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G J McGarrity 《In vitro》1976,12(9):643-648
Environmental sampling was performed during trypsinization and passage of 3T-6 cell cultures that contained a mean of 4.3 X 10(7) colony forming units (CFU) per ml supernatant of A. laidlawii. The lip of the culture flask and the outside of the used pipet were always heavily contaminated. The outside of the culture flask (3/7), the work surface (8/12) and the outside of a pan of disinfectant (4/5) were regularly contaminated with mycoplasmas. Airborne mycoplasmas were detected eight of 32 times (25%) by settling plates; simultaneous forced-air samplers by two different methods were always negative. The technician's hands were contaminated two of 15 samples. When hands were contaminated, more contamination was detected in the environment. Droplets of A. laidlawii and M. orale inoculated onto work surfaces survived drying for a minimum of 3 days, even in laminar airflow cabinets. Twenty-five of 31 (80.6%) cell culture technicians carried M. salivarium in their throats; only two carried M. orale. It is concluded that mycoplasma-infected clltures are the most common source of further infection. Recommendations for prevention and control of mycoplasmal infection are listed.  相似文献   

Summary Mycoplasmal infection of cell cultures remains a significant threat to diagnostic and research procedures. In certain defined situations, curing of mycoplasmal infected cultures is a reasonable exercise. Four methods of curing were compared: treatment with BM-cycline, 5 bromouracil, use of specific antisera and treatment of infected cells suspended in soft agar with antibiotics. Antisera treatments were of low efficiency of curing: 50%. None of nine infected cell lines treated with 5-bromouracil were consistently cured of mycoplasmas. The use of BM-cycline was effective for some, but not all lines and required long periods of treatment, 12–21 days. 35 naturally or deliberately infected cultures were treated in soft agar a total of 119 times. This procedure which consisted of suspending infected cultures in soft agar containing appropriate antibiotics resulted in successful mycoplasmal elimination 118/119 times. This soft agar technique took 1–3 days. In separate studies, it was shown that certainMycoplasma fermentans strains were resisted to this and other curing methods. This may be due to their intracellular location. Such strains may be more amenable to antibiotics that penetrate mammalian cells. It is concluded that the soft agar technique is a rapid, efficient and reliable method to eliminate cell culture mycoplasmas. These studies were supported in part by grant 15748 from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the W. W. Smith Charitable Trust.  相似文献   

Summary Many conclusions concerning cell culture mycoplasmas are based on data from studies in fibroblast cultures. Some conclusions may not be valid in other types of differentiated cell cultures.M. salivarium was isolated from 35 human lymphocyte cultures (HLC), 34 from the same laboratory. The organism grew to more than 108 colony forming units (CFU) per ml of lymphocyte suspensions and was readily detectable by microbiological culture, uridine phosphorylase, and uridine/uracil assays. Direct mycoplasmal assays on HLC by DNA fluorochrome staining and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) yielded artifacts that interfered with diagnosis. For DNA and SEM of HLC, inoculation into indicator cell cultures is recommended.M. salivarium infection of HLC did not produce any immediate difference in growth rates; however, infected cultures eventually died 14 to 29 passages after infection in contrast to uninfected controls. The same organism in 3T6 fibroblasts effected a 60% decrease in growth rate. AlthoughM. salivarium is a frequent isolate from the oral cavity, it is a rare cell culture isolate.M. salivarium was able to initiate growth over a wide pH range, grew as well in cell cultures as in cell-free media, and was resistant to 50 μg per ml of gentamycin, tylocine, kanamycin, and erythromycin. By C0t1/2 analysis,M. salivarium had a genomic molecular weight of 4.2×108 daltons.M. salivarium did not increase chromosome aberrations in one HLC. Some of these results have application to infection of HLC by other mycoplasmal species. These studies were supported by contracts NO1-AG-82117 from the National Institute on Aging, NO1-GM-9-2101 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, and Grant RO1-A1-15748 from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.  相似文献   

邓磊玉  林戈  卢光琇 《生物磁学》2011,(8):1451-1453
目的:优化检测人胚胎干细胞支原体感染的方法,寻找控制支原体感染的途径。方法:利用hoeshest33258染色检测感染支原体的人胚胎干细胞,接触感染培养基的人胚胎成纤维细胞,比较两种方法检测效果;利用RNApolymeraseⅡ作为新的鉴定指标,直接检测感染支原体的人胚胎干细胞;利用抗支原体药物对感染细胞进行处理,检测处理后细胞的感染状态。结果:hoechest33258染色后,受支原体感染人胚胎干细胞检测效果不明显,接触感染培养基的人胚胎成纤维细胞在培养7天后有拉丝状染色分布;RNApolymeraseⅡ染色则能直接检测出受感染的人胚胎干细胞表面粘附的支原体;利用抗支原体药物Plasmocin对感染细胞进行处理后hoechest33258拉丝状染色基本消失,但持续培养后重新出现。结论:间接法使用hoechest33258染色或者直接利用RNApolymeraseⅡ染色都能够很好地检测人胚胎干细胞培养过程中的支原体感染。抗支原体药物Plasmocin能够有效减轻支原体感染情况,但是不能完全杀灭支原体。  相似文献   

目的:优化检测人胚胎干细胞支原体感染的方法,寻找控制支原体感染的途径。方法:利用hoeshest33258染色检测感染支原体的人胚胎干细胞,接触感染培养基的人胚胎成纤维细胞,比较两种方法检测效果;利用RNApolymeraseⅡ作为新的鉴定指标,直接检测感染支原体的人胚胎干细胞;利用抗支原体药物对感染细胞进行处理,检测处理后细胞的感染状态。结果:hoechest33258染色后,受支原体感染人胚胎干细胞检测效果不明显,接触感染培养基的人胚胎成纤维细胞在培养7天后有拉丝状染色分布;RNApolymeraseⅡ染色则能直接检测出受感染的人胚胎干细胞表面粘附的支原体;利用抗支原体药物Plasmocin对感染细胞进行处理后hoechest33258拉丝状染色基本消失,但持续培养后重新出现。结论:间接法使用hoechest33258染色或者直接利用RNApolymeraseⅡ染色都能够很好地检测人胚胎干细胞培养过程中的支原体感染。抗支原体药物Plasmocin能够有效减轻支原体感染情况,但是不能完全杀灭支原体。  相似文献   

细胞培养过程中的支原体污染相当普遍。如何快速、简便地检测支原体,并且采取有效措施去除支原体一直是细胞培养中急待解决的难题。本文就近年来有关支原体检测及去除方面的工作加以综述。  相似文献   

The contamination of cell cultures by mycoplasmas remains a major problem in cell culture. Mycoplasmas can produce a virtually unlimited variety of effects in the cultures they infect. These organisms are resistant to most antibiotics commonly employed in cell cultures. Here we provide a concise overview of the current knowledge on: (1) the incidence and sources of mycoplasma contamination in cell cultures, the mycoplasma species most commonly detected in cell cultures, and the effects of mycoplasmas on the function and activities of infected cell cultures; (2) the various techniques available for the detection of mycoplasmas with particular emphasis on the most reliable detection methods; (3) the various methods available for the elimination of mycoplasmas highlighting antibiotic treatment; and (4) the recommended procedures and working protocols for the detection, elimination and prevention of mycoplasma contamination. The availability of accurate, sensitive and reliable detection methods and the application of robust and successful elimination methods provide powerful means for overcoming the problem of mycoplasma contamination in cell cultures. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Five mycoplasma species most frequently isolated from cell cultures were tested for the presence of endogenous hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl-transferase (HPRT), activity. All of the five, cultured in cell-free medium, contained variable but significant levels of HPRT. Two strains ofM. hyorhinis exhibited a 13-fold difference in their specific HPRT activity. When infected with any of these mycoplasma species, HPRT-deficient mouse cell mutants rapidly acquired a cell-associated HPRT activity; however, the cells remained sensitive to HAT medium and resistant to 6-thioguanine. On the other hand, normal HPRT-positive cells deliberately infected with the mycoplasmas uniformly became sensitive to HAT medium. The apparent transfer of mycoplasma-specific HPRT activity to HPRT-deficient cells may be used as a sensitive measure of cell infection by these mycoplasma strains. The HPRT activities of mycoplasmas share several common properties so that they can be distinguished easily from the mammalian HPRT isozymes. Compared to the animal cell enzymes, the mycoplasmal HPRT activities are less heat stable, more strongly inhibited by 6-thioguanine, and in general migrate more slowly in electrophoresis at a neutral pH. This work was supported in part by PHS Research Grants 5 R01 GM21014 and 1 P03 GM19100 (Genetics Center Grant to Albert Einstein College of Medicine), and PHS Research Contracts N01 GM 6-2119 and N01-AG-4-2865 (to the Institute for Medical Research), from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences and National Institute on Aging. S. S. is a recipient of a Faculty Research Award from the American Cancer Society.  相似文献   

Controlled, prospective studies were performed to compare detection of cell culture mycoplasmas by ratio of uptake of tritiated uridine (UdR) to tritiated uracil (U) and by microbiological culture. Culture was by standard agar and broth inoculation with aerobic and anaerobic incubation; immunofluorescent staining of indicator cell cultures was used to detect M. hyorhinis. The ratio of uptake of UdR to U (UdRU) and interpretation of test results were by standard published methods and performed in triplicate. 115 cell cultures were simultaneously assayed by the two techniques. 84 cultures (73.1%) yielded agreement between the 2 methods; 2 cultures (1.7%) yielded conflicting results, and 29 cultures (25.2%) yielded UdRU results in the questionable range. Conflicting results consisted of two negative UdRU tests in mouse cell cultures infected with M. orale. In separate studies, 3T-6 cultures freshly infected with M. orale yielded negative UdRU results 3 days after infection, questionable results after 10 days and a positive UdRU 17 days after infection. UdRU detected infection in fibroblast, epithelial, and lymphocyte cell cultures. Highest UdRU ratios were detected in human skin fibroblasts at early population doubling levels (PDLs), 4064 in one culture at PDL4. UdRU was determined for IMR-90, a human diploid fibroblast at 12 different PDLs using the same lot of media. UdRU gradually decreased throughout the life of the culture, from 2 125 at PDL6 to 340 at PDL36. Cultures in phase III and others exhibiting poor growth frequently yielded questionable or false-positive UdRU results and were not included in tabulations of these results. UdRU determined in endothelial cell cultures decreased as population density increased. In a representative experiment performed over a 4-day period, the UdRU values were 1 808, 955 and 356 when the number of endothelial cells in culture were 5.3 × 105, 6.6 × 105 and 1.1 × 106, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary Autoradiographic detection of incorporation of tritiated thymidine into the cytoplasm of cultured mammalian cells has been evaluated as a test of contamination of the cultures by cell-associated microorganisms, which usually are mycoplasmas. Criteria which indicate the presence of cell-associated mycoplasmas have been established, and the reliability of the standardized autoradiographic method has been assessed by testing the same cultures by two colony formation methods of mycoplasmal detection. The autoradiographic method demonstrated cell-associated microorganisms in all cultures from which characteristic colonies were grown on mycoplasma agar. The autoradiographic method did not produce false positive results, and the outcome of this test was evident in 3 days as opposed to 7 to 14 days by agar culture methods. Some applications of the autoradiographic method are shown, and it is suggested that this method be employed for routine surveillance for mycoplasmal contamination in laboratories where facilities for frequent agar culture tests are not easily available. This research was supported by U.S. Public Health Service Grants CA 12351-02 and CA 12334-01 from the National Cancer Institute.  相似文献   

Summary Mycoplasmal contamination remains a significant impediment to the culture of eukaryotic cells. For certain cultures, attempts to eliminate the infection are feasible alternatives to the normally recommended disposal of the contaminated culture. Here, three antibiotic regimens for mycoplasmal decontamination were compared in a large panel of naturally infected cultures: a 1-wk treatment with the fluoroquinolone mycoplasma removal agent (MRA), a 2-wk treatment with the fluoroquinolone ciprofloxacin, and three rounds of a sequential 1-wk treatment with BM-Cyclin containing tiamulin and minocyclin. These antibiotic treatments had a high efficiency of permanent cure: MRA 69%, ciprofloxacin 75%, BM-Cyclin 87%. Resistance to mycoplasma eradication was observed in some cell cultures: BM-Cyclin 0%, MRA 20%, ciprofloxacin 20%. Nearly all resistant contaminants that could be identified belonged to the speciesMycoplasma arginini andM. orale. Detrimental effects of the antibiotics were seen in the form of culture death caused by cytotoxicity (in 5 to 13% of the cultures). Alterations of the cellular phenotypic features or selective clonal outgrowth might represent further untoward side effects of exposure to these antibiotics. Overall, antibiotic decontamination of mycoplasmas is an efficient, inexpensive, reliable, and simple method: 150/200 (75%) chronically and heavily contaminated cultures were cured and 50/200 (25%) cultures could not be cleansed and were either lost or remained infected. It is concluded that eukaryotic cell cultures containing mycoplasmas are amenable to antibiotic treatment and that a cure rate of three-quarters is a reasonable expectation.  相似文献   

Summary Human H. Ep-2 and mouse 3T6 cells infected byMycoplasma hyorhinis showed an increase in [3H]uracil uptake and a more than 20-fold increase in the activity of uracil phosphoribosyltransferase (UraPRT). Uninfected cell cultures gave background levels of this enzyme activity. A survey of 16 strains of mycoplasma showed 13 to possess UraPRT activity. Rabbit kidney cells (RK13) were infected with eight different strains of four mycoplasma species known to be common cell culture contaminants. Seven of the eight cell cultures showed elevated UraPRT activities four days after infection. This enzyme activity may be of value in monitoring cell cultures for mycoplasma and aid in classification. This work was supported by Contract NO1-CP-53530 with the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, and Contract FDA 74-41 of the Food and Drug Administration, Bethesda, Maryland 20014.  相似文献   

Detection of mycoplasmas infecting cell cultures by DNA hybridization   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Infection of cell cultures by mycoplasmas can be detected and the mycoplasma identified by Southern blot hybridization of theEco RI-digested DNA of the suspected cell cultures with a nick-translated probe consisting of cloned ribosomal RNA genes ofMycoplasma capricolum. The probe does not hybridize with eukaryotic DNA. The hybridization pattern with mycoplasmal DNA is species specific, enabling the identification of the four most prevalent mycoplasma contaminants,Mycoplasma orale, Mycoplasma hyorhinis, Mycoplasma arginini, andAcholeplasma laidlawii. The test is also very sensitive and can detect as little as 1 ng of mycoplasmal DNA, roughly equivalent to the DNA content of 105 mycoplasmas. The study was supported by the U.S. Public Health Service Grant GM25286 awarded to G. G. and by a grant from the United States-Israel Binational Agricultural Research Development Fund (BARD) awarded to S. R.  相似文献   

Accumulating data implicate mycoplasma contamination as the single biggest problem in the culture of continuous cell lines. Mycoplasma infection can affect virtually every parameter and functional activity of the eukaryotic cells. A successful alternative to discarding infected cultures is to attempt to eliminate the contaminants by treatment with specific and efficient antimycoplasma antibiotics. The addition of antibiotics to the culture medium during a limited period of time (1-3 wk) is a simple, inexpensive, and very practical approach for decontaminating continuous cell lines. Here, we examined the effectiveness of several antibiotic treatment protocols that we have employed routinely in our cell lines bank. On an aggregate, 673 cultures from 236 chronically mycoplasma-positive cell lines were exposed to one of the following five antibiotic regimens: mycoplasma removal agent (quinolone; a 1-wk treatment), enrofloxacin (quinolone; 1 wk), sparfloxacin (quinolone; 1 wk), ciprofloxacin (quinolone; 2 wk), and BM-Cyclin (alternating tiamulin and minocycline; 3 wk). The mycoplasma infection was permanently (as determined by three solid mycoplasma detection assays) eliminated by the various antibiotics in 66-85% of the cultures treated. Mycoplasma resistance was seen in 7-21%, and loss of the culture as a result of cytotoxically caused cell death occurred in 3-11% of the cultures treated. Overall, 223 of the 236 mycoplasma-positive cell lines could be cured in a first round of antibiotic treatment with at least one regimen. Taken together, 95% of the mycoplasma-infected cell lines were permanently cleansed of the contaminants by antibiotic treatment, which validates this approach as an efficient and technically simple mycoplasma eradication method.  相似文献   

Summary We have developed a simple method for rapid detection of mycoplasma contamination in cell cultures using SYBR Green-based real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). To detect eight common contaminant mollicutes, including Mycoplasma (M. arginini, M. fermentans, M. orale, M. hyorhinis, M. hominis, M. salivarium, M. pirum) and Acholeplasma laidlawii, four primers were prepared based on the 23S rRNA regions. Using these primers and a minimum of 100 fg of mycoplasma genomic DNA, the 23S rRNA regions of these eight mycoplasma species were consistently amplified by real-time PCR. In contrast, no specific specific amplification product was observed using DNA templates prepared from various mammalian cell lines. Frozen and cultured samples of several cell lines were tested for mycoplasma contamination to evaluated the utility of this method. Of 25 samples that tested positive for mycoplasma by Hoechst staining, which requires two passages of cell cultures started from frozen samples, mycoplasma was detected by real-time PCR in 24 samples of cell extracts prepared directly from frozen samples. When cultured samples were used for this assay, the accuracy of the diagnoses was further improved. Thus, this technique, which is simple, rapid, and sensitive enough for practical application, in suitable for handling many samples and for routine screening for mycoplasma contamination of cell cultures.  相似文献   

【目的】对细胞培养体系中出现的杆状污染物进行分离和鉴定,并探讨如何清除该污染物。【方法】采用固体培养基平板划线法分离细菌株,通过荧光染色和透射电镜对其进行形态学观察;结合16S rRNA基因序列分析,进行菌株鉴定;用生长状态良好的细胞上清复苏冻存的已经污染的细胞,检测细胞复苏的存活率。【结果】该污染物经形态学和16S rRNA基因序列鉴定为苯基杆菌。形态学观察表明它有一个二态生命周期:即游动期和附着期。大多数情况下该菌可以与宿主细胞共生,常规抗生素均不能彻底清除该细菌。采用生长状态良好的细胞上清复苏冻存细胞可以明显提高了细胞的存活率。【结论】本实验报导了苯基杆菌的二态生命周期,同时我们发现用细胞上清复苏冻存细胞可以显著提高细胞的存活率。  相似文献   

Summary A sensitive ultramicrochemical enzyme test for mycoplasmal contamination of cultured cells, based on the determination of the activity of adenosine phosphorylase, is described. The test was performed by assaying the enzymatic conversion of [8-14C]adenine and ribose-1-phosphate to [8-14C]adenosine by incubating a plastic leaflet carrying a counted number of cells (1 to 10). These leaflets were isolated from the bottom of the same plastic film dish in which the cells were cultured for experimental or diagnostic purposes, e.g. prenatal diagnosis or inborn errors of metabolism. The present test should be several 1000-fold more sensitive than the originally reported enzymatic method because (a) the adenosinephosphorylase reaction is measured in the nucleoside forming direction which is by far the most active; and (b) the assay is performed with the cells and not with the culture medium. The latter is of special importance for the detection of those low-grade contaminations in which most of the mycoplasma particles are attached to cell membranes. This investigation was partly supported by FUNGO (The Netherlands), INSERM (France) (A. T. P. 36.76.68), and DGRST (France) (No. 75.50.004).  相似文献   

Summary Hamster BHK cells or secondary cultures of mouse embryo fibroblasts are not iodinated by lactoperoxidase in the absence of hydrogen peroxide. When such cell cultures are infected with a noncultivable strain ofM. hyorhinis, endogenous peroxide generation is sufficient to permit nearly maximal iodination. The SDS-polyacrylamide gel pattern of iodinated cell surface polypeptides is essentially the same regardless of the source of peroxide and whether or not the cultures are infected with mycoplasma.  相似文献   

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