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Steen H  Mysterud A  Austrheim G 《Oecologia》2005,143(3):357-364
Inter-specific competition, facilitation and predation influence herbivore assemblages, but no study has experimentally explored the interactions between large ungulates and small rodents. In a fully replicated, landscape scale experiment, we manipulated densities of domestic sheep in mountain pastures in Norway. We then determined population growth and densities of rodents by live trapping in each of the areas with different sheep densities. We found that the (summer) population growth rate and autumn density of the field vole (Microtus agrestis) was lower at high sheep density. This provides the first experimental evidence of negative interactions between an ungulate and small rodent species. There was no effect on the bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus), whose diet differs from sheep. Sheep density, therefore, potentially alters the pattern of inter-specific population synchrony amongst voles. Our study shows that negative interactions between large ungulates and small rodents may be species-specific and negative population consequences for the rodent population appear above threshold ungulate densities.Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

Heathlands are characteristic semi-natural ecosystems of western Europe. Nowadays they are threatened because of their lack of agricultural value. Management of the remaining heathland areas necessitates precise knowledge about different management tools that can be used, including grazing. The effects of sheep grazing on dry and mesophilous heathlands of Brittany were studied in relation to grazing season and duration. Management aims were to control shrubs and to maintain the dominance of heathers. The grazing pressures applied here were quite high, about 10–15 sheep ha−1 yr−1. Erica ciliaris appeared to be very sensitive to grazing at the end of summer. This implicates special care in the management of mesophilous heathland. In dry heathland, Erica cinerea did not show this sensitivity. Control of shrubs was achieved by most grazing regimes which led to a decrease of 11–22 cm in gorse height, except summer grazing which seemed to stimulate their growth.This study underlined the relevance of the use of sheep grazing as a heathland management tool but also the necessity of prior experiments to adapt these operations mainly in terms of grazing period to the type of heathland and the objectives put forward.  相似文献   

Olof Pehrsson 《Plant Ecology》1988,74(2-3):113-124
During a six-year period, changes in the composition of dominant plant species of importance to foraging birds in a salt marsh on the Swedish west coast were followed inside and outside exclosures to document effects of grazing on herbage quality and seed production. Since marshes provide an important habitat for foraging geese and ducks, it was of interest to determine how cattle grazing would affect herbage production inAgrostis stolonifera andPuccinellia maritima and seed and root-tuber production inScirpus maritimus. Measurements of cover and height in permanent plots revealed that a wetter weather type favouredAgrostis, probably through reduced salinity, at the expense ofPuccinellia, which was the most favoured food of both cattle and birds.Agrostis out-competedPuccinellia when grazing pressure was low. Seed production inScirpus maritimus was reduced by cattle grazing, particularly whenPhragmites australis formed part of the vegetation. In the absence of cattle grazing, both herbage- and seed producing plants were gradually reduced, andPhragmites increased. Since high herbage consumption and high seed production are mutually exclusive, grazing rotation in combination with mowing is suggested as a management strategy.  相似文献   

Lürling  Miquel  Van Donk  Ellen 《Oecologia》1996,108(3):432-437
The effects of colonial ecomorphs of the green alga Scenedesmus acutus on growth of Daphnia cucullata and D. pulex were examined. In ecologically relevant densities (up to 200 animals l-1) the relatively small D. cucullata did not induce colony formation in Scenedesmus acutus, whereas the larger congener D. pulex significantly promoted colony formation. Both clearance rate and population growth rate (r) were significantly lower in D. cucullata when fed colonial Scenedesmus then when fed unicellular food. However, for D. pulex no effects of food type were observed. These results show that large Daphnia may influence its food in such a way that smaller congeners and competitors are negatively affected.  相似文献   

We investigated the impact of viruses, nutrient loading, and microzooplankon grazing on phytoplankton communities in two New York estuaries that hosted blooms of the brown tide alga Aureococcus anophagefferens during 2000 and 2002. The absence of a bloom at one location during 2002 allowed for the fortuitous comparison of a bloom and non-bloom year at the same location as well as a comparison of two sites experiencing bloom and non-bloom conditions during the same year. During the study, blooms were found at locations with high levels of dissolved organic nitrogen and lower nitrate concentrations compared to a non-bloom location. Experimental additions of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus yielded growth rates within the total phytoplankton community which significantly exceeded control treatments in 83% of experiments, while A. anophagefferens experienced significantly increased growth during only 20% of experimental inorganic nutrient additions. Consistent with prior research, these results suggest brown tides are not caused by eutrophication, but instead are more likely to occur when sources of labile DOM are readily available. Microzooplankton grazing rates on the total phytoplankton community during a bloom were lower than grazing rates at a non-bloom site, and grazing rates on A. anophagefferens were lower than grazing rates on the total community on some dates, suggesting that reduced grazing mortality may also promote brown tides. Mean densities of viruses during blooms (3 × 108 ml−1) were elevated compared to most estuarine environments and were twice the levels found at a non-bloom site. Experimental enrichment of the natural viral densities yielded a significant increase in A. anophagefferens growth rates relative to control treatments when background levels of viruses were low (<1.7 × 108 ml−1), suggesting that viruses may promote bloom occurrence by regenerating DOM or altering the composition of microbial communities.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of Theobroma cacao (cocoa) has been constructed from 131 backcross trees derived from a cross between a single tree of the variety Catongo and an F1 tree from the cross of Catongo by Pound 12. The map comprises 138 markers: 104 RAPD loci, 32 RFLP loci and two morphologic loci. Ten linkage groups were found which cover 1068 centimorgans (cM). Only six (4%) molecular-marker loci show a significant deviation from the expected 11 segregation ratio.The average distance between two adjacent markers is 8.3 cM. The final genome-size estimates based on two-point linkage data ranged from 1078 to 1112 cM for the cocoa genome. This backcross progeny segregates for two apparently single gene loci controlling (1) anthocyanidin synthesis (Anth) in seeds, leaves and flowers and (2) self-compatibility (Autoc). The Anth locus was found to be 25 cM from Autoc and two molecular markers co-segregate with Anth. The genetic linkage map was used to localize QTLs for early flowering, trunk diameter, jorquette height and ovule number in the BC1 generation using both single-point ANOVA and interval mapping. A minimum number of 2–4 QTLs (P<0.01) involved in the genetic expression of the traits studied was detected. Coincident map locations of a QTL for jorquette height and trunk diameter suggests the possibility of pleiotropic effects in cocoa for these traits. The combined estimated effects of the different mapped QTLs explained between 11.2% and 25.8% of the phenotypic variance observed in the BC1 population.  相似文献   

From half a million hectares at the turn of the century, Philippine mangroves have declined to only 120,000 ha while fish/shrimp culture ponds have increased to 232,000 ha. Mangrove replanting programs have thus been popular, from community initiatives (1930s–1950s) to government-sponsored projects (1970s) to large-scale international development assistance programs (1980s to present). Planting costs escalated from less than US$100 to over $500/ha, with half of the latter amount allocated to administration, supervision and project management. Despite heavy funds for massive rehabilitation of mangrove forests over the last two decades, the long-term survival rates of mangroves are generally low at 10–20%. Poor survival can be mainly traced to two factors: inappropriate species and site selection. The favored but unsuitable Rhizophora are planted in sandy substrates of exposed coastlines instead of the natural colonizers Avicennia and Sonneratia. More significantly, planting sites are generally in the lower intertidal to subtidal zones where mangroves do not thrive rather than the optimal middle to upper intertidal levels, for a simple reason. Such ideal sites have long been converted to brackishwater fishponds whereas the former are open access areas with no ownership problems. The issue of pond ownership may be complex and difficult, but such should not outweigh ecological requirements: mangroves should be planted where fishponds are, not on seagrass beds and tidal flats where they never existed. This paper reviews eight mangrove initiatives in the Philippines and evaluates the biophysical and institutional factors behind success or failure. The authors recommend specific protocols (among them pushing for a 4:1 mangrove to pond ratio recommended for a healthy ecosystem) and wider policy directions to make mangrove rehabilitation in the country more effective.  相似文献   

Pelagic coelenterates and eutrophication: a review   总被引:4,自引:7,他引:4  
Mary N. Arai 《Hydrobiologia》2001,451(1-3):69-87
Although eutrophication is a widespread problem in marine waters, its effects are often difficult to separate from normal fluctuations of pelagic coelenterate populations and from other anthropogenic changes due to industrial pollution, construction, introductions, global warming and overfishing. The least complex situations are in small coastal water bodies such as the Caribbean lagoons and Scandinavian fjords. Typically, the diversity of pelagic coelenterates decreases, but the biomass of a small number of species (such as the hydromedusae Aglantha digitale and Rathkea octopunctata and the scyphomedusae Aurelia aurita and Cassiopea spp.) may increase. Adaptations that may allow these species to survive under eutrophic conditions are discussed.  相似文献   

The cooking and eating quality of rice has attracted more attention recently. In a comprehensive effort to unravel its genetic basis, we conducted a genome-wide analysis of six traits representing the cooking and eating quality of rice grain, namely, amylose content (AC), gel consistency (GC), gelatinization temperature (GT), water absorption (WA), cooked rice elongation (CRE) and volume expansion (VE) using a DH population derived from the anther culture of an F1 hybrid between WYJ 2 (japonica) and Zhenshan 97B (indica). For each trait, one to three quantitative trait loci (QTL) were found, which were located on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 6, 11. QTL analysis revealed a major QTL specifying GT, located at the interval RM276-RM121, which should be the same locus as the alkali degeneration gene (alk), while for each of the remaining five traits the QTL explaining the largest proportion of variance was located on the short arm of chromosome 6, centered at RM190 (found in the waxy gene). Our results, in combination with previous reports, further confirmed that either the waxy gene itself or a genomic region tightly linked to it plays a major role in determining the cooking and eating quality of rice.  相似文献   

Gunnar Rehfeldt 《Oecologia》1992,89(4):550-556
Summary Predation by orb-weaving spiders and crab spiders on the damselfly Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis was studied at a small stream in Southern France. One species of orb-weaving spider, Larinioides folium, caught 76% of the damselflies which fell prey to spiders. Displacement experiments on spiders on sections of bank and the positioning of webs in male territories show that the density and distribution of damselflies is not influenced by orbweb density or by the position of webs. Predation rates corresponded to orb-web density, but neither for sex nor for stage was there a relationship with damselfly density. Mean daily predation rates ranged between 0.9% for females and 4.1% for adult males. Predation risk to adult damselflies by orb-weaving spiders was male biased, whereas among tenerals there was no bias. Males were captured more frequently at territories near the water. Captures show a maximum at noon when territorial disputes of adult males were most frequent. After orbwebs were placed within territories predation rate of males was strongly increased. Predation risk to adult females in the direct vicinity of the stream was less than in the bank vegetation where they perch close to orbwebs. The risk of predation by crab spiders, which catch damselflies at their perching sites, was not sex-biased.  相似文献   

Throughout Pinus ponderosaPseudotsuga menziesii forests of the southern Colorado Front Range, USA, intense logging and domestic grazing began at the time of Euro-American settlement in the late 1800s and continued until the early 1900s. We investigated the long-term impacts of these settlement-era activities on understory plant communities by comparing understory composition at a historically logged and grazed site to that of an environmentally similar site which was protected from past use. We found that species richness and cover within functional groups rarely differed between sites in either upland or riparian areas. Multivariate analyses revealed little difference in species composition between sites on uplands, though compositional differences were apparent in riparian zones. Our findings suggest that settlement-era logging and grazing have had only minor long-term impacts on understories of upland Front Range P. ponderosaP. menziesii forests, though they have had a greater long-term influence on riparian understories, where these activities were likely the most intense. This article was written and prepared by US Government employees on official time, and therefore it is in the public domain and not subject to copyright.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional microscale (5 cm resolution) sampler was used over the course of a phytoplankton spring bloom dominated by Phaeocystis globosa to investigate the structural properties of chlorophyll a and seawater excess viscosity distributions. The microscale distribution patterns of chlorophyll a and excess viscosity were never uniform nor random. Instead they exhibited different types and levels of aggregated spatial patterns that were related to the dynamics of the bloom. The chlorophyll a and seawater viscosity correlation patterns were also controlled by the dynamics of the bloom with positive and negative correlations before and after the formation of foam in the turbulent surf zone. The ecological relevance and implications of the observed patchiness and biologically induced increase in seawater viscosity are discussed and the combination of the enlarged colonial form and mucus secretion is suggested as a competitive advantage of P. globosa in highly turbulent environments where this species flourishes.  相似文献   

Data on phosphate excretion rates of zooplankton are based on measurements using the pelagic crustacean zooplankton of Lake Vechten and laboratory-cultured Daphnia galeata. In case of Daphnia sp we measured the effects of feeding on P-rich algae and P-poor algae (Scenedesmus) as food on the P-excretion rates at 20°C. The excretion rates of the natural zooplankton community, irrespective of the influence of the factors mentioned, varied by an order of magnitude: 0.025–0.275µg PO4-Pmg–1C in zooplankton (C zp ) h–1. The temperature accounted for about half the observed variation in excretion rates. The mean excretion rates in the lake, computed for 20°C, varied between 0.141 and 0.260 µg Pmg–1C zp h–1. Based on data of zooplankton biomass in the lake the P-regeneration rates by zooplankton covered between 22 and 239% of the P-demand of phytoplankton during the different months of the study period.In D. galeata, whereas the C/P ratios of the Scenedesmus used as food differed by a factor 5 in the experiments, the excretion rates differed by factor 3 only. Despite the higher P-excretion rates (0.258± 0.022 µg PO4-P mg–1 C h–1) of the daphnids fed with P-rich food than those fed with P-poor food (0.105 ± 0.047 µg PO4-P mg–1 C hp–1), both the categories of the animals were apparently conserving P. A survey of the literature on zooplankton excretion shows that in Daphnia the excretion rates vary by a factor 30, irrespective of the species and size of animals and method of estimation and temperature used.About two-thirds of this variation can be explained by size and temperature. A major problem of comparability of studies on P-regeneration by zooplankton relates to the existing techniques of P determination, which necessitates concentrating the animals several times above the in situ concentration (crowding) and prolonged experimental duration (starving), both of which manifest in marked changes that probably lead to underestimation of the real rates.  相似文献   

The diversity and abundance of epigeal termite mounds were investigated in response to controlled livestock grazing and annual prescribed fire in a Sudanian savannah-woodland in Tiogo State Forest. Sampling of termite mounds was carried out in 4×4 subplots of 0.25 ha in a split-plot experimental design during the rainy season in 2002. There were two main plots of which one was fenced to exclude livestock grazing and the second exposed to grazing. Each of the main plots included 4 subplots with annual prescribed fire since 1992 and 4 subplots without fire. Data were collected on the number and characteristics of termite mounds. A mean density of 698 mounds ha−1 was recorded. Mounds built by Trinervitermes spp. were the most abundant followed by Cubitermes spp., Macrotermes subhyalinus and M. bellicosus. The large mound-builders Macrotermes spp. dominated the community interms of basal area (96% of the total) and above-ground volume (99%). The diversity of mound types was notaffected by livestock grazing and annual early prescribed fire (P>0.05). There was no statistical effect of livestock grazing on mound density, whereas a strong depressive effect of annual fire was observed for Trinervitermes spp. mound density (P=0.012). In this ecosystem, annual prescribed fire appeared to be the major determinant for termite mound abundance. Received 2 February 2007; revised 23 October 2007 and 21 January 2008; accepted 22 Feburary 2008.  相似文献   

J. M. Gómez  R. Zamora 《Oecologia》1992,91(3):410-418
Summary We have analysed the importance of worker ants (Proformica longiseta, Formicidae) as pollinators of a mass-flowering woody plant (Hormathophylla spinosa, Cruciferae) in the high-mountain area of the Sierra Nevada (southern Spain). We have quantified the abundance and foraging behavior of P. longiseta in comparison with winged flower visitors. We have also examined, by means of selective exclusion experiments, the role of ants as true pollinators, comparing them with the winged flower visitors. A total of 39 species belonging to 18 families visited the flowers of H. spinosa. All the visitors were winged insects, except P. longiseta, a species which alone made up more than 80% of the total number of insects found on the flowers. All pollinators of H. spinosa had similar foraging patterns, with 98% of total movements made between flowers within the same plant. Ants always made contact with the plant reproductive organs when foraging for nectar, and transferred large numbers of pollen grains. However, pollen exposed to ants for brief periods exhibited reduced percentage of germination. P. longiseta is both the most abundant and spatio-temporally predictable flower visitor of H. spinosa. These characteristics, weighted by their flower visitation rate, make worker ants the pollinator that maintains the strongest mutualistic interaction with H. spinosa. The exclusion experiments show that workers behave as true pollinators, since they contribute to increase the number of viable seeds produced by H. spinosa. The key factor of this interaction is mainly the great density of workers throughout the flowering period. In short, the H. spinosa-P. longiseta mutualistic interaction mainly depends on its high probability of occurrence.  相似文献   

As an effective generalist predator of aphids and other hemipteran pests H. axyridis has been a successful biological control agent. However, the very functional traits that have contributed to its success in this regard also implicate it as an intraguild predator that poses a significant risk not only to the diversity of other natural enemies of Hemiptera (and their associated ecosystem services), but to biodiversity more widely. In this paper we will specifically review the existing data on intraguild predation involving H. axyridis, and consider the strength and symmetry of such interactions both within its native guild and within exotic guilds where it has established as an invasive alien. We will use these studies to interpret the observed population declines in predator diversity in the field, predict species at risk in regions not yet invaded and consider implications for resulting ecosystem services. We will also indicate gaps in our knowledge that require further study in order to identify opportunities for mitigation.  相似文献   

Aroma in rice: genetic analysis of a quantitative trait   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
A new approach was developed which succeeded in tagging for the first time a major gene and two QTLs controlling grain aroma in rice. It involved a combination of two techniques, quantification of volatile compounds in the cooking water by gas chromatography, and molecular marker mapping. Four types of molecular marker were used (RFLPs, RAPDs, STSs, isozymes). Evaluation and mapping were performed on a doubled haploid line population which (1) conferred a precise character evaluation by enabling the analysis of large quantities of grains per genotype and (2) made possible the comparison of gas chromatography results and sensitive tests. The population size (135 lines) provided a good mapping precision. Several markers on chromosome 8 were found to be closely linked to a major gene controlling the presence of 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline (AcPy), the main compound of rice aroma. Moreover, our results showed that AcPy concentration in plants is regulated by at least two chromosomal regions. Estimations of recombination fractions on chromosome 8 were corrected for strong segregation distortion. This study confirms that AcPy is the major component of aroma. Use of the markers linked to AcPy major gene and QTLs for marker-assisted selection by successive backcrosses may be envisaged.  相似文献   

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