque monkey. These different color mechanisms may contribute separately to the perception of color boundaries and colored regions. Many cells in V1 respond to color and to black-white (luminance) patterns. These neurons are spatially selective and could provide signals about boundaries between differently colored regions. Other V1 neurons that prefer color over luminance respond without much spatial selectivity to colored stimuli, and could be the neural basis for the response to local color modulation within a region. How these different types of color cells combine inputs from cone photoreceptors is what gives them their different spatial selectivities for color.  相似文献   

Pain is emotionally detrimental and consciously avoided; however, it is absolutely crucial for our survival. Pain perception is one of the most complicated measurable traits because it is an aggregate of several phenotypes associated with peripheral and central nervous system dynamics, stress responsiveness and inflammatory state. As a complex trait, it is expected to have a polygenic nature shaped by environmental pressures. Here we discuss what is known about these contributing genetic variants, including recent discoveries that show a crucial role of voltage-gated sodium channel Nav1.7 in pain perception and how we can advance our understanding of the pain genetic network. We propose how both rare deleterious genetic variants and common genetic polymorphisms are mediators of human pain perception and clinical pain phenotypes.  相似文献   

Population coding in somatosensory cortex   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Computational analyses have begun to elucidate which components of somatosensory cortical population activity may encode basic stimulus features. Recent results from rat barrel cortex suggest that the essence of this code is not synergistic spike patterns, but rather the precise timing of single neuron's first post-stimulus spikes. This may form the basis for a fast, robust population code.  相似文献   

Responses of neurons without spontaneous activity ("silent") to prolonged stimulation of the mesenteric nerves were studied in cats anesthetized with chloralose (65–70 mg/kg) and immobilized with flaxedil. The results showed that neurons of the association and primary projection areas are characterized by habituation to prolonged stimulation of visceral nerves. The rate of development of habituation depends on the parameters of stimulation and on the cortical region studied. Habituation developed more rapidly in the association area and was slower to develop at the focus of maximal activity of the second somatosensory area. The special features of cortical habituation during visceral stimulation are discussed.I. P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 412–418, September–October, 1979.  相似文献   

We recorded somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) in scalp EEGs during stimulation of the median nerve, the ulnar nerve and the individual digits in 3 normal subjects and in 1 epilepsy patients. In this patient we also measured SEPs from chronically indwelling subdural grid electrodes during electrocorticography (ECoG). We applied dipole modelling techniques to study the 3-dimensional intracerebral locations and time activities of the neuronal sources underlying stimulation of different peripheral receptive fields. The sources underlying median nerve SEPs were located an average of 10.8 mm lateral inferior to those underlying ulnar nerve SEPs. Digit SEP sources showed a somatotopic arrangement from lateral inferior to medial superior in the order thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring finger and little finger, with some overlap or reversal for adjacent digits. The average distance between thumb and little finger was 12.5 mm. Thumb, index finger and middle finger were clustered around median nerve cortical representation, whereas ring finger and little finger were arranged around ulnar nerve cortex. In the epilepsy patient, the source localizations obtained in scalp EEGs showed good agreement with those on ECoGs. We conclude that SEPs recorded in scalp EEGs can be used to study functional topography of human somatosensory cortex non-invasively.  相似文献   

M Schaefer  HJ Heinze  M Rotte 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e42308


An increasing body of evidence has demonstrated that in contrast to the classic understanding the primary somatosensory cortex (SI) reflects merely seen touch (in the absence of any real touch on the own body). Based on these results it has been discussed that SI may play a role in understanding touch seen on other bodies. In order to further examine this understanding of observed touch, the current study aimed to test if mirror-like responses in SI are affected by the perspective of the seen touch. Thus, we presented touch on a hand and close to the hand either in first-person-perspective or in third-person-perspective.

Principal Findings

Results of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) revealed stronger vicarious brain responses in SI/BA2 for touch seen in first-person-perspective. Surprisingly, the third-person viewpoint revealed activation in SI both when subjects viewed a hand being stimulated as well as when the space close to the hand was being touched.


Based on these results we conclude that vicarious somatosensory responses in SI/BA2 are affected by the viewpoint of the seen hand. Furthermore, we argue that mirror-like responses in SI do not only reflect seen touch, but also the peripersonal space surrounding this body (in third-person-perspective). We discuss these findings with recent studies on mirror responses for action observation in peripersonal space.  相似文献   

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